CONFERRING CEREMONY...Searmanas ag 11.00 r.n./ 11.00am Ceremony 6 Searmanas ag 12.30 i.n./ 12.30pm...

CONFERRING CEREMONY CONFERRING OF DEGREES of the National University of Ireland at Maynooth University 29 October 2020 BRONNADH NA gCÉIMEANNA Ollscoil na hÉireann Ollscoil Mhá Nuad 29 Deireadh Fómhair 2020

Transcript of CONFERRING CEREMONY...Searmanas ag 11.00 r.n./ 11.00am Ceremony 6 Searmanas ag 12.30 i.n./ 12.30pm...

Page 1: CONFERRING CEREMONY...Searmanas ag 11.00 r.n./ 11.00am Ceremony 6 Searmanas ag 12.30 i.n./ 12.30pm Ceremony 12 Searmanas ag 2.00 i.n./ 2.00pm Ceremony 20 Cumann Alumni Mhá Nuad /Maynooth


CONFERRING OF DEGREES of the National University of Ireland at Maynooth University23 March 2018

BRONNADH NA gCÉIMEANNAOllscoil na hÉireannOllscoil Mhá Nuad23 Márta 2018


CONFERRING OF DEGREES of the National University of Ireland at Maynooth University29 October 2020

BRONNADH NA gCÉIMEANNAOllscoil na hÉireannOllscoil Mhá Nuad29 Deireadh Fómhair 2020

Page 2: CONFERRING CEREMONY...Searmanas ag 11.00 r.n./ 11.00am Ceremony 6 Searmanas ag 12.30 i.n./ 12.30pm Ceremony 12 Searmanas ag 2.00 i.n./ 2.00pm Ceremony 20 Cumann Alumni Mhá Nuad /Maynooth
Page 3: CONFERRING CEREMONY...Searmanas ag 11.00 r.n./ 11.00am Ceremony 6 Searmanas ag 12.30 i.n./ 12.30pm Ceremony 12 Searmanas ag 2.00 i.n./ 2.00pm Ceremony 20 Cumann Alumni Mhá Nuad /Maynooth


Beannú an Uachtaráin /Welcome from the President 2

Ord an tSearmanais /Order of Ceremony 4

Déardaoin 29 Deireadh Fómhair/ Thursday 29th October Searmanas ag 11.00 r.n./ 11.00am Ceremony 6Searmanas ag 12.30 i.n./ 12.30pm Ceremony 12Searmanas ag 2.00 i.n./ 2.00pm Ceremony 20

Cumann Alumni Mhá Nuad /Maynooth Alumni Association 28


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A Réamhchéimithe,

Lá ar leith é Lá Bronnta na gCéimeanna i saol na hOllscoile, lá mór áthais agus ceiliúrtha. Ar an lá seo, tugtar aitheantas poiblí, foirmeálta don mhéid atá bainte amach agaibh go hacadúil, agus is é an dlaoi mhullaigh é ar bhur gcuid staidéir.

Tá a fhios agam gur údar díoma daoibh é nach féidir libh bailiú le chéile le bhur léachtóirí agus le bhur gcairde chun aitheantas a thabhairt don mhéid atá bainte amach agaibh i searmanas traidisiúnta.

Cé go bhfuil sé i gceist againn deis a thabhairt daoibh ceiliúradh a bheith agaibh ar champas nuair a bheidh sé sábháilte chun a leithéid de rud a dhéanamh, ócáid speisialta atá i bhur searmanas bronnta inniu mar sin féin. Deis atá ann aghaidh a thabhairt ar an méid atá bainte amach agaibh agus é a cheiliúradh le bhur muintir.

Ba mhaith liom go mbeadh sé mar údar mórtais daoibh, cé go bhfuil sibh scartha amach go mór ó roinnt mhaith de na daoine a bhí ar an aistear seo libh, gur mar chuid de phobal ina bhfuil céimithe Mhá Nuad ó gach cearn den tír agus ó thíortha thar sáile sibh anois. Táim ag súil le fáilte a chur ar ais romhaibh mar chéimithe Mhá Nuad, pobal a bhfuil breis agus 75,000 ball ann. Go dtí sin, bí cinnte go bhfanfaidh sibh i dteagmháil lenár n-Oifig Forbartha agus Caidrimh Alumni, ar mhaithe le nascanna a choinneáil lenár n-institiúid stairiúil agus lena chéile.

Tá súil agam gur chuir bhur dtréimhse staidéir linn go mór libh, ní hamháin sna smaointe agus san eolas a ghnóthaigh sibh linn ach sa mhuinín, sa stuamacht agus sa bhuanseasmhacht atá forbartha agaibh. Beidh na scileanna agus eolas atá forbartha agaibh mar bhuntáiste daoibh cibé bealach ina rachaidh sibh amach anseo. Beidh bhur samhlaíocht, bhur ndíongbháilteacht agus bhur bhféinspreagadh fíor-thábhachtach don tsochaí agus muid ag teacht as an gcruachás ina bhfuilimid faoi láthair.

Thar aon rud eile, molaim a bhfuil bainte amach agaibh go dtí seo, guím gach rath oraibh sa todhchaí agus tá súil agam go mbainfidh sibh féin agus bhur muintir an-shásamh as an lá ceiliúrtha thar a bheith speisialta seo.

An tOllamh Pilib Ó NualláinUachtarán


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Dear Graduands,

Graduation Day is a very special day in the life of the University, a day of joy and celebration. It is the formal recognition by the University of your academic achievement, and it represents the successful conclusion of your programme of studies.

I know that it is extremely disappointing not to be able to gather with your lecturers and friends today to publicly recognise your achievement with a traditional ceremony.

While we intend to offer you an opportunity to celebrate on-campus when it is safe to do so, your conferring today remains a special occasion. It is an opportunity to reflect on what you have achieved, and to celebrate with your family.

So do take pride in the fact that today, despite the distance between you and many who were part of your journey, you join a community of Maynooth University graduates from every part of Ireland and abroad. I look forward to welcoming you back to campus soon as a Maynooth alumnus, part of the 75,000+ strong Maynooth alumni community. Until then, do stay in contact through our Alumni Office, to remain connected to our historic institution and to one another.

I hope that you have gained from your studies with us, not just in the new ideas and knowledge that you acquired, but also in the confidence, judgement and resilience that you have developed. The skills and knowledge that you have developed will be an asset to you in whatever you decide to do next. Your imagination, determination and drive will also be important to society as we emerge from the current difficult situation.

Above all, I want to congratulate you on your achievements. I wish you every success in the future, and I hope you are able to celebrate your achievement with your family on this very special day.

