Conscious Biz TV Checklists · really want and then to act from that place and build a business...


Transcript of Conscious Biz TV Checklists · really want and then to act from that place and build a business...

Page 1: Conscious Biz TV Checklists · really want and then to act from that place and build a business that is truly successful on those terms, and then being really conscious about business.”
Page 2: Conscious Biz TV Checklists · really want and then to act from that place and build a business that is truly successful on those terms, and then being really conscious about business.”

Conscious Biz TV Checklists

Consider this the “cliff notes” to your program and to your business! This is a collection of the best tips and inspiring quotes from our speakers so you can have actionable guidance and inspiration at your fingertips. Make this your go-to checklist of your next action steps after participating in the Conscious Biz TV program.

Alexis Martin Neely - “Being a Conscious Business owner means being getting really aware of the conditioning...being able to make choices that are distinct from what our mentors, our gurus and “the successful people” are telling us to really tap into and feel what do we really want and then to act from that place and build a business that is truly successful on those terms, and then being really conscious about business.” “You can make tons and tons of money, but if you’re not paying attention to where it’s going, what’s it doing? It’s not contributing to the gift you’re here to give in the world.” Know your Entrepreneurial Archetype - Are you a Star or a Sage? Star Archetypes want to be big and impact the masses. You want to spark an awakening but are not interested in sitting with them through the fire of transformation. Sage Archetypes you want to sit with people in the fire and doing one-on-one work with your clients. You might do some of both on the path, but your ultimate business model must be built on your archetype. Don’t just model your mentor’s or guru’s business model. It may not fit your archetype. You’ve got to build your business based on the truth of who you really are, not looking outside yourself to discover that. But really going through a process of looking inside yourself to discover “Who am I really?” You’re on the path of awakening, not apply it to your business. Break free of the format! Based on what is right for you: how much money do you need to have based on your lifestyle, what amount of time you want to put into your work, and in what form do you want to put it that time, what resources do you have available to you, and what is your Entrepreneurial Archetype. Alexis’ Special Offer: Money Map to Freedom Email [email protected]

Kris Ward -

Page 3: Conscious Biz TV Checklists · really want and then to act from that place and build a business that is truly successful on those terms, and then being really conscious about business.”

Understanding Lucrative Self-Realization takes your conscious business to a new level. It take awhile to get comfortable being selfish, but that’s what’s necessary. “Lucrative Self-realization is the permission to become precious to yourself, the permission to be consciously self-centered.” Get to know your wiring on an intimate level and answer these questions: What lights you up? Who are you really at your core? What kind of freedom do you need to be fully self-expressed? How can you do the work that comes easily and naturally to you so you don’t burn out? Kris’ definition of Sustainability in your business: “You can continue to do it without burning out or selling out, you’ll continue to enjoy it, it will continue to pay your bills and fund your lifestyle of choice and there will be repeat business because of satisfied customers.” 7 Questions to Ensure Sustainability in your business - “Begin with the end in mind”: 1. What does it take financial to sustain yourself? How much does it cost to be you living

comfortable? 2. What does your business need to pay you to fund #1? 3. What’s the schedule do you want to have? Then, how many slots/appointments do

you want to have. 4. How much do you need to charge? (Combine #2 and #3.) 5. What systems can you leverage to help you serve more people with less effort? 6. Who are the people that you would never get tired of working with? And who are the

people you know you would never want to work with? 7. What kind of freedom do you need to have in your business to never feel stuck or

bored or disconnected? “We’re never going to know all the answers, and it is going to be a bumpy road, and we learn through action.” There’s a dance between “Ready, fire, aim!” and then coming back to your core practice and intention you have set for yourself and your business. Work with a coach or mentor who has already crossed the bridge before will make it so much easier for you to get to where you want to go. Kris’ book recommendation: Taming your outer child by Susan Anderson “Everyone is hungry for good leadership. So if you do it, you will be rewarded.” Kris’ Gift to You: For a taste of Kris’ Lifestyle Design Training Series, visit

Page 4: Conscious Biz TV Checklists · really want and then to act from that place and build a business that is truly successful on those terms, and then being really conscious about business.”

