Consolidated Special Proceeding Cases

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Transcript of Consolidated Special Proceeding Cases

  • 8/19/2019 Consolidated Special Proceeding Cases


    21. Nuguid v Nuguid


    Rosario Nuguid , single, died in December 30, 1962.Se !as !itout descendants but !as

    survived b" er #arents and siblings. $n %a" 1&, 1963, Remedios Nuguid, er sister 'iled in (F)a ologra#ic !ill allegedl" e*ecuted b" Rosario on November 1+, 191 or 11 "ears ago, said

    !ill instituted Remedios as te universal eir tereb", com#ulsor" eirs, te ascendants o' te

    decedent, 'iled teir o##osition to te #robate #roceeding. -e" contend tat te" !ere illegall"

     #reterited and as a conseuence, te institution is void. -e court/s order eld tat te !ill in

    uestion is a com#lete nullit".


    eter or not te court ma" rule on te intrinsic validit" o' te !ill.


    -e case is 'or te #robate o' te !ill and te court/s area o' inuir" is limited to te e*trinsic

    validit" o' te !ill comes a'ter te !ill as been dul" autenticated. o!ever i' te case is to be

    remanded 'or #robate o' te !ill, noting !ill be gained. -e #ractical conditions: time, e''ort,

    e*#enses and added an*iet", induced us to a belie' tat !e migt as !ell meat eadon te issue

    o' te validit" o' te #rovisions o' te !ill in uestion.

    22. S#ouses 45ero v. (4


    )n te !ill, decedent 4nnie Sand named as devisees, te 'ollo!ing: #etitioners Roberto and-elma 45ero, #rivate res#ondent (lemente Sand, %eriam S. 4rong, ea Sand, ilia Sand,

    7dgar Sand, Fe Sand, isa S. Sand, and Dr. 8ose 45ero, Sr., and teir cildren.

    etitioners instituted 'or allo!ance o' decedent/s ologra#ic !ill. -e" alleged tat at te timeo' its e*ecution, se !as o' sound and dis#osing mind, not acting under duress, 'raud or undue

    in'luence, and !as in ever" res#ect ca#acitated to dis#ose o' er estate b" !ill.

    rivate res#ondent o##osed te #etition on te grounds tat: neiter te testament/s bod" nor te

    signature terein !as in decedent/s and!riting it contained alterations and corrections !ic

    !ere not dul" signed b" decedent and, te !ill !as #rocured b" #etitioners troug im#ro#er #ressure and undue in'luence. -e #etition !as li;e!ise o##osed b" Dr. 8ose 45ero. e contested

    te dis#osition in te !ill o' a ouse and lot located in (abadbaran, 4gusan Del Norte. e

    claimed tat said #ro#ert" could not be conve"ed b" decedent in its entiret", as se !as not itssole o!ner.

    -e trial court admitted te decedent/s ologra#ic !ill to #robate. )t resolved in 'avor o' te

    allo!ance o' #robate o' te !ill. No evidence !as #resented to so! su''icient reason 'or tedisallo!ance o' erein ologra#ic !ill. ile it !as alleged tat te said !ill !as #rocured b"

    undue and im#ro#er #ressure and in'luence on te #art o' te bene'iciar" or o' some oter

     #erson, te evidence adduced ave not so!n an" instance !ere im#ro#er #ressure or in'luence

    !as e*erted on te testatri*.

    -e o##ositors a##ealed to (4. Decision !as reversed stating tat te !ill !as not in accordance

    !it article &13 and &1

  • 8/19/2019 Consolidated Special Proceeding Cases


    eter or not te ologra#ic !ill o' 4nnie Sand !ill be allo!ed=


    >es. Section 9, Rule +6 o' te Rules o' (ourt #rovides tat !ill sall be disallo!ed in an" o' te

    'ollo!ing cases: ?a@ )' not e*ecuted and attested as reuired b" la! ?b@ )' te testator !as insane,or oter!ise mentall" inca#able to ma;e a !ill, at te time o' its e*ecution ?c@ )' it !as e*ecuted

    under duress, or te in'luence o' 'ear, or treats ?d@ )' it !as #rocured b" undue and im#ro#er

     #ressure and in'luence, on te #art o' te bene'iciar", or o' some oter #erson 'or is bene'it ?e@)' te signature o' te testator !as #rocured b" 'raud or tric;, and e did not intend tat te

    instrument sould be is !ill at te time o' 'i*ing is signature tereto.

    -ese lists are e*clusive no oter grounds can serve to disallo! a !ill. -us, in a #etition to

    admit a ologra#ic !ill to #robate, te onl" issues to be resolved are: ?1@ !eter te instrumentsubmitted is, indeed, te decedent/s last !ill and testament ?2@ !eter said !ill !as e*ecuted in

    accordance !it te 'ormalities #rescribed b" la! ?3@ !eter te decedent ad te necessar"

    testamentar" ca#acit" at te time te !ill !as e*ecuted and, ?

  • 8/19/2019 Consolidated Special Proceeding Cases


     No. -e #robate #roceedings !ere mired in #rocedural la#ses !ic de#rived te court o' 

     5urisdiction. -e #ertinent rule 'ollo!s: Sec.