Consumer Attitude Formation & ChangeConsumer Attitude Formation & Change W. Rofianto. An Attitude is...

Consumer Attitude Formation & Change W. Rofianto

Transcript of Consumer Attitude Formation & ChangeConsumer Attitude Formation & Change W. Rofianto. An Attitude is...

Consumer Attitude Formation & Change

W. Rofianto

An Attitude is a learned predisposition to behave ina consistently favorable or unfavorable way toward agiven object.

Attitudes are learned from direct experience with the product,WOM, exposure to mass media, and other information sources.

Attitudes and Their Formation

Consumers Learn AttitudesSources of Attitude FormationThe Role of Personality FactorsAttitudes Are Consistent with BehaviorsAttitudes Occur within Situations

The Tri-Component Attitude Model

Altering Consumers’ Attitudes

Changing Brand image

Changing Beliefs about Products

Changing Beliefsabout Competing Brands

Multi-Attribute Attitude Models

Multi-attribute attitude models portray consumers’ attitudes as functions of theirassessments of the objects’ prominent attributes

Attitude-Toward-Object Model1. The extent to which the product has (or lacks) each of a given set of attributes.2. The importance of each of these attributes to the consumer.

Theory of Reasoned Action

Attitude-Toward-the-Ad Model

Changing the Motivational Functions of Attitudes

The reasons (or motivations) behind people’s attitudes are known as “functions.”

The utilitarian function stems from the belief that consumers’ attitudes

reflect the utilities that brands provide.

The ego-defensive function maintains that people form attitudes in

order to protect themselves from sensing doubt and to replace uncertainty with feelings of security and confidence.

The value-expressive function maintains that attitudes reflect

consumers’ values and beliefs.

The knowledge function holds that

people form attitudes because they have a

strong need to understand the

characters of the people, events, and objects they


Associating Brands with Worthy Objects or Causes

Cognitive Dissonance & Resolving Conflicting Attitudes

Cognitive dissonance occurs when a consumer holds conflictingthoughts about a belief or an attitude object.

Consumers can reduce their post-purchase dissonance in several ways:

1. Rationalize their decisions.

2. Seek advertisements that

support their choices

3. Try to “sell” friends on the

positive features of the purchase made

4. Look to satisfied owners for


Assigning Causality and Attribution Theory

Attribution theory attempts to explain how people “assign causality” (e.g., blame or credit) to events, on the basis of either their own behavior or the behavior of others.

Self-perception attribution [internal/external] reflects the way people see

themselves in the causalities they form about prior behaviors and the attitudesthey develop thereafter.

Assigning Causality and Attribution Theory

The foot-in-the-door technique consists of getting people to agree to large

requests after convincing them to agree to a small and modest request first.

in addition to understanding why people develop causalities about their own

behaviors, it is important to understand how they make attributionstowards others or objects.