Consumer behavior-to-health-care-products

Consumer behavior to health care products Title of the project Name and Address of the college Submitted by :(Your Name with class and semester) Project guide: (Guide’s name ) Year of submission:



Transcript of Consumer behavior-to-health-care-products

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Consumer behavior to health care products

Title of the project Name and Address of the collegeSubmitted by :(Your Name with class and semester)Project guide: (Guide’s name ) Year of submission:

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Executive Summary

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Index (Table of Content)

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Chapter I: Introduction and research Methodology

1.1 General Introduction

Definition of health:

The prevention, treatment, and management of illness and the preservation of mental and physical well-being through the products and services offered by the medical and allied health professions.

Who is a healthy person?

A healthy person is often described as someone who has a good diet gets a lot of exercise and avoids stress.

What is a health product?

Every person should take care of his health.

Healthy life style and having healthy society is one of the main priorities of the people living in india now.Fortunately, most of the people are born healthy but the main task is to be able to take care of the health which we have gained by the nature.In India people are having healthcare activities and they are being taught beginning from young age in order to have habits of healthcare. Sports activities are widely used in schools. Children in early age learn to do exercises and having fun playing team games like football, volleyball. It also helps them in future to avoid harmful habits like smoking, alcohols and weak nutrition. Physical education is also inseparable part of university studying program.For adult people we have suitable jogging places and many stadiums. There are also a lot of swimming pools for people who do not like jogging. And they widely use these priorities for their health care ambitions. Another part of healthcare process is to have good healthy food and diet. People have access to a wide system of information by the means of internet, TV, magazine where they easily find a lot of useful articles about the diet and healthcare. Most of the people also prefer food and products which are cultivated in more natural condition and look healthy. Everybody here at least is willing to have pretty a good rest at the weekends spending time with family and friends it seems to help avoid stress after hard working week. Every person is free to choose his life style whether to be health or not but supporting people in healthcare education leads to not only for social benefits but also healthy people and they can create health and strong community.

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Healthy life style

Nowadays life is becoming more and more stressful. People live under the pressure of various problems social, ecological, economical and others. They constantly suffer from stress, noise and dust in big cities especially urban places. In order to overcome all difficulties a person should be strong and healthy, take care of physical and mental health. There are several ways to do that. Sport is of primary importance. The Greek used to say "a sound mind is in a sound body". Nowadays different kinds of sports become more accessible for people. Vast network of sport clubs offers a great choice of them having necessary equipments and trainers helping choose the right set of exercises. The most healthy kind of sports are swimming, jogging and yoga. Healthy lifestyle presupposes healthy food. Usually healthy food is simple. The daily menu includes meat, fruits and vegetables, milk products. Fruits and vegetables contain different vitamins and give us energy. People prefer milk to coffee, seafood to meat, vegetable soup to fatty broth. People go on a diet especially women. But some prefer to keep healthy life day to sitting on a diet occasionally because some diet may appear harmful for our health. Also one must avoid eating in restaurants or cafes especially fast food. Homemade food should be preferred. There are a lot of restaurants and cafes serving delicious diet meals. For a healthy person there's no room for smoking, alcohol or drugs because they are sure to destroy both body and brain. To keep healthy and fit we'd better avoid anxiety and stress, keep to healthy food and be sportive.

To avoid serious illness, sticking a wholesome lifestyles is of help. As we all know that the diseases come into being for long, not for a day. In other word, eating junk food, such as hamburger, for several days when workers are too busy to have dinners, it will not seriously damage those people's health. However, if people keep this harmful habit every day, many diseases will follow. That's because the fast food diet is a major contributor to serious health problems such as obesity and heart disease. Therefore, the government should allocate more money to advocate the healthy lifestyle as citizens are taxpayers.

On the other hand, the patients should be thought highly of by the government and given proper treatment. Even though the authorities have limited budget for many infrastructure facilities development, the quality of citizens' living should be the priority. Only when the sick get better after treatment, can lift a sense of happiness among people. Furthermore, adequate treatments to the ill convey the care from the society, which benefits the form of harmonious society. 

There are ways to prevent illness sound productive. But they need the support from government. With adequate money and being spent wisely, It is believed that the task of preventing diseases

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could be fulfilled through prevention of wholesome lifestyle and proper treatment to the already formed problem

Introduction to the project

The project is based on the aspect of consumer behavior with respect to health care products in India. The project revolves around the consumer’s behavior when it comes to purchasing any health care product. The factors that influence the consumer to make his decision while purchasing a product are also discussed. As this is a research project, a research was conducted by survey method. A small survey was conducted which involved retailer of health care products, who shared their experience and idea of serving in this particular area. This project tries to understand how much of the theory of consumer behavior is applied in practice and how marketing can make a difference.

A detail study on consumer behavior has been done by many theorists, which is discussed in the project along with different methods of motivating consumers to buy. Detail information on health care products is also mentioned in the project report. Many organizations have come forward with different products in the health sector. Today in India itself we have more than 1500 companies which provide healthcare products. Many have emerged to become huge brands. Apart from that many foreign companies are also serving the Indian market with their products which are becoming popular with each day, and are becoming a threat for the local companies.

The health care industry still needs to evolve a lot in India. We cannot be sure how the local companies compete with the foreign technology in the ever changing world. Consumers are becoming more precise about the features they want in a product and when they do not find them in a local product they tend to go towards the foreign products.      

Consumer behavior

Consumer behavior is the study of when, why, how, and where people do or do not buy products. It blends elements from psychology, sociology, social anthropology and economics. It attempts to understand the buyer decision making process, both individually and in groups. It studies characteristics of individual consumers such as demographics and behavioral variables in an attempt to understand people's wants. It also tries to assess influences on the consumer from groups such as family, friends, reference groups, and society in general.

Customer behavior study is based on consumer buying behavior, with the customer playing the three distinct roles of user, payer and buyer. Relationship marketing is an influential asset for

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customer behavior analysis as it has a keen interest in the re-discovery of the true meaning of marketing through the re-affirmation of the importance of the customer or buyer. A greater importance is also placed on consumer retention, customer relationship management, personalization, customization and one-to-one marketing. Social functions can be categorized into social choice and welfare functions.

Each method for vote counting is assumed as a social function but if Arrow’s possibility theorem is used for a social function, social welfare function is achieved. Some specifications of the social functions are decisiveness, neutrality, anonymity, monotonocity, unanimity, homogeneity and weak and strong Pareto optimality. No social choice function meets these requirements in an ordinal scale simultaneously. The most important characteristic of a social function is identification of the interactive effect of alternatives and creating a logical relation with the ranks. Marketing provides services in order to satisfy customers. With that in mind, the productive system is considered from its beginning at the production level, to the end of the cycle, the consumer.

Belch and Belch define consumer behavior as 'the process and activities people engage in when searching for, selecting, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services so as to satisfy their needs and desires.

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Healthcare in India

A growing healthcare sector

The healthcare industry in the country, which comprises hospital and allied sectors, is projected to grow 23 per cent per annum. According to McKinsey & Co. a leading industrial and management consulting organization, the Indian healthcare sector, including pharmaceutical, diagnostics and hospital services, is expected to more than double its revenues to Rs 2000 billion by 2010. Expenditure on healthcare services, including diagnostics, hospital occupancy and outpatient consulting, the largest component of this spend is expected to grow more than 125% to Rs 1560 billion by 2012 from Rs 690 billion now. Healthcare is one of India’s largest sectors, in terms of revenue and employment, and the sector is expanding rapidly. During the 1990s, Indian healthcare grew at a compound annual rate of 16%. Today the total value of the sector is more than $34 billion. This translates to $34 per capita, or roughly 6% of GDP. By 2012, India’s healthcare sector is projected to grow to nearly $40 billion.

The private sector accounts for more than 80% of total healthcare spending in India. Unless there is a decline in the combined federal and state government deficit, which currently stands at roughly 9%, the opportunity for significantly higher public health spending will be limited.

