CONSERVATION GENETIC STATUS OF THE DOG BREED SALUKI … · The aim of this study is to investigate...

EXAMENSARBETE ZOOLOGISKA INSTITUTIONEN Stockholms Universitet S-106 91 Stockholm CONSERVATION GENETIC STATUS OF THE DOG BREED SALUKI IN SWEDEN Författare: Anna Winkler Ämne: Populationsgenetik Löpnummer: 2007:13

Transcript of CONSERVATION GENETIC STATUS OF THE DOG BREED SALUKI … · The aim of this study is to investigate...

Page 1: CONSERVATION GENETIC STATUS OF THE DOG BREED SALUKI … · The aim of this study is to investigate the conservation genetic status of the dog breed Saluki in Sweden. A pedigree analysis

EXAMENSARBETE ZOOLOGISKA INSTITUTIONEN Stockholms Universitet S-106 91 Stockholm



Författare: Anna Winkler Ämne: Populationsgenetik Löpnummer: 2007:13

Page 2: CONSERVATION GENETIC STATUS OF THE DOG BREED SALUKI … · The aim of this study is to investigate the conservation genetic status of the dog breed Saluki in Sweden. A pedigree analysis




Page 3: CONSERVATION GENETIC STATUS OF THE DOG BREED SALUKI … · The aim of this study is to investigate the conservation genetic status of the dog breed Saluki in Sweden. A pedigree analysis


ABSTRACT This study aims to investigate the conservation genetic status of the Swedish population of the dog breed Saluki. The intention is that the results from this study will be of use for future breeding of the Saluki in a conservation genetically sound manner. Studbook data was provided by the Swedish Kennel Club and this material includes Swedish registered dogs born between 1946-01-01 and 2005-11-15. The studbook was modified by adding founders and removing individuals that occurred more than once. Statistical pedigree analysis was performed, using several computer based software, to assess the level of inbreeding and to quantify the loss of genetic variation. The questions addressed in this report include:

• How many individuals constitute the genetic foundation for the Swedish population?

• How has the population size fluctuated over time? • How much of the founder alleles are still present in the currently living

population? • How much inbreeding is present in the current population? • Are there any indications of inbreeding depression? • How large is the worldwide Saluki population? • Where is most of the worldwide population geographically located? • How should the breeding program be revised so that the maximal amount of

genetic variation will be preserved? The results may be summarized as follows:

• The total Swedish population consists of 4746 individuals and the currently living population amounts to 1862 Salukis (data on death dates are missing in the studbook, therefore an animal was defined as “living” if it was younger than 13 years).

• Since 1946 the breed has grown considerably. Recently the registration numbers

(primarily newborns and imported animals) seem to have stabilized around 130 individuals per year.

• There are 551 potential founders. Of these, 15 are alive but have not reproduced

yet. 158 founders are deceased without any living offspring and their genome has thus been lost to future generations.

• Of the 1102 potential founder alleles 57.2% has been lost.

• The mean inbreeding coefficient in the total population is 4.71% and 3.32% in the

currently living population.

• No effect of inbreeding of the litter or of the mother with respect to the litter size can be detected.

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• Only six countries answered the questionnaire sent out, so no conclusions can be drawn regarding the worldwide population. The replies show that in those particular countries only a limited number of Salukis were registered.

To conserve the breed, efforts should be made to include more of the underrepresented founder genome. Dogs carrying large proportions of overrepresented founder genes should be avoided for breeding. It is important to continue to x-ray stud dogs for hip dysplasia and to investigate the degree of heredity of sudden death and auto immune system diseases. Inbreeding should be avoided.

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INTRODUCTION The aim of this study is to investigate the conservation genetic status of the dog breed Saluki in Sweden. A pedigree analysis of the population based on studbook records has been performed to assess the levels of inbreeding and retention of genetic diversity in this population. The intention is that the results will assist the breeders in future breed planning and aid the breed association in their future recommendations. The Saluki The Saluki, or gazelle hound, is one of the world’s oldest breeds, with a history that dates back at least 6000 years. The breed is unique in the respect that it has remained fairly unchanged morphologically and functionally over several millennia and is not a modern creation like many other dog breeds (Hedberg & Edling 1992). Findings at archeological excavations in the Middle East have shown that a Saluki like dog have been kept by humans as hunting hounds as early as 4000 BC and grave findings dated to 3000 BC have revealed a breed that looked like present day Salukis. The success of the breed is coupled to its extraordinary hunting capacity. It was a very highly valued hound and essential for the Bedouin tribes’ survival. As a tradition, no Saluki was ever sold. It could only be given as a token of friendship or respect or traded to something of equal value, like a couple of horses, camels or wife’s (Hedberg & Edling 1992). The Saluki is part of the sight hound group and comes in two different hair varieties, fringed and short-haired. There is a variance in type within the breed, this is considered typical and desired. The reason for these differences is because of the part the hound has played in the history of the Middle East as the hunting hound among Bedouins. Bedouin tribes have been widely dispersed across a vast area with major differences in climate. So each tribe had a type of Saluki that was ideal for their terrain (FCI-Standard N° 269 Saluki 2000). Nowadays, the breed is mainly kept as a pet, but it is crucial to conserve its original form and function as the hunting hound it truly is for the benefit of future generations (Pettersson 2005). The hunting skills, which have been perfected over several millennia, are valuable traits that have served the interests of humanity over a long period of time and will hopefully continue to do so in the future. Conservation efforts of this breed may have additional value, because of its unusually long history of coexisting with mankind. The population has also remained in moderate numbers during modern time. Therefore it is important to determine the genetic variation within the breed, to provide a base for a genetically healthy future breeding plan (Sundgren 2006, pers. comm.). Dog breeding policies Ever since the dog was domesticated, mankind has influenced its properties. A vast number of breeds have been created through selection, often from a few number of individuals. This has been done to custom make dogs to benefit and assist humans in different areas of work. To preserve these different breeds with their desired characteristics, associations have been formed. These associations have grown, breed standards have been developed and policies on breeding appointed ( 070601).

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F.C.I., The Fédération Cynologique Internationale is one of the world canine organizations. It has over 80 member organizations and contract partners worldwide. The Swedish Kennel Club, SKK, is one of them. One of F.C.I.’s main aims is to handle the mutual recognition of studbooks and pedigrees among the membership countries ( 060401).The pedigree is a document of an individual’s descent and heredity. A purebred dog is a dog with a known ancestry of dogs consisting of the same breed. The pedigree provides a unique tool for analyses of the microstructure in a population. The pedigree analyses can present information on founder contribution, inbreeding, heterozygosity, genome uniqueness, and mean kinship, to help evaluate the current population and the future viability (Lacy 1987; Ballou et al. 1995; Haig & Ballou 2002). “RAS” (“rasspecifik avelsstrategi”) is a program that the Swedish Kennel Club launched in 2001. The purpose of the program is to create a specific breeding strategy for every recognized breed to provide the means to reach the aims of the SKK breeding policy. The breeding policy established by the Swedish Kennel Club defines the basics of pure breeding within the club. The first paragraph in the club’s constitution states the importance of breeding with physically and mentally healthy purebred dogs, which have satisfactory working/hunting abilities and typical exteriors ( 060330). The Swedish Saluki Club has developed a RAS program for the breed. The breeding analysis, that covers the years between 1993-2003, has shown that the breed has had an increasing genetically effective population size the last couple of years (Sundgren 2004). But the population has passed through a bottleneck and the question of how many founder alleles that are still present in the population remains to be addressed. Selective breeding vs. conservation breeding When following a specific breed standard, not only health is sought after, but also a typical exterior. The standard describes the desired appearance and the individuals meet the criteria to a different extent within the population. The individuals that lie closest to the standard are considered more attractive and are often used more frequently in breeding. Therefore, some genes can become overrepresented in the population, while others that may be important for the genetic diversity vanishes. As a result, the population’s variation becomes depleted. So the refining of breeds can pose a conflict in conserving the same (Laikre 2000). Genetic variation is of great importance for a population’s long term survival chance. Loss of variation may lead to reduced fitness as well as a lowered ability to adapt to environmental changes (Meffe & Carroll 1997). In small populations, only a limited number of individuals produce a finite number of offspring. As a consequence of the small number of progeny, not all of the parenting generation’s genes are past on to the next generation. By chance, some of the genetic information is lost, while other parts of the code are more widely dispersed in the population. This process is called genetic drift (Falconer 1981). Since most of the dog breeding occurs in moderate isolated populations, genetic drift has a significant influence on the future development of the breeds. Inbreeding is another consequence of breeding small populations and leads to the loss of genetic variation. Inbreeding is frequently coupled to negative effects, so called inbreeding depression (Ralls et al 1979). Such negative effects typically include increased occurrence of defects with recessive inheritance and reduced fecundity and viability (Laikre 1996).

