CONTACT AN AMBASSADOR OCEANIA · biodiversity, I felt so safe throughout my entire stay....

8 | 910.962.3685 | [email protected] CONTACT AN AMBASSADOR OCEANIA AUSTRALIA Katelyn Barrett James Cook Univ. Fall 2018 I chose to study abroad because I've always wanted to visit Australia and this was the perfect opportunity. Studying abroad provides the opportunity to experience the full culture and beauty a country has to offer while still continuing your education in some of the most amazing places in the world. Although the idea of spending a whole semester across the world can be daunting, it really gave me the unique opportunity to be independent and meet people from across the world that have the same interests and hobbies as me. This experience was absolutely incredible, not only did I get certified and get to dive on the number one wreck site in the world but I even got to see Humpback Whales on the boat ride home! Steven Crayton James Cook Univ. Fall 2018 Studying abroad is an amazing opportunity to put yourself in a totally different environment and learn things not only in a new university but about yourself as well. Immersing yourself in a new country and learning about its culture is an important step in getting your name out there while making new connections. My favorite experience was going to Orpheus Island Research Station, I got to collect fish and coral data in the field with other students. I already knew I wanted to be in the field and collect data for my future, but this only ensured it. Emily Clancy Curtin Univ. of Technology Spring 2018 Studying abroad in Australia was a defining experience in my life. It was fascinating to immerse myself in every-day life in another country rather than the superficial experience of being a tourist. It was also an opportunity for personal growth. No matter where you go, you will be traveling alone and far away from friends and family. While it can certainly be intimidating, being so far from familiarity is a chance to learn about yourself and how you approach challenges and new surroundings. Another effect

Transcript of CONTACT AN AMBASSADOR OCEANIA · biodiversity, I felt so safe throughout my entire stay....

Page 1: CONTACT AN AMBASSADOR OCEANIA · biodiversity, I felt so safe throughout my entire stay. Australia's diverse wildlife gave me numerous opportunities to explore what I was really interested | 910.962.3685 | [email protected]


AUSTRALIA Katelyn Barrett James Cook Univ. Fall 2018 I chose to study abroad because I've always wanted to visit Australia and this was the perfect opportunity. Studying abroad provides the opportunity to experience the full culture and beauty a country has to offer while still continuing your education in some of the most amazing places in the world. Although the idea of spending a whole semester across the world can be daunting, it really gave me the unique opportunity to be independent and meet people from across the world that have the same interests and hobbies as me. This experience was absolutely incredible, not only did I get certified and get to dive on the number one wreck site in the world but I even got to see Humpback Whales on the boat ride home!

Steven Crayton James Cook Univ. Fall 2018 Studying abroad is an amazing opportunity to put yourself in a totally different environment and learn things not only in a new university but about yourself as well. Immersing yourself in a new country and learning about its culture is an important step in getting your name out there while making new connections. My favorite experience was going to Orpheus Island Research Station, I got to collect fish and coral data in

the field with other students. I already knew I wanted to be in the field and collect data for my future, but this only ensured it.

Emily Clancy Curtin Univ. of Technology Spring 2018 Studying abroad in Australia was a defining experience in my life. It was fascinating to immerse myself in every-day life in another country rather than the superficial experience of being a tourist. It was also an opportunity for personal growth. No matter where you go, you will be traveling alone and far

away from friends and family. While it can certainly be intimidating, being so far from familiarity is a chance to learn about yourself and how you approach challenges and new surroundings. Another effect

Page 2: CONTACT AN AMBASSADOR OCEANIA · biodiversity, I felt so safe throughout my entire stay. Australia's diverse wildlife gave me numerous opportunities to explore what I was really interested | 910.962.3685 | [email protected]

studying abroad had on me was that it inspired me to do more. I had a limited time in Australia so my friends and I packed as many things as we could into our weekends and breaks, exploring the local area as well as traveling to other countries and other parts of Australia.

Hailee Cockrell Queensland Univ. of Technology Spring 2018 Australia is a country full of adventure. Besides the wonderful weather year round and the tropical beauty there are "heaps" of incredible cities to explore with their own unique atmosphere. Australians have a laid back culture, and truly do not have any worries. The most enriching part of my experience was creating a life for myself outside of my comfort zone. Settling into another culture and making friends from other countries made unforgettable memories.

