Configurable decoder and method for decoding a reed-solomon ...

(12) United States Patent Pan et al. US006370671B1 US 6,370,671 B1 Apr. 9, 2002 (10) Patent N0.: (45) Date of Patent: (54) CONFIGURABLE DECODER AND METHOD FOR DECODING A REED-SOLOMON CODEWORD (75) Inventors: Wenwei Pan; Yue-Peng Zheng, both of Ocean Township, NJ (US) (73) Assignee: Globespan, Inc., Red Bank, NJ (US) ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. (21) Appl. No.: 09/335,975 (22) Filed: Jun. 18, 1999 Related US. Application Data (60) Provisional application No. 60/090,027, ?led on Jun. 18, 1998. (51) Int. Cl.7 ............................................. .. H03M 13/00 (52) US. Cl. ...................... .. 714/784; 774/785; 774/774 (58) Field of Search ............................... .. 714/784, 785, 714/774 (56) References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 4,162,480 A 7/1979 Berlekamp ............. .. 240/146.1 4,809,275 A * 2/1989 Inoue et al. .. 4,833,678 A 5/1989 Cohen ....................... .. 371/37 (List continued on neXt page.) OTHER PUBLICATIONS FettWeis, G. and Hassner, M.; A combined Reed—Solomon encoder and syndrome generator With small hardWare com pleXity; Proceedings 1992 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, vol. 4, 1992; pp. 1871—1874.* Dabiri, D. and Blake, I.F.; Fast parallel algorithms for decoding Reed—Solomon codes based on remainder poly nomials; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 41 Issue: 4, Jul. 1995; pp. 873—885.* Parallel Multiply Syndrome Data In Accumulator array E State Control Signals Sobski, A. and Albicki, A.; Parallel encoder, decoder detec tor, corrector for cyclic redundancy checking; Proceedings 1992 IEEE International Symposium on Circuit and Sys tems, ISCAS ’92, vol. 6, 1992 pp. 2945—2948.* Richard E. Blahut, “Theory and Practice of Error Control Codes,” Addison—Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., 1983 pp. 174—191. Lin, et al., “Error Control Coding Fundamentals and Appli cations,” Prentice—Hall, Inc. 1983, pp. 170—176. Whitaker, et al.,. “Reed Solomon VLSI Codec for Advanced Television,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 1, No. 2, Jun. 1991, pp. 230—236. Kuang Yung—Liu, “Architecture for VLSI Design of Red Solomon Decoders,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. C—33, No. 2, Feb. 1984, pp. 178—189. Shayan, et al., “A Versatile Time—Domain Reed—Solomon Decoder,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communica tions, vol. 8, No. 8, Oct. 1990, pp. 1535—1542. * cited by examiner Primary Examiner—Albert Decady Assistant Examiner—Joseph D. Torres (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Thomas, Horstemeyer & Risley (57) ABSTRACT Kayden, Disclosed is a con?gurable Reed-Solomon (RS) decoder that comprises a parallel multiply accumulator having a data input to receive at least one RS codeWord, the parallel multiply accumulator being con?gured to generate a syn drome array from the RS codeWord. The con?gurable RS decoder also includes a Galois ?eld computation unit coupled to the parallel multiply accumulator, and an RS decoder controller coupled to the parallel multiply accumu lator and the Galois ?eld computation unit, Wherein the RS decoder controller controls the operation of the parallel multiply accumulator and the Galois ?eld computation unit. The RS decoder may be con?gured for different numbers of symbols in the RS codeWords, parity symbols in the RS codeWords, and modulation types employed in creating the RS codeWords. 17 Claims, 19 Drawing Sheets Galois Field Computation Unit 299 1 State Control Signals 7 Configuration Syndrome - . 4’ input 213 RS Decoder Controller mus @ 236 239

Transcript of Configurable decoder and method for decoding a reed-solomon ...

(12) United States Patent Pan et al.


US 6,370,671 B1 Apr. 9, 2002

(10) Patent N0.: (45) Date of Patent:


(75) Inventors: Wenwei Pan; Yue-Peng Zheng, both of Ocean Township, NJ (US)

(73) Assignee: Globespan, Inc., Red Bank, NJ (US)

( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.

