Constitutionalist VOL. XXXV. PLAINFIELD. N J..Hl’RSI JAY ... · DMB*. of La Prase* aveaae. Tb*...

THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. /Ol_ XXXV. PLAINFIELD. NJ HO a am Cm NO. 15. IN Some of th« BUI* He Intro- duced andOther. Which H* Supported In the Awmhlj HIS WORK AT 8B88I0N work aooompliebed daring the k « „«« oT tb* lower haul of the Lag by AMMUJWI William * m 11 hr D 1 1u h 1• *t teedaac* at all tbe MMoai and hii personal activity ta looking after m**- tM erf I MM to hU district mt well M tbe entire State, hti wan Lenilj fwwii"~ from those seqeeinte^ with bu work. A rNow of tb« maesen* intro daced by Mr. New/oara Uaa follows H o w Bill N& « prarldM thM any jutiM of UM SIFNBM Ooort may •ammanly r*vi*w any [HIM—rtlasa be- fore aay *•* and police !!!••• ThK Mil k>W theUSMM Of tk« t r a i n of office act which wai [!• 1 1a 1W9providing that DOO*V* tali b* iHpaalasail or ra—oved U I M •mly tried aad aa opportaai ty given t was made for en anneal from the judgment of that body. Honse BiU So. * changing the of tbe city (Mas, aad U InWtid to never tha caaa* at l*1iashslh whereby th* volu- panmsat niHjont givls* aU UM TolaMaar teaseia aa opportmaity 10 errv* tb* fall UnM. How BUI Ni •10.000 for hnsptlais Thai art will materially bmrli Xshleaberg boa whirh bytba tl Iroaa •B,«OB to •10,000 «U1 neat** fTOO saarc Hy of Union ana* Bill V for nn addltu supervisor of roads, and MIn the » he taek ebnre* at all of Senator C r e s s MUa aod waa In having th+m pasaad t hn Tba following: bills oat* BUI No. 2, a an act n»nnli| tia X of oepoattoon* of Of tlM SUM II MM natn Bill No. 3. which anyone for whose benefit any contract •hall bnv* been mnde to -»'-"'» an n tberean in oonrts of law ar equity, aad nss tbe ansa*M Isfenss to nay action brongbt DM* BUI No. 4 of Stetes prison, Stnte reformatory hate home for boys, end State bonu for gtrm, when nay of tbe tamates snnTerieg fra of a dangerona character, to refaae to take any patients into then ant U ssedloal ofBoen uf sac too shell certify tbe* all dangerla •A. Tb* rise* of enoh while In the nsiuilj of th* sheriffs sfaeil becnlcalnted tbe snsne aa U i la tbs above m a r l ImWHai sane BUI No. tl iwmldM that any taxed for and daring the next Rve thereafter The bill h* period daring which ta •> a lien enthe faeystij from twa to Iva vena* ale Bill No. 4: Board of Banish. Board* of Health a*ay ha en- la M a n ins Mrvtoas af trained aaaltary n-aanaally. ITasalls of tbs ajmanalli aad atUe- c onatim. wbiob ha** Jaat closed at »T. M. ai, lam been annonneed by Pbysioal Diroctor Herwood. Art bar Denton won tb* former aad Waltrr Oabooo* the latter. The leieaosd Harch 1, aad raded Sat- rday vvuiag, athtetto i-"nU n with oaa la candidate talsbsd. Tbs parallvU. low bar. rlags aad bi«b bar, and lbs remits, la the order girt ' t . »V. aadVS. aukiac 1*1 peiata: Caheaas M. MS aad -w. atakiac a total of uts; Nral-n. »',. M, »>» aad »'-, aisbin a total of m 1 ., the aaUetle coafc— Ifuea etarted and 0U7 In Baish^d. w«a« imaalBg bis* jaoip. thraw Weed jaaip. taao* Taalt, qi mil* walk, rope eliaibtac. potato high kick, shot patting aad high dive, la the seder gi . e*. at, 0, M, T*. SO. a total of SMpeii total *f I*. MiaTwalailB II m, 4J, 1*. «*, 0, M. 1*, a, n, aukta* total of point*; Man$—«•, ll.aV, 44, 4T, 0, 40, 4ft, 4*. i BMkw a uniformta carrrat with the l*rm of the Free- holder* who are elected. Hoaec BID Mo. IIS provides that wbe* a Beard oC; v Teeholden aball de- clan a coert bout ead baUding* in- omaiitWe cooualing of a cbarge of the oreMlaei of the Beer bmildiaga. This act era* paseed to maim tb* act of 1M0 and 1S01 and BM sude aay qaeetiom that might Took chare* of Seae* BUI Mo. IU, UtUltatiec the ea-nnr *~ part of OMeoeuHy la*o eMher. Applies to th*IMIIIHHI of the boreeffe of North Plaiaaeld to th* city of Plain m Hoaa* BUI Ma Ii4 which epplte* to Ib* ——n^— of North PUiaaWd. MMiag the boeedenes. Hoaa* BUI Ka IUwhich prortdos tw*«a the tere sraaldpaUtlea. Took a iniiiiasai part la BUI So, l"3 whu-h 1 - - - ' tho Scat* Board Of 1 -Mtdn-a-a Q l l r f l i M act by r«q«ir- lag that children beoeeitt a pohlir charg* shall be pbesed ia eosa* family of the BBBB* rrllgioa* faith of tb* par- rau of tb* cbUd. or ia an tastitatMai of that faith. Alee eaipewers tb* » bo*rd 10 emrrestaVr the eeOody I ia tba* Boards of Health to ereet* be OBBO* af aeotteai oaaeer of benlth Cor which a payaietan only will he r The term of IBBI • la Rv* .alary tobe ftxed by tb* board. BIU No. 7S aaaenJa aa net eaeabiiabing tb* villa** of «pUepUca a few technical polats tbe Inatltntlon aad the II of epileptics. Chief as* is tbe committing of pwplf from lawns MTlnmi to be trans- ferred to th* villa** wttbont any farther commUment procedure. 8aeats BUI X a U U i general act [Otiahl* tantrnments. _ an art to netaWlih a law nnfarm with th* Laws of other Bill 11 on this subject. This net In the ontiretty sn been adopted by eighteen State* up to date. Now Jewry making tbe nine- tonllh. and also by Congress for Uie Dtecriet af OolamMa, Senate BUI No. M provldee thai th* term of office of every *Mcttv* omoer. except jeanc* af the peace, holding oAc* tnaay city at the posse** of the act Febreary **, 1*01, (The Meeker Aoti which term obeli legally expire bntWBM J snaary 1 and January 7 shell be lla*lted soa* toexpire at neon :h« year of whichhi* Term of otBos woald otherwu* hnv* expired. This set wee paaaed for tb* him It of the city of Plalafteld where at asaksrs expired on th* af iansBMv at aaam. BiU He. W r*Utea to th* taking of evidence la civil aaiu when imiuii . are absent from tbe Stale. This act i*an ixunsion of the lew af evidence so that tsetlmimynf 0 11T hid oat of the Steer one he Mfcon jest the aaa»r a* if he were a aaseeriel witness who did net reatde inthe State. Sana** BUI So 147 ampowri aa«- lagi beaks by a aMjorttj of iH mane- pn to extend its corporal* power* for a ttaa* no* to »«!•* fifty yaan. Thla •gaaUaato Ihe city of Bab war and confers theright en the mvingi bank of that city to t u its oenUeete of DOITON KliD W.H0QK ION I GOD BOD IGOVEM Karaite UUc Bad OyTn na*Uc COB - tMkn «t tha T. M. G, A. THE POOTTS SCORED BOYS' ATHLETIC CONTEST WAS WON la l.)«<i»HI- Cot—t «•. »• Sl.rtrd •1 flat Thro* KliliM Start** la tka Athletic Coa n, a. 47. M, m. 0, of 414 point*. Tb* boys 1 class athletic «ipl<-ted Setnrday nvwuiug. In thi. thirty-nine partlolpaasd bet only eight laished. The wianters war*: First, Francis Anderson. 41t pot at a . atoned, Ralph Webster, m points: third, tie .night. Tbe mtH Inoladed tan Up race, running broad Jnmp, Mghth as*n smile potato raoe, rnnaing high Jnmp, rap* climbing and chin op on high her. WENTZ RESIGNED WIUTaJk*S*rTteaWltbC. H War- ren *a the C , K. 1. and P. W. W. Wants, Jr., who ~smi with tbe New Jarasy Oontral as diriston seperintaiideai at Jersey City aoem* wo years ago, and was smnde ceiwral saperietendaal lest year. xmnntof iU-health. be to at Hat Bprtace, Ark., and It is hooght tbet aftor be is MAciently weU, b*will Ink* seme* with tbs Ohioage. Rock Ulead aad Paciftc. ender Cbartte H. Waiisa. formerly prondent of th* Hew Jemry Oen- and with wheaa ba baa beee ae- AAe* BreeJtera. A reward of «S wiU be paid to any N*ea femublaf; information which will lend to the eneat and ooanorioe of anyone breaking alaetric Ugbl gtotwa withla the boroagh limit*. This was flnrlairt apon by reenlattoa at the last lag of the North Plaianeld Ooaa- c 11 and was oneeed by the aiyetorloas 1 ui concert of the New Tork 'ainruiT m—arel dabs, to be givaa «it Wednesday evening at the Ma*- _ ~—. _ . » I F . 1 I X. _ C. Tba lisdali the East FroM dealer, is having ft cantor In bis store, Isndlag to as. Tbe latser pwrt of. the Mlldiac will he aaed far the rehear 1 af the bnalnnm The C-xUr Brook Tan sin Club Had* « Ohaata In I Method. Tuaaday WBW ooitrrnrnoK THE MUaOBiwt UilT WU IN CHEASED TOTHIRTY. s la tka Ctab tb* Hnving •ntbod af 1 fc I. Brook Tnaais (Bth ado) «itacioa at 4 awiilii. held (set Teeeday, and llsfrrfliml the amqi BSH of the cjnb to ahoard eff sjevei nan tn he imsafcnl *f the Rve oOoara, The BMMSI WMheld at th* boaae of UM HMKJMI. J. U*rv*y DMB*. of La Prase* aveaae. Tb* prlaclpal Tilil!' I waa U« adoption of the oMotll do away with last arseon'• tmnbts of getting aqnomai at an—kin oat to berlna oomplet* seat rot There U a provision which aleoei the eg* limit of actlT* m"<abershlp as light us. fader the prareetnai of the aew J. Harvey Dosne; Rrst vie* president and chairman of kb* tonal, commit eer, TThnisis B. Mars*; SIIIMI vioe JOSEF HFH_B 60MWG RARE TREAT tS PHOilSED FOR THE MUSIC LOVING PUBLIC Friday UM snoiety peopU of tbia city at the second " mantonl evening" to be given aader tb* direction of Ward Stephen*. will tat a plan* at "Sannyalde," the •dam** hOBse of Mrs. iAwrsees Myer*. on Baal Front street, Friday reals. Th* major attraction will be th* ppeoraac* of Jnaaf Hof maaa. the In- ternationally celebrated pianist. Hu M|Msinis will iaolnd* aamber* th* (rase works of Bach. Bee- thoven, MMdalsanha. Chopin, Seha- «. Uaas, Moaakewekl and Wagner- lent. Mwall Msoase onmposltiooe of II own Apart of the musical feast ill be oontrChntod by Miss Blanche lallime sinner WM with Sense. She DW ssianglag to travel abroad with Ustnldy, the fasnons 'eeUlst, wbe te plena lag an operatic toer of Aaatralta Th* sabaiiilbsis far thu affair from ham inTitaUon* m*j be BbtataaJ are Mr*. aTinnl K. lntsrmM. Mrs. U* J. Flak. Mm. ObawiM W. Ma KM, Hit H*nry A. MoU«*. Mrs. _ w M. Hyatt. Mrs. Bdward H LaaM. Jr.. Mrs. J KL Myers, Mra V. D M<*d. Kit John O n r Faater. Mm Oeeme A. Cbnp- Mn. Loctsj H. Biglow. Mia. J. j hM wm I kf the Merth PUinneld wOl be followed by ; aad MPwaly iajsred has ALL PLEASED WITH NW COI! IMS Th« ItBban of City Council W«r» Highly D^llvhWd With th* Hew Headquaxtara. OWTOI W I L L FT.HAHaTT) A U FURMTURC IN PLACE EXCEPT THE DESKS FOR THE REPORTERS. tlmd af(*r Monday night'* meat- bafnre th* ntakm departed. They ssewifd to enjoy UM ro.mii Tbry tnepaoted th* vnrloM feninrea and bvnrably eommentad apon each. of th* rarnltare. with th* eeetion of an ettra deok for the porters, ha* arrived and ia in position. Tbe newspapermen hev* 1 eara of ia their appreciation is extendedto where credit 11 dee. Intha selection Of tb* carpet for the big room*, been made. htellu-k a»d* tb* scloctloo and a appropriate covering for th* floor oeald net have been made, prevtonaly atated t prapeniss of tb* room are perfect This Is a decided featen. There la aa effort neoeasary to hear «hat ia of tb* Council M wall Mtbnss In the lobby can bear tb* allgbtaet trenbla avery sfitsn TTie approach Oonncit room thro.,h broad and apacioai hallway, well-tlghtod aad millalii ia ndesirable featare. Vat theleast af thorn who an well pleased wtah Ihe aewquartan ate SsaaUey bilWtlll. who own th* balld- iBg. Tbay espetience nat ant* tn knowing tha* tbsy aasi ef th* bew boilt stmetnree In the city, bM that tb* Council ia -ell pieaaed with tbe Tbs oaaiailnae room* are a vnlnnbls nd tbelr arrancsseent In wiih the asale room i* ]a*t blob tb*y every way UMqaar- t-W-da rhleh would do credit surrco ON OUTERS . Active Work tn Ike TerteMs Th*r*«gbfmr** la jfraagk. OonncUmnn Jaanm K. Arnold, ehali man at tb* boroogh afrsei eosBmlttee, is rnshlng tbe work ot isfililug vnrtou* thoroughfare* throncfaont'tbe Mrengh. He ha*a foroe of men traced la patching np generally and 1soon a* this ta*k is oompietsd otner ork a HI tin 1 naamsniurt Park nine*, Bnmnrtt nvenne Bock view avean* are among the thor- oughfare* which will occupy hu *4- itioe. These streets ar* In bad oondltton sad be proposes to pet topdreaalBg an each of them. Tb« ban bean a scarcity ia men and cans t thu he believes wiU be before Ion*. One t btag be lined apon, he anys, and that is work shell nee take ail He wtsJkM th* improve >b*dKthastb* peoplemay enjoy tbe good reads before the fall. BXtBOTS WHXTBVAuK. roateer Ol.i Sat Twaaday's Plana of V The weather did cot iaMrfer* with by Wtnaeld Scott Post. No TS. O. A. . There waa a good aRmdaaee of ilnsas Dariag tha boalneei I-MIOB Henry rossman. of Westmeld. WM n u W n d in. At tb* oooctosion of ihe boldness tb* oyster aapprr was enjoyed. The et was prepared byWilliam Day. keted by several comrade., and rj UBI voted th* affair aaooceaa. D oonneuion with th* Bappai tb*ra 1 aaortal time and en ex«hang« of r incident* which helped to pnaa a JUST HISSEDHER. mUtoaT TU* Strwk Jaal MM.Wiriorl aa She Waa raaalag. TTsialimsiiM on th* pan of workmen at the Baboock bnUdlng nearly re- volted laserions If not fetal injory to Mrs. W. W. Wnmeok, of Craig puce, dav afternoon. Sb* wa* pa*a1ng 1 the Madawai ateane aide of the mlldiag when a larg* pteo* of tiling. Bach as is used on the apper part of tb* Btrnstnre, feU frnm tb* topSoar to the sliliwli directly hehiad her. Sew into frngaxnte soaa* of which struck bar, Inflintiag breises. Mrs. pock WM partly ovsroc— by her beld in the Christian charcb, on re atreet. Ban day afternoon. An gnisMion w>itlag bas bean called by John Oeodwla fnr D. Tiwlssnai has raeeived a per- mit from Bailding Inspector T. O. m for the erectMe of a fiasae dwelling cm the west side of MeKln- The sodal —n—"t" of th* Chrta- tien Kadaever Bedety of Trinity Ba- nt eheneh wUl bold a social dar- CHO8E B UFBHVISOB- O. II rervy 1 Caro of UM C*« t j •**••• Soaaerville, April *— Th* ragnhv msetlajt of th* Sossarst County Board of Freeholder* WM haU la the Ooan Banna bar* y.atirlay. wea absent t*ce*se of 11 It WMMnldsd to ereet a e*w bridge t Weedfnrn and bids fnr tbs will he opened April n. a* wUl ahw Freeholder OUver H Perry. oandldac* for th*offtoa. Tba— aides Mr. P*rry were Jeim C SM of Woman, and Jobs 8. KvanM Mesbanic, both alto foraaar t holders. Two ballota wan •aoassary to decide UM coataam. Th* Irst re- sulted Inthree vote* far anoh of V candidates. On tb* maMrl Perry re- three. Coonty Board of Election* met la the Court Btws* Monday to reoenan tt ballota oast for Freeholder In Be: nerds township at lbs recent spring By th* const of tbe local hoard. after the dosing of UM polls. John ~ Bonn, RopnhUoan, WMdeclared 1winner by on* majority over Johi Whitenack. Democrat. The hitler ono* emploved counsel and asked Tbe Oonnty Board wi nearly all of Monday and twenty-two 1 IIIIM. which did not oomply with tb* election lawa, were thrown This will elect Whttenaek be- yond a doabt, if Jedge Sebenck aaec- 1tha action of tba Ooaart? Board. GOING TO REBUILD. Chair I onpuF'1 Factory riU heBehnllt at Oare. ear Councilman JSMM 1 Craig, of Wset Front street, who ehatr factory on JsRereon evonn* w time ago, wi replace tbs burned structure with a anibnag Maoaa M I d. It wUl MS la ladle end Tarkey. Aa appeal WMrecently ssaa* ia these far offering, for tat* worthy Tn Pas D m !•> Track*. •mplBT.! af tbs KUsnbeth, Plaia- aeid aod Oaacral Jersey Street Rail- way Company bav* been buay daring th* pent tew days takiag mananre. in thu city, of the esd COWFERENGE ENDS WITH Only On* Change) is Pastor* of th* Locnj P ABTOR FOB OBA CB. REV.DANIEL HAUEKM SUCCEED*REV. M . SMITH ASPROI0III6 ELKL •oaa* Chsaaes In Tkta Vtrtalty eff A»BM PlMhth. Aariia—The •sion of ib* Newark Methedmt faranoe Bev. Onniel HaUntas 1 pnaldlasi alder of tha Eliaabeth Dhv tnot ia pUmof Bev. Dr. O. W. Sssltb. the latter be lag sent to Passat*. First charcb. B*v. Dr. W. a Sned- Oreee ebnrob. Be*. B. L. Enrp; Monroe Amnne ebnrett. Bee John McMarray; DnnaUan, t » a K. DoalltU*; Scotch Plains, Bar. Fred- m. a iron, will mid* Tbs appoi mtfnreno* of ere at f oliowi: Morrattoera, nWw. Dr. Rnribnt; First oheroh. Bnp- T. H J. Johnston; C.s—ary Bbnrcb, Jersey Otty, Bev. Dr. a B. Banes; Redding street. Jemry Orty, Bev. G W. nuiasi : Went Btd* Aee- noe, Jersey City. aWT. W. CL O'Deav- The followiBg parsons knuin to IffleM hare bean appointed tn tem.berabip aoihe leilime caniait- na: Conference Board of aTlann^aa. isr. Dr. C. R. BaiaM: eoajfersao* Bp- wnrth Langae. Bav. O W. Gardner; oonf «r*nos Board af < Dr. W. a J. W. Jaekaan : eonf ereno* Boetd of Bom* Missions and Cbsrcb, Bev. Dr. W. a Bnodcrnm aod J. W. Jaekaan; faiMi a stawardi for IMS, Bev. Q, W. Onrdner. Bev. B. & Jamison, a horcli •«it**'^, 1 Irynn; miaaiooary c ; Bible c Dr. Bev. Dr. CL Bav. H. X Bev. Dr. J. Bryan; John ^ imtlnne. Bev. <:. M L Tsale Oeatcaary Collegiate Inetltnte. INVITED IN trTYaU. Ta* OaeaU t*Mies Calra'a Hnetenle In spite of Tmeeday-s a larg* anmber af friends 1 «»fc^g^wfct ^g maasaala glvan tb* artemoon by Mini Eduh Ceima at bar 1 oa Want Fifth street. The early of the aftsranan 1 irrlj to maatc Mr. be dallght of UMaadlenoe. Be waa npaaiad by MiM Saanb. af this dry. Mia* Gain* played arvoral ilano aala<i)lima. ahowing grant Skill and ability ta her eneentton. A aaiqn* featmra nf the entartain- aat WM the rendlag by Miss Cauw Constitutionalist VOL. XXXV. PLAINFIELD. N J.. ?Hl ’RSI JAY

Transcript of Constitutionalist VOL. XXXV. PLAINFIELD. N J..Hl’RSI JAY ... · DMB*. of La Prase* aveaae. Tb*...

Page 1: Constitutionalist VOL. XXXV. PLAINFIELD. N J..Hl’RSI JAY ... · DMB*. of La Prase* aveaae. Tb* prlaclpal Tilil!' I waa U« adoption of the oMotll do away with last arseon'• tmnbts


H O a am Cm

NO. 15.

INSome of th« BUI* He Intro-duced and Other. Which H*Supported In the A w m h l j


work aooompliebed daring the k «„ « « oT tb* lower haul of the Lag

by A M M U J W I William* m r» 11 h r D 1 1 u h 1 • *t •

teedaac* at all tbe MMoai and hiipersonal activity ta looking after m**-tM erf I M M to hU district mt wellM tbe entire State, hti wan Leniljf w w i i " ~ from those seqeeinte^with bu work.

A rNow of tb« maesen* introdaced by Mr. New/oara U aa follows

H o w Bill N& « prarldM thM anyjutiM of UM S I F N B M Ooort may•ammanly r*vi*w any [HIM—rtlasa be-fore aay *•* and police

! ! ! • • • ThK Mil k>W theUSMM Oftk« tra in of office act which wai[!• 1 1a 1W9 providing that DOO*V*t a l i b* iHpaalasail or ra—oved U I M•mly tried aad aa opportaai ty given t

was made for en anneal from thejudgment of that body.

Honse BiU So. * changing theof tbe city

(Mas, aad U InWtid to never thacaaa* at l*1iashslh whereby th* volu-

panmsat niHjont givls* aU UMTolaMaar teaseia aa opportmaity 10errv* tb* fall UnM.

How BUI N i

•10.000 for hnsptlais Thai art willmaterially bmrli Xshleaberg boawhirh by tba tl Iroaa •B,«OB to•10,000 «U1 neat** fTOO saarc

Hy of Unionana* Bill V

for nn addltusupervisor of roads, and M In the

» he taek ebnre* at all ofSenator C r e s s MUa aod waa l »

In having th+m pasaad t hnTba following: bills

oat* BUI No. 2, aan act n » n n l i | a» tia

X of oepoattoon* ofOf tlM SUM II MM

natn Bill No. 3. whichanyone for whose benefit any contract•hall bnv* been mnde to - » ' - " ' » an

n tberean in oonrts of law arequity, aad nss tbe ansa* M

Isfenss to nay action brongbt

DM* BUI No. 4of Stetes prison, Stnte reformatoryhate home for boys, end State bonufor gtrm, when nay of tbe tamates

snnTerieg fraof a dangerona character, to refaae totake any patients into thenan t U ssedloal ofBoen uf sactoo shell certify tbe* all danger la

•A. Tb* rise* of enohwhile In the nsiuilj of th* sheriffssfaeil becnlcalnted tbe snsne aa U

i la tbs above m a r l ImWHaisane BUI No. tl iwmldM that any

taxed for and daring the next Rvethereafter The bill

h* period daring which ta•> a lien en the faeystij from twa toIva vena*

ale Bill No. 4:Board of Banish.Board* of Health a*ay ha en-la M a n ins Mrvtoas af trained


ITasalls of tbs ajmanalli aad atUe-c onatim. wbiob ha** Jaat closed at

—»T. M. a i , lam been annonneedby Pbysioal Diroctor Herwood. Art barDenton won tb* former aad WaltrrOabooo* the latter. The

leieaosd Harch 1, aad raded Sat-• rday vvuiag,athtetto i-"nU n

with oaa

lacandidatetalsbsd. TbsparallvU. low bar. rlags aad bi«b bar,and lbs remits, la the order girt

' t . »V. aad V S . aukiac1*1 peiata: Caheaas M. MSaad -w. atakiac a total ofu t s ; Nra l -n . » ' , . M, »>»

aad » ' - , aisbin a total of m 1 . ,the aaUetle coafc— Ifuea

etarted and 0U7 I n Baish^d.w«a« imaalBg bis* jaoip. thraw

Weedjaaip. taao* Taalt, qi

mil* walk, rope eliaibtac. potatohigh kick, shot patting aad

high dive, la the seder gi

. e*. at, 0, M, T*. SO.a total of SM peii

total *f I * . MiaTwalailB II m,4J, 1*. «*, 0, M. 1*, a, n, aukta*total of n» point*; Man$—«•, ll.aV,44, 4T, 0, 40, 4ft, 4*. i

BMkw a uniform tacarrrat with the l*rm of the Free-holder* who are elected.

Hoaec BID Mo. IIS provides thatwbe* a Beard oC;vTeeholden aball de-clan a coert bout ead baUding* in-

omaiitWe cooualing of a

cbarge of the oreMlaei of the Beerbmildiaga. This act era* paseed tom a i m tb* act of 1M0 and 1S01 andBM sude aay qaeetiom that might

Took chare* of Seae* BUI Mo. IU,UtUltatiec the ea -nnr *~ partof OM eoeuHy la*o eMher. Appliesto th* I M I I I H H I of the boreeffe ofNorth Plaiaaeld to th* city of Plain

mHoaa* BUI Ma Ii4 which epplte* to

Ib* — — n ^ — of North PUiaaWd.MMiag the boeedenes.

Hoaa* BUI Ka IU which prortdos

tw*«a the tere sraaldpaUtlea.Took a iniiiiasai part la BUI So,

l"3 whu-h 1 - - - ' tho Scat* BoardOf 1 -Mtdn-a-a Qllrfl iM act by r«q«ir-lag that children beoeeitt a pohlircharg* shall be pbesed ia eosa* familyof the BBBB* rrllgioa* faith of tb* par-rau of tb* cbUd. or ia an tastitatMaiof that faith. Alee eaipewers tb*» bo*rd 10 emrrestaVr the eeOody

I ia tba*Boards of Health to ereet*

be OBBO* af aeotteai oaaeer of benlthCor which a payaietan only will he

r The term of IBBI • la Rv*.alary to be ftxed by tb* board.