Tanya Paluso -

If you want to start a community and have people behind your vision, you have to do two key things: 1. Be good at inviting. It starts with inspiring people, then having people take action by

specifically asking them or inviting them. “You have to get out of your own way and overcome your fear of rejection to be able to have conversations with people have conversations with people and not worry about whether they will say yes or no. ANd the less concerned you are about the No’s, the more Yes’s you will get.” 2. Building team and creating partnerships with other “community hubs” and leaders to

build your tribe. And answer, how can you provide value to them? Presence is a foundational piece. People are attracted to your presence, your authenticity and the “stake” you put in the ground. It feels solid and people gravitate to it. Your second chakra is your root of creativity. And your power comes from that feminine essence and force. Learn how to tap into that and cultivate that. When you do, you’ll have a knowing that you are a powerful creator. Integration - How can you integrate all parts of yourself? Everything is connected. How can you bring more self-love and self acceptance into your life? “The part you don’t like about yourself is just as valuable as the part you love about yourself.” Then extend this love beyond yourself to others which brings compassion. Tanya’s Gift to You: Truth Telling Tuesdays Tanya’s Special Offer:

PJ Van Hulle - Your email list is your greatest financial asset in your business. And it allows you to create a level of financial security that isn’t always typical for entrepreneurs.

Page 5: Conscious Biz TV Checklists · really want and then to act from that place and build a business that is truly successful on those terms, and then being really conscious about business.”

It’s not just about email. You can communicate with your potential clients and clients through mail with packages and gifts, texts, social media and more when you have a list. Ninja Tip from PJ: You can run a Facebook ad with a custom audience and take the people on your email list, put them into Facebook and have ads show up to those on on your list who have a Facebook account. Mistakes Conscious-Preneur’s make with their email list: 1. Not getting started! (instead of getting started right away.) 2. Investing money in a fancy website (instead of creating a one page opt-in web page.) 3. Not communicating with their list effectively (instead of providing value.) 3 Keys to building an effective email list: 1. Have one in the first place and organize it in a CRM system. Have a way for people to join your list automatically with an opt-in page. Wordpress Theme to create an Opt In page for under $100: 2. Nurture and provide value for your list Minimum for communicating is one month, every other week is better, and possibly weekly. If you email more often, make it shorter. Share tips around your topic to keep it simple. 3. Drive traffic to your opt-in page to continue to grow your list Send a “Reconnect Letter”. See One of PJ’s favorite quotes: “Success is just jumping from failure to failure to failure with no loss of enthusiam.” “You never have all the information you need to make a decision at the time you needed to make the decision. Then you don’t have to feel bad about!” “We all have our specific healers and teachers, but you are that healer and teacher for somebody else. And if you don’t show up where they can see you and find you, then they don’t get the transformation and healing they need.” PJ’s Gift to You: How to Jumpstart Your Email List PJ Special Offer: List Building Success Kit

Page 6: Conscious Biz TV Checklists · really want and then to act from that place and build a business that is truly successful on those terms, and then being really conscious about business.”

Sheri Keys -

“Moving through transformation and change in your business is not always easy...but you have to follow your heart to be happy.” “Letting go is about becoming liquid again so you can become the next butterfly. If it’s getting painful, just remember you’re in the liquid state.” “Be good to yourself.” Consciousness = freedom, eating healthy and not being tied down to have to do things that don’t really matter. Be true to who you are....Let go of judgement. You can share authentically, but it doesn’t have to be in the moment. Be honest and be vulnerable, but focus on what you’ve learned. “Systemize the business, then accept that the rest is ‘topsy-turvey’.” “Stick with a mentor for 6 months and actually implement what they are saying.” Take ownership of all you are going through and stop being so hard on yourself. Sheri’s Gift to You:

Max Simon - “The only way to have true awakening is to have your inner and outer worlds match.” What else do I need to learn in the outer world that will reflect my devotion and consciousness internally? The reason why so much business training is not used is because there is some inner value that you are bumping up against. You need to first address that fully and consciously with real focus on the deeper levels of alignment. “Business is your greatest spiritual practice.”

Page 7: Conscious Biz TV Checklists · really want and then to act from that place and build a business that is truly successful on those terms, and then being really conscious about business.”