(21) Appl. No.: 09/335,975

(22) Filed: Jun. 18, 1999

Related US. Application Data (60) Provisional application No. 60/090,027, ?led on Jun. 18,


(51) Int. Cl.7 ............................................. .. H03M 13/00

(52) US. Cl. ...................... .. 714/784; 774/785; 774/774

(58) Field of Search ............................... .. 714/784, 785, 714/774

(56) References Cited


4,162,480 A 7/1979 Berlekamp ............. .. 240/146.1

4,809,275 A * 2/1989 Inoue et al. .. 4,833,678 A 5/1989 Cohen ....................... .. 371/37

(List continued on neXt page.)


FettWeis, G. and Hassner, M.; A combined Reed—Solomon encoder and syndrome generator With small hardWare com pleXity; Proceedings 1992 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, vol. 4, 1992; pp. 1871—1874.* Dabiri, D. and Blake, I.F.; Fast parallel algorithms for decoding Reed—Solomon codes based on remainder poly nomials; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 41 Issue: 4, Jul. 1995; pp. 873—885.*

Parallel Multiply Syndrome

Data In Accumulator array


State Control Signals

Sobski, A. and Albicki, A.; Parallel encoder, decoder detec tor, corrector for cyclic redundancy checking; Proceedings 1992 IEEE International Symposium on Circuit and Sys tems, ISCAS ’92, vol. 6, 1992 pp. 2945—2948.* Richard E. Blahut, “Theory and Practice of Error Control Codes,” Addison—Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., 1983 pp. 174—191.

Lin, et al., “Error Control Coding Fundamentals and Appli cations,” Prentice—Hall, Inc. 1983, pp. 170—176. Whitaker, et al.,. “Reed Solomon VLSI Codec for Advanced Television,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 1, No. 2, Jun. 1991, pp. 230—236. Kuang Yung—Liu, “Architecture for VLSI Design of Red Solomon Decoders,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. C—33, No. 2, Feb. 1984, pp. 178—189. Shayan, et al., “A Versatile Time—Domain Reed—Solomon Decoder,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communica tions, vol. 8, No. 8, Oct. 1990, pp. 1535—1542.

* cited by examiner

Primary Examiner—Albert Decady Assistant Examiner—Joseph D. Torres (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Thomas, Horstemeyer & Risley



Disclosed is a con?gurable Reed-Solomon (RS) decoder that comprises a parallel multiply accumulator having a data input to receive at least one RS codeWord, the parallel multiply accumulator being con?gured to generate a syn drome array from the RS codeWord. The con?gurable RS decoder also includes a Galois ?eld computation unit coupled to the parallel multiply accumulator, and an RS decoder controller coupled to the parallel multiply accumu lator and the Galois ?eld computation unit, Wherein the RS decoder controller controls the operation of the parallel multiply accumulator and the Galois ?eld computation unit. The RS decoder may be con?gured for different numbers of symbols in the RS codeWords, parity symbols in the RS codeWords, and modulation types employed in creating the RS codeWords.

17 Claims, 19 Drawing Sheets

Galois Field Computation Unit


1 State Control Signals 7

Configuration Syndrome - . 4’

input 213

RS Decoder Controller

mus @ 236 239

US 6,370,671 B1 Page 2

US. PATENT DOCUMENTS 5,974,580 A * 10/1999 266k et a1. ............... .. 714/755

5446 743 A 8/1995 ZOOk ........................ .. 371/371 6,052,815 A * 4/2000 Z001‘ ------------------------ -- 714/758

5,467,297 A * 11/1995 Zook _______ __ 708/492 6,055,277 A * 4/2000 Stephens et a1. .......... .. 375/285

5555250 A * 9/1996 Walker et a1- 714/763 6,145,113 A * 11/2000 Back ........................ .. 714/784 5,610,929 A * 3/1997 Yamamoto 714/785 ,, 5,818,854 A * 10/1998 Meyer ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " 714/785 6,163,871 A * 12/2000 YaI~1g ........................ .. 714/769

5,905,740 A * Williamson _____________ " 714/784 6,175,945 B1 1/2001 Oklta ....................... .. 714/784