Professor Philip NolanPresident


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Foireann Cheannais Déan Dhámh na n-Ealaíon, an Léinn Cheiltigh agus na Fealsúnachta: an tOll Colin Graham Déan Dhámh na n-Eolaíochtaí Sóisialta: an Dr Mark Maguire Déan Dhámh na hEolaíochta agus na hInnealtóireachta: an tOll Ronan Farrell Stiúrthóirí Ph.D. agus ainmnithe Roinne Leas-Uachtarán do Chúrsaí Acadúla, Cláraitheoir agus Leas-Uachtarán Ollscoil Mhá Nuad: an tOll Aidan Mulkeen Uachtarán Ollscoil Mhá Nuad agus Leas-Seansailéar Cúnta Ollscoil na hÉireann: an tOll Pilib Ó Nualláin

Oscailt Chruinniú na hOllscoile Fógraíonn an tOll Aidan Mulkeen, Leas-Uachtarán do Chúrsaí Acadúla, Cláraitheoir agus Leas-Uachtarán Ollscoil Mhá Nuad go foirmeálta go bhfuil Cruinniú na hOllscoile ar oscailt.

An Seoladh IsteachCuireann an Déan na réamhchéimithe in aithne in ord aibítre agus iarrann sé go foirmeálta, trí mheán na Laidine, go mbeadh an Chéim bronnta orthu.

‘A Leas-Sainsailéara Cúnta Ró-Onóraigh, agus a bhaill na hOllscoile, cuirimse na daoine seo atá faoi chúram agam os bhur gcomhair amach, óir tuigimse óna bpearsa agus óna bhfoghlaim go bhfuil sé ceart agus cóir go mbeadh Céim……… bronnta orthu agus geallaim é seo duitse agus don Tionól Acadúil, ar mo bhriathar móide.’

An BronnadhTugann an tOll Aidan Mulkeen, Leas-Uachtarán do Chúrsaí Acadúla, Cláraitheoir agus Leasuachtarán Ollscoil Mhá Nuad foirmle an bhronnta as.

‘Leis an údarás atá dílsithe domsa, is ortsa a bhronnaim Céim….. ’

An ClabhsúrFógraíonn an tOll Aidan Mulkeen, Leas-Uachtarán do Chúrsaí Acadúla, Cláraitheoir agus Leasuachtarán Ollscoil Mhá Nuad go bhfuil searmanas na Céime ag teacht chun deiridh.

Óráid an UachtaráinAn tOll Pilib Ó Nualláin, Uachtarán Ollscoil Mhá Nuad agus Leas-Seansailéar Cúnta Ollscoil na hÉireann

Mórshiúl ImeachtaCeol: Ceathairéad Téadach Tatra


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Presiding Staff Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Celtic Studies & Philosophy: Prof. Colin Graham Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences: Dr Mark Maguire Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering: Prof. Ronan Farrell Ph.D. supervisors and Department nominees Vice-President Academic, Registrar and Deputy President of Maynooth University: Prof. Aidan Mulkeen President of Maynooth University and Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the National University of Ireland: Prof. Philip Nolan

Opening of the Meeting of the UniversityProf. Aidan Mulkeen, Vice-President Academic, Registrar and Deputy President of Maynooth University, formally declares the Meeting of the University open.

The IntroductionThe Dean introduces the graduands in alphabetical order and formally asks, in Latin, that they be admitted to the Degree.

‘Right Honourable Pro-Vice-Chancellor, and members of the University, I present to you these people entrusted to my care, whom I know to be in character and learning, fit and proper persons for admission to the Degree of … , and I pledge this to you and to the Academic Assembly, on my solemn word.’

The ConferringProf. Aidan Mulkeen, Vice-President Academic, Registrar and Deputy President of Maynooth University, pronounces the formula of conferring.

‘By the authority vested in me, I admit you to the Degree of … ’

The ConclusionProf. Aidan Mulkeen, Vice-President Academic, Registrar and Deputy President of Maynooth University announces the closing of the Degree ceremony.

The President’s AddressProf. Philip Nolan, President of Maynooth University and Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the National University of Ireland.

Retiring ProcessionMusic: Tatra String Quartet


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Déardaoin 29 Deireadh Fómhair 2020: 11.00 r.n.Thursday 29th October 2020: 11.00 am

Dámh na nEolaíochtaí SóisialtaDámh na hEolaíochta agus na hInnealtóireachta Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Science and Engineering

Guilfoyle, Derek Fintan

Barrett, SaraBaskerville, Nicole Therese

ShirleyCampbell, Alison MargaretDevine, Gemma Christina

Aniekwena, Ben ChikeBagnall, Emma KateCogan, Gary AnthonyColman, ClaireDoherty, Tara LouiseFranklin, GemmaGregg, Mary Elizabeth

Burke, Emmet KieranCasserly, Joanne FrancesCrean, Holly LouiseDevlin, JosephFontana, StefaniaFortune, Eibhlin Maureen

Welstead, Samantha

Joseph, JeminKelly Pembroke, ShaunaMc Connell, Stephen JohnMorrin, Caroline AnnPurcell, Lorna Jean

Hallissey, Paul PatrickHenshaw-Alfa, Tracy EfangaHoward, Daniel GerardKelly, BrianKing, MichaelMc Govern, DeclanMeehan, Dylan

Greer, James PaulHealy, MeadhbhKane, Michael GerardKeenan, Sean PatrickKilduff, Sarah-AnnMc Donagh, Matthew

Quail, RuthRobinson, DarraghThompson, Julie

Moore, SineadMutamba, FungayiNicell, LeonaScanlon, Ellen LouiseShabani, MwaiwaoStafford, Gillian MaryTaylor, Catherine Anne

Mc Govern, Bronagh Therese

Mc Kenna, Jordan DanielPolgolla, Tharushi SashenkaRoche, Shane MichaelSherkle, Aishling Emma

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir Ealaíon (Staidéar Sóisialta Feidhmeach) Honours Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Applied Social Studies)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir san Eolaíocht Shóisialta Honours Degree of Bachelor of Social Science

Máistir san Eolaíocht Shóisialta (Cearta agus Beartas Sóisialta)Master of Social Science (Rights and Social Policy)

Céim Onóracha – Baitsiléir san Eolaíocht (Dhá Mhórábhar)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science (Double Major)

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Casserly, Ronan MichaelCrowley, AoifeGaffney, Kayleigh Maria

Dooley Heffernan, Leah Mary Veronica

Murphy, Donal

Coleman, Peter John Cusack

Murphy, Scott AnthonyO’Neill, Fionn JamesSmall, Stephen Mark

Kavanagh, CarlaMurphy, Eoghain Patrick

Yussuff, Mohammed Olaseni

Céim Onóracha – Baitsiléir san Eolaíocht (Aon Mhórábhar Amháin)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science (Single Major)