One driver of growth in the healthcare sector is India’s booming population, currently 1.1 billion and increasing at a 2% annual rate. By 2030, India is expected to surpass China as the world’s most populous nation. By 2050, the population is projected to reach 1.6 billion

Expanding middle class

India traditionally has been a rural, agrarian economy. Nearly three quarters of the population still lives in rural areas, and as of 2004, an estimated 27.5% of Indians were living below the national poverty line. Some 300 million people in India live on less than a dollar a day, and more than 50% of all children are malnourished.Middle class

Rise of disease

Another factor driving the growth of India’s healthcare sector is a rise in both infectious and chronic degenerative diseases. While ailments such as poliomyelitis, leprosy, and neonatal tetanus will soon be eliminated, some communicable diseases once thought to be under control, such as dengue fever, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, malaria, and pneumonia, have returned in force or have developed a stubborn resistance to drugs. This troubling trend can be attributed in part to substandard housing,inadequate water, sewage and waste management systems, a crumbling public health infrastructure, and increased air travel

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Paralleling the rise of disease is the emergence of a robust pharmaceutical industry in India. The Indian pharmaceutical market is one of the fastest growing markets in the world; sales increased by 17.5% to $7.3 billion in 2006, according to IMS Health. Many factors, including a strong economy and the country’s growing healthcare needs have contributed to the accelerated growth, which is especially strong in the over-the-counter OTC.

The healthcare divideWhen it comes to healthcare, there are two Indias: the country that provides high-quality medical care to middle-class Indians and medical tourists, and the India in which the majority of the population lives—a country whose residents have limited or no access to quality care. Today only 25% of the Indian population has access to Western (allopathic)medicine, which is practiced mainly in urban areas, where two-thirds of India’s hospitals and health centers are located. Many of the rural poor must rely on alternative forms of treatment, such as ayurvedic medicine, unani and acupuncture.

Opportunities within India healthcare sector

Emerging health insurance market

In recent years, there has been a liberalization of the Indian healthcare sector to allow for a much-needed private insurance market to emerge. Due to liberalization and a growing middle class with increased spending power, there has been an increase in the number of insurance policies issued in the country. In 2001-02, 7.5 million policies were sold. By 2003-04, the number of policies issued had increased by 37%, to 10.3 million.

Growth of telemedicine

Only 25% of India’s specialist physicians reside in semi-urban areas, and a mere    3 % live in rural areas. As a result, rural areas, with a population approaching 700 million, continue to be deprived of proper healthcare facilities.

Healthcare infrastructure expansion

An enormous amount of private capital will be required in the coming years to enhance and expand India’s healthcare infrastructure to meet the needs of a growing population and an influx of medical tourists. Currently India has approximately 860 beds per million population. This is only one-fifth of the world average, which is 3,960, according to the World Health Organization. It is estimated that 450,000 additional hospital beds will be required by 2010—an investment

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estimated at $25.7 billion. The government is expected to contribute only 15-20% of the total, providing an enormous opportunity for private players to fill the gap

Medical equipment market

The rebuilding of India’s healthcare infrastructure, combined with the emergence of medical tourism and telemedicine, will drive strong demand for medical equipment, such as x-ray machines, CT scanners and electrocardiograph (EKG) machines. Leading international companies market most high value medical equipment, while only consumables anddisposable equipment are made locally. Many international companies have expanded their operations in the Indian market in recent years and established manufacturing facilities to assemble equipment for the domestic market and export sales. The competition is expected to intensify with the entry of more global firms into the medical equipment marketplace. The government is encouraging the growth of this market, through policies such as a reduction in import duties on medical equipment, higher depreciation on life-saving medical equipment (40%, up from 25%), and a number of other tax incentives.

Pharmaceutical industry opportunities

Despite widespread poverty and inadequate public healthcare provision, India has much to offer the leading drug makers. An increase in lifestyle diseases resulting from the adoption of unhealthy western diets, combined with a growing middle class that has more disposable income to spend on treatment, will provide new opportunities for global pharmaceutical firms.


India has emerged as a major supplier of several bulk drugs, producing these at lower prices compared to formulation producers worldwide. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) already has approved 85 Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) and formulation plants in India, the highest such number outside the US. India is poised to become a major exporter of pharmaceuticals, particularly generic and OTC drugs, to global markets. By 2010, India could be producing 15% of the world’s bulk pharmaceuticals and drug intermediates. However, achieving that level of growth will require an estimated $1.2 billion investment in production capacity. Many multinational generics companies have been sourcing products from Indian manufacturers for some years. Some also use Indian contract manufacturers to manufacture the finished product. Contract manufacturing, currently estimated at $350 million, is expected to reach$1billion by 2010, according to CRISIL.

Pharmaceutical research

Pharmaceutical research is one area that is expected to achieve tremendous growth in the coming decade, due to India’s huge and growing population, low per capita drug usage, and increasing

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incidence of disease. Global pharmaceutical alliances with Indian drug firms are finally beginning to look like a two-way street, with major R&D deals.

Clinical trials

India historically lacked the expertise to perform clinical trials, because most companies only tested different processes for producing copycat versions of Western products, and the rules were quite lenient. Several drug makers have also been caught behaving unethically or even illegally.

1.2 Objectives of study of the project

This project aims to examine the problems and prospects of health services in

India. The specific objectives of the study are as under:

1) Use appropriate strategies to write expository essays that employ supporting evidence; use information from primary and secondary sources; incorporate graphics where appropriate; anticipate and address readers’ biases and expectations.

2) Understand and use research methodologies. 

 3) Formulate research questions, refine topics, develop a plan for research and organize what

is known about the consumer behaviour to various health care services specially in relation to the children segment.

4) Select relevant sources when researching topics and appropriately include information from such sources; logically introduce and incorporate quotations; synthesize information in a logical sequence; identify different perspectives; identify complexities and discrepancies in information; and offer support for conclusions

5) To examine the status and problems of health services in India;

6) To study the access of health services across economic strata, gender and space

7) To examine the quality of health services in India

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1.3 Scope of Study

1. The project justification information    

The project justification describes a problem to be resolved, an opportunity to be exploited, or a benefit to be obtained. You always derive the project justification from the strategic objectives of the project submitted. The following are examples of project justification:

Market demand Business need Customer request Technological advance Legal requirement

The project justification needs to be be clear and precise, and it should include both qualitative and quantitative measures.

2. Identify the project product    

Define possible solutions to your problem (for example, the project justification); specifically, identify the solution that you selected for your project. The project product is a summary of the product description and includes:

Work required resolving the problem and achieving the benefits. Work that falls outside the project scope. Interactions with other products

3. Identify the project deliverables    

List the summary-level of products of the project for which full and satisfactory delivery would mark the completion of the project. These include the project deliverables

4. Identify the project objectives    

Identify project objectives that have been stated above

The project objectives must:

Address all the work within the scope of the project. Not address work outside the scope of the project.

 NOTE    Unquantifiable objectives, such as customer satisfaction, involve high risk.

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1.4 Research Methodology

1.4.1Formation of problem:

India children's health 'ignored'

Indian girls are more likely to die than boys

More than half of Indian children under the age of five do not get

the health care they need, according to a report by Save the


It ranks India alongside Ghana when it comes to providing basic health

care to its children under five years of age.

This report provides clear evidence of the poor state of nutrition among young children,women, and men in India. Young children in India suffer from some of the highestlevels of stunting, underweight, and wasting observed in any country in the world, and7 out of every 10 young children are anemic. Inadequate feeding practices for children make it difficult to achieve the needed improvements in children’s nutritional status, and nutrition programmers have been unable to make much headway in dealing with these serious nutritional problems.

