Conjectures on the Swampland · 1802.08264with Thomas Grimm, Irene Valenzuela 1810.05506with...

Conjectures on the Swampland Theory Colloquium CERN, Nov 2018 1705.04328 1802.08264 with Thomas Grimm, Irene Valenzuela 1810.05506 with Hirosi Ooguri, Gary Shiu, Cumrun Vafa Eran Palti Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, Munich

Transcript of Conjectures on the Swampland · 1802.08264with Thomas Grimm, Irene Valenzuela 1810.05506with...

Conjectures on the Swampland

Theory ColloquiumCERN, Nov 2018

1705.043281802.08264 with Thomas Grimm, Irene Valenzuela1810.05506 with Hirosi Ooguri, Gary Shiu, Cumrun Vafa

Eran PaltiMax-Planck-Institut für Physik, Munich

Gravity and Quantum Field Theory are notoriously difficult to combine in a single consistent framework that is valid in the ultraviolet

• For ! ∼ #$ → unique theory ?

A critical energy scale is the Planck mass #$ ∼ 10() GeV

• For ! ≪ #$ → anything goes ?

However, from the perspective of low-energy effective theory, ultraviolet problems need not be of concern

Any problem with GR + Maxwell below #$? + = - −/ #$01 +1440 5


Within string theory, this apparent freedom, manifests as the Landscape

String Theory (Quantum Gravity)Energy scale

Theory space

Theory space

• Extra dimensions geometry

• Branes, fluxes

• …

A valid question arose:

Does our current knowledge of String Theory imply any non-trivial universal predictions for low-energy theories?

Initial suggestions proposed with the introduction of the Swampland:

• String Theory very much still work-in-progress – final rules not clear• Specific vacua very predictive – can just follow phenomenological approach

The set of self-consistent effective theories that cannot be completed into quantum gravity in the ultraviolet

[ Vafa ’05 ]

The Landscape might be huge, but it is small compared to the Swampland

Set of consistent low-energy effective Quantum Field Theories

String Theory (Quantum Gravity)

Energy scale

Theory space

Theory space

A Swampland Conjecture

String Theory Constructions

Quantum Gravity (Black Holes) New Microscopic Physics

The Swampland programme is about extracting universal predictions from string

theory not as a specific low-energy theory, but as rules governing such theories

Explicit String

Theoretic Origin

“String Inspired”

Prototypical example: Einstein-Maxwell theory in the Swampland

! = # −% &'() +14-( .


The Weak Gravity Conjecture

• Must have a charged particle with mass smaller than charge

- / &' ≥ 1• The cutoff scale of the theory (infinite tower of new states) is at

Λ ∼ - &'

Electric WGC

Magnetic WGC

[Arkani-Hamed, Motl, Nicolis, Vafa ’06 ]

Need a charged particle for charged extremal Black Holes to discharge



Positively charged black hole

Electric field

The limit ! → 0 is one where the gauge symmetry becomes a global symmetry

Gravity should be the weakest force acting on a particle

m!% Gauge


No stable gravitationally bound states

These are indirect, loose arguments: signposts, rather than microscopic physics

Strongest evidence from String Theory [Dine et al ’03; … ; Lee, Lerche, Weigand ‘18]

The Swampland Distance Conjecture

For a massless scalar field !, which undergoes a variation "!, there is an infinite tower of states whose mass scale as "! → ∞ goes as

% ∼ '()*+,-./

for some 0 > 0

It was further proposed that:

• Exponential behavior appears precisely at Δ! ∼ '4 , and 0 ∼ 5(1)• Also holds for fields with a potential 9(!)

[Ooguri, Vafa ’06]

[Baume, EP ‘16; Klaewer, EP ’16]

Prototypical example: compactification on a circle

! → ∞−∞ ← !

