Constipation and Cure

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  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    Constipation and cure

    A day without a bowel movement is no cause for concern. The notion that a daily bowel

    movement is a necessity of life is rooted in folklore, not science. However, bowel movements

    should be effortless and of soft consistency. Defecation is a physiologic necessity, and need

    not cause embarrassment. Furthermore, defecation is a priority. hen the sensation of the

    urge to defecate is felt !the call to stool", it is important to respond promptly, and not

    postpone it unnecessarily for social or other reasons.

    The treatment of constipation includes dietary and lifestyle changes, fiber supplements, and

    la#atives. For very difficult cases prescription medications and behavioral techni$ues such asbiofeedback may be tried. %n very rare instances surgery may be necessary for carefully

    defined neuromuscular abnormalities. The first step is to determine the underlying cause of

    constipation. A constipated individual may use a daily diary and worksheetto record bowel

    movements, stool characteristics, and other factors to help the physician and patient work in

    partnership in pursuing effective treatment.

    Occasional Constipation

    For occasional, short&lived, or mild constipation the best treatment is prevention. Dietary

    measures usually accomplish this. Dietary fibercan prevent constipation, and may benefit

    individuals with relatively minor or occasional constipation. 'egular ingestion of fruits and

    vegetables, especially if uncooked, will provide dietary fiber and natural la#atives such as that

    found in prunes. hole grain breads and cereals are also helpful. (any find it difficult to take

    sufficient $uantities of these foods in their diet. %n this case raw wheat bran may be given as a


    For those who find that bran causes bloating or e#cessive gas, a fiber substitute such as

    psyllium !a natural soluble fiber that tends to form a gel in water and act as a bulking agent"

    may help. %f gas is still a problem, methylcellulose !Citrocel" or polycarbophil !e.g., FiberCon,

    )$ualactin" may help. These do not undergo bacterial fermentation and so create less gas.
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    The need for regular e#ercise and e#tra fluids to prevent constipation is controversial.

    *evertheless, these are safe and +ustified for other health reasons. Certainly, inactivity when

    ill, or dehydration provoke constipation. %t also makes sense to drink a generous glass of

    water to wash the fiber down. !e sure to drink plenty of water with psyllium."

    -a#ativesshould be reserved for temporary constipation due to illness, incapacity, or travel.

    Talk to a doctor about selecting a la#ative.

    Chronic Constipation

    %f constipation becomes chronic or persistent, consultation with a physician is in order. hile

    structural abnormalities or diseases of the colon or rectum can cause constipation, it is usually

    of unknown cause. The doctor will double&check to make sure all constipating medicines have

    been stopped, switched to an alternative, or reduced in dosage if possible. The consumption of

    plenty of fluids, as well as fruits and vegetables should be encouraged.


    %n a survey of // practicing primary care physicians, most felt constipation was difficult to manage,

    and 012 felt there were needs for better treatment options.3/4

    A high&fiber diet may improve gut transit, stool fre$uency, and stool consistency in persons

    with mild to moderate constipation. (ost people consume only a fraction of the recommended

    51&6 gm of fiber daily. 7n the other hand, some persons with constipation are already

    consuming ade$uate $uantities of fiber. (any others tolerate fiber supplementation poorly,

    especially if fiber intake is dramatically increased over a short time period. 8ide effects can

    include bloating, gassiness, and cramping, any of which a person may feel is worse than the

    constipation itself.

    %ndividuals may tolerate dietary and various commercial fiber supplements differently, so new

    fiber sources should be tried for a few weeks each until the most satisfactory is found. 9atients

    should gradually increase dietary fiber intake until an effect is achieved or until it becomes

    apparent that no further benefit is gained. ulking agents, such as psyllium, are an alternative

    for persons who have difficulties consuming enough dietary fiber to treat constipation. These

    products hold water, which bulks and softens the stool. %ndividuals are encouraged to increase
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    the dose of fiber gradually over a couple of weeks to help minimi:e any side effects, such as

    distention and bloating. A physician or registered dietitian can help sort this out.

    8hould simple measures fail, the addition of a la#ative is the ne#t step. There are several

    types of la#atives and, whether over&the&counter or by prescription, consultation with a

    physician is advised before long&term or chronic use of them.

    The doctor may recommend starting with an osmotic la#ative, which works by drawing water

    into the colon. The sugars lactulose, lactitol, and sorbitol are not absorbed by the intestine.

    Through osmotic forces they increase stool bulk and stimulate peristalsis !contractions of the

    muscles that propel food content through the ;% tract". They are safe and perhaps are the

    preferred all&purpose la#atives. *ote that these sugars sometimes cause gaseousness,

    abdominal cramping, and bloating.

    The drug polyethylene glycol !(ira-a#" is an osmotic la#ative that first became available after

    receiving FDA approval in /000 as a prescription drug and later, in 511s nervous system, it is now

    believed this concern has been overstated.

    (any patent or herbal medicines contain la#atives. These are unregulated, and the dose of

    any contained drug is often unknown. 8ome can cause diarrhea and are best avoided.

    New Medications

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    The prominent role of the neurotransmitter serotonin !a chemical that acts on the nervous

    system to help transmit messages along the nervous system" in gut motility and sensation has

    led to the development of new prescription agents such as tegaserod !?elnorm".

    Tegaserod was originally approved by the FDA in 5115 for the short&term treatment of women

    with irritable bowel syndrome !%8" whose primary bowel symptom is constipation. The safety

    and effectiveness of tegaserod in men with %8 have not been established. Tegaserod has

    been shown to be effective in relieving multiple symptoms of %8 with constipation.3@4 The

    drug should not be used by persons who have or fre$uently e#perience diarrhea. %t should be

    discontinued immediately and a physician called if symptoms develop of new or worsening

    abdominal pain.

    %n 511@ the FDA approved the use of tegaserod for treating chronic constipation in both men

    and women under the age of

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    %ntractable constipation means that the symptom does not respond to the treatments

    described above. 9atients who have intractable constipation may be referred to a specialist

    who may wish to perform transit time or other studies.

    Transit time, the time it takes for stool to move through the colon, can be evaluated by any

    physician by taking #&rays of the abdomen 6 days after the patient swallows a capsule

    containing 5@ tiny plastic markers. (arkers are substances that allow stool to show up on #&

    rays. As a rule of thumb, if more than 512 of the markers remain in the gut after 6 days, the

    transit time is abnormally prolonged, and further investigation may be helpful.

    %f the transit time is prolonged, patients may undergo further testing at highly speciali:ed

    centers. Colonic scintigraphyis a test that uses a small amout of a radioactive substance

    ingested in a meal to measure transit time= images are then recorded at intervals over a 5@G

    @ hour period to measure progress of the meal through the colon. Defecographyuses #&rays

    to look at the behavior of the rectum and anus during attempts to defecate. %t evaluates

    completeness of rectal e#pulsion and puborectalis muscle rela#ation, and identifies structural

    problems !such as rectocele"

    Anorectal manometrycan be used to measure resting and s$uee:ing anal sphincter pressures,

    rectal sensation and compliance, and sphincter response. ith manometry, balloons are

    positioned in the rectum and anal canal. Doctors inflate the balloons and then measure the

    response. Hirschsprung>s diseaseand other disorders are detected this way.

    !ehavioral Treatents

    owel retrainingmay help persons who have very difficult symptoms. 8uch training involves

    sitting on the toilet for /6 to 51 minutes at the same time each day so the body can get into

    the habit of having regular bowel movements. The ideal time is following breakfast and coffee.

    8ince the normal human position for human defecation is the s$uat, elevation of the feet by

    placing a footstool before the toilet may simulate that position. The doctor will recommend

    discontinuing stimulant la#atives and consuming a high&fiber diet or a dietary fiber supplement

    if needed. For severe constipation, enemas may be used occasionally as part of a bowel

    retraining program.
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    iofeedbacktherapy is sometimes helpful to treat a variety of bowel disorders including

    constipation and pelvic floor dysfunction. %n this procedure, special sensors measure bodily

    functions of which we are usually unaware of. A therapist helps use this information to modify

    or change abnormal responses to more normal patterns.

    S"r#ical Treatent

    8urgery is a rare last resort for constipation when a surgically remediable cause of

    constipation can be identified. Hirschsprung>s disease !below" is an unusual e#ample of a

    remediable condition in adults. %n some cases, even if a local neuromuscular abnormality can

    be identified, surgery makes matters worse. Therefore, surgery should be considered only

    after careful evaluation by physicians and surgeons who are e#perts in this field !e.g.,

    gastroenterologist, colorectal surgeon" and after all other prescribed treatments have been

    ade$uately tried and failed. %t is important to discuss any recommended surgery thoroughly

    with the doctors in order to be familiar with the procedure and understand the potential risks

    as well as proposed benefits.

    Transit time that is greatly prolonged may indicate colon inertia. Here, surgical intervention is

    sometimes considered. Colon inertia may be part of a generali:ed gut neurological or muscular

    disorder, in which case removal of the colon will not correct the problem.

    hen the internal anal sphincter fails to rela# after rectal distention, the patient may have

    Hirschsprung>s disease. This disease is usually, but not always, discovered in childhood. The

    treatment is surgical removal of a segment of the colorectum.

    8urgical repair can be helpful in women with large rectoceles who must support the back of

    the vagina with their fingers in order to effect defecation. Complete preoperative evaluation

    !preferably including defecography to demonstrate improved rectal emptying with vaginal

    support" and careful patient selection are necessary to ensure optimal outcomes.

