Constructing Enterprise-level Switching Networks1.pdf

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Transcript of Constructing Enterprise-level Switching Networks1.pdf

  • Looking for Real Exam Questions for IT Certification Exams! We guarantee you can pass any IT certification exam at your first attempt with just 10-12 hours study of our guides. Our study guides contain actual exam questions, you will get word to word same on your actual test; accurate answers with detailed explanation verified by experts and all graphics and drag-n-drop exhibits shown just as on the real test. To test the quality of our guides, you can download the one-fourth portion of any guide from absolutely free. Besides, we also offer complete version of following exams absolutely free. You can start your certification from these free guides and if you are satisfied you can buy the rest Microsoft: 70-270, 70-305 Cisco: 642-901 Oracle: 1Z0-007, 200 CompTIA: 220-601 SUN: 310-014, 310-044 Citrix: 1Y0-A01, 1Y0-256 CIW: 1D0-420 Novell: 50-686 Adobe: 9A0-029 Apple: 9L0-005, 9L0-505 Avaya: 132-S-100 Cognos: COG-105 CWNP: PW0-100 EMC: E20-001 Hyperion: 4H0-002 HP: HP0-771, HP0-J24 IBM: 000-253, 000-700 Juniper: JN0-100, JN0-201 Lotus: LOT-739 Nortel: 920-803 SAS: A00-201 SNIA: S10-100 Sybase: 510-015 Symantec: 250-101 TeraData: NR0-011 For pricing and placing order, please visit

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  • QUESTION NO: 1 Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    Which of the following descriptions is false? ( )

    A. The layer 3 switch implements the fast search by using the accurate address match method. B. The layer 3 switch implements the fast search by using the longest address mask match method. C. The routing interface and the port of the router is one-to-one relationship, while the routing interface and the port of the layer 3 switch is one-to-multi relationship. D. The operation of designating the routing interface to the VLAN is to assign an IP address, a subnet mask and a MAC address to the VLAN. After these assignments (MAC address needs not to be configured manually), the VLAN virtual interface becomes a routing interface.

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 2

    Which of the following descriptions of full-duplex Ethernet are true? ( )

    A. Full-duplex Ethernet can only send data simultaneously and is applied in the point-to-multipoint connection. B. Full-duplex Ethernet can send and receive data simultaneously and is applied in the point-to- point connection. C. Full-duplex Ethernet can only receive data simultaneously and is applied in the point-to-point connection. D. Full-duplex Ethernet can send and receive data simultaneously and is applied to the point to multipoint connection.

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 3

    The rapid spanning tree can perform all the functions of the spanning tree. ( )

    A. True B. False

    Answer: A QUESTION NO: 4


  • Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam Which of the following commands can be used to check all the ACL configurations?( )

    A. display ip access-list all B. display access-list link C. display access-list all D. display acl config all

    Answer: D QUESTION NO: 5

    Which of the following items correctly describes the relationship between layer 3 switching and router? ( )

    A. Layer 3 switching and router implement the logically same functions. B. The traditional router realizes search and forwarding via the software running on micro processor. C. Like a router, the routing forwarding table of the layer 3 switching is the same as that of the router. It needs to be created and maintained by the software via the routing protocol. D. Layer 3 switching realizes search and forwarding via hardware

    Answer: A,B,C,D QUESTION NO: 6

    The commonly used Ethernet types are: ( )

    A. Shared Ethernet B. Fast Ethernet C. Gigabit Ethernet D. Virtual Ethernet E. Standard Ethernet

    Answer: B,C,E QUESTION NO: 7

    The MAC address of the switch 1 is 00-e0-fc-00-00-10 and its priority is the default value 32768. And the MAC address of the switch 2 is 00-e0-fc-00-10-00 and its priority is 4096. All the priorities of all the ports are the default values. The path costs of both the two links are 200. Which is the blocked port? ( )


  • A. Port 2-switch 1 B. Port 1-switch 1 C. Port 2-switch 2 D. Port 1-switch 2

    Answer: A QUESTION NO: 8

    Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    If setting the name of Huawei Quidway S3526 to be switch3526, which of the following commands should be used?

    A. set prompt switch3526 B. sysname switch3526 C. sys name switch3526 D. file prompt switch3526

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 9

    The fundamental reason for the broadcast storm is: ( )

    A. A faulty switch may broadcast all the packets. B. When the loop exists, the broadcast packet received by the port may aggregate to generate the broadcast storm. C. The overly large quantity of sites may generate overly large quantity of broadcast packet. D. The generation of a large quantity of ARP packets


  • Answer: B QUESTION NO: 10

    Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    The fundamental reason for the broadcast storm is: ( )

    A. The overly large quantity of sites may generate overly large quantity of broadcast packet. B. A faulty switch may broadcast all the packets. C. The generation of a large quantity of ARP packets D. When the loop exists, the broadcast packet received by the port may aggregate to generate the broadcast storm.

