Contact sheet

I would possibly use this photo for my double page spread because the lighting in the photo makes the model stand out and look nice. However, I may not use it because it seems a little bit simple and could possibly be a bit boring for a rock magazine.

Transcript of Contact sheet

Page 1: Contact sheet

I would possibly use this photo for my double page spread because the lighting in the photo makes the model stand out and look nice. However, I may not use it because it seems a little bit simple and could possibly be a bit boring for a rock magazine.

Page 2: Contact sheet

I could use this photo as a central image for my front cover or as a part of my contents page. I would not use this for a double page spread though because it seems a bit too simple for a double page spread, plus because it is portrait, I don’t think it would look as good as it would landscape.

Page 3: Contact sheet

I would possibly use this for my front cover. This is because it would show the reader what genre of magazine it is. Plus, it is a long shot, so it shows the whole model’s body and guitar. However, I feel this image portrays the whole ‘Rock’ image amazingly, so I could use it on a double page spread for a solo artist as it looks like quite a non-serious photo which could be used to know more about the artist on the inside of the magazine.

Page 4: Contact sheet

When I took this photo, I was thinking of making it part of my double page spread because I had taken another photo with the models switching places. However, I don’t think I will use these anymore because the photos didn’t come out as great as I expected and the model’s poses don’t seem to show that they are a duo.

Page 5: Contact sheet

I really like this image because it shows a close up of the model and her facial expressions. As her face is quite neutral/serious, it could show she is serious about her music and could be used as a double page spread photo on a solo artist. I would not use this as a front cover though because I feel it is too simple for a front cover and it does not look very rock on it’s own.

Page 6: Contact sheet

I really like this photo and I would possibly use it as a double page spread photo or a contents page. I feel it shows that the three models are a band and I can see this because they are close together. The way the two male models are sat also shows they are pretty chilled out and that they make music because they love doing it and not for any other reason.

Page 7: Contact sheet

Linked with the last photo, I would possibly use this photo as a double page spread photo because again, it shows the closeness of the band in the photo and also shows that the female model is the lead singer/musician in the band because she is higher up than the two other band members.

Page 8: Contact sheet

I really like this photo because I like the way that the three models are in height order which looks quite organised, as if they are a serious band. I also like how they are all stood in the same way, which shows they are in the same band and close as a band.