BIU No. 7S aaaenJa aa neteaeabiiabing tb* villa** of «pUepUca

a few technical polatstbe Inatltntlon aad the

II of epileptics. Chiefas* is tbe committing of

pwplf from lawns MTlnmi to be trans-ferred to th* villa** wttbont anyfarther commUment procedure.

8aeats BUI X a U U i general act[Otiahl* tantrnments.

_ an art to netaWlih a law nnfarmwith th* Laws of other Bill 11 on thissubject. This net In the ontiretty s nbeen adopted by eighteen State* up todate. Now Jewry making tbe nine-tonllh. and also by Congress for UieDtecriet af OolamMa,

Senate BUI No. M provldee thai th*term of office of every *Mcttv* omoer.except jeanc* af the peace, holdingoAc* tn aay city at the posse** of theact Febreary **, 1*01, (The MeekerAoti which term obeli legally expirebntWBM J snaary 1 and January 7shell be lla*lted so a* to expire at neon

:h« year of which hi*Term of otBos woald otherwu* hnv*expired. This set wee paaaed for tb*him It of the city of Plalafteld where

at asaksrs expired on th*af iansBMv at aaam.

BiU He. W r*Utea to th*taking of evidence la civil aaiu wheni m i u i i . are absent from tbe Stale.This act i* an ixunsion of the lew afevidence so that tsetlmimynf

0 11T hidoat of the Steer one he Mfcon jest theaaa»r a* if he were a aaseeriel witnesswho did net reatde in the State.

Sana** BUI S o 147 ampowri aa«-lagi beaks by a aMjorttj of iH mane-p n to extend its corporal* power* fora ttaa* no* to »« ! •* fifty yaan. Thla•gaaUaato Ihe city of Bab war andconfers the right en the mvingi bankof that city to t u its oenUeete of


KaraiteUUc Bad OyTn na*Uc COB -tMkn «t th a T. M. G, A.



la l.)«<i»HI- Cot—t «•. »• Sl.rtrd

• •1 flat Thro* Kli l iM

Start** la tka Athletic Coa

n, a. 47. M, m. 0,of 414 point*.

Tb* boys1 class athletic«ipl<-ted Setnrday nvwuiug. In thi.

thirty-nine partlolpaasd bet only eightlaished. The wianters war*: First,Francis Anderson. 41t pot at a . atoned,Ralph Webster, m points: third, tie

.night. •Tbe m t H Inoladed tan Up race,

running broad Jnmp, Mghth as* n smilepotato raoe, rnnaing high Jnmp, rap*climbing and chin op on high her.


WIUTaJk*S*rTteaWltbC. H War-ren *a the C , K. 1. and P.

W. W. Wants, Jr., who ~smi withtbe New Jarasy Oontral as diristonseperintaiideai at Jersey City aoem*wo years ago, and was smnde ceiwral

saperietendaal lest year.xmnntof iU-health.

be to at Hat Bprtace, Ark., and It ishooght tbet aftor be is MAciently

weU, b* will Ink* seme* with tbsOhioage. Rock Ulead aad Paciftc.ender Cbartte H. Waiisa. formerly

prondent of th* Hew Jemry Oen-and with wheaa ba baa beee ae-

AAe* i « BreeJtera.A reward of «S wiU be paid to anyN*ea femublaf; information which

will lend to the eneat and ooanorioeof anyone breaking alaetric Ugbl gtotwawithla the boroagh limit*. This wasflnrlairt apon by reenlattoa at the last

lag of the North Plaianeld Ooaa-c 11 and was oneeed by the aiyetorloas

1 u i concert of the New Tork'ainruiT m—arel dabs, to be givaa«i t Wednesday evening at the Ma*-

_ ~— . _ — * « . » I F . 1 I X. — _

C. Tba lisdali the East FroMdealer, is having ft cantor

In bis store, Isndlag toas. Tbe latser pwrt of. the

Mlldiac will he aaed far the rehear1 af the bnalnnm

The C-xUr Brook Tan sin Club

Had* « O h a a t a In I

M e t h o d . Tuaaday

WBW ooitrrnrnoK


s la tka Ctab

tb*Hnving•ntbod af 1 fc I.

Brook Tnaais (Bth ado)«itacioa at 4 awiil i i . held (set

Teeeday, and llsfrrfliml the a m q iB S H of the cjnb to a hoard eff sjeveinan tn he imsafcnl *f the RveoOoara, The B M M S I WM held at th*boaae of UM HMKJMI. J. U*rv*yDMB*. of La Prase* aveaae.

Tb* prlaclpal Tilil!' I waa U«adoption of the oMotlldo away with last arseon'• tmnbts ofgetting a qnomai at an—kin oat to

berlna oomplet* seat rot There U aprovision which aleoei the eg* limitof actlT* m"<abershlp as light us .

fader the prareetnai of the aew

J. Harvey Dosne; Rrst vie* presidentand chairman of kb* tonal, commiteer, TThnisis B. Mars*; SIIIMI vioe




UM snoiety peopU of tbia city at thesecond " mantonl evening" to be givenaader tb* direction of Ward Stephen*.

will tat a plan* at "Sannyalde," the•dam** hOBse of Mrs. iAwrsees

Myer*. on Baal Front street, Fridayreals.Th* major attraction will be th*

ppeoraac* of Jnaaf Hof maaa. the In-ternationally celebrated pianist. Hu

M|Msinis will iaolnd* aamber*th* (rase works of Bach. Bee-

thoven, MMdalsanha. Chopin, Seha-« . Uaas, Moaakewekl and Wagner-lent. M wall M soase onmposltiooe ofII own A part of the musical feastill be oontrChntod by Miss Blanche

lallime sinner WM with Sense. SheDW ssianglag to travel abroad

with Ustnldy, the fasnons 'eeUlst,wbe te plena lag an operatic toer ofAaatralta

Th* sabaiiilbsis far thu affair fromham inTitaUon* m*j be BbtataaJ are

Mr*. aTinnl K. lntsrmM. Mrs.• U* J. Flak. Mm. ObawiM W. MaKM, Hi t H*nry A. MoU«*. Mrs.

_ w M. Hyatt. Mrs. Bdward HLaaM. Jr.. Mrs. J KL Myers, Mra

V. D M<*d. K i t JohnOnr Faater. Mm Oeeme A. Cbnp-

Mn. Loctsj H. Biglow. Mia. J.

j hM wmI kf the Merth PUinneld

wOl be followed by

; aad MPwaly iajsred has


Th« I t B b a n of City CouncilW«r» Highly D^llvhWd With

th* Hew Headquaxtara.O W T O I WILL FT.HAHaTT)



tlmd af(*r Monday night'* meat-bafnre th* n t a k m departed.

They ssewifd to enjoy UM ro.mii Tbrytnepaoted th* vnrloM feninrea andbvnrably eommentad apon each.

of th* rarnltare. with th*eeetion of an ettra deok for theporters, ha* arrived and ia in position.Tbe newspapermen hev*

1 eara of iatheir appreciation is extended to

where credit 11 dee. In tha selectionOf tb* carpet for the big room*, •

been made.htellu-k a»d* tb* scloctloo and aappropriate covering for th* flooroeald net have been made,

prevtonaly atated tprapeniss of tb* room are perfectThis Is a decided featen. There laaa effort neoeasary to hear «hat ia

of tb* CouncilM wall Mtbnss In the lobby can bear

tb* allgbtaet trenbla averysfitsn TTie approach

Oonncit room thro.,h • broad andapacioai hallway, well-tlghtod aad

millalii ia n desirable featare.Vat the least af thorn who a n well

pleased wtah Ihe aew quartan ateSsaaUey bilWtlll. who own th* balld-iBg. Tbay espetience

nat ant* tn knowing tha* tbsyaasi ef th* bew boilt stmetnree

In the city, bM that tb* Council ia-ell pieaaed with tbeTbs oaaiailnae room* are a vnlnnbls

nd tbelr arrancsseent Inwiih the asale room i* ]a*t

blob tb*yevery way UM qaar-t-W-da

rhleh would do credit

surrco ON OUTERS .

Active Work tn Ike TerteMsTh*r*«gbfmr** la jfraagk.

OonncUmnn Jaanm K. Arnold, ehaliman at tb* boroogh afrsei eosBmlttee,is rnshlng tbe work ot isfililugvnrtou* thoroughfare* throncfaont'tbeMrengh. He ha* a foroe of mentraced la patching np generally and

1 soon a* this ta*k is oompietsd otnerork a HI tin 1 naamsniurtPark nine*, Bnmnrtt nvenne

Bock view avean* are among the thor-oughfare* which will occupy hu *4-

itioe. These streets ar* In badoondltton sad be proposes to pettop dreaalBg an each of them. Tb«ban bean a scarcity ia men and cans

t thu he believes wiU bebefore Ion*. One t b tag be

lined apon, he anys, and thatis work shell nee take ail

He wtsJkM th* improve>b*dKthastb* people may

enjoy tbe good reads before the fall.


roateer Ol.i SatTwaaday's Plana of V

The weather did cot iaMrfer* with

by Wtnaeld Scott Post. No TS. O. A.. There waa a good aRmdaaee ofilnsasDariag tha boalneei I-MIOB Henryrossman. of Westmeld. WM nuWnd

in. At tb* oooctosion of ihe boldnesstb* oyster aapprr was enjoyed. The

et was prepared by William Day.keted by several comrade., andrj UBI voted th* affair a aooceaa.D oonneuion with th* Bappai tb*ra1 a aortal time and en ex«hang« ofr incident* which helped to pnaa a


mUtoaT TU* Strwk JaalMM.Wiriorl aa She Waa raaalag.TTsialimsiiM on th* pan of workmen

at the Baboock bnUdlng nearly re-volted la serions If not fetal injory toMrs. W. W. Wnmeok, of Craig puce,

dav afternoon. Sb* wa* pa*a1ng1 the Madawai ateane aide of the

mlldiag when a larg* pteo* of tiling.Bach as is used on the apper part oftb* Btrnstnre, feU frnm tb* top Soarto the sl i l iwli directly hehiad her.

Sew into frngaxnte soaa* of whichstruck bar, Inflintiag breises. Mrs.

pock WM partly ovsroc— by her

beld in the Christian charcb, onre atreet. Ban day afternoon. An

gnisMion w>itlag bas bean calledby John Oeodwla fnr

D. Tiwlssnai has raeeived a per-mit from Bailding Inspector T. O.

m for the erectMe of a fiasaedwelling cm the west side of MeKln-

The sodal —n—"t" of th* Chrta-tien Kadaever Bedety of Trinity Ba-

nt eheneh wUl bold a social dar-


O. II rervy 1 •Caro of UM C*« • t j •**•• •

Soaaerville, April *— Th* ragnhvmsetlajt of th* Sossarst County Boardof Freeholder* WM haU la the OoanBanna bar* y.atirlay.wea absent t*ce*se of 11

It WM Mnldsd to ereet a e*w bridget Weedfnrn and bids fnr tbs

will he opened April n . a* wUl ahw

Freeholder OUver H Perry.

oandldac* for th* offtoa. Tba—aides Mr. P*rry were Jeim C SMof Woman, and Jobs 8. KvanMMesbanic, both alto foraaar tholders. Two ballota wan •aoassaryto decide UM coataam. Th* Irst re-sulted In three vote* far anoh of Vcandidates. On tb* maMrl Perry re-


Coonty Board of Election* met la theCourt Btws* Monday to reoenan ttballota oast for Freeholder In Be:nerds township at lbs recent spring

By th* const of tbe local hoard.after the dosing of UM polls. John~ Bonn, RopnhUoan, WM declared

1 winner by on* majority over JohiWhitenack. Democrat. The hitlerono* emploved counsel and asked

Tbe Oonnty Board winearly all of Monday and twenty-two

1 IIIIM. which did not oomplywith tb* election lawa, were thrown

This will elect Whttenaek be-yond a doabt, if Jedge Sebenck aaec-

1 tha action of tba Ooaart? Board.


Chair I onpuF'1 FactoryriU he Behnllt at Oare.ear Councilman JSMM 1

Craig, of Wset Front street, whoehatr factory on JsRereon evonn* w

time ago, wireplace tbs burned structure with a

anibnag M aoaa M Id. It wUl

MS la ladle end Tarkey.Aa appeal WM recently ssaa* ia these

far offering, for tat* worthy

Tn Pas D m !•> Track*.•mplBT.! af tbs KUsnbeth, Plaia-

aeid aod Oaacral Jersey Street Rail-way Company bav* been buay daringth* pent tew days takiag mananre.

in thu city,of the esd


Only On* Change) i s Pastor*of th* Locnj




•oaa* Chsaaes In Tkta Vtrtaltyeff A»BM

PlMhth. Aariia—The•sion of ib* Newark Methedmt


Bev. Onniel HaUntas 1pnaldlasi alder of tha Eliaabeth Dhvtnot ia pUm of Bev. Dr. O. W.Sssltb. the latter be lag sent to Passat*.First charcb. B*v. Dr. W. a Sned-

Oreee ebnrob. Be*. B. L. Enrp;Monroe Amnne ebnrett. Bee JohnMcMarray; DnnaUan, t » a K.DoalltU*; Scotch Plains, Bar. Fred-

m. a

iron, will mid*Tbs appoimtfnreno* of

ere at f olio wi: Morrattoera, nWw. Dr.Rnribnt; First oheroh. Bnp-

T. H J. Johnston; C.s—aryBbnrcb, Jersey Otty, Bev. Dr. a B.Banes; Redding street. Jemry Orty,Bev. G W. n u i a s i : Went Btd* Aee-noe, Jersey City. aWT. W. CL O'Deav-

The followiBg parsons knuin toIffleM hare bean appointed tntem.berabip ao ihe leilime caniait-na: Conference Board of aTlann^aa.isr. Dr. C. R. BaiaM: eoajfersao* Bp-

wnrth Langae. Bav. O W. Gardner;oonf «r*nos Board af <

Dr. W. aJ. W. Jaekaan : eonf ereno* Boetd ofBom* Missions and Cbsrcb, Bev. Dr.W. a Bnodcrnm aod J. W. Jaekaan;

faiMi a stawardi for IMS, Bev. Q,W. Onrdner. Bev. B. & Jamison,

ahorcli •«it**'^, 1Irynn; miaaiooary c

; Bible c

Dr.Bev. Dr. CLBav. H. X

Bev. Dr. J.Bryan;

John ^imtlnne. Bev. <:. ML Tsale

Oeatcaary Collegiate Inetltnte.


Ta* OaeaU t* Mies Calra'a Hnetenle

In spite of Tmeeday-sa larg* anmber af friends 1

«»fc g wfct g maasaala g lvan t» t b *artemoon by Mini Eduh Ceima at bar

1 oa Want Fifth street. The earlyof the aftsranan 1

irrlj to maatc Mr.

be dallght of UM aadlenoe. Be waanpaaiad by MiM Saanb. af this

dry. Mia* Gain* played arvoralilano aala<i)lima. ahowing grant Skill

and ability ta her eneentton.A aaiqn* featmra nf the entartain-aat WM the rendlag by Miss Cauw

Constitutionalist VOL. XXXV. PLAINFIELD. N J.. ?Hl ’RSI JAY

Page 2: Constitutionalist VOL. XXXV. PLAINFIELD. N J..Hl’RSI JAY ... · DMB*. of La Prase* aveaae. Tb* prlaclpal Tilil!' I waa U« adoption of the oMotll do away with last arseon'• tmnbts


Conditions in the S:uth andtbe Charleston Exposition

The. pw,i» la • lo • Way and U AttractingFavorable Attention fwm tths Mart b.


mlae la I W raited M a i n wklrfc boastsas assay braatifaJ prt*nt« reaidcareeIn prxavrikna to th* amaber of ItssnifUr Tb*Te U aoac thai rerall. aw««I k . a!, rtu-teriug uacmortes of l*ewar*, from 171a i.> las*, ar that raren

y.aagTWnalore ', m-f* tenderly for tb* ream fort* of theK—*.*!t •polled h..B«r sad tbe ana—re of I t . daa.t k • penMtWa b r f r * . Th* city am. f W w i a« alnwly

- - bWtorfcr ax-moriaU whsrh woaklaartbera town ka«* brra I.-ma:ago

iaj are beer iatacto n Tk*« «•«*?*W*»k. - I Th-.t

tW wwr-t raid t«ry.• r t lk 'T i I .rJr-

Tbr < k .c ln tn .aa . bad a i adeiH u » M . . . . . u a i - j , , , , , , . ^ The.*a , the cxa*»lt»»u. It was to show Ibecr* T t V r " * * - " * * i n v a d e d t h e ' pit * sad th* territory it ferda aad iav-

(rro.a-4-- tkr *<-m- ••.•rt. for. Voa bar* ta atady tWr1—eea act oat then bad rait stats. Then ton whk s amap of tfce tailed St.

IJeat. l». . . Tillnmaa sad Maj JenkiaV ararr-l Atlaatle aespwrl to St.!Lanarara threatened i« «-l people Islfclag aad alm.-i •» Bear M any to t airaeotaasHtn aad a a i k i l t ia tkat ir»« .1*- mad (iariaaati. V ia . * * that it ia «asatrsbW ikaB ia fc^tfc Carolina ja.1 a»»ra nearer tb* Purtt* weeaa at Baammim. IMegn than New V»rk kt i - Mas Prea

Then aU«t « n the •••» and rlseo. It ahares with Sew Orleana amfaW a a > H of tb* AshWy aad Cooper | Sa.aaaafc koaora as tk* aslaral porttt*er- d a w H aad laagfcrd. aad there of Ortloaka: Jaal behind It. they reek-

an are a i nfl* of a haadred billion feet

lug. aftrr all. mad people brgaa anar-hag la froa* Ik* farther walk an their !leiaarrlj «ay home to KwSJ York aad 'Chirac", am.1

And th* «r>t feeling iWt struck Ibe

The rapoahttin ia on I \ aligktly .utail-«r than that ai Heualn. The r">rrr .•aeat rshibil. are e*ea bpttrr. aadthere i> of cvun* mor* ataierlsl f r..wthe near .The lay-oat of thebaMdlngtaad tbegranaad. i- beaullfal;earth haa a..t m i anything Baer than. 1the Ci.urt of l-alu-r.. witk tfceir Itory Ilants aad tb* foitniain. playing ia tkeSaakpo liardras la frnat. Ta* w i nfor i w k i a * Ike skow arr amplr.

Buffalo la a city nf M U f l people. •highly pru.prr.iw la tfce » • ! . • ..I ..ta,- 'er large plarr* not far away. ( harlea- 'toa la a city of 1A.BO7 peopl*. xaly =3.«M

. B» <UK-r*dit ! ,rail

to tb* >>!•<* aamjorttT to see that, for

the city. Tb* colored rcideata ar*ant rick enough tn dn marh for a pub-lic calerpria*.

JB* lumhn. tVo-1••. but bj iratr.iBa; do* aorta-

<r»| ...!. .....r, rjsn i- up ibr aionalala.l..p». t» a rllBMtr IIL* that of N m

! Jaaaay, in -Tfce Laad af tfc* Sky" of• r - ' i r n North ( » ri '.E« AaHl ia • • 10-t f f n l of tk* ,n..[*-. pia* for**!* •>•Ik* «»y J«« aamm a Ira plaalatioa«rh*r* n.i.«r tr» -mirk Mini.trr T.L->kirm . a t . U ••> (f.-pd • • m i Japaa.„ • . . — for -a 1*.

Bai ("narlntna h«« ni! l ind..c.ntl*-rrabh bhirmad* - r u m i M r " '>•trad* oiti of tk* r . .t M cuifln-ft fcmr-h a r e a l k r thmlk \ l l i t l k ihi bl.«-k-adrnf pmrrt j Bad«-a«p*iHkaa b; b%.gri awl l>rl(rr p>tabli>h*d porn.

Tk* !-«*.». at (a * f i l t .Tk* fair n amrk likr all fair*. *srrpt

tkat ibr >l r ibrrr oil! b* i n i / r i l a I Ihcpr- l i - i . -. - f aal i i* - . •- . .!,..« c . .ih* f'ari'lina •aafJaaSI p*ramp» by 1 h*

UHak ih.ptif.-h thrrr a»thiaa;

If I »tartiaa;'i hrai-'l H oN r . York thai ihr

niH-r in tar Htath** I mkualdH U thai tkia lo..k*.! lik* It; amKOIIII U bmrrrd. !*('• rail ii iVi..

j rprrrniinrnil; inirrr-i molt n»rt.T».

(apt. ttiimrt'. .irmmrr hnnr. •rolnaial m.o....m with '..It.l .hutirra..( - . - . - I l« >lid* forward mt BLjrkl ••»]trmrd "ff *i raj arrt>w» mkol bjr aandtr-lar ladiaaa. U t iwn np t» ibr « ntii-» ' • baibiiaw. Noihlmr "«Tr .h..»» . .><• inlprr-[ii>j( •> the fcoiuF ltm*]f;

•»B.i..n ..f tb* »M iaya in laa < -iin-trr. \ad a«wh*r* ..ui i.f U. . . . rbi i .M-tti <>r Vtrrinia n>nld >iah a r " i l

f bwloriral ohjpcl. ha>ci hrr ma h*r* drlical

TWr* la no rath man. in the modern I tbe imi.|i . .r, Th* gra> of ibe koaaeaea.r. ih rkarlrrt.m; yet tab. i. what peraap. r. ike hag* kitchen, with haam* a u did: He .abwribrd for ckght-fool-wide areplar* sad a BTrae-awarly oae-tklrd of the aturk of the ia* »ld r..l»rrd -mammt- to ait h,exauaiUus: b* ga«* ap hi. bmaiifal tke I r * and smile a woudroaa smlla.amane oa the Tooprr ri**r for a Woes- fall of whit* treih and nod humor ~aa*a baikHaar. a* loaned haa Uad for N«w. thk. a u * .trikr vaa a. .tranarv-tb* "natural acc-Hoa" of Ibe ahow. i 1 don't know now maa* DC.D I * a " . .aaaa* hundred acrr. af it. He gar* ap <-..anrn.rO aUs time lo the work bat tbere were liaiaa.. aad•May who did thai. Thi. S I I . asm* arc likr tfcr Mssaarfcila Cap*. F. W. Wagraeri a* i. thr prr.- cialli ihe IS.«,.-s. pr.-ple, TbiMini of tk* expoaitloa cnmpaaj, -

Thi . i . th* aplrli n f tb* place. TWr . fore. It auy he. art ar-a rkmitta* Hk.h ao oicrrkargiag at ike hotels; there obi friend*. The* hate tke .an?* la-

la auk thrir hats totWatraagaeaa tbe ' arid* la localatrert ! -|"mi ajmai

T h * *iiy is alaaoat a rain, bet a slat*- . position." alaif am*. I l waa impossible after the Charleston. 1•artbaamk* to rebaUU *i*rything Ifcat • saaw; "it aj«

•irart i»* kjaoraal. j r t w*U-f*d aia*O-dr*a>*d P»f>l» • • « l i t froa»<iad kanwi w a r n to r i r r j *lpnmi(io«.

d aoawtkla* • • • H n tkat ..a* a a»** bl Bafalu *ad Ckatac*'- I> <"-Cr*rk*r- aad kat faadlj of


» « t r ha. tk* aarta a**a >arh pa-tkotic •pprtawm. of ill-f*d. .ll-clad madm-iafarta*d kaaaaait j aa rnaa** aowafrvaa tk* «.aih*r» bark roaatry tk* tkow •» arar Ik*ir d.«.r. ibati k r j c M t n l neap* the rwrr*at. Tk

teatare* of tfce afcnw a n a rerelatloa. Tk*"poor white" Is not bamptloas aadqaarrclaome. aa In tk* aurtb; he a>geatle-tofcred aad kladly. alow-Baorlagand aot easily ang*red; hi . "yon-nUa"• ml "rjar." and "reckona" arelo tke par*; ka la not. like tk* whiteman of the aoatfcem town, s l a * apeci-mca phyabrally. 1 anppoa* the maiof the aaounialn regiuaa la more atalwart, but tbc nounlalna are too fa

aear the aearo'a.l tbe anmmer cllmnlla i lm."i .it i." i fur whit* mra exceptla l~harlr.ton it.elt. with ita *ea brcexeand paprtliedral

ih*tir tT p p.aa Ihosjihl of it. Bat furnl ia tk* |pf-p|'i in~ of tbc >• 'in h iatnrrrtr **l apart: It baa aaadc la tb«V*jrrn t>uiJdin|r m ahovriaf of what It

rwvatj jraan »*••• "fb a baHdla*wouli) baic brrn a.liffprpol mattrr It

wuuld ha» iT.u aD mttempl lo showakal waa being done In th* scfaoola by..... k .Ktdy. Saw all cmphaaU ia Uid. [ • I . in..u.i rial pJnratiua. The wagua.BtaUe by il.r ttadrat*. lbs cloth wuitn

.trikr the e]e mirat forcibly of all.Sou* of tbe negTn arhuula bar* tbe

prmrtic* of tracing th*ir beat atadeatala rotation lu -hliuw off" tb* exhibiia.VYiiboot quite kBuwiag it. pernapa,.;.-> are i b r n H l i n the best r I - ma Bncrril. Inlrlligcnl. polite.

•> .{ur-ii. II ao aptly and show sarhfamilUHtj wilh tbr uractkal details

beir aork. .orb pnthaslaam in it.; oa* can cavUy imagine Ikem aa

ready in herume anUaionarles amongheir people of tfce religion of .killedarork.

They ar- of all type*, from tb* coal-black nrgro nf anmixed blood, aaeb aame will barely see In the north. v>

ma mlik* in their calm eoandeaca intbe fntnre of their transplanted race.

more enra ctery year. They do notippak now of emtgratloa. Their lot• mat wit h t he •.. u t h. where tbe boaes>f their i r . -m. i r . arc laid, and whereihey look for better homes sad belterfortuop. for (heir ckiklrca.

Tbe co*T«*t.itr.1 Stalea will i . tk* eafeadar•ar 1MI be tkr larrnt la tb* torn-•r* of oar laiport traoW. K1*>PBoath** fliTJrr- of ihr l u a i a i j lm-laa of .tali-tx-. aba* that tb* imo-inali.ia* of onffp* • i i i a m u l is

N 7 . M U U puuadaliaaT witk N

U in ~7.=33.«T? la tbe rormpoad-

ag DHHitba of ins*; T«A»«.ITt IB th*"ing B a n t , of ISM; m , .

I la the aaae aaontka af 1MT.6T.J».-lT ia the 11 Hkowtba ofThe-* Kajur** nadarate aot oalyhr n. fr f iaaportaUone of 1M1

wUt be larger tkan those of nny pre-t >.t that they will for

tb*> I rM ttaac ewcccJ t a t i lWiaT W >alwe of the eo*ee im-tfc* J tar will reach aboat

middle of tb* year.Tbe cereasoalal dress will be tb* fall

•rasa Bl Breacat «sed aad wUl bewit* n cap for walking nat. while Ibeaerrma dress—I he garbling kit— willW aa *otir*!j aew awe « .terial. rrplet* wHb tfc* lateal iatprore-nnrnla aaw deviated nlik "wrnr and mal..rt.

