Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Confirmation Confirmation Examination Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX and Bryan XXX

Transcript of Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Page 1: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Confirmation ExaminationConfirmation Examination

Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXXBryan XXX

Page 2: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What 2 sources tell all people that God exists?

a. Astrology and archeology

b. Bible and science

c. Reason and history

d. Nature and conscience

Page 3: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What does nature tell us about God?

a. God is angry at mankind

b. God is good, wise and powerful

c. God is not involved in nature

d. God sent his Son to save the world

Page 4: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What does our conscience tell us about God?

a. God is holy and punishes sin

b. God is good, wise and powerful

c. God loves me d. God sent his Son to save the world

Page 5: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What happens when people refuse to listen to their

conscience?a. Life is a lot easier

b. People make more money

c. Our conscience becomes dull to sin

d. God will reward them

Page 6: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What is an atheist?

a. A resident of Athens

b. Someone who isn’t sure if there is a god

c. Someone who believes there is no god

d. Someone who studies religion

Page 7: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What is an agnostic?

a. Someone who doesn’t understand spiritual things

b. Someone who isn’t sure if there is a god

c. Someone who believes there is no god

d. An astronaut from Slovakia

Page 8: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What can’t the natural knowledge of God tell us?

a. It cannot tell us how to live our lives

b. It cannot tell us what God has done to save us

c. It cannot tell us how God made the world

d. It cannot tell us who God is

Page 9: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What is the Bible?

a. A book of rules and regulations to tell us what to do

b. A holy book to Christians and some cults

c. The Word of God

d. A compilation of things men have thought about God

Page 10: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What 2 groups of people wrote the Bible?

a. Prophets and apostles

b. Monks and nuns

c. Scribes and Pharisees

d. Jews & Christians

Page 11: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What are the two parts of the Bible?

a. law and gospel b. Old and New Testament

c. sin and grace d. The devil & Jesus

Page 12: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

How many books are in the Bible?

a. Old Testament – 39, New Testament – 27, total 66

b. Old Testament 36, New Testament 29, total of 66

c. Old Testament – 27, New Testament 39, total 66

d. Old Testament – 29, New Testament - 37, total 66

Page 13: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What was the language of the Old Testament?

a. Latin b. Mostly Hebrew, but some Aramaic

c. Arabic d. Greek

Page 14: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What was the purpose of the Old Testament?

a. To give us God’s law

b. To teach us about the Jewish nation

c. To tell us we are sinners

d. To point us to the Messiah who was coming to save us

Page 15: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What was the language of the New Testament?

a. Greek b. Latin

c. German d. English

Page 16: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What was the purpose of the New Testament?

a. To tell us about a Savior

b. To show us God’s love

c. To show us that Jesus is the Messiah

d. To show us our sins

Page 17: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What is “verbal inspiration?”

a. Feeling like one wants to write something

b. God breathed into human writers the very thoughts and words they wrote

c. The compilation of writings about God

d. Sweating all over your homework

Page 18: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

How much of the Bible is true and why?

a. Most of it because those closest to Jesus wrote it

b. None of it because it is a collection of unknown origin

c. Every word of it because God wrote it and he doesn’t make mistakes

d. Every word of it because science has proved it to be true.

Page 19: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What are the two great teachings of the Bible?

a. Old and New Testament

b. Creation and redemption

c. anthropology and sanctification

d. Law and gospel

Page 20: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What is the primary purpose of the law?

a. To show us our sin

b. To show us how to live Christian lives

c. To show us how to earn heaven

d. To keep wickedness under control

Page 21: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

How might one best summarize the whole Law of God?

a. God hates sinners

b. Love God most of all and love your neighbor as yourself

c. Be good for goodness sake

d. God wants us to work hard to get to heaven

Page 22: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What does the gospel show us?

a. The gospel shows us our sins

b. The gospel shows us how to be like Jesus

c. The gospel show us our Savior

d. The gospel shows us what we must do to be saved

Page 23: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

In how many days did God create the universe?

a. No one knows b. 6 days

c. 7 days d. 1 day

Page 24: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

How did God do this creating?

a. He caused an atomic explosion

b. He caused a series of mutations

c. He used the angels

d. He spoke with his Almighty Word and it was so!