    A new operation using a special surgical stapler !8TA'' procedure" may help some with

    obstructed defecation that is caused by a combination of rectocele and internal intussusception

    !infolding of the rectum". As with any surgery, a thorough assessment of causes and

    symptoms prior to the operation is important so that those individuals best suited for the

    procedure are selected. 8tudies are underway to assess safety and effectiveness, and
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    additional data are needed before this operation can be advocated outside speciali:ed research

    centers. ;o to this %FF;D web pageto view a list of speciali:ed centers in the B.8. studying

    the 8TA'' procedure.


    9revention of occasional constipation can usually be accomplished through dietary measures

    and responding to the call to stool. Adding fiber to the diet may benefit those with occasional,

    temporary, and mild constipation. Consultation with a physician is recommended when

    constipation is chronic or persistent.

    After a thorough medical evaluation to determine the underlying cause of the constipation

    various treatment options can be considered. This often includes a review of dietary and

    lifestyle factors. 7ther treatment options include medications and behavioral approaches. %n

    some well defined cases surgery may be considered, but only after other appropriate and

    more conservative options have been tried unsuccessfully.

    Constipation is common, yet clearly there is a need for better understanding of this condition,

    and for improved treatments. Bnbiased studies are needed that look at the incidence, natural

    history and $uality of life in individuals with constipation. hile several novel therapeutic

    agents are in different stages of development, continued and additional research is needed to

    establish their safety and effectiveness, to develop new treatments, and to advance our

    understanding of this chronic troublesome disorder.


    1. 8chiller -', Dennis ), Toth ;. 9rimary care physicians consider constipation as a severe and

    bothersome medical condition that negatively impacts patients lives.American Journal of

    Gastroenterology00 !/1 8uppl" 856 & 5

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    4. Chang -. %rritable bowel syndrome. Digestive Health Matters511@ 8pring, Jol / *o /

    'dditional So"rces

    Thompson, ;. Functional diarrhea, constipation, abdominal bloating, and gas. Functional GI

    disorders Education Program Guide, Chapter , %FF;D, /00.

    Natural Medicine for Constipation


    By kalamitycat


    Constipation: A Peril of Modern Living

    Our modern processed foods have cut down on the roughage that we eat and have therefore

    led to a significant number of people in our society who suffer from constipation. Whereas

    the pioneers mostly ate all whole grain products, we typically consume a lot of denatured

    while flour products that have the fiber taken out of them. Another part of modern life that

    leads to constipation can be certain medications that we take such as blood pressure pills,

    pain relievers, antidepressants, tranuili!ers, statin drugs for lowering cholesterol, and manymore chemicals that we consume. Also, a sedentary lifestyle and not consuming enough

    liuids can cause bowels not to work properly. "ven old age can lead to constipation as the

    bowels lose their muscle tone. #ome people rely on chemical la$atives for a %uick&fi$% for

    their problem, however these can cause permanent bowel damage and make the colon la!y.

    'he traditional remedy that doctors usually prescribe is taking (etamucil or eating All Bran.

    )owever, if your problem is severe this advice probably won*t work. Also, if you don*t drink

    enough water with the fiber then it compounds constipation.

    Laatives fro! Aro"nd t#e $orld

    An interesting website featuring natural constipation cures is found at+

    www.possumsal.homestead.comconstipation.html which has compiled a long list of

    remedies from around the world. -t says that there is a special seaweed which grows off of

    the "ast -ndian coast called %agar agar% can be taken as a la$ative. 'o use it you can boil it

    down until it becomes a elly and then flavour it with lemon or orange uice. Agar agar can

    also be eaten like a cereal with milk and sugar on it to disguise the taste. -t can also be
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    added to soups or cake. (ake sure that you allow three days to a week for agar agar to be

    effective. Apparently, it is the ingredient in ice cream that makes it smooth.

    -n -srael people eat three or four barley muffins or biscuits to help constipation and

    indigenous inhabitants of the West -ndies freuently drink Aloe /era uice which is a potent

    la$ative. 'o ease cramps from drinking the uice they blend in some fennel seeds. A warning

    about Aloe /era is that it shouldn*t be consumed by pregnant or menstruating women.

    American pioneers when they were travelling west carried rhubarb root to ease constipation.

    )owever, the 0hinese rhubarb root is the strongest la$ative. -t is called %'ahuang% which is

    prepared by drying, then cutting and pulveri!ing. Another constipation remedy that

    "thiopians use is chewing on pumpkin seeds. "ating fresh coconut meat is said to be good

    la$atives while the 1rench use whole mustard seeds to treat nausea, indigestion, and

    constipation. 0hinese doctors advise their patients to eat sweet potatoes with salt or sugar

    for chronic constipation.

    #ome other around& the& world constipations cures include uava, 3apaya, 0hickweed,

    Buckthorn bark, and 4andelion root.

    Laative Re%ipes &o" Can Ma'e at (o!e

    )ome made la$atives can be as simple as stewing up some prunes and eating four or five of

    them or grinding up fla$seeds in a coffee grinder and mi$ing three tablespoons of them with

    some yogurt. A constipation cure recipe that reuires a little more preparation is the following

    Laative Re%ipe

    #immer one half cup of raisins, or half a cup mi$ture of raisins, figs, and prunes with water

    and olive oil for several minutes. Add 2 tablespoons of toasted wheat germ and some 5

    tablespoons of toasted natural bran. 6e$t, add some Wheatabi$, milk, and sweetener. "at

    this every morning to keep constipation at bay.

    A back issue of 'he 3arkinson*s #ociety*s newsletter has some interesting ways to make

    la$atives tasty. 'heir site is found at+ www.aa.psg.orgoctober2775.pdfand the recipes are

    as follows+

    Po)er P"dding

    8 cup prune uice

    8 cup applesauce
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    8 cup wheat bran flakes

    8 cup whipped topping

    8 cup of prunes canned or stewed

    Blend ingredients, cover, and put in fridge. 'ake cup every morning. -t will keep for a week

    in the refrigerator.

    Fr"it Spread

    2 pounds of raisins

    2 pounds of currents

    2 pounds of prunes

    2 pounds of figs

    2 pounds of dates

    rind fruit in food processor. 0ombine with two 2: ounce containers of undiluted prune

    concentrate and mi$ with electric mi$ed in large bowl. 3ut in large plastic container and


    Standard Re%ipe

    ; cup of bran

    ; cup of applesauce

    ; cup of prune uice

    0ombine together and store in refrigerator. 'ake ; ounce daily, adusting dose as needed.

    #ome other la$ative recipes are as follows+

    Eas* Laative +a!

    ; cup pitted prunes

    ; cup pitted dates

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    ; cup boiling water

    Boil water in a medium saucepan. 0hop fruit up finely. 6e$t add to boiling water and cook

    until thickened.

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    ?emon uice

    (i$ together and drink.

    Morning Orange +"i%e,Fla Laative

    Boil two tablespoons of fla$ seed in three uarts of water and let cool. #tore in the

    refrigerator. "ach morning add two ounces to orange uice and mi$ with fla$ . 4rink a glass

    every morning.

    With all these natural remedies you should be able to get off of the chemical la$ative

    bandwagon and achieve regularity. >emember, each person is uniue and what works for

    one person may not work for another. With patience, however, you should be able to

    conuer constipation.

    Victoria Pyschkyza says:

    ;F months ago

    -n my country, we were mi$ing water and salt and suger and we will drink it and it will make

    us make poo faster. this constipition what is itC

    #orry for my not smart but - am very smart in my language it is ust that your englush is not

    good to be spell or to be listen.

    'hank you for your times.

    The Health Lady says:

    E months ago

    - usually have a bowl of oatmeal every morning, and -*m always sure to eat plenty veggiesand drink tons of water. Although constipation seems like a small issue it can start a heart

    attack as many stop breathing while they push and constipation also aggrivates varicose

    veins. 'hanks for the getting the word out about constipation.
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    Annette Rozen says:

    5 months ago

    - found your article very interesting and informative, but as someone who as lived in -srael for

    the last five years, i must say that your comment about eating barley muffins or biscuits is

    simply not true.


    On this page:

    Who gets constipated?

    What causes constipation?

    How is the cause of constipation identified?

    How is constipation treated?

    Can constipation be serious?

    Hope through Research

    Points to Remember

    For ore !nformation

    Constipation is defined as ha"ing a bowe# mo"ement fewer than three times per wee$.

    With constipation stoo#s are usua##% hard& dr%& sma## in si'e& and difficu#t to e#iminate.

    (ome peop#e who are constipated find it painfu# to ha"e a bowe# mo"ement and often

    e)perience straining& b#oating& and the sensation of a fu## bowe#.

    (ome peop#e thin$ the% are constipated if the% do not ha"e a bowe# mo"ement e"er% da%.

    Howe"er& norma# stoo# e#imination ma% be three times a da% or three times a wee$&

    depending on the person.

    Constipation is a s%mptom& not a disease. *#most e"er%one e)periences constipation at

    some point in their #ife& and a poor diet t%pica##% is the cause. ost constipation is

    temporar% and not serious. +nderstanding its causes& pre"ention& and treatment wi## he#p

    most peop#e find re#ief.
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    ,ower digesti"e s%stem.

    Who gets constipated?