The aer* lee drcaa h>. M fiaritb. n view to faraiaktag a <-. nable aaiforaa. lbjht eaoagn to be

• l boas* aad SIH. with th* addition ofwarm naderrlothtng for . a i r la wta-tor. It <••.»•;»!. rhleBr of a rain proof,drsb-mlxtar* cloth. Tbe vreat coat tato be light and swap)*, with a small•ape attached, capable of being easilyfan aai or takra AS? aad easily folded.

TW Jacket ta of rery tight drap mitare aerge nf Xnrfnlk aattem. It willharp a lumr ! - . • " . • • n i l rnltar. ahoalder rnV patches, two brreat pnrketswhk plaits BBdlwnatroagaid*with aaps. plaited at tW waist aad witha fala* plait rl«.w« tW eeater of tWback ItHlateadeatob*l»»ae«tHB|r

Erery a . a anya tW I^adnn Mall.HI arear an a aertaramr rolored

hr title of hb> *»H


Howard Hraamaa. IB bis aewof O r tl Rhodea. tella tbe

foUnwing story of th* nrat diamondfonad In South Afrk-a

- In 1MT diamonds had been dlaro»-ered la the region to tk* north oftb* Orange river. Tfcia discoveryw*a aasd* accidentally. A Bo*r fam-ily oa* day aaw a nail** child glee-folly playing with n small pebble tbatglittered aad enmarated in tbe mawith BBBIBKI brilliance. H* took tb*

from the child, examined It•rried it how with him. Beka** kad bat little Ides of

Ibe stone really was. for. prob-sbly. tat .nli time be had everheard of dlsaaoada wsa wfcea h* hadread tW Old Testament; bat s Boer

ilwsys a keen *y* for basiaesethinking that th* atone mightsome commercial «alur. tkt

termer .h >«r.l It to a Hriti.h traderfTRrUly. It'lteilly N t a i to

have rarognUed the atoae Immedl-itely as a diamond and boagbt it ofW Boer—aftor eoasMrrabl* hag-

gling—for *«> **Bt W sabaaittod' lo Dr. Athermton*. o/ Urahaass

Wo MBhea'talingl.r Hn-Ured It to hedMnotad of the poreet wslrr. TW•mnnil wsa thca abowi lo Sir Phil-

high Mamltaloan-. sad waa boagbt by him

from O'UciUy for *UU."


An Irishman entered a Jeweler's shopoa Maiden laa* s f*w dmya ago andlakvd to *er aom* nic* manlrl rlorks.rrlatra the New York Sun.

-tamaflrr w ant in1 irr jp(te the mlaaasi bit a* a aanwa fer the aHBtcl. WUlrex W no kiad a« t' show ma m a r beasked.

Tbe obliging rl*rk broaght oat onetutt atrock tfcp fancy."And will yf« tell me wbnt yeannId tax a t fer th* Inlkn of tbat T""T«rni j Sir dollara." aald the clerk.-Twlnty«re dnIUrs? Howly mnr-

thrr' P*r that llttl* bit mi a clock?her* soaspihlng tvoaderfni aboat

tbat bit a* a alntfc. will y « t*)l e»-r-Certalnly." Mid tbc clerk. T h a t Is

an elgbt-day cl>irk." ^-

"And phwat ia tbat T ashed ibe Irlah-•aa,~Why, it gnss eight days without

-flu saarh aa tbatT" Bald th* Irtsb-a i a . acratching his bead. "Begorm,

-a wnn tbing Id lik* lo b* sftersskiBg |BJn, If tbat bit a* a clock goeseight dara wHhout oiadiBg. fcow long,far llw «abe a* St. Patrick, will It guIf ya> wiad ItT"

A bill will soon W Introdaced la tbeIrginls legWUtare whereby Ihc HOB-

ra of tha atat* will b* placed aajnagUosc pxpmptrd from the opera t ion. of

aa a policeman, eoaaiabi* aad other of-- wa; tkat to. they will be a Mowed to

ry weapons, aaya a aoatWrn rx-chan-r TW wosmen. la view of aaaay

:nrrt pistol abots. Beccatly a"warn formedst>osaok*.aad•eetlngv are Wld for targetA yoang lady school teacher

•t Saaolk. who has to rid* aoane die-la tbe rnaatry to attend her

strapped to feer tide, aad there arc ot k-rideare* nf a Maposttloa oa tbeof Virginia „ - •«• • tors rr , arms.

la tk* Borky Bsoaatalas iat th* )».!»ni. nfrrrd

ad l iah tonriaU tl.i. tear.aa an«re*-!*d by the inabiV

hty ef tW Colorado resort fcotek. toear* for tW boalt-ea. aad Ibe pnpaiar-ty of anme experiwtest* made ia that

' by towrfata mat yenr.

• * W B


In (he Public Eye AbroadPOUUCAI, ComiMtctil and Indnatn*l Motes from

Fortign Laiwia.


•ad ro-of real IH*. ifcer* i* a« aaeh

lama- Pawaith real water. » the

eaaemble. eoanl W staged with tWrea Us at that ia«hronicleU«.lm«s>t everyday is tfce aew. report* of tfce camTW fhUera*-. *>*s. would protestBgain.i tW "lairj dory " elcanmt "U in thenx.

laascinp tb* I..** affair of l U u Keas-ner and Miss Dora Uaasun pat athe alsgc aa t i example or tbe legit-imate.

Two years ago Kr**tier «a* s fiWad. workiag aea> l*latf_?>outh. Neb.TW Hkn.oa family M M Trighbors ofKeasacr*a cmpli.jprv. mBtl IK ra Hasson. a favorite daagbtve. «a . tW bellof the n*igkbnrboud. A dni*a yonnjmen of tfc* pure ».,! songbt to awrrjher. bat .he had rerocrd them aP. Cer-tainly when Haan Keaancr chanced UB«et her while ai.i.ling wkfc th.Hanson harveat hr had ma hope o:winning bcr affections. Perhaps It waihla alter forgrtfulness of biniaeir thaiflrat drew hrr to him At any rat*

as Visa Hanson brrm to imilt nponthe aim pie-hearted Hans wltb.s wakening bopea.

S<addenly Ibe whole neighborhoodwaa thuadpratrurk wilh i In- aonounmeat of tbe engagemcnl of Dora IIson aad Han. Kea*nrr. The anaottiB ia i waa a doable humiliation toyoung mm who bad bren refased.osr knows where it began, bat In xfew days a plot m i hatched againstIbe match. An Idle vagabond in 'acLsTttborinit rillsge waa drawn b land for ibe pn>mi>* of »IOO In osai

! HIM OVER TIIK HEADpreveMied thr vpdiltog bp agreedstop it at any coat.

Thi. waa two jaaia ago. Hhrn tlday of the weddirg arrirrd thU toolof the plotters poatrd him.elfnear IbeH i i » » bsra. near whicb Keaanerwoald hare lo paaa. and a* Ihc bride-groom came up the nimn ttepped oat.

Kroner of owing him I., rxpoac him to tb*if it wa* not r»Hi on the

rdrnicdthechsrrpitr*Baoii>-\j. but the rn-nirr became more and

impiH-.rui. until nnatly. unftrri!beyond measure. Kesaner selird an oldpick handle and i t n r k Ih* fellow overthe head. Tfce man dropped In hi.

Tsbct. F o r a i l M U i t K n a -aer h*t)i orer him. and. >*eln|r no itga

• la th* man. he turaed an.l flnlIbp rsibeHng* of tap man were n*> look 'tn the senselna body-

. ing It into the bno.e. aher* tbVpmapertlve bride watted. Thej told

her ihst Kpa.n*r. dmnk snd bmtsLbsdinttpd a friend and. learns; htm for

dead, hail rtcsped. The BUB wasivraert bark tn mat clans net a, and In a

day or two waa bimtrlf ..train. H*jninrd In Ib* •caadaloaa itorles that

w*re clmUtpd **erywh*re. aM ft n. II,aeariy prerrbody hsd forffottea him.•air the girl, who remained trae.

Two wrcka ago Hsna Keasaer. fcaad-mmr. w*tl dr*»*d mad proeperanm. ap-aeared at tbe Hanson homestead. Ini aiomnal Dura Hanson wnn In hi.iraas. T oTal aHraya. she rotild takeiW e*ptsBati«a for granted. Tbea*explanation, wrrr M> mark stroagerIhsn Action that their troth wa* on tbefar* nf them.

:«.acr. betl*rla« that W bad lcHIed...a had fled lo nermaaT. R« wen?Hambnrs: mad rarsirr'l In baabaeas.••aered sad abnat ihe !.t of Jan-

oary. when he received a letter froman obi frlead la Mbaoarl. W was worth,More than fiM.Mn. Tbla Idler, lainswe* to one that Kea^ser hsd wrlt-»a. pxplainrd that ike aapBnsed rle-li«a was oeJy .tunned, tkat b* had re-roT*r*d fall*, sad last thr wbnl* aton-ofthe deep plot wsa «at. Ke-anerpre-

rlral at tfce Hanaoa homralvadwas tbe ellmax >t tW rmaanc*. TW

Mdlne was perf Armed Is the Rananartor »..- tb* n v r Blaster wVnktd

e ymraar eow-ie at»r««v are .ettlpatheir new b.-as* is Hstnsmrv. C»r

day brings with It some OJP-Windication of mreparnilon forwar in ihe far swat- While the

areas of Ht- F M m b v f ke*p»ng the • ta i ra r i l that Kuasls

sutfaing ao maah aa tbc inde-" Chins and Koran, an.

w tfce ple*lges for thesf the iategrity of th*.. the rxar a jf*iirmiDriii

|llnI la withinclose toarfc with Kuasisa interests inlUMh-jrin.

Japan, loo, eoatiaoss to offer herprotostatioaa of a desire for peace,but nt tbe mam* time keeps strength-ening bcr land and naval forces, aadseems longing for s trial of strengthw4th Knsam,

Populsr ss tbe Angl..-Japanesetreaty waa In England it waa re-esrred wita evea (ranter acclaim inJapan. The Japanese people aocept-

" tt la a fruarantM of EnglUh armedssaiatsuce in case of war with llua-•is, but a < ncratlny of tbetreaty does not neccaaarily providethin. By its pruriaioiu tbe two na-tiona are pledged to null to prsaejiathe. maintrnance of tbc iatcglity andIndependence of th* Chinese empire;to maintain the territorial atstas quoIn the adjoining regions, and to

freedom sad for sll aatioas.

T W treaty U to hold food for flveyeara from the dste of its taking ef-fect; Is rrnrwsble. and M J W ter-minatr.1 on a years notice beinggiven by either side. During the pr-riod stipulated, sboold cither partyto the contract be involved In war ladefenae of its interests in the east,tbe other ia bound to maintain astrict neutrality, sad U> use ita ef-forts to prevent other power a from.jotninp in bostilitiea hgainst Its ally.If. la sock a rase, say other poweror powers ask* war apon tbc allyalready engaged, the/ other party ha

Its ally's assistsace sad

American grain being saotcd at UT1per quarter (eight tmshrls) and Has-•ian at H-W.

I l la thought that this revfvsl ofthe) Buacian tnsls* trad* will promto W t*mpurary onlj. and that ngood crop in America thia year, withmoderate freight rates on land andsea, will restore oar com to it* oldplace la Scotland, Tbe distilleries aseaboat thrre-foarth. of tb* corn im-ported here; and I am infui mad thattbe American pJuduet, nt tht semeprice. Is preferred to tbe Ttnaiisn. as,tbe grain bring larger, there is leanboll and a rorrcspuadingly greateryield of spirit*. BUFL'B r L t a l S U

B B M J , beet sagar fsctoiica la Dea-U 1 mark are under one manage-•BBTBJ ment, except that at Nykoping.Faleter. which hi a cooperative fac-tory; bat as K aella all Its productto tbc greater company, the beetaugsr producers of Denmark are

altcd aa far as tbe market ia eoa>iraad. T W acreage under beet root

cultiration during th* yenr waa ».-COO acres, producing 31W.0OO toaa ofhcicta. or about IS tons per acre. Tbetotal receipts, for the year were l~~.t.-69S. and the bonus to "


HEKKANYS annof pctr.-tcum ia valued mt * ; * . -mjBQ. and raprcsenU nearly

•evea per cent, of tbc world*, totaloutput. In ISM Germany importedrrflnrd pctroleuiB and aspbtha ss foi-luws:

Total XkJBtTbe world'a prod action of petro-

leum in ISMt warn climated in the

>nJass rranee, aa nn allyof Russia, should aUexup* to go toKu. .n ' . aid. Madeals of world poll-ties see la ii another link In tWchain tWt Is to bring abuat a gen-eral Earopesn roaalot la tW aear fa-

and a enrefal reading of they aad intelligewl laterpretstion

of its aaeaniag might cawily be eoa-alraed la this way. TW Unwise

profaas to see In tW treaty aaadvantage to Bosnia ia that It setsat rest tbe suspicion thai Japan hasdesigns upon tbe independence uftores. Tbe St. Petersburg lle-ruld.

iling npoa the treaty, says:

9nmu» rmalaai » . . *) I . r . .1.: I'.r u t i PVeeacl.

„._—."l Si.» ESSl i t t ) «!•«• *t«U

• » * »

ualy aboat 14 per ccsrt. of tW vslue)«f the American pfodurt. Any even*try whirh haa beea in tb* Wfatt ••'

I TW general ianpreaaioB in G e r a u jia tbat prtrolrum prices are too high.Coasumc-rs claim that tbe dSacmeryof new wefU, aarh aa thoae ia Texss,togvthpr with tbe gradasl cheapenlag of tbe cost of production, atdpalby rapad transit through pipe tin**and task ateaaera, has aot ca«M*da proportionate decrease in tW price.

L'Bqaestioasbty. tbe high price of

assisted tfce ssl* sad as* of gas.:yl. electricity, wood alcohol, r tc

The fsct that thr German coBsanp-tloa of petroleum baa not in.rra«-dainrr I9BS proves oaly too aigaiftrsBt'ty tb* prograsa by the last-aamedBabstltntes- ERNEST I . HARRIS

[AR18 ia tb* f-raler of aa inter-national tplepboae wire net; itaextreme ends are London, Haa-

ba>c. Uprlin. and (m conaectkun with

IV. .'n line la tW loagest. arltk abowtailr« of wire. TW Paria-IIsm-

mac* from Pnria t.. Turin.jy aa air line, la aboat TTi miles, andha I I r l w e n p.rta and Milan abonti«> mi'ea. Bat all tkear Unas areK-lipaMl in leagtk by tbat betweaaParia a«d Colotrne, not by tbe directHaw. bat by tmtJrert Cwnaectloa. n f u .

17 by breaks in the

HCOBDIXG to tbe statistic* re-

•otly furaubed by Lloyd sBeg-ter. tbr abipysrda of tbe worldbuilt l.«*i vmels. mrasurutg

_ "Das. With tbc execp-ion of Great Britain, t a n * Agare* doot Include teasel* of leu than 100 loos-

en, in l-.rts dwatrW to .prsk^toCotoga* la tonatcttd ria Bc-riia. Thia

'.bout way lacressf the wiraw about m naUea. making the

total about atUca- Tbe ColosjaeIBS thai this does aot im-

pair tbe dtatlnctacas of tbe

Wmp XOkMAL y»»rm. practicsllrI • tW urfanl* susm); or Indian e,,rn

• 4 9 for Scotland eonaes from tW" «d Watea. fcaea Aajjast last. I

mm, tk« k%h pair* of tkt Aaa*r- iproduct, da. to n abort crop,

haa abut It oat of tfcim market, and ,aearly all of tW cor- imparted d.r-

roverm a. ar*a aa sere la exteacj

mterjo vast Wights. ~™* M T W * . ^

f f lMr^flh. of whfch _At ao Urn* Wvu tW prtcr. of

• and American con differed

^«**aly Al f^.^ ^ ^ u , ^ ^

Tbe four IfSfMng aataoaa m sblp-bnildlog were Crest Britain, with B*»vrsscUand l.TSCTOStoas; tW I'uttedState*, with MS ressehi sad *«I,13*toas; Orraaa j . with II? vesseU sadS*4.0« toas: and Prance with 111 «aa-sete and « , « M tons.

In ISM there were both la Franc*1S3.CT4 toas. of which *£,*M tons) werewsr n u l l and M.7M tons merchantvessel*: tn lftN. IIJ.SM tows, of which««,«*• toas were war vessels aad ]« . -

•easels Bad in 1901.

•At nrat glance u •waabj appear thatthe res-alts for tbe past year were sat-isfactory, as they ladirste sa incrr.-*is tW toaaag* built both for tar as-tionsl and for Jhe a r r r h i r t marine*:

la Prsace la 1*41. ao less thaa 73 BSO-tng vessels. Bsensariatr 1S4JIW loaa.were Isanrhed. aad only I t •tcamers. ofS i a u ,o«s. la other word., tbe ton-nage of BSiltac vesaela balll in Prsaceia 1«B1 waa TO per rent, of Ibe lots)BtrrcWat oatpwt of the rrceen, »fcip-baildlag r n a n r t i .

If the 11 stnmera of sa.SM toas

Britain for tkt a - w u t of rreach own-e n W considered, tkt bsrrraae ofFrench merebsnt toaaag* wwabttkea

" U4.C*itraaria. af 1U*4 loan,

or a total of 198.111 tons, and tW pro-portion of anil - n i j i I B I I J be at


BEAL LITE ROMANCE: Conditions in the Scuth «nd the Charleston Exposition In the Public Eye Abroad


4nlUn.amU th» rWrh. TwlBly lw Mian? llowly air Uer’ Far that lltlla Mt Ii ikm anwrlblnf wn«drrfal »bmt that U* it a eloek. will rr« tell me7" “lertalmlj." aaM Ike clerk. -That la XOBDtXQ to 1 be tUiMln rt- Mil; linulrt by Uoyd’> K*r-

Page 3: Constitutionalist VOL. XXXV. PLAINFIELD. N J..Hl’RSI JAY ... · DMB*. of La Prase* aveaae. Tb* prlaclpal Tilil!' I waa U« adoption of the oMotll do away with last arseon'• tmnbts


The NewWoman'sColumn



LIKE a trumpet challeng* to oldfocylam cornea the aplendijl>!onuncton>ruto of Dr *t» "tas M o m y Butler, the

premium Of Columbia ualrerau the »ubjert of cordarattou. _ .Bailer la ouly thirty-nine years old.

tfc T ( m l d « l InIt* world, m ltbltti , a wort IT. atrbatar. • rwormer edora Oooa ity mad•a manly • *»*n mentally and phnly u eirr trod a w h a n eampoa. Andtab la wbat be any* In • Nrw Tort•rwspaprr: "Modem educational phifcMOpbj demand* that to women bernnied tbr tallest opportunity for edn-r««.»n of n « 7 kind. My own !• that It to not well fat • boj top«« op iwurUUai only with boy* andu at tit onlj bj men and that It Uequally unfortumte for a girl to grewn[i aswiriaitng 0017 with glrla andtaocht only b7 women. Booh a pro-rrdnrr- seems to me U M t m l and tnviolation of the spirit of the M t ef-fective and fundamental lnatltnUon Intb<- world—namely, the kvnan BOB* •ertJoua of the country the ed-f Him of men and women togetherand In the aame Inatltntiona la a mat-ter of courw, and «nythlng Hne wonfclbe 1 afii'1'wl as extraordinary and en-aririouj." Thla la enough to «rdJ*IW blood of Ulasi Edward Bok andBishop Doane. Already Bishop Doane

when tbe ancient and honorable Uni-tmttj of Pennsylvania that recentlycreated him an LI. D. on the *am*da; and from (be aame platform madeXgor* Itrpiiiier a doctor of literature.If L . and Mia* Edward Bok'a intrl-Ject* rarrtTe the p • • 11 — 11 f noble ut-terance of the new president of thatmnlrrnifj which U the pride of NewTsrk city and Mate, It will 0017 be be-came MOW tblatledown aeed of rlg-oruus modern thought has taken routla their uut i In spite of themselve*.

at «BI.HW.H1 be ibe 701ms. and atlll roor.-

bkwd l>e tUe old wbo bare kept theirBind* joonc!

at »tDC t.mrw If j-on alt down and whine

of.r yonr misfortune* nothing will goright with jou and atlll greater misfor-tune will coat* to you.

•t n

appointed aa school Inspector* la NewTort city, but of course none on tbeboard of education. That to a reach ofModernity that Mayor Beth Low to notequal to. Even aa preuldrnt of coedu-cational Columbia university Mr. Lowhad no modernity In hla aoul on tbe

at «Wbat are probably the two moat *nc-

«**ful p!»y« of this year were writtenby women, one "Her Lord and Mas-ter." by Martha Morion, tbe other "AOulleman of France." by HarrietFord.

at atLadle*, the very farmer* are crying

•at *saliut your monstrous cruelly Inwearing I'irila on jour hats. An intelll-trnt aerK-uIturlat from Pennaylvaaladeclare* tbe awful slaughter of domes-tic birds to gratify women's beatbeulabtaste for corpse* as ornament* has la-rreasrd a Milionfol.l tbe number ofworms and Inacvta that destroy farm-en' crops, l ie mentiona especially theincrease of tbr codling ooth in apple*.Tbr barn swallow destroys 5.«"J to!".>••> lolurioua Blea cvtrj week—thatis. It would if tber* were barn swal-b n any atore. But tbe swallow, tbeequally useful and surpassingly beauti-ful golden oriole, tbe roMn redbreastaad the little Jenny wren, likewise tbepretty snowbird of winter, bare beendecimated In numbers. They bawe b*en

a pot t 1 the I

m mTbe nnmbrr of

thrfr Uiios more than doubled In tbetalon In tbe de«ad* between 1900 and!*••«' The utrwrM Inereaae waa i m M f* « M who went Into trade, which laa cood atfiL It abowa that they are•alninc m m t * to open business forUenuHrea. not content with merelyworUns ror utber people. There aretw*we U m aa many women l» tradeas tsere VFTT ten year* a*o-

m atIt 1* aatnnlshinc the number of really

av» people wbo think a hath one* a*>•* la oft

"the, keep rea,lar h—«7" TThTr o l n j to know the (trt teller*

•t atUkm E. DMtm, an expert In mln-

tag ntattrr*." 1* a direct, r of the H.arof Erin Uold Mining eompmny of Ji, Ibourne. Australia. If Miss B o n n Is•kllirul eaouc. 1. keep fraa loainf alltaw n*oney star ha* • • mtnln« htvaal-ments. abe will pror* herself mm am-


'•t ih* urWfat tv Ireo* atv *te> Talle and nssr wiiL big rbralUe anotaV*7 *tral«Bt l-nrtlia of roA a * l - l * l a w to fee .piit.- n»»l<H far ham. i . l nbordered with trimming, anal thai* aad vvata. A draped toque .of tb* wa** draped round tb* Igure to meet a Cat irdar la th'.* style baa a aid* dra-yok* *f lac* *r | r t Very deep Uce ta pery *f yvOowlaa aTaleucaai tac* pn

tuy o u g h t up with a pant* .m*m«iThe left aMe to slightly tmtoed bybandeau and a graceful twtotof *rubMI«Bk pa*ae.a»da big chaw *r th* •ted lull* holds a fall Uourra **ar*-

I A gtuat aaaay sprta* hat* ar* haahg

1 or n very learned oed from Q u r v unlvemlty tbe decreeOf 1.1- D. beenna* ahe eatabUabed InBritish seaports clean, trspeeUbl*boardlns bovsea. with readlac andamuaru>*nt rooms f. r aallora, no thatthey mlcbi rsrape (b* tentptatloD t<)apend all their esrnlno on drink In tb»midst of desndlns surronndlamL

• at,nother woman baa obtained a pi

lot's ucensa. Sb* la Miss Caroline B.Hunter of Snow Bill, Md.. and her II

le aatborfare her to nartgayarb (• on FMwmoke rtrer and It * Iribn-

* and on Pocomoke Boand.

otBrB Ibe cwuntry over are veryglad that tbe new civil service com:aJoner at Washington. Hon. WilliamDudley Foulke. to an actlr* woi

iffngtot. he> at one time baring beenpresident of tbe American Woman :rrage association. Under Us admlnts-

kta women may be anre of fairplay In the civil servlcu.

» *tThe rnlvrrairr of Atbraa, On

now sdmlta women student*.

be an up todate state, yet even In Michigan wornen learner* only receive <n per cent asmncli wage* aa men leacbrrm.



atany w o n n are now arrrtac as rttyKbool superlntendenta IB tbe amallerrtiin. and thre* stsMo-Colorado, Wy-•mias and North Dakota—bare risent» the achievement of electing ladW* asKate •nperlntendents of public acbools.

•1 atAHce Stone BUckwell nay* that if

women could rote on municipal af-fairs city commnnltle* would have*nr milk, aa mothers would see that•Ulk littpecttaa taws were enforced oa• c u n t of tbeJr rhlklren-

•t atTbe mini;, rtnclna: word* of Presl-

dm! nutler «r Columbia In furor *f eo-edocE.i<.n cannot help bavins a K»o>t1W1O.-1K1. on tbe crude, callow andtboo^htms male Toutha of that la»tl-tatixn. Now perbppa we shall bear lessfcuo«. us., tnm t b. tn.

* «On ibe wnman pac* K i M f Bonday

P>Per I flnd tbe atupenJou* aunounc*-aaVJ

Tn 1 s t« the time of year when ev-ery rood bouaekeepcr -deanabooae." This operation whichhaa been so derided by the

comic papers may be performed In aperfectly quiet and orderly manner. Intbe Bin place ibe cleanlnc should be-

he lop of th* bouse and proceedtiy easy staar* to tbe bottont. One flooraboulil be entirely anlabed before be-

ter. In this way one partat least la habitable, and

tbe atalra are kept clean.

It la a positive cruelly for a womandrive her husband out of hi* den and

of their roomsd-urlnc t b eLouaecleanlnx


ytaken one at atime and Bnlab-pd Immediate-ly, aa that anycoarar dnst toavoided. It latbe bad man-aaw wbo allowatbe evidences ofher bonseclean-Inf to strsy allover ibe bouse.caiuinK a uni-versal npbeaval.In the mldM of« In. h It hi Im-possible to live.

T h e prop**1

way to clean a

• 11 to thorough-ly dust tbe fur-niture and pie-1 urea. ne«t movethem out of theroom. Then tbe

and ceillne ar* brushed. All the car-pets should be removed and beaten,and tbe Boors beneath ought to be

ny swept. Carpet* at best ar*I for microbes. The a*o*t hy-

gienic plan to to hare painted or hardwood Boors, with ruga, which asayeaally be taken oa th* root or la tb*yard aad beatru,

• i lar ta OBO of tbe most laaaor-tant pan* of tbe bouae to clean. Fail-ure u> do so thoroughly mean* malariaand typbotd fever All th* old regrta>le* should b* thrown away. Box**

and barreta that are not needed shouldchopped Into kindling wood. Pork

_ - • * • may b* emptied and scalded.butter tub* *CTaped and wnabed. AD

refuse In Ibe way of puncturedkettle*, dtoiuraled wnahboanls and rub-bish thrown down by tbe cook mast beriMnd away aad the Boor, wan* andcelling given a thorough sweeping.When Ibis to dose. Ibe walla and eell-lue» should have a coat of < • • • » • • ahThla assy be glrea by means of aa aidbroom and a bucket of lime.

