Content Management Guide

Strategic Online Marketing – Content Syndication Content Management Guide I have been thinking quite a bit this last week about syndicating content for strategic online marketing , drawing out all kinds of schematics of how this can be accomplished in a quicker more efficient way. Basically, this is keyword marketing through content syndication with the sole purpose to generate website traffic. You see, I think the problem for most of us is that we do what everyone else in the online world is doing, or what we are told by the so-called experts is the best way to build traffic with the goal of gaining our own tribe of followers on the net. This boils down to the tried and true of what is known to work, but also known as following the crowd. This usually means writing original content on popular topics , maybe re-purposing that content in the form of article marketing, writing press releases, placing classified ads, commenting on blogs and forums within your niche, and then bookmarking everything in site. Oh, and I forget to mention writing endlessly on your own network of blogs, lenses, and micro-blogs daily, or at least weekly, not to mention learning how to produce and edit videos to become a vlogger, (video blogging). Are you starting to see a pattern here? Everyone that knows the game is fully aware that all of these methods do work to a certain degree, but I see at least a few problems with these content distribution and link building schemes. The first problem is the time involved to do all of these steps correctly, and unless you can hire and train an army of workers in a far off country to perform many of these duties, you will spend endless hours a day doing these tedious mechanical tasks yourself. Another problem is creating an endless stream of unique content that is well suited and targeted for each and every niche that you are in, let alone having the time to manage the content distribution through a network of blogs, article directories, micro-blogs, bookmarking accounts, etc. Moreover, the biggest problem I see, is that you will end up doing everything that everyone else is doing. You also are never sure when search engines will change the game, the way they index information, or how they will value and credit links. I started thinking about this in a recent training module from Alex Jeffreys, when he mentioned that he has only written something like 20 blog posts in his lifetime…but has has over 200,000 visitors to his blog. He basically writes one post a month. Can you believe that? Alex refers to this as strategic blogging. He takes the time to research and identify what his readers are truly interested in knowing and reading about, and sets about writing an in depth post that will inform, motivate and inspire. This certainly goes against the grain of many pro bloggers that tell us that you need to write (post) frequently, and then do all of the other things that surround the notion of promoting your content. Heck, I did not even mention yet the other aspects of social media marketing, and all the other time sucking, going-through-the-motions kind of networking tasks involved with Web 2.0. For me I have made a conscious decision to work smarter. That means no more short daily posts about anything and everything just to say I have met some sort of daily quota. I am going to become a


This is a guide about creating and managing content syndication.

Transcript of Content Management Guide

Strategic Online Marketing – Content Syndication

Content Management GuideI have been thinking quite a bit this last week about syndicating content for strategic online marketing, drawing out all kinds of schematics of how this can be accomplished in a quicker more efficient way. Basically, this is keyword marketing through content syndication with the sole purpose to generate website traffic.

You see, I think the problem for most of us is that we do what everyone else in the online world is doing, or what we are told by the so-called experts is the best way to build traffic with the goal of gaining our own tribe of followers on the net. This boils down to the tried and true of what is known to work, but also known as following the crowd.

This usually means writing original content on popular topics, maybe re-purposing that content in the form of article marketing, writing press releases, placing classified ads, commenting on blogs and forums within your niche, and then bookmarking everything in site.

Oh, and I forget to mention writing endlessly on your own network of blogs, lenses, and micro-blogs daily, or at least weekly, not to mention learning how to produce and edit videos to become a vlogger, (video blogging).

Are you starting to see a pattern here? Everyone that knows the game is fully aware that all of these methods do work to a certain degree, but I see at least a few problems with these content distribution and link building schemes.

The first problem is the time involved to do all of these steps correctly, and unless you can hire and train an army of workers in a far off country to perform many of these duties, you will spend endless hours a day doing these tedious mechanical tasks yourself.

Another problem is creating an endless stream of unique content that is well suited and targeted for each and every niche that you are in, let alone having the time to manage the content distribution through a network of blogs, article directories, micro-blogs, bookmarking accounts, etc.

Moreover, the biggest problem I see, is that you will end up doing everything that everyone else is doing. You also are never sure when search engines will change the game, the way they index information, or how they will value and credit links.

I started thinking about this in a recent training module from Alex Jeffreys, when he mentioned that he has only written something like 20 blog posts in his lifetime…but has has over 200,000 visitors to his blog. He basically writes one post a month. Can you believe that?

Alex refers to this as strategic blogging. He takes the time to research and identify what his readers are truly interested in knowing and reading about, and sets about writing an in depth post that will inform, motivate and inspire.

This certainly goes against the grain of many pro bloggers that tell us that you need to write (post) frequently, and then do all of the other things that surround the notion of promoting your content.

Heck, I did not even mention yet the other aspects of social media marketing, and all the other time sucking, going-through-the-motions kind of networking tasks involved with Web 2.0.

For me I have made a conscious decision to work smarter. That means no more short daily posts about anything and everything just to say I have met some sort of daily quota. I am going to become a

strategic blogger, and a strategic marketer.

This is how you build value, and how you can become a thought leader in your niche. Along the way I still plan to be sharing some of the knowledge I have gained about SEO and online marketing so those that end up following me can place these things into good practice.

The web and the search engines are just a network of machines that tabulate information and keep score. My focus now is creating value by creating good content, and then building a system for content distribution that works on auto-pilot as much as is possible by design.

Believe it or not, the end goal here for me is still list building. Why? Because I know that once you have a list, you never again have to rely on search engine traffic, search engine ranking, and a laundry list of mindless activities along with all the other things mentioned in this post.

Still, in order to reach the goal of building a list you have to start with understanding what it will take to get people (your target traffic) interested in what you have to say in order to lead them to opting in to your list in the first place. This is still going to require a website (landing page), or at least one blog to drive traffic, and an autoresponder.

You also will have to know how to build and use these tools, or know enough about the process in order to train or hire someone else to build your systems for you.

I know that these steps are all prerequisites to building long term income online with a list. Just like I know that there are only three things you must understand are most important for getting organic search traffic. They are Keywords, Content, and Links. You can say that whoever has the most and the ‘best” of these three components will always rank the best in the SERPs. I have proven this to myself time and again through testing.

But don’t despair, because you can learn how to do keyword research and become competent at that, and you can learn how to become a competent writer. In fact, you must learn and understand these are important steps and the driving force behind building initial traffic to your virtual real estate (VRE). Your websites are virtual real estate that can produce income.

Location is everything in the virtual world, just like it is with a real world brick and mortar business. If you can’t be found on the web then you have no traffic and you have no business. You have no chance of anyone getting to your message and getting on your list.

For me, the last area of link building is the simplest concept in many ways, but also the hardest to accomplish. I find it hard to tackle because of the time involved. I also have tried automated software in the past and also have had websites de-indexed because of it…so that no longer is an option for me.

I am currently working with some incredible folks on some amazing content and link syndication techniques that will be disclosed in future posts. You don’t need any sales funnels. magnetic marketing guides, secret blueprints, or any other online courses with catchy phrases.

As I write this post over the last two days (this site is only 10-12 days old) I just checked my traffic logs and this site is indexed on Google with an average of 37 unique visitors a day, and over 340 page views a day. That translates to 1,100 visitors and over 10,000 page views in the first month (it could be more because it keeps getting better).

For More Information on Website Traffic Strategies and List Building Techniques Visit: