Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center

Sandy Hinden C onscious E volution Research & Development Center Consciousness Compassion Cocreativity Bioregeneration

Transcript of Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center

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Sandy Hinden

Consc ious Evo lut ionR e s e a r c h & D e v e l o p m e n t C e n t e r

C o n s c i o u s n e s s C o m p a s s i o n C o c re at i v i t y B i o re ge n e rat i o n

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Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center

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Dear Friend of Earth and Humanity,

With all the elite schools creating intelligence, knowledge, wisdom, skills and experiences for millions of people each year, I could not understand why the world is the mess it is. I was dumbfounded that after all the good work of brilliant visionaries and billions of people, the world is so much worse now with hypersonic nuclear missiles, 24/7 surveillance, and imprisonment of democracy, justice and climate activists, while we have ever-increasing military budgets, heat, fires and rising seas.

I came to this conclusion. Most leaders are fools. I realized that probably 100 leaders, in 50 countries (5000 fools), will determine the fate of Earth and humanity for the rest of life on Earth, for billions of people, for thousands of years, if humans don’t go extinct first. 5000 fools – how ridiculous is that?

They created China’s 50-year plan for world domination of resources. White supremacists are fighting to maintain their power, control and resources. Arabs and Israelis, fighting for 70 years over their existence, and now parcels of land.

Please join me in creating a much-needed new world through a new think tank – the Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center.

Very best regards, Sandy Hinden

Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center





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I f a l l

peop le on

Ear th a re to

consume the way

peop le in the Un i ted S ta ted do ,

we w i l l need 4½ p lane ts o f resources . . .

Conscious EvolutionResearch & Development Center

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"Crime has

internationalized faster

than law enforcement

and world governance..."

Antonio Maria Costa

Executive Director

United Nations Office

on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

The Globalization of Crime:

A Transnational Organized

Crime Threat Assessment

"People are suffering.

People are dying. Entire

ecosystems are collapsing.

We are in the beginning of

a mass extinction, and all

you can talk about is money

and fairy tales of eternal

economic growth.

How dare you!“

Greta Thunberg

2019 United Nations

Climate Action Summit

“In the past, many problems

could be solved within the

nation. Current life conditions

demand more complex

solutions, in technology,

politics, economics, etc.,

needing solutions that

encompass the whole of

humanity, that cannot be

solved by one nation alone.

We need to cooperate on the

level of the human race,

connecting all people.”

Auke Van Nimwegen

Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center

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The Center

Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center

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Conscious Evolution Research & Development Centerwill provide research and advocacy on

social policy, political strategy, economics,technology, education and culture

for Conscious Evolution.

The Center will publish articles and studies, provide public events and programs,

and draft legislation on policy for a flourishing Earth.

Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center





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Humans can become aware of how

education and culture shape a person’s reality and actions.

Conscious evolution suggests humanity let-go

of self-destructive personal addictions and isolation,

excess competition and conflict, and ecological devastation.

We can consciously choose healthy advancement through

personal wellness, interpersonal co-operation and co-creation,

and sustainable global policy, practices, laws, and institutions

that create a healthier planet Earth for all.

Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center

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E x p a n d i n g E m p a t h y , C o mp as s i o n , C o n c e r n , C a r e & R e g e n e r at i v i t y

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10 Steps for Conscious Evolution

BE THE CHANGE6. We explore how to foster Conscious Evolution

in ourselves, our relationships, families and work life.

7. Conscious evolution enables us to let-go of self-destructive personal addictions and isolation, excess competition and conflict.

8. We consciously choose healthy advancement through personal wellness, interpersonal co-operation, collaboration and co-creativity.

SAVE THE PLANET 9. We seek to understand how to develop

sustainable global policy, practices, laws, and institutions that create a healthier planet Earth for all.

10. We seek to do this work in peace and balance.

SUPPORT & CARE1. We now understand that it is "Not easy being

green" or "Saving the Planet." 2. All lovers of nature, Earth and humanity need

a support group that can be helpful, beneficial, and of service to each other, generating wellness, aliveness and connection.

LEARN, GROW, DEVELOP3. We create a beneficial space to learn, grow

and develop together. 4. We become aware of how education and

culture shape our personal reality and actions.5. We use the Action Research Model to

clarify what we are learning individually and collectively each week, and clarify what to do next to create the life and world we want.

This Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center is a place for people devoted to healing Earth and humanity.