Jacie Gailey Univ. of Canberra Fall 2017 Australia has so much to offer from the amazing beaches to the beautiful mountains. One of my favorite things about my experience was getting to meet other study abroad students and getting to travel and learn with them. I think

that everyone should take up this opportunity to study abroad because you not only get the chance to travel and learn about the place you are visiting but you also learn so much about yourself.

Lynsey Garfinkel ISA Gold Coast- Griffith University Spring 2018 Studying abroad creates the opportunity to LIVE in a different country for a few months, which for most, is a once in a lifetime experience. By living abroad, it truly allows you to experience the country as a local from interacting with people and experiencing the authentic culture of the country, and incorporating it into your daily life. Living in Australia has given me a greater sense of who I

am as a person, along with the courage and clarity to follow my dreams. In 5 short months, a place that seemed so distant to me, became my home. From flying over the Great Barrier Reef, skydiving, to meeting and interviewing professional surfers. The experiences I had still feel like a dream to me, and for that I am forever grateful. I cannot urge students enough to study abroad and see the world.

Emily Greene James Cook Univ. Fall 2018 Australia is an amazing country to visit and study in. James Cook was one of the best experiences of my life. There are so many great opportunities for any major or person. It was a wonderful environment to learn and be a part of. I was also lucky enough to take classes from professors who are experts in their field and whose papers I will be reading for the rest of my career. My favorite experience in Australia was snorkeling with my

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class on the Great barrier Reef doing coral and fish biodiversity research.

Amanda Hagy ISA Sydney, Australia: Courses with Locals in Multiple Disciplines at Macquarie Univ. Fall 2017 The most enriching part of my experience was not only getting to travel to places such as the Great Ocean Road, The Great Barrier Reef but additionally getting to travel to Fiji and New Zealand and also getting to be involved with the Global Leadership Program at my host school. One of my favorite experience that occurred while abroad was getting to sit by a fire in Fiji and integrate with the


Cailin Harrell James Cook Univ. Spring 2018 Studying abroad in Australia allows students to become fully immersed in the Australian culture, as there is no language barrier to focus on overcoming. Instead, I was able to focus my time abroad exploring the country's culture and natural beauty. As a marine biology major, the Great Barrier Reef off of the northeastern Australian coast was a major influence in my study abroad decision. After being able to experience the beauty of the reef firsthand, I knew that I made the right decision. I found the study abroad program at James Cook University to be not only culturally enriching, but also academically enriching. The school's

location allowed me to take courses unique to the region yet directly related to my major. I worked hard to discover my academic and professional calling while in Australia this past semester, which made me appreciate my time abroad even more.

Rebekah James James Cook Univ. Spring 2018 Australia is an amazing country with so much to offer. The size of the country means there are so many awesome experiences to be had, and such a remarkable diversity of landscapes and wildlife. Australia's proximity to other countries, like New Zealand, Fiji, and Indonesia, also provides the opportunity

to travel both internationally and domestically while studying there. This being said, the people are what really makes Australia a great place to study abroad. They are so friendly and welcoming. Australians truly want to get to know you and share what makes their country so special. Students should study abroad in Australia because it has some of the most beautiful natural landscapes in the world, while also containing truly amazing people who you will remain friends with even after your time in Australia is over.

Kirsten Jording December Down Under- Faculty-Led Short-Term Spring 2018

Page 4: CONTACT AN AMBASSADOR OCEANIA · biodiversity, I felt so safe throughout my entire stay. Australia's diverse wildlife gave me numerous opportunities to explore what I was really interested | 910.962.3685 | [email protected]

Sydney, Australia was an incredible place to study. Not only are you embraced by the Australian culture but many other cultures from the Asia-Pacific region, as Sydney is a thriving area rich in diversity. Being it was my first time traveling abroad, starting with Australia brought a sense of comfort because they also speak English. Studying abroad has changed my life in such a positive way and I encourage everyone to take advantage of any abroad experience you come by. It opens your mind to new possibilities and teaches you a lot about yourself when faced with adversity. I have studied in Australia and absolutely loved it but have also had traveling experiences in London, Paris, Edinburgh, Dublin, Athens, and Guatemala City, all of which has had an immense impact in my life.