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Cumulative Distribution of Weight-for-Age Z-scores

In a population with normal growth patterns for children (the blue line in the graph),about 2.3 percent of children under five years of age would be underweight (that is,more than two standard deviations below the median level that would be expectedin a healthy, well-nourished population). In contrast, in India the percentage ofchildren who are underweight is 19 times the expected level if measured by theWHO Child Growth Standards and 21 times the expected level if measured by theNCHS/WHO International Reference Population. At almost every level of the zscores,the nutritional status of children in India is much worse than the expectedlevel. The percentage of children who are stunted is also 19-21 times as high as would beexpected in a healthy, well-nourished population (according to the internationalchild growth standards) and the percentage of children who are wasted is 8-9 timesthe expected level, depending on which growth standard is used.

Cumulative Distribution of Height-for-Age Z-scores of Elite Children

NFHS-3 data can be used to examine the extent to which children in India growaccording to the WHO Child Growth Standards by selecting only children with elitecharacteristics and comparing them with children worldwide with normal growthpatterns. Elite children are defined as children whose mothers and fathers havesecondary or higher education, who live in households with electricity, a refrigerator, aTV, and an automobile or truck, who did not have diarrhoea or a cough or fever in thetwo weeks preceding the survey, who were exclusively breastfed if they were less thanfive months old, and who received complementary foods if they were at least fivemonths old. When only elite children are selected, the line for the cumulative distribution ofstunting moves most of the way over to the cumulative normal curve. Althoughthe elite cumulative distribution is still to the left of the normal curve (indicatingthat even elite children are more likely to be stunted than are children in theWHO standard), the analysis suggests that when Indian children are allowed toreach their full genetic potential in a favourable environment when properfeeding practices are followed, they grow and develop at a much more normalrate than the average child growing up in India today. If the analysis hadincluded additional variables that would permit elite children to be betterdefined, it is likely that the cumulative distribution would have moved evencloser to the cumulative normal distribution. Arguments that have previously been put forward that Indian children arenaturally much smaller than children elsewhere and that they are not necessarily

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undernourished cannot be sustained in light of this analysis and similar research.

Basic health problems faced by people in india

1. Headache

Over 90% of people report having at least one headache a year. When these headaches are severe or frequent, such as with migraine, chronic tension-type, or cluster headaches, they can affect one's work or social life. Headaches become totally disabling for a small number of sufferers.

Health products used: Aspirin (Ecotrin®, Bayer®, Anacin®)

Acetaminophen (Tylenol®)

Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such asibuprofen (Motrin®, Advil®), naproxen sodium (Aleve®), orketoprofen.

2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome involves fairly constant abdominal pain or cramping. The person also has a change in bowel habits such as diarrhea or constipation, or bouts of both diarrhea and constipation. An exam from a specialist called a gastroenterologist is needed to rule out other diseases that may cause the same symptoms.

Medicines used: Antidiarrheals, including diphenoxylate (such as Lomotil) and loperamide (such as Imodium), Lotronex, Calmactin (cilansetron)  Drugs For Irritable Bowel Syndrome ConstipationAlosetron (Lotronex),chemical laxatives (such as Milk of Magnesia or ExLaxAmitiza  Zelnorm 


Pain is caused by some chronic health problems such as rheumatic disease or sickle cell disease. With these diseases, frequent periods of pain can seriously decrease the person's quality of life. Pain can increase feelings of anxiety, depression, and helplessness. Also, anxiety and depression (and life stressors that cause them) may cause or increase pain.

Health products used: Anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs)

Arcoxia (etoricoxib) Arthrofen (ibuprofen)

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Arthrotec (diclofenac, misoprostol) Axorid (ketoprofen, omeprazole) Brexidol (piroxicam) Brufen (ibuprofen)

Creams, gels and patches Axsain cream (capsaicin) Feldene gel (piroxicam) Pennsaid (diclofenac) Powergel (ketoprofen) Qutenza patches (capsaicin) Tiloket gel (ketoprofen)

Strong opioid (morphine-related) painkillers Abstral tablets (fentanyl) Actiq lozenges (fentanyl) BuTrans patches (buprenorphine) Codeine phosphate syrup Codeine phosphate tablets Codipar (co-codamol)

Other prescription painkillers Acupan (nefopam) Perfalgan infusion (paracetamol) Versatis medicated plasters (lidocaine)

4.Reynaud’s Disease

Reynaud’s disease affects the blood vessels in the fingers, toes, ears, and nose. Attacks result from a narrowing of the blood vessels in these areas. When exposed to the cold, patients notice skin discoloration. They also may experience tingling and numbness in the affected areas. If these attacks continue, they can be painful or cause ulceration of the skin.

Health products used:


Aspercreme Cream




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5. Smoking

Because of the negative health effects of cigarettes on the smoker and on others, many people try to quit. Nicotine addiction is hard to overcome. Most people who try to stop smoking return to cigarettes within a year.Some evidence suggests that scheduled, reduced smoking plus multi-component behavior therapy is useful for smoking cessation. While other psychological approaches may be helpful for smoking cessation, they have not been evaluated scientifically in the same way as the treatments listed here.

Health products used: Nicopass lozenges Nicopatch Nicorette gum Nicorette inhalator Nicorette microtab Nicorette nasal spray Nicorette patches Nicorette quickmist Nicotinell gum 6.Obesity

In our looks-obsessed society, lots of people think that being overweight is an appearance issue.

But being overweight is actually a medical concern because it can seriously affect a person's

health. The health problems that stem from being overweight go way beyond the ones we usually

hear about, like diabetes and heart disease. Being overweight can also affect a person's joints,

breathing, sleep, mood, and energy levels. So being overweight can impact a person's entire

quality of life.

Health products used:

Byetta (Exenatide)

Diazoxide (Proglycem)

Diethylpropion (Tenuate)

Naltrexone (Revia)

Orlistat (Xenical)

Topiramate (Topamax)

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1.4.2 Hypothesis

The hypotheses of the study are as under:

(i) Health services in India have not been accorded adequate priority in allocation of public funds.

(ii) Health services are unevenly distributed across economic strata, location, (urban-rural), gender and regions in India.

(iii) Commercialization and privatization of health services particularly after

the post-Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization era has resulted in excluding a sizeable number of population particularly, socially

disadvantaged groups like SCs, STs, Women and Poor from the coverage of health services provided by the organized sector.

(iv) Inadequate infrastructure, manpower and medicines adversely affect the provision and quality of health services of public organizations.

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1.4.3 Collection of data (primary & secondary)

Primary data

Data never gathered before.

Advantage: find data you need to suit your purpose

Disadvantage: usually more costly and time consuming than collecting secondary data

Collected after secondary data is collected

Types of Primary Data used


Age, Sex, Income, Marital Status, Occupation


Activities, Interests, Personality Traits


Preferences, Views, Feelings, Inclinations


Facts about product, features, price, uses


Planned or Anticipated Behavior


Why People Buy health products (Needs, Wants, Wishes, Ideal-Self)


Purchase, Use, Timing, Traffic Flow

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1. Primary Data Gathered By:

Communication Methods

Interacting with respondents

Asking for their opinions, attitudes, motivations, characteristics

2. Communication Methods of Primary Data Collection

Methods include:


3. Sampling Techniques

Population - total group of respondents that wants to be studied. Populations are too costly and time consuming to study in entirety.

Sample - selecting and surveying respondents (research participants) from the population.

4. Sampling Techniques

A probability sample is one that gives every member of the population a known chance of being selected.

simple random sample - anyone

stratified sample - different groups (ages)

cluster sample - different areas (cities)

All are selected randomly for this research

5. . Personal Interviews as a Data Collection Method (in-home and mall intercept)

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6. The Questionnaire circulated:


INSTRUCTIONS: This is the study of factors effecting the buying of health drinks among mothers. This will help me in understanding consumer behavior and preferences in the purchase of health drinks. Please give your honest answers. This information will be kept confidential. I shall appreciate your cooperation. Read the following questions carefully and tick the answer which you feel is appropriate.

1. Do your child/ children drink milk regularly?A. Yes B. No2. If yes, how many times a day?A. Once B. 2 times C. More than 2 times 3. Do he/ she prefer plain milk without any flavor/ supplement?A. Yes B. No4. Do you force your child/ children to drink milk regularly?A. Yes B. No C. Sometimes 5. Do you think health drinks are important for your child/ children?A. Yes B. No C. Not sure6. What is it that you look for in a health drink?A. Nutrients B. Flavor C. Cost & availability D. All of these 7. What all nutrients should a health drink provide?A. Vitamins (Vit A, C, D) B. Minerals (Calcium, Iron. Potassium) C. No particular nutrients preferred D. Both Vitamins and Minerals 8. Does the following drinks in your view substitute for milk?1. Nestle fun shakes 2.Amul cool milk 3.Badam milkA. Yes B. No 9. Are you aware of the facts that preservatives are being added to milk products?A. Yes B. No10. Do elders (grand parents) in your house object to the use of such substitutes to milk?A. Yes B. No 11. Do you think that milk is a substitute for a regular meal?A. Yes B. No

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12. Do your child/ children influence you to buy a health drink just because they are attracted by the ‘free gifts’ or ‘toys’ available with it or due to their favorite celebrity or cricketer endorsing the ad for that brand?A. Yes B. No13. Which is the brand that you use?A.Horlicks B. Complan C. Bourn vita D. Boost E. If any other, specify 14. What are the factors that led you to choose the above mentioned brand? Listed below are some factors, rank them from 1 (most preferred) to 6 (least preferred)A. Cost [ ]B. Flavor [ ]C. Nutrients [ ]D. Advertisements [ ]E. Neighbors & Friends [ ]F. Packaging & Quantity [ ]15. To what extent does advertisements’ influence your choice of health drinks?A. Very much B. Average C. Not at all16. Have you tried other brands in the market?A. Yes B. No17. Which other brand was satisfying according to you?A.Horlicks B. Complan C, Bourn vita D. Boost E. If any other, specify18. Do you keep switching on products?A. Yes B. No19. Do you think health drinks boost energy through increased caloric consumption?A. Yes B. No20. What do you think are the benefits of drinking health drinks?A. Improves concentration & memory B. Improves physical vigor (stamina, stronger muscles & bones)C. If any other benefit, specify

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Secondary data

 Secondary data can be obtained from two different research strands:

Quantitative: Census, housing, social security as well as electoral statistics and other related databases.

Qualitative: Semi-structured and structured interviews, focus groups transcripts, field notes, observation records and other personal, research-related documents.

A clear benefit of using secondary data is that much of the background work needed has been already been carried out, for example: literature reviews, case studies might have been carried out, published texts and statistic could have been already used elsewhere. This wealth of background work means that secondary data generally have a pre-established degree of validity and reliability which need not be re-examined by the researcher who is re-using such data.

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1.4.4. Research instrument

A growing healthcare sector:

Healthcare is one of India’s largest sectors, in terms of revenue and employment, and the sector is expanding rapidly. During the 1990s,

Indian healthcare grew at a compound annual rate of 16%. Today the total value of the sector is more than $34 billion. This translates to $34 per capita, or roughly 6% of GDP. By 2012, India’s healthcare sector is projected to grow to nearly $40 billion.

The private sector accounts for more than 80% of total healthcare spending in India. Unless there is a decline in the combined federal and state government deficit, which currently stands at roughly 9%, the opportunity for significantly higher public health spending will be limited.

Growing population and economy

One driver of growth in the healthcare sector is India’s booming population, currently 1.1 billion and increasing at a 2% annual rate. By 2030, India is expected to surpass China as the world’s most populous nation. By 2050, the population is projected to reach 1.6 billion.This population increase is due in part to a decline in infant mortality, the result of better healthcare facilities and the government’s emphasis on eradicating diseases such as hepatitis and polio among infants. In addition, life expectancy is rapidly approaching the levels of the western world. By 2025, an estimated 189 million Indians will be at least 60 years of age—triple the number in 2004, thanks to greater affluence and better hygiene. The growing elderly population will place an enormous burden on

India’s healthcare infrastructure.

The Indian economy, estimated at roughly $1 trillion, is growing in tandem with the population. Goldman Sachs predicts that the Indian economy will expand by at least 5% annually for the next 45 years (see chart), and that it will be the only emerging economy to maintain such a robust pace of growth.

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Expanding middle class

India traditionally has been a rural, agrarian economy. Nearly threequarters of the population still lives in rural areas, and as of 2004, an estimated 27.5% of Indians were living below the national poverty line.

Some 300 million people in India live on less than a dollar a day, and more than 50% of all children are malnourished.

Middle class % of entire population

1998–99- 44.92

2001–02- 50.53

2009–10 -62.95

However, India’s thriving economy is driving urbanization and creating an expanding middle class, with more disposable income to spend on healthcare. While per capita income was $620 in 2005, over 150 million Indians have annual incomes of more than $1,000, and many who work in the business services sector earn as much as $20,000 a year. While this is a fraction of the income that their US peers earn, it is the equivalent of more than $100,000 per year when adjusted for purchasing power parity.

More women are entering the workforce as well, further boosting the purchasing power of Indian households. Between 1991 and 2001, the percentage of women increased from 22% to 26% of the workforce, according to the latest Indian government census. Many of these women are highly educated: the ratio of women to men who have a college degree or higher level of education is 40:60.

Thanks to rising income, today at least 50 million Indians can afford to buy Western medicines—a market only 20% smaller than that of the UK. If the economy continues to grow faster than the economies of the developed world, and the literacy rate keeps rising, much of western and southern

India will be middle class by 2020.

Rise of disease

Another factor driving the growth of India’s healthcare sector is a rise in both infectious and chronic degenerative diseases. While ailments such as poliomyelitis, leprosy, and neonatal tetanus will soon be eliminated, some communicable diseases once thought to be under control,

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such as dengue fever, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, malaria, and pneumonia, have returned in force or have developed a stubborn resistance to drugs. This troubling trend can be attributed in part to substandard housing, inadequate water, sewage and waste management systems, a crumbling public health infrastructure, and increased air travel.

In addition to battling infectious diseases, India is grappling with the Emergence of diseases such as AIDS as well as food- and water-borne Illnesses. And as Indians live more affluent lives and adopt unhealthy Western diets that are high in fat and sugar, the country is experiencing a Rise in lifestyle diseases such as hypertension, cancer, and diabetes, which is reaching epidemic proportions (see sidebar, The Indian Diabetes Epidemic).

Over the next 5-10 years, lifestyle diseases are expected to grow at a faster rate than infectious diseases in India, and to result in an increase in cost per treatment. Wellness programs targeted at the workplace, where many sedentary jobs are contributing to an erosion of employees’ health, could help to reduce the rising incidence of lifestyle diseases. PharmaceuticalsParalleling the rise of disease is the emergence of a robust pharmaceutical industry in India. The Indian pharmaceutical market is one of the fastest growing markets in the world; sales increased by 17.5% to $7.3 billion in 2006, according to IMS Health. Many factors, including a strong economy and the country’s growing healthcare needs have contributed to the accelerated growth, which is especially strong in the over-the-counter (OTC) market.

Overall, the domestic pharmaceutical industry is highly fragmented; more than 10,000 firms collectively control about 70% of the market. Only three foreign multinationals rank in the top 10 companies, as measured by sales, and collectively they have only 11.9% of the market between them.

But many of the local players are generics producers specializing in anti-infective, and as the illnesses of affluence and age increase, the demand for innovative new pharmaceuticals will rise. The federal government uses price controls to ensure that vital drugs are affordable to the Indian population. Under the proposed pharmaceutical policy 2006, the government revealed its intention to raise the number of essential drugs under price controls from 79 to nearly 354, which would The Indian Dia bring almost a third of the industry under price controls and adversely impact foreign pharmaceutical firms that want to business in India.It is an ongoing challenge to balance the commercial interests of pharmaceutical companies with the broader social objective of curing disease and preventing epidemics that could decimate the Indian population.