    Constipation is one of the most common gastrointestina# comp#aints in the +nited (tates.

    ore than 4 mi##ion *mericans ha"e fre-uent constipation& accounting for 2. mi##ion

    ph%sician "isits a %ear. /hose reporting constipation most often are women and adu#ts

    ages 0 and o#der. Pregnant women ma% ha"e constipation& and it is a common prob#em

    fo##owing chi#dbirth or surger%.

    (e#ftreatment of constipation with o"erthecounter /C #a)ati"es is b% far the most

    common aid. *round 562 mi##ion is spent on #a)ati"e products each %ear in *merica.


    What causes constipation?

    /o understand constipation& it he#ps to $now how the co#on& or #arge intestine& wor$s. *s

    food mo"es through the co#on& the co#on absorbs water from the food whi#e it forms

    waste products& or stoo#. usc#e contractions in the co#on then push the stoo# toward therectum. 9% the time stoo# reaches the rectum it is so#id& because most of the water has

    been absorbed.

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    Constipation occurs when the co#on absorbs too much water or if the co#on:;which is short of the 2 to 3

    grams recommended b% the *merican @ietetic *ssociation. 9oth chi#dren and adu#ts

    often eat too man% refined and processed foods from which the natura# fiber has been


    * #owfiber diet a#so p#a%s a $e% ro#e in constipation among o#der adu#ts& who ma% #ose

    interest in eating and choose foods that are -uic$ to ma$e or bu%& such as fast foods& or

    prepared foods& both of which are usua##% #ow in fiber. *#so& difficu#ties with chewing or

    swa##owing ma% cause o#der peop#e to eat soft foods that are processed and #ow in fiber.

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    >Aationa# Center for Hea#th (tatistics. @ietar% !nta$e of acronutrients& icronutrients&and ther @ietar% ConstituentsB +nited (tates& 1DDEG4. ita# and Hea#th (tatistics&(eries 11& Aumber 24. Iu#% 22.

    Not Enough Liquids

    Research shows that a#though increased f#uid inta$e does not necessari#% he#p re#ie"e

    constipation& man% peop#e report some re#ief from their constipation if the% drin$ f#uids

    such as water and Juice and a"oid deh%dration. ,i-uids add f#uid to the co#on and bu#$ to

    stoo#s& ma$ing bowe# mo"ements softer and easier to pass. Peop#e who ha"e prob#ems

    with constipation shou#d tr% to drin$ #i-uids e"er% da%. Howe"er& #i-uids that contain

    caffeine& such as coffee and co#a drin$s wi## worsen one:;

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    @uring pregnanc%& women ma% be constipated because of hormona# changes or because

    the uterus compresses the intestine. *ging ma% a#so affect bowe# regu#arit%& because a

    s#ower metabo#ism resu#ts in #ess intestina# acti"it% and musc#e tone. !n addition& peop#e

    often become constipated when tra"e#ing& because their norma# diet and dai#% routine are


    buse of La%ati!es

    /he common be#ief that peop#e must ha"e a dai#% bowe# mo"ement has #ed to se#f

    medicating with /C #a)ati"e products. *#though peop#e ma% fee# re#ief when the% use

    #a)ati"es& t%pica##% the% must increase the dose o"er time because the bod% grows re#iant

    on #a)ati"es in order to ha"e a bowe# mo"ement. *s a resu#t& #a)ati"es ma% become habit


    &gnoring the 'rge to (a!e a )o*el "o!e+ent

    Peop#e who ignore the urge to ha"e a bowe# mo"ement ma% e"entua##% stop fee#ing the

    need to ha"e one& which can #ead to constipation. (ome peop#e de#a% ha"ing a bowe#

    mo"ement because the% do not want to use toi#ets outside the home. thers ignore the

    urge because of emotiona# stress or because the% are too bus%. Chi#dren ma% postpone

    ha"ing a bowe# mo"ement because of stressfu# toi#et training or because the% do not want

    to interrupt their p#a%.

    ,pecific Diseases

    @iseases that cause constipation inc#ude neuro#ogica# disorders& metabo#ic and endocrine

    disorders& and s%stemic conditions that affect organ s%stems. /hese disorders can s#ow

    the mo"ement of stoo# through the co#on& rectum& or anus.

    Conditions that can cause constipation are found be#ow.

    Aeuro#ogica# disorders

    mu#tip#e sc#erosis

    Par$insonKs disease

    chronic idiopathic intestina# pseudoobstruction


    spina# cord inJuries

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    etabo#ic and endocrine conditions diabetes


    h%perca#cemia poor g#%cemic contro#


    (%stemic disorders am%#oidosis



    Proble+s *ith the #olon and $ectu+

    !ntestina# obstruction& scar tissue:;=a#so ca##ed adhesions:;=di"erticu#osis& tumors&

    co#orecta# stricture& Hirschsprung:;

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    some e)tent& biofeedbac$ training is somewhat successfu# in retraining the musc#es to

    function norma##% and impro"ing the abi#it% to ha"e a bowe# mo"ement.

    Functiona# constipation that stems from prob#ems in the structure of the anus and rectum

    is $nown as anorecta# d%sfunction& or anismus. /hese abnorma#ities resu#t in an inabi#it%

    to re#a) the recta# and ana# musc#es that a##ow stoo# to e)it.

    Peop#e with !9( ha"ing predominant#% constipation a#so ha"e pain and b#oating as part of

    their s%mptoms.


    (o* is the cause of constipation identified?

    /he tests the doctor performs depend on the duration and se"erit% of the constipation& the


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    Physical E%a+ination

    * ph%sica# e)am ma% inc#ude a recta# e)am with a g#o"ed& #ubricated finger to e"a#uate

    the tone of the musc#e that c#oses off the anus:;=a#so ca##ed ana# sphincter:;=and to

    detect tenderness& obstruction& or b#ood. !n some cases& b#ood and th%roid tests ma% benecessar% to #oo$ for th%roid disease and serum ca#cium or to ru#e out inf#ammator%&

    metabo#ic& and other disorders.

    M)tensi"e testing usua##% is reser"ed for peop#e with se"ere s%mptoms& for those with

    sudden changes in the number and consistenc% of bowe# mo"ements or b#ood in the stoo#&

    and o#der adu#ts. *dditiona# tests that ma% be used to e"a#uate constipation inc#ude

    a co#orecta# transit stud%

    anorecta# function tests a defecograph%

    9ecause of an increased ris$ of co#orecta# cancer in o#der adu#ts& the doctor ma% use tests

    to ru#e out a diagnosis of cancer& inc#uding a

    barium enema ) ra%

    sigmoidoscop% or co#onoscop%

    #olorectal transit study-/his test shows how we## food mo"es through the co#on. /he

    patient swa##ows capsu#es containing sma## mar$ers that are "isib#e on an ) ra%. /he

    mo"ement of the mar$ers through the co#on is monitored b% abdomina# ) ra%s ta$en

    se"era# times 3 to 6 da%s after the capsu#e is swa##owed. /he patient eats a highfiber diet

    during the course of this test.

    norectal function tests-/hese tests diagnose constipation caused b% abnorma#

    functioning of the anus or rectum:;=a#so ca##ed anorecta# function.

    norectal +ano+etrye"a#uates ana# sphincter musc#e function. For this test& a

    catheter or airfi##ed ba##oon is inserted into the anus and s#ow#% pu##ed bac$

    through the sphincter musc#e to measure musc#e tone and contractions.

    )alloon e%pulsion testsconsist of fi##ing a ba##oon with "ar%ing amounts of water

    after it has been recta##% inserted. /hen the patient is as$ed to e)pe# the ba##oon.

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    /he inabi#it% to e)pe# a ba##oon fi##ed with #ess than 1 m, of water ma% indicate

    a decrease in bowe# function.

    Defecographyis an ) ra% of the anorecta# area that e"a#uates comp#eteness of stoo#

    e#imination& identifies anorecta# abnorma#ities& and e"a#uates recta# musc#e contractions

    and re#a)ation. @uring the e)am& the doctor fi##s the rectum with a soft paste that is the

    same consistenc% as stoo#. /he patient sits on a toi#et positioned inside an )ra% machine&

    then re#a)es and s-uee'es the anus to e)pe# the paste. /he doctor studies the ) ra%s for

    anorecta# prob#ems that occurred as the paste was e)pe##ed.

    )ariu+ ene+a % ray-/his e)am in"o#"es "iewing the rectum& co#on& and #ower part of

    the sma## intestine to #ocate prob#ems. /his part of the digesti"e tract is $nown as the

    bowe#. /his test ma% show intestina# obstruction and Hirschsprung:;

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    /o perform a sigmoidoscop%& the doctor uses a #ong& f#e)ib#e tube with a #ight on the end&

    ca##ed a sigmoidoscope& to "iew the rectum and #ower co#on. /he patient is #ight#%

    sedated before the e)am. First& the doctor e)amines the rectum with a g#o"ed& #ubricated

    finger. /hen& the sigmoidoscope is inserted through the anus into the rectum and #ower

    co#on. /he procedure ma% cause abdomina# pressure and a mi#d sensation of wanting to

    mo"e the bowe#s. /he doctor ma% fi## the co#on with air to get a better "iew. /he air can

    cause mi#d cramping.