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Inbreeding in wolves (Canis lupus) has caused a number of negative effects, expressed as reductions in juvenile weight, productivity and longevity, leading to an inbreeding depression (Laikre & Ryman 1991; Liberg et al. 2004). Another consequence of the inbreeding in wolves has been blindness with reduced viability, caused by a single recessive allele (Laikre & Ryman 1993). Furthermore, an increase of inbreeding in captive brown bear (Ursus arctos) has resulted in a significant reduction of litter size. The occurrence of albinism within the population is also associated with inbreeding (Laikre et al 1996). When establishing a captive population, approximately 20 founders are often recommended to achieve adequate genetic representation. 20 randomly selected founders would contain 97.5% of the genetic variability present in the wild population (Lacy 1989). Many dog breeds are founded from a small number of individuals. Therefore it is important to identify the founders to determine a breed’s representation of founder alleles and thus gene diversity. Rules of thumb of conservation breeding There are three essential rules one must apply to be successful in conservation breeding of domesticated animals. The population must be of a sustainable size, to harbor and retain a considerable amount of genetic variation (Sundgren 2004). Only healthy and viable individuals with their natural functions intact can efficiently produce offspring. A fundamental rule is that a single individual should only give rise to a moderate number of progeny (Sundgren 2004). The more evenly reproduction is spread among individuals (decreasing variance in offspring production) the slower the rate of loss of variation (Frankel & Soulé 1981). As the awareness of the problems with loss of biological and thus genetical diversity grew in society, 150 government leaders worldwide decided to form a convention that recognized those problems and an action plan for dealing with them. And so the Convention on Biological Diversity was born in Rio 1992. Many countries have ratified the convention since then including Sweden in 1993. The contracting parties of the convention recognize the importance of biological diversity and the need to preserve it. Biological diversity includes not only wildlife, but also comprises domesticated and cultivated species. This means species in which the evolutionary process has been influenced by humans to meet their needs (Convention on Biological Diversity 2002). Thus the dog breeds constitute a part of the convention to which we are legally bound. We are therefore obligated to conserve the different breeds of dog accordingly. Diseases and defects No breed specific diseases have been confirmed on Saluki although the insurance statistics show incidences of sudden death and immune system related diseases in the Swedish population (Pettersson 2005). Unfortunately, there is no record of the affected dogs and a genetic analysis is therefore not possible. A defect called hip joint dysplasia is a fairly common affliction in dogs (Hedhammar 1986). Hip joint dysplasia involves an abnormality in the development of the hip joint. This is caused by a too shallow acetabulum (the "cup" of the hip joint) which leads to an unstable femoral head (the "ball" of the hip joint). If the femoral head lacks full support from the acetabulum it tends to dislocate, leading to pain and stiffness for the dog. There

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is a genetic factor to the dysplasia, but the inheritance is not yet fully known. Records show that the offspring to dogs with hip joint dysplasia are overrepresented among the afflicted individuals. To address this issue, x-rays of the hips are mandatory prior to breeding to a number of dog breeds. (Information om röntgenkontroll av leder. 2007). It is not mandatory to x-ray Salukis, but a lot of breeders do, as a safety measure. Records exist from 1990. OBJECTIVES The aim with this study is to analyze the conservation genetic status of the Saluki in Sweden. Further, information on the breed world wide with respect to population size is presented. The study will be of use for future work to conserve this breed in a genetically sound manner. More specifically, the questions addressed in this paper include:

• How many individuals constitute the genetic foundation for the Swedish population?

• How has the population size fluctuated over time? • How much of the founder alleles are still present in the currently living

population? • How much inbreeding is present in the current population? • Are there any indications of inbreeding depression? • How large is the worldwide Saluki population? • Where is most of the worldwide population geographically located? • How should the breeding program be revised so that the maximal amount of

genetic variation will be preserved? MATERIALS & METHODS The data analyzed in this study have been provided by the Swedish Kennel Club. The data consist of their studbooks over registered Salukis’ in Sweden that have been digitalized. Though the breed is older, the record only dates back to the year 1946. The studbooks older than that have not been transferred to computers and are not available at this time. The studbook contains dogs born before 2005-11-15. It also contains foreign dogs which have been used by Swedish breeders or participating in dog shows in Sweden. However they do not receive a Swedish registration number, but keep their original foreign number in the studbook. Imported dogs and foreign dogs used in breeding will in addition have their ancestors registered dating back four generations. This data has been processed in Microsoft Excel 2003 and known founders have been added. These founders are parents of dogs with one known parent and one wild parent, with the wild parent being the new founder. Double entries that have been identified in the studbook during this work have been erased and birthdates estimated for dogs without known dates. All this has been done to produce a studbook with the highest possible accuracy and to render an analysis possible in the computer program GENES (Lacy 1999).

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Contacts with other countries’ kennel clubs have also been made in an attempt to investigate the breeds’ quantity and distribution abroad. Forty-four countries on four continents have been contacted via e-mail. The questions asked were: 1. How many Salukis' of each gender does your club register yearly (dating back as long as possible)? 2. How many imports and exports occur yearly and if possible the gender quota of these (dating back as long as possible)? No record is kept by the Swedish Kennel Club over deceased dogs, therefore there is an uncertainty to which of the dogs that actually still are alive. Therefore, the estimate of a maximum of 12 years of age has been made to determine the currently living population. This estimation of maximum age has been necessary to make as accurate conclusions about the population as possible. Dogs older than the age of 12 are, even though they may actually be alive, considered “genetically dead” as the probability for them to produce viable offspring is considered to be very low. The currently living population is defined as all animals that are younger then 13 years, i.e. born later than 1992-11-15. The total population is defined as all of the dogs enumerated in the studbook as well as the pseudo founders that have been added. The collected information has been stored in a database constructed and processed in the computer programs Microsoft Excel 2003 and dBase. The pedigree analyses have been performed using the computer programs GENES (Lacy 1999) and Microsoft Excel 2003. Founders and founder representation A gene drop analysis has been performed in GENES to investigate the founder representation in Saluki. A founder is an individual which do not have any ancestors in the pedigree. It is only related to its possible descendents. Thus, the founders of a population are the (presumed) unrelated individuals from which all individuals of the population descends. All available genetic variation that exists in a population originates from its founders. Even though all founders in a population would generate offspring, a certain amount of genetic variation will always be lost from one generation to the next due to genetic drift (Lacy et al 1995). Genetic drift is a change of the genetic composition of a population due to random sampling. In Saluki, the breed founders are not known because of the breed’s long history, therefore the founding dogs in the Swedish population are not the founding dogs of the breed. These circumstances make the results a bit uncertain since the founders may in fact not be totally unrelated to the rest of the population. The founder equivalents are the estimated number of equally contributing founders that would be expected to generate the same genetic diversity as in the real population. If the founder contribution is unequal in a population, the founder equivalents will decrease leading to an unnecessary increase in inbreeding and loss of genetic diversity. The

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founder genome equivalents are the number of equally contributing founders without any genetic drift in the descendants that would be expected to generate the same genetic variation in the real population. The number of founder genome equivalents is approximately also the number of new wild animals necessary to obtain the same amount of genetic diversity as in the living descendant population (Lacy 1989). Retention is a measure of the amount of founder alleles still present in the current population. It spans from 0 to 1. One means no allele loss and 0 indicates a total allele loss (Lacy 1999). Representation indicates the amount in percent of the total currently living population genome that a particular founder has contributed. Inbreeding and mean kinship The inbreeding coefficient (F) is a figure calculated from the animal in question relation to the founder population. F spans from 0 to 1 and is often stated in per cent. Per definition the inbreeding coefficient in the founder population is 0. Mean kinship is a measurement of how closely an individual is related to the rest of the population. The degree of kinship is the same as the inbreeding coefficient of a potential offspring from two individuals. Since it is a hypothetical mating the mean kinship can be calculated from any two individuals including animals of the same sex as well as between the individual and itself (Ballou et al. 1995). RESULTS The results are based on the studbook received from the Swedish Kennel Club. The oldest record dates back to 1946 and continues through to 2005. The population The Swedish population consists of 4746 salukis and the currently living population is estimated to 1862 individuals. This indicates that a large proportion of the registered Salukis are still alive. Table 1 shows the sex distribution and ratio in both the total population and in the currently living population. Table 1: The number of Salukis in the Swedish population, both total and currently living. Population Individuals Dogs Bitches Sex ratio

Total 4746 2271 2475 1:1.1 (dogs:bitches)

Currently living 1862 899 963 1:1.1 (dogs:bitches)

The population has grown since the first records of the breed in 1946, although some fluctuations have occurred over the years. Recently the population seems to have

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stabilized around 130 registrations each year. Figure 1 shows the registration numbers between the first record in 1946 until 2005 including all registered dogs in Sweden along with imports and show dogs. The number of individuals and the sex distribution among them in the currently living population is presented in Figure 2 per each age. The average age in the population is 6.1 years for both dogs and bitches, assuming that the lifespan is 12 years.































































Figure 1. Number of registered dogs in the Swedish Kennel Club per year until 2005-11-15.

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0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180


















Figure 2: Age and sex distribution among the presently living animals. Breeding In dog breeding overrepresentation of certain individuals is common. A popular stud dog often gives rise to a large amount of offspring. But to minimize the loss of genetic material the sex quota should be as even as possible (Lacy 1989). There are currently no recommendations about how many offspring a single individual should produce, but in a limited population it is easy to become overrepresented. Table 2 shows the 38 dogs that have sired more than 20 offspring and thus may be overrepresented. A lot of the dogs have sired a considerably higher amount than 20 offspring as well. Only dogs with Swedish registration number have been presented in the table, since dogs with foreign registration numbers do not reside in Sweden and are most probably being used in a potential breeding in their home country. Bitches can also produce a lot of offspring but not nearly as many as a dog during a lifetime. The number of bitches that have produced more than twenty offspring is therefore considerably smaller. Table 3 lists these 10 bitches.