Deteriorating infrastructure

India’s healthcare infrastructure has not kept pace with the economy’s growth. The physical infrastructure is woefully inadequate to meet today’s healthcare demands, much less tomorrow’s. While India has several centers of excellence in healthcare delivery, these facilities are limited in

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their ability to drive healthcare standards because of the poor condition of the infrastructure in the vast majority of the country.

Of the 15,393 hospitals in India in 2002, roughly two-thirds were public. After years of under-funding, most public health facilities provide only basic care. With a few exceptions, such as the All India Institute of Medical Studies (AIIMS), public health facilities are inefficient, inadequately managed and staffed, and have poorly maintained medical equipment.

The number of public health facilities also is inadequate. For instance, India needs 74,150 community health centers per million population but has less than half that number. In addition, at least 11 Indian states do not have laboratories for testing drugs, and more than half of existing laboratories are not properly equipped or staffed.

The principal responsibility for public health funding lies with the state governments, which provide about 80% of public funding. The federal government contributes another 15%, mostly through national health programs.

However, the total healthcare financing by the public sector is dwarfed by private sector spending. In 2003, fee-charging private companies accounted for 82% of India’s $30.5 billion expenditure on healthcare. This is an extremely high proportion by international standards. Private firms are now thought to provide about 60% of all outpatient care in India and as much as 40% of all in-patient care. It is estimated that nearly 70% of all hospitals and 40% of hospital beds in the country are in the private sector.

A Report on the Market Survey

Market survey is the best source of gathering the information from the users end so In order to

get a good current market’s report I have conducted a market survey which gives us a good and

clear information on what effect does the advertisement have on the consumer, and which

advertising strategy can get the consumer enforced to childrens

The method of collecting the data was a combination of all three Likert scale, Dichotomous and

Multiple choices. I took survey of 50 people and following is the specimen copy of ‘Market

survey form’. The report of the survey is being made in the form of pie diagram in order to

understand it much better. The survey was conducted and the major focus was the Guardian all

gender as they are the major consumers.

Page 31: Consumer behavior-to-health-care-products

The Magnitude of The Magnitude of complete A to Z Nutrition

84% 16%

Chart Title

From the pie its very clear that the survey states that the majority of childrens , that is out of 50

people 84% children and 16% chindrens don’t drink. So it’s very clear that the market for

complete A to Z Nutrition

The Regularity of Consuming complete a to Z Nutrition










Page 32: Consumer behavior-to-health-care-products

From the diagram it is very clear that the majority of childens (52%) consume complete A to Z

Nutrition at least once in a week, then the next highest number of drinker in to the monthly

category (18%), then the in to daily (14%) and then the people who drink it fortnightly (6%).

There were few childrens who never ever drinks it and which sums up to only 10% of the total

and which is an negligible amount. The company should focus more on the people who fall in to

the category weekly consumption and make them fall into the category of daily consumer, which

will surely help them increase their sales.

What Becomes A Magnet For children To DrinkWhat Becomes A Magnet For children To Drink complete A to Z Nutrition









7% Taste 45% complete A to Z Nutrition 35% for fun 13% trend

The study clearly speaks that the majority of the market consist of the childrens who consume

this drink 7% Taste 45% complete A to Z Nutrition 35% for

fun 13% trend

Page 33: Consumer behavior-to-health-care-products

advertise their product as one, which quenches 7% Taste 45% complete A to Z

Nutrition just like Bonvita ++ a product by Horlicks & Boost ect, which advertises its

product as “Boost is the secrete of my energy – Sachin ” which will help in most of the




The market speaks, that the both the Brand of GKS Boost & Horlicks are moving neck to neck

in the market, but still Horlicks is in more demand as compared to Boost as per the survey.

Horlicks 56% of the childrens market and where as Boost is lagging behind by just few

percents. 44%.

Page 34: Consumer behavior-to-health-care-products

What Makes A Childrens Favorite Drink Most Wanted By Childrens???What Makes A Childrens Favorite Drink Most Wanted By Childrens???

Example Bourn vita++ Horlicks, Boost, complain brands 12%Example Bourn vita++ Horlicks, Boost, complain brands 12%

Example for mild flavor Maltova Mild flavor Viva GKS brands 10%Example for mild flavor Maltova Mild flavor Viva GKS brands 10%

Taste 30%Taste 30%

Add 16%Add 16%

Others 32% Others 32%










Does The Advertisements Cajole People??? Does The Advertisements Cajole People???






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The maximum amount of people don’t get coaxed by the advertisement and change their

preference, the amount of people who gets effected by the ads are very few which hold just 8%

of the market.

What Role Does The Brand Ambassador Play? Do They Persuade Buyers???What Role Does The Brand Ambassador Play? Do They Persuade Buyers???








Figure 1(the one on the left hand side) indicates that till what extent does the brand ambassador

affect the people

Figure 2 (the one on the right hand side) indicates that does it coax people to change their


The survey says that the people aren’t affected much by who is the brand ambassador of the

product as the majority of people’s answers are negative in both the cases.

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Chapter I: Factors influencing consumer behavior

Consumer purchases are influenced strongly by these four factors.

v 1. Cultural Factor

v 2. Social Factor

v 3. Personal Factor

v 4. Psychological Factor.

01. Cultural Factor:-

Cultural factor divided into three sub factors (i) Culture (ii) Sub Culture (iii) Social ClassoCulture:-

The set of basic values perceptions, wants, and behaviors learned by a member of society from family and other important institutions. Culture is the most basic cause of a person’s wants and behavior. Every group or society has a culture, and cultural influences on buying behavior may vary greatly from country to country.

oSub Culture :- A group of people with shared value systems based on common life

experiences and situations. Each culture contains smaller sub cultures a group of people with shared

value system based on common life experiences and situations. Sub culture includes nationalities, religions, racial group and geographic regions. Many sub culture make up important market segments and marketers often design products. 

oSocial Class:- Almost every society has some form of social structure; social classes are

society’s relatively permanent and ordered divisions whose members share similar values, interests and behavior.

02. Social Factors:-

A consumer’s behavior is also influenced by social factors, such as the (i) Groups (ii) Family (iii) Roles and status

oGroups :-

Two or more people who interact to accomplish individual or mutual goals.

A person’s behavior is influenced by many small groups. Groups that have a direct influence and to which a person belongs are called membership groups.

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Some are primary groups; includes family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. Some are secondary groups, which are more formal and have less regular interaction. These include organizations like religious groups, professional association and trade unions.


Family members can strongly influence buyer behavior. The family is the most important consumer buying organization society and it has been researched extensively. Marketers are interested in the roles, and influence of the husband, wife and children on the purchase of different products and services.

oRoles and Status :- A person belongs to many groups, family, clubs, and organizations. The person’s position in each group can be defined in terms of both role

and status. For example. Mr. X plays the role of father; in his family he plays the role

of husband, in his company, he plays the role of manager, etc. A Role consists of the activities people are expected to perform according to the persons around them.

03. Personal Factors:-

It includes: (i) Age and life cycle stage (ii) Occupation (iii) Economic situation (iv) Life- Style (v) Personality and self concept.

oAge and Life cycle Stage:- People change the goods and services they buy over their lifetimes. Tastes

in food, clothes, furniture, and recreation are often age related. Buying is also shaped by the stage of the family life cycle.

oOccupation :- A person’s occupation affects the goods and services bought. Blue collar

workers tend to buy more rugged work clothes, whereas white-collar workers buy more business suits. A Co. can even specialize in making products needed by a given occupational group. Thus, computer software companies will design different products for brand managers, accountants, engineers, lawyers, and doctors.

oEconomic situation :- A person’s economic situation will affect product choice.

oLife Style :- Life Style is a person’s Pattern of living, understanding themselves,

Business, Products)oPersonality and Self concept :-

Each person’s distinct personality influences his or her buying behavior. Personality refers to the unique psychological characteristics that lead to relatively consistent and lasting responses to one’s own environment.