    Answer: D QUESTION NO: 11

    In which of the following circumstances, the join/pruning messages in PIM-SM will be transmitted?

    A. The output interface of route entry is changed B. The output interface of route entry turns from empty to non-empty or from non-empty to empty C. The new route entry is created D. The join/pruning timer is timed out.

    Answer: B,C,D QUESTION NO: 12

    The switch forwards the data packet according to( )

    A. Logical address B. The timeslot set in the switch. C. MAC address D. IP address

    Answer: C QUESTION NO: 13

    Which of the following items is the transmitting time interval of the auto negotiation packet when the port of the Ethernet is auto-negotiating the speed?


  • A. 16ms B. 32ms C. 24ms D. 8ms

    Answer: A QUESTION NO: 14

    Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    Which of the following items is the meaning of the command undo acl all ?

    A. Delete the ACLs named ll? B. Delete all the ACLs identified by number C. Delete all ACLs D. Delete all the ACLs identified by name

    Answer: D QUESTION NO: 15

    Which of the following descriptions of the port aggregation technology are true?

    A. If one link is faulty, the network can still continue its work. B. It is also supported by the multi-port network adapter of high speed server. C. It can extend the network bandwidth D. It can work in the half duplex mode.

    Answer: A,B,C QUESTION NO: 16

    As shown in the figure, the MAC address of the switch 1 is 00-e0-fc-00-00-10 and its priority is the default value 32768. And the MAC address of the switch 2 is 00-e0-fc-00-10-00 and its priority is 32768. The priorities of all the ports are the default values. If wanting to block the port 1 in switch 2, which of the following configuration is false? ( )


  • Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    A. Configure the path cost of the switch 1 to be 20 B. Configure the PRI of the port 2 in switch 2 to be 64 C. Configure the PRI of the port 1 in switch 2 to be 64 D. Configure the PRI of the switch 2 to be 4096

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 17

    As shown in the following figure, the corresponding links of Port 1 ~ Port 4 are the trunk links allowing all the VLANs to pass and the GVRP protocol is activated. The GVRP registration modes of all the ports are set to be Normal. VLAN5~VLAN10 are configured on the switch 1. The following are the VLAN configuration situations of the ports of the switch. Which of the items are true? ( ) A. VLAN5~VLAN10 are configured over port 1 and port 4. B. VLAN5~VLAN10 are configured over port1~port 4. C. VLAN5~VLAN10 are configured over port 1, port 2 and port 4. D. VLAN5~VLAN10 are configured over port 1 and port 3.


  • Answer: C QUESTION NO: 18

    Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    To which of the following MAC multicast addresses should the multicast IP address be mapped?

    A. 01-00-5e-57-91-e6 B. 01-00-5e-d7-91-e6 C. 01-00-5e-55-91-e6 D. 01-00-5e-5b-91-e6

    Answer: A QUESTION NO: 19

    As shown in the following figure, link A~ link E are the trunk links and the GVRP protocol is activated. The GVRP registration modes of all the ports are set to be Normal. Which of the following descriptions are true? ( ) A. Only link A, link E and link C bear the packet of VLAN 6 and VLAN 7. B. Only link E bears the packet of VLAN 5~ VLAN 15. C. Only link B and link E bear the packet of VLAN 11 and VLAN 12. D. Only link B, link E and link D bear the packet of VLAN 11 ~ VLAN 15.

    Answer: A QUESTION NO: 20


  • Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam Which of the following descriptions are true?

    A. The layer 2 switch snoops the passing packet. If it receives the IGMP report of certain multicast group, it will establish the group entry in the forwarding table and add the interface that receives the report to the forwarding table. B. IGMP snooping is implemented in the router. C. When the switch receives IGMP query message, it will forward the message to all interfaces listed in the forwarding table so as to maintain the entry. D. After the switch receives the multicast data frame, it will forward the data to all the other interfaces except the interface receiving this frame.

    Answer: A,C QUESTION NO: 21

    Which of the following descriptions of the transparent bridge is false?( )

    A. The transparent bridge can learn the MAC address by itself. B. The transparent bridge can expand LAN. C. The transparent bridge needs to modify the IP packet first, and then forward it. D. The transparent bridge is the equipment working on the layer 2.

    Answer: C QUESTION NO: 22

    OSPF protocol is( )

    A. Distance vector routing protocol B. External routing protocol C. Link status routing protocol D. All the above items are false.

    Answer: C QUESTION NO: 23

    There can only be 3 Ethernet load balancing groups and one optical fiber sharing group in one Quidway S3526 switch, and the interfaces within one group need not to be consecutive. Is this true or false?


  • A. True B. False

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 24

    Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    What operation is needed for starting PIM-DM on the layer 3 Lanswitch?

    A. Configure VLAN virtual interface B. Start PIM-DM over every VLAN interface C. Start multicast routing protocol D. Start PIM-DM over only one VLAN interface

    Answer: A,B,C QUESTION NO: 25

    To forbid the connection between the host in the network segment and the www port(80) of the host in the segment, which of the following configuration commands is needed?