In cleaning one important point to tobe remrmb. r-d-drire tbe dirt out of

.rum. from th* top* of tbe buok-and an ptoce* wher* It to notIf you do thta, th* pairs* which-en will keep in -mavives d*aa[ th* res* of t he yea t.


XT. atyw arebroidered, sodre esnwdlngty ornate.

Tbe pnffs in sleeve* appeal•eepln« Upward, and many Of therwest models bare only a-very short.

plain aleerr. with tbe TurkWi putfallinc to the wrist. Thla I* a charm-ing fashion for a •risttransparent or

illned aleeve. * • jnst tbe short top toid slid ran b* lined If deatred. It tobe huped the sraaon will be a warm

one, for so many transparent yoke*.and sleevps ID

models and even an unlined slip of silkwill not add much to their warmth.

A few tailor made sklrta of absrUrlength are shown, bat excepting for

itrr weur. yachting or eyctlng veryfew escape the Kround. and a skirtwhich JUM ~dlpa~ to mor* tronblesomeand uncleanly than tbe trained skirt.whlrta mnst of nectaalty be rarrtedwhen out of doors. The Amerlcuabooks are Ibe nearest approach to Ibeeffect produced by band and are ad-mirable for all but silk gowna,

Tbe Illustration shows a very atyltohblack pean de noie tailor made.

7 Ci


,a Whtak A M t*

All tb* neweat and prettiest shade*of pink and rose will be worn this sum-

, and these have appeared In fash-ionable trnnarrant. which are alwaysprophetic 'a* In I

I a!». to be worn ta II*deUrate shade*, both fur rveniag tad-

la* under toe* and mus-lin gown* for warm weather.

Th* newest trimming* are of the em-mi take tbe form of

ire quite transparent and are to b*lined with colored areopbane aad chif-fon.

Broad "flop" shapes with small, al-

ild be left to a sklllfistraw toque* ar* very dalal

have arranged double brims.Combination* of color appear laloqoes. of which a gray, lightlyblarj with pint, and a tabnc brown•itb lemon ar* excellent example*.The llluatrattou show* a coat of black

noire trUumed with bands of black-loth. Th* deep eoUar aad cuffa axe

of brown Bunaton toe*.Jt-mc CaouLBT.


Tb* la dlt»" tailor aad tb*modtot* are busy with springaad the** ar* of tb* UgfctaatStrappings ar* still In favor, but

braM and Boe *ilk CUTS arewtth doth strapping*, which ar* *than formerly, and rut or atauicloth arranged o\rr r*lv*t or silkcontrasting color to very modish.

Cutaway coats with medium boaar* shown, but tbe tailor better**It will be dlOcult to Introduc*thing to check tbe career of tb*which

on tace. both blackTbe tea gown li a f

the display at elaboraLexquisite toe-* and embroidery ar* a* smart and chic that they ar* c-rtalansed for th* most sumptuous exam- , I* be favored for springpie*. A very handoom* tea gown r*- ' A few ruBsa* are wureeuuy aelTla a trou—*u h«d a s*a- aad amart at borne* aad I k * o * ofarat /asck h*ck arranged fr-jn th* - U . . - - r a l l y Ctac* or " • £ * . . - -•boulder and the aides adorned wtth bar* chmlUe racbings or truck velvetbands of a*BU**d«j*d H-ae. Tb* gown uetaja m. la aam* caaaa. fraysd WaawaVrntlwly »' embroidered crepe de edgua, which ara really ar-tty whenchine over glace aUk. aad tb* watot tbe raaV ta full.belt was of r*|T*t. | TW tailsr •


Prettj drvaaiitf guvna that may * ••urn at tbe family b

acad* of sort wajthiua;•tff

•r ofwhich win aut•bed. Instead of silk.rm may b* asasl farbaa to be studied. Tb*

b Mill tbe empire, wtth

Tbe heai of th* gwwa aaiy aba

ice. TW ateere. ar* Inshape, the wristband* being of torchontor* aad aiso frilled with tb* aBBs* I

nd pal* b*aecolora for tbe

tea awwna. Tb* yoke aad other trimuUnga may b* of Irtah tore or coloredI IIITII ulilai j . aa yoo prefer. Both ar*equally elegant, and both wash equallyw*iL

Japaaeae dreaalng gowna; tb* great*** ~cry~ Jna* now. IfDad* entirely of Japanese embroidery.

however, they are i n expensive formy purpose*. But tbe gown Itaelf,y be mad* *f *ome pretty, pale ™i-•d csabmer* or aUk. with tbe neck.-keta and aleer* bands of Japanese

smla i will i JTb* picture abowa a child's dreaa ofiwn colored summer rasbmer* trim-

med with narrow braid. It baa a whitecollar and rest.

Jt'DI* Cl


In tbe world of millinery the change*ir* not ao great aa one might hare ex-pected. In fart, the abape* hare varied

little. II to curiooa bow womenOn faithful to Ibe wide. Battened•bape. On all aide* at present are

eto of It In while cloth draped withbeautiful lacr and tbe Inevitable dto-

d or pearl buckle. It to a very com*rortable form of toque, and nobody

• particularly plain In It. but. OUthe other band. It to not particularly

mlng. added to which II undoubt-edly agea a fac*. tt require* a piquantstyle of beauty to make tbe l-oat ahap*raally aucctaafttL

~ era to a *m*ll editlou of tbe Galna-agh style coming In which will be


targ» round ha! or toque whir** cj^ward aad project* exieastr*front to generally known as the[lading aad of f M n * tako* B>rroai the well known Parisian

This to certain 10 he on* of


I Jft X E W P A P C I of f p . i t « M *MM roBtala* a contribution BaaaV

M \ ed -Lock of Women aa Mas-era; TWy N « w Pun.- Ms*.

that to a awwptng staimteut wht-aa Br than tbr trWB,

Ilinalalnil effect to abown la tnefcedblack chiffon lined with racked whitetalle aad ptqueta of yellow and Mackcowslip*. Tbe bug* cbou of tulle to

nlna-nt, and both u f e y aad al-BTeti are almost lndlanenaible. and th*bird of paradise pnlargely uaed ta tbe

peaax.iuze round caborboua of pearis. }etstraa* are much used, but pearto

tak* tb* lead. Tags and back dra-peries i n m r on many chap—T. and

• are distinct varietl** ta shape.some being Sat and broad and much

ithed In front, other* high andraised, abowing moch of tb* front hairind an 1—lili tHmmlog of Sower*,

tall* or relret.curloua Oat tiara, which to reallymdeau. to entirely of dlanrn—is re-

act from a very old stomacher or bag*cb of a far dtotaat period. Th*

Urge renter medallion will almost r*atoa th* fmbead. but tb* aide orna-

ts. connected by triple chain* ofII dlamonda. win be charming over

tbe hair If lightly wared and puffed

Tb* pnety town hi 1mad* of black velvet ribbaa aad lac*

a foundation of accordion plaitedwhite chiffon, JCDIC Caouxr.

thta branch of th* buataaSb* aaya that her ajauaa of afpertlac to rery si mple. ak* saanj bil l i f keenly everything about Iwhen she go** out wtth pick and a'

la coaaeetiua with the discovery oftbe graat Eat Hole mine bk the Santariara mouatalas of Arlaoaa a atory tatold a» strange and romaaae that K U> action, yet It ta rta<tai*« h»true U n A. K. I

entirely aloue, tber feat aar*.ret eonataaUy they mlaaed small arti-cle* from tbeir outlta.

tost they found tbe guilty oae. anddiscovery of the thief waa tbe dtaeae-ery of th* famou* Mat Hole attar. Ouwday Mrs. Iacotoby sat tn tbe teat ataa*

sd quiet. Suddenly sb* ulnri ' i t•nething motlnc and. looklac an. saw•null rat dragging a stlT er spaoai *ut

the tent door. She stsrtad tn foltow K.drew tbe •POOD a little d

outside, then ran for Its life.gotolty got her property atag back ta bar **wuOIMMI ild aometbing unmtent Soar. Sbe picked that up. too. aad

0* piece of quarts rockof great lichafaa. tbe free g*U gUttar-

ptatn sight. Tb* tiny thief waslied th* *


Wraps for n r r u f t aadear are ebm-mlng tn whit* or pale col-

ored doth and arc In aack coat form,wtth wtd* aleerea. Soft aaUitrimmed with chiffon and too. ta th*

to date coat for evening

rat." which 1larartably Htn

place of wbat t tak** away. Th* tIBS tat had merely swapped theCor tbe gold beartag qaafta.

A graat light dawned 00 M n t

•f a .Upper, which la tarn H•outfit to drag to Its dea. Witt OBOBM

Mr. llu, l l t f *JB*u>ai, saal~ f f

who bar* don* well ta mining to. h*w-rrer, that of Miasea Mary and kVttthTracy, ataten. and both origlnaDy ale-


The New Wom&n’i Column

Women Mining Experts


Page 4: Constitutionalist VOL. XXXV. PLAINFIELD. N J..Hl’RSI JAY ... · DMB*. of La Prase* aveaae. Tb* prlaclpal Tilil!' I waa U« adoption of the oMotll do away with last arseon'• tmnbts

THE coNsnnmoNAiJsV.

The Constitutionalistt DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY

Oat af a popalatioa of, oaa baadnd a m

to t hn oldttva. Tb» ataM aa

at* pcactkal aad aa a . U Is traa tbal tboaa who k

T is ill ralae aad a*efa

The •asortaiioa aat aaoe to pay all tndetviator's noard ia a lone Uat ofemploy »d ia wood yard, or If w__•ilher at beata or la tbe rooms, heeidee families where Ulaeaa aad aae-aaal misfortune hare rendered onaaaal and grata! too* aid aaij

Will not every baae-roleal and Is• ss II II ii n i l u , and there are manjPUinield, beed this appeal, and Maa ooatribatioB large or null to tltnaaarer. Mm. Henry Lapaley, of 8Third piece, w y aooa. "He gi»twioe, who gin* qmickly ''

While UM excellence of their or

ds canard. B*r. Barry (iUchnn.Boaslla. Tbe aerrioe waa aooordiagUM form of tba Bpiacopal ebvrah.

Dnnai UM eerrteee two aeiections.Nearer My Uod, to Thee." aaaAbide With Me." wera aaat bJ "

Mi- dark.a Nellie Miller, Elm

aad ArthorK. Rnnyoo

rivaaM*. Tba floraltribataa Wvn beaattfal

After the aarrioa tba Intenaeat tookplace la aillatda oaaMtary. Tba pall





las of «b* Exemptat Km. baM laat Moadv. ta tha

la «ba Coward baild-PlainS*id ptujeut. The etaiWhich Editor Me Bride, of UM Eli P w m AMI •—!I• PolicyTHE ROCHESTER LAMP CO. , " J rSS=U^NEW TOWC -,

ARRESTS WILL FOLLOWI m pnat*d f-atlrefor tb« beaeftt

Ihjilj Praa> i i i l i n While we doMi

comic l»b»|MakaHiai of this rhtnrlrrwhich feMf« UMHdltinaal rtrni at Laagfater. MM

will M a plain TT

Collier la "Taa Dibroken all UM records o/;the MadSqaara Theatre for Hat* Weak.

I—raly regarded as beingV t W l U U I hMT IIJ Wbe theatneal war. The Ihea- I r w n to be diractad M D M M Krob-ing a are ia Berlin.

Tba iifl-m stacked were aa foliowsL. fiartabJ* vto* pram

A. MaaUawiO. Tbora;

tary, O. W. Clark; uaaaarar. E

periag; the fae* that ta "Th*" Mr Collier mm tbe greatof hia career, and ibai tba

W aaafca raaaiilag kb* « I 4 M <

If ail pablto M M were *. faia* la tbe editor of Elttabet

la regardtcy.qaeatioa. Horotofore, all

to deal with ihubare mrt wiih w

railare aad UM |ailaww of Bapar-

aw* the long aarlal by JohnTba Mary of Baraaby Lee." aad as

_ TbaBwjaafUM adTaatana- of dry ban la T

M- La4>«, D. W. Uttell. Jhart Bad K. A. Yarmiala.

ttam «V cUqae of poltttciaaa. tl la » oarafw a w of «Mtar lite aa a

peat yean end Mi.•akaaeaafbiitable

atrygradaate ttapena artistkid of a aat | aeitber state walta or

his abort, be ia UM Empire State Ei-

af Anertcaa eaenedlaaa. aad be

•ood atavmse af a baafctaa;HIM A) to. B

ber with * claretOM awMataaj km* n w t a j , ba p »

gfaat deal of apaot In tryingUM people of North Plata

aaM what terrible things tba aewiof Plaipkld

M DM graaral pabl

rattlaa a I MM at each a brtafcank gall who lore, to eol»» paaalamFUNERAL SERVICES OF SEYMOUR G.

SHITHHELO-OHDAY AfTEHKOON. h n b an roaad. Whir i la oa tk* ataar-

las(l> for rTcrr twb of dialoaar,

Tadar '—ikr. w* aaa a nnllagiith hia

lary ta amaae a froap of oaUTba I mall la pecallar aad j«s

allag to hia Htil* aadltora.Ttora u * poaaaa by Abby Baaaa.

lag him to adopt tba lastTUc - - i r i UM amat of UM off

childrenp o o bafor«

UM Cttj Jad*a. Tba Uw itaa b* tajpaaad in aash

. iri . l . uf Ko.rllr. • l l t»Sm-4Ra*

The faaaral aarvioaiOaaatrUa»aa Seyasoar O. Smithheld Maaday afITDCOB at 1 o1 dock

Tbe action ofplay ia parely local aad II

ba brlghtaeaa of lu ttaea aaCaaU of which tbe def eadaat mayaad a detlghtfml linla>ndytor April

Diploataf i. aald to ba oa UM • m n by UM •aagllii of taara K.M laaa boava oa TTarlrarai a r r-

where a laria naaibar of relatBatahbon

Tba m l > Ii aa. whkcli wara simplr.UM chmrrb choir •starm.

pect a good perforaaanoe from tbe yoong men of LealSchool at their dramatic entertainaaoat in UM Casino. Tha radar nighit aaa traihfall* be aaid. that ttrealisation waa macb saperior to IIaattoipatioa. The comedy, 'Jane*as wall aalocasd aa a strong devi•aadiam to display the hietronic abilUaaaf UM yoaag mm. The anting wi_Umly af a high claav Too maeh praisecannot be given to those who Iliad UMIwamlalaa satee with mo aiach saxThe whole affair .was aallgblfal aad

! njach cradH oa tha particl

It B. Smith, WHO labored so bardfaithfully to brlat aboat the des..™aadL He bad good material to workwitb bat wiiboe.1 c l e w coaching.

la U M W M tar avraral boar*. Tbamrat priaa i a takaa by KUs Dora»»ak aad MM booby priaaa by WU1Caatr aa* Mia> Mary Bark*.


Former Ooaacilaea W. I. Urt tt.aad Laoaard Spangeabarc, of t

': Robert Brave and Mr. MartMaw York, aad laaae 8eely.

Weetfteld. Mr. Ureaa and Mr. Bne ooaataa of UM IIII mil l


Fire Chl«f >«>» V'aklr taWarklag Kaaldaats of the Park.Ua tba rtipraawitatlOM that ba la act-

iag oo behalf of a boroagh Ore com.has baaa soliciting eab-

aenptioaa among UM residents ofaahingtoa Park.He aaka aid for an alleged fair,hlch be declares is to ha girea byM Of UM companies, la one taataaoaU aaid tbat *,'. was collected from a

ct that aeitber oompaay in North

Kma. aadvaaderllle arttate this week

at Krlths Theatre la New York areabaolale proofs that th^ pahllc appre-ciate UM eaterprier of the aUttb a w -

Never before ta UM bia-•naderUle have so asaay

Baropaaa Mara of tha tret atagaitadeapnaared apoa tbe same jrngismMii

baa arrrr seat t wo oOBMdt-af greater ntrtb-prOToking ability

• ebarmiag little May Bdoaia andfanny Fred Edwarda. They will pr*.aaat their graanat aawnaa " All in the

aad their deboi U beingberaldad with delight by UM prrsa oftbe Metropolis- Another dabat afjemeadovs Importance M that of UMfamoea Almond bury Rand B*U Blag-art. Thu troape of arrea experts hav*

r Waa Ma»rie«e *T

Englandheld UM chaaiptottsbip ofainoa 1SK, and Monday thei g gpaal of on* baadred and <ui; twobnlU will ba baard for UM ftrat timeia AnMnoa. Baaldaa (he t-entt beatacU obtainable in America, UM fol-lowtag Karopaaaa will appaar a«n

a fair, aad that ao aort of entermem •• coateatptated ia Um imtiase ratare. Cbiaf St»M. of UM

re depart mrn t. « j . t hat the oallactoracting withoat aatbority

Adele Pnrglobe brillowbriat

doable Jaggliag specialisis. aad oar owe uraamlla Flo

and Walter Ua* ley. will ap-

Mn. SliaabethFiretbrook, of Waal Kllth street, aad

. of Eas. Tkdwwera qaietly marrtad Baaoay afternaa. Tha i i w a a j aook paaaa at •VLock. aad oaly tba


MA and lira BywM

Thud street Mr Bjieleetrielal aagiain by tmda.aoted in that onpacdtr for aaarJy aqaarter of a centary at Minertre, la Vew York.


ihos* who have UM KrithI'I atop Uagbta* N«

agalaat UM impoaitioa.


pear tohabit andtill II p. i

Tbe Aagnatm Daly Maataal CcasedyCompany will begiaj it. thinl eagage'

" a4 Dalj'a Theatre ia Haw TortMonday aveaiag. when tt wlU makpa brief apttag taa. Thia piece la oaeof UM beat aad nmoat eenartaialag aeeain New York darlag the pant three

Wb.tThl. n t r WW RecelT, . , Ii.***** af Fraarbls* Tas.

City Collector Frank H. Smith hasraemvad froai the State Board of As

waa atataaaeat aa to PUiaOeld'sahare of the fraaehJae tax. 1* la ap-port .oned aa follow.: El i sabethPminfleld aaa Central Jarayy StreetRailway Company. U.SKJO: Plainaeid Oas aad Ktaotrte Light Coatpaay. fl.«t4.M: Poatat Telegraph aadCable Cotapaay. 18 oaam; Raw Yorkaad New Jeaaey TMephone Ooeipaa:

tba U<aad tba hoard laauaatad htm to haveTnaat Ole ir McCarthy lafTtaw

Is UM araasoftba children ooatlamiag•kraaU dnnng school boars, artiataare to follow.

Mr. Abbott aad Mr. Loral]IUTS of UM Board of

School *rf—— Twoappointedaad Mayor Jeakins complete theffaalaatloa.

Oa motion of MJ

collected for the month of March ofSI.MA97 which had been deposited toUM credit of UM board. The mnllral

«d "»'-'-gNipU. AoeordlBg to tbe reportCustodian W. F. Arnold tba reoeipta

i were •t.SU.M and tba• > . ! » • , leaving, bai

will—*» Hotel ay ^ a i a ,"eillys orcbeatra wlU taraiab th*

Tha faaaral aatiloaaaf MB. ManhaStelW, wu . af Ftmana BlaUa aad

of Mia. A I>

merly of PUinSeld bat who bar* baaaU i g in Bcbaaactady, N. T.. for UMP*at year. ba*e takea ap UMIT icatl u i ia Fort Way be. lad., Mr. Millar

lDif ata.itpaad a laeratiT» f o a J aUM offic* of UM Fort Wayne Elec-

tric Coatpaay. Mra Millar waa

Laraw, aa aipluju at UMPood Macblao Tool Work., hi de-nned from won owing to a palafalocidMit which occurred farhtle he waa carryiag a ladle of

Rome, of UM hot atnff

• vtamau «. nowca


For Over 50 YearsSootUnf


ommiaaioDer of Doada,»»o«rT. Kotaxy PoDttc.

f Pack arcaneA. *OLFF.

CIGARS. Woolston & Buckle,


at 1 JO O clock (roto the late home alMUlingtoa. B*T. Mr Otbb,Park Uetf c\mh WUI Oa%a It*Daly's for amcal month*,

"»* broken by UM onaala> of Daaielofficiated UMraeu took pUo» ia theoeaaetery ad»iaiag the BapOat cbnrahU UM early apriag

Daly'a aatnry •» ail UMatrlealpiayrd to u laiwe atteadaaoaa aabefore its raa waa tba mrat•f row

awattaaj; of tfar oflaaaatiato* tba board of Tmli i

lamed to a UMatn aad divw a* laaajopaa tba ooana for play Sataadlaacaa aa it did dartag its origlaal

GRABBED EDDIE'S HOSE.weekly competitions fa*t a a ll at that

i-a. There will atan be a cap for

and telegraph aad telephone liaaa"flaa Toy " la a wry dallchtfal aad

•7 Mr. lafliijiaaal thai oalaapatrad health ba(taia from all wort tor some Um* aad

woald ban to wttbdraw fraaa

fancifallr bamoroaa side of Cblaaaslife aad

The atory u told ta aa »J—-rr ea-•atn.

with mwT featarra. the lyric ofwhich are rery bright aad i-atchyUM aira woaderfallycompany of 100 people appear in

Sa»an B*y aatd Da*."ban waa a lively

a.twsaa Eddie Joaa*. tb*•aar-old aoa of Pater Joaaa, af ISO

aad E. H. l

report Umt Unwe>«r

from **3 to Mf peiDartag UM for* part of UM

fwardwelling* at high rentals. aa pailiag -Taddia'

objected aerioaatytail aad thela a apirit of

. A p n i as, atat Saint Michael

Lowe. UM aoa af Mr aad Mrs.K. Lowe, of Park•wapa

•boms aiakiat ap atIT* muusl orgaaiaatloa.

of UM Pint Baatiat ebaRk•aaday afbrracaa after Saaday-

hea walk lor th*

widelySew Tort fsvwMa. maaa tba part ofD Oeorge K. Fonaaqae slag*Taa How. tbeMadiag naaaar raw «f U a> alajad

Oeit ofof UM Saw York

Hepbara. tb* d n o i K . • t-to a s to UaUforaia. expects to

m. a. BXEIJ. p. H.

fhe Constitutionalist

Lehigh Valley Railraad.

ArriT«l aa4 Dtpanart M Malta

“< <■■■—, AM* Par .<• Oan. raralTlaa HoWMUnkW: irn ''IT**' ***“* Inrla. *04 Vallar Bawl*?. will For Onr 60 Ytars

Woolston & Buckle, PAINTERS.



Page 5: Constitutionalist VOL. XXXV. PLAINFIELD. N J..Hl’RSI JAY ... · DMB*. of La Prase* aveaae. Tb* prlaclpal Tilil!' I waa U« adoption of the oMotll do away with last arseon'• tmnbts


nunLocal BfttwbaJJ Se«aon Op«n*d

Saturday Afternoon onPHU*


V. It. C. A. Tf«» Won bj ft^er* ef21 te IK r i . l .Br ld High S f k x

ii.,}. i-ut »> • <:re4MaMeO«Brkt'iiikoal l ir t i l W*rk bygf f cmi ik i f i—Tbe lf«r<.

That baseball la going to be a pop-slar game »»*• ••MB" •»* demonrtrMrd *•• ">* •*•• nad lalfhailaaaa Mthe crowd, which v l lMMd tb« fin*nal i w M of UMY M T. A. aad P l l l l J i l l Hl«hSchool B U M oa Pints' Fleta.

canoe «in by a email maiwja Thewon « M 31 10 in. bet aotwitbtag lbs fact thai they * U * defeatedU» Huh School lads bad op-ponent* on tb* anxioas beach an tillbs game ended.

As a mlf tb« »i an in* teaposed of players older andpertraced in UM gsm«, and this ao-M i i x t somewhat for DM BMI resalL• Ptaianeld High School started off la•mod shape and MM aatU tba foarth

. did t rival T h ap Iit* store. After tbat tba T. H.A kept tbe lead, although the schoolbeys look a decided brae* la tbeeixblh inning and thraattned tbetaarela wlurh had alasoat bean conc*4n.' Mi their oppoaenta.

(ieorge Schoonmafcer at third base,aad at the bat did brUUaat work fortbe vlctorioaa Warn. Hiain the foarth inning, which broaghltwo other mea In. waa the faalare oftb» coolest. Hia brother. BalpbSchooamaker. who waa at abort atop,also kept ap ibe family record in tbe

Another good player oa tba T. K.C A team WM Alfred Egan. whowss oat in nglu field. He drove aUaer for three base* la tbe fourth,which proved to be tba great battinginning for tbe winning *~TT— BOS-ifrti. on first baas, larasd bis rightio bold that poa.tioo for tbe season.

Aa for tbe ITainfleld |High Soboolhoys, they showed a lack of practicebat it was evident thai tber* laante-rial in the Mam, which willprove a formidable qaanUty aa tbasnuoa advaaom, la tbe second aadeighth inning, they get a battingstnak which qait« amrpriaad tbebleachers.

Manager Cose, of tbe Hope chapel

maud to «»tch the game and tt waaimpossible for him to prevent themcheering for the school boys. Tbarooting ft»Te much enooar*c«meBt tothe tosuig team and they tallied whileit lasted.

The team had a good player la tbaperson of tocag Craig, who was at•bort atop. He connected with tbaball m a y time be waa at the has andhsaled ki whatever oame hla war latbe field. Monroe, who held dowathird baa*, atarted la tba eaaana weUaad did alao Van An ken and Moyni-hsn. Captain YaaAakea made tbeonly two baae hit for his team and re-ceiv«d the plaadita of tbe HighSchool yoang WOBML

Tbe battiag order aad n m r n v j waaaa follows:

V M. C A.AH «. H. PO. A- U-



la« la l a w B*a4j.

will h. taaaIts old qaarter* ia tbe Babcoelt

batMing Saturday nigh.

* mas baaa pasted forward vigory withia tbe past weak and wkamonVa la npsasd aext 3aoday •

iaa; oaa will soavoaly be able totbat tbere waa a tre ta tbat pan oftbe balldlag A aaw ostUaa; baa baaa

MiMe a new Km willmaa aa tbe aaw walls i

wiling ia saftcieatly dry this will bepainted.

Postmaster Bird baa bean • a l i a srvry effort Io ami bask to tba oU

quarters at the earliest possible data.tin present puee evervibing

It thoaldaa aafe ia m*oj taapacta wTba -'—gj will a* a«

*»T night after hoar*, anIU b» —rtirfiriam la

tioo of tba oo>« or tba mai


Btoaet r«aailg»laaiai <imett Took

the Maror aa4 City Commaa Oaaarillaapeet lb» aow aewace diepoaa)

worka Sacardav afternoon and to adinner al tbe Ketwington. All we-.

it exoept Major Jrnkin* aadOoaneilBMw. KeUiek, P » y aad Daatf-t.