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Identify the problem Envision success

Develop aPlan of Action

Take Action

Get FeedbackCollect the Data

Analyze the DataForm Conclusions

Learn from the Action

Adjust the TheoryIdentify the Next Steps

Begin Again

Report Findingsand Results

Action Research & Problem Solving

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Conscious Evolution

PersonalUnhealthy habits Addictions, denial


Personal wellnessAuthenticity, integrity

Healthy habits, activities


Excess work competitionFamily and work conflict

Political hateUnhealthy communities

Interpersonal co-operation, collaboration

and co-creativityHealthy communities

GlobalEcological denial,

disregard and devastation

Sustainable global policy, practices, laws, and institutions

that create a healthier planet

Conscious Evolution

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Conscious EvolutionResearch & Development Center

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• Experts• Futurists• System Thinkers• Entrepreneurs• Inventors


• Trendy• Progressives• Liberals


• Pragmatists• Rational Centrists• Status quo


• Reasonable Conservatives

• Frugal• Nostalgia Lovers


• Skeptics• Selfish Resisters• Irrationals• Hostiles

Values/Political Adoption Curve - Diffusion of Innovation


• Experts• Futurists• System Thinkers• Entrepreneurs• Inventors


• Trendy• Progressives• Liberals


• Pragmatists• Rational Centrists• Status quo


• Reasonable Conservatives

• Frugal• Nostalgia Lovers


• Skeptics• Selfish Resisters• Irrationals• Hostiles

10% 25% 30% 10%25%

We Are Here

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• The percentages are estimates.

• When entrepreneurs don’t become clear about the 5 Value Groups, they may overestimate their market, and underestimate the resources needed to reach their market.

• Since 65% are slower or resistant toimproving society for the good of all, Conscious Evolutionary co-creators may be ignored and minimized by them.

• Even the 35% of Innovators and Early Adopters may be highly competitive.

• CEs need strategies to survive and thrive anyway.

Values/Political Adoption Curve - Diffusion of Innovation

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Thinking& Feeling

Conscious EvolutionResearch & Development Center

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Each day, Conscious Evolutionariesneed to be aware that the world requires evolving.

Things need to be clarified, understood,valued and balanced.

All too often, the world seems mixed-up.Things that are trivial and small are considered big.

Things the are significant and big are considered small.Things that are important are considered unimportant.Things that are unimportant are considered important.

Conscious Evolutionarieswork to raise world consciousness

by putting proper proportion to things for the sake of the health of the world.

Valuing Things Importance By Assigning Right Proportion

Urgent & Unimportant

Urgent & Important

Not Urgent & Unimportant

Not Urgent& Important

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Conscious Strategies to Thrive

External FactorsBeyond Our Control

Internal Attitudes & ActionsWe Can Apply

Other’s addiction to conflict.Conflict in the world.

Daily meditation and inner-peace.Daily balance and harmony.

Daily gratitude and gentle happiness ☺

Other’s ignoring us or minimizing our good efforts.

Self-appreciation, self-respect, self-compassion, self-love, self-kindness.

Other’s competition for personal gain.

Collaboration with others whowant to co-create a better world.

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U n h e l p f u l T h i n k i n g & Fe e l i n gNothing I do helps the world.

People don’t appreciate what I do. People don’t show appreciation and respect for me.

I don’t have a partner who shows love, respect and appreciation for me.People are competitive with me.

Other people succeed and get resources, recognition and respect.

H e l pf u l T h i n k i n g & Fe e l i n gI am not attached to outcomes.

Humility saves me from humiliation.Comparing leads to despairing, so I stop comparing myself to others.

I feel self-appreciation, self-respect, self-compassion, self-love and self-kindness.I collaborate with others who want to co-create.I meditate, quiet my mind, and feel inner-peace.

I feel balance and harmony within. I feel grateful to be alive and feel gentle happiness.