    A. [Quidway]acl number 100 [Quidway-acl-adv-100]rule 1 deny tcp source destination destination-port eq www B. [Quidway]acl number 1000 [Quidway-acl-adv-1000]rule 1 deny tcp source destination destination-port eq www C. [Quidway]acl number 100 [Quidway-acl-adv-100]rule 1 deny tcp destination-port eq www D. [Quidway]acl number 100 [Quidway-acl-adv-100]rule 1 deny tcp destination source destination-port eq www

    Answer: A QUESTION NO: 26

    Which of the following descriptions of layer 4 switching are true?

    A. Layer 4 switching can forward the data only according to layer 4 parameters.


  • Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam B. In fact, the layer 4 switching is the layer 3 routing based on the hardware and takes layer 4 parameters into account. C. In the transfer layer protocol TCP/UDP, the application type is marked in the header of the data field/packet as the port number. The layer 4 switching identifies the application types of different packets by checking the port number, thus sorting the data stream according to the application. D. It can conveniently provide QoS and traffic measurement according to the application type of data stream.

    Answer: B,C,D QUESTION NO: 27

    Which of the following descriptions of the dynamic VLAN are false?( )

    A. Except GVRP, VLAN configuration can also be dynamically learned in other protocol. And the mechanism, principle and the operating result are totally same. B. VLANs that are learned dynamically can be deleted manually in GVRP. C. VLANs that are learned dynamically can be deleted dynamically in GVRP. D. The dynamic VLANs in one switch must be only learned through GVRP.

    Answer: A,B,D QUESTION NO: 28

    By default, the flow control of the port is in open status.

    A. False B. True

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 29

    Which of the following descriptions of the IP address are true?

    A. This is a private IP address B. It stands for all the hosts and routers C. It cannot be used in Internet for multicast communication. D. This is a multicast IP address E. It stands for all the routers


  • Answer: B,C,D QUESTION NO: 30

    Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    Which of the following descriptions of VLAN configuration of Quidway S3526 switch are false? ( )

    A. A description string can be configured to a created VLAN. B. One VLAN ID must be designated when checking VLAN configuration through the command display vlan. C. The default VLAN ID is 1. D. When creating VLAN, enter a VLAN view at the same time.

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 31

    Compared with hub, which of the following descriptions of Ethernet switch are true? ( )

    A. As the more intelligent switching equipment, the Ethernet switch can provide more functions required by users such as priority, virtual network and remote detection. B. The Ethernet switch separates the network collision domain and confines the network collision to the minimum C. The Ethernet switch extends the bandwidth of the network. D. The Ethernet switch has completely solved the problem of broadcast flooding.

    Answer: A,B,C QUESTION NO: 32

    Taking the requirement of LAN into consideration, when analyzing data flow and flow distribution, which of the following factors must be considered: ( )

    A. The applications of File transmission, E-mail service, public database visit and share printer have different data flow mode. B. The hosts in LAN include PC/workstation, printer and server and their different functions lead to the data flow difference. C. The administrative units in one organization are divided according to their different functions. The data flow and flow direction inside the unit and between units are different. D. The physical location allocation of the hosts in the network is not even, so the flow of different network segments is also uneven.


  • Answer: A,B,C,D QUESTION NO: 33

    Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    Multiple layer switching is realized according to the following information. ( )

    A. source port number and destination port number B. IP packet protocol number C. Source IP address and destination IP address D. Source MAC address and destination MAC address

    Answer: A,B,C,D QUESTION NO: 34

    Which of the following descriptions of the address age of the switch is false? ( )

    A. Although the network physical architecture is stable, the STP can still change the relevant position of the site. B. There are two address age mechanisms: A longer age is adopted when the physical architecture of the network is changed; a shorter age is adopted when the logical architecture of the network is changed by the STP running. C. After the STP changed the logical architecture of the network, the learned address over the port can be aged automatically within several minutes, so the network can still work normally without the special handling. D. Address age is closely related to the STP.

    Answer: C QUESTION NO: 35

    Which of the following switching modes are adopted by Huawei Quidway S3526 Ethernet switch? ( )

    A. Store and forward B. All the above are not the right answer. C. Circuit switching D. Cut-Through

    Answer: A


  • QUESTION NO: 36 Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    Site A and Site B are respectively connected to the two ports of the switch. Supposing the site B has not transmitted any packet, which of the following descriptions is true when site A transmits a data packet to site B? ( )

    A. The switch cannot find the output port of site B in the address table, so the packet should be discarded. B. The switch has learned the address of site A and then broadcasts the packet to all the ports. C. The switch has learned the address of site B and then transmits the packet. D. The switch has learned the address of site A and then broadcasts the packet to all the ports except the receiving port.

    Answer: D QUESTION NO: 37

    NMS of LAN, which consists of some network monitoring and control tools, has the following functions: ( )

    A. Flow control B. Configuration C. Monitoring D. Fault isolation

    Answer: B,C,D QUESTION NO: 38

    In default, which is the interval when the router sends out IGMP query message?