    /o perform a co#onoscop%& the doctor uses a f#e)ib#e tube with a #ight on the end& ca##ed a

    co#onoscope& to "iew the entire co#on. /his tube is #onger than a sigmoidoscope. @uring

    the e)am& the patient #ies on his or her side& and the doctor inserts the tube through the

    anus and rectum into the co#on. !f an abnorma#it% is seen& the doctor can use the

    co#onoscope to remo"e a sma## piece of tissue for e)amination biops%. /he patient ma%

    fee# gass% and b#oated after the procedure.


    (o* is constipation treated?

    *#though treatment depends on the cause& se"erit%& and duration of the constipation& in

    most cases dietar% and #ifest%#e changes wi## he#p re#ie"e s%mptoms and he#p pre"ent

    them from recurring.


    * diet with enough fiber 2 to 3 grams each da% he#ps the bod% form soft& bu#$% stoo#.

    * doctor or dietitian can he#p p#an an appropriate diet. Highfiber foods inc#ude beans&

    who#e grains and bran cerea#s& fresh fruits& and "egetab#es such as asparagus& brusse#s

    sprouts& cabbage& and carrots. For peop#e prone to constipation& #imiting foods that ha"e

    #itt#e or no fiber& such as ice cream& cheese& meat& and processed foods& is a#so important.

    Lifestyle #hanges

    ther changes that ma% he#p treat and pre"ent constipation inc#ude drin$ing enough

    water and other #i-uids& such as fruit and "egetab#e Juices and c#ear soups& so as not to

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    become deh%drated& engaging in dai#% e)ercise& and reser"ing enough time to ha"e a

    bowe# mo"ement. !n addition& the urge to ha"e a bowe# mo"ement shou#d not be ignored.


    ost peop#e who are mi#d#% constipated do not need #a)ati"es. Howe"er& for those who

    ha"e made diet and #ifest%#e changes and are sti## constipated& a doctor ma% recommend

    #a)ati"es or enemas for a #imited time. /hese treatments can he#p retrain a chronica##%

    s#uggish bowe#. For chi#dren& shortterm treatment with #a)ati"es& a#ong with retraining to

    estab#ish regu#ar bowe# habits& he#ps pre"ent constipation.

    * doctor shou#d determine when a patient needs a #a)ati"e and which form is best.

    ,a)ati"es ta$en b% mouth are a"ai#ab#e in #i-uid& tab#et& gum powder& and granu#e forms.

    /he% wor$ in "arious wa%sB

    )ulk.for+ing la%ati!esgenera##% are considered the safest& but the% can interfere

    with absorption of some medicines. /hese #a)ati"es& a#so $nown as fiber

    supp#ements& are ta$en with water. /he% absorb water in the intestine and ma$e

    the stoo# softer. 9rand names inc#ude etamuci#& Fibera##& Citruce#& Nons%#& and

    (erutan. /hese agents must be ta$en with water or the% can cause obstruction.

    an% peop#e a#so report no re#ief after ta$ing bu#$ing agents and suffer from a

    worsening in b#oating and abdomina# pain.

    ,ti+ulantscause rh%thmic musc#e contractions in the intestines. 9rand names

    inc#ude Correcto#& @u#co#a)& Purge& and (eno$ot. (tudies suggest that

    pheno#phtha#ein& an ingredient in some stimu#ant #a)ati"es& might increase a


  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    ,tool softenersmoisten the stoo# and pre"ent deh%dration. /hese #a)ati"es are

    often recommended after chi#dbirth or surger%. 9rand names inc#ude Co#ace and

    (urfa$. /hese products are suggested for peop#e who shou#d a"oid straining in

    order to pass a bowe# mo"ement. /he pro#onged use of this c#ass of drugs ma%

    resu#t in an e#ectro#%te imba#ance.

    Lubricantsgrease the stoo#& enab#ing it to mo"e through the intestine more

    easi#%. inera# oi# is the most common e)amp#e. 9rand names inc#ude F#eet and

    O%meno#. ,ubricants t%pica##% stimu#ate a bowe# mo"ement within D hours.

    ,aline la%ati!esact #i$e a sponge to draw water into the co#on for easier passage

    of stoo#. 9rand names inc#ude i#$ of agnesia and Ha#e%:;

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    accurate assessment of bod% functions. * hea#th care professiona# uses this information to

    he#p the patient #earn how to retrain these musc#es.

    (urgica# remo"a# of the co#on ma% be an option for peop#e with se"ere s%mptoms caused

    b% co#onic inertia. Howe"er& the benefits of this surger% must be weighed against possib#e

    comp#ications& which inc#ude abdomina# pain and diarrhea.


    #an constipation be serious?

    (ometimes constipation can #ead to comp#ications. /hese comp#ications inc#ude

    hemorrhoids& caused b% straining to ha"e a bowe# mo"ement& or ana# fissures:;=tears in

    the s$in around the anus:;=caused when hard stoo# stretches the sphincter musc#e. *s a

    resu#t& recta# b#eeding ma% occur& appearing as bright red strea$s on the surface of the

    stoo#. /reatment for hemorrhoids ma% inc#ude warm tub baths& ice pac$s& and app#ication

    of a specia# cream to the affected area. /reatment for ana# fissures ma% inc#ude stretching

    the sphincter musc#e or surgica##% remo"ing the tissue or s$in in the affected area.

    (ometimes straining causes a sma## amount of intestina# #ining to push out from the ana#

    opening. /his condition& $nown as recta# pro#apse& ma% #ead to secretion of mucus from

    the anus. +sua##% e#iminating the cause of the pro#apse& such as straining or coughing& is

    the on#% treatment necessar%. (e"ere or chronic pro#apse re-uires surger% to strengthen

    and tighten the ana# sphincter musc#e or to repair the pro#apsed #ining.

    Constipation ma% a#so cause hard stoo# to pac$ the intestine and rectum so tight#% that the

    norma# pushing action of the co#on is not enough to e)pe# the stoo#. /his condition& ca##ed

    feca# impaction& occurs most often in chi#dren and o#der adu#ts. *n impaction can be

    softened with minera# oi# ta$en b% mouth and b% an enema. *fter softening the

    impaction& the doctor ma% brea$ up and remo"e part of the hardened stoo# b% insertingone or two fingers into the anus.


    (ope through $esearch

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    /he @i"ision of @igesti"e @iseases and Autrition at the Aationa# !nstitute of @iabetes and

    @igesti"e and Nidne% @iseases supports basic and c#inica# research into gastrointestina#

    conditions& inc#uding constipation. Researchers are stud%ing the anatomica# and

    ph%sio#ogica# characteristics of rectoana# moti#it% and the use of new medications and

    beha"iora# techni-ues& such as biofeedbac$& to treat constipation.


    Points to $e+e+ber

    Constipation affects a#most e"er%one at one time or another.

    an% peop#e thin$ the% are constipated when& in fact& their bowe# mo"ements are


    /he most common causes of constipation are poor diet and #ac$ of e)ercise.

    ther causes of constipation inc#ude medications& irritab#e bowe# s%ndrome& abuse

    of #a)ati"es& and specific diseases.

    * medica# histor% and ph%sica# e)am ma% be the on#% diagnostic tests needed

    before the doctor suggests treatment.

    !n most cases& fo##owing these simp#e tips wi## he#p re#ie"e s%mptoms and pre"ent

    recurrence of constipationB

    Mat a we##ba#anced& highfiber diet that inc#udes beans& bran& who#e

    grains& fresh fruits& and "egetab#es. @rin$ p#ent% of #i-uids.

    M)ercise regu#ar#%.

    (et aside time after brea$fast or dinner for undisturbed "isits to the toi#et.

    @o not ignore the urge to ha"e a bowe# mo"ement.

    +nderstand that norma# bowe# habits "ar%. Whene"er a significant or pro#onged change in bowe# habits occurs& chec$

    with a doctor. ost peop#e with mi#d constipation do not need #a)ati"es. Howe"er& a doctor ma%

    recommend #a)ati"es for a #imited time for peop#e with chronic constipation.

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    /he +.(. o"ernment does not endorse or fa"or an% specific commercia# product or

    compan%. /rade& proprietar%& or compan% names appearing in this document are used

    on#% because the% are considered necessar% in the conte)t of the information pro"ided. !f

    a product is not mentioned& the omission does not mean or imp#% that the product is



    For "ore &nfor+ation

    &nternational Foundation for Functional 0astrointestinal Disorders

    P.. 9o) 16D04

    i#wau$ee& W! 3216

    PhoneB 1:;QDDD:;Q04:;Q21 or 414:;Q04:;Q16

    Fa)B 414:;Q04:;Q6160



    +erican 0astroenterological ssociation

    Aationa# ffice43 @e# Ra% *"enue

    9ethesda& @ 2D14

    PhoneB 31:;Q04:;Q2

    Fa)B 31:;Q04:;Q2



    /he Aationa# @igesti"e @iseases !nformation C#earinghouse co##ects resource

    information about digesti"e diseases for the Aationa# !nstitute of @iabetes and @igesti"e

    and Nidne% @iseases A!@@N Reference Co##ection. /his database pro"ides tit#es&

    abstracts& and a"ai#abi#it% information for hea#th information and hea#th education

    http://c/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/My%20Documents/New%20Folder5/#topmailto:[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    resources. /he A!@@N Reference Co##ection is a ser"ice of the Aationa# !nstitutes of


    Sou ma% "iew the resu#ts of the automatic search on constipation.

    !f %ou wish to perform %our own search of the database& %ou ma% access and search the

    A!@@N Reference Co##ection database on#ine.