Helpful Thinking & Feeling

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Pe r s o n a l S o c i a l G l o b a l

T h i n k i n g Fe e l i n g s B e h av i o r Sy s te m s







Creative Thinking

Intellectual Curiosity

Seeks Wisdom


Serenity, Peace





Love, Kindness




Good Humor


Awe, Appreciation











Enlightened Democracy

Cocreative Communities

Doughnut Economics

Worker Cooperatives

Regenerative Energy, Agriculture, Forestry

BioregenerationEarth Sustainability

Conscious Evolution

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One-to-One, Dyads, Friends,

Couples, Colleagues




Development ofthinking, feelings, behavioral skills

Accurate, clear, focused thinking

Emotional self-appreciation,

self-care, self-kindness courage

Character & skills development

for authenticity,integrity, ethics,

empathy, benevolence

Clear, empatheticcompassionatecommunication










Creative teamwork


Feedback, learning & improvement

Committed & cooperative

Creates synergy


Higher quality product

Customer collaboration & satisfaction

Better control systems

Improvedproject predictability

& reduced risks

Openness, flexibility

Continuous feedback, improvement &

responding to change

Improved team morale

Well-educated, enlightened democracy

Cocreative communities

Worker cooperatives

Regenerative economics, energy, agriculture, forestry

BioregenerationEarth sustainability


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F a m i l yF r i e n d sO t h e r s

O r g a n i z a t i o nR e l i g i o n

P o l i t i c a l P a r t yCo m m u n i t y

S t a t eP r o v i n c e

N a t i o n

Wo r l dN a t u r eP l a n e t

S e l f

E x p a n d i n g E m p a t h y , C o mp as s i o n , C o n c e r n , C a r e & R e g e n e r at i v i t y

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Clearer Understanding

Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center

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• The elite circle is the domain of fortunate people who may have grown-up with wealth. They have opportunities to go to the best schools, be considered for the best jobs, and be eligible for relationships with others in fortunate circles.

• They may be celebrities, sports figures, in finance, investments and cryptocurrencies, in media and Hollywood, in high level government positions, education and think tanks.

• They may enjoy fine restaurants, expensive entertainment, and luxury travel. They may value exclusivity and separation from the masses and the whole. World elites often do not participate in regenerating the world because they do not feel interconnectedand interrelated with the whole.

• The Conscious Evolution – Thinking & Feeling – Research & Development Center will be a place for them to invest their time, talent and money in a higher calling – Earth regeneration and the enlightenment of humanity.

Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center

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• The United Nations and nations are not solving many problems.

• Some think tanks recognize that by providing startup fundingfor programs, and then leaving communities, the programs arenot sustainable.

• Many dysfunctional areas around the world that drive emigration have significant corruption, organized crime and great conflict.

• Gangs may become economic development opportunities for desperate people.

• Local Problem-Solving Groups could the teach communication skills to help people empathetically understand each other needs, that are driving them to sometimes use unhealthy strategies.

• Synergistic solutions may be able to be found with patient, authentic communication and Regional Summits of stakeholders.

Conscious EvolutionResearch & Development Center

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• “Profits have gone up, stock prices have soared, [CEO] compensationis stratospheric – but workers get a smaller and smaller share of the wealth they create and they’re working harder than ever. Under the current system, Wall Street profits no matter what happens to workers, because those profits now come at the expense of workers.” - Sherrod Brown, Chair, US Senate Committee on Banking

• In the US, CEO compensation has grown 940% since 1978. In 2019, US CEO-to-typical-worker compensation was 320-to-1, up from 293-to-1 in 2018, 61-to-1 in 1989, 21-to-1 in 1965.

• 70% of people in the world have no investments.

• The Fed estimates that the wealthiest 10% of Americans hold more than 88% of all available equity in corporations and mutual fund shares. The top 1% control more than twice as much equity as the bottom 50% of all Americans combined.

• Doughnut Economics and Worker-Owed Cooperatives may help create economic opportunities for people while balancing Earth’s needs.

Conscious EvolutionResearch & Development Center

D o u g h n u t E c o n o m i c s

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• The Doughnut, or Doughnut Economics, is a visual framework for sustainable development –shaped like a doughnut or lifebelt –combining the concept of planetary boundaries with the complementary concept of social boundaries.

• The name derives from the shape of the diagram, a disc with a hole in the middle.

• The center hole of the model depicts the proportion of people that lack access to life's essentials (healthcare, education, equity and so on) while the crust represents the ecological ceilings (planetary boundaries) that life depends on and must not be overshot.

• We need to balance Human Needs and Earth’s Needs.

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Beyond the boundary Boundary not quantified

D o u g h n u t E c o n o m i c s

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• Eighty-five percent of the 8.2 billion humans on Earth are followers one of the 4,300 religions, with the top 20 religions having 6.6 billion followers.

• These religions work hard to keep their followers from drifting away to other religions. They do that by claiming they are the only correct religion, and all the other 4000+ religions are wrong. They preach peace, compassion, loving-kindness, charity and seeking wisdom, but they may hate each other, go to Holly War, and then kill each other.