    A. 50 seconds B. 125 seconds C. 100 seconds D. 10 seconds

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 39

    Comparing with the unicast and broadcast, which of the following items are the advantages of the multicast?


  • Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam A. The multicast mode will enhance the network efficiency and optimize the network performance. B. The multicast communication mode is more reliable C. The transmitting party only sends a piece of data packet and the packet will be duplicated and distributed when necessary. Thus the load of the server is decreased and the network bandwidth is saved. D. The multicast data is equipped with the perfect service quality guarantee mechanism.

    Answer: A,C QUESTION NO: 40

    Which of the following descriptions of 80/20 rules are true? ( )

    A. All the above descriptions are false. B. The traditional 80/20 flow mode cannot adapt to the new INTERNET/INTRANET application. C. 20/80 flow mode is more applied in the case where the internet data flow is far more than the intranet data flow. D. In the 20/80 network composed of layer 2 switch and routers, the working load of the router is bigger.

    Answer: B,C,D QUESTION NO: 41

    When working under the RSTP mode, which of the following descriptions of the status transition of the designated port is false? ( )

    A. For the designated port connecting to the point-to-point link, the handshake can be adopted for its rapid transition to the Forwarding status. B. After the designated port issues the handshake request, its status will be transited to the Forwarding status. C. If a network whose diameter is 2 adopts the point-to-point link, 2 handshakes are required for the network stability. D. Only several milliseconds is needed for the rapid transition of the designated port for the point- to-point link.

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 42

    When displaying the STP information via the display command, which of the following information related to the port is not include? ( ) 15

  • A. If this port is the edge port Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    B. The designated bridge of this port C. The statistics value of BPDU packets received and transmitted via this port D. The path cost configured by this port

    Answer: D QUESTION NO: 43

    Users can configure Huawei S3526 by multiple means. Which of the following means is false?

    A. Configure via ftp B. Configure via Console port C. Configure via modem dialing D. Configure via telnet

    Answer: A QUESTION NO: 44

    The default value of the MaxAge is: ( )

    A. 15 seconds B. 20 seconds C. 10 seconds D. 30 seconds

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 45

    In networking design, different services have different requirements for the network delay. Which of the following services are the real-time services? ( )

    A. E-mail B. IP telephone C. Online stock exchange D. File transmission

    Answer: B,C


  • QUESTION NO: 46 Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    Which of the following protocols can be adopted by the host supporting multicast to be a member of a multicast group?


    Answer: F,G QUESTION NO: 47

    Which of the following items have accurately described the functions of the Ethernet firewall?

    A. It prevents the fire to spread from one part of the building to another. B. It prevents the danger of the internet to be diffused in the intranet. C. It protects the data security within the enterprise departments. D. It prevents the illegal visit between the intranets

    Answer: B,C,D QUESTION NO: 48

    Which of the following items is selected by the spanning tree protocol for the whole network? ( )

    A. A designated bridge B. Two root bridges C. A root bridge D. A root bridge and a backup root bridge

    Answer: C QUESTION NO: 49

    Which of the following descriptions of the IP address are true?

    A. It cannot be used in Internet for multicast communication.


  • B. This is a multicast IP address Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    C. It stands for all the hosts and routers D. This is a private IP address E. It stands for all the routers

    Answer: A,B,C QUESTION NO: 50

    Which of the following descriptions of GARP is false?

    A. The full name of GARP is Generic Attribute Registration Protocol B. In GARP working mechanism, the attribute information is transmitted to the whole network through the process of Claim-registration-claim. C. GARP provides the means of the information distribution, transmission and registration for the switching members in the same switching network. D. GARP only has the GVRP application

    Answer: D QUESTION NO: 51

    If a switch has activated GVRP protocol in the system view, but cannot learn the dynamic VLAN. Which of the following items are the reasons for this? ( )

    A. Leave timer value configuration is bigger than the default value. B. Too many VLANs are configured on the switch. C. The GVRP registration modes except Normal are configured over the port activating GVRP protocol. D. GVRP protocol of the port is not properly activated.

    Answer: C,D QUESTION NO: 52

    Which of the following descriptions of the transparent bridge is false?( )

    A. The transparent bridge can expand LAN. B. The transparent bridge can learn the MAC address by itself. C. The transparent bridge is the equipment working on the layer 2. D. The transparent bridge needs to modify the IP packet first, and then forward it.


  • Answer: D QUESTION NO: 53

    Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    To forbid the forwarding of all the data packets in the MAC address 4445-5354-0000, which of the following configuration commands are needed?