    /his pub#ication ma% contain information about medications used to treat a hea#th

    condition. When this pub#ication was prepared& the A!@@N inc#uded the most current

    information a"ai#ab#e. ccasiona##%& new information about medication is re#eased. For

    updates or for -uestions about an% medications& p#ease contact the +.(. Food and @rug

    *dministration at 1:;QDDD:;Q!AF:;QF@* 403:;Q0332& a to##free ca##& or "isit their

    website at www.fda.go". Consu#t %our doctor for more information.


    National Digesti!e Diseases &nfor+ation #learinghouse

    2 !nformation Wa%

    9ethesda& @ 2D2:;Q36

    PhoneB 1:;QD:;QD1:;Q3D

    //SB 1:;QD00:;Q0:;Q1102

    Fa)B 63:;Q63D:;Q42

    Mmai#B nddicinfo.nidd$.nih.go"!nternetB www.digesti"e.nidd$.nih.go"

    /he Aationa# @igesti"e @iseases !nformation C#earinghouse A@@!C is a ser"ice of the

    Aationa# !nstitute of @iabetes and @igesti"e and Nidne% @iseases A!@@N. /he A!@@N

    is part of the Aationa# !nstitutes of Hea#th of the +.(. @epartment of Hea#th and Human
  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    (er"ices. Mstab#ished in 1D& the C#earinghouse pro"ides information about digesti"e

    diseases to peop#e with digesti"e disorders and to their fami#ies& hea#th care professiona#s&

    and the pub#ic. /he A@@!C answers in-uiries& de"e#ops and distributes pub#ications& and

    wor$s c#ose#% with professiona# and patient organi'ations and o"ernment agencies to

    coordinate resources about digesti"e diseases.

    Pub#ications produced b% the C#earinghouse are carefu##% re"iewed b% both A!@@N

    scientists and outside e)perts. /his pub#ication was origina##% re"iewed b% ichae#

    Cami##eri& .@.& a%o C#inic.

    /his pub#ication is not cop%righted. /he C#earinghouse encourages users of this

    pub#ication to dup#icate and distribute as man% copies as desired.

    Hea#Sourut report...

    3 Wa%s to Reduce or M#iminate Mmbarassing as and a 9#oated (tomach Without (eeing

    a @octor or a$ing *n% aJor ,ifest%#e Changes

    Iust enter %our name and emai# address into the form be#ow...

    Sour AameB

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    Sour emai# address

    wi## AMMR be rented&

    traded or so#d. Sou can unsubscribe at an% time.

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    T@r. auroKs Mmai# (eries

    ade a 9ig !mpression

    n e...T

    T! tr% to ma$e it a habit to eat we## and sta% hea#th% but there are certain simp#e things !

    a#wa%s s#ip up on.

    TFor e)amp#e& ! $now !Km supposed to drin$ D g#asses of water a da% and chew m% food

    thorough#%. 9ut ! a#wa%s forgot.

    TReading @r. auroKs informati"e and thoughtfu# emai#s rea##% dro"e home the point for

    me. ! donKt $now wh%. a%be it was

    because he became a fami#iar and trusted "oice and he $nows what he is ta#$ing about?

    TWe##& now itKs been two wee$s and if ! donKt drin$ m% water and chew m% food we##& a

    #itt#e "oice peeps up in m% head to

    remind me. /his is a firstU

    T@r. auro somehow made an impression on me. His emai# reports had a## sorts of other

    interesting stuff too. /hings ! can

    refer bac$ to again and again.T

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    V(u'anne R%an

    ourmet Food Cata#og Writer

    9oston& assachusetts

    @r. Nar#o auro& A.@.

    Has He#ped /housands

    "ercome Chronic ut /roub#e...

    "er the #ast se"en %ears @r. Nar#o auro has he#ped thousands of patients with their

    gastrointestina# issues. He wor$s

    out of his c#inic near Windsor& ntario on the border to @etroit. For more information on

    his bric$ and mortar practice&



    He current#% ran$s as a 3rd degree b#ac$ be#t in the martia# art *i$ido Soshin$ai.

    *i$ido origina##% spar$ed his

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    interest in natura# hea#th. He began recei"ing he#p from a Aaturopathic @octor for some

    digesti"e troub#e he was


    /his first introduction to natura# medicine resu#ted in him meeting other Aaturopaths

    and fina##% ma$ing a

    #ifechanging decision. @espite the fact he had Just comp#eted a asters degree in

    Mducation& @r. auro abandoned his

    teaching career& entered Aaturopathic Co##ege& emerging four %ears #ater an A@.

    @r. auro #i"es in Windsor& ntario with his wife Aata#ia& son *#e$ and daughter

    M##a. 9oth $ids #o"e p#a%ing go#f

    with their dad when heKs not bus% at the c#inic.

    /hough heKs he#ped patients with a wide "ariet% of disorders& heKs found the most

    success he#ping peop#e with gut

    troub#e. T! #i$e the fact itKs so eas% to see an impro"ement&T he sa%s. T!f %ouKre

    constipated& on#% going once a wee$&

    and %ou start going e"er%da%& %ou NAW %ouKre getting better.T

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    (ign up for this free emai# series b% @r. Nar#o auro& A.@. and as a bonus %ouK##

    immediate#% recei"e a free cop% of his

    Hea#Sourut report...

    3 Wa%s to Reduce or M#iminate Mmbarassing as and a 9#oated (tomach Without (eeing

    a @octor or a$ing *n% aJor ,ifest%#e


    Iust enter %our name and emai# address into the form be#ow...

    Sour AameB

    Sour ain Mai# B

    Sour emai# address

    wi## AMMR be rented&

    traded or so#d. Sou can unsubscribe at an% time.

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    /HRMM SM*R( of

    !ntense ut Pain

    one *fter (i) onths

    * 2 %ear o#d woman came to the c#inic with acid ref#u) MR@ and inf#ammation in

    her stomach gastritis.

    For the pre"ious three %ears she wo$e up e"er% morning with pressure in her stomach and

    se"ere nausea.

    Her @ prescribed a drug that decreased the acid production in her stomach whichs#ight#% reduced her discomfort.

    !nstead of suppressing s%mptoms& @r. auro focused on using herbs to hea# the stomach

    and esophagea# #ining.

    He a#so prescribed specific nutrient supp#ements to strengthen the "a#"e at the bottom of

    her esophagus. /his $ept acid

    in her stomach where it was needed.

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    A*/+RP*/H!C (+CCM((B *fter 0 months with @r. auro she no #onger needs her

    prescription drug. For the #ast %ears sheKs

    been comp#ete#% pain free.

    Ha"ing /roub#e

    etting Pregnant?

    an% ferti#it% specia#ists ha"e seen a definite #in$ between constipation and the inabi#it%

    to concei"e or carr% a bab% to


    !t ma$es perfect sense... T!f %our co#on is o"er#oaded with to)ins&T e)p#ains @r.

    auro& Tthose to)ins wi## bac$ up

    into %our #i"er and then into %our b#oodstream. !tKs #ess than idea# circumstances for

    ba#ancing hormones and bearing a

    hea#th% chi#d.T

    /hough @r. auro ma$es no guarantees that ha"ing one bowe# mo"ement a da% wi##

    ensure ferti#it%& it shou#d

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    nonethe#ess he#p ma$e getting pregnant much easier. Sou shou#d consider regu#arit% a

    natura# component of an% ferti#it%


    Iust !n Case SouKre Wondering

    !f @r. auro is the Rea# /hing...

    @r. auroKs credentia#s and e)perience bac$ up his e)pertise. He has successfu##%

    comp#eted /MA %ears of uni"ersit%


    9ache#or of (cience 9.(c. degree in 9io#ogica# (ciences 12

    Honours 9ache#or of *rts Hons. 9.*. degree in Ps%cho#og% 14

    aster of (cience in Mducation .(.Md. degree in (econdar% /eacher Mducation


    @octor of Aaturopathic edicine A.@. degree from the Canadian Co##ege of

    Aaturopathic edicine 2

    Current#%& he is a member of the ntario *ssociation of Aaturopathic @octors as we## as

    the Canadian *ssociation of

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    Aaturopathic @octors

    @r. auro has been stud%ing *i$ido Soshin$ai for si)teen %ears and ho#ds the ran$ of

    3rd @egree 9#ac$ 9e#t

    @octor& Counse##or& /eacher and Coach a## in oneU

    Sou can "isit his c#inicKs website at or "erif% his identit% with

    his receptionist at

    1 63242. His name is a#so #isted with the 9oard of @irectors of @rug#ess /herap%

    Aaturopath% website. *nd

    hereKs a #in$ to his ad in WindsorKs #oca# Se##ow Pages director%.

    Ses& @r. Nar#o auro& A.@. is the rea# dea#U


    @o Sou Ha"e 9#ood

    !in Sour (too#s?

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    !f %ou see b#ood in the toi#et after going or are e)periencing e)treme bowe# pain& the

    information pro"ided on this site

    is most #i$e#% of insufficient scope to remed% %our prob#em. /hat is not to sa% that %ou

    wi## not benefit from the

    information in 26 Constipation Re#ief (trategies For Women. Sou are sti## we#come to

    purchase a cop%.

    9ut we recommend that %ou immediate#% see$ out a -ua#ified hea#th care pro"ider.

    Sou most #i$e#% need diagnostic

    tests done to ensure %ou do not ha"e a serious co#on disease.

    How (oft (hou#d

    Sour (too#s 9e?