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Table 2: Swedish registered dogs that have sired more that 20 offspring. Reg. No. No. of offspring Name S11905/79 71 BAKLAVA'S AHSAN-MIN S38436/68 66 SCHIRAM SCHIRAMUIL S00023/77 53 BEDUIN S01938/62 51 BEN HURIS ADIR S34902/77 51 ZERA'ATI EL ZAFZAHIR S46443/72 50 SCHIRAM SCHIRAMIBICUS S18105/84 49 VOLANTE'S PINOT-NERO S21037/69 49 DANAELII CHABUK-EL-FARASTU S16018/63 43 EL-KELUS DOKAH S59397/89 43 KHALILS QASR UMM AIN S17999/95 40 KHALILS DAHABI DAHAQIN S08849/76 38 ZOHARI AZIM-DAR-YAHAN S17007/62 38 Name missing S22664/80 38 KASHMANIS LANTHIR-ABSHAR S50602/87 38 HAMAHDAN'S BENJAMIN S32503/68 37 MOUNTEBANKS DIAMON KING S43633/79 35 ZOHARI JAVAN-ESDEVAJ S50753/90 33 BAGHDAD GLOBETROTTER S51083/84 33 KHALILS IBNIBIZ S24740/95 31 SUNDOWN SHAMSHI-ADAD S44405/71 30 AZADI ZEDEKIAH S21464/66 28 SADRUK DEL FLAMANTE S54185/81 27 ZOHARI JAVAN-AL-ASHAM S13834/72 26 KHALILS AHMAN-EL-HADJ S14733/79 26 IBINORES SAFIR EL SANDAWIR S32208/99 24 WISDOM'S TOTALLY AWSOME AT S60282/79 24 BACHAR S23979/91 23 KHALILS SAHIR ACK-TAZ-EET S30039/98 23 ARRIYAD AAZADAM S39002/98 23 SHAFAQ LA CSARDAS QHADDAM S11807/94 22 BADAVIE IMRAZOR S17998/95 22 KHALILS DURANI DAQIQ S26948/2000 22 BADAVIE SILMARILLON S36038/96 22 KIRMAN KASSIM S07946/60 21 IBINORES ISMAIL S56605/94 21 BAGHDAD RUBENS S18070/67 20 IBINORES TIMSAHL S20154/70 20 DAMASICHTON

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Table 3: Swedish registered bitches with more than 20 offspring. Reg. No. No. of offspring Name S50696/73 32 IBINORES IZETTE S16447/60 28 DERBENDI-KHAN BELLINA S00025/77 26 BAKLAVA S32171/97 25 QIRMIZI CASABLANCA S30391/73 24 AZADI ZERA ATI S11811/94 22 BADAVIE ILLUIN S59383/83 22 BAKLAVA'S EL-KAHIRA S64244/90 22 BADAVIE GALANDRIEL S11912/79 20 BAKLAVA'S ASAL-HILW S30673/73 20 YAD-AL-ZADI There are 617 litters where the dam is registered in the Swedish Kennel Club. Figure 3 shows the registered number of litters after a Swedish registered bitch per year. The litters registered have increased initially and have stabilized some since the 1990s. The average number of offspring per litter is 5.3. Figure 4 shows the distribution of the litter sizes. These numbers only shows the dogs that have been registered. Offspring that are stillborn or that dies at a young age are not in any records, meaning that dogs deceased before the age of 8 weeks are not registered in the Swedish Kennel Club. It is therefore hard to know the real litter sizes and how many of the offspring that have not survived. A considerable amount of stillborns could indicate an inbreeding depression.































ber o

f litt


Figure 3. Number of litters per year after Swedish registered bitches.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Litter size


ber o

f litt


Figure 4. The distribution of the different litter sizes. Inbreeding The average inbreeding coefficient in the total population is 4.71%. In the current living population the coefficient is 3.32%. Figure 5 shows the distribution of inbreeding in the total population, the highest inbreeding coefficient an individual has in the population is 36.93%. Onethousandninehundredthirty of the dogs are not inbred at all. Figure 6 shows the situation in the current population. The currently largest inbreeding coefficient is 33.44%. There is no indication of a correlation between the litter size and the inbreeding coefficient (linear regression, P=0.92). Figure 7 shows the plot of litter size versus the inbreeding coefficient. The negative effects of inbreeding typically include reduced fecundity and viability (Laikre 1996). Figure 8 shows that there is no correlation between the bitches inbreeding coefficient and the litter size (linear regression, P= 0.55).

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211 195

8230 1 23 48 25 21 5 5












Inbreeding, F in %


ber o

f dog


Figure 5: The distribution of inbreeding coefficients in total population of 4746 individuals. The numbers above the bars indicate the number of dogs in each coefficient interval.





70 6752

0 0 3 11 421









Inbreeding, F in %


ber o

f dog


Figure 6: The distribution of inbreeding coefficients in the current living population of 1862 individuals. The numbers above the bars indicate the number of dogs in each coefficient interval.

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0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40

Inbreeding coefficient of the litter


r siz


Figure 7: Regression of litter size versus the inbreeding coefficient of the litter.








0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4

Inbreeding coefficient of the bitch


r siz


Figure 8: Regression of the inbreeding coefficient of the bitch versus the litter size. Gene drop The number of founders represented in the living descendant population is 378, but the total potential number of founders is 551. Thus 158 founders have not had any offspring or at least not any living descendant. 161 founders are still alive and of those 15 have not been bred.

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Figure 9. Summary over the founders in the population. Appendix I lists all the founders and their representation in the population. There is also information about the target amount of those founders’ alleles. These numbers shows if the founder is over- or underrepresented and by how much. It indicates which of the founders are of extra value to the breeders. The gene diversity (i.e. heterozygosity for unique founder alleles) in the currently living population is 0.972. However, this measure does not take into account the loss of individual founder alleles. The fact that there are 1102 potential founders alleles and only 471.6 alleles remain implies that 57.2% of the potential genetic variation has been lost. The goal in conservation genetic breeding is to keep 90% of the genetic variation after 100 years (Frankham et al. 2004). The estimated number of founder genome equivalents is 18.26, meaning that a number of 18 unrelated animals contains as much genetic diversity as the currently living population possess. Table 4. Summary of the population’s the genetic potential.. Genetic summary Living descendant population Potential Number of founders 378 393 Mean retention 0.416 0.604 Founder genomes surviving 157.2 237.3 Founder Genome Equivalents 18.3 237.3 Fraction source gene diversity retained 0.973 0.998 Fraction wild source gene diversity lost 0.027 0.002 Mean inbreeding coefficient 0.047 0.002

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The mean Ne over the past 6.16 generations is 115.51. Ne stands for effective population size. The effective size of a population is the size of an idealized population that would lose genetic diversity at the same rate as the real population. The current Ne estimated from 155 male and 192 female breeders is 343.06. The smaller Ne, the more rapidly the loss of variation occurs. A population with an Ne of 50 or less runs the risk of extinction and a long term viable population should have an Ne of at least 500 (Frankham et al. 2004). The mean kinship between all the individuals in the currently living population is shown in figure 10. All of the dogs in the population have a kinship of less than 6% to the rest of the population. The descendant population mean kinship is 0.028.



















≤ 0.00 >0.00≤0.01 >0.01≤0.02 >0.02≤0.03 >0.03≤0.04 >0.04≤0.05 >0.05≤0.06

Mean kinship


ber o

f dog


Figure 10: Distribution of mean kinship values in the current population. Hip joint dysplasia A total of 50 Salukis have been x-rayed, and 46 of these were evaluated using the current procedure for classification of the hips, whereas 4 individuals were evaluated using a previous criteria. The four dogs examined with the old criteria were all without remark (similar to current rank A-B) The new ranking system is as follows: Rank A= Normal hips Rank B= No dysplasia Rank C= Mild dysplasia Rank D= Moderat dysplasia Rank E= Severe dysplasia

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Figure 11 shows the distribution of the different ranks among the x-rayed dogs within the new procedure.

HD new system

HD rank AHD rank BHD rank CHD rank DHD rank E

Figure 11. Distribution of hip joint dysplasia among the x-rayed Salukis. None of the x-rayed dogs have been diagnosed with the rank D or E. Salukis abroad Of the contacted foreign kennel clubs, unfortunately only 6 out of 44 responded, representing three different continents. Table 5. Number of registered Salukis per year in the listed countries. Country\Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005Australia 104 79 78 74 52 68 Denmark 26 21 17 17 16Iceland 0 0 0 0 0 0Italy 40 32 22 43 23Norway 18 17 3 41 27 38Sweden 75 122 134 108 157 128USA 125 114 204 85 104 86 DISCUSSION The results from the present study may be summarized as follows: A total of 536 presumed unrelated individuals (founders) have founded the current Swedish population of Saluki. Out of these, 158 are deceased and do not have any living descendents in the current population, and their genomes have therefore been lost. There are15 unused living founders whose genome should be preserved. These dogs are of extra value to the

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breeders and should be used in breeding if they are healthy and a good representation to the breed. The Swedish population started out with only a few individuals in the 1940’s (probably before that that, but earlier records are unavailable at this time), but since then the population has grown considerably. Currently the population seems quite stable with registrations of around 130 Salukis per year. It is not a large breed and this may have a negative effect in the future. The vast amount of founder alleles have been lost. There are 378 founders with living descendents, but loss of alleles from this founder genome pool, and unequal breeding among the founders have resulted in only 18.26 founder genome equivalents among the living descendents of these 378 founders. This is not a high number and efforts to conserve the remaining genome should be made. Of the potential 1102 founder alleles 57.2% have already been lost. The founders who are underrepresented or not represented at all should be identified and used in the breeding program. The mean inbreeding in the total population is 4.71% and in the current living population the coefficient is 3.32%. Thus the average dog has the same amount of inbreeding as second cousins. This means that the inbreeding have decreased in recent years. This is positive, but a few of the dogs in the currently living population still has an inbreeding coefficient higher than 25% percent which is equal to a sibling mating. This is far too high and efforts to decrease inbreeding should be made. Unfortunately the response rate of the foreign kennel clubs was very low, so no good conclusions can be made. But the figures received indicates that the breed is not highly represented abroad. Large countries like USA and Australia had similar amounts of dogs as Sweden. This may mean that the worldwide population is limited and thus the genetic variation. Since the Saluki originated in the Middle East, it has diverged all over the world. The studbook used for the analyses only lists Swedish dogs or dogs that have visited Sweden. So the number of founder is quite high due to imports and traveling. The show dogs may never be used in Swedish breeding, often they only stay during a weekend and then return home. It can also be assumed that a lot of the dogs listed as founders are related to the rest of the population since the records does not go back to the founding time of the breed. The ancestors of the imports in the Swedish studbook most probably all come from the Middle East and it can be assumed that they were all once part of the same population. However the breed does not seem to be represented in large numbers abroad. In huge countries like USA and Australia there appear to be similar number of dogs as in Sweden. The genetic value of the Swedish Saluki population in respect to the worldwide population is currently not known. To address that issue, a global population genetic analysis would have to be done. This is not easy, but it would provide the means to investigate how much of the breeds genetic variation that is contained in the Swedish population.