    A. [Quidway]acl name denymac link [Quidway-acl-link-denymac]rule 1 deny ingress 4445-5354-0000 egress any B. [Quidway]acl number 1001 [Quidway-acl-link-1001]rule 1 deny ingress 4445-5354-0000 egress any C. [Quidway]acl name denymac link [Quidway-acl-link-denymac]rule 1 deny ingress 4445-5354-0000 0000-0000-0000 egress any D. [Quidway]acl number 201 [Quidway-acl-link-201]rule 1 deny ingress 4445-5354-0000 egress any

    Answer: A,D QUESTION NO: 54

    Which of the following descriptions of the Hello Time configuration is false? ( )

    A. Shorter HelloTime can increase the robustness of the spanning tree when the message loss rate is high and avoid the wrong judgment of link failure because of the packet loss. B. The over-long Hellotime will lead the bridge to regard the packet loss as the link fault and start the recalculation of the spanning tree. C. The shorter HelloTime is better. D. As the bridge will transmit the configuration message not so frequently, longer HelloTime can reduce the overhead of the spanning tree calculations.

    Answer: C QUESTION NO: 55

    The Hello message in the multicast is used for:

    A. Select the designated router(DR) B. Build up the source distribution tree C. Establish the adjacent relationship D. Forward the multicast data


  • Answer: A,C QUESTION NO: 56

    Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    Which commands are used to set the Ethernet port to guarantee that the buffer is not flooded in the case of link congestion?

    A. flow-control B. enable flow-control C. control flow D. flow on

    Answer: A QUESTION NO: 57

    Which of the following descriptions of the transparent bridge is false?( )

    A. The transparent bridge needs to modify the IP packet first, and then forward it. B. The transparent bridge can learn the MAC address by itself. C. The transparent bridge is the equipment working on the layer 2. D. The transparent bridge can expand LAN.

    Answer: A QUESTION NO: 58

    As shown in the following figure, the corresponding links of Port 1 ~ Port 4 are the trunk links. Among them, Port 2-switch 2 is configured to allow VLAN 15~VLAN 25 to pass. GVRP protocol is activated and GVRP registration modes of all the ports are set to be Normal. VLAN10~VLAN19 are configured on the switch 1 and VLAN 20~VLAN 30 are configured on the switch 3. The following are the VLAN configuration situations of the ports of the switch except the default VLAN. Which of the items are true? ( )


  • Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam A. VLAN 20~VLAN 30 are configured over port 4. B. VLAN 15~VLAN 30 are configured over port 3. C. VLAN 15~VLAN 19 are configured over port 2. D. VLAN 10~VLAN 25 are configured over port 1

    Answer: C,D QUESTION NO: 59

    Please arrange the following auto negotiation priorities in the sequence from low to high. 1. 10BASE-T full duplex 2. 100BASE-TX full duplex 3. 100BASE-TX 4. 10BASE-T 5. 100BASE-T4

    A. 4-3-5-4-1 B. 1-2-3-4-5 C. 2-5-3-1-4 D. 5-3-2-1-4

    Answer: C QUESTION NO: 60

    The VLAN segmentation method include: ( )

    A. Subnet-based VLAN B. Protocol-based VLAN C. Port-based VLAN D. MAC based VLAN

    Answer: A,B,C,D QUESTION NO: 61

    When creating the interface access control rules, which of the following items are the correct form of the interface name?

    A. 0/2


  • B. E2 C. Ethernet 0/2 D. Eth 0/2

    Answer: C,D QUESTION NO: 62

    Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    Which of the following descriptions of VLAN configuration of Quidway S3526 switch are false? ( )

    A. A description string can be configured to a created VLAN. B. When creating VLAN, enter a VLAN view at the same time. C. The default VLAN ID is 1. D. One VLAN ID must be designated when checking VLAN configuration through the command display vlan.

    Answer: D QUESTION NO: 63

    Which of the following descriptions of RPF (Reverse Path Forwarding) are true?

    A. RPF forwards the data according to the source address of the multicast packet. B. RPF is the data packet forwarding method adopted by the broadcast data. C. RPF is the data packet forwarding method adopted by the multicast data. D. RPF forwards the data according to the destination address of the multicast packet.

    Answer: A,C QUESTION NO: 64

    There are the normal twisted-pair and the crossover twisted-pair for the Ethernet interface. By default, if an Ethernet port of Quidway S3526 is connected with that of a router, which cable should be selected? ( )

    A. Neither of the normal twisted pair and the crossover twisted pair B. Both the normal twisted pair and the crossover twisted pair C. normal twisted pair D. crossover twisted pair

    Answer: B



    Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    Which of the following descriptions of the actions of the host and the router in IGMPv2 are true?

    A. When a host needs to quit a group, it will send a leave group message to the router in the case that this host is the last one in the network segment, or else it will quit silently. B. When the router receives the leave message, it will send out the query on the specific group to confirm whether the specific group has no member. If the router does not receive any report from the group in a short time, it will delete the group. C. The router transmits the general query message periodically. D. The host transmits the membership report actively when it wants to graft a certain group.

    Answer: A,B,C,D QUESTION NO: 66

    To forbid the forwarding of all the data packets in the MAC address 4445-5354-0000, which of the

    following configuration commands are needed?