Tba ofMtacttm of tbe wnrks waa ri-hibiaed to tbe viatton. and they am.

prograaa made, aad with theant of lmperitie* removed by tbe

tttant so -oon affr ita r^niplMThe groonds e n being leveled off aad

• shrabhsTv i> being traa*pUat*d

Tba oompaaiT aleo visited the I»do»total HOOK, twin* abows over tbabaildiug* by Saperlnaadeait TeaEyckaad OTeraeer Avera. Refreabmeata

, afterward asrved br Kra. Tea-

w/aaea aa Hat* Otaeee.had Ptomaob tronbie all

Ufa," aava Kdv. Mahler, p pof tba Ualaa BoHltag Vorka. Site.

, "aad tried all kinda of to —vwal dwulora and apaat eon-

•ideimble m i l ay trring to flat a mo-p FlBall-r I taad of Kodol

Drape paia Core aad bava baaa taklaajt to BIT in* *t aaHafartlon- I aeveiroaad ita equal for stomach troable

dly nonaamaad tt in hope thathelp other •afferent. "' Kodol

Oare caree all M w w hToa doa'l bava to dial

[ndot Pyapapaia Oara iligiata wbaa•on eat. U W. RaadolTih.


Tot-I ta »114.7y.M. Freaoh

received from tba State Board ofof apportion-

ment of traaetiiam, It gives tbe bar-•hare of onrpniBtion taxes la

which tbe oaaoera U plying Ita bwm-MS interests la tbe boroag h Tbe•tal amoaat la #414. TaTbe PlelaJUld Watar Bapply Obm-tay ia not tacladed la the Uat, laaa-laoh at the oarporattoa holds a MaM

charter, wilboat a local fraachtae.rhe v*Ho*a corporate bod lea amassed

and tba aaaoaam to be raoeived bytbe boroagh aa Ita abafw are: aUaa-beth. Pmlaaeld aad Central Hew Jer-sey Street Railway Company, 974.11;Plelaaeld Gas aad Xtaotrie Light

Hew York aadHew Jeraty Tetapbaas Onmnany.

__ at .hi* placedoslBs Ealdosbse and Hiss AnnieVetmatia, both prominent yoong peo-ple bare, were asarried in Si. John's

L a cbmrch by Rev. Father Kert.Ir Kaldoabea ia tbe son of M R[*lea Knldosbea end Mis* V f t o m u

Him Yermaxia waa attended byMiaa Annie Martin, of PUinOeld, aad_ _ »ivea away by bar «acla. MiofaaalHoravy. o« Perth A-boy. "

Joseph Koldoabea andEdward Limepcter.

After tba oareaaoay a wedding(lvea at tbe hoaae of

bridegToom aad tbea tbe yoongp p l e left for a wedding trip throoKli•vangytvaaia. Optm their retorn theynil take their 1—ill sari in town.The ceremony waa attended bv a

_*te aamber from rVnli Ambov,tew York aad PUinficld

Him Edith Oairaa, aa aapenatamdot of the intermedia** departmeat of

Pint Baptist church Bandar-aobool. baa neoasidared her irsigna-tion and wUl e iaaeia her position.

CatAn order for tbe summer uniform.

for tbe member* of tbe police departmeat will be placed soon, so tbat tbeclothes will be oa band when natd-d.

W Ul M M « Wm-T. J. Carey has removed from Sew

York to this city. Be will opaa aa

^paired by tbe trolley eompaay. TbeesctTatioa was close to tbe trolleytart « and it waa clearly ap to th<-company to repair the daatage.

CASTOR IAFor Im&iU u t Ckilawm.

Tta t M YN HITI JUnp Imhl


Moat of |t he a t a b w i af tba Bar-oegh Board of Kdaoatioaa hard Bght to i t w i a t tl

g sabmittad to tbe voters- AlmostT a m in its employ la belag asBI

licting THaalans to pn a ted slips re-mng tba Oaisranr not to alga tba

bills, la adwltfrna to thai, maa anlag paid by m a t mm to obtaia aaeb

ataiaa. Maah ladignatioa la eiprtsss* la tbe boroagb at tba mathnaabeing need by opponents of the •

baa taken aa activeUoa to tba halm. Iing why tba anilafraid to aabmit Iba oasatim.people aad be isplisd,retools weald have jam M m ac h rt«- h t

• asaltby property o*aad ww fas* they waald baat aa."

I tbat - i m l i n i of tbaBoard of Baavmttoa a na oall for a mull as.

sw sabiwltiiiasa. for fear

for I*m Thia'providsa for ageneral fand of »W,saO, azelwslre of

for tigbta. BIT, poor,4 library.


BekeuMl* <i«lag WeU tor K«a-

Aa PlalaAald has not had comicopaaa la a dnasa yean or a m i , "'Pa-ttaaee" will, no doaibt, be a tare

lovers of light opera. Mr.Bead (Oolaael) aad Mr. Holmes Ban

mate parte at O m -ford la April, law. Moat of the MOO-

as at* well-known nogen. Mrm.•sjd. Mrs. Uiddea aad Mr. Saxish

being msmbera of tbe Firat BaptistMir; Mlmn Taliamj aad Pope beingmmban of Graoe obmrcb cbolr.Tba opera baa baaa ia rahaaraal

since J u u r j t and promlaes en beAlready iiekets. hare

residoBU of WeetBeld and

!•!•) far Claea .Mgat.Tbe aeaJor clew of the North Pla>a-

field High Sebool prmataaa to give apmy oa Ita "alma bight." SereraJ

hare been mentioned aad tt laikely that tbe -School for Seaadal"

til be selected Miaa Graoe E. Over-ton will act aa coach. A meettaa; ofIbe d m will be bald Friday aad at

ime a play will be eboaam.

Cast.aa made, la tba

Hia ITHnUiaHij. tbe Qov-wbteh Is so b« givea by localtalem at tb* Oaalao later ia

aaa. Mam Mary AadataaaBeiabart will be aaabla to take tbepan of "Bkbal" aad Miaa Edith Uhut, who baa appeared with ataeh

Don'i aaatoct MHonanam and eoa-ipalion. Tear health will a l ntrmaaently if yoa do. DaVltt's Ut-

le E*rlj Klsen. n m each cases. M.L Smith, Ba«era«t. Miab.. says:Da Witt's Little Early Risers a n tbe

r grips a

Tbeomoers of tbe First Natieaa.Bank have adopted aa eaeeUeat schemerrfardiag |MHmt—T> aotes. Hereto-

aboal them, bat now Iba1 notice to tbe • • • • • af

plenty of light, aad a taw aaa ass,w af feba nbambaj i« tbe p«fas>

pfmmrUaa. Tbe sltthtestiba beard dla-

m room. W.OOO11.000; dog t&z. *LThere Is vary I i ule -*— n frasa L

yaar. The Board Of Health gets 9a little extra aa eaeeaat af waarpidemic Tba > i c a a t ffor ;tba

nUoa la »!«,«», which la $1flo o wsat year. Tbe grand total to be raised

"MM, bat .bora la a credit of tiR,100 from ftnee, Moisjsai, pnU aad dog

the W*.3S0 The aatoanis foracy, tit an aad eaty school lax willlaaabad m*er. It is balls lad that

be tax rate for lhaismlmi year willLsa l i U M v K S t t The ardi-

rwsdiBgs aad iMibwSil advertised.•dar tbs bead af m

Mr. Tottes latroaaaad thrve ardi-

Foarth aad WaM Beveath streets.The property-owners- share ia tttftMand will have to be paid before work

started. Tba other street to belUarty treated is Hobart aveaas,iwiaa Waat Sftvaath aad West

Eighth atieata. Tbe pttipei tJ -owat ra*tre being amo. Vest Sixth tree*,iweea Oiaat aad Monroe aveaaea,

aad Jankaoa avaaaa wen- both acmill—1. having been laid oat aad

Mr. MalUek reported hack a petitioaaf W. R. Doaglau asking tbat a dog

be remitted, and mored that tbe1 be not granted. Ha tbaa OsTeied

a rtisolation Hung tbe dog Mx for tba

ng year. A aaeolaUon transfsrT-tag ai.flOO from the asaasal faad tatba «ra fand aad *»o from tba gen

rai fwd la tbe poor faad wasoffe red by Mi. Mall ic k aad adopted.

ion appropriating a earn aat sa ex-ceed 1100 aad providing that CityClerk MaeMarray aad Mr Wtaa dohis work-Mr Tolles offend a resalatiea that* bid of A. L • X. B. HaalWy forvebed ataaa and tbat of Andrew

aad tromwiki.

«ae. tbaa (ivtac bit- time to arrange

Way Talta Aay CM

at r Lee ataeed thai aa snaae chaagaaa n to be made la tbe plane of a baild-u i M W araeMd by J - H- Man*. M•be earaer of Feartb street aad Cea-

ler referred bank to ibe ftre nsmmlt-tm, which waa daaa. Mi U e alaos s i m l w l a fail reaart of tbe raaeat

•ASMrpatiBaa af Pother* far two slaetoM lights, mm atthe corner of Me K isiey place aad East

tbe other oa Jack

r TolUs oaTer*. a reaolartea tbatBoard e* Freeaeidars be reqasated

to IBBMI aajtabla bridase ovar Cedar

aveaai. aad tbat tba lenaa* afOaaaeil be uaamaitaed to tba beMr. Mellank lalilj ap tbe ordia

meat bonds aad 11 was adoptedthird readlag Aooardu* Haaaat. PrasJaaal OatMl] appoiated

MelUek as

They willwith two member* HIM by tbaBaaraaf


M. Bajit and otban for a are alarmH K u Wast flsisaih sOwM aad Moa-roe . T M W ; protest aaalaat tfea pay

Dt of s dog (ax by W. H. A spinII; rsqasst of O. Dirmsaei amd

otban for a patrol maa la tba gatheri district ta tbe day-time

of Howard Baa yon aad.otbefa for two• n bydraam, oaa

kydnmta la tba vtataity 9t Front

Kietrpaay asarlag for tbe rscara of tbe bal-

of tbe 5 per Mm bald by the

Tha rssigasMmi ef John Watson as

tmg of (waive halloing permit*daring tbe past moth.

Oily Jadge W. H. Kanyoo sab-atittad bit rafalar report showing

llSleaase wan brought befonhim afaaaa mat report, of wl

iwt wen *aed aadwas received f l » m laea and 140.06expsadad. The balance, tlOHM waataraad over to tba city ti

Baton tbe oonclasioalag Mr. Meliiek moved tbat wbaa theCoancU adjoara It be to ateet Mondayevening, April »* Tba Connciledjoairned.

raaer bjr Mrs. I. 1*. Miller.Tba regalar monthly inanllna. of tbaomaa-s Foreign Miadoaary Society

of tbe Cnaeeat Avaaae cbanh wille held Friday. April 11, at J JO p. m.,• tbe parlors of tbe cfaarcb. Mrs.B M L- Miller will have a paper oaMedical Work hi Mtaalna Ptalila "

Oalac ta Celebrate.A reception wi II be bald at Hope

chapel on the evening of May i:,.

celebration oa freciag tbe charcbfrom debt. A mortgags of (1.000which has bean aartstjetl of record willbe pabliely beraed at this tlaae.

pThe sdjos rned avMtiag of tbe Bor ->gh Onaaoll. "ill i l ' " for Friday

avaaiag, will ba*a att—aln far ooaeldesacioiare tbe sewage aad I

aUpatw from Hew York willbe present to detail rally tba planswbar*by tba boroagh, it la nlalan'will be able

The Eesser offering at 8C Mary-.

HTPANSDoctors find

A GoodPrescription

for mankind




ARE NOW CURABI £by our new invention. Only l i n r bora dof arc li r m l h




TmensPlumbersGas Fitters,

nan! brick* form« «*u> be found here _ wtarn. Bring jour Oa«n •IIIBa. To. 6e.t IDKH. tl»

a n b k , u l w wort




Savings Institution,Of niiitkJd, I . J.,

— ^ — — r — -T

. W. Boczra.Luw, Tlca-rJ. a POM. Tiaaaafer.

Maaey depodted oa or baton J•yteatn wftllraw lataraat froaa


ivery & Boarding Stables

Sanitary PlumbingBrick MMl PortAMc Faraaca

Oas F Ittia c. Tla Baadmig,

ittave In every B H rvastaaj tawTinsiaraa at all UmM u d T n

1b. W. LITTELL,• a ui Souk AT... rm.nin. a. 1.


Wm. A. rVocd.uff,Plreand Ufr


cmr Fnat St a* hit 1'rtmlmt^i-M.J.


B IPANS i5uwi£s

Doctors find

A Good

for mankind



LOCAL coaic OfOM.

Sanitary Plumbing


Umbers Gas Fitters.




Savings Institution, Of rUiifieU. L J,

Wm. A. Wocd.aff,



Livery & Boarding Stables Foum-rn mr„

Page 6: Constitutionalist VOL. XXXV. PLAINFIELD. N J..Hl’RSI JAY ... · DMB*. of La Prase* aveaae. Tb* prlaclpal Tilil!' I waa U« adoption of the oMotll do away with last arseon'• tmnbts


HtmLocal B«#»ball B«uoa Opened

Saturday Afternoon on



T.M-C. A T — Wo. b , • * . „XI t . ll> P

11.., . Pel I > • CTkroaikoil «<rMt Wtrk byu.bsaamataii Tha l n « n

Thai bamball is going to bt a aop-B|ar M"» thi»

i li aa possible » m soar wUl bee»d a* anon as tbe new walls aad

cetliag U - l ^ , ™ . ! . dry ibH - i l l b»

.MIM w u by a —11 marginaeon « M SI to lh. bat ae*wtlhataaaV1BCiiw fact thai they w a n <tb> High School lads bad their oo-

on the aaxlooe beach u t U

i » rale tbe winning teampawdof player* older sad

" Is tbe n w , a*

• Haiaft«ld High School started oeT iscood tfaapc aad MM ma til tha f oartfalaaiag did Ihe rival Man catch ap iatba HOra. Attar that the Y. M. C.A krpt tb* I«a4, altboagb the schoolboTi look a dec ided brace in theMgatn Inning aad threatened theawfda which had almost been coaj-com*! M their opponents.

<ieorge Sc boon mat er at third haw*sd at the bat did brilliant work forthe victorious tram His In •mi m ,ia the foartb inning, which broughttwo other a n 1B. WM DM feature of

Ralpht atop,

alto kept op the family record in the

Another good player natbc T. I tC. A. M u was Alfred Ecu , whowaa onl in right field, t b drove aliaerlor three baeee ia tbe fourth,which proved to b* tba great battinglaaiag for tbe winning I T at Boe-urti. oa firat base, earned hit rightto bold that position for the nason

AJ for tha lTainflfld [High Boboolboy*, they »bowed > lack Of practicebat it waa evident that than ismaterial in tbe Irani which willprore a formidable quantity aa tbaaraain advances. In the aecond aadeighth inninga they got a hattiagttrtak which qaite sorprised tbe

r Coje, of tbe Hope chapeluaai, had hi. youngsters on tbagnmnd lo watch tbe garoe and it waaimpoHible for him to prevent tbamcheering for tha aehool bora. Tbarooting gave much iiimimrati mil l tothe losutg team and they rallied whileit laated.

Tto warn had a good player ia tbaptnOB of yonng Crate, *»*> was * •abort uop. He connected with tbaball every time be waa at tba bat aadbailed in whatever came hia way Intbe field. Monroe, who bald dowsthird taw, started ia tba aaaaon walland did also VanAaken and Moval-haa. Captain VajiAnken mad* tbeoaly two baas hit for his taam and re-relTtd the plandiu of tba HighSchool yomag woajen.

Tbe hait is* order aad aammary wasa* loUowa •



— . -IgbtTba work of repairing, the „

oOoe baa bean pasted forward rigor-oasly wtthia the paat waak aas) whantbsoftoa U opeaed next Sender morn

realy be able to tei. 8"> la that part OL

th* baildiag A aew f i l ing baa beea



• ta adiaaer at tbe K waning! oa. All wvrepraoaat exeept Mayor Jtakia* aadOnaarilmra Melltek. Prav aad D u i f 1.

Tba operation of the wort * was «a>hlbited to th* ri«itnr>, and they «x-

ed themsilves ae pi east d withUtoarem made, aad with tbeat of Imparttite n m m d by tba

Tb* a-roande a»* betas- lm-l«l off and•hnhbMT ia tviiK rraaeplantMl

to make the place aa attracttv* m

Tbe oompaar aleo vielart tb* lodaa-trial Horn*. betas shown over the

igs by 8aperineadeat TratEyckteraser A yen. Hefr*ehmmle

ware afterward served by Mrs, Ten-Kyok. _ _ _ _

Baroafh Aanaanr Daaoa M. Fiaaulbaa n w i f a l from tba Haw Board of

tba i •ntlialaa of apportion,of luiiililaw | | (lv«a the bor

oath's sbwa of ooraorattoa, taxe« inwhich tba ooaoara ta ptytasj tta baat-aaa liilmsM ia tha boron*-h Tbattal aaaoaat is U H 7aTbe Plainfiald Water Sapplj Ooaa-

U T la M laelaaad ia tba Us*, laamvinch aa the IT—-ail-rrr M' l i a nil I.

charter, wilboat a loaal fraaeniam.varioas omporata bodtaa aaaaaaadtba U D O U U to ha rao*reo« by

tbe boroacn as ita abara are: sUlam-Flaiaftald and Central New Jer-

—j Street Railway Oaaapany, *:*.«<[ •PUiafleld Oas aad Klectrtc LightOoaapaay. aja».9l; New York aad

bad stomach troabta all my• a n Kdw. Mahler, proprietor

of thaUafcea BOKIIBK Work*. F.ri*.•and tried all kinds of remedies,

a-wit to several doctors aad ipeat coo-•Me moo*T trrlnt to get a sso-:'• peace. Kinalli- \ read of Kodol

Dyspepsia Oare aad have beea taktasjt to my grwM nat i«f art i<vi 1 aever

found its eqaal for showerh traableand gladly raoomiaaatd it in hope that

a i r help other aaffema." KodolDvrr-psia Care caw* all Momaoh

ibtea. Ton don't have ta diet.Kodol Pjepenela Oare digBats what

««t. L. W. BandaJnh.

ru«xun WIDOWS.

,an pine* mm* TOBO-dostu Kaldosbes and Miaa Annie\>imu*ia. both prominent yoaag peo-ple bare, were married in Bt John'*•L a cfanrch by Bev. Father Kerr.

Mr. Kaldoabea ia the BOB of Mrs.Helen Kuldcabes aad Miss Vermasia

Hlas Vrtini iu w>a atModed byMlaa Annie Martin, of Plainfteld, and

given away by be* node. MichaelHomey, of Perth Amber. GoorgwKaldoabea was bast man and tbeMban wan Joseph Kaldoabea andEdward Limopeter.

jereaBooy a weddinggiven at tbe hoaae of

tba bridegroom aad t b n the yuan*people left for a wedding trip IhroaghPwuisylraDia. Upon tbetr ratan theywill take their rasidaaee ia town.

Tbe ceremony was attended hv atart* aamber from Penh Amboy,

York aad P t o f a l d .

WUI Bsaaala.m Edith Cairn*, aa aoperuiwad'

rot of tbe intermediate department OfFirat Baptist cbarch Saaday-

snbooL baa reoomaidared brr iOB aad wiU coatia— la her

Sass ier Ualfaw ma.An order for tba nmrorr aalforms

for tba mamban of tbe poltea departmant will be placed soon, so that tbedotbes will be oa hand when aeedad.

WIU Laaate Mare.T. J. Carey has removed from Sew

York to this rity. He will

by Tralley C*A daagcrou hole in tbe middle of

*' •• --i.ii.sT at tbe comer of Ea*i*">tth and Richmond streets has been^paired by tbe trolley company. Tbeexeavacioa waa doe* to tbe trolleyt" ' * and it was clearly ap to thecompany to repair tbe imissje.

CASTOR IAi«iitiuiiiaiujs

I N UN YN Km JUrm Bmit



Moetoffch* a t a b t n of the Bor»fh Board of Education are maklsa

a hard Bght to Bt***at the qaisrloa•xattoa aad ooaoaHdatlaa fromibcnitw-d to tbe vote**. Alssssl

•vary saaa la Its •mpsoy II hsbas;aboat oa a boase to house rejaiai

g atfararei lo printed wipe re-Ing tha Govei

bills. In ulitltlna wi ihln.msa arsestag paid by aome on* to obtaia eachatgnaiaraa. Mach taiHgasrttm hi «

in the borough at the method.

badget for th* ooaaiag year Tarnreported by Mr. MolUek, who offeredaa imiaaam of the - mi

l Car ISO*. t a a > i r l l i l forgeneral faad of MB.sW. exelaalv* of


tenor" will, s o done*, be a rare. so lovers of light opera. Mr.

Reed (Ooieael) and Mr.Holmes i B u -ae)*saag tbaee same parts at Crea-

ted ia April, IBM, Moat of tbe aolo-ata are well-known aingrn. Mr*.

Ward, afra Uiddaa and Mr. Smithislag mmubaia at the First Baptistibmr: Mesara,TaUamy and Pops being

membera of Grace church ebon

The opera baa been in rehearsalaiaee January S and promises to bevary •« —fa I Already tickets have

sold to neideata of W»otaeld aadOranford.

Play ffer Claea Might.Tbe soaior elsm of tbe North Pla>n-

Kald High School promisee ta give aplay on IU "claea night" Severaldramas have beea mentioned and it lalikely that tbe "School for Scandal"will be ealeceed. Miss Oraee K. Ovar-

will as* sa ooaeh. A meering oftbe d m will be held Friday and at

Lme a play wUl hs

Caaan la Cast.5 Oaa ntsagi baa beea made ta I n

• Hia •loallamrf. tba Oov-rhich U to be Rivon by local

At Tin t M M ttoc of Common

Council in Its H« w Quartan

in tha amtoOar Building. '

LOTS OF VXW BU8IMK88 by W.waU; nqsasl o* Q.others for a patriJaiaja bm the Matbar-

the day-tiaie ; raqai•f Howard Haayoo and other* far t

I at Hah w i ; road and

••,300; poor.; library aad raaa-ag room, U.OOO:

•tl.ODO; dO« M , fa.

Tbata M very 11 ule ebaaMja from, lastmr. Tbe Board erf Has] th gees W,

000, a Utue axtn OK aoooant of smallItorltha

poUee U »1«,«B, which U »100 overlast year. Tbe grand total to be ratedis 1*8,1180, bat then U» credit of $18,•30 from flaas. Ifussjsjrir_ prdl and dog

aaUroaC aam • to amk*a aanrasa she abort>

and tbe •**.8i». The amoante fortax will

be raanhad later. It to believed thattba tax rate for t be warning year willbe a m . it is BOW »tao. Tbe ordi-

taoe waaadopaatoa arm and stooadladings aad ordered advenia-d.Uadar the head of new ToOas iatrodasad three ordiknees providing (or ihe permananl

vpair and tbe af r fftaftra of certainilaed


aad wil l bava ta be paid before wortstarted. The other street to btillarty treati i ia Bobart aveaoe.

Eighth streets. Tbe probityabare beinc »*& Wr«' Suth Street,between Uraau aad Monroe avvaaes,aad Jaokaoa araaae were both ac-in|HiJ. having beea Uid oat and

Mr. Mellick reported back a p*mioaof W H Doaglawtax be usit lai il. aad moved that tbe

be not treated He then offeredtatioa ialas; tbe aog

at a* per aas; Another rasolaticor/ tbe s a w mi • bar ptortaad thai

that $li.o*«> wo%U bemulid for lightlaaj the streets lor tbe

ing year A reaoJnnoo tr«aef»rr-W.aoo from UN general food to

the « n raad asm •BOO from tha genaral fasd a> the poor faad wasoffend by Mr. Malltek aad aiopts*.

• oAoers of the PlniaBeld Pablicibrary sad BsaiWac Boom Aaaocia

Uoa asking- that tbe appropriation for91,000, TbiaMr. MaUaek

l*mbeing printed

and r*ed very oan-fsllyha offered reeola-a aam as* w n -

•toa'aad providing that CityClerk MacMarrar aad Mr Wea« da

fore pereoas g«»ing saeh notestimes forgot aboat them, bat acbank iaeuesa aoUee to the maker of]

be b.d <rf A- 1 * N B Sawlley for

being the lowoft, be aeorptad

•a* ia the amas of a bu ild-eeaeaed by J. H- Maate atat Femrth street aad Oa»-

P B Ooodfellowfor two ehwnte IIJSSJS. one ater of McKtaley f lan and lastatrvwt aad tbe otbrr on J

be ptana* as the oast eaasarMcKialer place and Eaat I M

mat and the OoaaoU oaaenrred

of aba Board ofThar wtn a

i th two member* appoiated by theBoard of Baaoattoa aad the May or

The other aatUtaaa reaatvo* aad ra-

i the itripiMl term of theB. Matan: reqasal from

I and others far a are alarm

kiywaa Ttihaaj raad;art increasing ' the pay of lbs

Board of II I from Ethan Lamv ; rtna. i i from tbe Board of

• of thaIs then favor by Sa|

Ooart Tasrhje Oawmeia; rtqaeelPrios-Woelsaaa-Baad Ooaapaa\y for are

I tta vintnlty of Frontand Roc k avasiae; rsqasst trosi

the Oleaaon-Kialy OonUacting Ooe»Hay i i M ' t for the retarn of the bal

f h S per cent, bald by tbecity oa tba ouaUag* wort at tha or

B*ildiDg bwpeeaar Doane reported tbegraotiag Of twelve baildiag perm italariag tbe past Bsoatb.

City JaOae W. H. Banyoa sab-mltsad bis regular report abowiag

brought beforehim aiaoa met report, of whichbar sixty-two ware jlimimaa.

aaed aad n a t i l i M Theret*od »ise ia flaas aad •**.<»

azpaaded. Tbe balaaoe, ( K B I M I-aIsail over to tbe city neaseiei

Before the ooaclaatoa of the m,ng Mr. Melliek moved that whenCouncil adjoai

r, AprU m. Tba Council thems4ioaraaf

rarer by Mra. I. b Miller.Tbe regular monthly aMttaj of tba'Oman's Foreign Miastonary Socirty[ tbe Creeceat A T N M cbarch will

b* beldFriamy. April 11. at J JO [Km.,ia. tbe parlors of Ihe charch- Mrs.IMC I- Millar will have a paper oa• Medioal Work ia Mission Flabm.

O*lag * • Ceiabrara.A recepUoB will be bald at Hope

hapel on tbe evening of May IB. ThaOBomaoa will partake of the aatara ata oslebraMon on freetml the cbarch

dab*, A —ir-fgra* of fi.oooerbieb has beea m r r t i i of reoard willbe pabUcly haraad at thai ttssa.

Maatdaal Oeiaarahta.The adjourned maatlaa; of tea« h Oaaaeil. mfciiahi for Fries*

eveniag, will hare savaral« tor enastlrritlnaat* las sewage aad water qaea-

Ksperm from Blew York wiUbs present to awtall fall* the amaswhereby tbe borough, U m III aimed,will be able to

iw«s CI.(II

Srt£er"i i tbs leamaaee of the


EIPANSDoctors find

A GoodPrescription

for mankind




ARE NOW CURABLEby oar new invention. Only tbaee born d«*f arc iacarebm


N w n Ijq • ; H<Maftqa»taiutnni'>-''-'T"'! ^ £ L 2 * B ? & a * w * . tarBi.i—^b. .

