Conference and convention pp

Conference and Convention Management

Transcript of Conference and convention pp

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Conference and Convention Management

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- is an expert in international hospitality and tourism, franchising, finance and project development, hospitality marketing. His primary area of research lies in the investigation and theoretical modeling of the key drivers of customer loyalty. Prior to entering academia in a full-time capacity, Dr. Schlentrich held CEO and senior board level positions with leading American and international hospitality organizations such as Hilton International, Loew's and Stakis. He was also a founding member of the executive team in the launch of Omni International Hotels & Resorts.

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Meetings, Incentive Travel, Conventions, and Exhibitions Management

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Name the hospitality industry associations Describe the various types of meetings Explain the difference between meetings,

expositions, and conventions Describe the role of a meeting planner Explain the primary responsibilities of a

convention and visitor’s bureau or authority

List the steps in event management

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MICE is used to refer to a particular type of tourism in which large groups, usually planned well in advance, are brought together for some particular purpose.

MICE tourism usually includes a well-planned agenda centered around a particular theme or topic, such as profession trade organization, a special interest group or an educational topic. Such tourism is often a specialized area with its own exhibition

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Meeting –Brings people together for the purpose of exchanging information

an event booked at a hotel, convention center or any other venue dedicated to such gatherings.

 Meeting covers the following:1. Lecture, 2. Seminar, 3. Conference,4. Congress, 5. Exhibition or trade show, 6. Workshop, training course, team-building session and

kick-off event.

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Early Civilization – people gather and exchange goods, to share experience and knowledge.

Medieval Times – craft and trade guilds were formed to uphold standards and protect their members.

Early Marketplace – sophisticated convention and exhibition centre.

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defined as the most important sources of competitive advantage.

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ConferencesConventionsExhibihitionTrade Fairs

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Clinic-  workshop type educational experience in which attendees learn by doing. (small groups interacting with each other)

Forum – an assembly for the discussion of common concerns. Usually, experts in a given field take the opposite sides of an issue in a panel discussion.

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Seminar – a lecture and a dialogue that allow participants to share experiences in a particular field. A seminar is guided by an expert discussion leader, usually 30 or fewer persons participates.

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Symposium - a meeting or conference  for the discussion of some subject,

especially a meeting at which several speakers talk on or discuss a topic before an audience.

A collection of opinions expressed or articles contributed by several persons on a given 

subject or  topic.

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Workshop – meetings emphasizing interaction and exchange of information among a usually small number of participants.

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Sponsors – one who initiate the buying process for a particular meeting

Meeting Planner – member of the association charged with the planning and supervision of a particular event.

Site Selection – refers to the location and environment where the event will take place.

Venue Selection – refers to the specific facility where the event is to take place.

Events – the type of meeting that being held

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Convention and visitor bureaus – coordinate and promote the diverse interests of city government, travel suppliers and trade civic organization.

Destination Management Companies – responsible for ground transportation, storage of materials, selection of convention supplier, development of spouse programme and organization of pre and post-convention trips

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Hotels and Conference Centre – employ a variety of strategies to attract the conference client to their property.

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Assembly – large formal gathering Award/Gala Dinner – integral part of an

associations closing ceremony for its annual convention

Clinic – an educational session where participants learn by doing.

Colloquium – meeting involving academicians and scientists who deliver lecture with question and answer session.

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Conference – usually general session with a high level of participants

Congress – used in Europe to describe an event which in the US is called a convention.

Convention – as the act of coming together or an assembly, often periodical of delegates and representatives.

Exhibition – event designed to bring together purveyors of products, equipment and services

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Forum – meeting where experts in a specific field give short presentations, usually expressing different ways.

Incentive – events which are specifically designed to reward the participants for high achievement.

Lecture – a formal presentation given by a specialist to an audience

Meeting – involves only few participants 2 to 12 persons

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Poster Session – part of academic conference where the authors given the opportunity to display abstract of their papers and able to meet and discuss their findings.

Presentation – a meeting describes a product, budget or new business strategies

Production / Show – describe an events such as products launches which supported by live entertainment or multi media show.

Programme – describe the entire schedule of events within a conference.

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Seminar – a lecture and discussion period which allows participants to share experience in a particular field.

Summit – term used to describe a conference attended by heads of government or high level officials.

Symposium – a similar in style to a seminar with a single subject to discuss

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Theme Party – often reflect the characteristics of the local destination

Trade Show / Fair – an event during which suppliers present their products in service in an exhibits format.

Workshop – events where large groups of people who have attended a lecture or presentation split into small workshop groups of 6 12 people.

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Incentive tourism is usually undertaken as a type of employee reward by a company or institution for targets met or exceeded, or a job well done. Unlike the other types of MICE tourism, incentive tourism is usually conducted purely for entertainment, rather than professional or educational purposes.

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 is a gathering of individuals who meet at an arranged place and time in order to discuss or engage in some common interest. The most common conventions are based upon industry, profession.

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A trade fair (trade show, trade exhibition or expo) is an exhibition organized so that companies in a specific industry can showcase and demonstrate their latest products, service, study activities of rivals and examine recent  market trends and opportunities.