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04. Psychological Factors:-

It includes: (i) Motivation (ii) Perception (iii) Learning (iv) Beliefs and attitudeso   Motivation :-

§  Motive (drive) a need that is sufficiently pressing to direct the person to seek satisfaction of the need

      o        Perception :-

§  The process by which people select, Organize, and interpret information to form a meaningful picture of the world.

o        Learning:-

§  Changes in an individual’s behavior arising from experience.

o        Beliefs and attitudes :-

§  Belief is a descriptive thought that a person holds about something.

§  Attitude, a Person’s consistently favorable or unfavorable evaluations, feelings, and tendencies towards an object or idea.

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Chapter 3:Psychological processes involved in consumer behavior

The starting point for understanding consumer behavior is the stimulus-response model. Marketing and environmental stimuli enter the consumer’s consciousness, and a set of psychological processes combine with certain consumer characteristics   to result in decision processes and purchase decisions. The marketer’s task is to understand what happens in the consumer’s consciousness between the arrival of the outside marketing stimuli and the ultimate purchase decisions. Four key psychological processes (i) Motivation, (ii) Perception, (iii) Learning and (iv) Memory - fundamentally influence consumer responses.

1) Motivation:

We all have many needs at any given time. Some needs are biogenic; they arise from physiological states of tension such as hunger, thirst or discomfort. Other needs are psychogenic; they arise from psychological states of tension such as the need for recognition, esteem, or belonging. A need becomes a motive when it is aroused to a sufficient level of intensity to drive us to act. Motivation has both direction – we select one goal over another – and intensity – the vigor with which we pursue the goal.

2) Perception:

 A motivated person is ready to act. How he or she acts is influenced by his or her view of the situation. In marketing, perceptions are more important than the reality, because it’s perceptions that the affect consumers actual behavior. Perception is the process by which we select, organize, and interpret information inputs to create a meaningful picture of the world. The key point is that it depends not only on the physical stimuli, but also on the stimuli’s relationship to the surrounding field and on condition within each of us. One person might perceive a fast-talking salesperson as aggressive and in sincere; another, as intelligent and helpful. Each will respond differently to the salesperson.

In marketing, perceptions are more important than the reality, as it is perceptions that will affect consumer’s actual behavior. People can emerge with different perceptions of the same object because of three perceptual processes: selective attention, selective distortion and selective retention.

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3) Learning:

 When we act we learn. Learning includes changes in our behavior arising from experience. Most human behavior is learned, although much learning is incidental. Learning theorists believe that learning is produced through the interplay of drives, stimuli, cues, responses, and reinforcement. Two popular approaches to learning are classical conditioning and operant conditioning.

A drive is strong internal stimulus impelling action. Cues are minor stimuli that determine when, where and how a person responds. Suppose you buy an HP computer. If your experience is rewarding, your response to computers and HP will be positively reinforced. Later on, when you want to buy a printer, you may assume that because HP makes good computers, HP also makes good printers. In other words, you generalize your response to similar stimuli. A countertendency to generalization is discrimination. Discrimination means we have learned to recognize differences in sets of similar stimuli and can adjust our responses accordingly.

Learning theory teaches marketers that they can build demand for a product by associating it with strong drives, using motivating cues, and providing positive reinforcement. A new company can enter the market by appealing to the same drives that competitors use and by providing similar cues, because buyers are more likely to transfer loyalty to similar brands or the company might design its brand to appeal to different set of drives and offer strong cue inducements to switch.

4) Memory

All the information and experiences we encounter as we go through life can end up in our long – term memory. Cognitive psychologists distinguish between short- term memory (STM) – temporary and limited repository of information – and long term memory (LTM) – a more permanent, essentially unlimited repository.

 Most widely accepted views of long – term memory structure assume we form some kind of associative model. For example, the associative network memory model views LTM as a set of nodes and links. Nodes are stored information connected by links that vary in strength. Any type of information can be stored in the memory network, including verbal, visual, abstract, and contextual. A spreading activation process from node to node determines how much we retrieve and what information we can actually recall in any given situation. When a node becomes

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activated because we’re encoding external information or retrieving internal information from LTM, other nodes are also activated if they’re strongly enough associated with that node.

In this model, we think of consumer brand knowledge as a node in memory with a variety of linked associations. The strength and organization of these associations will be important determinants of the information we can recall about the brand. Brand associations consist of all brand-related thoughts, feelings, perceptions, images, experiences, beliefs, attitudes, and so on that become linked to the brand node.

We can think of marketing as a way of making sure consumers have the right types of product and services experiences to create the right brand knowledge structures and maintain them in memory. Companies such as Procter & Gamble like to create mental maps of consumers that depict their knowledge of a particular brand in terms of the key associations that are likely to be triggered in marketing setting, and their relative strength, favorability, and uniqueness to consumers.

The buying decision process: The five stage model

Buyer decision processes are the decision making processes undertaken by consumers in regard to a potential market transaction before, during, and after the purchase of a product or service.

More generally, decision making is the cognitive process of selecting a course of action from among multiple alternatives. Common examples include shopping and deciding what to eat. Decision making is said to be a psychological construct. This means that although we can never "see" a decision, we can infer from observable behavior that a decision has been made. Therefore we conclude that a psychological event that we call "decision making" has occurred. It is a construction that imputes commitment to action. That is, based on observable actions, we assume that people have made a commitment to effect the action.

In general there are three ways of analyzing consumer buying decisions. They are:

Economic models - These models are largely quantitative and are based on the assumptions of rationality and near perfect knowledge. The consumer is seen to maximize their utility. Psychological models - These models concentrate on psychological and cognitive processes such as motivation and need recognition. They are qualitative rather than quantitative and build on sociological factors like cultural influences and family influences.

Consumer behavior models - These are practical models used by marketers. They typically blend both economic and psychological models.

Marketing scholars have developed a “stage model” of the buying – decision process.         

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The consumer passes through five stages: problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, and post purchase behavior. Clearly, the buying process starts long before the actual purchase and has consequences long afterwards.

Consumers don’t always pass through all five stages in buying a product. They may skip or reserve some. When you buy your regular brand of toothpaste, you go directly from the need for toothpaste to the purchase decision, skipping information search and evaluation.

1) Problem recognition

The buying process starts when the buyer recognizes a problem of need triggered by internal or external stimuli. With an internal stimulus, one of the person’s normal needs – hunger, thirst, sex – rises to a threshold level and becomes a drive; or a need can be aroused by an external stimulus. A person may admire a neighbor’s new car or see television ad for a Hawaiian vacation, which triggers thoughts about the possibility of making a purchase.

Marketers need to identify the circumstances that trigger a particular need by gathering information from a number of consumers. They can then develop marketing strategies that trigger consumer interest. Particularly for discretion purchases such as luxury goods, vacation packages, and entertainment options, marketers may need to increase consumer motivation so a potential purchase gets serious consideration.

2) Information Search

Surprisingly, consumers often search for limited amounts of information. Surveys have shown that for durables, half of all consumers look at only one store, and only 30% look at more than one brand of appliances. We can distinguish between two levels of involvement with search. The milder search state is called heightened attention. At the next level, the person may enter an active information search: looking for reading material, phoning friends, going online, and visiting stores to learn about the product.

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3) Evaluation of Alternatives

How does the consumer process competitive brand information and make a final value judgment? No single process is used by all consumers, or by any one consumer in all buying situations. There are several processes, and the most current models see the consumer forming judgments largely on a conscious and rational basis.

