Containerizing the largest Dutch e-commerce site: The story

Containerizing the largest Dutch e-commerce site: The story 1 the shop for everyone

Transcript of Containerizing the largest Dutch e-commerce site: The story

Containerizing the largest Dutch e-commerce site:The story

1the shop for everyone

•About me


•Containers... in production

•Mayfly: the original container use case

•Choices, choices...

•Lessons learned

•Next steps



About me• Maarten Dirkse (@mdirkse)

• Developer with a history degree, 9+ years of experience (mostly Java)

• Work on the tools team. We provide the platform for the organisation to build software: Jenkins, SCM, Mayfly (more on that later)

• Have been running containers in production* for almost 2 years. ( has been running containers in production, no *, for a little over a year but really only for the past 5 months)


* production internally, for devs, not for customers

•Over 6,5 million active customers

•Virtual footprint of almost 1 visitors million per day

•Over 14,5 million products

•Moved to our own DC two years ago

•VM-based architecture: 1 node per app instance

•Everything is puppetized but was derived from a static config source (Racktables)

•We’re hiring! http://banen.bol.com4


> 95% > 75%

Brand awareness

Containers... in production

5the shop for everyone

^^ obligatory container ship pic

Containers... in production• Several mission-critical apps running in containers... in VM’s

• Mesos + Marathon cluster that runs backend GUI for the webshop

• Home-grown spidering solution that runs on Google Container Engine(also Mesos on GCE)

• Mesos + Marathon cluster that runs Mayfly...


Mayfly: the original use case

7the shop for everyone


What is Mayfly?• Team had an idea for allowing teams to develop every service feature in isolation to remove bottleneck of shared test environment

• Needed isolated runtime environment for every feature branch (that’s a lot of environments)

• VM infrastructure was too static, too resource heavy, too slow


Containers to the rescue!• Instead of having every feature branch deploy as a VM, deploy it as a container

• Use of containers meant we could spin up environments in seconds and pack more of them onto the hardware

• And so it was that containers were introduced at But...


DockerCon 2014: docker + ?Towards “peak container confusion”


MesosMarathon (or Aurora?)KubernetesSynapse & NervePaastaAWS EC2 CSCoreOS + FleetRancherOSSpotify Helios


Choices, choices....

11the shop for everyone

^^ obligatory cat pic

The stack• After trying Fleet (buggy) and Kubernetes (5 min old) we settled on Mesos+Marathon running on CoreOS RHEL7 on bare metal

• Consul for service discovery, Kevlar for KV store.

• Choices made for Mayfly became the prototype for the container infrastructure


Dynamic infrastructure is the future!

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As the limitations of our VM-based infrastructure became clear, the platform team became

convinced that the move to dynamic infrastructure was a necessary step to take in

order to keep scaling the IT-architecture.

But wait, we’re not finished!

• After you’re done installing your new, mind-blowing tech you realize a lot of loose ends still need to be tied up.

• Deploying docker to your machines? (and which version)?--> Docker puppet module (

• What about logs?--> Logspout (

• Zombie processes, SD registration? --> ContainerPilot (


But wait, we’re not finished!• How do you actually tell Marathon what to deploy?--> Marathon terraform provider (

• Install a (properly secured) Docker registry. We went with the stock Docker registry behind a secured Nginx reverse-proxy

• Base images? We choose to use the RHEL7 base image as the root of everything (known quantity in terms of ops support and security vetting)

• And mind how you create images...


BOB• Needed a way to audit and vet images that would be run in our landscape

• Created BOB, a wrapper tool for docker build and docker push

• BOB checks your Dockerfile’s and images, ensuring that they meet company standards, before they’re pushed to the registry

• Nothing gets pushed to the registry if it hasn’t been built by BOB


BOB (the builder) running on Jenkins


Use cases• Mayfly (see above)

• BIZ: lots of small, independently deployable modules with back office functionality. Stateless, ideal for containerization.

• Spidering: horizontally scalable stateless processes that run in the cloud.


Lessons learned

19the shop for everyone

^^ nothing funny about this, most of ‘em were learned the hard way

Lessons learned 1/2

• Most of this stuff is relatively new or brand new, expect growing pains

• Don’t run your container orchestration software (Mesos, Marathon) in containers. So if Docker dies, your platform doesn’t degrade with it.

• Running your apps in a container can sometimes lead to interesting issues that don’t exist outside of containers (JVM memory issues, for instance)--> See for example


Lessons learned 2/2

• Graphite-style metrics become problematic in a container world. Prometheus exists, but we can’t just switch from one day to the next

• HA-Proxy & consul template combo is pretty brittle, we now use Fabio-->

• Keep it simple, make small changesStatic to dynamic is a sea change that is incredibly hard to oversee. Take small steps that deliver value immediately


The cultural shift

• Beware the mindset transition that dev teams will have to experience

• Devs: “what do you mean I can’t ssh into the container?”)

• It takes time for ops people to adjust to the idea of dynamic infrastructure. People tend to think from within their own constraints--> OPS control over the app runtime will no longer be absolute


Next steps

23the shop for everyone

^^ obligatory lolcat

Next steps


• IP-per-container(needed for per-container firewalls, aka to get security off our back)

• Per-app service descriptor that drives app infra and config (to replace hiera data and feed Terraform)

• Migrating ever more apps to the dynamic infrastructure

Thank you!Till next time

the shop for everyone