U.S. Patent Apr. 9, 2002 Sheet 1 0f 19 US 6,370,671 B1

mm? /


m: 1/




a: /

\oor mo? /

680mm A\\ B ,Y Lmuoocm mm 5:520 mm EEoQ E252 E262 mzmomm :EwCw; mow

U.S. Patent Apr. 9, 2002 Sheet 2 0f 19 US 6,370,671 B1

84 O O

126 f 9 I0 11 12 I3 14



O Oa7OOa3O



66 f1 1

K153 0 e12 810 a14


Massey/ Berlekamp


156 \v 812




163 x I


@ien V

a6 a3 812

Correct Data

I0 11 12 13 I4 9 8 7


U.S. Patent


Apr. 9, 2002 Sheet 4 0f 19

If 251 f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1

| |

| a l | ' |

| |

i 253 I | ‘ | | r I

: )V ‘\ I | 256 259 l l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

612% ‘\L/ '

(13% \J/ ' —


O ' Q

Q '

US 6,370,671 B1

203 /


Syndrome Array t0

Galois Field Computation


U.S. Patent Apr. 9, 2002 Sheet 5 0f 19 US 6,370,671 B1

8m. A wolm 03m 255 V Q . “

N 6 _m w m m ? E 6.60:5 E9“. \

Q ll. i Q %

50 A! cozowtoo ES 5:5 E8

{no :0 $63 Allo<|_ mm Alwwj PM ‘IE4 * > %




A % mam vmmm V

U.S. Patent Apr. 9, 2002 Sheet 6 0f 19 US 6,370,671 B1

403 ( Decoder Enable


Decoder Enable = 1

@@ Berlekamg/Massey BM Master Start = 1 406

i 409 Ome a Done <> 1

Omega Omega Start = 1

Exception = 1

vK416 Exception ( Omega Done = 1 )

r 413

@@ Chien 4) 423\v Chien Start = 1 Success

Success = 1

Forney @@ Forney Start = 1


Fig. 7

U.S. Patent Apr. 9, 2002 Sheet 7 0f 19 US 6,370,671 B1

Fig. 8A

U.S. Patent Apr. 9, 2002 Sheet 8 0f 19 US 6,370,671 B1

546 i

1 549 é : BMM8 SL Done <> 1 - /

B8 =1

‘7/553 (SL Done =1 ) A # (SL Done <> 1) 592N110

SL Done <> 1 BM—M-9_ V B7 =1 \

569 SL Done = 1

BMM11 r L

583 586 \V

SL Done = 1 i

BMM12 r = 2t?



\ BMM13 BM done = 1


U.S. Patent Apr. 9, 2002 Sheet 9 0f 19 US 6,370,671 B1

459 \ BMS Idle

B1, B3, B5, B7, B8 or B9 =1?

@@ /223 f 463


BMSlnit j=O, k=O

G) G)

479 f

Fig. 9A

U.S. Patent Apr. 9, 2002 Sheet 10 0f 19 US 6,370,671 B1

BMS1.1 466 Set C6 = "5" 4/ / 2238 store "0" at mem(k) k = k+1

BMS1 2 469

Set C6 = "6" 4) store "1" at |ambda(j) in MB 1


BMS1.3 473

store "1" at B(j) in MB 3 4/ set k = 0

set C6 = "O"

" 476

BMS1.4 / store S(x) at mem(k) in M80 k = k+1

Fig. 9B

U.S. Patent Apr. 9, 2002 Sheet 11 0f 19 US 6,370,671 B1


BMS3.1 4) Set C7 = "0"

Load R1 w/ "0" Load R2 W/ "O"


[223D 493

BMS3.2 Set C2 to "1" Set C3 to "0'' Set C4 t0 "0" Load R4 w/ R1*R2+O (LR4)


BMS3.3 Set 07 = "2"

Load R1 w/ Lambda(j) in MB 1



BMS3.4 Load R2 w/ S(r-j-1) in MB 0

BMS3.5 Set C4 to "1“ Load R4 W/ dr=R1*R2+R4



Fig. 9C

U.S. Patent Apr. 9, 2002 Sheet 12 0f 19 US 6,370,671 B1

BMS9 1 509

Set C6 = "2" 4/ Set 07 = "2" 2230 \


513 BMS9.2

Load R2 w/ B(t-1-j) in MB 3 </


BMS9.3 / Store R2 at B(t-j) in MB 3 i=1 + 1

( = t-1

' 519 BMS9.4

Set C6 = "5" ‘/ Store 0 at B(O) in MB 3

Fig. 9D

U.S. Patent Apr. 9,2002 Sheet 13 0f 19 US 6,370,671 B1

529 BMS5.1 /

Set = "0"’ = "1n, = "2",

C6 = and C7 = "2"