    (ometimes& e"en if %ou are going once a da%& itKs difficu#t because %our stoo#s are too

    hard and dr%.

    !dea##% %ou want %our stoo#s to be about the consistenc% of a ripe banana. *n%thing

    #ooser or thinner is undesirab#e.

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    ne of the prob#ems with #a)ati"es is that the% donKt produce this banana#i$e -ua#it%.

    !nstead the% bring on diarrhea.

    @iarrhea is deh%drating and dep#eting of "a#uab#e nutrients such as potassium and


    @r. auroKs 6part emai# series and his co##ection of 26 Constipation Re#ief (trategies for

    Women he#p produce this idea#

    consistenc% because the% he#p %ou retrain %our bowe#s to wor$ proper#%. When %our

    co#on is in good hea#th& it wi##

    natura##% ma$e sure %our stoo#s are neither too dr% nor too hard.

    (heXd o /W WMMN(

    Without a 9owe# o"ement

    * after 16 %ears of constipation this 30 %ear o#d woman sought naturopathic he#p. (he

    was re#iant on #a)ati"es. Her

    e)treme constipation caused painfu# cramps& gas& b#oating and irritabi#it%.

    Con"entiona# tests had a#read% reported e"er%thing was Tnorma#T with her bowe#s.

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    @r. auro disco"ered the root of the prob#em in her #i"er& A/ her bowe#s.

    A*/+RP*/H!C /R*A(FR*/!AB Within on#% 2 wee$s& she was ha"ing a

    bowe# mo"ement e"er% 3 da%s instead of 14.

    With further support& she now has at #east one bowe# mo"ement e"er% da%& without

    #a)ati"es or other drugs.

    (ign up for this free emai# series b% @r. Nar#o auro& A.@. and as a bonus %ouK##immediate#% recei"e a free cop% of

    his Hea#Sourut report...

    3 Wa%s to Reduce or M#iminate Mmbarassing as and a 9#oated (tomach Without (eeing

    a @octor or a$ing *n% aJor ,ifest%#e


    Iust enter %our name and emai# address into the form be#ow...

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    Sour AameB

    Sour ain Mai# B

    Sour emai# address

    wi## AMMR be rented&

    traded or so#d. Sou can unsubscribe at an% time.

    Fee#ing (tuffed&

    M"en /hough Sou

    Mat ,i$e a 9ird?

    *re %ou confused about how much %ou shou#d be eating? @o %ou fee# #i$e %ouKre a#read%

    fu## after %our first bite of food?

    !tKs no wonder&T sa%s @r. auro& Tthat so man% women suffer eating disorders. !f %ouKre

    not e"acuating& itKs hard to ma$e

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    room for more food. !f waste canKt find its wa% down and out& itKs going to ma$e %our

    stomach bu#ge outward and upward.

    !n fact& %our co#on can e)pand three times its regu#ar si'e a#ong with %our stomach. /he

    secret to a norma# appetite is

    ma$ing sure %ou are empt%ing %our bowe#s e"er% 24 hours.T

    Sou shou#d ha"e no prob#em achie"ing one or two bowe# mo"ements a da%& if %ou ma$e

    the simp#e changes out#ined in 26

    Constipation Re#ief (trategies for Women. /his shou#d happen in #ess than 3 da%s of

    using these strategies.

    !s Constipation

    a Hormona# !ssue?

    (ome medica# doctors wi## prescribe birth contro# drugs to he#p with constipation. /he%

    be#ie"e this wi## he#p ba#ance

    the hormones. ,i$e most s%nthetic hormones& birth contro# pi##s come with comp#ications.

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    an% women e)perience brea$through b#eeding& decreased appetite& depression&

    headaches& #ow #ibido& urinar% tract

    infection& s$in prob#ems& gum inf#ammation. /he% a#so ha"e an increased ris$ of

    contracting "ira# diseases.

    Considering a## the ris$s& is this rea##% a good wa% to Tba#ance %our hormones?T

    Mspecia##% when natura# methods ma%

    produce far superior and economica# resu#ts...

    ftentimes hormona# imba#ance is caused b% a high consumption of white f#our and

    sugar% foods. /hese same foods turn

    into a g#ue#i$e substance that further c#ogs up %our bowe#s.

    9% fo##owing the natura# remedies and #ifest%#e changes in 26 Constipation Re#ief

    (trategies for Women& %ouK## be he#ping

    to bring %our hormones into ba#ance& natura##%. ,i$ewise& getting %our bowe#s mo"ing

    wi## stop to)ins from bac$ing up into

    %our b#oodstream& which wi## further $noc$ %our hormones out of whac$.

    * (tagnant Cesspoo#

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    of 30 @ifferent Poisons

    Tan% medica# e)perts toda% agree that most i##ness begins in the co#on and that theco#on ma% be the sing#e most critica#

    organ in the bod%. *s the co#on becomes a stagnant cesspoo#& fai#ing to mo"e the poisons

    from food waste out of the bod% on

    a regu#ar basis& the to)ins bac$ up.

    T!t is estimated that there are 30 different poisons that come from the co#on& and as these

    accumu#ate in the bowe# o"er a

    period of wee$s& months or often %ears& the% spread into %our #i"er& ga##b#adder and other

    organsY into %our b#oodY into

    %our tissues and fina##% into %our ce##s.T

    WomenKs enopause Hea#th Aews#etter& ctober 26

    TWh% Aot Iust /a$e (enna

    ,i$e % @octor rdered?T

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    T* #ot of e#der#% peop#e are ta$ing senna&T e)p#ains @r. auro. T!tKs an herb that causes

    %our co#on to f#ush itse#f out.

    an% peop#e must drin$ it as a tea e"er%da% in order to $eep on going. /he ner"es and

    musc#es in their co#on are tota##%

    'apped and dependent on the stuff. !tKs a nightmare tr%ing to get them off it.T

    (enna is one of the few herbs medica# doctors prescribe. +nfortunate#%& itKs harmfu# to

    use on a dai#% basis. nce a wee$

    as part of a co#on c#eanse is o$a%& but more fre-uent#% is impairing.

    /he effects of senna can be fair#% drastic&T e)p#ains @r. auro. T/he% tend to f#ush out

    too much of the hea#th% bacteria.

    !tKs #i$e ha"ing diarrhea. !tKs deh%drating and dep#eting of %our e#ectro#%tes potassium

    and sodium.T

    ! donKt $now about %ou but ! donKt want to be dependent on an herb to ma$e me go.

    Worse sti##& %ou ha"e #itt#e contro# o"er

    %our bowe# mo"ements. Sou go when the herb is read% to ma$e %ou go. /hereKs not

    much warning.

    /hatKs fine if %ouKre D and donKt #ea"e home. /hatKs not great when %ouKre on %our wa% to

    soccer practice to pic$ up the


  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    (enna is a#so dangerous for peop#e with high b#ood pressure& $idne% prob#ems or edema.

    Hea#ing and strengthening %our co#on so it can function on its own& as described in 26

    Constipation Re#ief (trategies For

    Women& is the wa% to go.

    @r. Iensen on

    +nder*cti"e Co#ons

    /he #ate @r. 9ernard Iensen was one of the foremost *merican authorities on the subJect

    of digestion& co#on hea#th and

    ho#istic we##ness in the twentieth centur%. !n his te)tboo$& /issue C#eansing /hrough

    9owe# anagement& he sa%s...

    T! be#ie"e that when the bowe# is underacti"e& to)ic wastes are more #i$e#% to beabsorbed through the bowe# wa## and into

    the b#oodstream& from which the% become deposited into the tissues.

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    T!f an% e#imination s%stem is underacti"e& more wastes are retained in the bod%. *s

    to)ins accumu#ate in the tissues&

    increasing degrees of ce## destruction ta$e p#ace. /he digestion becomes poor and

    partia##% digested materia# adds to the

    prob#em because the bod% cannot ma$e good tissue out of ha#fdigested nutrients.T

    ,a)ati"es *re

    * 562 i##ion a Sear 9usiness

    "er 4 mi##ion *mericans& each %ear& are affected b% constipation& according to the /heAationa# !nstitute of Hea#th. /hat

    wor$s out to about 2. mi##ion doctor "isits and 562 mi##ion in o"erthecounter

    #a)ati"es. /he maJorit% of those "isits

    and purchases are b% women.

    *s %ou can see& thereKs a #ot of mone% in $eeping peop#e constipated and re#iant on

    #a)ati"es. Ao wonder @r. auroKs 26

    Constipation Re#ief (trategies are not more we## $nown.

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    T4Z of *## Cancers

    riginate in the Co#onT

    @igesti"e disorders account for the #argest amount of #ost time from wor$Y the% are the

    number one cause of disabi#it%

    absenceY the% comprise onesi)th of a## hospita# admissions. !t is ac$now#edged b%con"entiona# medicine that at #east

    4 percent of a## cancers originate in the gastrointestina# tract. an% a#ternati"e

    practitioners wou#d sa% the number is

    much higher.T

    V WomenKs enopause Hea#th Center Aews#etter & ctober 26

    @eath 9egins in the Co#on

    T*nd %et& as the o#d e)pression goes& death begins in the co#on. @onKt be#ie"e it? *s$ an%

    coroner. *utopsies often re"ea#

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    co#ons that are p#ugged up to D percent with waste materia#.T

    V artin Ouc$er&

    egetarian /imes&

    arch& 1D

    Aationa# eographic

    on /o)ic 9ui#dup

    T7/o)ic waste that bui#t up in the co#on turns into8 a sinister wor#d of monstrous creatures

    that feed on #i"ing f#eshB


    T!n fact& parasites ha"e $i##ed more humans than a## the wars in histor%.T

    Find out how to $ic$ parasites out of %our co#on in (trateg% 2& on page 20& of 26

    Constipation Re#ief (trategies For Women.