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The Saluki seems to have a fairly good genetic variation, but it is important to maintain it and breed with caution. Recommendations for the breeding program.

• The underrepresented founder genome should be paid attention to and the potential founders should be used in breeding if they are sound.

• The 15 living founders without offspring should be used in the breeding program

assuming that they are healthy.

• Continue to x-ray salukis for HD. There are still too few dogs that have been examined to statistically draw any conclusions regarding the occurrence in the breed. The results have shown that hip dysplasia is present in the population and measurements should be taken so that the affliction will not increase.

• A more even sex quota should be sought after as well as a more even

representation of the breeders. A lot of the dogs are overrepresented and this could affect the population negatively. A guideline of a maximum of offspring a dog should produce would benefit the breed.

• Litters should also be evaluated before using the parents in breeding again.

• Efforts to identify affected dogs with sudden death and immune system related

diseases should be made. This to study the hereditary effects of the diseases and the spread in the population. With this information breeding recommendations can be made to minimize these diseases in the population.

RECOGNITIONS I am in gratitude to Linda Laikre, my supervisor who has been an excellent instructor and a great inspiration. Eva Lindberg who has been a great help offering loads of time and tips, thank you so much. I would also like to thank Thomas Wink for providing the studbooks from the Swedish Kennel Club. Thanks to Lena Larsson for the help with regression and the review of the language. Thanks to Per-Erik Sundgren for taking time to answer some questions I had.

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REFERENCES Ballou, J.D., Gilpin, M., & Foose, T.J. (eds). Population Management for Survival & Recovery. Analytical methods and strategies in small population conservation. Columbia. Ballou, J. D. & Lacy, R. C. 1995. Identifying Genetically Important Individuals for Management of Genetic Variation in Pedigree Populations. In: Ballou, J.D., Gilpin, M., & Foose, T.J. (eds). Population Management for Survival & Recovery. Analytical methods and strategies in small population conservation. Columbia. Convention on Biological Diversity SÖ1993:77. 2002. Utrikesdepartementet Falconer, D.S. 1981. Introduction to Quantitative Genetics. Second Edition. Longman Group Limited, Essex, England. F.C.I.’s homepage, FCI-Standard N° 269 Saluki. 2000. Frankham, R., Ballou, J. D. & Briscoe, D. A. 2004. A Primer of Conservation Genetics. Cambridge University Press. Haig, S. M. & Ballou, J. D. 2002. Pedigree Analyses in Wild Populations. Population Viability Analysis. The University of Chicago Press Hedberg, K & Edling, C. Raskompendium för Saluki. Salukibladet 1/2005 Information om röntgenkontroll av leder. 2007. Svenska Kennelklubben. Lacy, R. C. 1987. Loss of genetic diversity from managed populations: Interacting effects of drift, mutation, immigration, selection and population subdivision. Conservation Biology 1:143-158 Lacy, R. C. 1989. Analysis of founder representation in pedigrees: Founder equivalents and founder genome equivalents. Zoo Biology 8:111-123 Lacy, R. C. 1999. GENES: A computer program for the analysis of pedigrees and genetic management. Brookfield, Illinois: Chicago Zoological Society Laikre, L. & Ryman, N. 1991. Inbreeding depression in a captive wolf (Canis lupus) population. Conservation Biology 5:33-40 Laikre, L. & Ryman, N. 1993. Hereditary blindness in a captive wolf (Canis lupus) population: Frequency reduction of a deleterious allele in relation to gene conservation. Conservation Biology 7:592-601

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Laikre, L. 1996. Genetic processes in small populations. Conservation and management with particular focus on inbreeding and its effects. Division of Population genetics, Stockholm University Laikre, L., Andrén, R., Larsson, H. & Ryman, N. 1996. Inbreeding depression in brown bear Ursus arctos. Biological Conservation 76:69-72 Laikre, L. 2000. Genetiska aspekter på sund hundavel. HUNDliv 5/00 Liberg, O., Andrén, H., Pedersen, H-C., Sand, H., Sejberg, D., Wabakken, P., Åkesson, and Bensch, S. 2004. Severe inbreeding depression in a wild wolf (Canis lupus) population. Biology Letters doi:10.1098/rsbl.2004.0266. Meffe, G. K., Carroll, C. R. and Contributors. 1997. Principles of Conservation Biology. Sinauer Associates, Inc. Pettersson, K. 2005. Rasspecifik avelsstrategi för Saluki. Svenska Salukiringen. Ralls, K & Ballou, J. D. 1988. Minimum viable populations. TREE 3:148-149 Sundgren, P. E. 2004. Analys över avel med Saluki åren 1993-2003. Salukibladet 1/2005 Sundgren, P. E. 2004. Naturens skydd av ärftlig variaton. Salukibladet 1/2005 The Swedish Kennel Club,

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Name Retention %Representation Target Difference Reg. No Sex BirthyearSAKKARA TEQIL 0.131 0.076 0.055 -0.021 KCREG2864/58 M 1959 ASPHODEL ALYBE 0.466 3.638 0.196 -3.441 KCSB199AT F 1959 BURYDOWN FREYHA 0.259 0.318 0.109 -0.209 KCSB517AP F 1959 MAZURI KNIGHTELLINGTON GEO 0.460 3.594 0.194 -3.400 KCSB920AM M 1959 MARATHON OF DAXLORE 0.342 1.080 0.144 -0.936 KCSB2248AP M 1960 JEN ARABY TARUNA OF SPRINA 0.212 0.838 0.089 -0.749 AKCSBHA595796 F 1960 UNKNOWN 14 0.095 0.255 0.040 -0.215 F00014 F 1960 Name missing 0.490 1.961 0.207 -1.754 S25230/61 F 1961 ASHFAR SHEEBA 0.359 2.532 0.152 -2.380 SF00093/57 F 1961 MAZURI OREZZO 0.391 2.694 0.165 -2.530 SF05448/60 M 1961 MAZURI ODESSAH 0.188 0.817 0.079 -0.738 KCREG59432/60 F 1962 MAZURI PTOLEMY 0.178 0.683 0.075 -0.608 KCREG74078/60 M 1962 MAZURI KUMASI SHATIRAH 0.332 1.441 0.140 -1.301 KCREG78065/61 F 1962 MAZURI ZEDEKIAN 0.316 1.400 0.133 -1.267 KCSB1944AQ M 1962 REBECCA OF DAXLORE 0.276 0.749 0.116 -0.632 KCSB2248AQ F 1962 EL-KELUS ALI-BABA 0.345 1.700 0.145 -1.555 S12783/57 M 1962 CARMENSITA 0.348 1.590 0.147 -1.444 S14527/56 F 1962 IBINORES FATIMA 0.594 1.352 0.250 -1.102 S16714/55 F 1962 IBINORES CARINA 0.349 1.828 0.147 -1.682 S17468/53 F 1962 IBINORES FAKHIM 0.343 1.678 0.144 -1.534 S20873/58 M 1962 UNKNOWN 2 0.279 0.977 0.117 -0.860 F00002 M 1962 SPRINGBARN SANDPIPER 0.088 0.246 0.037 -0.209 KCSB1688AS M 1963 BAYTOR AUTOCRAT 0.435 0.460 0.184 -0.277 S01950/58 M 1963 UNKNOWN 18 0.091 0.232 0.039 -0.194 F00018 F 1963 JEN-ARABY'S SHAH ZEMAH 0.182 0.994 0.077 -0.917 AKCSBHA183883 F 1964 JEN ARABY'S SIVA OF SPRINA 0.368 1.782 0.155 -1.627 AKCSBHA310909 M 1964 JEN ARABY HUNTSMAN 0.168 0.881 0.071 -0.811 AKCSBHA484211 M 1964 TRUDY OF DAXLORE 0.182 0.885 0.077 -0.809 AKCSBHA691575 F 1964 FLICKA OF DAXLORE 0.161 0.404 0.068 -0.337 KCREG127106/60 F 1964 BEDOUIN SEAWIND SIMYRA 0.230 0.361 0.097 -0.264 KCREG48665/61 F 1964 SEGLAWI JILFA 0.230 0.847 0.097 -0.750 KCREG86053/59 F 1964 BEDOUIN BAYTOR ABDULLAH 0.218 0.384 0.092 -0.292 KCSB1411AV M 1964 KUMASI KOMMANDAN 0.230 0.836 0.097 -0.739 KCSB2047AS M 1964 EL-KELUS CHADIDJA 0.113 0.073 0.048 -0.025 S07877/62 F 1964 IBINORES HADDJI 0.059 0.035 0.025 -0.010 S10438/59 M 1964 SPRINGBARN JESSAMY 0.122 0.180 0.051 -0.129 KCREG22240/61 F 1965 WINDSWIFT SHAHANA 0.161 0.129 0.068 -0.062 KCREG91201/60 F 1965 KNIGHTELLINGTON CASPAH 0.145 0.100 0.061 -0.039 KCSB1399AU M 1965 TAHAWI MAZURKA 0.129 0.188 0.054 -0.134 KCSB1516AX M 1965 IBINORES GALANTHE 0.179 0.128 0.076 -0.052 S04563/59 M 1965 SHEBA 0.040 0.006 0.017 0.011 S25763/66 F 1965 BURYDOWN ASPHODEL ALANYA 0.257 1.172 0.108 -1.064 KCREG26971/61 F 1966 MERIZEL BETHZAHRA 0.187 0.358 0.079 -0.280 KCREG73533/63 F 1966 EL-KELUS EILAH 0.486 0.844 0.205 -0.639 S13320/66 F 1966 DERBENDI KHAN HADJIBA EL G 0.254 0.749 0.107 -0.642 S36709/65 F 1966 UNKNOWN 4 0.251 1.216 0.106 -1.110 F00004 M 1966 UNKNOWN 38 0.166 0.314 0.070 -0.244 F00038 F 1966 KNIGHTELLINGTON ASHERAH 0.075 0.036 0.032 -0.004 KCREG118753/59 F 1967 WINDSWIFT KISHTA KHAN 0.201 0.136 0.085 -0.051 KCREG121848/65 M 1967 WINDSWIFT SHARON 0.155 0.131 0.065 -0.066 KCREG22504/62 F 1967