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Verbal and written communications Organization and time management Project management and multi-tasking Self-starter and team player Understand Microsoft Office applications Detail and deadline-oriented Calm and personable under pressure Negotiation Budget management Staff management Marketing and public relations Interpersonal skills with all levels of management

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Venue selection Catering Production Entertainment Gifts Transportation Lodging Conference


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Those who pursue a career in event planning come from a variety of professions and academic backgrounds. Many employers prefer a bachelor's degree in hospitality management, business administration, marketing, public relations, or communications.

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 Delegate spending EmploymentPositive image

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Trade and Professional Associations-These associations are primarily interested in improving the economic and trading environment as well as promoting the image and status of their members.

  Government Organization

-Political parties, regional municipalities, and military and police organizations all belong to this segment.

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Labour Unions -Usually held in the summer. All expenses are generally borne by the local or national union on behalf of their delegates.

Scientific and Medical Associations-As a result of the continuous rapid changes in technology and the sciences, this sector organizes frequent conventions and meetings at the national and international level.

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Religious Organizations-Two major groupings of religious conventions those held for clergy and support staff and those held for individuals practising a particular religion.

Educational associations-These conferences are generally held on university campuses and require a large number of breakout meeting rooms for plenary sessions and the presentation of papers.

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Avocational Associations-These association span a broad sector of interest groups.

Charitable Associations-Two primarily groups one who raises funds and the other is for research. These groups meet frequently both nationally and internationally to set the stage for future strategic development.

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The responsibilities and actions to be taken over a given period of time to achieve the desired business and marketing objectives.

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Occupancies and average rates to be achieved for each market segment

Marketing budget required to achieve revenue projections

How venue is to be positioned in the marketplace

How to achieve a competitive advantage How to attract conference buyers How to achieve consistent customer

satisfaction and loyalty

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Research – The most effective sales strategy to achieve conference booking is target marketing.

Advertising – most cost effective and efficient when announcing a new product or facility

Brochures - often the first impression that a meeting planer gains about a venue

New letters and direct mail – develop a mailing list which facilities periodic contact via a direct mail campaign or in-house newsletter to reach existing client

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Telemarketing – integral part of a direct sales marketing strategy

Personal sales calls – effectively plan and scheduled

Exhibitions and consortia promotions – national and tourist boards frequently invites hotels and conference venues to partake in industry exhibitions staged nationally or internationally

Public relations – image and public relations campaign are an effective means of keeping the name of property in the forefront

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Branding – frequently hotel chains brand their conference facilities and services in order to gain a competitive edge

Pricing – in order to provide meeting planners with an all inclusive meeting package, venue develop standard pricing packages which include use if meeting facilities

Facility Visits – inviting prospective buyers to visit hotel or convention centre in person is an ideal way to convince them to book business.

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Video – high quality video presentation are an effective way to promote a venue either during personal sales presentation or during exhibits.

Websites – this medium can be an effective marketing tool as meeting planners are increasingly using websites to gather information

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Facilities Management and Design

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Global and National Accounts executive in the chemical and industrial sector with demonstrated successes, results-driven, international management, leadership, strategic thinking, project management, and problem solving skills.

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Sensual element such as those aspects concerned with appearance, space, privacy, social activity, image.

Functional element such as those aspects associated with operational and cost effectiveness and with productivity.

Health and Safety elements which include compliance with statutory requirements.

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Function would normally

Project planning and managementPlanning and managing spaceAspects relating to facility ownership and occupation etc.Maintenance managementProcurement and management of outsourcing agreementsinsurance

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acquisition of a new building or the adaptation of an existing property is a major challenge for any organization.

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Two Views 1st space designed to accommodate the needs of the organizations customers.

2nd hospitality managers are concerned with space designed to house the administrative and other areas needed to receive, store, produce and deliver and layout of the workplace

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Agreement must be professionally drawn up to ensure that the rights and interest of all parties are properly safeguard.

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Responsibility to protect the people using its premises.

To protect the people using its premisesTo protect its assetsTo protect information held by the businessTo encourage the normal functioning of business

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Siting of appropriate fire fighting equipment and the provision and implementation of staff safety training are likely to have the most impact on fire safety including preventive measures for accidents that will occur.

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Facilities Manager Must be Familiarized with the following:

Temperature in workplaceLiability with trespassersStaff Safety trainingPersonal protective equipment for employeeSick Building Syndrome

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Maintenance activity is often perceived by managers as unglamorous and an activity best left to the hotel maintenance staff.

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Equipment designed specifically to provide energy savings are desirable, other measures will ensure that energy consumption and cost is modified.

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Business that self sufficient that they do not rely on some outside organization to provide an input, whether is buying office supplies, sourcing materials for manufacturing or suing a firm to clean the office windows.

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Directly consulting to an insurance company.Insurance can provide a measure of assurance to clients for all forms of calamity, the cost of premiums may be such that many business may be more content to take on some risks out of their own business.

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Computer are now regarded a part of everyday life and a wide range of hospitality software is available which enables businesses to control and record information from guest room, reservations to food purchases from wage and salary records to complex sales analyses, from guest room key control to automated check-in/check-out.