What to do when there’s some ‘rumbling’ in your business, some obstacle or challenge: Ask the question: “What is this trying to reveal, what deeper truth is this looking to demonstrate that will allow us to be more conscious and more present not only in our own lives and our own experience but in the lives of people we serve?” “You will always have stuff come up in your business, but it’s an opportunity to expand your container to experience life with more consciousness, more leadership, more openness and more love.” Max’s book recommendation: Building a Great Business by Ari Weinzweig Wealth Frequency - Your energetic setting that dictates how willing you are to look at your own life, business and experiences through the lens of someone who knows they deserve to create more wealth and abundance. Your Wealth Frequency is usually set to the people around you right now (usually not so good) or your past experiences with family (usually not so good either.) This is why people have challenges changing their setting. Wealth Frequency Principles: *To be willing to promote with you do in more places. *Be very aware with who you surround yourself with. “When you feel unclear, you start to get very easily distracted.” Who are you choosing to lead? “Be willing to look at whether or not you are speaking to a tribe that you would do everything in your power to support and solve and that that tribe is interested in the dialogue you are most excited about and sees you as a leader or mentor is one step ahead....Everyone has a tribe they can serve, but it requires you to be strong enough to find your tribe and create your business to speak to that tribe.” Max’s Gift to You: 5 Steps to Making an Additional $10K this month just for helping others

Max’s Special Offer The 21 Day Money Breakthrough Challenge

Christina Morassi - You don’t have to squeeze into a teeny-tiny box when it comes to your niche or your gifts. You want to choose one thing rather than dispersing your energy (because that’s

Page 8: Conscious Biz TV Checklists · really want and then to act from that place and build a business that is truly successful on those terms, and then being really conscious about business.”

not going to be a powerful place to operate from). But what if you bring all of your options, all of your skills and gifts into one offering. This is your Ecstatic Brand. You don’t have to leave anything out! The balance of wealth and power in this world are in the hands of the people who don’t care that much. What would happen if the balance of wealth and power were in the hands of the people who do care? Like healers, light workers and artists...coaches, practitioners and conscious-preneurs and YOU! “Anyone has star-power deep down... If you don’t think you do, What makes you so special?!” We need to get out of survival mode so we can be on purpose. Fastest pathway to making money as you step into your purpose: 1. Bring gifts together and answer “Who am I?” and “What am I bringing to the table?” 2. What is the problem I’m here to solve and who can I help? 3. Give form and shape to 1.& 2. by bringing your expertise to someone in your high end

signature program that solves a certain problem. “Anyone you see in a position of success that you look up to has fought tooth and nail to get there.” Nobody escapes it. Building your own business is the best self-development program on the start a business if you want to evolve and grow. 3 steps to get started finding your Ecstatic Brand - Write out your work experiences. Include everything. Notice, what has been your curriculum? What are your mess to success stories? Christina’s Gift to You: 4 Steps to take your Brand from Generic to Shazam!

Racheal Cook - “What you don’t know is way bigger than what you do know” - so the biggest thing you can do to help yourself is to start learning and get support on what you don’t know sooner rather than later. Avoid cookie cutter systems and blueprints, at least until you’ve identified what your strengths and what you are best at in the world. Build on your strengths to go from good to great quickly.

Page 9: Conscious Biz TV Checklists · really want and then to act from that place and build a business that is truly successful on those terms, and then being really conscious about business.”

Get support where your weaknesses are, don’t try to do it all yourself. (i.e. If you’re an Ideas person, look for project management support. ) Your business is always going to evolve and you’ll get clarity along the way, but you have to keep looking for clarity again. You’ll always need to fine-tune and get more clarity. What someone else is doing may not work for you. You’ll limit your options by comparing yourself to others. Instead, “Be the brightest, shiniest YOU you can ever be.” “No one can ever be You-ier than You!” Racheal’s Gift to You: Racheal’s Special Offer: Conscious Business Design

Sharla Jacobs - Most Conscious-Preneurs start a business because they love helping people, not because they’re interested in business. The most important thing you need to do is get an education in client attraction. Because without clients, you don’t have a business, you have a hobby. And you don’t need a business plan or even a website to do it. Mindset and the inner game of when someone says I can’t afford it and the Skills of what to say. What to do when someone says “I can’t afford it.”.... Mindset - Start with “How do I support this person to say yes to what they say they want in life?” When someone’s commitment to getting the results that you help people provide is greater than their circumstances, they will find a way to say yes. Results they want > Circumstances Sharla’s Heart-Selling Script: The 3 Magic Questions you can ask that will support someone to say yes from an authentic place:

Page 10: Conscious Biz TV Checklists · really want and then to act from that place and build a business that is truly successful on those terms, and then being really conscious about business.”

