Configuration and Testing...

Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Version 1.2.0 Configuration and Testing Guide April 26, 2018 Copyright © Copyright 2018 Lionbridge Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Lionbridge and the Lionbridge logotype are registered trademarks or trademarks of Lionbridge Technologies, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. The opinions of third-party contributors remain theirs alone and do not necessarily represent the views of Lionbridge Technologies. Upgrading from a Previous Version of the Connector If you are upgrading from version 1.1.1 of the Connector: 1. In Adobe Experience Manager's CRX Package Manager, upload the installation package. 2. Install the new version. 3. In the CRX Package Manager, delete the 1.1.1 package. Configuring the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager The Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager is the connector between Adobe Experience Manager's Translation Integration Framework ("TIF") and Lionbridge onDemand. You configure this connector by editing the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Configuration cloud configuration in Adobe Experience Manager. Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Configuration and Testing Guide Page 1 Version 1.2.0 April 26, 2018

Transcript of Configuration and Testing...

Page 1: Configuration and Testing… · Tip: You can test your Connector configuration with Lionbridge onDemand, independently,

Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager

Version 1.2.0

Configuration and Testing GuideApril 26, 2018

Copyright© Copyright 2018 Lionbridge Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Lionbridge and the Lionbridge logotype are registered trademarks or trademarks of Lionbridge Technologies, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. The opinions of third-party contributors remain theirs alone and do not necessarily represent the views of Lionbridge Technologies.

Upgrading from a Previous Version of the ConnectorIf you are upgrading from version 1.1.1 of the Connector:

1. In Adobe Experience Manager's CRX Package Manager, upload the installation package.

2. Install the new version.

3. In the CRX Package Manager, delete the 1.1.1 package.

Configuring the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience ManagerThe Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager is the connector between Adobe Experience Manager's Translation Integration Framework ("TIF") and Lionbridge onDemand. You configure this connector by editing the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Configuration cloud configuration in Adobe Experience Manager.

Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Configuration and Testing Guide Page 1Version 1.2.0 April 26, 2018

Page 2: Configuration and Testing… · Tip: You can test your Connector configuration with Lionbridge onDemand, independently,

The Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager supports Adobe Experience Manager versions 6.1 and higher.

Tip: You can test your Connector configuration with Lionbridge onDemand, independently, so that you c an evaluate it. You can do this without contacting Lionbridge personnel. For detailed instructions, see "Testing Your Configuration" on page 7.

To configure this connector:

1. Do one of the following to open the Cloud Services page in Adobe Experience Manager:

In your Web browser, navigate to /etc/cloudservices.html in your Adobe Experience Manager instance.

In Adobe Experience Manager 6.1, in the Touch-Optimized UI, click Tools > Operations > Cloud > Cloud Services in the Adobe Experience Manager rail.

In Adobe Experience Manager 6.2 and higher, in the Touch-Optimized UI, click Tools > Deployment > Cloud Services in the global Navigation bar.

The Cloud Services page opens.

2. Scroll down to locate the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager sub-section, which is in the Third Party Services section.

3. In the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager sub-section, click Show Configurations.

4. Click the plus icon to create a new configuration.

The Create Configuration dialog box opens.

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5. In the Title field, enter a descriptive name to identify this configuration. For example, if you will use this configuration to send your marketing content directly to Lionbridge onDemand, you can call this Marketing.

Important: Do not modify the value in the Parent Configuration field.

6. Save your changes and click Create.

The Edit Component dialog box opens.

7. Specify the following settings for your configuration:

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Field Description

Server URL

The URL of the Lionbridge API, which you receive from, for example:

Access ID Your unique identifier. You generate this from the API Information tab in the Account Information page of the Lionbridge onDemand portal.

Access Key

A longer access key. You generate this from the API Information tab in the Account Information page of the Lionbridge onDemand portal.

Purchase Order

An optional purchase order (PO) number. If this is available, it automatically authorizes all new quotes and start the translations. If this PO is not valid, your translations will not complete until you authorize the quote manually through Lionbridge onDemand.

8. When you are done, click OK to save your changes.

9. Optional. You can modify the mapping between the Adobe Experience Manager language codes and the Lionbridge onDemand language codes. For a list of default mappings between these sets of language codes, see the "Default mappings" section, below.

a. In your Web browser, navigate to /crx/de/index.jsp on your Adobe Experience Manager instance to open CRXDE Lite.

b. In the Explorer pane on the left, navigate to /apps/lionbridge-ondemand-connector. c. Double-click the connector-config.json file to display it in the Edit pane. d. Edit the mappings. Each line should have the following format: "AEM language code" :

"Lionbridge onDemand language code", for example: "he" : "he-il",. e. In the CRXDE Lite Menu, click Save All.