Some basic concepts will help us understand consumer evaluation processes: First, the consumer is trying to satisfy a need. Second, the consumer is looking for certain benefits from the product solution. Third, the consumer sees each product as a bundle of attributes with varying abilities for delivering the benefits sought to satisfy this need. The attributes of interests to buyers vary by product.

Consumers will pay the most attention to attributes that deliver the sought – after benefits. We can often segment the market for a product according to attributes important to different consumer groups.

4) Purchase Decision

 In the evaluation stage, the consumer forms preferences among the brands in the choice set. The consumer may also form an intention to buy the most preferred brand. In executing a purchase intention, the consumer may make up to five sub-decisions: brand, dealer, quantity, timing, and payment method.

5) Post purchase behavior

After the purchase, the consumer might experience dissonance that stems from noticing certain disquieting features of hearing favorable things about other brands and will be alert to information that supports his or her decision. Marketing communications should supply beliefs and evaluations that reinforce the consumer’s choice and help him feel good about the brand.

The marketer’s job therefore does not end with the purchase. Marketers must monitor post purchase satisfaction, post purchase actions, and post purchase product uses.  

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Following is a brief description of major health care companies:

1) Pfizer

Pfizer Incorporated is a pharmaceutical company, ranking number one in sales in the world. The company is based in New York City, with its research headquarters in Groton, Connecticut. It produces Lipitor (atorvastatin, used to lower blood cholesterol); the neuropathic pain/fibromyalgia drug Lyrica (pregabalin); the oral antifungal medication Diflucan (fluconazole), the antibiotic Zithromax (azithromycin), Viagra (sildenafil) for erectile dysfunction, and the anti-inflammatory Celebrex (celecoxib) (also known as Celebra in some countries outside the USA and Canada, mainly in South America).

Pfizer's shares were made a component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average on April 8, 2004.

Pfizer pleaded guilty in 2009 to the largest health care fraud in U.S. history and received the largest criminal penalty ever levied for illegal marketing of four of its drugs. Called a repeat offender, this was Pfizer's fourth such settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice in the previous ten years.

On January 26, 2009, Pfizer agreed to buy pharmaceutical giant Wyeth for US$68 billion, a deal financed with cash, shares and loans. The deal was completed on October 15, 2009.


The following is a list of key prescription pharmaceutical products. The names shown are all registered trademarks of Pfizer

            Diflucan (fluconazole) for antifungal drug.

            Ellence (epirubicin) for cancer and chemotherapy drug.

           Eraxis (anidulafungin) for antifungal drug.

 Exubera (inhalable insulin) for diabetes, and insulin therapies.

      Genotropin (Growth hormone) for N/A.

           Geodon (ziprasidone) for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

            Inspra (eplerenone) for diuretics.

         Lipitor, Sortis (atorvastatin) forcholesterol.

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            Lyrica (pregabalin) for neuropathic pain.

            Macugen (pegaptanib) for N/A

           Norvasc (amlodipine) for hypertension

           Neurontin (gabapentin) for neuropathic pain.

           Rebif (interferon beta-1a) for Multiple Sclerosis

           Relpax (eletriptan) for including the sulfonamide group of migraine.


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2) GlaxoSmithKline

GlaxoSmithKline plc is a British pharmaceutical, biological, and healthcare company. GSK is the world's second largest pharmaceutical company, by employees; and a research-based company with a wide portfolio of pharmaceutical products covering anti-invectives, central nervous system, respiratory, gastro-intestinal/metabolic, oncology, and vaccines products. It also has a Consumer Healthcare operation comprising leading oral healthcare products, nutritional drinks, and over the counter medicines. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index.



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The company's products include:




         Goody's Powder


         Panadol night










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3) Novartis

Novartis International AG is a multinational pharmaceutical company based in Basel, Switzerland, ranking number one in revenues, which accounted over $53 billion in 2008, and number three in sales, which accounted 36.173 billon in 2008.Novartis is one of the largest healthcare companies in the world and a leading giant among pharmaceutical companies. Novartis manufactures drugs such as clozapine (Clozaril), diclofenac (Voltaren), carbamazepine (Tegretol), valsartan (Diovan), imatinib mesylate (Gleevec / Glivec),ciclosporin (Neoral / Sandimmun), letrozole (Femara), methylphenidate (Ritalin), terbinafine (Lamisil), and others. Novartis owns Sandoz, a large manufacturer of generic drugs. The company formerly owned the Gerber Products Company, a major infant and baby products producer, but sold it to Nestlé on 1 September 2007.Novartis is a full member of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) and of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA).


Pharmaceuticals§          Comtan- $420 M (2007)- Parkinson's disease§           Diovan- $5.0 B sales[21] (2007)- Hypertension§          Exjade- $357 M (2007) - Iron chelator§          Femara- $937 M (2007)- Breast cancer§          Gleevec- $3.1 B- for Chronic myeloid leukemia§          Lescol- $665 M (2007)- cholestrol

Consumer health (OTC)

§            Benefiber§            Buckley's cold and cough formula§            Bufferin§            Comtrex cold and cough§            Denavir/Vectavir

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4) Amway

Amway is a direct selling company and manufacturer that use multi-level marketing to sell a variety of products, primarily in the health, beauty, and home care markets. Amway was founded in 1959 by Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos. Based in Ada, Michigan, the company and family of companies under Alticor reported sales growth of 2.3%, reaching US$8.4 billion for the year ending December 31, 2009. Its product lines include home care products, personal care products, jewelry, electronics, Nutrilite dietary supplements, water purifiers, air purifiers, insurance and cosmetics. In 2004, Health & Beauty products accounted for nearly 60% of worldwide sales. Amway conducts business through a number of affiliated companies in more than ninety countries and territories around the world. It is ranked by Forbes as one of the largest private companies in the United States and by Deloitte as one of the largest retailers in the world.


BrandsAmway's product line grew from LOC, with the laundry detergent SA8 added in 1960, and later the hair care product Satinique (1965) and Artistry (1968). Today Amway manufactures over 450 products, with manufacturing facilities in Ada, Michigan, China, and India, as well as Nutrilite organic farms in California, Washington State, Mexico, and Brazil. In addition Amway affiliates market products from hundreds of other manufacturers offering everything from books (e.g. Barnes & Noble, North America) to wine (World of Wine, Europe).

Household cleanersAmway is best known in North America for its original cleaning products, LOC, SA8 clothes washing products and Dish Drops dish cleaning products. In the January 2007 issue of Consumer Reports, SA8 with Bioquest was rated as the best performing laundry detergent, scoring 99 out of a possible 100. Consumer Reports did however criticise SA8's pricing, which was disputed by Amway. In 2008, Amway's cleaning products were named Favourite of Experts by an independent consumer survey in Ukraine.

Health and beautyThe majority of Amway's sales today come from the Health & Beauty sector and in North America the Amway Global/Quixtar website is ranked the #1 Health & Beauty website by Internet Retailer. In South Korea Amway is ranked one of the top two companies in toiletries and cosmetics.[citation needed] Amway's health & beauty brands include Artistry, Time Defiance, Satinique, Tolsom, Body Series, Glister, Moiskin (South America), Nutrilite, Nutriway (Scandinavia and Australia/New Zealand), eSpring, Atmosphere and iCook as well as XL and XS Energy drinks.

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5) Johnson & JohnsonJohnson & Johnson is a global American pharmaceutical, medical devices and consumer packaged goods manufacturer founded in 1886. Its common stock is a component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the company is listed among the Fortune 500. Johnson & Johnson is known for its corporate reputation, consistently ranking at the top of Harris Interactive National Corporate Reputation Survey, ranking as the world's most respected company by Barron's Magazine, and was the first corporation awarded the Benjamin Franklin Award for Public Diplomacy by the U.S. State Department for its funding of international education programs. A suit brought by the United States Department of Justice in 2010, however, alleges that the company from 1999 to 2004 illegally marketed drugs to Omnicare, a pharmacy that dispenses the drugs in nursing homes.The corporation's headquarters is located in New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States. Its consumer division is located in Skillman, New Jersey. The corporation includes some 250 subsidiary companies with operations in over 57 countries. Its products are sold in over 175 countries. J&J had worldwide pharmaceutical sales of $24.6 billion for the full-year 2008.Johnson & Johnson's brands include numerous household names of medications and first aid supplies. Among its well-known consumer products are the Band-Aid Brand line of bandages, Tylenol medications, Johnson's baby products, Neutrogena skin and beauty products, Clean & Clear facial wash and Acuvue contact lenses.