    A. [Quidway]acl number 201 [Quidway-acl-link-201]rule 1 deny ingress 4445-5354-0000 egress any B. [Quidway]acl name denymac link [Quidway-acl-link-denymac]rule 1 deny ingress 4445-5354-0000 0000-0000-0000 egress any C. [Quidway]acl name denymac link [Quidway-acl-link-denymac]rule 1 deny ingress 4445-5354-0000 egress any D. [Quidway]acl number 1001 [Quidway-acl-link-1001]rule 1 deny ingress 4445-5354-0000 egress any

    Answer: A,C QUESTION NO: 67

    Which of the following descriptions of MaxAge configuration is false? ( )

    A. The MaxAge value should be set as big as possible to prevent the topology oscillation. B. If the value is too small, the spanning tree calculation will be performed frequently and the network congestion may be wrongly regarded as the link fault. C. The MaxAge is relevant to the transmission delay of the network and a reliable value can be gained according to the network scale. D. If this value is too big, the real link fault might not be discovered just in time and the self- adaptive ability of the network will be reduced. 23

  • Answer: A QUESTION NO: 68

    Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    Which of the following packets is not the topology transmission packet? ( )

    A. Synchronous request answer B. Topology change (TC) C. Topology change notification (TCN) D. Topology change acknowledgement (TCA)

    Answer: A QUESTION NO: 69

    To which of the following MAC multicast addresses should the multicast IP address be mapped?

    A. 01-00-5e-40-9b-9b B. 01-00-5e-57-9b-9b C. 01-00-5e-30-9b-9b D. 01-00-5e-70-9b-9b

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 70

    Which of the following items is the default value of the port priority? ( )

    A. 16 B. 128 C. 0 D. 255

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 71

    To the port aggregation of the Quidway S3526, how many ports can be allocated in one load balancing group? ( )


  • A. 6 B. 12 C. No limit D. 8

    Answer: D QUESTION NO: 72

    Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    GVRP has the following registration modes: ( )


    Answer: A,B,D QUESTION NO: 73

    Which is the configuration command for switching the lowevel users to the high-level users in Quidway S3526 switch?

    A. enable password [ level level ] { simple | cipher } password B. password enable password { simple | cipher } password C. password { simple | cipher } password D. super password [ level level ] { simple | cipher } password

    Answer: D QUESTION NO: 74

    For a switch starting GVRP, if the registration mode of a trunk link port is configured to be Forbidden, the registration mode of other trunk link ports cannot be configured to be Forbidden.( )

    A. True B. False

    Answer: B


  • QUESTION NO: 75 Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    If configuring the 12 th 10/100Base-T Ethernet port of the Quidway S3526, which of the following commands should be used to enter the Ethernet interface view? ( )

    A. interface ethernet 12 B. interface ethernet 0/12 C. interface 0/12 D. interface ethernet 1/12

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 76

    When running GVRP, the different timer configuration in one network may lead to unstable learning. ( )

    A. True B. False

    Answer: A QUESTION NO: 77

    The rapid spanning tree can perform all the functions of the spanning tree. ( )

    A. False B. True

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 78

    In line with the VLAN standard in IEEE802.1Q, the maximum amount of VLANs defined by the system is ( )

    A. 512 B. 8192 C. 4096 D. 256 E. 1024


  • Answer: C QUESTION NO: 79

    Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    For a switch starting GVRP, if the registration mode of a trunk link port is configured to be Forbidden, the registration mode of other trunk link ports cannot be configured to be Forbidden.( )

    A. True B. False

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 80

    If configuring the 12 th 10/100Base-T Ethernet port of the Quidway S3526, which of the following commands should be used to enter the Ethernet interface view? ( )

    A. interface ethernet 12 B. interface ethernet 0/12 C. interface ethernet 1/12 D. interface 0/12

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 81

    Which of the following descriptions of link fault processing is false? ( )

    A. The spanning tree protocol cannot avoid the temporary unconnectivity of the link. B. To prevent the temporary loops, a certain delay is required when the spanning tree protocol turns a blocked port into the forwarding status. C. The connectivity loss of the link means that the users fail to communicate normally. The foremost function of the spanning tree protocol is to prevent the link disconnectivity. The temporary loop is permitted, but the connectivity loss of the link is absolutely forbidden. D. For the broadcast delay of the link fault in the whole network, an intermediate status (Learning status) is introduced by the spanning tree protocol to prevent the generation of the temporary loop.

    Answer: C QUESTION NO: 82


  • Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam The Ethernet link layer is divided into two sub-layers by IEEE802.3. The two sub-layers are: ( )

    A. Physical sub-layer B. LLC sub-layer C. MAC sub-layer D. IP sub-layer

    Answer: B,C QUESTION NO: 83

    If the source address and the destination address of the data packet received by the layer 3 switch are in the different network segment, which of the following operation might be firstly performed? ( )

    A. Get the destination IP address and use it as the index to search the out-port in the hardware forwarding table B. Broadcast this data packet in VLAN. C. Send ARP request to obtain the destination MAC address D. Get the destination IP address and use it as the index to search the out-port in the routing table

    Answer: D QUESTION NO: 84

    To configure the user priority and the authentication in S3026 switch, the detailed configuration is as follows: [Quidway-ui-vty0]user privilege level 1 [Quidway-ui-vty0]authentication-mode none Which of the following operations will be implemented if users enter the configuration session via Telnet?