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure



    ,in$ed to @epression

    !n"estigators in the +nited Ningdom conducted a stud% on 34 women with chronic

    constipation. /he in"estigators found a

    direct demonstrab#e #in$ between certain aspects of centra# brain acti"it% an)iet%&

    depression& fee#ing KunfeminineK

    and gut d%sfunction.

    Vut& *ugust 21

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    Home [ Cata#ogue [ (uccess (tories [ F*\ [ 9io [ *rtic#es [ Contact [

    ,in$s [ *ffi#iate

    Sour AameB

    Sour ain Mai# B

    (ign up for this free emai# series b% @r. Nar#o auro& A.@. and as a bonus %ouK##

    immediate#% recei"e a free cop% of his

    Hea#Sourut report...

    3 Wa%s to Reduce or M#iminate Mmbarassing as and a 9#oated (tomach Without (eeinga @octor or a$ing *n% aJor ,ifest%#e


    Iust enter %our name and emai# address into the form be#ow...

    Sour AameB

    Sour ain Mai# B

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    Sour emai# address

    wi## AMMR be rented&

    traded or so#d. Sou can unsubscribe at an% time.

    T@r. auroKs Mmai# (eries

    ade a 9ig !mpression

    n e...T

    T! tr% to ma$e it a habit to eat we## and sta% hea#th% but there are certain simp#e things !

    a#wa%s s#ip up on.

    TFor e)amp#e& ! $now !Km supposed to drin$ D g#asses of water a da% and chew m% food

    thorough#%. 9ut ! a#wa%s forgot.

    TReading @r. auroKs informati"e and thoughtfu# emai#s rea##% dro"e home the point for

    me. ! donKt $now wh%. a%be it was

    because he became a fami#iar and trusted "oice and he $nows what he is ta#$ing about?

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    TWe##& now itKs been two wee$s and if ! donKt drin$ m% water and chew m% food we##& a

    #itt#e "oice peeps up in m% head to

    remind me. /his is a firstU

    T@r. auro somehow made an impression on me. His emai# reports had a## sorts of other

    interesting stuff too. /hings ! can

    refer bac$ to again and again.T

    V(u'anne R%an

    ourmet Food Cata#og Writer

    9oston& assachusetts

    @r. Nar#o auro& A.@.

    Has He#ped /housands

    "ercome Chronic ut /roub#e...

    "er the #ast se"en %ears @r. Nar#o auro has he#ped thousands of patients with their

    gastrointestina# issues. He wor$s

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    out of his c#inic near Windsor& ntario on the border to @etroit. For more information on

    his bric$ and mortar practice&



    He current#% ran$s as a 3rd degree b#ac$ be#t in the martia# art *i$ido Soshin$ai.

    *i$ido origina##% spar$ed his

    interest in natura# hea#th. He began recei"ing he#p from a Aaturopathic @octor for some

    digesti"e troub#e he was


    /his first introduction to natura# medicine resu#ted in him meeting other Aaturopaths

    and fina##% ma$ing a

    #ifechanging decision. @espite the fact he had Just comp#eted a asters degree in

    Mducation& @r. auro abandoned his

    teaching career& entered Aaturopathic Co##ege& emerging four %ears #ater an A@.

    @r. auro #i"es in Windsor& ntario with his wife Aata#ia& son *#e$ and daughter

    M##a. 9oth $ids #o"e p#a%ing go#f

    with their dad when heKs not bus% at the c#inic.

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    /hough heKs he#ped patients with a wide "ariet% of disorders& heKs found the most

    success he#ping peop#e with gut

    troub#e. T! #i$e the fact itKs so eas% to see an impro"ement&T he sa%s. T!f %ouKre

    constipated& on#% going once a wee$&

    and %ou start going e"er%da%& %ou NAW %ouKre getting better.T

    (ign up for this free emai# series b% @r. Nar#o auro& A.@. and as a bonus %ouK##

    immediate#% recei"e a free cop% of his

    Hea#Sourut report...

    3 Wa%s to Reduce or M#iminate Mmbarassing as and a 9#oated (tomach Without (eeing

    a @octor or a$ing *n% aJor ,ifest%#e


    Iust enter %our name and emai# address into the form be#ow...

    Sour AameB

    Sour ain Mai# B

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    Sour emai# address

    wi## AMMR be rented&

    traded or so#d. Sou can unsubscribe at an% time.

    /HRMM SM*R( of

    !ntense ut Pain

    one *fter (i) onths

    * 2 %ear o#d woman came to the c#inic with acid ref#u) MR@ and inf#ammation in

    her stomach gastritis.

    For the pre"ious three %ears she wo$e up e"er% morning with pressure in her stomach and

    se"ere nausea.

    Her @ prescribed a drug that decreased the acid production in her stomach which

    s#ight#% reduced her discomfort.

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    !nstead of suppressing s%mptoms& @r. auro focused on using herbs to hea# the stomach

    and esophagea# #ining.

    He a#so prescribed specific nutrient supp#ements to strengthen the "a#"e at the bottom of

    her esophagus. /his $ept acid

    in her stomach where it was needed.

    A*/+RP*/H!C (+CCM((B *fter 0 months with @r. auro she no #onger needs her

    prescription drug. For the #ast %ears sheKs

    been comp#ete#% pain free.

    Ha"ing /roub#e

    etting Pregnant?

    an% ferti#it% specia#ists ha"e seen a definite #in$ between constipation and the inabi#it%

    to concei"e or carr% a bab% to


  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    !t ma$es perfect sense... T!f %our co#on is o"er#oaded with to)ins&T e)p#ains @r.

    auro& Tthose to)ins wi## bac$ up

    into %our #i"er and then into %our b#oodstream. !tKs #ess than idea# circumstances for

    ba#ancing hormones and bearing a

    hea#th% chi#d.T

    /hough @r. auro ma$es no guarantees that ha"ing one bowe# mo"ement a da% wi##

    ensure ferti#it%& it shou#d

    nonethe#ess he#p ma$e getting pregnant much easier. Sou shou#d consider regu#arit% a

    natura# component of an% ferti#it%


    Iust !n Case SouKre Wondering

    !f @r. auro is the Rea# /hing...

    @r. auroKs credentia#s and e)perience bac$ up his e)pertise. He has successfu##%

    comp#eted /MA %ears of uni"ersit%


  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    9ache#or of (cience 9.(c. degree in 9io#ogica# (ciences 12

    Honours 9ache#or of *rts Hons. 9.*. degree in Ps%cho#og% 14

    aster of (cience in Mducation .(.Md. degree in (econdar% /eacher Mducation


    @octor of Aaturopathic edicine A.@. degree from the Canadian Co##ege of

    Aaturopathic edicine 2

    Current#%& he is a member of the ntario *ssociation of Aaturopathic @octors as we## as

    the Canadian *ssociation of

    Aaturopathic @octors

    @r. auro has been stud%ing *i$ido Soshin$ai for si)teen %ears and ho#ds the ran$ of

    3rd @egree 9#ac$ 9e#t

    @octor& Counse##or& /eacher and Coach a## in oneU

    Sou can "isit his c#inicKs website at or "erif% his identit% with

    his receptionist at

    1 63242. His name is a#so #isted with the 9oard of @irectors of @rug#ess /herap%

    Aaturopath% website. *nd

    hereKs a #in$ to his ad in WindsorKs #oca# Se##ow Pages director%.

    Ses& @r. Nar#o auro& A.@. is the rea# dea#U

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure



    @o Sou Ha"e 9#ood

    !in Sour (too#s?

    !f %ou see b#ood in the toi#et after going or are e)periencing e)treme bowe# pain& the

    information pro"ided on this site

    is most #i$e#% of insufficient scope to remed% %our prob#em. /hat is not to sa% that %ou

    wi## not benefit from the

    information in 26 Constipation Re#ief (trategies For Women. Sou are sti## we#come topurchase a cop%.

    9ut we recommend that %ou immediate#% see$ out a -ua#ified hea#th care pro"ider.

    Sou most #i$e#% need diagnostic

    tests done to ensure %ou do not ha"e a serious co#on disease.

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    How (oft (hou#d

    Sour (too#s 9e?

    (ometimes& e"en if %ou are going once a da%& itKs difficu#t because %our stoo#s are too

    hard and dr%.

    !dea##% %ou want %our stoo#s to be about the consistenc% of a ripe banana. *n%thing#ooser or thinner is undesirab#e.

    ne of the prob#ems with #a)ati"es is that the% donKt produce this banana#i$e -ua#it%.

    !nstead the% bring on diarrhea.

    @iarrhea is deh%drating and dep#eting of "a#uab#e nutrients such as potassium and


    @r. auroKs 6part emai# series and his co##ection of 26 Constipation Re#ief (trategies for

    Women he#p produce this idea#

    consistenc% because the% he#p %ou retrain %our bowe#s to wor$ proper#%. When %our

    co#on is in good hea#th& it wi##

    natura##% ma$e sure %our stoo#s are neither too dr% nor too hard.