Page 25: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

How can we prove that creation is true?

a. Through scientific experiments

b. Through archeological discoveries

c. We can’t prove it. We believe it because the Bible says so

d. Through carbon dating and DNA sampling

Page 26: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What does the Bible say about creation?

a. God created a perfect world out of nothing in 6 days with his almighty word

b. God created good and evil.

c. God created the heavens and the earth – that’s all!

d. The Bible doesn’t say anything about creation

Page 27: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Whom did God create as the crown of his creation?

a. His Son, Jesus Christ

b. Mankind

c. Angels and demons

d. Lions and tigers and bears – oh my!

Page 28: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What was the condition of God’s creation at the end of 6 days?

a. Very good - perfect b. Everything was in embryonic state – it had to mature

c. Hard to tell – nothing was happening yet

d. The world was showing its age so God caused it to rest on the 7th day

Page 29: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

With what two parts did God create every person?

a. Mind and matter b. Good and evil

c. Male and female d. Body and soul

Page 30: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

How does God usually provide for our daily needs?

a. He gives us the ability to work and earn a living (natural means)

b. He miraculously provides everything we have and need

c. He doesn’t. He leaves that up to us.

d. He doesn’t so that we don’t get lazy.

Page 31: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

How can we be sure we’ll always have enough possessions?

a. We can’t be sure b. By saving wisely while we have plenty of money

c. God promises to “give us each day our daily bread.”

d. Our family is obligated to help us

Page 32: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

List some ways God protects us.

a. He has given us the right to bear arms and to learn self defense

b. He sends his angels to watch over us. He keeps evil from us or uses it for our good

c. He gives us parents, church and government to protect us

d. He gives us the Bible to read and study

Page 33: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

How did God give Adam and Eve an opportunity to show him love in

the Garden of Eden?

a. They named the animals

b. They had the blessing of marriage

c. They could take care of creation

d. They had the tree of knowledge of good and evil

Page 34: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What happened to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?

a. They sinned by disobeying God

b. They were tricked into sinning by the devil

c. The fall into sin helped mankind realize what he could be

d. They did what was expected of them

Page 35: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What do we call the sin we inherit from Adam and Eve?

a. Concupiscence b. Natural knowledge of God

c. Regenerationd. Original (inherited) sin

Page 36: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Sin ruined everyone’s relationship with God. How could it be


a. The relationship was ruined for good

b. God would have to step into human history to reverse what sin had ruined

c. Mankind would have to make up for what he had done somehow

d. Because God is loving, he would have to forgive everyone

Page 37: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Genesis 3:15

And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.

Page 38: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

According to Gen. 3:15, what 2 things would the Savior do?

a. Be conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin

b. Be born in Bethlehem and die in Jerusalem

c. Be true God and true man in one person

d. Destroy the devil’s power & make peace between God & man

Page 39: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What are the 2 natures of Christ?

a. God and Man b. Body and soul

c. Soul and Spirit d. Law and Gospel

Page 40: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Why did Christ have to be true man?

a. It was the only way for him to earn the right to be God too

b. He had to be true man to pay for the sins of the world

c. He had to be true man because he was born of a woman

d. He had to be true man to be our substitute, to fulfill the law in our place, and to die in our place

Page 41: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Why did Christ have to be true God?

a. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit

b. He had to be true God for his life and death to count for the whole world

c. He had to be true God to be strong enough to defeat Satan

d. He had to be true God for it to be possible for him not to sin

Page 42: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Explain the meaning of the word “redemption.”

a. to “buy back” from sin, death and the power of the devil

b. to declare a sinner “not guilty” for Jesus’ sake

c. to “set apart as holy”

d. to “turn around” from unbelief to faith

“In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins.”

Page 43: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

From what 3 things has Jesus Christ redeemed me?

a. From the devil, the world, and our own sinful flesh

b. From sin, death and the power of the devil

c. From poverty, death and taxes

d. From righteousness, innocence and blessedness

Page 44: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What is the “humiliation” of Christ?

a. The time Jesus lived on earth

b. The embarrassing things Jesus had to do

c. The time from his conception to his descent into hell

d. The time during which Jesus did not make full use of his divine power and glory.