Roinn na Bitheolaíochta/ Department of Biology

Roinn na Ceimice/ Department of Chemistry

Roinn na Fisice Thurgnamhach/ Department of Experimental Physics

Roinn na Fisice Teoiriticiúla/ Department of Theoretical Physics

Brady, Sarah NiamhCarolan, Leigh

Dempsey, Éabha AnnJoseph, Ashik

Clarke, AmyDoyle, Johnathan AnthonyGavigan, Matthew

Shang, ZihaoWang, Yixiang

Dignan, Ríann PatrickO’Donnell, Mary Sarah

Lee, Francis PatrickMapa, Ralph Samuel Borillo

Konate, Aicha Mery Marguerite

Magee, Cameron

Wang, ZifanYu, Yun

Mroz, Natalia DanutaSmith, Hugh Niall

O’Neill, Daniel PaulPlunkett, James PatrickQuinn, Nigel Andrew

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir san Eolaíocht (Eolaíochtaí Bitheacha agus Bithleighis) Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science (Biological and Biomedical Sciences)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir san Eolaíocht (Biteicneolaíocht)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir san Eolaíocht (Ríomheolaíocht agus Innealtóireacht Bogearraí) Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science (Computer Science and Software Engineering)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir san Eolaíocht (Ceimic le Ceimic Chógaisíochta)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science (Chemistry with Pharmaceutical Chemistry)

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Zaharia, Alexandru-Ioan

Cleary, AndrewFay, Jonathon

Farrelly, Eoin

D’Arcy, Kenneth Patrick

Anderson, Thomas

Oyebode, Idris Abdulhameed

Ribeiro Bastos Peixoto Da Silva, Renata

Guilfoyle, Benjamin WilliamHruby, Robert

Nugent, Aaron

Wahab, Abdul

Mc Lean, CourtneyRochford, John Patrick

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir san Eolaíocht (Na hIlmheáin, Forbairt Mhóibíleach agus Gréasáin)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science (Multimedia, Mobile and Web Development)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir san Eolaíocht (Fisic le Réaltfhisic) Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science (Physics with Astrophysics)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir Eolaíochta Róbataic agus Gléasanna ClisteHonours Degree Bachelor of Science (Robotics and Intelligent Devices)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir san Eolaíocht (Fisic Theoiriciúil agus Matamaitic) Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science (Theoretical Physics and Mathematics)

Máistir Dúbailte Erasmus Mundus le hEolaíocht san Iontaofacht Ardchóras i gComhar le hOllscoil Naomh Aindriú, Albain agus Université de Lorraine (UL) sa FhraincErasmus Mundus Joint Master of Science in Advanced Systems Dependability in Conjunction with the University of St. Andrew’s, Scotland and Université de Lorraine (UL) in France

Ard-Dioplóma san Eolaíocht (Forbairt Bogearraí)Higher Diploma in Science (Software Development)

Abraham, Nischal KuruvillaCarroll, StephenGupta, Dhawan RajeshJie, Deng

Prasad, Pratikkumar Praveen Kumar

Reilly, JaniceSebastian, Sandhya

Sivaji, HarishankarSundaravarathan, Sanjeev

Máistir Eolaíochta Master of Science

Roinn na Ríomheolaíochta/ Department of Computer Science

Máistir Eolaíochta – Taighde Master of Science Research

Roinn na Ceimice/ Department of Chemistry

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Delaney, SarahThesis Title: “Effects of dietary components on antibiotic resistance using mechanistic and plasmid based studies” Supervisor: Dr Fiona Walsh

Guapo De Melo, FelipeThesis Title: “A molecular and cellular characterisation of the effects of neonicotinoid pesticides on the brain of the pollinator Bombus terrestris” Supervisor: Dr James Carolan

Mc Gowan, JamieThesis Title: “Genomic Evolution in the Oomycetes” Supervisor: Dr David Fitzpatrick

Roinn na Ríomheolaíochta/ Department of Computer Science

Nolan, KeithThesis Title: “Mental Health in Computer Science An Investigation of How Mental Health Affects Learning Computer Science” Supervisors: Dr Aidan Mooney and Dr Susan Bergin

Ard-Dioplóma i Léann na MatamaiticeHigher Diploma in Mathematical Studies

Agbaje, Omolara Saudat

Dochtúir san Fhealsúnacht (Eolaíocht) Doctor of Philosophy (Science)

Roinn na Bitheolaíochta/ Department of Biology

Ali, SaquibAmarnath Vijayakumari,

MaithriAnchalia, AmitAshwath, AnanditaBhargava, MuditBisen, Payal SahasramBisht, ManojChadha, RaghavChaturvedi, AnuragChavan, Amrit

GaminichandraDadi, DevaharshaDebnath, Sankhadip

Dunne, JohnFinnegan, IanGazaresen, LakshyaGoyal, KunalGunasekaran, ManikandanGurunathan, PradeepHarish, HarishHe, HaojunHodade, Gaurav KirtikumarJacob, JithumolJaganathan, Arun KumarKakkar, SrishtiKhamitkar, Shubham RajeshKinsella, Kevin

Kumar, NishantMadnayakanahalli Aravind

Babu, AnuragMandal, Suraj SankarMc James, Nathan LionelMehta, Mansi JaswantbhaiMenon, Akshay SashiMishra, AkshayMohanty, SubhranshuMooney, ShaunaMurphy, MichaelMuthukumarasamy, Sudan

YogeshNag, Bindu

Máistir Eolaíochta Master of Science

Roinn na Matamaitice agus na Staitisticí/ Department of Mathematics and Statistics

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Nanaware, Amol MadhukarNarayan Gowda, Pawan

Rakesh KumarO’Farrell, StephenPandi, KarthickPynn, Frederick AlexanderRajagopal, GangaRanganathan, SiddharthaRavichandran, SathishkumarRavi Kumar, Harshini


Sanjee Venkata Chalapathi, Shashank

Senthil Kumar, KarthikeyanShaikh, AzharShailbala, Kumari SundaramShen, An NingSingh, Alok KumarSingh, JapneetStapleton, FergalSurabhi, ArpanSuragam, Ramesh

Thiruppathy Selvam, Athithan

Thomas, Jyothi SaraVaradarajan, SangamithraVasu, PoojaanjaliVishwakarma, Rishabh AjayVivash, TaraWalia, VishalWang, YangYuvanesan, Deepak Kumar

Mc Glinchey, Aisling MaireadThesis Title: “Differential Privacy and Opacity for Positive Linear Systems and Observers”Supervisor: Dr Oliver Mason

Dochtúir san Fhealsúnacht (Eolaíocht)Doctor of Philosophy (Science)

Roinn na Matamaitice agus na Staitisticí/ Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Chen, Ming HaoDai, Yi Hang

Du, Furui Navio Correa, Paula Veronica

Céim Onóracha – Baitsiléir san Innealtóireacht (Aon Mhórábhar Amháin)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Single Major)

Dochtúir san Fhealsúnacht (Innealtóireacht) Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering)

Faedo, Nicolas EzequielThesis Title: “Optimal control and model reduction for wave energy systems: A moment-based approach” Supervisor: Professor John Ringwood

Pena, YeraiThesis Title: “Hydrodynamic excitation force estimation and forecasting for wave energy applications” Supervisor: Professor John Ringwood