• Meanwhile, the Earth is suffering, about to go into biospheric collapse.

• The whole point of religions are to try to explain the creation, andhow humans should relate to the creation, and each other.

• If the 85% of people who believe that a god created the creation, including Earth – or that the land, sea and air are sacred – then they should be willing to love, honor and protect that creation, including Earth, and each other, that were all created by the creation.

Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center

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• Humans seek to understand the origin of the creation, how to relate to the creation, and how to relate to each other.

• They seek to develop sacred relations with what created the universe, the 70 billion trillion stars, the Earth, themselves and others.

• All religions use stories, to build up layers of meaning on top of each other. They layer unproved sets of notions on top of each other, adding rituals and ceremonies, essentially inducing a delusional state.

• Then people can become compliant, because they are afraid of being kicked out of the group. Group-think sets in, and they then become complicit, collisional, and cooperative in schemes to propagate the religion.

• All religions develop complex structures of delusional thinking –virtual realities for their followers.

• They all then propose their virtual reality is correct, and all the other religions are incorrect virtual realities.

Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center

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• The middle class do not receive a high-quality education.

• They are often inculcated into a religion. They don’t see the virtual reality that has been fitted onto them like lenses they nowsee through.

• They often feel “less than” and “not good enough.” They are then indoctrinated to seek expensive consumer brands to feel elevated.

• They live for weekend entertainment and trips to get away from the “rat race.”

• They become divided into political groups.

• They follow the media that fits their political group. All this reinforces their virtual reality.

• A few may learn about mindfulness and consciousness.

• Very few would understand the concept of “Conscious Evolution.”

Conscious EvolutionResearch & Development Center





Underfunded Education


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Well-FundedEducation System

Average-FundedEducation System

Underfunded Education System


C y c l e s o f

P o v e r t y ,

V i o l e n c e ,

P r i s o n

W e l l - O f f

In the U.S., local public school funding is

based on levels of property taxes in the community, producing three levels of

quality of education.

High-wealth communities can also afford private

extra tutoring.

54% of the federal discretionary budget goes to the military.

5% goes to education.

Many people in the not receive

high-quality education.

Conscious EvolutionResearch & Development Center


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• In Consumer Cultures, many people are experiencinga crisis in relationships with difficulty forming and sustaining healthy, loving relationships, culminating in less marriage.

• The image of a life of luxuryhas made people seek partners capable of affording a celebrity-like lifestyle.

• Unfortunately, that quest leaves most people with few intra-personal skills and inter-personal relationship skills.

• A new Culture of Hate is being fueled by binary issue-based political parties and their mega fundraising, and profits derived from the mass media and social media binary hate narratives.

Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center

Consumer CultureCulture of Hate

Relationship Crisis

No Social & Global Concern

Little Intellectual


Lack of Intra-personal &

Inter-personal Skills

Social &Global Concern



Intra-Personal &Inter-Personal Skills

Culture of Wellness & Wisdom Culture of Relationships

Success Through Relationships

Irrational Thinking & Behavior

Rational Thinking & Behavior


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Conscious EvolutionResearch & Development Center



Thinking & Behavior









High Quality


for All



cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely.

The real safeguard of democracy,therefore, is education.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt32nd President of the United States

From 1933 -1945

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Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center


Leadership Problem



Resource Shortage

No CreativeProblem Solving

Venezuela ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

China ✓ ✓ ✓ ?

Trump ✓ ✓ ?

Putin ✓ ✓ ?

Israel /Hamas ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

• Venezuela seems like an unsolvable problem.

• So does the behavior of China, Putin, Trump, Israel and Hamas.

• They make you give-up caring.

• They are not willing to become rational and compromise.

• Venezuela has so many problems. They may get confused and don’t know where to begin.

• They may not be bringing together creative problem-solvers.

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Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center

▪ Government Corruption of Officials, Military & Police▪ Organized Crime▪ Gangs▪ Terrorism▪ War▪ Civil War▪ Violence▪ Joblessness▪ Lack of Sustainable Economies▪ Climate Disruption

Rise of Hate





Globa l Migrat ion

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Conscious EvolutionResearch & Development Center


Disrespect Respect

Disinterest Appreciation

Hate Compassion

Conflict Peace

Rigidity Co-creativity

Destructiveness Productivity

Unsustainability Sustainability

Addictive Living Healthy Living

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Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center


witness so much ongoing violence in the Middle East.