&' ∼ )* &++ ∼ ),*

Highly non-trivial evidence this is general in String Theory (for 8 supercharges)

[Ooguri, Vafa ‘06; Cecotti ‘15; Grimm, EP, Valenzuela ‘18; Lee, Lerche, Weigand ’18; Grimm, Li, EP ‘18]

Model-independent general results – highly mathematical

The evidence for fields with a potential has two aspects:

• Simple: the behaviour is set by the field-space metric (the kinetic terms)

!"" # $# % + '(#)

• Highly non-trivial: the potential can itself change appropriately the field-space metric

[EP ‘15; Baume, EP ‘16]

Gravitational backreaction

[Silverstein, Westphal ’08; …]

#Axion monodromy models:

!"" # $# %

# non-canonical

Consider the WGC in the presence of massless scalar fields






"%#%&'% ≥ )% + +%&'%

ℎ-+ ℎ

ℎ./"# ℎ

ℎ"/0) ℎ

+ = 23)The coupling to scalar fields is

Non-trivial evidence in string theory [EP ‘17; Lee, Lerche, Weigand ‘18]

[EP ‘17]

Imposing that gravity should be the weakest force gives a Scalar WGC

!"# > # [EP ‘17]

This can only hold for large variations of % if we have

# ∼ '("

The distance conjecture can then be thought of as a magnetic version of the Scalar Weak Gravity Conjecture

Can be proven that BPS states satisfy this

Λ ∼ #$%&'()

*+,+()+ ≥ .+ + (1%.)+()+

*+,+()+ ≥ .+

Λ ∼ * ()

Global Symmetries

(1%.)+()+ ≥ .+

Gravity Weakest Force

Electric-Magnetic dualsElectric-Magnetic duals

Asymptotic limit 3 → ∞Asymptotic limit g→ 0

Gravity Weakest Force

We find an inter-related collection of ideas, which hints at underlying physics


Proposal: the Swampland conjectures are consequences of the emergent nature of dynamical fields in quantum gravity

[Grimm, EP, Valenzuela ‘18]

See also [Harlow ’15; Heidenreich, Reece, Rudelius ‘17+‘18]

Emergent gauge field toy model CPN

!"∗!" =%&'

Contains a gauge symmetry !" → )"*(,)!", with a gauge field ‘variable’

A ≡ &'21% z3∗4!" − !"4!"∗

The charged scalars develop a mass 67, can integrate them out, and in the IR find an emergent gauge field

ℒ = 4z3∗4z3 + (z3∗4!")(!:∗4!:)

ℒ;< =1


The gauge coupling behaves as if it comes purely from 1-loop threshold effects1&;<'

= 1&@A'

+ %12B' log


[Witten ‘79]

✗ (Like QED + % massive fields)

Emergent behavior: IR coupling given by integrating down from scale Λ


∼1-loop ( (

More conservative: Scale Λ where reach strong coupling


= "#$%&


= "#)*&


[Heidenreich, Reece, Rudelius ‘17+‘18][Harlow ’15; Grimm, EP, Valenzuela ‘18]

Integrating out a tower of states can generate dynamics for gravity/gauge/scalar

!, #, $ !, #, $

Integrate down from a UV scale Λ &'( )*+ = &'( )-. + 0 Λ(





5 &'(114#( 4


#55 ! 6! (

Fixes the UV cut-off scale as the Species scale Λ = &'0

✗[ …; Dvali ’07 ]

For the gauge coupling we have

The mass scale of the tower


∼ '( ∼ )*%


Magnetic WGC




= 1"-.%


2 31%65% 67"


✗Take equally spaced tower Δ9 ∼ 9, gives ' ∼ ;<



9 ∼ "#$)*

“Approximate” Electric WGC


For scalar field, the 1-loop wavefunction renormalization is

Proper distance

! ∼ #$%&'(Find

)**+, = )**./ +12



475 89)Λ!2✗

)**+, ∼ ;< 4*!5 ∼ '( =>?



Distance Conjecture

)+,** 4*!

5 ∼ !5 “Approximate” Scalar WGC

ΔA = B )**+, CD ∼ EF B4*!! CD ∼ −EF log!

For compactifications of type IIB string theory on a Calabi-Yau manifold, have towers of D3 branes wrapping 3-cycles

Integrating them out at 1-loop precisely recovers the behavior of the gauge couplings and scalar fields at any weak-coupling or large distance regime

[Grimm, EP, Valenzuela ‘18]

In String Theory it is sometimes better not to think of fundamental and emergent but rather as a duality

Similar results found for F-Theory on Calabi-Yau[Lee, Lerche, Weigand ‘18]




Works for all tested string theory settings (8 supercharges):

Recently, the Swampland de Sitter Conjecture was proposed

!"($) > ' " $ ' ∼ )(1)[Obied, Ooguri, Spodyneiko, Vafa ‘18]

In particular, this forbids de Sitter minima





Cosmological Constant Dynamical Dark Energy(quintessence)


Experimentally testable! Euclid, Dark Energy Survey, …

The conjecture was proposed based on a seeming conspiracy against de Sitter in the best-understood string theory constructions

“String Inspired”

No de Sitter vacua Yes de Sitter vacua

The position of the “de Sitter line” is under debate – but it is far enough to the right that one might seriously consider the conjecture

Explicit String Theoretic Origin

Can the de Sitter conjecture be implemented into the coherent picture of the Swampland we have proposed?