S K ° K . - YOU CAI CUtE YWWSaf AT HOME — = ~

ariiuTiaui iwui cues, 596 U U U I D I . new, iu.




Gas Fitters,


U 3 N O R T H T A V E .


Savings Institution,Of PlJiifieM. I . J..


Livery k Boarding Stables


Sanitary PlumbingOas Flttiai.TH l l l l« l l .

_ kOty. I asssitoT noao bat 1cmaa Ti a • I • aUd aoa-uloa mam.I believe lo every B U raaabaf kssown boaiaeas. at all rfmrs and w

\ W. LITTELL,»o ui»onh i rnu i i m. i.


Wm. A. rVocd.urt,


• Fr»tt St. u< firt iTtM.

M.I.,B—I to*e ' « bu* or Tii h«» »

•J"*1? rruir,

- . _. • —



Doctors find

A Good

for mankind




Sanitary Plumbing




Savings Institution,



Livery k Boarding Stable* roo«TM or..

Page 7: Constitutionalist VOL. XXXV. PLAINFIELD. N J..Hl’RSI JAY ... · DMB*. of La Prase* aveaae. Tb* prlaclpal Tilil!' I waa U« adoption of the oMotll do away with last arseon'• tmnbts


NOT WUR RED SHIRTSO» One* F n n n d •Ontrml Train

Vary Clewar Production of HOW IT CAME ABOUT.


! Wb* W*r* M-ktaB K—c Tr*a>

B, K. B. 1

peeed f sr Or rsatoa Pl*i ed- [ Jew of tlMCaerer ability tn tb* hiatrioeic a n daily on UM J

was •»T' - j»d by ta* Leal'a School t S t t i l railroada prublbtt their «O-boya. who partdpaAMd la the comedy ployee from wearing ahirta or red••Jane," flTea at the CaaiDO Thnra- clothing while on daly Tb* origin ofday. Fanny, n » I M pUy in itaelf, , thia new genual order la t>

i ruemier atiU by UM par-. naoaaae a JeratyCentral employetratnt b e y o a n . mra wbo took ' Kewnrk WM responsible for its bemg

character*. A crowded laaord•poerd largely of member*' _ I o UM early *ammer of 1 8 * a laaje

at PlainBeld society, applauded tbe party of official* of —tern railroaaaeapecially An* work of those in UM pa i ' * »7i*« viatt to b e went Of*COM the rVoneTlTBBin aad Central Rnil

Laal'e frphwrt alhLHtr Amociation road of New J n w y RepreeentatlvnaaoAed fnad* aad U M paplU of tbe at U M Taaderkalta. Jay Ooald nad••aiiimln inertfarina planned tbe other promiaeBt railroad men madeaffair a* tb* feasible mean* of raising ap tbe parry. Tba trip waat waa

Their aCocta were well d l - ' oa U M Penney Irania line, nod thcrowned with sao- ' tarn trip waa over UM Central

oom, E. B. Smith, one of UM oorpa' There waa groat rivalry na*oa|of inatrncton nt UM achool. eonebod opemting official* of both tana* road*UM boya aad acted in tb* dual en- to provide tbe qalckar trip and theparity of Mag* manager and director i bettor atrrie*. One of UM best knownTo hi . great credit ia da* for the re- official* in Newark railroad circle, lomarkably BBeceaafal rendition of in* day waa at i h u n ipUy I the Central Railroad, and he gave tba

A comedy la three act*. - J i n " ; following story to the Newark News.abonnda in humoroo. and perplexing Tb* out-bound trip ore*- tbe Peonataatioae. Collectively and mdivt- \ irlvania Railroad waa made withoutdnally UM amatesr* proved eqaal to Incident, and in remarkably faat timetbe role* they •—•mil Tbe thread of' for tbom early daya of railroading.tba atory la tbe dilemma of a epead ; Tboa it waa ap to tbe official* of tbethrift ward. Receivin*; word that hia Oontral to get UM parly back la be tgnardian ia about to viait him, tbe ler time lhaa |wna made ROtng yoang man plan* to invent aom* Tb* official prerioulv referred to waaatory which will aatiafactonly an- told to aeleot a train crew and tak<

I for tbe way be baa wantaii faia J tbe locomotive Qaiekatep, UM faateatallowances. A* might be expected allhia conooeUon* brought him tranbtroobl*. and lanmnad hia chnaom of

i ronnyiale from hiaHe bad notified hia

• of bit marriage nnd UM ar-rival Of an heir This f araiabe* tbaplat, if each it ooald be called. However, the comedy rod* in I be anaae oldway. Matter* are atraigbtoaad oattoward* UM laat and tbe gnardlnn sr -eopt* UM forced explanation*, at UMaama lime fomorint tbe ward In hi*

a* "CharleaShackletoa. ' tb* ward,E. Clinton Hall wae excellent. Hi*acting would have boon creditable tooae of mach riper experleaee beforeUM footlights. Equal to him, waaEfflingham A. Pinto, who appeared aa•• Jane •' He imperaoaated the coy andartful maid in n manner that produced

In ronnding tbebat be took t<

right ahead. Investigationshowed it to be a traek-walk<Ing a bright red flaaiml •hirt. Aftei

gaardian, did remarkably! the trackmen bad been roundly np-

PenneylraaU for UM MIWhen tbe •pedal train r

Com, Pa, from tb* weal tbe nwn on

lent un», and when the crew* ichanged at Eaaton and tbe Qaickatep

A S M H tiaokIITOBT tbe apeeial ana UM Qmlek-WBS doing nor level bee*.

Shortly before reaching Somervilleraiamoa felt UM aaglaiar re-aad whietle for down brake*.

Tb* train •lowly ram* to a Hand, andw and i—ntna.nn naked for-nnd the caaae of tbe aadden

well. acting abowed that be badcant ally atadied UM character Cer-tain it ia Umt be portrayed UM partwith mach anrjcam. eateriag into UMdifficult part with .pint aad tbaroogh-

ward*fillii , Tip. ' UM ;

Agarvd prominentlythe play, and tbe role aa •noted byDonald A. McOee waa Indeed good.Be wae a typical man •errant in everyMpect. W M. E. Pwklna bad rathera deep vote* for one taperaoanting

Lacy Norton," bat thla only madetb* part all UM more laughable. Hiamakenp wae very realiattc "tMBj'i"aant, U n Obadwiok" waa repre-•ruled by Frank P. Simoaa. whoahowed knowledge of women in UMadept war In wbtcL be exhibitedgrief, praoticolarly in raintlng when-ever it waa noeaaaary. He waa quiteektUfal in portrayias -tbe «irl not•low in doing all tb* eoartlng. Dad-toy H Barrowa aa "CUadc." tba hallboy. i. worthy of aaentiaa. pUyiag hi.part with macb • D » H Tba twoother cbaracMra. "Mr. Piston" and"Mr*. Piston." were taken by F. Ro-

braided by UM crew and paawagtraUM train again •tartod on it* finaln i to Jereey City, bat UM lorn Urn*could not be made ap, and UM Cen-tral road laat the raw by a small mar-gin.

A few daya afterward the foUowingorder, which i« atiU in •xlataaaa. wanI l l l l

••Special Order No is . -To trackmmrtira master marhnnlna and dia-pMoben—After AagaaC 1, next, noemploye of thia oompany will beallowed to wear red abirt* or otherred clothing on dnty

comfortable nnd healthy.ikanica, di«-

patcber* and other anbordlnnt* officer*will reonire their meet to con form tothia order after tbe above date.

Thia order ia aiaaiiil by "'

EUnatwth, N. J., Jalv « , ISftL "


•artb tor riUtmg Psra>««s.Tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Com-

pany ana daring the aant year baoaparcbnalng dirt with which to IU iaaround UM freight yards and UMWaldo arena* crossing In Jeraey Ctry.Tb* i i—|iny haa bosa aeearing UM

man Seetaoa and two ml Maof Metacbea along UM railroad.

Jr. They appeared only in tbe laat arthat their pnouaw fBmiabed UM occa-s*aat for mar* Umn one hearty langbaad they portrayed tbe character* Inclever faabion.

A pleasant feat are of I he affair weretb* -Jnae" wattam. composed nndmilli ml in a brilUant way by MiaaPrances N Weir, of Washiagton p^rt I Bietw^m ^ pUoesMim Weir baa acht* Ted re—rk a hie I M ^ T BHMbor ofaonoM. ta otigiaal work along tbt*' ^ ^^mpmrthae and hrr performance laat evening l n thr. w a T o{

repntnuoa. Rocera' onbtatra fa>1 m<J-t j ^ ^ b i eaiabod the inotrnwotal mu*ic.

Tbe hMl nabor waa FraauaMartin and bia aaamants ferta.. ..T r Miuford. Hartley Mellirh. ' " 'Wlekaam Corwia, William Scboou-!""0

Langl*u Howard. Chart** , York, baa left Cartoon Hotel, l<mdna.1, aad Robert Abbott, a,


Headrtrk Draarry I n ti» tbe dtfetrtrt of U>-a

batw. M year. »go. Hi* fatherborn In tbe Orange Free .State,waa of IIurri,o..t origin. He•art wttb Prrt»riaa In driHac;EnglUh mt »f 10o*mfnnt*-m laand bad bfc> fana aad pn.prrt.vtarataii after Str Harry >milhrereraed tbe >ilaatioa by f<>rri>|old Bnvr warrior back againU» Viil Tbe Delanj* •—ig*lnew hoaM In the weat of tbe Trairani where Jaroto U«*drlck


tmiinnn O M U Th- prtosltwi tea-tnre ta that a a*or* aoUd fonndnUonon geoeral anbjaeaa will he raqmlradif Mi* innitiimina i milllnaii nt Iki

with whom MM IBlH.llll

hna bepn. HanUp of I b i n

y n , or of aaa year and a half pro-of th* period be

•arlyjif*. The general ia a nan otwt u UM matthe medium height, ainewy in build, j j , , , , jaa.iibelghiand renurkablc for hi> quirt. Ji(rni-Bed manner. Hr ha. deep-eet. darkeyea. a prominent Roman nnee and alarge, dark-brown beard, givtag tohia fare a itroae. haadaoine and pa-trician ezpreaeioa.

Be waa h-.rn of a ngbUaa; family.• ml baa hid UM experience and train-ing of campai|n» in connirta withh«tIU Kaffir tribe*. Hia flrmi rom-maad waa in the w«r which the Kn~-lUh Incited the Baanlo* to wag«agatnat the frr* State In the early••O'a, whea he waa quite vomf.TbeM experience* qoalined him fora prominent military position wheatthe present war broke out. and hei n -—- i—. - . i . eleeted to the commnnd uf the Uehtenburg bnivheTa,who became part of Cronje's weatemcolumn.

Hr repreeewted hi* native diatrtrtIn tbe vorkaraad for tea i n n . andwaa a eoeuiialewl aupportrr nf theJoubert. a> againet the Krugvr. fol-lowing In tkit •••embly. He favoreda large fraaclkiae mnuaaaioa to UML'iilaiMlen aa a manaa of avertinc aconflict with Knglaad. but aoon aawthat a drnund for political reform*wn* only a pretext for precipitatinga ronJUrt. He waa one of UM m Mardent advoratea of an attackingai agmlnat a <lefen»t.e military pol-icy wben EnrUni forced a reeort U>hoatilitiea upon the rvpwblle.

LIk* G*n- Crouje. W rarrles noweapon- in tb* Held- Hi* ft*M ( U Mwmdra pipe. and. laet bat n..l lean.hi* Iliole. are hie Inseparable ™m-panhnw. He ia a anlveraal favorttowith Ui* bnrgWra of both reptiblk-a.

aa nnilimallj. col-lage, or in a pablie High School intbia Beasa, or tn a pebUe High

another Haa*e. m f n u l by UM boardof • •smlams Ia Uea of Una-h*bav* passed an eiamlnnllim eqnivto tan* far j 1 ' T in n pnbUeHigh

BytbeBtd UM State

TT11 1 1 if Til • ' • lai l i i i i Tbaoasdlyoan of age

by hia alaaost naerriag militaryjudgment. M-lendid graerabdtip. aero-ir rnanff. an indomitable l i u r l l jof pairuin i in •

•kaMy Mrtf-contained raht» aetkma. m-irr grttlag- exrlt«d,

ihlrkeat nf tb* flffht. butalways remaining' vooL rauttona andalert.

ng the period ofcUrkanip and of alia* notien of intentioai to panullui law aa well aa that

utorney* ofother BankM do M apply to thorn

ORIGIKAL HAHHA HAH.o*rtlfy that tn*y ban* encb rramlaaiUM parana oarUfjad for, with raapoetto bin k l l ia l ia , ! of legal prinoiplea

Lyona. theof UM United State yprobably the original Hanna man.Mr. Lyona- term la about to **ptr*.

be ahall first

live iMIafaanrj vrMaaea of kaaknowledge of tbe principwa aad doc-triawa of UM law, and of hU abilitlea

ir; nor abaU any be ad

npnintmeBt. hr fett It nta duty tof U d hp

Infor U Mfrtrad. lha'R*aei*h for

date, la whlrh rose he<l favoftbe Ohfa> aenatnr. It hi probabb- taatby hia manly rnune aad frankarMn* be* earned —nr-p 'ttitm*at. as the

torn of h i * raadiir aad

b»"\>^ lI'll^Trsb^t"nl'tb. anwla. is BB eatbnBMutkr «vaagvli*t

*f UM BaUaeas rari.tisa rharrh. aadla UM paatar of a uiagngaUua a*

That nnvnl evperia a n M« all p**>

aad agaia by eriUr* of aa»al war weap-on*. Ete» UM best aad mosphrae aalpe nave their fanlta.tnteanc the German lniilaafcla Eat-aar rroderk-k 111 . UM original •tenderd anlp ef ta* flaimau nnvj. eapletsd la lias, wnleh baa recently idMWoae aaaay s i lent ions, it ia MMed, retaiae aome fault, ia *f4t*UMM chasys. reports toe Xra ViTribaa*. She la a al«ier ship of Fron-ertck der Gnaw, nnd m of

ot. lr*r chief fault*. H tem with armament. OB* of

UM deforta la said lo be ia UM lag*«re, as wl

UM "blast-* Th* largest gnas ne»otremrndona "blaaV and while Inafdetae r i i f 01 rtiI a M D is largely pvotertad fmm ta• cnatiilua. th* back Hr*can g«t at him Uwongn tba awbite if outaid* and diractly below UMgwa w a n it Is ared. there would becoaaiderahl* difflcultj- in rollertiagenougn of him for identiflrati..neldenta of thia kad have ocrarrMfora BOW, an.l th«t on UM Vngi.-h WBT-ahip HansparelL wiih It* lltMon gwa,whrn UM dark WM Move in and a•lecpiag below was kitlad. may b


TV* Uuakarda of southern Calif.nla live In one of UM prettleat *ley* In that part of the state at t

•an O«hrt-1 tpor of theSierra Madroa » mile* aaet fromLo* ABgdea. Tb*y g«thood from little frui

•ipsljy from oHv* and IOBMrTovea, aara a Loe Aagelea report.

Tbe central Dvsksrd townLordsburg. a village of

' *i trim but very plainly kept strveta taBked by shades. n large college building

church, abovt which UM whole col-tea. One rsD aeamly laiag

luatty than Lordabvrg*.The whole population arises

awa. hi induatrioualy bony nil daylomg. never speaking on any subject

tbnee t »a< ei uiiig tbe colonythrift, the maaifeetatloa of UM <U-vtne will, the exteaaion of the eeet'a

eive and the latcrprrtatfon ofScriptural paaaagv- At inuct thereare brief devotional •« i % h ee In *iDnnkard home, and wben UM •

oifr, each boaevhoid gatSereit Ha bead for Bible reading and

religiose raatvmptaUon. Seldom M•h t eeao la a home la Lordabwra;

after aloe o'clock at night.


The *na does not seep food time.Be hi alBMMt alwaya lo.. (j«t or tooalow One* about UM middle ofApril he la Jvatt oa tiate, ihra matagain before tbe mMdt* of June. At~ begtBBiag nf Scpt«mber be >r.ina

dock a third time, and lastly> more lat* hi December, says

Prof. S. C. Srhmnrker. la Ladies*Bom* Journal. Sow It would aeemna if he were etartieJ nt the waybe bad neglected a*. Is Fft roary

ell back nntil he WM IS minuteaBy the h^~inniupr uf Mais am

had made np flve trlnu'es of hfa loea,and before the month ia over be win

caught up la -I.Hn ft* min-of the ecbedole. Meanwhile the

days have been rrowinir lonver varyrapidly. We tegla March wiUt ournigbia lunrrr loss oar days. We

_ It with our daya lunger than ournight*, la the one month we bar*added to the length of our day aa

' and » minute*, a Mgg*r galathan *ny other month ran snow.


the diet the other day. the mi cutebli t t t l D Sdy

tnatmetlon. Dr. , anlounaad tasl ta* government waa will.ig. aa aa np*riroenl, to permit girlai attrad UM existing a-Tmaamiuma

' e>t abliah • giria' ium. bat dediawd all rvapouibi tyfor

Of UM eiperiraentgarding tbe atteadanre uW^rli at UM

>er»iii-. tbe mlnistrr aaid the r»»-iswit fmileri to ae* that tb*n waa

any mrnraal seed of academic atndieator gfria. Tberef ore It adbrrud to I taderktloa tbat they akould only be ad-

l i W1 to •fll*er*ili»» •y

r •»-•• Tne



!. tbe iaatrKhool. (ho• TT- f"'



• "I

aajBj1 .,r.•m|



t t *


Col John Mnsbv. th* leader of erneof the BMMI Important eonfederatecovmlry eomwiamla dnriuar the rf«flwar. I* la | M i n t •errie* la Cole-redo, chanred with preveating tbeprivate lBrloewre nt. politic mads.

•L Joseph 1)1' , arrrM n n ao ww-pereUtioua thai tke atrvet railwaycompany tkerc kaa fvnnd it a i m e a l j

a n to tab* o f oar N.>. U from on* at U*


Former Conn fill main SeymonrO. Smith Was SuddenlyStricken With Apoplexy.




L aaddea atroke of apoplexy which

O. Smith, of Caritaa areaae. shorUyafterjl o'clock Priday eve. ing. raaalwdfatally Utree boars later. Owing 10

wiahiail aaaaeoaasad by a lingertag ill mini of two year* duration, bj

unable to withstand tba attaclnnd died at 9 o'clock. Hia death

Ia UM death of Mr. Smith. Plainkid loses on* of tu bast ctuseaa tmitboroagb. auaigaOc baaiaem man

Although bat n 1 i l l H a little morabe waa widely

nynlLborn Is Warwick. Olaago

', V. T., ia 1MB.boy be eatered tb* earn ploy of Oreea *

of Hew Torkdry, and aitisaiail fromeaa of tba Boat rmyoaaibl* poaitioual i t M l r a . He afwrward nogaged inUM teat liaaiiiam for himailf aad

iBiiiiaaafnllj antil ISMbe retired so devote all hi* tirexploiting nfnranoe of hiatals parpoee be ingaalntiil UMboard Sanitary Da lima* Crematory

~ rase Utilising Company, tbeof which tantlaated n abort

time ago. Tbaia t hi* city by UM Plain field Sanitary


office nt M Pin* tr*ot.New York

Mr. f mi tb can*and from UM atari

o Uda otty ia 1W0tlwnyn took an In-

iber of tba Ownmim Coaocll iiand ami fad two year*, on* oi

which no waa |i inl l i i l of UM Ooan-ciL Hi* term vaa marked by much


M. Smith, of Weetneld. andH a R C. OUabrlaa. of Onooncn, H.

Hia mother. Mrs, Polly Smith,

Tbe faaeral aarrioea will be heldwan hia lat* rralrtnana Monday after-

3 o'clock. Inaaimaut will be

TbeMM from Puinaeld; Bisabetb laat we*k Elixabeth L.

Bogg* and boa to Henrietta I* kUia, lot 1*. map of Wm. E Qainby,.750; Elisabeth Arthur and hoa toJ. Heldteoff, 50 ft oa n w lias ofwrmnn IT. , -ill ft froen Monroe a*.,: Matanl Life las. Co. to Hoary W

Richardson, tract on n e cor ol Field

et al to Sarab K. Rnnyoo.S. Plalnnold, Boat Emte

Co . *[ | Jaa. E Richards to Gee. D.Richarda. tract on Colambia »v . cor

WilUaaaa' land, (177;Bart ec a i to Antonio

Parello et al, lot « . bit 5, map Cbnr-ly Hart Eat.. |1.300; Henry B New-

b l l et ax to aeosoca W Hibbard,ft on E. 7th at.. n ear of J. W.

Tntna, 911,930; Mary E Adama aodto O«o. W. Tavlor, lot 1, maplorraU prop., l l : "Mbnrta^ E.

WUbnr nad baa, to Scott Wallace, tt>,o a M M . . aar Mary P. Bettaann.

•1.100 : Jonapain* K. Deaanry to Johnmcintyre, tract nm a w oar

. i


Weddinn; of Mina Holan Clarkaad John J. Swan Took

F U M April 2




In UM parlor of UM In Tartan* baanaof Edward B. Clark, at Oraneont . . .•aw, hia daaajbtor, Miaa Bako »^4>.nrd* Clart, nad John Ti—|ili Hwa*

m • i r r m nt • o'eloek April*>»»— g*. UM Inooakton WM U.

ta UM nntml tienl n qaiet aCatraooonni of UM l l a n j «f

Clark, it

played in eteif ahorn**, nanirnlarty tat ta* par

Palms, faem omtlax and mplanta not off UM lihea wtth•OoLAttending tbe bnde as i

Wilbama. of Hartford.The 1 1 1 i " i w

MT, of Cb'cago. IU. Mim KeltkO. Swan, a •later of tb* groom, ef

M.yrji-, D. a , and th* MiaamHarriot aad May Shtcw. of tkda a tjArthnr R. Swan, a brother nf the

•a. of New York, waa beat man

mmne far UM wedding and w-lon. Aa UM bridal party canavdnxaaaaof lln mirnb frim"T akia

grUf were heord, while at UM termination of UM nrrrio* nlaanWaaami'i

:b waa rendered. Afkor tmt t

•ainga. Hor ewll was of tall* aad an*oarrUd rialna. Tb* N T M of the

ia; them being eiqaint* aeatgaain jewelry, rare cbian, anUd aUver-wnre, araamnrti la Favril* gtaaa.

OB UM rnuapiattaa of Uwir wetp, Mr. nod Mrs. Swan will 1

ia this city. The groom ia aBeretaryMt Vie* Prvatdna* W. L. niaa*iii. ofbe ingeraoU Sergeant Drill Company,

of Kaatoa, Pa. Hia oBoea are at tbeooaeera'a tworhtaarrara ia Sew Swan ia aa alnmsma of Cornell

Unireratty nad waa fonaerty a tosi-dant of Washington. D. C.


Tbe boaae *y*jm1tt^fi from UM HiU-•tde Tonaia nad Ootf d a b baa mgaajd

w ana ward for UM elnb in UM per-BOB of Edward Lord nad be will estfernpon hia datlee May 1. Mr. Lord baa

naee aeoBBtry,

aad lately ban been iili T wlta1, at How Tork. He earn* teHP |^4" d e b highly racom-

Tae clab ta aan addition to UM cla!

will be mad* larger.Um* giTiBg UM aeeaed room for th*

which wilt be a foarare

Oa* MiaM* Oongb Oare aemalI," aaya Hull I a a Daw-'

ana. Bar* I1L "U U tb* Tery bent

iy mm do

NOT IH HIS w Ora Firarad I Jereej

Central Train From Making Society Turned Oat to See the 1 **” Very Clew Production of HOW IT — ABOUT. -Jeee- by Boye Prog, LraTe , TIApn,Aua„ ltB lH1^ . TOTTID


-WeM* com- I nm eeirw Poiioww*. >loi rtay*4. lew of lb* t him mo As who tn

wm dtanioyed by the Leal's School tSt *ell railroads prohibit their «m- b^ .bo levl^l Ie .te —Ura “"■« -,n* « "A "Jee*." me M lb. Omtoo There ctathle* while ee Ae*y TW ori*. •* do. r.oo 7. e Ittt. lln l» MAt U» e» «■

lerarir ef -.whir. tb. mrly *emmm of ira . Uf my. ernu tb. p£ty of of —muo tollmen* be. worn of thorn OlbMolt Artec tut to pm 1 Leel'o Mon fttei- flu |- mod of Now Jon*y. Ropmorototioo* modod foedo oed lb* poptU of tbo of tte T.ol.oblll. Joy (bdf

oAelr oo lb* fOeotbu waoeo of imlolec op lb* pony Tb* trip wra wm I I with *oo- loro trip com A. a Smith. oe* *f lb* oorp. Tbom wo* smof Hoolry oMewmofom m tb. whool. —ch*d oporoltoc oBolol. of both tbom mod. Ih. boy* oed acted to lb* Cool co to prtrtA* tlw q.lck.r trip aed tb* portly of aloe* oeopt *ed dimmer , bdttt merle. Om of Urn boot keowo

|S A era*Ay lo tbm* act*. Jm"follow!*, mwy to tb* N*w*fk N.wo boo ad* lo bomma *od porpioitn* Tb* ool-booed trip omr lb* Pot ■tomtom Oollmtlmly and tedlrl- J •tItobio Railroad wm mad* wltbmt tb* mu* they oeool Tb* Ibmad of (or tbom mrly day* of roUraodiac. ■ba rtorj i* tb* dllrmot* of a tpod . Tbm U wm op lo tb* oBolala of tb* Roootrtoo word tbm hi* Cowd to cm tb* pony boob ta tec

oerofolly MoAted tb* ohoraour. Co- ol* II1* that te portroyrd tb* port dilBcolt port with oplrtt md thomoch m "William Tlpooo." lb* yooac

to Jrmry City, hot lb. km umt mold eot b* warn op. md tb* Om- mad lorn tb* mm by * amoll war-

B. wm a typlml tm impart W M. X. Porbtm bad la rmry "Apodal Ord*r No 10.-To track

lory Nonoo." bol thla

by Amok P. Ham who

will malm tbrtr mm *o ooeform I

•rtalmlml " It U dot N. 1.. Joly a. m "

"Bra Pinae." wm. lakm by P. «o- laod Horn, oad N PmdlMm Rogmo Jr TWy oppromd oaly la tha lam ad hat prom laralohod tb* o •me Im mom thm m* bmrty I* md they portrayed tb* rbarammi

BOUGHT UP HIUS. rl.oalo ■.tied I* t ile* tb.

i which to 111 la Paid* won flood** la Jwot city

n*1. Mart la oad hi. motet, tedod-d oat. I..«dm H Mot oed Bated Tart, hm loft C*i I L. limey, of How

- ~ "L _ *'u_ Komombo. a dm atm yorht. which ZZZy C2T .tS^TlImm lel- teuemte tetete. m A—f lee

■A BITS OP DXLAXXT. miiffi -

ter,. M ymm HI. I.tte. boro U tte Ono,. Prm ***!.. oad B*W wm d Harmed Hr teoh _ port with Pmtedm tat "

^ JSl «*' "*« WA*'"AT»«S mol. -Wm Jw* Uddrtrk .pro. ki. IQUJVALXMT TO CHADUATn.

te^.'dbrtddewa hmrd. fflod “ . : his fere • ilnisf. bandeoms and pa- *■■■» m »■ • P*"“° nnMnl ** tricks. rnBTwh... tMm State. or tm a paMIc High of • flgktiag family. PipnioMO Bud train- ing of campaign* »■ ronflict- hostile Kaffr I riba. Hi* flat rnmod -u In lit nr which the Kmg- ■— - nuu lish incited Iks IWautfM to wxp ~ .. TT. . _ A •nlBil Ike IVff Stole km the arty “*«■ *' 1,T " •“ rrm'~- "" BffmlBil Ike FTee Stole km Ike nrty ■SO*., wkeo ke «bb qoito room* Tkeoe eiprrienre* qooliSed kin for • pmmlwnl nUilory p—t»koe «hn nood of tke Lorklenborv borrker*. w — -,-f mifm\ -»• -kobw.npirtofCaJ. .-n«« Md .WO -Ik pM «• ktk( tte

Ike HolltBrod f«r tea jwpe od tke oimk * I Joe her t. ee e*e*a»> »^e Knqrr. fol- oiertefcip er lowiof ie tkei ■■■enbly. He fesoeed kk lerf* fnerUn eon conflict trilk Kecked, bet me ee« the* e deneed foe polHM reform- ”** °«>/t * 5"1"1 r7£','“€, .I.'

i Gen. Cronje. ke cerriee no ' '""r ra wmwwomm ra ^ oW ^ folAH^ a^rn __ i. fleid HU ».M ,W-. f”' . end. leet hot not lee-«. ^ • kU loeepnrekie mo- ** onnr-

fllio* ootke of In-

He ta remarkebly aHf-enotoined In " kta octiona. eeter rettlec enetto*. — fcl"« i lo Ike tktakeet of Ike bet O—el elweye reuelal-f cool re-lkea oad

i ky crittao of eevel ■


TO 111 MIN

Tribe ee She ta e ektrr ektp of Fred-

•nonck of kta for Identiflcotion. Ao- eldeota of Ikta kfkd ke*e oecerred be- fore new. eod Ihet eo tke Eor«tak ew •kip fleeaperetl. witk Ho lin^ao yen.