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TAUFAAN SHARQUI 0.152 0.114 0.064 -0.050 KCREG67572/67 M 1967 SINDAH CHORUS 0.074 0.041 0.031 -0.009 KCREG78070/61 F 1967 KUMASI SHARIF 0.059 0.034 0.025 -0.009 KCSB1578AT M 1967 ZORRO 0.264 0.814 0.111 -0.703 S09006/67 M 1967 KNIGHTELLINGTON DJAD 0.198 0.675 0.083 -0.592 AKCSBHA415123 M 1968 JEN ARABY DIAMOND JIM 0.205 0.717 0.086 -0.631 AKCSBHA630993 M 1968 JEN ARABY'S FEVEDAAN 0.188 0.776 0.079 -0.697 AKCSBHA630995 F 1968 JEN ARABY BEKITATEN 0.203 0.759 0.086 -0.673 AKCSBHA722243 F 1968 SPRINAGAR SADHU SUVIRA 0.220 0.838 0.093 -0.746 AKCSBHA942538 M 1968 SPRINAGAR MAHINA ANUMATI 0.201 0.699 0.085 -0.614 AKCSBHB095968 F 1968 DARFURI BURYDOWN PALLU 0.347 0.957 0.146 -0.811 KCREG20737/64 F 1968 WELLINGTON KRIM 0.143 0.264 0.060 -0.204 KCREG20981/63 M 1968 TAHAWI MANSOOR 0.161 0.084 0.068 -0.016 S15974/70 M 1968 SEDEKI TASI 0.339 0.424 0.143 -0.282 S14712/68 F 1969 SEDEKI AHMAR 0.650 1.595 0.274 -1.321 S33764/69 M 1969 KIRMAN NOMADI 0.412 0.802 0.174 -0.628 SF03638/70 M 1969 CADIZIA DEL FLAMANTE 0.178 0.348 0.075 -0.273 SF15017/67 F 1969 WILDROSE OF DAXLORE 0.246 0.433 0.104 -0.329 KCSB195BC F 1970 YAZID BURYDOWN YEHUDI 0.248 0.454 0.105 -0.349 KCSB2115BG M 1970 BEDOUIN DAHILI 0.073 0.100 0.031 -0.069 KCREG36549/67 F 1972 WINDSWIFT SHUNI 0.044 0.009 0.018 0.010 KCREG49747/59 F 1972 WINDSWIFT VIZIER 0.054 0.011 0.023 0.012 KCREG52018/64 M 1972 SEDEKI MAZURI RASMUS 0.087 0.118 0.037 -0.081 KCSB29AW M 1972 WINDSWIFT HILAL 0.026 0.006 0.011 0.005 KCREG144635/68 F 1974 WINDSWIFT FALAH 0.022 0.004 0.009 0.005 KCSB72BE M 1974 AMENA GEM 0.185 0.361 0.078 -0.283 KCSB1459BC F 1975 SHEIKH ZENDI 0.177 0.342 0.075 -0.267 KCSB1579AT M 1975 ASPHODEL ALMANZA 0.140 0.202 0.059 -0.143 KCSB2563AV F 1975 UNKNOWN 56 0.482 1.153 0.203 -0.950 F00056 F 1976 WINDSWIFT KHASHIL 0.272 0.293 0.114 -0.179 KCSB3305BG F 1977 AL CALIPHS ALYFEH 0.510 0.355 0.215 -0.140 KCSB60BH M 1977 KIRMAN HASHMET 0.253 0.155 0.106 -0.048 SF9412G/78 M 1977 UNKNOWN 12 0.189 0.106 0.079 -0.026 F00012 M 1977 SAUKENUK DHARMA DEVI 0.185 0.040 0.078 0.039 AKCSBHB734702 F 1978 BRENLAIR'S OMAR JOSEPH V M 0.193 0.041 0.081 0.040 AKCSBHB783258 M 1978 ALMANZA AFORAHNAS 0.330 0.078 0.139 0.061 KCREG83670/74 F 1978 WINDSWIFT DHURA 0.208 0.198 0.087 -0.111 KCREG42725/74 F 1979 BURYDOWN IPHIGENIA 0.550 0.601 0.232 -0.369 KCSB2467BN F 1979 CLASSICUS SERENDIPITY NIJI 0.537 0.620 0.226 -0.393 KCSB2651BN M 1979 KIRMAN JIVATHA 0.271 0.183 0.114 -0.069 SF139656/79 F 1980 AL-FARAZ GHALIF 0.463 0.319 0.195 -0.124 SF22886X/79 M 1980 EL HAMRAH VALABHI 0.343 0.700 0.145 -0.556 SF78710/77 M 1980 TALITAH VON DER IRMINSUL 0.148 0.032 0.062 0.030 VDHDWZBS1531 F 1980 XIQUE VON DER IRMINSUL 0.140 0.029 0.059 0.030 VDHDWZBS1935 M 1980 OMANI MOKKA 0.191 0.140 0.080 -0.060 SF6270Q/80 M 1980 BAGHDADS CRIMSON GAZELLE 0.129 0.095 0.054 -0.040 AKCSB983315 F 1981 BAGHDADS MORIAH OF KACHES 0.305 0.495 0.129 -0.366 AKCSB986994 F 1981 SRINAGAR BRAHMA OF URRAY 0.162 0.156 0.068 -0.088 AKCSBHB109758 M 1981 TARAVAN ASIA OF ZEBEC 0.135 0.034 0.057 0.022 AKCSBHB528964 F 1981 ZANANDE 0.182 0.176 0.077 -0.099 AKCSBHB665703 F 1981 SRINAGAR KESAR OF ZEBEC 0.118 0.030 0.050 0.020 AKCSBHB918752 M 1981 JEN ARABY ASSADD 0.346 0.444 0.146 -0.298 AKCSBHC602226 M 1981 JEN ARABY TIY MAHAL 0.341 0.471 0.144 -0.328 AKCSBHC602227 F 1981 IDLEACRES AUTUMN CLOUD 0.149 0.034 0.063 0.029 ANKCN308453 F 1981

