Cons Sem 1 year 5. How to remove staining i-abrasion Ii-scaling Iii-bleaching Iv-restoration.

cons Sem 1 year 5

Transcript of Cons Sem 1 year 5. How to remove staining i-abrasion Ii-scaling Iii-bleaching Iv-restoration.

Page 1: Cons Sem 1 year 5. How to remove staining i-abrasion Ii-scaling Iii-bleaching Iv-restoration.


Sem 1 year 5

Page 2: Cons Sem 1 year 5. How to remove staining i-abrasion Ii-scaling Iii-bleaching Iv-restoration.

How to remove stainingi-abrasionIi-scalingIii-bleachingIv-restoration

Page 3: Cons Sem 1 year 5. How to remove staining i-abrasion Ii-scaling Iii-bleaching Iv-restoration.

19. The most recommended tx for discoloured tooth after RCT is

A-full porcelain crownB-composite restorationC-external bleaching D-walking bleachingE-removal of excess material

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16.Result of failure adhesivei-cariesIi-microleakageIii-post-tx hypersensitivityIv-polymerisation shrinkageA-I,iiB-I,iiiC-I,ivD-I,ii,iiiE-ii,iii,iv

Page 5: Cons Sem 1 year 5. How to remove staining i-abrasion Ii-scaling Iii-bleaching Iv-restoration.

32.Why to remove crown before access cavityAB-improve visibility&straight line accessC-prevent dislodge of crown duringD-false during apical preparation contact with

metal part

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True features of protaperA-use of SX is optionalB-tapering of F1 is 0.07C-tip end F2 is 0.25D-made from stainless steel

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What are the instruments made from NiTiA-C+ fileB-lentulospiral fileC-protaperD-k-flexofileE-h-file

Page 8: Cons Sem 1 year 5. How to remove staining i-abrasion Ii-scaling Iii-bleaching Iv-restoration.

24.Which of the following about amalgam restoration

i-etching must be done at polishing stageIi-finishing can be done using burIii-burnishing over margin should not be doneIv-poshing should be done in next appointment

Page 9: Cons Sem 1 year 5. How to remove staining i-abrasion Ii-scaling Iii-bleaching Iv-restoration.

3. The precentage og MB2 to be found in the first upper molar is


Page 10: Cons Sem 1 year 5. How to remove staining i-abrasion Ii-scaling Iii-bleaching Iv-restoration.

32. Its is advisable to remove crown before access cavity for endodntic

A-to preserve exsiting crownB-C-better access & visionD-E-false reading of apex locator when contact

with metal of the crown

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5. Sequence of protaper….

35.Irrigation to remove smear layer is….

36.One bottle system is….

3.What is the purpose of putting calcium hydroxide in canal btwn RCT appointment?

Page 12: Cons Sem 1 year 5. How to remove staining i-abrasion Ii-scaling Iii-bleaching Iv-restoration.

6.Crown down techniquesi-straight line accessIi-step back part of the techniquesIii-enlargement apical preparation neededIv-the apical prep is at 1/3 of length

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34.Indication of redo RCTi-not resolve radilucency at apical over the yearIi-presence of voidIii-sign and symptoms

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4. Function of EDTA in RCTA-kill bacteriaB-C-smoothen canal surfaceD-soften debrisE-decalcify dentine

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33-true about piramry endo 2dary perioIIi-healing better with both txIii-endo only good response

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15.Presence of sinus at labial aspect of anterior teeth. The recommended method to diagnose origin of pathology

A-get proper history takingB-insert GP, take radiographC-take radiograph

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28.Aesthetic factors assoc for anterior restorationi-buccal coridorIi-contact pointIii-embrassureIv-golden proportionA-I,iiB-I,iiiC-I,ivD-I,ii,iiiE-ii,iii,iv

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26. Characteristics of flowable composite arei-less fillerIi-different viscosityIii-high polymerization shrinkageIv-suitable class I filling

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17.When severely attrited teeth, which of following for adequate crown length

i-electrosurgeryIi-ortho extrusionIii-crown lengthening

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Short notes on1-special needs dentistry in malaysia2-primary endo 2ndary perio3-NiTi file4-3 principles of restoration5-soften custom cone technique

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Pt (Male) came to clinic asking treatment for anterior teeth. On examination, there is discoloration of upper anterior. Pt had involved in Motor Vehicle Accident without injury except for gingival bleeding.

Q1 : Investigation Q2 : What make pt come to clinic?Q3 : What injury did pt sustained just after the injury?Q4 : Mx?

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3.Which one is trueA-upper permanent 1st molar present with 2

mesiobuccal canalB-lower 1st permanent molar present one canal

mesial and one canal distalC-lower 1st permanent molar present with 2 canal

distal and one canal mesialD-lower 2nd permanent molar present with 2 canal

mesial and one canal distal

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1-main why extend porcelain to occlusal coverage

A-oppose teeth had porcelain coverage B-pt requestC-for aesthetic

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26.Protaper F2 have following characteristicsi-tapering 8%Ii-Do 0.25mmIii-Finishing file