Tke Umtank of eoetkem CeHfeo lie Use la ooe of tke prettiest •ye la that port of tke etote et Loe Aafelee. Tkoy gmt tke r Il.eU-

LonUtarf. e etlia^e of MM p-epla. with trim bet eery pUio ke- nootly kept etreete flanked by abode tree- e Iar*e eolle^e bolldloc eod e cherck. a boot wkick tke wkole cot- coy rotate*. Ooe coo ecerrely tenay

dewe. ie iadeotrioeeiy beay ail day •°H mm+mw epeeklaff oo eay eeb)ee« M colon, of tko dt- tke eert’e Scriptural poaaagca. At i

after nine o'eftoek at o%k«. THE SUB SELDOM OB TIM*.

Bo ta eloBoot elweye to» feet o» too

Prof. fl. C- Rckmoeker. ie Lodiee* oemal. Now It woe Id eeese ee If he were etert'ed at tke -ray ke had neriectrd ea. Ie Fetreory ko feU bark eatil ke wee IS miantoo By tke beyooieff of Mar. ee amde up flee wl.u oe of hie knee, end before tke moetk ta «*eor ke wiU base eeofkt ep to -it Me flee mio- etpo of tke orkedefte. Mea awhile tko day* bare beee frowtef lonver vary repbdly We teyte Merck witk onr end It witk da ye looker thee on? ‘ite. In tke one moetk we hare added to tke ionfth of oor day an boor eod 30 miaetee. a U*fer gain than eay other moetk

Ion that. In order to maintain tke ideel- Oermae woamn In tka L tko laatmetlnn ef firie la tko

data, la wktak mae ke wwnld faea« >maiee M-miatod with Plainflatd to t«.i tte Obi. aooouw It w prateb*. that , ,,|| a| k • m. ' Col Job. X te tel JjJ of tte Mm'* dm Mr — ,, , a of tte mi

tL »m.‘w 7m r4 r*" ——p —r

Of Ik ta ee lMo.1 _ a tke i tko Afreet railway tke re kea fanad It mtm to taka of ear X*. U from one ef Ha

O. Smith Woe Suddenly Stricken With Apoplexy.

KB DUD LAST FRIDAY HAS BUb loumnco with cmrs



I IIMUM Wad dine Of Ml* Halan Clark

mad John J. Ivu Took Plaoo April 9.



I mi • o'sleek. His

eoanty. V. T . tn Ifldfl Wham a yt*s| boy ke saSseed the employ of Oraaa A * mere boom, of Maw Task

of hie 8— anitnry ead Raman CtUUta« Company, tko

time e«o Tb# mmm system in this city by tko Plata fleid

Bow Task Mr Smltk rsas ta this city In ■d from tko start elweye took aa la- i her of tke Ofl— Oannatl ta ■nd eeread two yenre, ana of

rtty. ^ e deaaaaed Imam n widow and sane. Fred a. and (korfs R.

Chasfler M. Smith, of WestRaM* and Mm R a O Uokrtefl. of Onoo T. Hie mother. Mm FaUy

M.7J0; EliSrtbeth Arth.r eod has to J. J. Heidleoff. SO ft an a w Una of •1: Mmtaal Ufa Inn On to Henry V.’ nrdscsi. tract an ■ a ear of Plaid

U, Hart BaL. •!.*»; Henry H Maw- 74 ft oo K 7tk efl. a oor ef J. W.

to Gan W Taylor, lot I. map ermlt prop, fli; Getknrine E WUknr and kae. ta Bam* WaUaoa. «s ft on Sd an. ear Mary R Batsman. F. McIntyre, tract on • w ear 1


of Edward A dark, of Cfloomat .ee or. Him Halm Enh- d John Jaospkflwm at • a clact April

~1 * ^

Dr. William E. Birkardi. pmm- tar of i

Will lama, of Hartford* rch<co*o. III. Mies kmth

rtoa. D a. ond tke Mssme end May Bkrrm. of tkta etty A Swan, a krotkir of tks of Mow York, wm boot mm a ah am worn Edward R Pw ksmss John Ooovfla. and 8l John OklMoa. all of Mew Task

of tko mo rob fwk ‘1 akm

Mr. and Mm

Their koneymaaa will «

Tko saw— of

Mr. Swna's gifts to kls hoot

la Focrtie clans.

trip. Mr. and Mm Tko groom io • t Drill C Mem or* at tke rs ta Mew Tort

ooe of Edward Lard and ha will o£*r kta dacteo May I Mr. Lard hm

Martfl. of Vow Task. Ho eona to ■o Hiilatde dob highly rocom Tko oink lo now nlsaaiag an haiid

will ke i

Tko addition will ho

Ta Wad dean.

April M. at 4 a'cflock. d

Page 8: Constitutionalist VOL. XXXV. PLAINFIELD. N J..Hl’RSI JAY ... · DMB*. of La Prase* aveaae. Tb* prlaclpal Tilil!' I waa U« adoption of the oMotll do away with last arseon'• tmnbts


US HE JS i lPotuvUle. (Pa-.) Daily Repub-

lican Calls W. O. Bealer aRailway Diplomat-



I Go In t . r.MWt Jolv 1 D M I M ,"•T 't l.*n»tt*as the Trad-




. Trade KnconraaT*v—AlwaysK.-.d> t» Hr-r <

prosperity tlir.U claimed, was

aBberad ia to the New Jeraey Centra.tftum, when tbe appointment of W.G. Bealer wa* made as general manajar of tne road. The new official has

' aaan-ii—- hi* intention of makingUnaier Plsintteld his home, bala, cboaM to reside In tbe borough.Oat of hi* frienda. who baa badample occasion to observe hi* qn,aatkaM. describes him a* "not O M oftb* domineering, balldog, gyssjai-taaa-lbou officiala. bat on tbe otbe:baad a elear beaded, wiae and kindlyIIS. .SI J railroader."

Is rpmktng editorially of the tiIn ef Mr. Besler from the Beadingiratesi to tbe New Jersey Central, UMPortsnlle. Pa.. Dally Republican re-i n to him aa a railroad diplomat,aad myi:

"Tbe appointment of W. G. Bealerto the charge of tbe Central Railroadaf Kew Jersey baa taken away fromth* Beading Railroad one of tbe moat

* official* who hna ever beerwith that road, and Preti

last Baer. in selecting General Man-•sir Bealer for tbe reaponaible beadBiiKtonnip of tbe Reading'* raoainured new property, undoubtedlybad ia mind Mr. Bealer'a recognisedability to harmonise conflicting inter-act and bring not only tbe employesum a harmonioaa organisation as a•ait. bnt at the same time create anaapril de corps apparently quite- an-kaows in eastern railroading prior toihu western man'a coming to this sectwo. and. aa well, alao-to bring abooia better feeling of the general public

. toward ibe railroad company.••Mr. Besler will not only always, be

fossd prompt to treat hi* employeewith courtesy, but the general publicwbo do not nae hu road, and espec-ially ibe patrons who do, will evertad him with bia Jnand encoded to•eet every one half way with a manlytfUowibip that not only commandsnapect, hot quickly makes every onekit wanu admirer aad willing to as-aat snder hia direction in workingfew the general good.

"I*. Besler not only I l i alatlnader. but a trade ettcourmger: forat sake* it a point to interest himselfla the local affair* and -bnsinea* in-•astnes of rrprr locality sitmatml•toa* ita line, and every agent lanrtaatly made a reporter who must•nUy transmit to headquarter*•»•• ueau of aU matter* which willkelp along the company'* bas in* - or*aiek tbe company can help along by•feriag its,' assistance to the local peo-fta. Tn* Utch siring to Mr. Bealer'a«aW always bangs on tbe outside,and b> u Invitingly ace**a.hte to the•*pt*re, the patron and tbe iniorma-aaiawker.

"Aa sa expert operator of railroads,tam u none better than W. U- Bes-•ar. and the improvement in tbe ea-•*• - m a n I of the Central wiUbf quickly apparent to traveler aad

"Is (hear respects, th* patrons of•at Cearrral Railroad of Kew Jerseya » B M coagratala**d for tbe advent"Mr Bssier in t b . IJ 11 of*•« "a»p«y. aad tb* Republic** **-•"*• thaa. that they have made a

3 (he loan of tbe patrons of

•Doiph- oilea. formerly of ihl*Mj. bnt now an officer on tbe eraiaar3etr York, ha* sent to his brother,•^•oed Uiiea, of this city, an inter-•aHajt accoant of th* terrible expe-">OOB is Samar. Tb* story la eammed•> ay an officer. R o a m Coaklin, who"** Put in IL Judging from th* aev•"••• the horror* were even worae**aa slrrady reported in tbe papers.*** aocouut appeared in the Manila"•Mao* Pebrnary 1 and deauilbss«aptupallr the work of Uncle Sam'*•*• in the Philippine Islands.

*• *»r* i M t i B g i This Beaman.The Woman* Home Miaatonary So-

"•*?• e ( (be Creacent Avenue church,* i n * « bold any more meetings thia***»». all the work on band having*••• completed. Two barrels of**•*•">*: wrre recently shipped to tb*•"•""i •« Bnttain'i Oove, H. C. Tha1 i BH quaneriT meeting wiU be bead* • *** Friday in June.

iag stamp Uw before It adjourned.wa* introduced i s the Hoase by A*

to tbe law prohiUtiag trading atnntps.provide*, thai aay a—nrlallna,

corporation or individual issaing trading stasapa shall

tb-ir advortlssd andvalaa, aithar la cash or meat tb* option of tbe bolder of such

The bill alao provide* thatOf aaab stamp, shallth* adiMii*»il vain* aad

that it shall not ba

emand for redemption maybnt saeh ntsanp .hall 1- r*-' M a price la-npnrtioait* with

it* advertised or stipalMed vain*.A one not ii .millaa. « 0 or im-

pnaonment for six months or both Isprovided for violation of tb* aot.

a n t i l j . l y next Tha MWiU remain open aad the m*rchwill give oat stamps Jaat tb* aaa»In tb* past.

The baatnaaa. therefore, will go onaa if no bill bad bean paaaud untiJuly, by which time tba tradingatampa people will have arranar<lplan by which it can conform wiinow law and go on with tb* iwalaaaa.Tbe law la aot prohibitory, bat regu-lative. It will ba tha aim of tha ouas,pany to come ander tbe regalation oftn* law, an tbat i t may continue tbe

Tbe dealer! say tb* bill will legal-ise trading stamp busineam. Tbt*

ihat the atampa have no commercial value, and It la optional with

7 what they shall f ive in

SCHOOL IN SESSION.Boronsk School ' Reopened Veater.

day After the Kaster V M * U * B -Morr CkUdraa Attrmi.

After a abort eenaon of holiday thborough aoboow ra-openeed Thnrada*

ning. Some more children napplication for admiaaion. All tbeteaahen hare returned from then

ea with the exception of MiniMary Bart, whoae slater died daringEaatcr week. Mta* Hai fa poaitioa a*M*w>be.r in the flrat grade primarybeing Oiled temporarily by Hiaa Mi

tere are two classes in tbe thirdgrade which th-ongh necessity ar*ing instructed on half lime. One Ma-rion If beid iu the morning and an-other for other pnpils in the after-noon- The adjustable deaka for thepapUa of tbe seventh grade have arrived aad ar* now la poaitioa.


at I.IIU1- BtO*n P O B » W B *

Tbe funeral eerrloea of Helen P.,,hr two-year-old danghler of Mr. andMm CbarkMB. Pope.were beMTbar*.toy nfMranon from tbe tiaani on

m 11 nnajtM. The boo** W M filedwith frt—wa aad neigbbora whobvrome i l l a r a i i to tb* littl* gir l

Ke» J.,be Park iIn- aerrtoea and apoke tender word*

ia •ympatby for tbe bereaved oaea.Tr«re was a profaMon of floral tn

a. l—taeian a pillow from tbeni«. a •laalli from tb* grandpar

mta, a bed of roaaa from & H Tim..I n ' - - aartaier with Mr. Pope, aada bonob of oatla UUea freai Mr*. Roam,of Waahinmon T he infairmant tookplae* ia HUbn* oeaawtery aad tb* pall

M i n . wore Tbeodore A Pope, of->ataeld ; Le wia W. Pop*, Ovaaw* W.

Bird and Lewi* R Bird, erf the hoe-


kw Gives, at Coata* Aa»etl Sa .Gilbert aad SaUivaa'a comic operaPatience ' WiU a* given tn the

Casino, Tharaaay *T**HSST. April tCChe eboraa co—iaw of tweertj-arvoa_ _ » . AU .hu mtsnl of tb* caate

v i l l be •laborsMlV coatasasd Masteba faralabnd by an orohoataa of

r - toUow.: Begi-OdWilliam Holaae* f' Ajehl-

wJd O n a j i i a t . " William J Tallamy:Colonel Cmlvvrlj.-' Graham n>ed:

•Lieutenant, tbe ftU,of DaaWbl*."O«orge H. 8mitb; "Btatw • " -n u o y d . " Frederick J. Pop*; " 1 - d y^ - Mr*. T. M. W ^ ; "Ladym » . " Mlai « « a Bayb*rt: " I A * >lVjee," Mlai Oraoe M. Phillip*;L i d , Sophir." Mn. Olmrtott. M.

- raliamnr " Mrs. Bobert U l

bitch in th*of th* Reform Clsb. j

I o h n Qoodwla. president, ha* re-i«ned. and W. <X Smith haa takan


ings from Ood dolly sndd la return to give aad

give n w (tod. Noi that Ood awed*glfta, bat that we need to makea. Davids rl'-la ma I ton. "What

afaall I render unto tbe Lord for all UMl«-i»-fl!« V DIMU an erfca tn every beart-Bven tb* - '

< Annual of taMCamtpal



we have received rram Ood,we shonld g>v* to Gud.

The example ef Chrsst ahoe,b* a •timulua to CbrtaUaa cmng I"«urefers to thia eiample In bia appeal litb* Cermuuana for th* taalllm»at •rhaar benevolent ulillgsilnaa "Tknow Uw trace of omr Lard jeaatOhrlst. that, lhauwti H* waa rtrh. jetfor voar aakes He Iiiiami poor thatje throoKh bis poverty might B»cn*a>rich.'* PavJ ahw «a*d tbe eia "• Bat nartbaat of tb* Mamlonbiiu luvan* the Corlol htana to the good workof liberality Though la afflk-tloa

paimlj. they gav* Ubevallywllllnglj to their needy brethren after

m i! _In all tbass cbaractertntJca they abvaM

' -hriauans 1liberality ta glvtag.

Th* New TcasamcM law of giTlag tas." "tpon the ant day of IWM every oar of yoa Uy by "* aa Ood haib fjiminad hiCHd Testament dispensation

law reqalrvd that a tenth be glreil^rd. bat tale rule of rani's hirst law to be round upon tbe anb-

Jert In tbe New T<of systematic giving In

proportion aa Ood blesses na. Thislaw ta Hrrlptural. Just and

lakes It possible fur all tbe children,..1 to iiii-i-t lln-lr olallgsUona In thli

respett. Jtirli and poor sltke can recularly lay aside a pruportlon of w3aiGod givr* them for ibe support of III*

and tbe culls of charity tbat aremade upon them. If Ood gi>Ittle. then we will have bnt little to

give: If Hewe mav have tbe toy of Klvtng liberal

Ills eana* and frlnrfrrf In anylet us obey (bis law of glrtag

ie!y and cneerfnlly, fur "the Lordluveth s cheerful giver.

Tbe reflex inflwnrv of giving la aDBitlve Mes*ln« sod experience.

• promise of Ood'* word, whk-h. tikeill His other promise*, will not fall «1'ulnlinwiit. "II* that soweth aparlng-ly shall reap also apartngly. and bi-:hat soweth bountlftilly shall reap alsobountifully." Tbe reflex InHuerv*

i-** la poverty — povertyfriends, povirty In pear* ami pov

be blessings of Ood. Tbe reflex InBnence of giving la rlcbes—rirbe* In

>>y. in peace and In ibeblessings of God. GI vine blesses twkw

It till aw* him wbo gives a:

-ordlng as be pnrpoaeth In bis heart,

for God ktveth

n- xirlll. 30-SS: Lfv. ixvil. 30-3*L \ u , 30. =1. 34: Neb. xlU. 1O-I2

Unl. III. MS; Matt. <1. 1-1: John in. 1«Ada 11. 44. -45: i s . 33: PaiL IT. 13-1T.

«••> it ik* m..i i

The spirit In ibe tonne man tliy«. -1 wlU u>afcr tbe t-*i ihst wr made of ny life:*" thai la bred wnnJaib n oC the gr^rt and nutJe eh, t.T- of l;.-iocj atxl fn.-rature; tl

says. -I will nut BB.1 my soul wiihhat la low and atran In life: I willin. my ibouxbta i . . .arJ ibe nbrh

rveviaatlnz; 1 will keep my mind freshind rhnV] I will »at my root ibe throne that Cod bs* set ap wlne; I will rule mil not br ruled: I win* stroatc aad ant weak: I will rise•m of the atacnaat taHrya and bf«wibe pare air of in* mnantsln taaa

will be able to luok every aaaa In th*(ae* and say. 'No. t hnv* aotbiml a a i i a r " am h ta th* apart! af Job*.be son of NnaabL- Helper

Me* • _>omwelt wbra he stabled bia cavth-y

barm m WL P»nr. ntbedraL ar bruakoff the tsaage -f <-hriat. aa did th* leaa-

n» In Torkmlnartrr.nrmrt literary anit

rtalch I

Conartenee ta always tme to the fctbjnt It haa. No maa can go sgai

* knowledge of Hght wHbout a a*gnirt. W^en be goes sgalnat his «•

breatbe*. bat It will ManHw ta* earth atanda. tb* a•nlqae and wonder warklag aad IIlflc aad mlramloua talag far wblrhGod decread n.-Cbrlatlaa UereJd.

•r wMtost byTb* report of B M I I I M ) Alex. Mair.

of the Saaday-school, abowad that depart meal to ha hi a aaant hsallbj

ahip books a total of « » papUa andtts.uh.ra, whtl* tbe ajssjiasw altssia-

i for tha yaar waa MR. Tba largestiber p*ajsaail oa any oa* Sanday

Preaideat William N. Baayoa, oftaaj T. M. A., upamU* tana or*™tion 10 be - -•-•-g rapid *>iliii ta th*way af a**awbee*ha.p and aoUrfcty. Oaw

asaontatlon ta data* mnch to In• them raaarally and nfajsteaUyI on* af tha asm* important it>tion* i i wish the obnpaL


klada af ii | i and vartooa atyte*oeeda. It la mrrBiary ta bar* clothlag. bat It hi aot wia* to take rrota th*

ey aad time aad care for worship «•Oed aad relief of tas- pear. BMtaac* of •psrli I. u*«diaH"J by heraeue**e* ef th* band. W* maat gH

to really feel fur aad with

of hetp joe ar» wllltng to givet<* reW*^* Was. Haw marh saw jnm

to God and their o n auoJs make It a*The basal law I*. ~As Ood hftth

prospered him." Bach aa* should *ettbe Lard this matter of pro-It win probably vary at dlfITS. twas* ha v* In *%riy Ufa

•ettled three point a: (I) Tbe proportionof tha pr.saat income ta b* 0v*UodT* apertal work aad O th* future

*i Ol tb* aam beyond which theywin ajerer amunnlereaa* ahnve a eartaiagiven directly to tb*


* by Mia, L. R. Howard, of UMLadiea' Aid Uuiaatj. which haamembership of thirty ai l , aevsa a*

clear and alhnra awltbotn dimractioo to tbe rad wolife. It foreetalla tbe appeals of •*• and svald l h

call *« dlatrraa cTbe elear dniy la for every one

flx this matter ratmly a« to tbe partof hi* iix-ouie whlrh sba.ll be put aaidefor as* In helping tbe canae of Christdlveetly.

One of tbe greatest benenta ofthe effect span the giverrbo baa never tried

> Joy 1ability to give to a worthy <eanae a mm baa been aemmnlated f>tbe pnijwe Oftentimes a nersabears an appeal and wants to help, bntla (Jainfully eonarlonswould take money whtcb really oogbtnot to tie eo given. Scene att inflnraced under powerful peramuion legive more than la right, and they afterward regret It and In fulun- are ontbelr mianl asalaat all aoob ippMlnAH Ibis is avoided If one baa a fundhowever small, on wblrh to drawThen there arise* a lively lntereat ht•eefcuc tbe moat worthy causes onwhich to bestow one's gifts. No other

keea Intense In all ways It paya 1-follow tbe Blbt* law.

ttw W M .

To tbe anal eonarloos of the perUathat ar* aroawl It bow »w«t tb

of J n m -1 am the V I J - This-•J i 1 "1 1

•bow yoa tbe way." Tbe bestwas rvtv plaeed beside tb* rap-

ataa aad the beat rhart tbat «rer lay• ths> table la tbe captain's cabin

would be of little value to tbe landa-aaea. Tb* aval, crtppled by

who take* apua Him bear* our Inarwllbn aad so. by

1* almixhty power aad hearenly

b* realtyaa<U It ba. glren ap ail a*a» « addinganythlna; to Christ aad haa COSM to th*

It hi largely a recallWe learn the alphabet lener

d by ward. We MOM

I by begln&lng wUh that wbkhUry. Tb* gfvat li ulh* ef rrtl» aot received la balk, bat by

" aaa ray of divine lightI then another and nil) another na


Mra.J .M. Dsrdoui Waa a I

Mrs. 2. X. Drydaa aied Thara-day at tb . a n t a t bar dasgbtorMn. John Paal Koltiag. of Vast Fifth

waa* ttaa*. Mia TIIJBIB l i i In mUl for a i t a W r of yaata. bat ranah* aaffarvd a at rot* of apoplexy aajd

it. oaaaad her death.•Mra. Pry *aa waa farawrly Mia

dole, af 1. be* father being

Mia. W. J. K. Tblora sacMra. William P. Hall reside at 8a.MIP Md.. sad K m rrancu OMoor* aad H n John Paal Noltiag11 re la thu ci ty The saaa, MeredithDrydas, aad Robert Drydaa. reside

iw York. Tbe fanaral asrloaa wbeid in Baltimore Monday.

EABTEE RECBF1IOH.Boflety rmnetton Otveo by Mr*. S

Bt- J . MeCattohoa aad H*r »«n>«Wife. Mm. W, M. MeCwtehea.

One of the larceat and moat attrae:i T« fsncUoas of tb* Baator w*«* wa.tb* reosptioa given Friday after

by Mr*. Bamaeil St. John M»Catehen, of Mercer avenne. and barBOO • wif*. Mra. William Marsh MeOnto ben. reoeaUy n a i i t d Ths hand

ifallvwith paiama, ferns, Eaater 1 the*,roan. Ia tlie'dmlDg room, opening oatbe uinasai i t u i j which la alwayu abower of beauty, whit* waa th* pre-vailing color.

Tn*tbe gnasu la tb* parlor iiwiit"* byH n . William L. Sauaden, Mra.Cbarle* A. Reed, the ststars of Mr*.McCntehen, Mia. O. R Leonard,Penh Amboy. and tb* MlfSln Aanb*

and Minnie Marsh with Mrs.Keyaa, of Elisabeth.

Mra. Clifford W. McOee and Mra.Edward T. Wilson presided attable in tb* dining room and were•isted by tb* Miasea Barlow. How,Suydam, Home, Dorothy W*1U, Stargaret McOutcben andE*y**. of Kllsabetb, sister* of Mrs.

M. MeCatcban. Severalgnaats availed thanwel*** of Mra. MeCntcbaa'a boapttaUiy.

r-ermlt for Addition.•trait ban faeoa issaed by Baild

r T. a Donne far UM

•rty of P. Tmynar, a673 West Bavsath street. Tbe pUaa

1 aaade by Arehitoet B ~

. C. 1Tb* L C. T wiU give Ita so

n r r t H i la th* d a b niiaa*. ourmPark aad North avaataaa, Tbaradaj

•lac. April IT. Tb* commute*i l l II f of Irviag B Mills, chat:<; Oawsa I_ Apgar, Joseph I

Bowlby, Howard C. Drake, Jr., aad

For all kiadofother ' | | DnWtM's Witch

aael Salvw t* a ear* ranaas yield to 11 at one*.<•*•* of ptlea. Coolmg

oats geaala* bat Da Witt'aiuaai*, "I aaaTercd for aaaay

awn bom a anew oaaaad by agaa shotIn my left leg." aaya A. S.

L " U would aot

DUffH OFiffllY 10 6111

to Katt In This City.