    A. Enter the system view directly via the system-view command with no need of authentication. B. Implement the authentication, and then input the correct password to enter the user view C. Implement the authentication and input the correct password to enter the user view, then enter the system view directly via the system-view command D. Users can enter the user view directly with no need of authentication, but they cannot enter the system view via the system-view command.


  • Answer: D QUESTION NO: 85

    Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    Every Ethernet port of the Quidway S3026E Ethernet switch has the indicator indicating the working status of the port. If the green light is turned on, which of the following items is true?

    A. It signifies that the link status is Up B. It signifies that the data flow is passing the port C. It signifies that the loop exists in the network. D. It signifies that the link status is Down

    Answer: A QUESTION NO: 86

    Which of the following descriptions of the Learning status of the spanning tree is false? ( )

    A. In learning status, only part of the data packet can be forwarded. B. In Learning status, only the MAC address is learned and the data packet is not forwarded. C. In Learning status, the BPDU packet can be transmitted and received. D. In Learning status, the source MAC address can be learned according to the received data packet.

    Answer: A QUESTION NO: 87

    If configuring a Gigabit Ethernet interface of Quidway S3526, which commands should be adopted to enter this interface view?

    A. interface ethernet 1 B. interface ethernet 1/1 C. enable port ethernet 1/0 D. interface ethernet 0/1

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 88


  • Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam The STP recommends that users need not configure the path cost corresponding to the port and the proper value is adopted by detecting the actual link rate. ( )

    A. False B. True

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 89

    To the port aggregation of the Quidway S3526, how many ports can be allocated in one load balancing group? ( )

    A. 6 B. No limit C. 8 D. 12

    Answer: C QUESTION NO: 90

    What operation is needed for starting PIM-DM on the layer 3 Lanswitch?

    A. Configure VLAN virtual interface B. Start PIM-DM over only one VLAN interface C. Start PIM-DM over every VLAN interface D. Start multicast routing protocol

    Answer: A,C,D QUESTION NO: 91

    As the STP may broadcast the topology change message, which of the following descriptions of topology change broadcast is true? ( )

    A. When the designated port receives TCN, it may return a response packet and will not broadcast the topology change message. B. The STP and the RSTP adopt the same means to broadcast the topology change message. C. When the root bridge receives TCN, it may return a response packet and then send the topology change message from this port receiving TCN.


  • Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam D. When a certain bridge finds the topology change, it may send TCN(Topology change notification) onward from its root port.

    Answer: D QUESTION NO: 92

    Which of the following switching modes are adopted by Huawei Quidway S3526 Ethernet switch? ( )

    A. Store and forward B. Cut-Through C. Circuit switching D. All the above are not the right answer.

    Answer: A QUESTION NO: 93

    When a host is transmitting the data to the destination site, the first operation that shall be performed is: ( )

    A. Judge if the destination address and itself are in the same network segment. B. Encapsulate the data packet with the destination MAC address. C. Check if the mapping relation of the IP address and the MAC address of the destination site is in the ARP table D. Broadcast ARP request

    Answer: A QUESTION NO: 94

    Which of the following items is the transmitting time interval of the auto negotiation packet when the port of the Ethernet is auto-negotiating the speed?

    A. 16ms B. 24ms C. 8ms D. 32ms

    Answer: A



    Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    The multicast maintained by PIM-DM is:


    Answer: D QUESTION NO: 96

    Data flow priority technology enables the switch to forward data or information flow with a higher priority first, thus ensuring that the data with a higher priority is transmitted in the LAN with the least delay and enough bandwidth. In practice, the switch can implement the identification, priority allocation and forwarding of the data flow. Also, the network terminal may allocate priorities for the data frame and then the switch forwards them according to their priority flags. ( )

    A. False B. True

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 97

    Which of the following commands can be used to check all the ACL configurations?( )

    A. display access-list all B. display access-list link C. display ip access-list all D. display acl config all

    Answer: D QUESTION NO: 98

    According to OSI model, on which layer does the transparent bridge work? ( )


  • A. Application layer B. IP layer C. Data link layer D. Physical layer

    Answer: C QUESTION NO: 99

    Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    Which are the three fundamental data packet communication methods in the computer networks? ( )

    A. Unicast B. Broadcast C. Multicast D. VLAN

    Answer: A,B,C QUESTION NO: 100

    The functions of HUB are: ( )

    A. Amplify the signals. B. All the above items are true C. Transmit the signal via the network D. Regarded as the network focus

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 101

    The length of PAUSE frame is ( ) bytes.