Ramabadran, PrasidhThesis Title: “Digitally Assisted Transmitter Enhancement Techniques for Millimeter Wave Radio Systems” Supervisors: Dr John Dooley and Professor Ronan Farrell

Whelan, Martin

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir san Eolaíocht (Síceolaíocht) Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science (Psychology)

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Devereaux-Boyle, Conor Ní Chorcorain, Fiona

Dioplóma Iarchéime sa TíreolaíochtPostgraduate Diploma in Geography

Aspell, Gavin HenryBrown, RachelCarpenter, AislinnCusack, Niamh MarieDawidek, Wiktoria OliwiaDonnelly, KatieGrigore, Sabrina Marie

Campos Bonaguro, Juan Pablo

Conway, DanielCooney, Jordan WilliamCrosby, Ciara AnneCullen, Eoin PatrickDonoghue, James OliverDooley, Katherine JohannaDunne, Jack KevinFlavin, Denis Brendan

Sweeney, Bernard Christopher

Mc Cann, Paul Joseph Oliver

Karcakova, NataliaKyle, FionaLawless, Steven MylesLynham, EmerMaslin, Shanon AnnMc Nally, Imogen LouisaMeagher, Brionna Kate

Gaddren, Eoin DerekHolt, Leah CaitHoxha, LedionaKavanagh, Simon PeterKelly, Ciaran VincentMaliehe, Keneuoe AnneMc Carthy, NiamhMc Cauley, Kate AnnMc Loughlin, Patrick JohnMirarwa, Lister Ariri

Mulvaney, Hana MariaQuinn, Fergal EdwardRichardson, ShannonStafford, Owen PatrickWiklo, Wiktoria

Myslinski, Therese Aleksandra

Nolan, Rosie EleanorO’Kelly, Sophie ClaireRussell, Frances RoseSantana Huizar, JaphetSeifert, NataschaSiraj, RushnaStapleton, Daire Michael

Máistir Eolaíochta Master of Science

Máistir Eolaíochta Master of Science

Máistir Eolaíochta – Taighde Master of Science Research

Máistir sa Litríocht Master of Literature

Roinn na Síceolaíochta/ Department of Psychology

Roinn na Tíreolaíochta/ Department of Geography

An tIonad Náisiúnta Geoiríomhaireachta/ National Centre for Geocomputation

Roinn na Nuálaíohta Dearaidh/ Department of Design Innovation

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Déardaoin 29 Deireadh Fómhair 2020: 12.30 i.n. Thursday 29th October 2020: 12.30 pm

Dámh na nEalaíon, an Léinn Cheiltigh agus na Fealsúnachta Dámh na nEolaíochtaí SóisialtaDámh na hEolaíochta agus na hInnealtóireachta

Faculty of Arts, Celtic Studies and PhilosophyFaculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Science and Engineering

Doyle, Amy Nicola

Farrell, Kevin

Garais, IvoLangton, Niamh

Doyle, Ben Martin

Brown, DiarmidChut, SabinaCoughlan, Ian

Akanbi, Jamiu MuhammedCash, Jack EdwardConnolly, Micheal JosephCullen, JackDoherty, Jordan

Moore, Lisa

Goodwin, Sarah Anne

Morris, ConorSiney, Rebecca Jane

Kelly-Murtagh, OrlaLoughran, EveNonthakhot, Jaruwan

Hawkins, Ami LouiseKeenan, AineLennox, HugoMc Brien, Ben MichaelO’Sullivan, Cian

Purcell, John

Whelan, Mark Thomas

Nzanga, Cheri Gento Mima

O’Sullivan, John PeterOfforjama, JosephWalsh, Orla Mary

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir sa Riarachán Gnó (Gnó agus Cuntasaíocht)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (Business and Accounting)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir sa Riarachán Gnó (Gnó agus Bainistíocht)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (Business and Management)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir sa Staidéar Gnó (Gnó Idirnáisiúnta)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Business Studies (International Business)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir sa Staidéar Gnó (Fiontraíocht)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Business Studies (Entrepreneurship)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir sa Staidéar Gnó (Gnó agus Cuntasaíocht)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Business Studies (Business and Accounting)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir sa Staidéar Gnó (Gnó agus Bainistíocht)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Business Studies (Business and Management)

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Berney, Thomas

Dunne, James Edward

Cowen, StephenGardiner, Mark

Hill, Laura EllenPologea, Sebastian

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir sa Staidéar Gnó (Fiontraíocht - Idirnáisiúnta)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Business Studies (Entrepreneurship International)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir sa Staidéar Gnó (Gnó Eachaí)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Business Studies (Equine Business)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir sa Staidéar Gnó (Margaíocht)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Business Studies (Marketing)

Awomewe, Motunrayo Omobusuyimi

Bakala, ChristelleBashford, OwenBoylan, Ross StephenCoyne, JackFerguson, Padraig Joseph

Clancy, Sean MichaelGeoghegan, Daragh JamesGibson, Andrew George

Willis, Daniel

Hennessy, Emma Marie

Mc Namara, Nicole Grainne

Kouadio, Mandognin Affo Delphine

Lynch, JadeMelia, Gerry PatrickMunowenyu, Sydney

HazvienzaniNaseem, Iqura

Mathers, ConorOrmsby, Ciara PatriciaShiel, David

Sanya, Samuel Ayomide

Rohan, Dara James

Omotosho, Julius OluwaseyiPashko, AnastasiyaTong, Gavin Lok HangWeldon, AlanZusters, Kaspars

Sunny, Sachumon

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir Ealaíon (Cuntasaíocht agus Airgeadas)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Accounting and Finance)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir Ealaíon (Airgeadas)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Finance)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir Ealaíon (Airgeadas agus Eacnamaíocht - Idirnáisiúnta)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Arts (International Finance and Economics)

Ard-Dioplóma sna hEalaíona (Airgeadas)Higher Diploma in Arts (Finance)

Ard-Dioplóma sa Chuntasaíocht GhairmiúilHigher Diploma in Professional Accounting

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Ahmed, Aisha AderojuBandora, TashBlake, ToniBrennan, James RaymondByrne, EmilyByrne, Martin

Anand, JagritAungier, Ciara MajellaBiju, Ben JohnsCoughlan, Noel AnthonyDoyle, Conor JamesFlynn, ConorHolt, Tom Muredach

Adedeji, Daniel EvansAdesemowo, Toluwalope

EstherAli, KalsoomBurchall, Jemma AnneBurke, Ciaran GerardChen, CatherineClevenger, Brent ThomasCollins, Autumn SophieCollins, Darragh PatrickCollins-Caffrey, James PatrickCremin, Sean PatrickCumiskey, Niamh Christina

Delagic, Nad-JaFarrell, GearodFitzsimons, Ronan KilianGamas, Ell HersheyHuang, LinO’Brien, Rory Patrick

Joyce, Sereena RoseKenny, OwenLennon, Ronan JamesLennon Maher, JohnMathew Joy, JeswinMurray, Lisa JaneNguyen, Minh Duc