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    (heXd o /W WMMN(

    Without a 9owe# o"ement

    * after 16 %ears of constipation this 30 %ear o#d woman sought naturopathic he#p. (he

    was re#iant on #a)ati"es. Her

    e)treme constipation caused painfu# cramps& gas& b#oating and irritabi#it%.

    Con"entiona# tests had a#read% reported e"er%thing was Tnorma#T with her bowe#s.

    @r. auro disco"ered the root of the prob#em in her #i"er& A/ her bowe#s.

    A*/+RP*/H!C /R*A(FR*/!AB Within on#% 2 wee$s& she was ha"ing a

    bowe# mo"ement e"er% 3 da%s instead of 14.

    With further support& she now has at #east one bowe# mo"ement e"er% da%& without

    #a)ati"es or other drugs.

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    (ign up for this free emai# series b% @r. Nar#o auro& A.@. and as a bonus %ouK##

    immediate#% recei"e a free cop% of

    his Hea#Sourut report...

    3 Wa%s to Reduce or M#iminate Mmbarassing as and a 9#oated (tomach Without (eeing

    a @octor or a$ing *n% aJor ,ifest%#e


    Iust enter %our name and emai# address into the form be#ow...

    Sour AameB

    Sour ain Mai# B

    Sour emai# address

    wi## AMMR be rented&

    traded or so#d. Sou can unsubscribe at an% time.

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    Fee#ing (tuffed&

    M"en /hough Sou

    Mat ,i$e a 9ird?

    *re %ou confused about how much %ou shou#d be eating? @o %ou fee# #i$e %ouKre a#read%

    fu## after %our first bite of food?

    !tKs no wonder&T sa%s @r. auro& Tthat so man% women suffer eating disorders. !f %ouKrenot e"acuating& itKs hard to ma$e

    room for more food. !f waste canKt find its wa% down and out& itKs going to ma$e %our

    stomach bu#ge outward and upward.

    !n fact& %our co#on can e)pand three times its regu#ar si'e a#ong with %our stomach. /he

    secret to a norma# appetite is

    ma$ing sure %ou are empt%ing %our bowe#s e"er% 24 hours.T

    Sou shou#d ha"e no prob#em achie"ing one or two bowe# mo"ements a da%& if %ou ma$e

    the simp#e changes out#ined in 26

    Constipation Re#ief (trategies for Women./his shou#d happen in #ess than 3 da%s of

    using these strategies.

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    !s Constipation

    a Hormona# !ssue?

    (ome medica# doctors wi## prescribe birth contro# drugs to he#p with constipation. /he%

    be#ie"e this wi## he#p ba#ance

    the hormones. ,i$e most s%nthetic hormones& birth contro# pi##s come with comp#ications.

    an% women e)perience brea$through b#eeding& decreased appetite& depression&

    headaches& #ow #ibido& urinar% tract

    infection& s$in prob#ems& gum inf#ammation. /he% a#so ha"e an increased ris$ of

    contracting "ira# diseases.

    Considering a## the ris$s& is this rea##% a good wa% to Tba#ance %our hormones?T

    Mspecia##% when natura# methods ma%

    produce far superior and economica# resu#ts...

    ftentimes hormona# imba#ance is caused b% a high consumption of white f#our and

    sugar% foods. /hese same foods turn

    into a g#ue#i$e substance that further c#ogs up %our bowe#s.

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    9% fo##owing the natura# remedies and #ifest%#e changes in 26 Constipation Re#ief

    (trategies for Women& %ouK## be he#ping

    to bring %our hormones into ba#ance& natura##%. ,i$ewise& getting %our bowe#s mo"ing

    wi## stop to)ins from bac$ing up into

    %our b#oodstream& which wi## further $noc$ %our hormones out of whac$.

    * (tagnant Cesspoo#

    of 30 @ifferent Poisons

    Tan% medica# e)perts toda% agree that most i##ness begins in the co#on and that the

    co#on ma% be the sing#e most critica#

    organ in the bod%. *s the co#on becomes a stagnant cesspoo#& fai#ing to mo"e the poisons

    from food waste out of the bod% on

    a regu#ar basis& the to)ins bac$ up.

    T!t is estimated that there are 30 different poisons that come from the co#on& and as these

    accumu#ate in the bowe# o"er a

    period of wee$s& months or often %ears& the% spread into %our #i"er& ga##b#adder and other

    organsY into %our b#oodY into

    %our tissues and fina##% into %our ce##s.T

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    WomenKs enopause Hea#th Aews#etter& ctober 26

    TWh% Aot Iust /a$e (enna

    ,i$e % @octor rdered?T

    T* #ot of e#der#% peop#e are ta$ing senna&T e)p#ains @r. auro. T!tKs an herb that causes

    %our co#on to f#ush itse#f out.

    an% peop#e must drin$ it as a tea e"er%da% in order to $eep on going. /he ner"es and

    musc#es in their co#on are tota##%

    'apped and dependent on the stuff. !tKs a nightmare tr%ing to get them off it.T

    (enna is one of the few herbs medica# doctors prescribe. +nfortunate#%& itKs harmfu# to

    use on a dai#% basis. nce a wee$

    as part of a co#on c#eanse is o$a%& but more fre-uent#% is impairing.

    /he effects of senna can be fair#% drastic&T e)p#ains @r. auro. T/he% tend to f#ush out

    too much of the hea#th% bacteria.

    !tKs #i$e ha"ing diarrhea. !tKs deh%drating and dep#eting of %our e#ectro#%tes potassium

    and sodium.T

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    ! donKt $now about %ou but ! donKt want to be dependent on an herb to ma$e me go.

    Worse sti##& %ou ha"e #itt#e contro# o"er

    %our bowe# mo"ements. Sou go when the herb is read% to ma$e %ou go. /hereKs not

    much warning.

    /hatKs fine if %ouKre D and donKt #ea"e home. /hatKs not great when %ouKre on %our wa% to

    soccer practice to pic$ up the


    (enna is a#so dangerous for peop#e with high b#ood pressure& $idne% prob#ems or edema.

    Hea#ing and strengthening %our co#on so it can function on its own& as described in 26

    Constipation Re#ief (trategies For

    Women& is the wa% to go.

    @r. Iensen on

    +nder*cti"e Co#ons

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    /he #ate @r. 9ernard Iensen was one of the foremost *merican authorities on the subJect

    of digestion& co#on hea#th and

    ho#istic we##ness in the twentieth centur%. !n his te)tboo$& /issue C#eansing /hrough

    9owe# anagement& he sa%s...

    T! be#ie"e that when the bowe# is underacti"e& to)ic wastes are more #i$e#% to be

    absorbed through the bowe# wa## and into

    the b#oodstream& from which the% become deposited into the tissues.

    T!f an% e#imination s%stem is underacti"e& more wastes are retained in the bod%. *s

    to)ins accumu#ate in the tissues&

    increasing degrees of ce## destruction ta$e p#ace. /he digestion becomes poor and

    partia##% digested materia# adds to the

    prob#em because the bod% cannot ma$e good tissue out of ha#fdigested nutrients.T

    ,a)ati"es *re

    * 562 i##ion a Sear 9usiness

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    "er 4 mi##ion *mericans& each %ear& are affected b% constipation& according to the /he

    Aationa# !nstitute of Hea#th. /hat

    wor$s out to about 2. mi##ion doctor "isits and 562 mi##ion in o"erthecounter

    #a)ati"es. /he maJorit% of those "isits

    and purchases are b% women.

    *s %ou can see& thereKs a #ot of mone% in $eeping peop#e constipated and re#iant on

    #a)ati"es. Ao wonder @r. auroKs 26

    Constipation Re#ief (trategies are not more we## $nown.

    T4Z of *## Cancers

    riginate in the Co#onT

    @igesti"e disorders account for the #argest amount of #ost time from wor$Y the% are the

    number one cause of disabi#it%

    absenceY the% comprise onesi)th of a## hospita# admissions. !t is ac$now#edged b%

    con"entiona# medicine that at #east

    4 percent of a## cancers originate in the gastrointestina# tract. an% a#ternati"e

    practitioners wou#d sa% the number is

    much higher.T

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    V WomenKs enopause Hea#th Center Aews#etter & ctober 26

    @eath 9egins in the Co#on

    T*nd %et& as the o#d e)pression goes& death begins in the co#on. @onKt be#ie"e it? *s$ an%

    coroner. *utopsies often re"ea#

    co#ons that are p#ugged up to D percent with waste materia#.T

    V artin Ouc$er&

    egetarian /imes&

    arch& 1D

    Aationa# eographic

    on /o)ic 9ui#dup

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    T7/o)ic waste that bui#t up in the co#on turns into8 a sinister wor#d of monstrous creatures

    that feed on #i"ing f#eshB


    T!n fact& parasites ha"e $i##ed more humans than a## the wars in histor%.T

    Find out how to $ic$ parasites out of %our co#on in (trateg% 2& on page 20& of 26

    Constipation Re#ief (trategies For Women.


    ,in$ed to @epression

    !n"estigators in the +nited Ningdom conducted a stud% on 34 women with chronic

    constipation. /he in"estigators found a

    direct demonstrab#e #in$ between certain aspects of centra# brain acti"it% an)iet%&

    depression& fee#ing KunfeminineK

  • 7/27/2019 Constipation and Cure


    and gut d%sfunction.

    Vut& *ugust 21