1. May I ask you a question about that? (Get permission to go deeper. Also pay

attention to body language here, are they leaning in or out?) 2. If it wasn’t for the money is this something you would want to move forward with?

(Put’s money to the side for now and have a conversation as if money wasn’t an issue.)

*If they say Yes - You can offer them a payment plan, refer them to someone else who charges less than you, or brainstorm with them ways to help them find the money by saying, “It sounds like you really want to do this, but money is an issue, would you like to look at ways you might be able to come up with the money, is it this important to you. TIP: Let the client do the brainstorming. *If they say No - The blessing is you can learn more about why they aren’t a good fit or the way you are talking about your services is not compelling enough. You might be bold and ask: “I’m curious, I’m not trying to get you to say yes, but what has you not be interested?” *If they say “I’m unsure” - Something else is going on that isn’t about the money and it’s an opportunity to go deeper and ask... 3. “What would you need to get out of this to make it worthwhile for you?” - Hold the

space for them to share. Maybe they don’t believe in themselves or believe they can do it, feel afraid, etc. If it’s true, you can say: “I believe we can do it together, you’ll have to do the work but I will be here to support you.”

When you provide the inner transformation to help your clients become more confident, vibrant and shiny, at the same time you impact more people and there’s a ripple effect. “You can’t make a big difference unless you know how to get clients. So you have to get really good at being able to have people say ‘yes’ to work with you, bringing them into your field, and growing yourself so you become a stronger leader in the process.” Sharla’s book recommendation: To Sell is Human by Daniel Pink “Don’t try to build your business on your own...Choose a mentor that you feel connected’s not a matter of if you’re going to be doing something, it’s a matter of when!” Sharla’s Gift to You: Sharla’s Special Offer: Full Scholarship to the Client Attraction Summit:

Page 11: Conscious Biz TV Checklists · really want and then to act from that place and build a business that is truly successful on those terms, and then being really conscious about business.”

Morgana Rae You want to create a polarity and a tension with our negative thoughts which will take you like a slingshot to where you want to be. “The big secret: If you are doing the work and not getting the results, then that’s a big clue, then you have the best reason to protect yourself from what you want.” “You need money to be a person to make the relationship real and to see what is really going on. So if you’re money was a person, who would it be?” “Money is the #1 excuse for not living your dreams.” “Never say ‘I can’t afford it’, you feed the monster.” The only way to get to the opposite of the monster (your ‘money honey’), is to start with the monster. We need to uncover the root cause to find out what’s in the way. “The money monster is the shadow, it’s everything that has ever made you feel not good enough.” When it’s gone there’s an empty space and you can now bring in your ‘Money Honey’. Morgana’s Gift to You: Handout for this program here: Morgana’s Special Offer:

Tad Hargrave - Marketing is like learning a new language. There’s three levels of marketing:

Page 12: Conscious Biz TV Checklists · really want and then to act from that place and build a business that is truly successful on those terms, and then being really conscious about business.”

1. Cold Level - “Nobody knows your name and nobody’s glad you came.” Direct mail, cold calls, random business mixers. It’s difficult and take a lot of effort for little reward.

2. Warm Level - Who are your clients already connected to. Look for introductions here. Examples would be Joint Ventures and Affiliate Marketers. Who do I want to reach and who are they already connected to? Where do my clients already hang out? Where do they spend their time, money and attention? This is where you’ll find Hubs!

3. Hot Level - You are the Hub. You are still getting support from hubs, but you are also approached as a hub. You are known for something and a trusted advisor within your community. You receive referrals.

