Consciousness Experiments

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  • 7/29/2019 Consciousness Experiments


    The central nervous system (CNS) consists of the

    brain and the spinal cord, immersed in

    cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

    Weighing about 3 pounds (1.4 kilograms), the

    brain consists of three main structures: the

    cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brainstem.

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    Cerebrum: divided into two hemispheres (left and

    right), each consists of four lobes (frontal [at the

    front], parietal [in the middle], occipital [at the back],

    and temporal [at the bottom]). The outer layer of the

    brain is known as the cerebral cortex or the grey

    matter. It covers the nuclei deep within the cerebral

    hemisphere known as the white matter.

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    Cerebellum: responsible for psychomotor

    function, the cerebellum co-ordinatessensory input from the inner ear and the

    muscles to provide accurate control of

    position and movement.

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    Brainstem: found at the base of the brain,

    it forms the link between the cerebralcortex, white matter and the spinal cord.

    The brainstem contributes to the control of

    breathing, sleep and circulation.

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    Neurons use their highly specialisedstructure to both send and receive

    signals. Individual neurons receive

    information from thousands of other

    neurons, and in turn send information to

    thousands more. Information is passed

    from one neuron to another vianeurotransmission. This is an indirect

    process that takes place in the area

    between the nerve ending (nerve

    terminal) and the next cell body. This

    area is called the synaptic cleft or


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    CT (roentgen-ray computed tomography): A beam of x-rays is shot straight

    through the brain. As it comes out the other side, the beam is blunted slightly

    because it has hit dense living tissues on the way through. Blunting orattenuation of the x-ray comes from the density of the tissue encountered

    along the way. Very dense tissue like bone blocks lots of x-rays; grey matter

    blocks some and fluid even less. X-ray detectors positioned around the

    circumference of the scanner collect attenuation readings from multiple angles.

    A computerized algorithm reconstructs an image of each slice.

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    MRI (magnetic resonance imaging): When protons (here brain protons) are placed

    in a magnetic field, they become capable of receiving and then transmitting

    electromagnetic energy. The strength of the transmitted energy is proportional to the

    number of protons in the tissue. Signal strength is modified by properties of eachprotons microenvironment, such as its mobility and the local homogeneity of the

    magnetic field. MR signal can be weighted to accentuate some properties and not


    When an additional magnetic field is superimposed, one which is carefully varied in

    strength at different points in space, each point in space has a unique radio

    frequency at which the signal is received and transmitted. This makes constructing

    an image possible. It represents the spatial encoding of frequency, just like a piano.

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    SPECT/PET (single photon/positron emission computed tomography):

    When radio-labelled compounds are injected in tracer amounts, their photon

    emissions can be detected much like x-rays in CT. The images made represent

    the accumulation of the labelled compound. The compound may reflect, for

    example, blood flow, oxygen or glucose metabolism, or dopamine transporter

    concentration. Often these images are shown with a color scale.

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    Areas of Experimental Work

    Consciousness in vision


    The conscious present

    Visual images and inner speech

    Thresholds of consciousness Consciousness and memory

    Consciousness as a state: waking, deep sleep, coma,anaesthesia, dreaming

    Empirical theories of the NCC

    The self

    Voluntary control

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    The key idea: treating consciousness as an experimentalvariable


    between conscious and unconscious streams of stimulation

    between conscious and unconscious elements of memory

    between forms of brain damage that selectively impairconscious process and those that dont

    between wakefulness and unconsciousness

    between new and habituated events

    The difficulty has been to discover comparison conditions:science advances by discovering that an apparent constant isactually a variable (e.g. gravity, species).

    This means, that to study consciousness, conscious brainevents must be sufficiently similar to unconscious ones.

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    We can state bluntly the major question

    that neuroscience must first answer. It isprobable that at any moment some active

    neuronal processes in your head correlate

    with consciousness, while others do not:what is the difference between them?

    (Crick and Koch 1998)

    This is the problem of the NCC.

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    Science cannot observe consciousness directly; experimentscan only confirm reports of conscious experience. So, forscience, consciousness is a theoretical construct based onshared, public observations. But this does not make

    consciousness unusual in science.

    Conscious processes are operationally defined as events that:

    can be reported and acted upon,

    with verifiable accuracy,

    under optimal reporting conditions, and which are reported as conscious. (Baars 2003, 4)

    Unconscious processes are operationally defined as events suchthat:

    knowledge of its presence can be verified, even if that knowledge is not claimed to be conscious;

    and it cannot be voluntarily reported, acted on, or avoided,

    even under optimal reporting conditions. (Baars 2003, 5)

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    Examples of experimental paradigms in

    vision science:


    on-line (how) system vs. seeing (what)

    system bistable percepts (gestalts; binocular rivalry)

    electrical brain stimulation (e.g. Penfield)

    selective lesions (e.g. in monkeys)

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    Two Vision Systems

    Milner and Goodale go further than their predecessorsby proposing that the division of labour is determined bythe use to which visual information is to be put, once it hasreached the striate cortex. They suggest that a ventralstream, terminating in the inferotemporal cortex, is involved

    in maintaining an enduring, viewpoint-independent,representation of objects and their behavioural significance(the so-called what pathway). In contrast, they suggestthat a dorsal stream, terminating in the posterior parietalcortex, is involved in providing an egocentric representation

    of objects toward which goal directed actions are planned(the so-called how pathway).