Page 45: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

List the 6 common stages of Jesus’ humiliation.

a. birth, suffering, crucifixion, death, burial and descent into hell

b. hunger, thirst, wept, slept, poverty, loneliness

c. conception, birth, suffering, crucifixion, death, and burial

d. birth, death, burial descent into hell, resurrection, ascension

Page 46: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What does it mean when we talk about Jesus’ exaltation?

a. The time during which Jesus made full use of his divine power and glory

b. The time when Jesus ascended into heaven

c. The time when Jesus was on earth

d. The time when Jesus rose from the dead

Page 47: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

List the 5 stages of Jesus’ exaltation.

a. Descent into hell, resurrection, ascension, sitting at God’s right hand, return on judgment day

b. resurrection, ascension, sitting at God’s right hand, the rapture, return on judgment day

c. resurrection, ascension, sitting at God’s right hand, the rapture, the 1,000 year reign of Christ, judgment day

d. Healing the blind, raising the dead, freeing captives, opening deaf ears, feeding the hungry

Page 48: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Why did Jesus descend into hell?

a. To suffer for our sins

b. To defeat Satan

c. To proclaim his victory

d. To bring people out of hell

Page 49: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What three things does the resurrection of Jesus prove?

a. He is God, his Word is true, our sins are forgiven

b. He is almighty, he never really died, he is a perfect man

c. The guards had fallen asleep, his disciples stole his body, the stone wasn’t very large in front of the entrance

d. Positive thinking works, there’s an after life, Jesus is God

Page 50: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Because of Christ’s work, God has declared us “justified.” What

does that mean? a. “buy back” from sin, death and the power of the devil

b. “set apart” as holy

c. Declare “not guilty” of sins

d. To be “born again”

Page 51: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

God has justified the world. Why isn’t everyone going to heaven?

a. Jesus died only for believers

b. God doesn’t want everyone in heaven

c. Some people reject what Jesus did for the world through unbelief

d. Some people aren’t good enough to get to heaven

Page 52: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Why did Jesus ascend into heaven?

a. To take it easy at the right hand of God

b. To rule the world for the good of the Church

c. To defeat Satan d. To listen to the choir of angels sing his praises

Page 53: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

When will Jesus come back?

a. Once to bring his believers to heaven and again to reign for 1,000 years

b. 2525 AD

c. When mankind destroys the world

d. No one knows the day or the hour

Page 54: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What will Jesus do when he returns?

a. Reign on earth for 1,000 years

b. Establish heaven on earth

c. Judge the living and the dead giving eternal life to all who believe and sending all unbelievers away to eternal punishment in hell

d. Give people a second chance to get into heaven if they missed it when they died

Page 55: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What will be our greatest joy in heaven?

a. We will be with the Lord forever

b. No work

c. No sorrow d. Seeing other believers in heaven

Page 56: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What is the main work of the Holy Spirit?

a. Sanctification b. Justification

c. Redemption d. Conversion

Page 57: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

By nature we have 3 strikes against us which make it

impossible for us to believe on our own. What are they?

a. sin, death and the power of the devil

b. The devil, the world, and our sinful flesh

c. We are too busy, The Bible is too hard to understand, We think we’re never going to die.

d. Spiritually dead, enemies of God, think of the gospel as foolishness

Page 58: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

How does the Holy Spirit bring us to faith in Jesus Christ?

a. Through cooperation with your human reason

b. Through pastors, Christian teachers, and parents

c. Through the gospel in Word and Sacrament

d. Through the law and gospel

Page 59: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

How are we ultimately saved then?

a. By our own thinking and choosing

b. God has saved us through his Word

c. By cooperating with God

d. By doing what God wants

Page 60: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What is a good work?

a. Everything a believer does through faith in Jesus Christ

b. Anything a person does to help other people

c. Obeying the 10 commandments

d. Doing something good without being told

Page 61: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Who alone can do good works before God?

a. Someone who is kind to his neighbor

b. A religious person

c. Only Lutherans because we confess that we are saved by faith alone and not by works

d. Only believers because only the works of Christ make anything we do pleasing in God’s sight

Page 62: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

From where does the Christian get the power to do good works?

a. The Holy Spirit living in his heart

b. Jesus Christ who died on the cross

c. The Christian Church which has the keys to heaven

d. God the Father who loves the world

Page 63: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Why is it necessary for Christians to do good works?

a. To get to heaven b. To show God that you love him

c. To show the world what Christians are like

d. Good works are a natural result of saving faith

Page 64: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What does the word “grace” mean?

a. God undeserved love for undeserving sinners

b. “not guilty” of sins

c. Being “born again” d. Internal power to do God’s will

Page 65: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Where do we hear about this good news?

a. The Bible b. The Law

c. The Gospel d. The Torah

Page 66: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What is the “means of grace”?

a. The way believers earn heaven

b. The gospel in Word and Sacrament

c. The way we must go to get God’s undeserved love

d. The Via Dolorosa

Page 67: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What are the 3 requirements to make something a sacrament?