Hub Marketing allows you to be more effective with your marketing. As much as possible let go of the cold level and focus in on the warm level first, then the hot level. There’s 7 types of hubs including: Events, Locations, Businesses where they spend money before and after working with you (complimentary services or products), Groups/Organization/Associations, Support Programs, Publications, and Well-Connected Individuals. Easy way to find hubs is to do a Google Search acting as if you are your ideal client. What is the problem you would type into google and who/what comes up? The best form of marketing is whatever one you’ll actually do! Tad’s Gift to You: Visit Bonus Page at for Tad’s “Identifying Your Hubs Workbook”

Callan Rush “Selling is actually service...If you believe in what you’re doing, it’s your duty and your dharma to learn a method of promoting your work in the world in a way that feels good to you and feels amazing to your potential clients and also gets a lucrative result.” Callan’s Education-Based Marketing Formula = 100% of the people you were born to serve 3% - Active - Actively shopping for you, don’t need to educate them 7% - Open - Open to your service/product, but not actively shopping. Educate them. 30% - Aware for Future - know they have problem you solve, need solution, but keep putting it off. Educate them. 30% - Unconscious - Goldmine for you. Unconscious that they need you or that there is someone like you that has a solution for them. Educate them and become a trusted advisor.

Page 13: Conscious Biz TV Checklists · really want and then to act from that place and build a business that is truly successful on those terms, and then being really conscious about business.”

30% - No - People have problem you solve, but it’s a legitimate “no”, not ready, still attached to their suffering. Focus on the 67% that no one is focusing on. The answer is always education. Can you solve a real-world problem for them in real time? If so, you immediately become a trusted advisor and it eliminates “selling”. Two things you must do: 1. Provide Value 2. Position the Purchase “If you just give value, it’s just a hobby. A business means you give value and get value.” “You need the Why to Apply.” - The psychology behind why human beings actually take action, make purchases and move forward. Without the psychology, you won’t know what tactic to tweak. There’s a place inside each of us that is loving, whole, peaceful, expanded...but that place doesn’t buy. Only the ego buys. You need to speak to that part of the person that is in the pain. Then you can solve the pain and get them in balance. You’re not putting them in pain, you’re empathizing with the pain. Employee Mindset vs. Entrepreneurial Mindset - You need to take risks and hire people with the employee mindset. Persevere! You have to get back up again. “We are at a pivotal place. Big change is not coming from the top down. It’s coming from the grassroots up. Conscious business owners are the teachers in the street and that is who is going to change the world.” Callan’s Gift to You: 5 Steps to Creating Effective Education Based Marketing

Jenn August - “It takes an internal village.”

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Don’t let yourself get in the way of serving your clients. You have a “stoppable self” and an “unstoppable self”. Understanding these selves is crucial to creating success. Remember, your spirit would never judge you. “The truth is there’s no such thing as an unworthy human being.” There’s always going to be challenges in business, but when there’s a misalignment between who you are and what you allow yourself to be in the world, it’s always going to be harder. Clearing your blocks will make you more capable. Self-love = show up for yourself and it will be reflected back to you in all ways in your business. “When you’re here to serve and you see yourself as not good enough, there’s so many people not being blessed by your gifts. It’s an act of selflessness to treat yourself well so you can serve other people.” Jenn’s Gift to You: 3 Ways Your Mindset Is Blocking You From Getting Clients and How To Breakthrough to Building Your Profitable Business Jenn’s Special Offer: Turn On Your Money Magnetism Success Program

Michelle Schubnel 3 Things Conscious-Preneurs Can Focus on to build a Sustainable Business: 1. Be clear about who you serve and what outcome you help people achieve 2. Get comfortable with client enrollment 3. Have multiple revenue streams in your business (i.e. Group programs or Info

products) Group Coaching Tips: Design of your Group - focuses on a specific group of people and on specific result/outcome or transformation Do Target Market Research - Focus Groups Determine how much content you want to include: Either create your own, license content, or use a book and have a book discussion.

