Connecting with People - UniSA › siteassets › episerver-6-files › global › heal… ·...

Connecting with People Start the conversation What is it? Why is it important? (Please insert the document’s classification in the footer – Arial-10pt and in the Properties of this document) Confidentiality (caveat if required)-I#-A#

Transcript of Connecting with People - UniSA › siteassets › episerver-6-files › global › heal… ·...

Connecting with PeopleStart the conversation

What is it?

Why is it important?

(Please insert the document’s classification in the footer – Arial-10pt and in the Properties of this document)

Confidentiality (caveat if required)-I#-A#

SA Health

Connecting with People

> Originally from the UK, CwP is a suicide

prevention and mitigation framework

formulated from peer reviewed evidence,

lived experience and specialist

knowledge about suicide and self-harm

prevention and treatment

> The suite of tools promote a meaningful

role for all those involved with the person

at risk of suicide

SA Health

Everyone’s responsibility

> Responsibility for people with suicidal

thoughts often seen to lie with specialist

mental health services

> Early intervention from a colleague,

friend, compassionate health provider or

care giver could make a real difference to

saving lives

> Stems from the belief that everyone has

the capacity to help and that this can

happen safely

SA Health

Connecting with People

> Recognises that every encounter with an

individual with suicidal thoughts is an

opportunity to intervene and potentially

save their lives

> Suicide is preventable, but not all suicides

can be prevented

SA Health

SA Suicide Prevention Plan 2017-2021

> Training provided to broad cross section

of health and community workers and

those involved in assisting people at risk

of suicide

> Promotes compassionate response and a

comprehensive best practice approach

SA Health


> Comprises of a suite of tools that support

a structured assessment of someone at

risk of suicide

> Improves the quality and consistency of

assessments and the required response/s

SA Health

Continuum of Suicidal Thoughts(Cole-King 2009)

SA Health


> Nature of the suicidal thoughts

> Perception of the future

> Planning

> Preparation

> Ability to resist the thoughts

SA Health


> Designed to uncover and tease out

various aspects of suicidal thoughts to

gain a deeper understanding of a

complex and often distressing set of


SA Health

Classification of Suicidal Thoughts(Cole-King & Prof Stephen Platt updated 2016)

SA Health


> Provides the framework for a

standardised language to describe the

nature and intent of suicidal thoughts and

the clinician/service response required

SA Health

Evidence-Based Risk Factors

and ‘Red Flag’ Warning Signs

SA Health


> Evidence-based risk factors, at the

population level, that increase risk of


> Includes ‘red flag’ warning signs, which

may indicate a particular increased risk

SA Health

Mitigation Framework

SA Health


> Demographic and social

> Personal background

> Clinical factors in history

> Mental State Examination, particularly

suicide thoughts (use Cole-King continuum)

SA Health


> Improves the quality, consistency and

comprehensiveness of mitigation plans

that clinician's co create with consumers

> Prompts both clinician and consumer to

consider mitigation strategies and

enhancement of protective factors

> Prompts clinician to consider all aspects

of biopsychosocial response

SA Health

Safety Plan

SA Health


> Reasons for living

> Safe environment

> Identify distress triggers

> Activities to lift mood

> Calming activities

> Distracting activities

> General support

> Specific suicide prevention support

> Professional support

> Emergency contacts

> Personal commitment to safety plan

SA Health


> Co-created WITH the consumer

> Includes actions and strategies they have

decided will help them resist acting on

their suicidal thoughts

> Increases their own resilience and


> Includes names and numbers of

supportive family, friends, community

members, support services, professional

support, emergency contacts

SA Health


> Includes action/s they are happy to take

when suicidal thoughts become stronger

or more persistent

SA Health

Key message

> The KEY to the Connecting with People

framework is a collaborative,

compassionate approach

SA Health

Why is Connecting with People


SA Health


> Implementing, delivering and evaluating

supports, systems and services, where

consumers, carers and professionals

work in an equal and reciprocal

relationship, with shared power and

responsibilities, to achieve positive

change and improved outcomes.

(Slay and Robinson, 2011)

SA Health

> assumptions

SA Health

Personal and Social Resources

SA Health


SA Health

> hope