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Various other products in different health care segments


Skin & Hair Care§          BEBE§          CLEAN & CLEAR§          PURPOSE§         ROC§         UPLIV:  Stress Management Program§          NEUTROGENA§          JOHNSON’S§           SHOWER TO SHOWER§           SKIN ID§          VENDOME§           AVEENO§          LUBRIDERM§         AMBI SKINCARE§          PIZ BUIN§         ROGAINE

Wound Care & Topicals§          BAND-AID: Brand Adhesive Bandages§          BENGAY§         CALADRYL§         PURELL§         NEOSPORIN§         CORTAID§         SAVLON§         COMPEED§          TUCKS: Hemorrhoidal Ointment§           DAKTARIN

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Oral Health Care§          LISTERIN§          EFFERDENT§          LISTERINE WHITENING§          REMBRANDT§           REACH

Women's Health§          STAYFREE§          MONISTAT§          CAREFREE §      K-Y§           O.B.

Over-the-Counter Medicines§           TYLENOL§           SUDAFED§          MYLANTA§          ZYRTEC and ZYRTEC-D12-HOUR§          MOTRIN§          IMODIUM§          PEPCID§          NICORETTE§          BENADRYL§          ROLAIDS§          DOLORMIN

Nutritionals§          SPLEND§          LACTAID§          VIACTIV§          SUN CRYSTALS§          BENECOL

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Additional info

Ayurvedic products

Herbal products


Beauty equipment

Cosmetic & makeup products

Hair care products

Skin care products

Eye care products

Body care products

Medical equipment &supplies

Ear care products

Nail care

Baby care

Children care

Weight loss

Nursing products

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According to American Marketing Association, “Marketing Research is the function that links the consumer, customer and public to the marketer through information-information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems, generate, refine and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a process.”

Marketing Research is systematic problem analysis, model building and fact finding for the purpose of important decision making and control in the marketing of goods and services.

Marketing Research is a well-planned, systematic process which implies that it needs planning at all the stages. It uses scientific method. It is an objective process as it attempts to provide accurate authentic information. Marketing Research is sometimes defined as the application of scientific method in the solution of marketing problems.

Marketing Research plays a very significant role in identifying the needs of customers and meeting them in best possible way. The main task of Marketing Research is systematic gathering and analysis of information.

Before we proceed further, it is essential to clarify the relationship and difference between Marketing Research and Marketing Information System (MIS). Whatever information are generated by Marketing Research from internal sources, external sources, marketing intelligence agencies-consist the part of MIS.

MIS is a set of formalized procedures for generating, analyzing, storing and distributing information to marketing decision makers on an ongoing basis.

1. While Marketing Research is done with a specific purpose in mind with information being generated when it is conducted, MIS information is generated continuously.

2. MIS is continuous entity while Marketing Research is a ad-hoc system.3. While in Marketing Research information is for specific purpose, so it is not rigid; in MIS

information is more rigid and structured.

Marketing Research is essential for strategic market planning and decision making. It helps a firm in identifying what are the market opportunities and constraints, in developing and implementing market strategies, and in evaluating the effectiveness of marketing plans.

Marketing Research is a growing and widely used business activity as the sellers need to know more about their final consumers but are generally widely separated from those consumers. Marketing Research is a necessary link between marketing decision makers and the markets in which they operate.

Marketing Research includes various important principles for generating information which is useful to managers. These principles relate to the timeliness and importance of data, the significance of defining objectives cautiously and clearly, and the need to avoid conducting research to support decisions already made.

Marketing Research is of use to the following:-

1. Producersa. To know about his product potential in the market vis-à-vis the total product;

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b. New Products;c. Various brands;d. Pricing;e. Market Structures and selection of product strategy, etc.

2. Business and Government

Marketing Research helps businesses and government in focusing attention on the complex nature of problems faced by them. For example:

a. Determination of Gross National Product; Price indices, and per capita income;b. Expenditure levels and budgeting;c. Agricultural Pricing;d. The economic policies of Government; ande. Operational and planning problems of business and industry.

3. Market Research Agencies

Marketing Research is being used extensively by professionals to help conducting various studies in Marketing Research. Most prominent agencies being:-

a. Linta India Ltd;b. British Market Research Bureau (BMRB);c. Hindustan Thompson Associate Ltd;d.;e. MARG

ConclusionAs the new decade creeps in and the new century approaches, a time has come to reflect upon and predict the consumer's behavior in the marketplace. Many things have changed since the end of mass marketing and the beginning of market segmentation. Under mass marketing, Henry Ford gave the consumer the Ford in any color as long as it was black. After World War II, marketers switched from making products they wanted to make products the consumer wanted. Finding out what the consumer wants to purchase and why, is what consumer behavior is all about.Our theoretical models of how consumers make purchase decisions have evolved from the economic paradigm of the 1940s, through the irrational consumer of the 1950s and 1960s, to the information processor of the 1970s, up to the 1980s cognitive miser. Tomorrow's consumers will undoubtedly have a

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distinctive theoretical decision model that will grow out of the future decision making environment.When it comes to healthcare product the consumer tends to react in almost same manner as he reacts while purchasing any other product in the market. But the new generation consumers tend to be more aware of the products available in the market. They are aware of its features and know exactly what they want. The health care can be roughly divided into two sections namely, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products.For the research I conducted a small survey to find out what scenario is followed in Aurangabad when it comes to purchasing any health care product. I found that, like any metropolitan city Aurangabad too has a wide range of products which include foreign as well as Indian products. I had a hypothesis in mind that mostly the foreign cosmetic products are preferred than any local Indian product, which proved to be wrong. I was astonished to hear that mostly people prefer Indian products as they suit their skin and also have a good quality. I surveyed the major areas in Aurangabad which are popular and mostly crowded. The survey involved a questionnaire which had 8 questions with respect to the consumer’s behavior when he purchases a health care product. The survey was conducted keeping in mind the major retail sellers of health care products.The retailers had one thing in common to say; now the price is not a major issue for purchasing the product. They all agreed that the consumer is more concerned about the quality and the brand name of the product than the price. People are aware of all the brands available in the market and know what to purchase. The retailers also believed that advertisements have a major impact on the consumer and he demand what he had seen in an ad on T.V. I must say that the companies advertising for their products are gaining much attention in the market and are consumed more often.     The Indian healthcare sector can be viewed as a glass half empty or a glass half full. The challenges the sector faces are substantial, from the need to improve physical infrastructure to the necessity of providing health insurance and ensuring the availability of trained medical personnel. But the opportunities are equally compelling, from developing new infrastructure and

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providing medical equipment to delivering telemedicine solutions and conducting cost-effective clinical trials. For companies that view the Indian healthcare sector as a glass half full, the potential is enormous.

In Aurangabad the products of Himalaya, Johnson & Johnson’s, Hindustan lever, Ponds, Lakme, Ayur, and Nisha herbal are more popular. It can be seen that if a product gives good result the consumer is more attracted to it and is willing to spend any amount to get it. My only suggestion to the health care organizations is that they concentrate on the quality of the product and advertise it as much as possible, and for sure the product will be recognized and preferred over others.

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Source: CRIS Infac, 2005 Emerging Market Report: Health in India 2007 Market Report: Health in India 2007

Pandeya, Radhieka. “Outside the Sick Bay,” Business Standard,

June 28, 2007Emerging Market Report: Health in India 2007