Digby, IsobelDoyle, LisaDuffy, EmmaDunne, James ThomasGarrett, Liam MichaelHennessy, William JosephJenkins, Adam ThomasKeating, Brona MaireKilduff, AoibhinLeitao, Juliane CristianeMagliocco, Bianca JadeMc Cabe, Mark BernardMc Nulty, Aoife Marie

O’Connor, CiaraPawlok, Tomasz WojciechSweeney, Rebecca Jane MarieWang, Yuxiang

O’Gorman, Cian JohnPeri, MakelianRafter, Joseph MartinRakauskaite, KamileSpelman, Thomas Ewan

Meehan, Rebecca JaneMerl, Anna KatharinaMetcalfe, Eleanor AngelaO’Mahony, RianPerry, GeorgePower, Helen RoisinQueba Dias Camara, FlavioRennick, Kelly ElizabethRyder, AoifeThornton-Connolly, RachaelToner, NadiaZalnierukynaite, Evelina

Máistreacht sna hEalaíona Master of Arts

Máistir Eolaíochta Master of Science

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir sna DlítheHonours Degree of Bachelor of Laws

Roinn na hEacnamaíochta, Airgeadais agus Cuntasaíochta/ Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting

Roinn na hEacnamaíochta, Airgeadais agus Cuntasaíochta/ Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting

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Dunne, Lauren

Kalabor, Endurance

Burke, Alanah EmmaClinton, Erica SineadDonohue, GeneFlynn, David MichaelHackett, Oriana Camilla

Kildea, Sarah Elizabeth

Gaffney, Caoimhe

Cummins, Ciara PatriciaDaly, Ciaran Neil

Wassiee, Ghezal

Lotscher, Ella KarinMullins, Lisa JuliaO’Donnell, Robert


Gavril, Noela Stefania

Khumalo, Princess Sukoluhle Scott

Obabire, Khairat Watomi Olu

Ryan, Aisling Kiera

Lacey, Cathal James

Moran, Aoibheann

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir sna Dlíthe (Idirnáisiúnta)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Laws (International)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir sa Dlí Sibhialta (Dlí agus Cuntasaíocht)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Civil Law (Law and Accounting)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir sa Dlí Sibhialta (Dlí agus Ealaíona)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Civil Law (Law and Arts)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir sa Dlí Sibhialta (Dlí agus Ealaíona Idirnáisiúnta)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Civil Law (Law and Arts International)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir sa Dlí Sibhialta (Dlí agus Gnó)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Civil Law (Law and Business)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir sa Dlí Sibhialta (Dlí agus Coireolaíocht)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Civil Law (Law and Criminology)

Bordoloi, AkangshyaCronin Bermingham,


Dowling, Sadhbh AilishMurphy, Ann-Marie

Teague, Adam Christopher

Máistreacht sna hEalaíona Master of Arts

Roinn na Socheolaíochta/ Department of Sociology

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Grogan, Eileen

Adanan, ColetteCarey, Margaret MaryCooling, MichaelDevoy, Tony

Beckett Reddy, RosemaryByrne, KevinCarey, Brian ThomasCarter, AmandaFord, Anne Martina

Doolan, Aishling CatherineHeaslip, Laura AnneKinane, Barry JosephMc Carville, Enda Henry

Gleeson, Justin PatrickKavanagh, Anthony ThomasMartin, Andrea MariaO’Connor, Mitchel JohnÓ Riain, Laoise

O’Raw, MarionOglesby, JeniecePrice, Michael CharlesWard, Blathnaid Teresa

Russell, Stephen RaymondSheridan, AudreySinclair, JessicaUroic, Danijel

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir Ealaíon (Léann Áitiúil) Honours Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Local Studies)

Dioplóma sna hEalaíona (Léann Áitiúil agus Pobail)Diploma in Arts (Local and Community Studies)

Dioplóma sna hEalaíona (Staidéar Andúile)Diploma in Arts (Addiction Studies)

Healy, Richard LawrenceThesis Title: “Service User Perspectives of Irish Drug Policy: Toward the Development of a Human Rights Based Approach”Supervisor: Professor Mary P. Corcoran

Rojas Coppari, PabloThesis Title: “Liminal Lives: How Ireland’s Labour Migration Regime Entraps Migrant Households in Hyper-precarity”Supervisor: Professor Mary Murphy

Dochtúir san Fhealsúnacht (Ealaíona) Doctor of Philosophy (Arts)

Roinn na Socheolaíochta/ Department of Sociology

Gore, Derek Luke

Adekunle, Olushola RisikatBashir, Sinead MaryCorrigan, Edmund Fechin

Walsh, Dylan

Delaney, ShaenNolan, ChristopherPeppard, Philip

Quinn, Karol

Céim Onóracha – Baitsiléir san Eolaíocht Shóisialta (Obair Phobail agus Óige) Honours Degree of Bachelor of Social Science (Community and Youth Work)

Máistreacht san Eolaíocht Shóisialta (Obair Phobail agus Óige)Master of Social Science (Community and Youth Work)

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Brennan, AideenBrown, AislingDoran, Simon EugeneDuffy, Claire LouiseEspaldon, TeresitaMc Carthy, Daragh PaulMiller, JenniferMitchell, Mary Alice

Alexander, Sallyann MaryBerhe O’Rourke, SebleBradley, BernadetteCampbell, Sinéad Brid

Casey, Aoife ArleneCoyle, Patrick James

O’Byrne, Carol

Grace, Ellen

Molloy, Martin JamesMooney, Louise MartinaO’Brien, Janice FrancesO’Byrne Kearns, Yvonne

MaryO’Connor, MarieO’Dea, Conor Thomas


Dunlop, JohnFitzpatrick, AlvaGibbons, NoreenGriffin, Conor Patrick

Cusack, LyndseyFenlon, Karen Ann

Tuite, Rachael Louise

Pajak, Ewelina HelenaRyan, Liam JohnRyan, Mairead AdrienneThomas, Matthew JamesTrouabal, Miranda AoifeWalsh, JakeWebb, Kathryn Mary

Healy, Emer PatriciaMatthews, Patrick JohnSplini, AntoniaWalsh, Miriam Alexandra

Murtagh, Hilary MajellaRyan, Ciarnad Anne

Ard-Dioplóma sa BhreisoideachasHigher Diploma in Further Education

Dioplóma Iarchéime sa Treoirchomhairleoireacht do Dhaoine Fásta Postgraduate Diploma in Adult Guidance Counselling

Máistir san Oideachas (Oideachas Aosach agus Pobail)Master of Education (Adult and Community Education)

Máistir san Oideachas (Treoirchomhairleoireacht d’Aosaigh)Master of Education (Adult Guidance Counselling)

Dioplóma sa Treoirchomhairleoireacht do Dhaoine Fásta Diploma in Adult Guidance Counselling