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AFKING BAGHDADS ABOU 0.344 0.605 0.145 -0.460 CKCSTBLY173373 M 1981 BEGUINETTE SISTER HESTER 0.304 0.128 0.128 0.000 KCE8505905F03 F 1981 AL CALIPHS IZMAEL 0.199 0.114 0.084 -0.030 KCF0274901F04 M 1981 WILDSKY OF DAXLORE AND IDL 0.155 0.035 0.065 0.030 KCREG32976/74 M 1981 TIMOTHEUS OF CHANDAV 0.174 0.038 0.073 0.035 KCSB1258BQ M 1981 MABROOKA BINAYA OF SAKLAWI 0.148 0.033 0.062 0.030 KCSB3914BS F 1981 RASAYA 0.222 0.027 0.094 0.067 N04282/78 F 1981 BAGHDADS SWEET JASMINE 0.155 0.087 0.065 -0.022 AKCSBHB943221 F 1982 SEDEKI FALU 0.261 0.255 0.110 -0.145 AKCSBHC426351 F 1982 SEDEKI ORNO 0.260 0.265 0.110 -0.156 AKCSBHC614953 M 1982 BAGHDADS GULLIVER 0.253 0.230 0.107 -0.123 AKCSBHC92552 M 1982 BAIDA ABYANDANI OF SINDAH 0.149 0.081 0.063 -0.018 KCE3595906 F 1982 SEDEKI DARA 0.161 0.080 0.068 -0.013 KCREG72048/71 F 1982 SAMOEMS SODOM 0.363 1.297 0.153 -1.144 NHSB688431 M 1982 SALIHA DEIANIRA 0.352 1.112 0.148 -0.964 NHSB945737 F 1982 KIRMAN IRENA 0.653 0.856 0.275 -0.581 SF211184/78 F 1982 UNKNOWN 13 0.158 0.086 0.067 -0.020 F00013 M 1982 SYROCO'S ANTON OF WISDOM 0.238 0.465 0.100 -0.365 AKCSBHC232628 M 1983 ARIEL SARIH RIH OF THE DUN 0.232 0.502 0.098 -0.404 AKCSBHC422289 F 1983 SYROCO'S JAMEELI OF WISDOM 0.247 0.529 0.104 -0.425 AKCSBHC494000 F 1983 BATAL CARIAD SANJ 0.249 0.524 0.105 -0.419 AKCSBHC629689 M 1983 AL SHAMS DU JA'ARID 0.248 0.067 0.105 0.038 N01070/82 F 1983 CARAVAN EL LOBO ELKEESH 0.756 0.059 0.319 0.260 N23062/83 M 1983 BATAL'S FANFARE CHIME 0.309 0.300 0.130 -0.169 AKCSBHB817208 F 1984 BEL S MBRAN ABA FANTASIA 0.540 0.805 0.228 -0.577 AKCSBHC484326 F 1984 BEL S'MBRAN JR 0.417 0.420 0.176 -0.244 AKCSBHC660387 M 1984 SRINAGAR ANUPAMA OF LINJA 0.535 0.558 0.225 -0.332 AKCSBHC86231 M 1984 WISDOM'S AZIZA ROIANN 0.303 0.292 0.128 -0.164 AKCSBHC926960 F 1984 IDLEACRES DESERT ROSE 0.120 0.268 0.051 -0.217 ANKC370450 F 1984 SALIHA'S DURRANI 0.182 0.101 0.077 -0.024 DWZBS1749 F 1984 SAMOEMS SUBHADRA 0.174 0.100 0.073 -0.026 KCJ95607J10 F 1984 AMENA LUCIFER 0.131 0.287 0.055 -0.232 KCREG53535/74 M 1984 CLASSICUS BELISARIUS 0.178 0.102 0.075 -0.027 KCSB4342BT M 1984 OZAWIYA DE SHIRAM 0.182 0.107 0.077 -0.030 NHSB1049465 F 1984 SAMOEMS SU-SAN 0.194 0.109 0.082 -0.027 NHSB166569 F 1984 CROWN CREST DSCHINGIS KHAN 0.491 0.117 0.207 0.091 SHSB322397 M 1984 D'ANSOR BECKTOR BATHSEBA 0.663 0.209 0.279 0.070 VDH/DWZBS3039 F 1984 MATA SALAMATA'S HAWA 0.400 0.473 0.168 -0.305 VDHDWZBS2096 F 1984 SAHAVA EL ARISH 0.616 1.157 0.260 -0.897 VDHDWZBS2481 M 1984 EUPHRATES SPRINGTIME JAADA 0.210 0.365 0.089 -0.276 AKCSBHB692131 M 1985 EL HAMRAH KAJANDA 0.230 0.171 0.097 -0.074 SF14025X/85 F 1985 SUNDOWN MADHAN MADHI 0.369 0.733 0.156 -0.577 AKCSBHC142763 F 1986 SHAMAL KHARAZ 0.321 0.084 0.135 0.051 KCSB3913BS M 1986 KAUS KEZIA 0.299 0.076 0.126 0.050 KCSB638BN F 1986 CON CALORE'S ADELIAH 0.461 0.059 0.194 0.136 N26889/85 F 1986 ZAHRA DU ZADA OF CONAMOR 0.362 0.057 0.153 0.095 VDH/DWZBS3275 F 1986 SRINAGAR SARDULA MADHU 0.184 0.226 0.078 -0.148 AKCSBHB273310 F 1987 SANANDAJ SUNDOWN 0.186 0.231 0.078 -0.153 AKCSBHC124502 M 1987 RAFELDAS PAIRIKA 0.118 0.157 0.050 -0.107 AKCSBHC190262 F 1987 ATALLAHS TAYR AHMAR 0.223 0.393 0.094 -0.299 AKCSBHC716738 F 1987 TAVANAI KHAISUMA K-C 0.437 0.435 0.184 -0.251 AKCSBHD177851 F 1987 ELARABIE ZIKR 0.129 0.089 0.054 -0.035 ANKC247100 M 1987 BAGHDAD AZAHD HALIK 0.130 0.086 0.055 -0.032 ANKC916297 F 1987 ARAB BAHARI'S CHA'ALI UALI 0.243 0.197 0.102 -0.094 LOF101889/454 M 1987

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GRISELE EL KAHAL 0.239 0.209 0.101 -0.108 LOSH485427 F 1987 OMANI TAMENNA 0.424 0.171 0.179 0.008 SF09015V/82 F 1987 MALEKE 0.782 0.515 0.330 -0.186 SF277939/84 F 1987 SIMAND MONTEBELLO GALE WIN 0.381 0.305 0.161 -0.145 AKCSBHC241043 F 1988 SEDEKI-MAZURI VAZ 0.382 0.315 0.161 -0.154 AKCSBHC533014 M 1988 BEJON SASHA OF JATARA 0.243 0.177 0.102 -0.074 AKCSBHD180848 F 1988 BATAL KIRMAN KHYBER 0.258 0.191 0.109 -0.083 AKCSBHD229385 M 1988 JATARA LUCK OF THE IRISH 0.242 0.180 0.102 -0.077 AKCSBHD351555 F 1988 KNIGHTELLINGTON PORTIA 0.534 0.256 0.225 -0.030 KCSB1158BL F 1988 CLASSICUS BACCYLIDES OF TA 0.116 0.007 0.049 0.042 KCSB1269BS M 1988 JEDDAH AL CALIPHS 0.123 0.007 0.052 0.045 KCSB2122BQ M 1988 AKELDAMA MIDNIGHT SILK OF 0.542 0.271 0.229 -0.042 KCSB2350BV M 1988 BURYDOWN JEHAN 0.123 0.007 0.052 0.045 KCSB2821BM F 1988 AL-YAMAN IHSAAN 0.356 0.210 0.150 -0.059 NZKC14065/1987 M 1988 AL-YAMAN EMIIR 0.377 0.227 0.159 -0.068 NZKC18090/1985 M 1988 AL-YAMAN FAIRUUZI 0.374 0.219 0.158 -0.061 NZKC18143/1985 F 1988 EL HAMRAH FAANILLAH 0.650 0.188 0.274 0.087 SF20779K/81 F 1988 WALLABY'S BAHR EL-GHAZAL 0.234 0.160 0.098 -0.061 SF258675/84 F 1988 IQLAWA SAWAHIN 0.384 0.056 0.162 0.106 VDH/DWZBS3163 F 1988 MAZURI SAWAHIN 0.372 0.052 0.157 0.105 VDH/DWZBS3540 M 1988 EL-ADHINI AHMA 0.500 0.029 0.211 0.181 N32956/88 F 1988 QARIZMA JR ZIPPITY DO DA 0.383 0.047 0.161 0.114 AKCSBHD417100 F 1989 LDC'S AMERICAN EXPRESS 0.383 0.048 0.161 0.113 AKCSBHD587042 M 1989 SHAH'S RAFA-ARAMI 0.442 0.259 0.186 -0.073 DK08460/85 F 1989 SAHRAI LINDA-LEI 0.376 0.181 0.158 -0.023 DK29568/82 F 1989 EL HAMRAH TIMIRR-KHAN 0.472 0.090 0.199 0.109 SF21692/90 M 1989 SAHRAI NAMEK 0.433 0.208 0.183 -0.025 SF22463B/84 M 1989 AZIZ AHANGAR 0.619 0.382 0.261 -0.122 SF27585/88 M 1989 CARAVAN FAZILKA AL SAHRAI 0.719 0.230 0.303 0.073 SF29773X/85 F 1989 ATENAGORA 0.378 0.070 0.159 0.089 LDO05530 M 1990 DENEBE 0.372 0.070 0.157 0.087 LDO07501 F 1990 TAMINA 0.435 0.098 0.183 0.085 LDO10499 F 1990 WALLABY'S GAJAR-AL-GITAN 0.500 0.029 0.211 0.181 SF02377/89 M 1990 WALLABY'S EL ZABYAH 0.500 0.029 0.211 0.181 SF06798/87 F 1990 WALLABY'S HAJIRI HAJJAM 0.500 0.059 0.211 0.152 SF08160/90 F 1990 WALLABY'S CHAM KAHIIL 0.500 0.058 0.211 0.152 SF27466H/85 M 1990 TIN HINAN'S ASIK 0.439 0.100 0.185 0.085 SHSB460341 M 1990 JASCHAYA SAWAHIN 0.464 0.066 0.195 0.129 VDH/DWZBS3334 F 1990 MATA SALAMATA'S TAALI-ABAD 0.376 0.189 0.158 -0.030 VDHDWZBS2580 F 1990 ZIFTA STAR 0.500 0.170 0.211 0.040 AKCSBHC698401 M 1991 EL ORIENTAL'S KING RAMSES 0.500 0.149 0.211 0.062 AKCSBHC876302 M 1991 BURYDOWN LARISSA 0.500 0.175 0.211 0.036 AKCSBHD438102 F 1991 JESHINS ARABIS 0.500 0.129 0.211 0.081 AKCSBHD808801 M 1991 DADAELIS CHEVAUN'S CRYSTAL 0.500 0.134 0.211 0.076 AKCSBHD835369 F 1991 BAGHDAD LOOK NO FURTHER 0.500 0.029 0.211 0.181 ANKCN1279870 M 1991 DAPHNE DE HAMADAN 0.500 0.029 0.211 0.181 LOF001959/0056 F 1991 AZIZA ICAM DE CASSANDRA 0.500 0.142 0.211 0.069 LOF1645/00462 F 1991 BIBA DE LUNDUKI 0.500 0.143 0.211 0.067 LOF1790/00522 F 1991 DAZZELING DIAMOND DE LUNDU 0.500 0.140 0.211 0.071 LOF1934/00465 M 1991 TAWAJAH'S JAMICKOTO 0.500 0.107 0.211 0.104 LOSH542191 M 1991 EL-ADINI DHANYATO 0.500 0.029 0.211 0.181 N25676/91 M 1991 GAMARA'S KHADYA 0.500 0.109 0.211 0.102 NHSB1103147 F 1991 KIRMAN VANDAALI 0.500 0.044 0.211 0.166 SF02342/87 M 1991 KIRMAN YAMONA 0.500 0.044 0.211 0.167 SF04014/88 F 1991