• One needs to understand the psychology of abuse and trauma to end the conflict.

• The oppressed are abused and traumatized by neglect, belittling, humiliation, intimidation, ridicule, betrayal and violence.

• If they are not healed, they can become the oppressor.

• This requires ending the cycles of abuse, trauma and violence.

1ACCEPTANCE• Being present to the grief and suffering within oneself and then others.


HEALING • Deciding to try to heal the hurt and the woundedness within.• Learning mindful meditation for calming, centering, peace, serenity, wellbeing. • Practicing self-valuing, self-acceptance, self-appreciation, self-care.

3COMPASSION• Practicing having self-compassion, compassion for others, self-love,

self-kindness, self-nurturance.

4WISDOM • Gaining wisdom from lessons learned.

5MOVING ON• Allowing oneself to move on, let go, be open to the present and future.


HEALING & RENEWAL• Appreciating the gift of life, being alive, in the present, able to heal and help. • Allowing oneself to enjoy gentle moments of peace, being with people, places,

situations, experiences, feeling gently happy, positive once again, even briefly. • Sharing true feelings, needs and preferences authentically.• Forming and sustaining healthy, comforting, constructive friendships.

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Support Membership


Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center

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Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center


• Generous people who share our commitment to consciousness, compassion, cocreativity and bioregeneration of Earth through public policy research and analysis support the Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center (CERDC) with financial contributions and intellectual engagement.

• Donors invest in CERDC with both general support and project-specific gifts that help us transform challenges, on the personal and interpersonal level, to the national and global level.


Members can join at any level.• Supporter Any amount up to $50 a year • Contributor Any amount up to $100 a year• Participant Any amount from $500 a year• Organization $1,000 a year


Newsletter, Articles, Studies Policy Pods

Zoom MeetingsEvents

Annual Retreat



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Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center


Newsletter, Articles, Studies Policy Pods

Zoom MeetingsEvents

Annual Retreat



PUBLISH NEWSLETTER, ARTICLES AND STUDIES • Clarify the annual agenda. • Research and report on the annual agenda items of the CERDC, and emerging

personal, interpersonal, social and global concerns affecting humanity.


POLICY PODS - CREATIVE SOLUTION FINDERS CLUB• Identify the Top Twenty issues humanity must find solutions to in the next

20 years to have a sustainable Earth, and a flourishing society for all. • Meet twice a month on Zoom, open to CERDC members and member guests.


EVENTS & PUBLIC PROGRAMS• Provide the latest research, training events and on-going programs to explore

new ways of thinking, feeling, behavior, systems, education and culture for wellness and conscious evolution.

• Provide programs on sustainability, bioregenerative energy, agriculture and forestry, and other climate solutions.


ANNUAL RETREAT• Host workshops and creative conversations in a healing and nurturing

environment conducive to personal and interpersonal growth and development.

• Members and quests can “sharpen the saw”, heal, grow and develop their purpose, creative passions, and ways for deep “humaning”


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Organizational Development

Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center

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Organizational Development Plan

1. Add people to the CERDC Development Group.

2. Post the project on CoDo. Build a creative Global Community.

3. Begin forming the Teams and adding volunteers to the teams.

4. Seek to develop a formal legal structure like any other Think Tank.

5. Add people to Advisory Council and prospective Board Member list.

Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center

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Development TeamPresident / Chair / CEO

Vice President Treasurer

Recording SecretaryAt-largeAt-large


20 Board Members


Legal &Internal Policy




MarketingCommunicationsPublic Relations





ID Prospective Members

for Each Team


Board Member Insurance

Organizational Policies



Start compiling prospective donor list

Eventually use fundraising


DatabaseMembership Dues

Annual Appeal Grants

Special Events & Sponsorships

Major GiftsPlanned Giving



Celebrity Subcommittee


Social Media

Global Networking & Community Building

for the Center

Publish Newsletter, Articles and Studies

Provide Events& Public Programs

Policy Pods Draft Legislation

on Policy for a Flourishing Earth

HR expertise needed

ID staffingneeds

Put in place employee benefits

package, policy manual

ID budget needs

• All start-up work gets done through global volunteers.

• Volunteers feel supported through empathy, enthusiasm and opportunity to grow and develop

• Work gets done in teams.






