Conjunctions Connecting Ideas. Subordinating Conjunctions when whenever while as soon as after...

Conjunctions Connecting Ideas

Transcript of Conjunctions Connecting Ideas. Subordinating Conjunctions when whenever while as soon as after...

ConjunctionsConnecting Ideas

Subordinating Conjunctions

Examples1."I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it.” (Pablo Picasso)

2."If I had to live my life again, I'd make the same mistakes, only sooner.” (Tallulah Bankhead)

3."While the State exists, there can be no freedom. When there is freedom there will be no State.” (Vladimir Lenin)

Coordinating Conjunctions

Examples1.Mr. Lee needed extra money, so he continued working until well after midnight.

1.Sam had not finished cooking dinner, nor had he completed all the homework before his wife returned home.

2."I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” (Albert Einstein) 3.I really don’t like that boy, yet I talk to him every day.

Correlative Conjunctions

Examples1.The Democratic Party in America is committed to higher taxes for both big business and the wealthy.

2.Cheetahs are not only fast but also powerful.

3.If a person is attempting to lose weight they should neither eat excessively nor avoid exercise.

4.A popular axiom is ‘You are either with us, or against us’.

Conjunctive Adverbs

Examples1.Economic vehicles are widely available in the United States; however, many Americans still prefer gas guzzling luxury cars.

2.Bret enjoys video games; therefore, he is a crazy nerd.

3.“Always go to other people's funerals; otherwise, they won't go to yours.” (Yogi Berra)

Deer are cute.

They eat all your flowers. (although)

Deer are really cute although they eat all your flowers.

Some apples are red.

Others are green. (while)

Some apples are red while others are green.

Surfing is fun.

It can be dangerous. (though)

Surfing is fun, though it can be dangerous.

You should stay away from bears.

They are dangerous. (because)

You should stay away from bears because they are dangerous.

I took my umbrella.

It was raining. (as)

I took my umbrella, as it was raining.

The boat could not move.

There was no wind. (since)

The boat could not move since there was no wind.

Since there was no wind, the boat could not move.

You can come to the meeting.

Don't say anything. (as long as)

You can come to the meeting as long as you don’t say anything.

As long as you don’t say anything, you can come to the meeting.

I'm not leaving.

I want an apology from you. (until)

I’m not leaving until I get an apology from you.

Until I get an apology from you, I’m not leaving.

Bob is very tall.

Bill is very short. (while)

Bob is very tall while Bill is very short.

The winters here are very cold.

The summers here are very hot. (and)

The winters here are very cold and the summers are very hot.

I don't like what you did.

I'm not going to punish you. (While)

While I don’t like what you did, I’m not going to punish you.

I'm learning English.

I want to get a better job. (so that)

I’m learning English so that I can get a better job.

Badminton is her favorite sport.

She is also good at Basketball. (While)

While badminton is her favorite sport, she is also good at basketball.

I already ate breakfast.

That muffin looks really tasty. (Although)

Although I already ate breakfast, that muffin looks really tasty.

It was a great game.

Our team was defeated. (but)

It was a great game, but our team was defeated.

Many jobs require a college diploma.

Some jobs think previous experience is more important. (however)

Many jobs require a college diploma, however some jobs think previous experience is more important.

I was really tired.

I took a long nap. (Since)

Since I was really tired, I took a long nap.

I'm going shopping this weekend so that…

I’m going shopping this weekend so that I don’t have to go next week.

I’m going shopping this weekend so that I can focus on school next week.

I’m going shopping this weekend so that I can buy new clothes for the party

You look like you…

You look like you are about to cry.

You look like you really don’t want to be in class.

You look like you could explode with excitement.