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How to work with obstacles that come your way: *Get support with a business coach to avoid reinventing the wheel or going-it-alone. *Having realistic expectations “There’s plenty to go around...We live in an abundant world and your number one competitor is probably your number one partner.” Michelle Schubnel’s Gift to You: The 4 Secrets to Fill Your Group Coaching Programs Fast

Jessica Bolyston-Fagonde - Branding asks: Who are you? What do you have to offer? And what makes you uniquely different? It gives you the opportunity to tell your story and build a container of understanding for your clients. 4 Brand Ingredients: Passion - what are you most passionate about? Vulnerability - how can you put yourself out there? Emotion - what is the real reason for why you do what you do? Personality - allow your natural personality to come through your brand “Don’t change who you are to serve your clients, you don’t want to live a double life. Bring forth who you are.” See your own story as a teaching and be able to borrow from it. Find the confidence of where you’ve come from so you can connect with others. But it doesn’t have to be in one sitting! Know the lifestyle you want to have so you create a business model that suits you and your life. What do you do really well? Then realize you don’t have to do it all. Jessica’s Gift to You: Guidelines to writing your authentic bio enter code: "firefly"

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Jessica’s Special Offer: Clarity Session email [email protected]

Gary Henson There’s three things to focus on in building a business as a Conscious-preneur: Sales, Marketing and Customer Service. Sales - will drive your bsuiness, even if you’re not a “sales” person. Marketing - you need to have a plan so people can understand your offer and your business model Customer Service - serving your customers means that you follow-up with them and your customers today are your customers and referrals for tomorrow. You need to think and act like an entrepreneur in your business. Know what your clients/customers really want. The best way to figure this out is to do interviews with them and ask! “Be clear with a vision for your business and be clear that the vision you choose is really what you are passionate about, and be sure that you do it selfishly, because that’s where you will end up and you want to be excited about it.” Be willing to reinvent yourself. ‘When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change’. Be a student of your game. Always be learning and open to growing. Study your “competitors” instead of ignoring them or feeling fear about them. Gary Henson Gary’s Gift to You: Get Clients in the Now Economy

Michelle Bersell

The negative emotions you’ve been running from are here to serve you.

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We have to be willing to embrace our emotions so when negative feelings come up we can learn from them and discover more of our truth coming forward. “Every time you experience a negative feeling it’s there to support you and guide you to get outside of your comfort zone.” We know we’re meant to serve at a bigger level and more deeply, but we’ll keep bumping into our inner glass ceiling unless we begin to use our negative emotions ad their guide. You’re not meant to get your negative emotions out of the way (they’ll come back!). The feminine approach is saying that getting rid of them is approaching them from fear. We’re meant to receive all of our emotions. Each emotion has a different message from your empowered self. There’s a small-self version and an empowered version. When you tap into the empowered version and get what it means for you, you can serve at your highest level as a Conscious-Preneur. You’re leaving emotional energy on the table when you ignore half of your emotions (the negative ones.) Resistance is unconscious. It shows up with signs of procrastination, not staying focused and running from your feelings. With each new level you want to go to, negative emotions will show up. But when you have your negative emotions as your allies, you can work with them to move forward with ease.

Michelle’s Bersell’s Gift to You: FEEL Training Kit

Suzanne Monroe

Why start your own movement? People are waiting for you to be their leader, and you can deeply serve others through a movement. It allows you to play bigger, go deeper, and touch more lives. And there’s never been a better time to lead doing something that matters and that creates transformation.

5 Steps to Be the Leader of Your Own Movement

Step 1- Get really really clear on your brilliance/uniqueness. Why are you here and what can you do to serve?

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Step 2 - Bring Forth Your Talents to Share your Message. Being a leader is about knowing how you want to lead.

Step 3 - Systematize. Put your unique brilliance into a signature system and create your unique roadmap that others can easily absorb and learn from.

Step 4 - Expansion. Start multiplying by going deeper (not wider)...but only once your system is working. Step 5 - Evolve. Be Fully Committed to your Personal Evolution. Identify your business shadow (the thing you don’t want to take a look at) so you can go deeper in understanding how you and your business are intimately connected. “It’s not about going wider, it’s about going deeper.” “Your business is a reflection of you and will be a mirror for your inner world.” Suzanne’s Gift to You: Wellness Leaders: How to Build a Thriving Business that Serves the World and Fuels Your Lifestyle complimentary webinar training

Suzanne’s Special Offer: Enter Coupon Code JoinIAWP100 to save $100 of IAWP Membership