    A. 64 B. 128 C. 32 D. 48

    Answer: A


  • QUESTION NO: 102 Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    How does the STP handle the address age? ( )

    A. When a certain switch finds the network topology structure change, it will handle the MAC address learned over all the ports of this switch, but it will not broadcast the topology change message. B. When the STP find the network topology structure change, it will broadcast the topology change message in the whole network, and then the switch receiving this message processes the learned MAC addresses over some ports which meet the requirements. C. If the STP is activated, the address age time will be automatically modified to be 10 seconds no matter which value has been configured by users. D. If the STP is activated by the switch, the address age time must be configured to be less than 10 seconds.

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 103

    If port aggregation configuration in Quidway S3526 fails, the main reasons are:

    A. The first port to be aggregated is wrong B. The port aggregation is only configured in one end of the physical connection. C. The speed rates of the ports are not consistent D. The amount of the aggregated ports is less than 8

    Answer: A,B,C QUESTION NO: 104

    When working under RSTP mode, under which of the following circumstances the port cannot enter the Forwarding status rapidly? ( )

    A. the originally blocked port in the existing two parallel links in the case that the originally forwarding port is faulty. B. The port is connected to the shared network segment. C. Two ports are directly connected D. The port is directly connected to the port of PC.

    Answer: B


  • QUESTION NO: 105 Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    Please arrange the following auto negotiation priorities in the sequence from low to high. 1. 10BASE-T full duplex 2. 100BASE-TX full duplex 3. 100BASE-TX 4. 10BASE-T 5. 100BASE-T4

    A. 4-3-5-4-1 B. 1-2-3-4-5 C. 5-3-2-1-4 D. 2-5-3-1-4

    Answer: D QUESTION NO: 106

    If the source address and the destination address of the data packet received by the layer 3 switch are in the different network segment, which of the following operation might be firstly performed? ( )

    A. Send ARP request to obtain the destination MAC address B. Get the destination IP address and use it as the index to search the out-port in the routing table C. Broadcast this data packet in VLAN. D. Get the destination IP address and use it as the index to search the out-port in the hardware forwarding table

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 107

    When RP of PIM-SM will send out the register-stop message after receiving the registration message?

    A. It will send out the registration message after receiving the multicast message from the source S via the(S, G) SPT between the source S and RP. B. It will send out the registration message after receiving the grafting/pruning messages. C. It will send out the registration message when RP needs not the multicast message for the lack of the shared tree of the group G. D. It will send out the registration message immediately.


  • Answer: A,C QUESTION NO: 108

    Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    The port priority cannot be configured to be: ( )

    A. 16 B. 0 C. 255 D. 128

    Answer: C QUESTION NO: 109

    When RP of PIM-SM will send out the register-stop message after receiving the registration message?

    A. It will send out the registration message when RP needs not the multicast message for the lack of the shared tree of the group G. B. It will send out the registration message after receiving the multicast message from the source S via the(S, G) SPT between the source S and RP. C. It will send out the registration message immediately. D. It will send out the registration message after receiving the grafting/pruning messages.

    Answer: A,B QUESTION NO: 110

    To check the speed rate and the working mode of the port 12 of the Quidway S3526 switch, which of the following commands can be adopted?

    A. display port eth1/12 B. display interface eth0/12 C. display interface eth12 D. check interface eth0/12

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 111


  • Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam Port A of the Ethernet switch is configured to be 10/100M auto-negotiation working status and is connected to the 10M auto negotiation network adapters. Which is the working status of Port A after auto negotiation process is finished

    A. 10M Half duplex B. 10M Full duplex C. 100M Half duplex D. 100M Full duplex

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 112

    Which of the following items are the results of the network congestion?

    A. Adding of network delay B. All the above items are false C. Adding of repeated transmission D. Packet loss

    Answer: A,C,D QUESTION NO: 113

    Ethernet packet filtering is realized by the access control list (ACL).

    A. False B. True

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 114

    If configuring the 12 th 10/100Base-T Ethernet port of the Quidway S3526, which of the following commands should be used to enter the Ethernet interface view? ( )

    A. interface ethernet 0/12 B. interface ethernet 1/12 C. interface 0/12 D. interface ethernet 12

    Answer: A


  • QUESTION NO: 115

    Huawei GB0-320: Practice Exam

    When connecting to 10BASE-T, if the opposite device does not have the auto negotiation function, by which of the following means can the opposite device type be identified?

    A. Encode B. Signal level C. Time sequence D. NLP signal

    Answer: D QUESTION NO: 116

    The main purpose of GVRP application is to loosen the burden of manually configuration of trunk link. ( )

    A. False B. True

    Answer: B QUESTION NO: 117

    As shown in the figure, The MAC address of the switch 1 is 00-e0-fc-00-00-10 and its priority is the default value 32768. And the MAC address of the switch 2 is 00-e0-fc-00-10-00 and its priority configuration is 4096. The priority of all the ports are the default value. Which is the blocked port? ( )