Grace Kreider James Cook Univ. Fall 2018 Students should study abroad in Australia because this country has so much to offer. Despite it being the world's most dangerous country in terms of their biodiversity, I felt so safe throughout my entire stay. Australia's diverse wildlife gave me numerous opportunities to explore what I was really interested in. My favorite place to visit throughout my study abroad experience, is this little island off the coast of Townsville called Magnetic Island. This magical island gave me so much happiness and peace. It was the most incredible experience of my life and I am

beyond grateful to have these memories forever!

Lauren Marley James Cook Univ. Fall 2018 Study abroad allows you to break out of your comfort zone. The most enriching experiences I had were the friendships I made and the adventures I went on. I made friendships with people I never thought I'd be friends with. I got to learn their story, experiences, and culture. Australia opened my eyes to more possibilities of the field I want to spend my life in. My favorite experience was at night on a boat at Magnetic Island, with a clear sky and no artificial lights around for miles, I saw a billion stars,

the milky way, and bioluminescence in the water, and it was a beautiful experience. Caroline McGann James Cook Univ. Spring 2018 Studying abroad is the best experience I've ever done. It opened my mind and made me a better person. You meet people that will have an impact on you for the rest of your life, you learn who you are and what you need as a person, and

you will have the best time of your life. Australia is one of the most beautiful countries and you'll never forget the things and places you see. Your experiences will stay with you for the rest of your life and you'll want to go back as soon as you leave. My heart hasn't felt full since I've left Australia and I'm already planning when I can go back. It's a once in a lifetime experience and something a person shouldn't miss out on.

Michael Parks Univ. of Wollongong Fall 2016 Australia had always been such a fascinating place to me and after attending a few Study Abroad Fairs, I knew that I would never have such an incredible opportunity again. If students are looking for an experience that will surprise

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them, challenge them, and ultimately change their life forever, they should be heading 10,000 miles away to the land down under. The most enriching aspect of my experience abroad was learning critical skills that you can only gain halfway across the world; from learning to travel efficiently, how to communicate with strangers from different countries, and even budgeting (with no help from mom and dad!), I doubt that I could have ever found a better way to develop these skills.

Laura Rusterholz Curtin Univ. of Technology Fall 2017 Australia is a beautiful country and a great place to study abroad. With a laid back lifestyle and friendly locals, Perth felt like home. The beautiful beaches and the nearby outback made for relaxing weekend trips. I got the opportunity

to swim with Humpback whales. Being among these gentle giants in the open ocean was one of the most surreal and peaceful moments of my life. Australia is an awesome place to study abroad because it offers many opportunities like these that you won't find anywhere else.

Julia Singer James Cook Univ. Fall 2018 Studying abroad in Australia gave me the opportunity to apply what I had learned in the classroom to a real-world setting and get a glimpse into what my future as a marine biologist could be. Studying abroad also untied me with many like-minded individuals from across the world and got me excited for whatever my future in research may hold. Between exploring rain forests, hiking

mountains, and diving the great barrier reef, I was able to experience habitats and see organisms I would not have been able to see anywhere else in the world!

Travis Stoker Univ. of Wollongong Fall 2017 My favorite experience in Australia was easily my spontaneous weekend trip to Melbourne. I spent that weekend biking around on an old rental bike experiencing all the street art, music, food, coffee (lots of coffee), meeting some

amazing people along the way and discovering that Melbourne is my favorite city in the world.

Karli Wilson Charles Sturt Univ. Fall 2016 My favorite part of being abroad in Australia was living in a solar powered sustainable cottage that included a composting toilet. I could see kangaroos at dawn and dusk hopping through the car park and I even went to a koala hospital. The wildlife and natural beauty of Australia is outstanding.