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EL HAMRAH RASAASA 0.982 0.205 0.414 0.209 SF15596/89 F 1991 ISKALA SAWAHIN 0.500 0.029 0.211 0.181 VDH/DWZBS3164 F 1991 ASLAN ASMARANTI AZUR 0.942 0.118 0.397 0.279 N25587/91 M 1991 SINTARA MAZA HOROUN AL RAS 0.500 0.106 0.211 0.104 AKCSBHC597370 M 1992 SINTARA'S ANJAA MADRI NAHE 0.500 0.117 0.211 0.094 AKCSBHC751521 F 1992 SHAMSA BINT SHA'AWA BINT W 0.750 0.294 0.316 0.022 KCS95838S04 F 1992 CARAVAN HARIIRIY 0.500 0.029 0.211 0.181 N20372/87 F 1992 LUSAKI ZITAH ABU HAKIM 0.500 0.043 0.211 0.167 SF04495/92 F 1992 ASARAFI BABUNEH 0.879 0.246 0.370 0.124 SF06669/88 F 1992 PALMEDES 0.500 0.045 0.211 0.166 SF085923/83 M 1992 EL HAMRAH SAREYA 0.500 0.074 0.211 0.136 SF14903/89 F 1992 AL SARAB HANNIBAL 0.500 0.127 0.211 0.083 SF280359/83 M 1992 EL HAMRAH ZAIN ZARIIR 0.936 0.161 0.395 0.234 SF35350/91 M 1992 ASARAFI DON QUIJOTE 0.500 0.029 0.211 0.181 SF38854/91 M 1992 MATA SALAMATA'S UDARA 0.500 0.093 0.211 0.117 VDHDWZBS2626 F 1992 MATA SALAMATA'S WALID AS-S 0.500 0.097 0.211 0.114 VDHDWZBS2773 M 1992 MATA SALAMATA'S GHANA-KHAN 0.500 0.095 0.211 0.116 VDHDWZBS3311 M 1992 WAZIRA VON DER IRMINSUL 0.500 0.029 0.211 0.181 VDHDWZBS3495 F 1992 SEDEKI-MAZURI ASHTI 0.500 0.082 0.421 0.340 AKCSBHC714871 M 1993 AZEFER ADAM 0.500 0.074 0.421 0.347 AKCSBHD243593 M 1993 ELANA GOLD RULER OF BOXWYB 0.500 0.074 0.421 0.348 CKCSTBRE448841 F 1993 LORREQUER FIRUZA DAJII 0.500 0.073 0.421 0.348 CKCSTBXL857615 F 1993 AIRJA FARNAH CS 0.500 0.072 0.421 0.349 CSHPK116/80_85 F 1993 FEISAL'S LIANNA 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 DK15280/89 F 1993 ESFAHAN GADIIS 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 DK27096/89 F 1993 RINGSFIELD PHAROH 0.500 0.076 0.421 0.346 KCD5893006L04 M 1993 KIZZY OF BARKSTEAD 0.500 0.075 0.421 0.346 KCF6304506L04 F 1993 PRINCE OF DARTMOOR 0.500 0.075 0.421 0.346 KCK6809211N03 M 1993 SUNSTREAM KIZZY WINTNEY 0.500 0.080 0.421 0.341 KCL6660509N03 F 1993 RAHULA SRINAGAR OF LUMIER 0.500 0.073 0.421 0.348 KUSA240103 M 1993 LUMIER'S EL TAKEL 0.500 0.073 0.421 0.348 KUSA286441 M 1993 LUMIERS RAHAT OF ZARDIN 0.751 0.147 0.421 0.274 KUSA286813 F 1993 LHIS LAM DES AILES 0.500 0.073 0.421 0.349 LOF000293/0009 M 1993 ORAYA DE TREVILLE 0.500 0.074 0.421 0.348 LOF00578/00150 F 1993 SAMOEMS SHEBNAZ 0.500 0.078 0.421 0.343 SF0313/91 F 1993 ASARAFI BENJAMIN 0.500 0.083 0.421 0.339 SF06667/88 M 1993 EL HAMRAH RIAH 0.873 0.088 0.421 0.333 SF15593/89 F 1993 ALADIN VOM FELSENKELLER 0.500 0.076 0.421 0.346 VDHDWZBS2247 M 1993 GHULA VON DER IRMINSUL 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 VDHDWZBS3707 F 1993 CARAVAN LABAQ 0.000 0.000 0.421 0.421 N12922/93 M 1993 CARAVAN LAMIIS 0.000 0.000 0.421 0.421 N12923/93 M 1993 COURTBORNE ARABELLA AZUR 0.000 0.000 0.421 0.421 N32481/93 F 1993 CHUBASCO CANEMDEI SABERTOO 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 AKCHM325681 F 1994 CHUBASCO SOODAN 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 AKCHM586733 M 1994 EL HAMRAH LARNA 0.500 0.138 0.421 0.283 DK05895/86 F 1994 DAXLORE AURELIANUS 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 KCSB5295BY M 1994 DAXLORE KASHALA 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 KCT4832004T04 F 1994 ARAB BAHARI'S GAZALA ZAAFA 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 LOF002283/0068 F 1994 MIN MA-SHA GWENN YAZID 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 LOF002354/0055 M 1994 DAHAB FANTAZIA HADI EL BAS 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 LOF002779/0077 F 1994 TADJ MAHAL RAZIHORME 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 LOF002780/0065 M 1994 DENNIS 0.747 0.059 0.421 0.363 N31197/91 M 1994 AZIZ CASHMANDAZ 0.746 0.108 0.421 0.313 SF00162/91 F 1994

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EL HAMRAH WARDAH 0.750 0.059 0.421 0.363 SF00166/91 F 1994 WALLABY'S LAIL FAHAM 0.754 0.102 0.421 0.320 SF00203/93 M 1994 WALLABY'S IQAD IBDAIYA 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 SF02261/91 F 1994 EL HAMRAH BARUNZ 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 SF42222/91 M 1994 EL HAMRAH BAYAAD 0.940 0.177 0.421 0.245 SF42224/91 F 1994 MAHALI TAL AMAL 0.500 0.051 0.421 0.371 SHSB445394 F 1994 EBONY AND IVORY BAGHINZA 0.500 0.118 0.421 0.303 VDH/DWZB3629 F 1994 EL-UBAID'S BARNABAS 0.500 0.118 0.421 0.303 VDH/DWZB4452 M 1994 ARASH VON IRANSAMIN 0.500 0.276 0.421 0.146 VDHDWZB 0-3538 M 1994 SAGI AZ MIANDOAB 0.500 0.285 0.421 0.137 VDHDWZB 0-4122 F 1994 MATA SALAMATA'S DALIA 0.500 0.141 0.421 0.281 VDHDWZBS3194 F 1994 DYANITOS DARJUS 0.000 0.000 0.421 0.421 SF24440/94 M 1994 CARLIM AL CHARBAZ 0.000 0.000 0.421 0.421 N45824/94 M 1994 AL FAILAH'S BEL 0.000 0.000 0.421 0.421 N41682/94 M 1994 ELYSIAN FIELDS MENNOFER 0.500 0.092 0.421 0.329 AKCHC743951 F 1995 ELYSIAN FIELDS ZAGAZIG 0.500 0.088 0.421 0.333 AKCHD404146 M 1995 JEN ARABY ABU MU'AWIYA 0.500 0.104 0.421 0.317 AKCHD427117 M 1995 JEN ARABY MAHYURUN MARACUY 0.500 0.086 0.421 0.336 AKCHD552554 F 1995 KENMAR KNOLL ROJIN MARIISI 0.500 0.076 0.421 0.346 AKCHD597710 F 1995 JEN ARABY HADJI ALI 0.500 0.105 0.421 0.317 AKCHD807523 M 1995 JEN ARABY MITHIKAH 0.500 0.099 0.421 0.322 AKCHD807525 F 1995 JEN ARABY AL BAZDAR 0.500 0.089 0.421 0.332 AKCHD825962 M 1995 FAROUSI SHAHAB 0.500 0.109 0.421 0.312 ANKC0820046 M 1995 KIABE BIKRI 0.500 0.105 0.421 0.316 ANKC1224229 F 1995 FEISAL'S MASHA MUNIRA 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 DK05425/91 F 1995 WALISHBURY FEL FEL ZAID 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 LOF002189/0054 M 1995 FAIZZA ICAM DE CASSANDRA 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 LOF002256/0073 F 1995 NORDWART FILBERG 0.500 0.044 0.421 0.378 SF03404/98 M 1995 ABU HAKIM ALEYA 0.968 0.147 0.421 0.274 SF15618/92 F 1995 BAGHDAD ORFEUS 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 SF28460/94 M 1995 RAMIJ RA T'CH 0.500 0.050 0.421 0.371 AKCHC428646 M 1996 RAMIJ RA'SHAN SUMMER PARTI 0.500 0.052 0.421 0.369 AKCHC759100 F 1996 DAVIJOYA DRAGONSONG IN TYA 0.500 0.051 0.421 0.371 AKCHC809205 M 1996 PHOENIX OF ELYSIAN FIELDS 0.500 0.053 0.421 0.369 AKCHD010988 F 1996 KAWAQIN BAHHAR SUNDAR 0.753 0.103 0.421 0.319 AKCHD070023 M 1996 SAMANTHA OF CRISTEDACAR 0.735 0.104 0.421 0.318 AKCHD091839 F 1996 WISDOM'S CLASS ACT 0.500 0.116 0.421 0.306 AKCHD188239 M 1996 CELERITY K-GINS LIL EGYPT 0.500 0.052 0.421 0.370 AKCHD306788 F 1996 CASTLEBAY MORIAH 0.500 0.109 0.421 0.313 AKCHD329430 F 1996 GAZELLA ENVISION OF RAMA 0.500 0.116 0.421 0.305 AKCHD339400 M 1996 ANASAZI SAKUMA OF XANADU 0.500 0.051 0.421 0.370 AKCHD403652 M 1996 LORREQUER ASIL 0.500 0.052 0.421 0.370 AKCHD518300 M 1996 CELERITY ARBARRE KAKAN 0.500 0.052 0.421 0.369 AKCHD662887 M 1996 GEMINI DIENER 0.500 0.051 0.421 0.370 AKCHD699181 F 1996 CELERITY BARBULE 0.500 0.051 0.421 0.371 AKCHD789098 F 1996 ALPHA'S ARCADIA 0.500 0.052 0.421 0.369 AKCHD844627 F 1996 ZOE OF REIGNBEAU 0.500 0.104 0.421 0.318 AKCSBHD560698 F 1996 LAN-KHARA'S MARDI DUSHYANT 0.500 0.102 0.421 0.320 AKCSBHD669155 M 1996 GAZELLA KARAAN LAWBREAKER 0.500 0.112 0.421 0.310 CKCUW661035 F 1996 KIRMAN KASHMIR 0.743 0.089 0.421 0.333 FIN11145/96 M 1996 AZIZ KARAGAH 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 FIN21655/97 M 1996 ARAB BAHARI'S IRANIAN CHEI 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 LOF002489/0062 M 1996 ARAB BAHARI'S IFRANE DAALA 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 LOF002547/0074 F 1996

