Constitutional Convention Met in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787 to revise the Articles of...


Transcript of Constitutional Convention Met in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787 to revise the Articles of...


Constitutional Convention Met in Philadelphia in the summer of

1787 to revise the Articles of Confederation

-55 Delegates (planters, lawyers, generals)

-Also known as the Philadelphia Convention

James Madison

He was known as the Father of the Constitution because he wrote the basic plan

George Washington

- Unanimously chosen to preside over the meetings

-President of the Constitutional Convention

Virginia Plan (Large States) -Mostly written by

James Madison -called for 2 house

legislature, a chief executive chosen by the legislature and a court system

-representatives would be proportional to population

New Jersey Plan (Small States)

-kept the Confederation’s one-house legislature with one vote for each state

-Congress could set taxes and regulate trade – Powers the AOC did not have before

-Congress would elect a weak executive branch consisting Of more than one person

The Great Compromise

- Roger Sherman suggested a compromise to resolve the Disagreements

Three-Fifth Compromise

- Count each enslaved person as 3/5 of a free person for both taxation and representation

Slave Trade

- The slave trade was banned within the North’s borders and wanted to ban it throughout the nation

Bill of Rights

George Mason proposed adding a bill of rights to protect individual liberties, but it was defeated and not added until later

September 17, 1787

Constitution was signed (without a Bill of Rights)

Liberty Kids: We the People Part One