a. Repentance, faith, and good works

b. The Church, the pastor, and the people

c. Instituted by Christ, an earthly element connected to God’s Word, offer forgiveness of sins, life and salvation

d. Instituted by Christ, observed in the church, sacrifice from people

Page 68: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What’s the difference between a sacrament and a sacrifice?

a. There is no difference b. A sacrament is something we do for God and a sacrifice is something God does for usc. A sacrament is

something God does for us and a sacrifice is something we do for God

d. A sacrament is for man and a sacrifice is for God

Page 69: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

How many sacraments are there?

a. 2 b. 3

c. 4 d. 7

Page 70: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What are they?

a. Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage and Holy Communion

b. Baptism, penance, confirmation, marriage, ordination, holy communion, last rites

c. Baptism, Holy Communion, Penance

d. Baptism, Holy Communion

Page 71: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What is the earthly element in baptism?

a. Ordinary water b. Holy water

c. Baptismal napkin d. The person receiving baptism

Page 72: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

With what words did he institute Baptism?

a. Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

b. Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness

c. I tell you the truth, unless a man is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God

d. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit

Page 73: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What does baptism do for a person?

a. It gives the person an opportunity to confess his faith

b. It doesn’t do anything for the person, but is a church tradition

c. It takes away original sin

d. It works forgiveness of sins, delivers from death and the devil and gives eternal salvation to all who believe

Page 74: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What gives Baptism its power?

a. God’s Word b. Faith in God’s promises

c. The Church d. The water

Page 75: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Give 3 reasons why we baptize babies.

a. tradition, parents believe for child, it makes them members of the church

b. Babies are sinful, God commands us to baptize “all nations,” Babies can believe

c. There are no good reasons to baptize babies

d. It’s reassuring for parents, it lets the church community know you have a child, it’s a good reason for a party

Page 76: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Why can baptized people end up in hell?

a. The baptism didn’t work

b. The baptism wasn’t done by immersion

c. The baptism was done too late in life

d. The baptized person may reject his baptism through unbelief

Page 77: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What are the earthly elements in the Lord’s Supper?

a. Whole wheat bread and apple wine

b. Faith and good works

c. Unleavened bread and grape wine

d. Unleavened bread and grape juice

Page 78: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

When did Jesus institute the Lord’s Supper?

a. On the night he was betrayed

b. When he died on the cross

c. Just before he ascended into heaven

d. When he was baptized

Page 79: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Who receives Christ’s body and blood in the Lord’s Supper?

a. Only those who believe in Jesus

b. Everyone who participates in communion

c. No one because Christ’s body and blood are in heaven

d. Every one in church that day because the Sacrament benefits all whether you commune or not

Page 80: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What makes a person a worthy recipient of the Lord’s Supper?

a. Faith in Jesus Christ

b. Communicant Membership in a WELS congregation

c. Communicant membership in any Lutheran congregation

d. Sorrow over sin, faith in Jesus to forgive all sins, belief that Jesus’ body and blood are really present in the bread and win, and a desire to live a God-pleasing life

Page 81: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

If someone’s faith is weak, should he go to the Lord’s Supper?

a. No, the Lord’s Supper is for strong Christians

b. No, if his conscience is bothering him

c. Yes, to have his faith strengthened

d. Yes, it doesn’t look good if you don’t go to communion

Page 82: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

List 4 types of people to whom we refuse to give the Lord’s Supper.

a. drunks, adulterers, homosexuals, murderers

b. Sinners, pre-teenagers, non WELS, weak Christians

c. Impenitent, uninstructed, unable to examine themselves, outside our confessional fellowship

d. Arabs, Jews, Homeless, and Native Americans

Page 83: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What 4 questions should everyone ask himself before communing?

a. Am I sorry for my sins? Do I believe in Jesus as my Savior? Do I believe that his body and blood are really present in the Lord’s Supper? Do I desire to live a God pleasing life?

b. Did I register for communion? Do I want the common or individual cup? Am I dressed properly? Shall I receive the bread in my hand or


c. When was the last time I communed? Who else is communing? Which direction do I go when I get up there? How much time do I have?

d. There are no questions we need ask – Jesus has all the answers!