It is natural expect some connection between the potential and tower of states






In ) = 2 supergravity, the potential is in 1-to-1 correspondence with the gauge coupling matrix: if gauge fields are emergent so must the potential be

[ Ooguri, EP, Shiu, Vafa ‘18]

In de Sitter space the potential can be associated an entropy

!"# = %&' ()* ℋ = ,-[Gibbons, Hawking ’77]

Can be interpreted as the number of states in the Hilbert space

!"# . = 10(.)

de Sitter space has a finite horizon for an observer, of radius ,

[Banks ’00; Witten ‘01]

As we move in field space a tower of ! states becomes light and so the dimension of the Hilbert space of the effective theory increases

The distance conjecture:

We can assign an entropy to the tower below a cut-off scale

"#$%&' ( ∼ !((),-(().

If the tower dominates the Hilbert space, then we can equate the two notions of entropy

10(() ∼ - ( 1 ∼ !((),-((). 0(() ∼ !(()2


!(() ∼ 345 6 ∼ 7(1)

Utilising the expression for !(#) from the distance conjecture gives

c ∼ 2()2 − +

,-,# > / -

,-,# =


,!,# ∼ ( 2)

2 − + -

This is the de Sitter conjecture

Determining the exponents ) and + amount to the microstates of the tower in quantum gravity – this is a difficult problem

For free fields in a box of size 1 we find ) = 23 and + = 4


The argument relied on three assumptions:

• The distance conjecture for fields with a potential

• The states of the tower dominate the Hilbert space

• We can assign an entropy to the potential

• The states of the tower dominate the Hilbert space

This follows at large distances in field space:

i) From the duality with the tower of states

ii) The exponentially large number of states in the tower expect to dominate the Hilbert space

So the assumption holds in any weakly-coupled parametrically controlled regime of string theory

Couplings in String Theory are scalar fields (!", $, %, !&, '&, …)

Weak Coupling ! → 0 Large distance + → ∞

Consider a potential which is away from a minimum so the field is rolling

• We can assign an entropy to the potential

An apparent horizon exists if the universe is accelerating

!"!# ≤ 2 "

The theory is stable on horizon scales (and over a Hubble time) if

!&"!#& ≥ −)(1) "

Finite temperature lifting of mass -.& = 012

0.1 + 4& = 012

0.1 + "

The apparent horizon has area !" as utilized in the computation

An entropy can be associated this horizon using the Covariant Entropy Bound[Fischler, Susskind ’98; Bousso ‘99] Light sheets

sweep out a volume #

Apparent HorizonS(#) ≤ !"

Imposing the assumptions utilized in the derivation we then arrive at a Refined de Sitter Conjecture:


We have derived this from the distance conjecture, at any parametrically controlled regime of string theory

!" ≥ $%&

" min(∇,∇-") ≤ − 12345


It is natural to conjecture that it holds even away from this regime

[ Ooguri, EP, Shiu, Vafa ‘18]

It is interesting to note that the refinement we were led to also avoids some counter examples to the original conjecture

• The top of the Higgs potential has

!" ∼ 10&'' " min(∇-∇.") ∼ − 1234567


• The top of the potential for any axion (including QCD axions and pion)

min(∇-∇.") ∼ − 187 "

The Weak Gravity Conjecture applied to axions gives 9 ≤ ;<

[ Denef, Hebecker, Wrase ‘18]


• There are a number of existing conjectures about the Swampland, and they form a coherent interlinked framework

• Discussed a proposal for the underlying microscopic physics behind the conjectures: emergence of dynamical fields in quantum gravity

• The de Sitter conjecture can be tied to the distance conjecture in any parametrically controlled regime of string theory

Thank You