Contents lana


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Transcript of Contents lana

Page 1: Contents lana

Contents Page Analysis

House style- fonts/colours/layout

The layout of the magazine is very orderly structured such as all of the writing and information is on the left side and the images of the bands are clearly on the left. It is clear to read which may attract more music lovers as they can quickly and easily see if the magazine is to their music taste. The colour scheme is the traditional ‘Q’ colours such as the red white and black, this is very basic yet very affective as it draws people into the magazine because it stands out, it could also suit their target audience of young adults who are interested in this type of music..

The Guttenberg design principle

In the primary optical area shows the 140 songs to download which would attract music lovers to find new music. In the terminal area shows the 3 main articles in the magazine which gives an insight to the reader to see if the magazine would suit there taste or not. In the strong fallow area shows the main article of Lana Del Rey which suggests the main reason for fans to buy the magazine. In the weak fallow area it gives readers a more range of suggestions as of what is in the magazine.

Target audience and need

The target audience would be young adults because of Lana featuring in the large image and her music appealing to this age genre as well as other artist such as kings of Leon is more appealed to young adults. Also the image that has been taken of Lana is quite deep emotionally as she looks like she has been hurt/ injured and this wouldn’t appeal to more of a young audience.

Design Balance

The design of this contents page is quite simple as you have the images of the artist on the right and then the small amounts of information and hints to what is going to be in the magazine on the left. This makes it clear to the reader where to find the articles and what the magazine is going to be about and can quickly see if the magazine would suit their taste. Also the issue number at the top is clear so you can see if the magazine is the latest episode and if the information inside is up to date as this is important because bands change quickly such as break ups or new albums or concerts which readers would want the information and want to find it easily.


The extreme close up of Lana Del Rey shows her staring directly at the camera as if she is staring at the audience tempting us into buying the magazine, also with the blood running down her face makes us curious and makes us want to read more about either maybe her having an accident or a photo shoot for a new album.