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Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center

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A l e x a n d e r L a s z l o

Innovated the praxis of Evolutionary Systems Design, has applied this approach for 18 years in an international education NPO dedicated to designing new ways of working, learning and living that embody social and environmental integrity, has directed two accredited doctoral programs in leadership and systems thinking for entrepreneurs and has served as president of two leading international systems science R&D organizations.

M e g R i v e r s

A founder of Bloom Network, connecting and supporting regenerative culture makers, locally, nationally and globally. She is an expert in instructional design, public speaking, training, software training, facilitation, video communications, and motivational speaking. Meg has 20 years of professional end-user tech training, teaching people how to overcome obstacles to understanding technology, and is an experienced instructional designer and software platforms trainer. She was a life and career coach with 13 years in social services before making the switch to IT in 2013.

S a n f o r d H i n d e n

Fostered and developed many projects, programs and organizations to help children, teens, adults and seniors, in New York City, on Long Island, nationally, and in the world, in health and human services, peace, the environment and the arts. Provides research, development and training programs in personal, relationship and social-global development on Zoom.

Conscious EvolutionResearch & Development Center

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Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center

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Sandy Hinden fostered and developed many projects to help children, teens, adults

and seniors, in New York City and Long Island, nationally, and in the world.

He was director of Community Partners for Coordinated Services for Suffolk Community

Council, under a grant from Suffolk County, for at-risk and in-need families and children

– developing school and health and human service networks of support and care.

He was executive director of the Dix Hills Performing Arts Center for 14 years and initiated

the Concert for the Earth at the United Nations in 1985 featuring The Paul Winter Consort.

Sandy founded and was president of the Long Island Men's Center for 5 years, helping

men help themselves, each other, teens, families and communities.

He wrote 7 Keys to Love - Opening Love’s Door to Joy & Wellbeing.

He provides workshops and programs for libraries in personal growth, interpersonal

relations and communication, and global development for peace and sustainability.

He founded the Commonwealth for Earth & Humanity in 2015, and its YouTube channel

in 2020. He is working on a fictionalized docudrama series Multinational Summits to

address global migration that occurs for peace, work and sustainability worldwide.

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Conscious EvolutionResearch & Development Center

“Sandy's whole-systems thinking is empowering and enlightening. I would recommend any educational materials that he creates as of superior value.“

"Hi Sandy, Just wanted to reach out and say thank you. I'm deeply gratefulfor your friendship and education, and the wonderful forum you've created for whole systems thinkers to come together in virtual space.

I feel like there's an opening in the universe of the energy we create there, and I'm fortunate that of all the links I could have clicked in the world to join another network, I clicked yours.

Hope this message brightens your day, and I look forward to co-creating with you all the more beautiful world we know is not just possible, but impending!"

Meg RiversGlobal Technology TrainerBloom Bioregional Network

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Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center

“Sanford Hinden is one of the most humane, compassionate, loving human beings I have ever met. He speaks and acts from deep wisdom about what people need – and what the world needs now. I trust him and have learned immensely from him....”

“CONGRATS on this latest offering, Sandy - and blessings on youfor your magnificent life-work for the common good.”

Ronald Gross Founder/Director, Conversations New YorkCo-chair, University Seminar on Innovation, Columbia University

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“Sandy is a not afraid to ask the tough questions and explore heartfelt responses to them. The ones that have to do with how we got into this mess as humanity, and what it’s going to take for us to get out of it. His wealth of experience and human kindness, combined with political savvy and collaborative working style, make learning with and from him an enriching experience, and always a joy.”

Alexander Laszlo, PhDGlobal Systems Educator

Conscious Evolution Research & Development Center

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"Sandy Hinden is a very exceptional human being entirely devoted to a better, ideal world. I have known him for more than 30 years. He constantly inspired me for my work and efforts at the United Nations. He had ceaseless great ideas.... I would support his candidacy with the highest terms."

Dr. Robert Muller (1923-2010)Former UN Assistant Secretary GeneralCofounder, UN University for Peace, Costa Rica

Conscious EvolutionResearch & Development Center

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C o n t a c t :S a n d y H i n d e n

s a n f o r d h i n d e n @ v e r i z o n . n e t1 - 5 1 6 - 8 1 5 - 4 9 6 7

C o n s c i o u s Ev o l u t i o nResearch & Development Center


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Sandy Hinden

Consc ious Evo lut ionR e s e a r c h & D e v e l o p m e n t C e n t e r

C o n s c i o u s n e s s C o m p a s s i o n C o c re at i v i t y B i o re ge n e rat i o n