Carey Tyrrell, YvonneCasey, Gillian KathleenCullen, Mary Geraldine

Glascott, AngelaHunter, Thomas EoghanLloyd, Deirdre Louise

Lynch, Laura AvrilO’Sullivan, Fiona AnnSmith, Declan

Máistir san Oideachas (Teagasc agus Foghlaim Nuálaíoch)Master of Education (Innovative Teaching and Learning)

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Gill, Nicole Kate Mulhall, Donna Murphy, Sarah

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir Ealaíon (Luath-Óige - Teagasc agus Foghlaim)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Early Childhood – Teaching and Learning)

Darby, Fionnuala EdwinaThesis Title: “Belonging on Campus: An exploratory study of the continuities, the contradictions and the consequences for Black and Minority Ethnic students in higher education”Supervisor: Dr Bernie Grummell

Homan, EoinThesis Title: “The Engineer in Society: an exploration of the treatment of ethics in engineering education and practice”Supervisor: Dr Michael Murray

Noonan. Gina MaryThesis Title: “Restor(y)ing their position in the spotlight, please welcome back on stage…Postgraduate Students who teach... or Graduate Teaching Assistants… or Teaching Postgrads… or...”Supervisor: Dr Camilla Fitzsimons

Watson, Chanel LouiseThesis Title: “PRESCRIPTION FOR CARE? An exploration of the experiences of nurse and midwife prescribers in the maternity setting”Supervisor: Dr Camilla Fitzsimons

Barron, Michael JohnThesis Title: “Analysis, Imagination and Action How did Civil Society Influence Public Policy in Relation to LGBTI+ Young People in Ireland 1993-2015?”Supervisors: Dr Hilary Tierney and Professor Maurice Devlin

Dochtúireacht san Ardoideachas agus san AosoideachasDoctorate in Higher and Adult Education

Dochtúir Eolaíochta Sóisialta Doctor of Social Science

Bergin, Lara BernadetteCarter, Jake John

Houlihan, Robert JohnHuston, Mark

O’Keeffe, Stephen MylesSheridan, Roisin Maeve

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir san Eolaíocht (Eolaíocht le hOideachas)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science (Science with Education)

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Quinn, Adrian Donal

Ard-Dioplóma sa Bhéarla Higher Diploma in English

Dochtúir san Fhealsúnacht (Ealaíona) Doctor of Philosophy (Arts)

Mc Cauley, Eamonn PatrickThesis Title: “Team Teaching for Inclusion: A Critical Analysis of Disability Discourse in Irish Post-Primary Schools”Supervisor: Dr Delma Byrne

Scoil na Nua-Theangacha, na Litríochtaí agus na gCultúr/School of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Collins, Kira JaninaThesis Title: “The Non-Traditional (M)Other: The Representation of Young Motherhood and Ambivalent Motherhood in Contemporary German and Irish Films”Supervisors: Professor Valerie Heffernan and Dr Denis Condon

Curran, DanielThesis Title: “The Burial of the Dead: Atrocity and Modern Memory in James Joyce and Samuel Beckett”Supervisor: Professor Emer Nolan

Dochtúir san Fhealsúnacht (Ealaíona) Doctor of Philosophy (Arts)

Roinn an Oideachais/ Department of Education

Roinn an Bhéarla/ Department of English

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Déardaoin 29 Deireadh Fómhair 2020: 2:00 i.n. Thursday 29th October 2020: 2:00 pm

Dámh na nEalaíon, an Léinn Cheiltigh agus na Fealsúnachta

Faculty of Arts, Celtic Studies and Philosophy

Bakutu, CharlyBell, Margaret FrancesBenitez, YismeliBlythe, FionaBolger, Ava TeresaBrannelly, NiallButler, Maximilian JosephCarroll, KatieCarroll, Niamh SiobhanCasey, John DavidChoi, HannahCommins, ShaneConnolly, Katie MaeCoogan, Aimee MarieCrampton, CoraCronin, Katie DanicaCujba, AlinaDaly, LornaDasaolu, AndreaDonegan, JoyceDoran, Aisling ClaireDoyle, KennethDoyle, LauraDoyle, Michael JohnDuffy, Kate MarieDundon Dowling, Scott

PatrickDunne, Aaron PatrickDunne, Kerrie AnnElgar, Alannah ClareElsaket, Yosuf Musbah OmarFarrell, CarlaFarrell, Mark StephenFarrell, Shane MarkFarrelly, Rebecca MarieFox, BrigidFox, Tara Brenda

Gannon, Hannah Mary Nyegaard

Gleeson, VictoriaGood, MaireadGorna, MartynaGuzman Carcamo, Sonia

StephanyHanlon, Emma JaneHicks, NiamhIlunga, Yann BikundaKavanagh, Adam PaulKelly, Jack HenryLawlor, EvaLee, Samuel MatthewLynch, Katie AntoniaLynch, Stephen JordanLyons, AlisonMaguire, Adam JosephMaxwell, CaelumMc Ardle, CiaraMc Ardle, Gerard FrancisMc Bride, ChantelleMc Bride, ElaineMc Carthy, Amy GemmaMc Givern, Laura MarieMc Gonigle, Edel MaryMc Govern, RosaMc Grath, MichaelMc Kenna, SheenaMeagher, IanMelvin, MeganMorgan, Jamie PatrickMulholland, LaurenMulligan, Lee DamianMurphy, Tara MargaretMurray, MarkNarsi, Asheen Barbra

Needham, Shane MichaelNeville-Moynihan, BlanaidNewsome, Dean DavidNicholson, Eimear Ní Dhochartaigh, Carla

LeanneO’Hagan, Sarah CaitOakman, LeilaPatel, Laura MayPearce, Christopher AlanPedreschi, Lauren AnnettePoole, Deirdre AstridPrendergast, Peter EdwardRegan, SerenaReilly, ErinReynolds, AlanRoche, MatthewRochford, Lauren AnnSaayman, NikitaSamuel, HepsibahShannon, Aisling CatherineSherry, Peter TómasSherry, Ultan CiaranSlomskyte, DominykaSmith, Sarah KateSmith Naughton, Ailbhe

PaulaStratu, IonTeehan, Inessa ClaireTroy, Amy AnnaWade, Kayleigh AnneWalsh, Michelle ChristinaWasson, Leah MeganWood, RebeccaXiang, Sally

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir Ealaíon (Dhá Mhórabhar)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Double Major)

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Rice, Emma Ashling

Appleby, Thomas HarveyHutchinson, Catherine


Howard, Louise Carol

Byrne, Liam Owen

Gahan, Sinéad Áine

Cross, Jordan Darren

Begley, Emma Louise

Butler, Amie MarieByrne, LaurenGill, Jayson

Clarke, Sophie Loren

Kelly, Neil DavidMc Cormack, Katelyn


Krzykowski, Marcin

Dever, Toirlach

Mobolaji, Monjolaoluwa Olusegun

O’Connor, Shane Anthony

Sammon Palmer, Meaghan Mary

Ryan, Conor

O’Donnell, CiaraSmith, Nicholas

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir Ealaíon (Príomhábhar Mionábhar)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Major Minor)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir Ealaíon (Aon Mhórábhar Amháin)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Single Major)