Page 84: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

When we commune together in church, what are we saying?

a. We all believe in Jesus

b. We confess the same faith in Jesus Christ with the others at the table

c. I am a sinner who needs forgiveness – it doesn’t matter what the others believe

d. We aren’t saying anything. We are receiving God’s blessings

Page 85: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What is the ministry of the keys?

a. The special power and rite which God gives to pastors

b. The service that Christians carry out for others

c. The man who unlocks the church before services

d. The special power and rite which Christ gives to his church to forgive or retain sins

Page 86: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What does the Church announce to all who repent of

their sins?

a. Do what God says b. Your going to hell because of your sins

c. Your sins are forgiven. Heaven is your home

d. Prove that you really mean it

Page 87: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What does the church announce to all who refuse to

repent of their sins?

a. Do what God says b. Your going to hell because of your sins

c. Your sins are forgiven. Heaven is your home

d. Prove that you really mean it

Page 88: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What are the 2 parts of Confession?

a. Be sorry and confess your sins

b. Contrition and repentance

c. Confession and Satisfaction for sin

d. Confession and absolution

Page 89: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Who belongs to the Holy Christian Church?

a. Wisconsin Synod Lutherans

b. All church members

c. All people d. All believers

Page 90: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Why is the Church “holy”?

a. Believers are holy through faith in Jesus Christ

b. Jesus Christ is holy

c. God is holy; therefore his church must be holy

d. We talk about the Holy Bible in church

Page 91: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Why is the Church “Christian”?

a. The church is founded on Jesus Christ

b. Followers of Jesus are called Christians

c. To distinguish the Christian church from other religions

d. The church teaches people how to act like Christ.

Page 92: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Why is the Church indestructible?

a. Because our nation protects freedom of religion

b. The church is destructible!

c. Jesus lives eternally and has promised that his church will never perish.

d. Once a person becomes a Christian he cannot be lost

Page 93: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

How can you tell if a church is Christian?

a. There will be a cross on the building

b. They will mention the name of Jesus in services

c. The people who go there will be wonderful neighbors

d. The gospel in Word and sacrament will be present there.

Page 94: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

When we join a Christian church, how much of God’s

Word should they be teaching?a. Enough so that you can learn what Jesus did to save sinners

b. All of God’s Word

c. Just the things that are not too confusing to understand

d. The New Testament

Page 95: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

If we find ourselves in a Christian church that doesn’t

teach all of God’s Word or adds to God’s Word, what

should we do?a. Just overlook the errors

b. Believe what the church says is true

c. Separate ourselves from that church

d. Stop going to church

Page 96: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Besides strengthening our faith when we worship, what other benefit is there to worship?

a. We give and receive encouragement in Christian living

b. We get to meet other Christians

c. We make our parents and God happy

d. We look good to other people

Page 97: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

List 2 ways we can carry out God’s command to “Go and

make disciples of all nations”?a. Move to a foreign country, learn a foreign language

b. Sponsor a foreign exchange student, give money to the poor

c. Talk about Jesus to others, Support mission work with prayers and offerings

d. Become a pastor or teacher, travel throughout the world

Page 98: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What is a “Synod”?

a. The government of the church

b. A group of congregations who believe the same things

c. An organization that provides pastors and teachers to churches

d. It is an “odd sign.”

Page 99: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What are spiritual gifts?

a. Spectacular powers given to certain Christians

b. Monies given for the work of the church

c. Natural talents people have to do or fix things

d. Special blessings which the Holy Spirit gives to every believer to use in service to the Lord and his Church in many ways

Page 100: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

List 4 attitudes that should guide us as we prepare our

offerings to God.a. You can give what you want, you own all you have, you know how to manage your money, you need to know how the money is spent

b. regularly, cheerfully, generously, and proportionately

c. Its between you and God, take care of self first, help children, help others

d. Start small, give more, give what’s necessary, make sure you don’t short yourself.

Page 101: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

The following are examples of idols.

a. Love of money and pleasing people

b. Adoring entertainers and athletes

c. Statues of saints or other gods

d. All of the above

Page 102: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Why is God’s name so special that God has a command

protecting it?a. God is a jealous God b. Man earns God’s favor

by using God’s name properly

c. God’s name tells us what he has done to save us

d. God is almighty and can do whatever he wants

Page 103: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What is cursing?

a. Using vulgar language b. Being angry with God or man

c. Asking the devil to do something to someone

d. Using God’s name to wish evil on someone or something

Page 104: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What is swearing?