To send out content to Lionbridge onDemand for translation, you create a translation project in Adobe Experience Manager. For detailed instructions, refer to the Adobe Experience Manager documentation at:

Default mappings

The following table lists the Connector's default language mappings. You can modify these mappings, as described in step 9, above.

The Lionbridge onDemand language code is a locale code in the en-us format, where en is the two-character ISO language code and us is the two-character ISO country code.

Adobe Experience Manager Language Code Lionbridge onDemand Language Code

ar ar-ae

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Adobe Experience Manager Language Code Lionbridge onDemand Language Code

be be-by

bg bg-bg

ca ca-es

cs cs-cz

cy cy-gb

da da-dk

de de-de

el el-gr

en en-gb

es es-es

et et-ee

eu eu-es

fa fa-ir

fi fi-fi

fr fr-fr

ga ga-ie

gl gl-es

he he-il

hi hi-in

hr hr-hr

hu hu-hu

ht ht-ht

is is-is

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Adobe Experience Manager Language Code Lionbridge onDemand Language Code

id id-id

it it-it

ja ja-jp

ko ko-kr

lt lt-lt

lv lv-lv

mk mk-mk

ms ms-my

mt mt-mt

nl nl-nl

nb nb-no

nn nn-no

pl pl-pl

pt pt-br

ro ro-ro

ru ru-ru

sk sk-sk

sl sl-si

sq sq-al

sr sr-rs

sv sv-se

th th-th

tr tr-tr

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Adobe Experience Manager Language Code Lionbridge onDemand Language Code

uk uk-ua

ur ur-pk

vi vi-vn

zh zh-cn

Testing Your ConfigurationYou can independently test your configuration before contacting Lionbridge onDemand to set up an account. This requires the following steps:

1. Setting up a test account in Lionbridge onDemand.

2. Creating a cloud configuration in Adobe Experience Manager that uses this test account.

You can then perform round-trip translation tests.

To test your configuration:

1. Install the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager package from the Adobe Experience Manager Package Share site:

2. Create a test account for Lionbridge onDemand at: Follow the onscreen instructions to register and activate your account.

3. Log into the Lionbridge onDemand test account that you just created:

4. In the top-right corner of the Lionbridge onDemand website, click the arrow next to your name and select Account Information from the menu.

5. Click the API Information tab to open it.

6. In the API Access Keys section, click Create New Key.

The access key ID and the access key are displayed.

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Note: After 60 seconds, the window displaying access key ID and the access key closes. To view the key later, click the Show Key link.

7. Copy the two displayed values to a text file, or keep this browser tab open. You will need these values in a later step, when you create your cloud configuration, as described in step 7 in "Configuring the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager" on page 1.

8. Perform round-trip testing independently, without needing to engage Lionbridge personnel.

How to Contact Lionbridge Connector SupportEmail @: [email protected]

Telephone: +1-416-363-0888

You can submit a support ticket either:

by email

from the Lionbridge Connectors Zendesk page, using your web browser

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To submit a support ticket:

1. Do one of the following:

Email [email protected], and cc (carbon copy) anyone to include in the ticket correspondence.

Important: Include the information and attachments in your email that are listed in the sub-sections below.

Create a ticket in Zendesk:

a. Open the Lionbridge Connectors Zendesk page in your browser: b. Sign in to Zendesk. If you do not have sign-in credentials, see "To view and update your support ticket

in Zendesk:" below.

Important: Include the information and attachments that are listed in the sub-sections below.

c. Click Submit a request. d. In the CCs field, add anyone to include in the ticket correspondence.

Zendesk automatically creates a ticket and responds to everyone included in the cc field.

2. Everyone in the original cc receives updates unless they request to be removed from the ticket.

Important: Check your email spam folder (especially first-time Zendesk users) as sometimes email notifications from Zendesk are marked as spam.

When the issue is resolved, Lionbridge closes the ticket.

Information to include in the support ticket:

client name

CMS or content system name and version

Connector or App version installed

name of job for which the issue occurs

date of job submission

detailed description of the issue

any error text–copy and paste, if applicable

Files to attach to the support ticket:

CMS log files for the date the issue occurred

log files for the date the issue occurred

screen capture of the issue

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To view and update your support ticket in Zendesk:

Important: You must log into Zendesk to view your support tickets there.

1. Open the Lionbridge Connectors Zendesk page in your browser:

2. In the top-right corner, click Sign in, and enter your credentials.

Note: If you do not have sign-in credentials yet, then click either Sign up or Get a password, and follow the onscreen instructions.

3. After signing in, click My activities to view the tickets you opened or where you are cc’d.

4. To update tickets, you can reply or attach files.

For more information, refer to "Submitting and tracking support requests" in Zendesk's Help Center guide for end-users, at:

Important: Zendesk refers to a support ticket as a support request. These terms are interchangeable.

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