Roinn na hAntraipeolaíochta/Department of Anthropology

Roinn na hEacnamaíochta, Airgeadais agus Cuntasaíocht/Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting

Roinn na Ríomheolaíochta/ Department of Computer Science

Roinn na Tíreolaíochta/ Department of Geography

Roinn na Forbartha Idirnáisiúnta/Department of International Development

Roinn an Dlí/ Department of Law

Roinn na Socheolaíochta/ Department of Sociology

An Scoil Ghnó/ School of Business

Roinn an Bhéarla/ Department of English

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Madden, Claudia

Dunne, Erika

Roinn an Bhéarla/ Department of English

Roinn na Tíreolaíochta/ Department of Geography

Crowley Walsh, ClodaghDoyle, JordanHarlin, James Michael

WesleyHawkins, Rebecca ElaineMays, Carly AlisonMc Govern, Aisling

Mullaniff, Emma Jane

Farrell, Niamh BríghdeGanly, Karen Maire

Mc Kenna, Mark Daniel

Meaney, Paul AnthonyMurphy, Aoife MarieO’Neill, Dylan SeanO’Neill, Michael AnthonyOjo, Victoria EniolaRiordan, Sarah-Jane


Maher, RachelRice, Brendan

Rochfort, Celia MaryRoe, CiaranRogers, Tara ShaunaSheridan, Daniel EndaWalsh, Hannah

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir Ealaíon (Idirnáisiúnta) Honours Degree of Bachelor of Arts (International)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir Ealaíon (Léann Eorpach)Honours Degree of Bachelor of Arts (European Studies)

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir Ealaíon (Staidéar ar na Meáin) Honours Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Media Studies)

Céim Onóracha – Baitsiléir sna hEalaíona Idirnáisiúnta (Teicneolaíocht na Meán)Bachelor of Arts International (Media Technology)

Dabek, Meredith CatherineThesis Title: ““Lizzie’s Story Felt Like Home:” Meaning-Making and Narratively-Constructed Digital Intimacy in Literary Web Series” Supervisor: Dr Jeneen Naji

Dochtúir san Fhealsúnacht (Ealaíona) Doctor of Philosophy (Arts)

Roinn Staidéar ar na Meáin/ Department of Media Studies

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Ward, Megan Marie

Fee, RachelLloyd-Keogh, Sean

Ahern, Killian MarkAttard Gilvau, NicoleBaldwin, Daniel MelvilleBriscoe, Paul AndrewBuckley, Darragh DenisCampbell, TadhgCaruana, Tarah MarieCribbin, SineadDalton, Michelle JulieDe Gaillí, BlathnaidDimech, DavidDonovan, StephenDoran, LukeDunbar, EoinEgan, JamieEl-Masry, LiamFeeney, Jack RichardFolan, ColmFoley, ChloeForde, Robert WilliamFrancis, Ryan JamesGallagher, Turlough

AnthonyGrennan, Patrick JosephGunne, Joseph PatrickHalley, Andrew GrahamHallihan, PáraicHarnett, MauriceHiggins, Ciaran

Mee, JohnnyMoore, Robyn

Holmes, James MichaelIrwin, Thomas AnthonyKelly, AndrewKiernan, Eamonn JamesLangtry, Dermot JohnLeahy, JamesLozko, IgnatsLundon, AlanMac Giolla Cearra, Fionn

AodhMaguire, Rhys JohnMannix, JasonMansfield, Harry MichaelMarron, GaryMc Carthy, Seán DavidMc Donald, Ivan BrianMc Grath, Brian MichaelMc Mahon, Jack AnthonyMc Namara, Alexander

BrianMc Namara, Owen ThomasMc Namara, PeteMonaghan, MichaelMoran, AlexanderMorgan, Kyle ReeceMorrissey, Gavin JamesMullen, Christopher PatrickMulligan, Christopher


Weitzman, Oisin Abraham

Murphy, CaelánMurphy, Colin PeterMurray, Erika DeliaO’Brien, Colm David

ByrdenO’Brien, KillianO’Byrne, Dylan MichaelO’Byrne, MarcusO’Connell, John MichaelO’Gorman, CillianO’Neill, Harry Eoghan

GavinO’Reilly O’Riordan, SaoirseO’Rourke, SeanPortelli, RoderickPrendergast, BrendanRadic, MilicaSheehan, Robert TimothySpiteri, NeilStan, Borys DamianSwan, Harry DesmondTimmins, John Neilan

EugeneWalsh, KevinWalsh, Niall GerardWynne, Adam CliveZammit, Aaron

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir sa Cheol Honours Degree of Bachelor of Music

Céim Onóracha - Baitsiléir Ealaíon (Teicneolaíocht an Cheoil) Honours Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Music Technology)

Dioplóma sa Cheannaireacht, sa Bhainistíocht agus sa Staidéar CosantaDiploma in Leadership, Management and Defence Studies

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Barbour, Noel JamesBrennan, PadraigCoffey, Máirtín ThomasCourtney, Alan MartinDe La Guardia, Matthew

DavidDuffy, Colin MichaelFinegan, Ultan Edward

Gorey, ConorHarrington, Ian EugeneKingston, ConorKirwan, ConorMc Corry, NiallMoloney, ElaineO’Donoghue, DiarmuidO’Mahoney, Aidan Patrick

O’Regan, Anthony WilliamO’Reilly, James BrendanRigney, Gerard JamesRyan, FergalSheahan, PatrickTubridy, Ferghal

Máistir Ealaíon (Ceannaireacht, Bainistíocht agus Staidéar Cosanta)Master of Arts (Leadership, Management and Defence Studies)

Doran, Patricia

Roinn na Léinn Chlasaicigh/ Department of Ancient Classics

Hickey, Connor

Healy, Sharon Catherine Kiely, Karel Mary

Dioplóma Iarchéime sa Chartlannacht StairiúilPostgraduate Diploma in Historical Archives

Máistreacht sna hEalaíonaMaster of Arts

Farrell, Anne VeronicaFitzpatrick, NiamhGolden, Thomas William


Finnegan, Mairead Aine

Bird O Rourke, Dean Michael

Butler, PatrickByrne, Ryan DavidCarroll, Paul EamonnConnolly, Ronald AnthonyDowney, PeterDuffe, Patricia MaryDunne, Terence

Mc Donagh, Christopher Joseph

Mc Garr, Sharon LisaRussell, Noreen Mary

Hendrick, Adam FrancisHogan, Anna BridgetJoyce, Darragh ConorKing, Aaron JohnLa Pina, Helena MarieMasterson, DanielMayes, Francis JosefMc Auley, Megan Lile