v 533

BMS5.2 / Load R1 W/ B(j) in MB 3

v 536

BMS5.3 4/ Load R2 w/ lambda(j) in MB 1

‘ 539

BMS5.4 /

V 543

BMS5.5 / Store R3 at T(j) in MB 2 . :1. + 1

Fig. 9E

U.S. Patent Apr. 9, 2002 Sheet 14 0f 19 US 6,370,671 B1

2236 \

556 BMS8.1 /

Set 61 = "0", c2 = C3 : "3", = "0",

C6 = "1", and C7 = "0"

Load R2 w/ "0" Load R5 w/ |NV(R4) (LR5)

‘ 559

BMS8.2 Set C7 = "2" / Load R1 w/ |ambda(j) in MB 1

‘ 563

BMS8.3 /

BMS8.4 566

store R3 at B(j) in MB 3 4/ j :j + 1

Fig. 9F

U.S. Patent Apr. 9, 2002 Sheet 15 0f 19 US 6,370,671 B1

2213f \ BMS'I 1 573

Set C6 = "2" 4/ Set C7 = "2"

l BMS7.2 /

load R2 W/ T(j) in MB 2

l BMS7.3 /

store R2 at Iambda(j) in MB 1 J =] + 1



U.S. Patent


Apr. 9, 2002 Sheet 16 0f 19 US 6,370,671 B1

9211192 Idle

Omea Start <> 1

.t__.__ ( Omega Start = 1 J


616 f

Omega lnit j = O, i = O / Fig. 10A

609 Omega Error

Degree Error = 1 Set C7 Load R1 w/ lambda (t-j) in MB 1

081 "2"

4/ f 226

R1 <> 0 and t-j <> 1.

and MT=O

619 \'

053 Set C6 = 5

Store "0" at omega(i) in M82

629 f

623 f

054 Set 07 = "1"

Load R1 w/ "1" (LR1)

625 f V

085 Set C7 = "2"

Load R2 w/ 8(0) in M80

627 f V

057 Set C6 = 3

Store R4 at omega(i) in MB 2 A

E Set C2 = 1

Set C3 = 0 Set C4 = 0

Load R4 W/ R1*R2 + O (LR4)

U.S. Patent Apr. 9, 2002

Fig. 105


Sheet 17 0f 19

038 Set C7 = "1", C4 = "0"

Load R1 w/ "1"

US 6,370,671 B1

Set C7 = "2"



Load R2 w/ lambda (i) in MB 1 Load R4 w/ R1*R2+O

0810 Set C7 = "0" Load R2 W/ "0"

f. 633 0611

1= 0

‘ 639

0612 643

Set 07 = 2 4/ Load R1 w/ S(j) in M50


646 \v @3 E

R2 w/ lambda(i-j) in MB 1

656 \v

0816 Set C6 = "3"

Store R4 at omega(i) in M52

MT = 0 and j<>(i-1), or

/ K 636 <\

649 f

0314 Load R2 w/ |ambda(i-j-1) in MB 1


0615 Set 04 = c2 = C3="O"

Load R4 w/ R4 + R1*R2

Omega Last Omega Done = 1

MT=0andj=(i-1), or MT=1andj=i


U.S. Patent Apr. 9, 2002

Chien Idle Chien Start = 1

Sheet 18 0f 19 US 6,370,671 B1

Chien lnit Setm,k,v,j=0 Set AC = 1, C7 = "0"

Load R1 and R2 w/ "0" 229 K 703 \


709 Set (:5 = c1 = c2 = and C3 = "O"

Load R3 W/ R2+R1 Load R5 w/ inv(AC)


.CH_2 Set C1 = C2 = C3 = "1"

Load R1 w/ lambda(t~j) in M51 Load R3 w/ R1+R3*AC j =1 + 1

Chien Error Chien error = 1 Set C6 =

Store R5 at X(v) in M80, 1st Half

CH3 "4"


CH6 Chien Done = 1



57% Set C6 = "7"

Store N-1-m in M83 v=v+1


CH5 m = m + 1

inc AC (ACC)