Page 6: CONTACT AN AMBASSADOR OCEANIA · biodiversity, I felt so safe throughout my entire stay. Australia's diverse wildlife gave me numerous opportunities to explore what I was really interested | 910.962.3685 | [email protected]

Ayla Busch James Cook University Spring 2018 Studying abroad in Australia was the highlight of my college experience! I pushed my comfort zone and conquered new obstacles of life and culture in a different country. My favorite experience in Australia was my class field trip to a cattle station where we conducted wildlife surveys. We spent six days setting traps for mammals and reptiles, conducting bird surveys, going on active searches for reptiles, and spotlighting for wildlife at night. My professor and classmates were so much fun to work with and I was thrilled to have the rare opportunity to work with unique Australian wildlife!

Sonny Smith Western Sydney University Spring 2019 Sydney was such an amazing experience. It's such a different feeling than going to UNCW, and that's what makes it amazing. Sydney allowed me to have so many awesome experiences. There are world-famous landmarks like the Opera House and the Harbor Bridge, the amazing beaches like Bondi Beach and Manly Beach, and so many other amazing activities. Sydney is also a great gateway to see more of Australia, including Tasmania, and other countries in the Pacific. I was able to catch affordable plane rides to both New Zealand and Bali from Sydney with no problems. It truly was one of the best experiences of my life.

Lydia Carmer James Cook University Spring 2019 I grew as a person, made lifelong friends, and gained world experience- all of which may not have happened if I wasn't given the opportunity to study in Australia. Australia is a beautiful and welcoming country with so much to offer. I am and will forever be grateful to James Cook University for being my home away from home and shaping me into the woman I am today in just 5 short months. Magnetic Island off of the coast of Townsville was by far my favorite place I visited in Australia! It was very close to my host university and was easy to navigate while on the island. The natural beauty and wildlife on the island completely drew me in and I still dream of the time I spent on the island.


Sophie Pinneke Univ. of Waikato Fall 2018

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New Zealand was not only a beautiful country to live in, it was also a growing experience that widened my perceptions on life. With a great community of students and faculty, New Zealand did an amazing job immersing me into the Maori culture and traditions within the country. I not only learned in the classroom, but through social experiences like backpacking around the South Island and learning the bus routes to get to town. I believe studying abroad is an experience everyone should enjoy at least once in their life. I saw beautiful scenery and visited many wonders of the world, however my favorite experience was bungee jumping in Queenstown where it was originated! .

Madison Allen Agriculture and Environment with Internship – Massey University Summer 2019 New Zealand is a great place to study abroad as it is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Visiting this country exposed me to countless new landscapes and species which are only found there. The National Expedition and Internship program which I took part in is so unique from any other study abroad experience. Instead of waiting until after your program is over to travel on your own, this program allows you to travel right from the start for the first two weeks, visiting different places and completing case studies. Then, the four week internship provides valuable experience working in another country. The most enriching part of my study abroad experience was getting to explore

a completely unknown environment with twenty other likeminded individuals under the guidance of experienced locals.

Kelly Williams AIFS Study Abroad in Wellington Spring 2019 I think that other students should study abroad in New Zealand because of all the outdoor opportunities available that make the country so unique. There were mountain walks and hikes within walking distance or a short train or bus ride from my international housing. Studying abroad in New Zealand, you probably won't visit many other countries like you might in Europe, however, the really enriching experience comes from being able to truly know and explore

your host country and get to know the people and customs. Because of this I was able to visit a different part of the country almost every weekend. I was able to fully explore, appreciate, and understand New Zealand and the culture.


Rhianna Powell ISA Suva, Fiji: Environmental Studies, Education and Liberal Arts Spring 2019 Studying abroad in its entirety is a hands-on experience. Hands-on experience is one of the best methods for learning and I believe that wholeheartedly. The amount of knowledge gained from an abroad journey extends beyond the classroom and beyond a degree, it is preparation for the rest of our lives and it is knowledge that continues on through every

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challenge and experience. The country of Fiji is unlike any other. The culture is so vastly different from our own in the U.S. The people there value taking things slow and really enjoying life and the meaning of it. They are so friendly and welcoming to all people. Fiji is more beautiful than the pictures you see and there is nothing that could compare to being there and seeing it for yourself.