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CHARISMA SARAH EL BACHRAM 0.500 0.050 0.421 0.371 NHSB1587488 F 1996 SAMOEMS SHISHUPAL 0.500 0.053 0.421 0.369 NHSB1765136 M 1996 WALLABY'S IQAD IWANDA 0.885 0.147 0.421 0.275 SF02262/91 F 1996 DYANITOS BHALEILAH 0.873 0.088 0.421 0.333 SF07586/92 F 1996 ASARAFI EMILY ELEANORAH 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 SF09373/92 F 1996 TAZILLAH TZENOBIA 0.964 0.176 0.421 0.245 SF19507/93 F 1996 EL HAMRAH BARDAI 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 SF42221/91 M 1996 ASARAFI FATA MORGANA 0.737 0.059 0.421 0.363 SF42352/93 F 1996 KHAIREDDIN QARHAA'U 0.500 0.074 0.421 0.348 SF45648/92 F 1996 QASHQAI NAHEMA SAWAHIN 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 VDHDWZBS4186 F 1996 DERAFSCH 0.945 0.118 0.421 0.304 S47851/2005 M 1996 AL FA'ILAH'S CASPER 0.000 0.000 0.421 0.421 N22927/96 M 1996 FAROUSI SALIM KIYASA 0.500 0.059 0.421 0.363 ANKC0767352 F 1997 MAURESQUE HINDI SAHD 0.500 0.059 0.421 0.363 ANKC0918582 M 1997 RIHAZIM ALIM FADDAH 0.500 0.051 0.421 0.370 ANKC1111775 F 1997 AJ MOHAMMED 0.500 0.050 0.421 0.371 ANKCK1548102 M 1997 FEISAL'S NAJAD EL ASWAD 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 DK25830/92 F 1997 DYYNIEN EXPERT 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 FIN21960/97 M 1997 SACHA OF MIZPE RAMON 0.500 0.053 0.421 0.369 ISBR312213 M 1997 HONEY OF BINYAMINA 0.500 0.050 0.421 0.371 ISBR312214 F 1997 RUTH OF ABU REKIEK 0.500 0.051 0.421 0.370 ISBR312215 F 1997 RISHA 2 OF ABU REKIEK 0.500 0.052 0.421 0.370 ISBR312216 F 1997 HOBOB OF KALANSUA 0.500 0.052 0.421 0.369 ISBR77567 F 1997 TRAD OF EL HUZEIL 0.500 0.051 0.421 0.371 ISBR79569 M 1997 PONTIAC OF ABU REKIEK 0.763 0.103 0.421 0.318 ISBR83229 M 1997 SAMOEMS SINAN 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 NHSB200788 M 1997 SAMOEMS SWALA 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 NHSB2145228 F 1997 GAZELLE OF KIMBERLY HOUSE 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 SF25469/94 F 1997 GHAZAL ALFARANA FEEL MY HE 0.753 0.059 0.421 0.363 SF39259/93 F 1997 AZIZ FAZILAT 0.875 0.169 0.421 0.253 SF40332/93 F 1997 EL-ADINI ISMAIL 0.000 0.000 0.421 0.421 N03165/98 M 1997 EL-ADINI ISMU 0.000 0.000 0.421 0.421 N03168/98 F 1997 SCHEREF 1.000 0.294 0.421 0.127 S52157/2001 M 1997 RANESAW A'RUUH AZIBA OF SH 0.500 0.115 0.421 0.307 AKCHD355565 F 1998 BAGHDAD LUSCIOUS LOLA 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 SF37829/92 F 1998 TUAN TAL AMAL 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 SHSB524026 M 1998 ZAAHIN TAL AMAL 0.749 0.059 0.421 0.363 SHSB568554 M 1998 ONNIKA SAWAHIN 0.752 0.059 0.421 0.363 VDHDWZBS3959 F 1998 MELTEM MESHUR EL RIAD 0.755 0.059 0.421 0.363 VDHDWZBS4095 M 1998 WALLABY'S RAM-ES RAMLIYA 0.000 0.000 0.421 0.421 FIN13611/98 F 1998 ZAM-YAD 0.000 0.000 0.421 0.421 N23345/98 M 1998 ZINEDINE-ZIDANE 0.000 0.000 0.421 0.421 N23346/98 M 1998 JOO-YA 0.000 0.000 0.421 0.421 N23347/98 F 1998 BELS'MBRAN FAVORY BABEK 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 AKCHM59722202 F 1999 MYSTERY'S AIN'T MISBEHAVIN 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 AKCHM62507503 M 1999 CLASSICUS CATO 0.500 0.081 0.421 0.340 CKC994682 M 1999 HEATHLAND XANTHE 0.500 0.081 0.421 0.341 CKCQL418160 F 1999 LORREQUER FIRUZA DEAUVILLE 0.500 0.082 0.421 0.340 CKCXL857609 F 1999 WALLABY'S O'SUBLIME 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 FIN15057/96 F 1999 AZIZ OSTANDAR 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 FIN38580/99 M 1999 ALMAS VON MAHMOUDYIEH 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 KCB150/3072000 M 1999 YANAM TAL AMAL 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 LOF002960/0084 F 1999 SAHRAI ROSANEA 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 SF33830/93 F 1999 GEJRAN DORR-E-DORRAN 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 SHSB544008 M 1999

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YEGAN SAWAHIN 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 VDHDWZBS5145 M 1999 ABU HAKIM ARIANE 0.743 0.059 0.421 0.363 SF15620/92 F 1999 UNKNOWN 59 0.500 0.029 0.211 0.181 F00059 F 1999 FEISAL'S TAYARRA TARIKAH 0.880 0.088 0.421 0.333 DK12229/96 F 2000 ASARAFI ILLYES GYULA 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 FIN14146/97 M 2000 ASARAFI GAALA LII SADIG 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 FIN27537/95 F 2000 BENHAZE AS SADISAH AHARI 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 PKRX3851 F 2000 YASSEEOO SAWAHIN 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 VDHS5144 M 2000 SALLY AL SAUDI 0.000 0.000 0.421 0.421 S23538/2005 F 2000 KURIIRIN DOLEZAL DEVERRE 0.747 0.059 0.421 0.363 FIN12833/02 M 2001 AZIZ NEHAYAT 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 FIN25275/99 F 2001 ALTAYA TASMAYAH AT TASIA 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 KCSB1064CK F 2001 TIMARU VALKYRIE OF JAZIRAT 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 KCSB3298CJ M 2001 WALLABY'S QAZZ QASSAMEH 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 SF12498/97 F 2001 PERYSA VON IRANSAMIN 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 VDH/DWZB1/5117 F 2001 QEYSER VON IRANSAMIN 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 VDH/DWZB1/5250 M 2001 ZAHRAS HAR KALA RACHI 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 VDHDWZBS5325 M 2001 AZIZ MASARRAT 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 FIN14064/98 M 2002 AZIZ NAMAYANDE 0.500 0.029 0.421 0.392 FIN25280/99 F 2002 ZARAND CRASH BANDICOOT 0.758 0.059 0.421 0.363 N17926/99 M 2002 URQUIJA SAWAHIN 0.000 0.000 0.421 0.421 VDHDWZBS4605 F 2003