    Jason B. Mattingley, Attention, Consciousness, and the Damaged Brain: Insights From Parietal Neglect and

    Extinction, Psyche 5 (1999)

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    State Consciousness

    Brainstem mechanisms control the state of

    consciousness; cortical activity provides the

    contents ofconsciousness. The reticular activating

    system connects lower brain stem neurons to thethalamus (and hence on to the cortex); it is

    responsible for cortical EEG readings (brain

    waves). It used (1960s) to be thought that this was

    the seat of consciousness, but now this isgenerally doubted, and consciousness is located

    in the cortex itself.

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    Theories of Consciousness

    A small list of suggestions that have been put forward might include (from Chalmers, online notes):

    40-hertz oscillations in the cerebral cortex (Crick and Koch 1990)

    Intralaminar nucleus in the thalamus (Bogen 1995)

    Re-entrant loops in thalamocortical systems (Edelman 1989)

    40-hertz rhythmic activity in thalamocortical systems (Llinas et al 1994)

    Nucleus reticularis (Taylor and Alavi 1995)

    Extended reticular-thalamic activation system (Newman and Baars 1993)

    Anterior cingulate system (Cotterill 1994) Neural assemblies bound by NMDA (Flohr 1995)

    Temporally-extended neural activity (Libet 1994)

    Backprojections to lower cortical areas (Cauller and Kulics 1991)

    Neurons in extrastriate visual cortex projecting to prefrontal areas (Crick and Koch 1995)

    Neural activity in area V5/MT (Tootell et al 1995)

    Certain neurons in the superior temporal sulcus (Logothetis and Schall 1989)

    Neuronal gestalts in an epicenter (Greenfield 1995)

    Outputs of a comparator system in the hippocampus (Gray 1995) Quantum coherence in microtubules (Hameroff 1994)

    Global workspace (Baars 1988)

    Activated semantic memories (Hardcastle 1995)

    High-quality representations (Farah 1994)

    Selector inputs to action systems (Shallice 1988)

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    Three general types of NCC theory:

    Resonant neuronal assemblies (c.f. neural nets andbiological selection theories): e.g. Edelman

    Temporal coordination of large groups of neurons(e.g. 40 Hz oscillation): e.g. Crick

    Global workspace theory (a small central domain of

    working memory plus a vast distributed set ofspecialized unconscious processors): e.g. Baars

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    Binocular Rivalry

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    Figure 2. Localizer Data: FFA and PPA

    (a) Two adjacent near-axial slices

    showing the localized FFA and PPA of

    one subject (S1). The FFA waslocalized as the region in the fusiform

    gyrus that responded more to faces

    than houses. The PPA was localized

    as the region in the parahippocampal

    gyrus that responded more to houses

    than faces. (These images follow

    radiological convention with the left

    hemisphere shown on the right and

    vice versa.)(b) MR time course on localizer scans

    showing FFA (blue solid line) and PPA

    (red dotted line) activity (expressed in

    percent signal change relative to

    fixation baseline) averaged across all

    four subjects. Subjects viewed

    sequentially presented faces (F),

    houses (H), or a static fixation point


    (Tong, F., Nakayama, K., Vaughan, J.T. and Kanwisher, N., 1998: Binocular rivalry and visual awareness in human extrastriate cortex, Neuron 21, 753-759)

    (A) Sagital view showing the

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    (A) Sagital view showing the

    orientation of the images and

    the position of the 10 slices. In

    all images the left hemisphere

    is shown on the right-hand

    side of the image.

    (B) Slice taken at 20 mm

    above the AC-PC line (third

    slice from the top inA),

    showing the pattern of

    increased neuronal activity

    under the aware condition.

    Regions of significant


    activation are shown in black

    and include the right

    dorsolateral prefrontal area

    (Brodmann area 46).

    (Cand D) The pattern of

    activity in two slices taken at z

    5 27 and z 5 22 (third and

    fourth slice from the bottom in

    A), respectively, showing

    activity in midbrain centers,

    including superior

    colliculus in the unaware mode

    Sahraie et al., Pattern of neuronal activity associated with conscious and unconscious processing of visual signals, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 94 (1997)

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    Binocular Rivalry

    Neurons in the superior temporal sulcus

    (STS) and inferior temporal cortex (IT)

    change with the percept, but most of the

    neurons in the medial temporal cortex (MT)and V1/V2 do not.

    (The STS is the red line)
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    Rotating Snake: The strong rotation of the wheels occurs in relation to eye movements.

    On steady fixation the effect vanishes.

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    At the top of the figure are some receptors. Below them are two

    kinds of synapses (neural connections): Excitation synapses are

    ones that increase neural activity and inhibitory synapses

    decrease neural activity.

    The concentric circles represent the neural activity recorded with

    the electrode. when the receptors are stimulated with light. Whenone or all of the center receptors are stimulated an excitatory

    increase in neural activity is obtained at the electrode. When the

    receptors labeled surround are stimulated an inhibitory decrease

    in neural activity is obtained.

    The receptive field that lies at the intersection of the white cross

    has more light falling on its inhibitory surround than does the receptive

    field that lies between the two black squares. Consequently, the

    excitatory center of this receptive field between the squares yields

    a stronger response than that which lies at the intersection of the

    white cross.

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    Close your right eye and look directly at the number 3.

    Can you see the yellow spot in your peripheral vision?

    Now slowly move towards or away from the screen.

    At some point, the yellow spot will disappear.

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  • 7/29/2019 Consciousness Experiments