Sew Jsrary. D M « Vton af Liberty, will be bald la that

18 aa4 ML 11 11 i l i i g M•aan wiu be wail araanaiaof tb* election of oaVomtof athar

• which will ha1*6 eoaaciU la th* Btaa* It ta

Imatod by the Scat* board ofosnthat Uksr* will be a* kna* Ma

Ion will i l l i s * a*Th, r*i will h*

held la the V M_ C A. Hall.At Ik* I w MSUAD, held la Trenton,

ia IBM, th* voting dalagalaa a a m b m d•seven. Tha memberablpto was bat i.SOo. wsnh

twenty-aeven onaaeUa eharund.Tb*** tgsres ar* la atnkiag tJSJliajlwith tb* a»emb*T«hlp of today Th*

wUl report I** coua-membera. of wbom «,-

I and S.SM mom Offtb* male member* al«y-*igbt belongto the Order of United A i a e n c u M--

i. t ,U3 belong to tb* JaalorOrder United American Meebacueaaad eighty-.!* bold mesabsrship iaboth th*** ordata. A a u maat be-long to either of the** ordara to baadmitted into tbe order of Daughter*of Liberty.

The Rational Council has naderadvisement an amendment ta do awaywith these restriction* and admit to

emberahip any man who waaander tbe puitwiliwi of tb*

oan Hag, aad tb* qassaioB willba voted on by that body at l u m a t •ing to be held in Byraeaa* la Aagastnext It la tbonght by friend* of thisproposed change that tb* order wiItmake rapid strides if tbe anaemdmrntU carried.

Tbe report* will show a act increaa*i memberahip of I.JI« daring tb*

laa* three years la that Uaa* th*council* of • Ibis State have added to

paraphernalia, the aaa of flt.Mt.alLDaring 1901 tb* council* have aaMout t«H. 1S4.W ia sick aad death h**k*-flu. Thai Item of expaadltare ameaata

1 tlW.Ottt.OT for Ibe laat fix years.-Daring ISO! the aura ooUectod

VS7.331.M; tb* n e M s B• other aoorcva w«r* •IT.4&S.7*.that* waanald oal far paifana

•r than t ia idav tM.IH.aA an>county load* ia the a amir af asanv

three suhordlnnto bndie* aad J.OJtlamkara.Ther* will bs a proposition beforeM 8MM rtaurll to naciad Ita* Uw

of deputy

Thai Was the Koeord at thealenatajoatrtora L u i

Blnrc th* local paUo*adviaahi* lo *•aaaad ha eaUa adtataJas;

Dr. Notphvatotaa ia all tb* oasss. On n

polar*, a* many of the :


"Ba (hat eoweth apartny P alao apartacty. aod be bountifully aha 11 rrap alaa ' Tbf rrfle* Influence of la poverty — poverty la that aoweilj iHNintiruIl \

which really oacht

friend a. la Joy. la peace and la (be hlraolno of tiod. C.lvln* bleaore twice la that W bleaaee him who *1»ra ami pry om half way with a manly rtp that not only command, hat qnickly make* every one Tn admirer and willloff to an-

Page 9: Constitutionalist VOL. XXXV. PLAINFIELD. N J..Hl’RSI JAY ... · DMB*. of La Prase* aveaae. Tb* prlaclpal Tilil!' I waa U« adoption of the oMotll do away with last arseon'• tmnbts


Ri«fct» M Caacreaa ••W-*. -7 Ix

Lota of Minor Matter* B«for*Borough Council, Bat Dearth

of Important Subjects.


<••!•-• M


P . , t »a.l«a.

V lmportan waa

North PUioflrld Cewdl

aprtaklinc parpoaea denn* tbe cimaiyear M Itu (<rr ran each mmih TbnfM accepted as were alao tba bid* ofJ W. MaabaMaa u d J H WIUOB forM M mnsenni K u k l W iw m a* follow. FlaapBc. forty foer0Mi | (••rbtag, Unity I wo wnu; cwalka. foar i H t a thick, forty fireW h and « i Utcbee thick at nfty--woOMU Chips u d do«t w*r* offw«dby WUM at ninety-lTe case, per Mo

K* 3 , eighty-Ire OBBU a>t tn waa diapoaod of

Claims »ff—f(»**-r approximately

tioa of President of OouclJ Nichols,ehairmaii of the aaditiof commit-tee. Th« report of Traaaar«r QoorgaF. Brown for the month of March waaa* foilowi. Ker*ipt*—urn and in-tercet. 91.MV.3K- sidewalk*. » L » .

Board of Haalth, 919.47 ; special school.# » m > saJc n* illii. $, t u i . m.PlainBald Street Railway Oompaay.«H0; balance on hand, March 1, «t,-aU.St. Tbe total receipu a m $4,.4wLJn aad the dUbnraaaseau, H.04K -» . Maria* a Tiillain on hand. April

J. K A mold, as owalraaaa of, theatreet committee, preeeatad -tbe fol-lowing report for UM month of March 1labor. •lST.44; H Ttnisnhrfm. »l .M Daffy, f< 75. street apriakliai. $>* ;amoDDtioit tn all to •lat.flt. TbeOoaactl approved the action of theOMaasitie* in payta* « I < M for laboroa atreets weakly, tawiad of semi

|k|MlM411 p « y

f C d

to thai «a~aotTfaa report of Robert Oart. en

i of tbe ire. water aad lampsa* follow* Btn<M

fir Kebrwary, SM laa.pi at41 p year. tUl .U. lee* allowance•f CM, a*d for March 3M lamp, at

TaTTr mtr. $431.*a. anahina tbe totalMK.M: wwtar—fMwal of eighty-fonrIr* hydnau frooi (Mober I. MM. toMarch 31. IW» .at $44 oacb par year,fX»; t n i l ifrianal at A Uwto*.•Kt, A. M Qrllaa, $1. IS: I* a Bo-

Umawwell Fit* Alarm Telegraph Com-pany. * . * . ' . D C IrtM * Co., 91*.matlaa; » total of **2 07. whfccb addedto ium1*<tali ••oawriai to |1W.hf-Mujhl UM | I M J total ap to $U. IT.

A proper naolBl

p *barrow «W0. pajaU* oa


flrr* la

•hoald aay

I*e.of carreU >

to a*ed>d for tb«

iortwt«i FUoratly th»w liavr

What is CASTORIAto • U m m mbitlUte IW ( W > OH. 1

i i r-

j wc.uld have eaaned oar forefathers n

a o u sinaMa peibUe Mi-raata.i "We have Ion* the ri*'ii of jieiiii..n. eqaal taxsil -a and thr Independi1 of the i nailmi The were, of

people thcDugd their chnaan reaentntires ta n>. Innyer btsrd in

t laad: bat la He atoad there hi the*ulre of nae man oajt of nearly BO,

OKNUINK C A S T O R I A ALWAYSi Baan the Sifnatai* of

Tbe Kind You Have Always BoughtIn Use For Over 3O Years.

for a tittle wfclk. Ymi ha*e riirh'aaM that H eafcai aa dtfereaowhich parly happena to be In powei

• or what holds the »fnc<j The fnct remains Chat ft baa bevom

f aalniaaij for presidents to aanan*1 powers which the conntitutinn doe»

ae4 jene then*; powers, the sasump't*oa of «hk* n n l be considered u

I tUsroastltuttoaal: power*, the arbfj trnrjr firrriw of which hare i - a »

•I time* cnaae u r i near treaafard aU rlotattoae »f tha

"It l« tme that oar forefathersfoufht for the ri(rht of pettth-a. The

I conatilatloji of onr nmntrt irrani! the rich! of patHJeM to * . m citt/*:! Aad yat the pristasnt baa rerewtiy

that r%bt-

pint r-t of theSnnr nf tiiraiJw»t» trnlmrnl


the corpora*!v hu opinion HMnwiiiiini liability.Hayor SaaaUay twarwa. hw • • « • • -

tion ooncerains tba ntci itn of a now [

[ miiilnil clerksI aad thoee without nertiI m<»t e<J Wharei g r iajaatice a fu%ern>-

mmt JalL This has beea folly da-tailed ia prerwaa iaaaea by Tbe Daily j Ins ta l la t ion 8«rvic« Waa H a l d

matter and nl hi* roqneat tbe muter Church Saturdaywaa laid oror until the next meetlag,

which time he will adriaa as tot proper legal etepe to be

oofciQ*- toward•lectioa aa

RftlMi 111 PflolUH B v a a s ^ t w r s

Varrao Kagiar C o o p u j waa nna

> ac of tba bodywill ba haM a«n Friday ••waiac for

-rpoa* of ooaaiwaria. tbe plaa.ataaMpal wi




HIS NEW C t U M C . •

I M Dfalra

to T r . l f Sarra tata Charek ««

aad tfe* Ctamrchi aUator-

.n f o 1 amrDay

cbaroh, BaUrday, oa thaof tha iaalatlaHna nf tho • * 'Bar. G N T T Blye Shaw, by R*r Dr.A. H_ I l l d b da leader in tha

TMNITY REFORMED CHURCH. aaUon. sod formerly paator of tbe lo-cal obarch.

Tbe aaanal Onaacial atateaseat of | The I m part of the aervios waa tbeHI insane committee of Trinity Re- . I^€miMt Snbhath moraine service, am-

harch was mmae-meti »«>- ducted partly by Dr Lewi, and partly,w. who r—id the Scriptnra


tbe noelpla. Ineladinf aM O troai la-t r w . t o t e A O K 87n a g«B«t>l eoarvt*. aad>(l«.M forMraleat r>rpo*M The expoaaea.

aclmdin* paaCor'i aalary. aad «m.Mpeiatla. the

r l o ,

a* his test LakeI am nanon- yea aa be thatHe spoke of tbe life of errtbe Sarioar, of tbe Cfarla-

life aa a Ufa of awihua.aad of tba oreeawty that UM Ufa Of aChristian, elersymaa sbonld be par-

V UaTiac a baUnor of uoalarly oaa of eerrioe. la «.teno»hit M W Bald, Mr Shaw's desire waato traly mm tbe chnroh aad (ba

should bs said that tba oaaaucory baa charch'a Muter He asked for tba co-coatrarted for tbe paintiait of the operation of hi* people - the work, be

harch building. This, with each re-

:inn with the

• a* are taoideat to the work, will w a r k together

BTOI*« the expeaaa of aboct At tbe aoael«alo> of Mr. Shaw's ad-

kept within th» reg-jar iaoawM. ha>-. # the W j (tatifytac balMM* of

tht. parpoM t b m la a tpeeial d r M B , D , i^wta -aid that tbeof *.i.v. « . la which U Iwdadod of t h # . n b , l m n < ^ j , „ „ , ) „

tbe apaciai o f w U i takeo oa laatar, j . n i ^ » „ u !»« b, w - - 1 haptiatid byu d - - T 1 Mr. Shawi (nodfaitx-r. Rer. Baaaell

An a-alyM. of the rtit.a.m wUl , Bardlok. The. , . a brtaf hat ,loqt h i tha i NM* f•bow thai tha rnnnin* expcNM* fat , addnw be welcomed the aww paetor

;bie cbareh u d alt tt oomU BIT*

errre Uod. la c Dr

p p- twin* aUowad by ttw C

h TDoad. who dirwird ihc work of BUvM

• paid fflO for hu an-

•r Cooacil a 11to what ha baa already i

cfanrcb and caiiad on tbenm to do their' part: to make a warm plane for tba

I aad his taavily la t heir1 take their

I ta tba wark so u to pat »o m>- «,.„», ,.f rafM-eaewtathns. oa hi* po-Htinl side, that he wnsld be exported

I Ba then offered aa - m i l prnrer that to *"'<• for thnt bill. W.IIUm 11.™* . the charcb aad paator might recetre a Sowdea. of AllawUnm. T%^ stated*** mvtaal hloeaia- aad cloeed the err- * * * ' h ' • " 1 | W • " * *°** '<* Ilu>' hin-

Pnvideat Cle\elnad took op hi. penaad vetoed a bill (or . pabUe

•ball petition fo*- jnatire throiarh hu

atvr. Thr Poastitatioa hi thwihsted. and wtth an imperialism '

who mi«-ht dare-to exerriae hia ri«Hof petltioa wowld be arbitrarily dlcwnixrd- frt*m hht posHk>n. remmfleiof tbe ore*nir arw and the aa>

~Onr fin|-fsthtm fnairtit far eq«

aHkt w i n that *afct nf u i i i lnD Theywere a j-art nf ta* Britfah rmpiettlxewa of H. BTMI feh that they w*rwemfhlnf c» rqaa)-taxation and f*pre-•« i>l l - ' i Oair ut inn r" i tnThi— |n4a)|n MM yvt thv roiitlin-tbnei b> «*a*pte**tj> bjr>nr«d when w*n a r t., topoael that eaa»e kind oftanri'-ai af>»a Pnrtn Ric> aad thePhilippine*. If that was w i M f atoair 1 im*. it moat be fnrvtM * r»»njr

Tfwt Mbjari. hnwrtrr. 1. a matterOf txirtfral MrRnlr jn-t BOW. and Iwin n .1 <Tw-rH IIVII It Hat tbe proo-1.-- mt |w«nVnt» rfirtaiinr to eoav

lTTi«'*'i..a Khali be »a-F 1- t h e * t of . 1 ! .

Mtf"B* nf thr•.-.T--r nr l»t-' fi nimt be stnpped.Di->-i.>-Ml and MrKinley were in»»t-•nt i> ™ | . ^ I I . J their villa ap»n the

~i !• Haaat » i - detfraiiard that theMilt-. I M trade bill khonld be p*—id.aad he antiflwd e^erv member of ihe

iBB nSnir and was nlteoded by a~lanren.mber of fneada aad ecriety t»opte ^ C-»»-» O. Da«ta, an. of Dr. ; of the ,

of the e*y- I T • • n » T t a - °* **** •Mia. Wri>ht aad Mn Decker re- l o l o ™" « "SEaetSi i th atreet tben«*d ihr aarste la tbe parlor, aa- 1 b u t * T par* <*" ***• **«>• Dr. Da-ru

and Miss Cock Bed « a tbe ( T«**at7 •line *oae of the dinin* room, i s l a * t * vradaatioa. be baa been with .

and tbe beaaUfnUy decorated table 1 **** »*• D r Charlea Easts, who waa meant that he 1was presided orer by Mn Somnel , oae of UM most p m i M U deaiiato of to hnoUIlnte any representsti<«

1 Barton aad Mm Oeorn Taylor ' Philadelphia the people who dared to Tote- - - , trar-r to tba "ill of the nun ia

w h i t e s i i s i •aaeuted be Mr*. WiUmm D. Manay.Mn. William Taylor. Mra. Daaiel

la JnlUre Hand's C*-uIn tbe landlord aad Tiatm

_ Mdrncw. a^iaat MoCiwady. J — p r e i l d e ^ iEfaer 9«roac aad Mia* Alice A Bar- t.ce Baad *nre a vardict Sanrday for than aay of •

of the preaaises. at this aewaps

ly TinldllH Ovt for Cnbaa ReriprocHy.brsder. lhrhiy a Vc*a.'

"Xow teif me what right the pres-ident ham to be 'lira' ..ier a Matterof lefftalaii"n Mr. Rooaeralt eaya


ttter fro and that ,aaay p

.,« Mib»*l ,p

lateraatloaal policy. Bat thaprocitr » • • with the itninf aad (ate.

wall-formed aalioon of the world, j The >tar altrwith the atataa aad JOT-1 * * " ***" Brifc

o the aoata of u oa lhi. . E>"-» arteraooBut. n r a tf Mr. aWKialey I t»«*d «1 w*at

A h «"* pn^roUaeai . B . ra tf Mr. a W K ywere In in*. no n t i u r how meA he «"* pn^rrmMme aa amiffht brlie^e in rerlproHty. ha w.mld «"* a be«* li-n Of •ha«« a.. ri|rht 1.. dirtat* to the CM- r> aoppoaed In bt f r

the llun

nm announced i>n |mm battle: F r o m I * M U - School.•c the lion'


«•»- by CommittW of Yoosg Me&

Indicatoa the following-eit, that the president is nscositrutinnallv dtrtstlng to the congTCan;ind that sack prucadore baa tuennaeLO rnmmnn that tbe editor of oae ofhe Madia*

tionnl capiti•lalm th« fact In bold Ueadliaea

hi. front pafc. I ' lnw I war In mind1 am not iairifrhing nt-ninat theit i v t m b n i i f tbe pmMfin-Tpnm'i|ili» whirb 1 enunciate

would S|>1>1> to every (.r. -nl-nl fromrhomam Jetferatia to hUtoaerelt, In aofar as any of them bare ignored the

tioej aad interfered with tbe

"-Yon ha*e M M that thr prnideataiaie beew aeeuntoiavd to <->errin|rina>eJiera and nther kniiH leadera-IV.".f of that •Uirmral I Hod I

newspaper. • • toUen: "Led bySpanker. OrfanaKatiua Started

bat. Kn-ak i u u u Merry War toBitter Ead."

- The re jam hat* M bnUlj etaTbe reprse»tnti»e» mf the people whodata tn have wiUa *f their o n I.raiaal the wiU o< the president, sieUed Tecal. it r . n l . / s . th..f.,h it « llow a settled taet thai the president

i . Thai U wbat o

milled ihmi-rliei ta be < !>lled in

aooprmtkoa of the speaker of tha

b* n p r r x s u l i t n mt the peuple to be•tojce-inl tu ••• fivh.i «.iii f i p m i or

taaplk-u threat-. When Ihr power ofWatte a«n>e p - t n u p rritri- to b«

aad •• . irnmr-i . miirbt be u.rd. Ba>•udy belie-ro iliai the p m n l *rnial

ser of the boam* has s n ; hearti effort to compel In- ftllnwrep-•tntrtr* to .iibmil la sn; dirtnm

i r t f n - i H i w i ml tbeir IOIM oaany public qwetli..n». _\e.erthele»«, he

been induced to C" with the pres-,t on this reriprocHy matter. Ja.t

aa he aras iwfaceii to fo with tbe prea-Idrat oa the Porto I.imn tariff, sfterthe presldewt had declared thnt 'on-ilain dnty' was in the upposite dtrec-

ladire Bartlrtt's • i l u d i r n l o i i re-st« primarily to the recent bitter coa>-

test In the house «f rrpre.eatatirra. lawhleh Mr. Tnwney. of Mmnrcia. • • •anmed tbr lead of those represrBta-Ires who were opposed to Ihe policy1

ihe president roaccmitijr refiproe-ty with Tabs. Mr. Tswney .sid: "The

powrr of patronage be* blinded mei the. pe>t. s> it has blindrd in a ay:hers. Bnt tkls proposition, whichonld lead to dc*troj the beet snvar

ndnatry of our country has •wak-ned me to *nrh artion s« I mi)tht aotiherwUe bs*e taken. Bat ba«fam;iken this stand, my n » n r shall here-

after br clear: beeaase s . Inug mn I ampnblk- Hfe 1 >hall abide by tbe «oa-tniii.n of it.i mnntry. and >hsll rig-ini*l> appifee anj pretident whorr* to dictate toeoayress what shall

•r done hi matlrrm of legislation. Thai•as frown end tarrrsned woadrr-

B1I> snd Uasentsbly durine; my lif-lar, aad I am ret a ruling nan. Sooa-r or later there shall ari>e a maa

who will be able to check it. I maybe that man: but 1 th.ll certainlymy port In creetlna: public seali-H ac inst imperial s->nmptloa. by

F B I hrtir mea who woald farehe president aarfer esi>tia|r Condi-Inns. Bat back of any m a wbn (landsnr parr ron»t Hat tonal ffnrrrameathere e n l br the plain people of therefill.IK- Tt mnkn x i dHferrnce towhat party a a n belon**. nor who.may be the tnenmbeat of the white

IBM; «o president should be permit-ted to dtrtate to the » • ( - » • . the- di-rect rvpreaentatltea nf the peopl* of* -ep-bUc.

Mf rrn r>. nrr.


rladiatiir. Aa a mle nt eneb priformanre there la a it|rt>roii.t »lni»-t-ie. tbe younjr woman even ' e i r fto be oa Ihe p»iwt of beinff lopiece* by the apparently Infuriatedben«t. B M In the ead ahe U nlwnyirietorlona nnd the kin* of broatfall* Mia hia bnek nnd yiekla Uw flffbt

One nijttit. however. Ihe haul'luoke.1 more raraest than usual. Tietbrilliac aftnatlona weir more fre-quent and the animal'* roar antaonndeif iinf-iriiiin-nli nmlnniH.

• aeen by the pntmas thatliol <l»l net <IF.{ilai her if-ual

irr- There wna IHtle 1 fham battle In thia fug* I f f at.

fact. w h W o f thr !(•»•'• paw i lrMi— [l-liof- fare and to thr hi.of the •pertatora Moid lowedfnaety. Then tberr wna almnetpanic artien the nffrttdanta rtmr riti(( tit the enfr with hot iron* andMias Heftot «»- dmavvd f ™ ,

IB anrnmrloB. state. Xrit the rnffnwiar Hay the per-«ra* reprated. thi* lime mm

y bvt «ln*e> thew [t ban beefnrbMden hi nnler nf the •iMhnHttrtt


gwi Ideal in the 'trinity nf PnirrWw. nnd

•rs 1 t imea tbe eerw vteeha-rirrd re-ern at it frnm th* nbnaw. but the

alert rat jn*t" k i d

Then • liricht idea etmrk

ssnke a biff ims hwok. TMa he battedwith a rhk-kea a art attached n piece ofhell curd lu It. Uhea,lrieirai»»a»ir"-

•9 m edi. tbe other

sbnrp earn- the wildnt aW»e>t>!y*pt-mug from behind a pile of railr.^<itie. and «cUed * e chirken. Hnbbarde>> r a hnrd, quirk poll, aad la a mo-

I the arrenmlaf. Mruyj-Hn^ catupon (hepUtform. AftrrkseiereITirle tbe irainnsew killed the beast•a hatch*! sad a rrawbsr. It

-" irh"' '•>' poasMb. Rnbbnrd will r-.lect Ihe Malp IKUJBIT frnei the montj.mi hate the hide ssade into a enal to•car M-tirn haatraf ia the mountain*

aeii winter.

pet nHNtkey i. uwswd by \e*ins Hyde, of Caleajro. A

afcnrt time aft-o the najimal dJarov-ered a battle of brandy i a the doc-tor** laboratory nnd drank millrrablr <if it. In a little while be felt -**••*•"no jnJIj and ntf-rate-rowa that he re- ?"* " "- l - d t.. pntat tbe tow. rwi U | J S T Jhis efforts to jret nut ..f the bowse ' E J Vlei stumbled npnei a box of carmine ' ""^powder, and with tarn he. naUted•tamelf red, froe. his >*— to Us

aajpioea of •eremlSchool. The I . I |MI»I

toritaCiaaa iaeaed for tba affaivary U i m aad tba «nnre Sotwell taken ap with tbe merry

taw whole t Ten mefomiahed by

idnight refnserred. after whieh t

asul aa early boar tat*

ia char*-* of theof Maxwatl J. Phr-

Lbbott, Hartley Melbrkaad FraocM Martia. Tbe patronieauwere Mia. K. R. PerkiM. Mra. Job*Leal. Mrs. Kliot T. BarrawB. Mr.

Bsake, Mrs. William T.Mfa Tboanaa Minforn.

Mra. r*-ma*& Martia. Mra. Gear-*fa. Baary A MoOea.

Mrs. La etas H. Sift-low. Jr., Mn.Cbarlaa L. Abbott aad Mrs. W. A.Pinto.

t were tbe fol-b w n « l

Botaaaa, Aaaa •oreaai. KUie Bre. TTnh— Brown. Era Brown*,

Sophie Barlow. Alice Barlow. TimmomBan, Q O M Bark*. Mac Bntcbelor,Jennie Brow»r. May Bryan, tttadya

i«low. Faaary Chacii i . L M I M Car-tia, Florence Carue. Helen Daru.

a Davia, Jon* Doejr Ia*. M«yaieDay. Daavy •Hiitia, Mart. Ftach.Charlotte - inch. Sanch Fink, DorothyFlanaiac M.rjni . FV-mtmt.Ptalia. F

raaHerwvrdam. Maida Hyde. MaadKoneyman. Mahei Barilaad. iaiawMae Hawaii, t n a t HynCte. Stepnaau.

. Gnat ITiafaaaa Uladyi Eaai-Margaret Leal. Belaa U t , Bos-

ine LOT*, Jnaaptiiai Laaaway. HakmMoody. 1 'IK " Moody. HateaMartia, Mar Marray. ARM* Miaford, f - i g . i i * Maad, Bell* Milne.

Bio Marpfay, Vtl-belmina PatMa. Mary Andrrnon Betahart, n i n u m Kaataolpfa. Martha Rob

L Elaaaor Stiaip-- South. Edit-

Strong. SanliBehvylar, Chruttaa Soott, babeUeSeott, Mcaabil 8phenod«r. Bath T u cMary K. VaUaat, KaKT T u L V mier. Marinin YnaEh-^mter. HelenW FraaoM Weir. Maida Wad*worth, Oiace WUoox and Dorothy

>ld; Maw UUveSmith, of MarMaa Tvtrf. Q.: M;-Kmily Ooald, of Brooklyn ; Him Elate

of Hi mill . Pa. I MMB Barcn-aaa* Mk-a Grace Crater, of Hiw-rr

-nlle : Mam P**—if-w «ad Mis. Lil l-trancbar, of Fan wood; Miai l>cy

Slade. of Tretttoa | Mia> Loataa Scad-of New York. Meana. J. Whit-

ney Baker. C A o n Brook*. Vaa-Wyck Brooks. Kenneth Balkier. D*Win Brafcaw. Fred Brown. HaroldBrown. Haih Baldwin. Rowland C01,Waller Oahoone. Harold DOUBM.(irorw* Dnpee. Cbaile* Dnpre. PrCbariea G. Darte. Edwin Dani-i.

~ * . Barrey Fuk_ _ A. B. Flak. i>wen

leninic. Pierrepoal FoMer. W. L.Ulenaey, William Hobbte. BdwardHobble, Hay Hooiey, Laacdon Howard, Lealie HaJloc*. Bay Millr.Charie* Kins. Henry L*al, WilliamMiller. Vaajrha MoOon, Bobert Mar"* U , Everitt J. Peck, Artfanr Peek.

nd A. Poad. Edward Perkiwak O. Beiahan. O e a | i Bh-hards.

_ Hjory Bowiaad, BaraU Bohaft.Edward SafTera, Fraak Sumpeoa.DB*M Scott, Barry Hlaoaoa. Ftaw*

C. Talmadip-. Morgwi T Towaaead.WUllaai A- Tewaarad, MeibckTweedy, Lawrence L. Tweedy, Joe-Tweedy. Wetanor* Holloway Tiro*.Bobert Tilaey. Orrilla T. Waruw.>>t-a*laa WartDr. Wtllnrd Wadaworti',

Edward J. Wartaa. E. Mniwr::Hoaeymaa. Howard deP I n i ' i if*laia«a>d: Jack Baroalow. Ihnd

aiaa. of Mew Tork.

•prains. Mother ,oat the bottle of Parry- Dan.'killer and rab. it oa tba iajatadwith u m e r r r t a d finco tb 'l