Content Marketing Best Practices - How to Create Content on a Tight Budget

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Content Marketing Best PracticesHow to Create Content on a Tight Budget

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Page 2: Content Marketing Best Practices - How to Create Content on a Tight Budget

The lack of financial resources doesn’t mean you can’t employ content marketing effectively. You don’t have to choose between breaking the bank and neglecting content marketing altogether. You can make prudent, judicious decisions to develop and deploy content in a cost-effective manner.

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Start with Your Costs

A good place to begin is by evaluating how much money it actually costs you to produce a piece of content.

Comparing costs to total efficacy can help you winnow the content types you might employ—and show you some direction you’re better off just forgetting. If it costs you a ton of money to make a video and nobody ever shares or responds to your videos, for instance, then that’s obviously a non-starter, at least for now.

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Focus on Quality

A common misconception is that you have to produce a ton of new content every week or even every day for content marketing to be effective. While consistency is key, quality is ultimately more important than quantity. It is both more affordable and more effective to draft one really killer, engaging blog post each week than it is to bang out five or six suboptimal ones.

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Curate and Recycle

Remember that not every piece of content you deploy has to be original work. Sharing relevant articles from other sources can help build your authority and enhance your thought leadership.

You can also save money by recycling and repurposing content. A great blog post can be broken down into a series of tweets or even used as a video script. If you have some really engaging content, don’t squander it. Use it more than once!