Wixted, Martine

Mc Eneaney, Jason Alexander

Mc Grath, NicoleO’Connor, Jack PatrickO’Neill, Katie Eileen CarterO’Neill, RebeccaO’Rourke, Shane MartinWalsh, Stephen Brian

Institiúid Edward M Kennedy/ Edward M Kennedy Institute

Roinn na Sean-Ghaeilge/ Department of Early Irish

Roinn na Staire/ Department of History

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O’Sullivan, Oliver MartinThesis Title: “Drawn from the Life: Literary Techniques and the Representation of Complex Characters in Suetonius’ De vita Caesarum” Supervisors: Dr Michael Williams and Dr Gordon Campbell

Roinn na Tíreolaíochta/ Department of Geography

Phelan, Dean Thesis Title: “Making Hui: The minoritisation, performance and place of Islam in contemporary Beijing” Supervisors: Professor Gerard Kearns, Professor Mark Boyle, Dr Zhouxiang Lu

Roinn na Fealsúnachta/ Department of Philosophy

Boulter, Matthew RutherfordThesis Title: “Repetition and Mythos: Ratzinger’s Bonaventure and the Meaning of History” Supervisor: Professor Philipp W. Rosemann

Dochtúir san Fhealsúnacht (Ealaíona) Doctor of Philosophy (Arts)

Roinn na Léinn Chlasaicigh/ Department of Ancient Classics

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Leabhrán eolais atá sa cháipéis seo, ní cáipéis oifigiúil í. Ní ghlacann an Ollscoil freagracht ar bith as earráidí nó as easnaimh.

This booklet is for information only and is not an official document. The University cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions

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2020A chéimí, a chara,

Ar an lá seo, Lá do Bhronnta, ba mhaith liom comhghairdeas ó chroí a ghabháil leat agus fáilte a chur romhat isteach go pobal alumni Ollscoil Mhá Nuad.

Le breis agus 75,000 alumnus ar fud na cruinne, is mar chuid de ghréasán alumni mórtasach thú ón lá seo amach. Blianta fada tar éis dóibh a gcéimeanna a bhaint amach, bíonn alumni Mhá Nuad ag baint taitnimh as bheith ag nascadh lena chéile agus lena n-alma mater.

Filleann alumni dár gcuid ar champas chun freastal ar athaontais ranga, ar imeachtaí gréasánaithe, nó ar léachtaí atá dírithe ar alumni amháin. Tá an-thóir ar imeachtaí ceoil agus cultúrtha, chomh maith lenár rátaí laghdaithe dár n-alumni do bhallríocht leabharlainne agus do na háiseanna spóirt. Filleann alumni chun cainteanna a thabhairt astu maidir lena ngairmeacha nó chun socrúcháin oibre a thairiscint do mhic léinn reatha agus do chéimithe úrnua freisin. Tarlaíonn sé go mbíonn caibidlí seolta i gcathracha agus i dtíortha ar fud na cruinne – rud gur cheart cuimhneamh air cibé áit ina bhfuil tú lonnaithe sna míonna agus sna blianta amach romhat.

Bíonn an t-irisleabhar alumni bliantúil, The Bridge, foilsithe i mí na Nollag. Feictear ailt ónár n-alumni faoina gcuid tréimhsí i Má Nuad agus faoin mbealach ina ndeachaigh siad i ndiaidh dóibh a gcéimeanna a bhaint amach agus cuirtear fáilte roimhe seo, ní hamháin don irisleabhar ach do shuíomh gréasáin na hOllscoile freisin.

Ba mhaith linn é dá bhfanfá i dteagmháil leis an Oifig Forbartha agus Caidrimh le Alumni ionas go bhféadfá fanacht mar chuid den phobal speisialta agus aonaránach atá ag alumni Mhá Nuad agus atá ag leanúint ar aghaidh ag dul i bhfeidhm ar an domhan mór. Mar sin, tabhair cuairt le do thoil ar visit chun fáil amach céard atá ar fáil duit mar chéimí úrnua agus chun ballríocht a ghlacadh isteach i bPobal Alumni Mhá Nuad. (Mar gheall ar reachtaíocht na hEorpa maidir le cosaint sonraí, tá do chead ag teastáil uainn roimh dúinn bheith in ann teagmháil a dhéanamh leat trí ríomhphost. Nuair a ghlacann tú ballríocht isteach i bPobal Alumni Mhá Nuad, cinntíonn tú duit féin go bhfaighidh tú an nuacht agus na buntáistí ar fad atá tuillte agat tar éis an tréimhse a chaith tú linn anseo.)

Mar chéimithe don bhliain 2020, ní mór daoibh fanacht sábhailte agus taitneamh a bhaint as an gceiliúradh cé go bhfuil laethanta deacra linn. Guimid sláinte agus sonas oraibhse agus ar bhur dteaghlaigh agus táimid ag súil le bheith ag ceiliúradh libh go léir ar champas sna míonna amach romhainn.

An tOllamh Pilib Ó NualláinUachtarán

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2020Dear Graduate,

On this your Graduation Day, I would like to offer you my sincere congratulations and welcome you to the Maynooth University alumni community.

With more than 75,000 alumni worldwide, today you join the ranks of a proud alumni network. Years after they graduate, Maynooth alumni continue to enjoy connecting with one another and with their alma mater.

Our alumni return to campus for class reunions, for networking events, or to attend lectures geared specifically for alumni. Music and cultural events are very popular, as are the discounted alumni rates for library membership or for our sporting facilities. Alumni also return to give career talks or offer work placements to current students or to recent graduates. They even go on to launch chapters in cities and countries around the world—something you may want to consider wherever you find yourself over the coming months and years.

The annual Maynooth alumni magazine, The Bridge, is produced in December. We feature (and welcome) contributions from alumni on their time in Maynooth or their journey after they graduate, both in the magazine and on the University’s website.

I encourage you to keep in touch with the Development and Alumni Relations Office so you can ensure you remain a part of the very special and distinctive community of Maynooth alumni that continues to make an impact throughout the world. So please visit to find out what’s available to you as a new graduate and to join the Maynooth Alumni Community. (In light of European legislation regarding data protection, we can only communicate with you by email with your consent. By joining the alumni community, we can ensure you receive all of the news and benefits that your time here has afforded you.)

So Class of 2020, stay safe and enjoy your celebrations even in these difficult times. We wish you and your families good health and happiness and we look forward to celebrating your graduation with you on campus in the months ahead.

Professor Philip NolanPresident

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Maynooth Alumni - Thousands of Graduates, One Community

Join our online community and make sure you don’t miss out on alumni scholarships, career opportunities or networking events at home or abroad.

Maynooth Alumni - Thousands of Graduates, One Community

Join our online community and make sure you don't miss out on alumni scholarships, career opportunities or networking events at home or abroad.

Maynooth Alumni - Thousands of Graduates, One Community

Join our online community and make sure you don't miss out on alumni scholarships, career opportunities or networking events at home or abroad.

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