a. Using vulgar language b. Taking an oath in Satan’s name

c. Using God’s name to assure someone you are telling the truth

d. Anything you say that your parents forbid you to say

Page 105: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Why is it important for Christians to hear God’s Word

in church?a. To get to heaven b. To remain a member “in

good standing”

c. To grow in faith and to give and receive encouragement from other Christians

d. To become an upstanding citizen in the community

Page 106: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Why do we worship on Sunday?

a. To celebrate Jesus’ resurrection

b. To celebrate the birthday of the Christian church

c. Neither a or b d. Both a and b

Page 107: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

In what 3 areas has God given his representatives authority

over us to bless us?a. home, church, and state

b. home, work, and play

c. sin, death, and the power of the devil

d. home, school, work

Page 108: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Why are parents singled out in the 4th commandment to

receive “honor”?a. They have earned it b. Children need to learn


c. This is the best way for children to become responsible citizens

d. Parents care for our bodies and souls

Page 109: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Which of the following is not an example of sin against the 5th

commandment?a. Hatred b. Over eating

c. abortion d. Combat

Page 110: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What is a pure and descent life?

a. To love and honor marriage and the family with pure thoughts words and actions

b. To respect the life styles of all people no matter how they choose to live

c. To recognize homosexual marriages to be as valid as heterosexual marriages

d. To avoid talking about sexuality with your parents

Page 111: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Who gives us everything?

a. We earn what we have b. Parents / employers / government

c. God d. chance

Page 112: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

How should we treat everything?

a. What we have is ours b. Use it to help others

c. Save as much as possible

d. As managers of God’s property

Page 113: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Why does God give us a command to protect a person’s

reputation?a. All gossip should be done in good fun

b. A person’s reputation is valuable and difficult to recover when lost

c. Fraud is a serious offense

d. God wants us to do unto others as we’d have them do to us

Page 114: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What is coveting?

a. Having a sinful desire for something God doesn’t want us to have

b. Cheating someone out of something

c. Telling lies about others

d. Any desire we might have to improve ourselves

Page 115: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What does God impress on us with 2 commandments that

condemn coveting?a. God condemns sins of the heart too

b. God wants us to be content with what we have

c. God wants us to love our neighbor

d. All of the above

Page 116: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Why do Christians want to keep the commandments?

a. To get to heaven b. To show gratitude to God for salvation

c. To be like Christ d. To please our parents

Page 117: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What is prayer?

a. Prayer is a means of grace

b. Something Christians do to feel good

c. A heart to heart talk with God

d. Something Christians do to show off in front of their friends

Page 118: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Why do we pray?

a. So that God knows what we want

b. God commands us to pray and promises to hear and answer our prayers

c. Praying helps us to feel better

d. Prayer shows others that you are a Christian

Page 119: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Who’s prayers does God hear?

a. everyone’s b. Only believers in Christ

c. Anyone who is serious about his religion

d. The prayers of clergy persons

Page 120: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Why do we call God “Father”?

a. He is our Father through faith in Jesus Christ

b. He is our Father because he created Adam

c. He is our Father because we are his descendants

d. He is our Father because we lived in heaven before we were born on earth

Page 121: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

How do we keep God’s name holy?

a. By only speaking it in church

b. By only using God’s name in prayer

c. By teaching and living our lives according to God’s Word

d. By cursing and swearing only when we really mean it

Page 122: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

What is God’s kingdom?

a. heaven b. His ruling activity in the believer’s heart

c. The thousand year reign of Christ on earth

d. The local congregation

Page 123: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Why do we pray for daily bread?

a. Otherwise we wouldn’t have enough to get by

b. So that God knows how much we need his help

c. So that we never forget how important it is for us to go to work every day

d. God wants us to realize that he provides us with all things and he wants us to appreciate what he does for us.

Page 124: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Why do we ask God for forgiveness, if Jesus has already taken away all our sins?

a. We don’t have forgiveness until we pray for it

b. We recognize our many sins and need for daily forgiveness

c. We need to find out what we have to do to make up for our sins

d. We don’t need to ask for forgiveness.

Page 125: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

How does God deliver us from evil?

a. He keeps evil from us or uses it for our good

b. He lets us suffer to teach us humility

c. He destroys the devil after the devil torments us for a while

d. He makes us endure evil to build character

Page 126: Confirmation Examination Rebecca XXX, Damien XXX, and Bryan XXX.

Why can you be sure you will be in heaven one day?

a. I will live a Christian life b. I believe in Jesus Christ

c. I cannot be sure of that

d. Jesus Christ has taken my sins away and given me eternal life!