Conditionals -

CS111 Computer Programming Department of Computer Science Wellesley College Conditionals Overview: Making Decisions Conditionals 7-2 If “is it raining”: take the umbrella wear rainboots wear raincoat Else: wear sandals wear a summer dress “Is it raining” is an expression that can return True or False. In a Python program we can use: - True/False values - Relational Expressions - Logical Expressions - Predicates (all evaluate to True/False) whenever the code needs to make a decision for what to do next. 7-3 Conditionals (if Statements) Boolean expressions are used to choose between two courses of action in a conditional statement introduced by the keyword if. if boolean_expression: statement1 statement2 statement3 else: statement4 statement5 def abs(n): '''returns absolute value''' if n < 0: return –n else: return n Above is the Python syntax for expressing conditional statements. To notice: - Colons at the end of line for if and else - Indentation for lines succeeding if and else Conditionals Concepts in this slide: Conditional statement syntax involving if and else. Flow Diagrams else clause statement1 bool_expression statement4 True False statement2 statement3 statement5 then clause 7-4 Conditionals Concepts in this slide: Flow diagrams: a model to understand branched execution. The Road Not Taken Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both Robert Frost IMPORTANT: Only one of the branches is ever executed when a conditional statement is encountered. That is what the Flow Diagram exemplifies.

Transcript of Conditionals -

Page 1: Conditionals - Computer Programming Department of Computer Science Wellesley College Conditionals Overview:

CS111 Computer Programming Department of Computer Science Wellesley College


Overview: Making Decisions

Conditionals 7-2

If “is it raining”: take the umbrella wear rainboots wear raincoat

Else: wear sandals wear a summer dress

“Is it raining” is an expression that can return True or False. In a Python program we can use: -  True/False values -  Relational Expressions -  Logical Expressions -  Predicates (all evaluate to True/False) whenever the code needs to make a decision for what to do next.


Conditionals (if Statements) Boolean expressions are used to choose between two courses of action in a conditional statement introduced by the keyword if.

if boolean_expression: statement1 statement2 statement3 else: statement4 statement5

def abs(n): '''returns absolute value''' if n < 0: return –n else: return n

Above is the Python syntax for expressing conditional statements. To notice: -  Colons at the end of line for if and


-  Indentation for lines succeeding if and else


Concepts in this slide: Conditional statement syntax involving if and else. Flow Diagrams

�else� clause




True False



statement5 �then� clause

7-4 Conditionals

Concepts in this slide: Flow diagrams: a model to understand branched execution.

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both

Robert Frost

IMPORTANT: Only one of the branches is ever executed when a conditional statement is encountered. That is what the Flow Diagram exemplifies.

Page 2: Conditionals - Computer Programming Department of Computer Science Wellesley College Conditionals Overview:

def abs(n): '''returns absolute value''' if n < 0: return –n return n


Dropping elseWhen writing functions where both branches contain a return statement, we can drop the keyword else, as shown below. This is because return will exit the function when if is True. In the case it’s False, the rest will be executed, which is exactly what else would do too.

def abs(n): '''returns absolute value''' if n < 0: return –n else: return n


Notice the missing else

Concepts in this slide: In some occasions, elseis optional. Nested Conditionals

if boolean_expression1: statement1 statement2 else: if boolean_expression2: statement3 statement4 else: statement5 statement6`

def movieAge(age): if age < 8: return 'G' else: if age < 13: return 'PG' else: if age < 18: return 'PG-13' else: return 'R'

7-6 Conditionals

Concepts in this slide: Syntax for nested conditionals, example of nesting.


A Better Approach: Chained Conditionals

def movieAge(age): if age < 8: return 'G' elif age < 13: return 'PG' elif age < 18: return 'PG-13' else: return 'R'

if boolean_expression1: statement1 statement2 elif boolean_expression2: statement3 statement4 elif boolean_expression3: statement5 statement6 else: statement7 statement8


Concepts in this slide: New keyword: elif. Replace nesting with chaining of conditionals.

Compare this implementation of movieAge with that of the previous slide. For chained conditionals, we write less code, which is also easier to read because of fewer indentations.

Flow Diagram: Chained Conditionals


True False

test1 True False


test3 False






Concepts in this slide: Another example of the flow diagram model for branched execution.

IMPORTANT: In the moment one of the tests is True, the associated statements are executed and the chained conditional is exited. Only in the case when tests are False, we continue checking to find a True test.

Page 3: Conditionals - Computer Programming Department of Computer Science Wellesley College Conditionals Overview:

Exercise 1: Define a function named letterGrade that takes one score (the average of all your individual scores in a class) , and returns a letter grade. Exercise 2: Define a function named addArticle that takes a string argument and returns a new string with the correct article (a or an) added to the front of the argument. Exercise 3: Define a function named daysInMonth that takes a month (as an integer) as the parameter, and returns the number of days in it, assuming the year is not a leap year. If the month does not fall between 1 and 12, return an error message as a string. Make the function as concise as possible


Exercises [For notebook in class]

Assume: A >= 90, B >= 80, C >= 70, D >= 60, F < 60


All Python values are either Truthy or Falsey

def testTruthy(val): if val: return 'Truthy' else: return 'Falsey'

testTruthy(True) 'Truthy' testTruthy(False) 'Falsey' testTruthy(17) 'Truthy' testTruthy(0) 'Falsey’ testTruthy('hello') 'Truthy' testTruthy('') 'Falsey' testTruthy(None) 'Falsey' testTruthy([1,2,3]) 'Truthy' testTruthy([]) 'Falsey'

Unexpectedly, in the context of if, and, and or, Python treats a small number of so-called Falsey values (0, '', None, [], (), and {}) as False and all other values as True (so-called Truthy values). In general, we think it is bad style to write code that depends on this fact; use Boolean expressions instead!

0 or 4 4 5 or 6 5 0 and 7 0 8 and 9 9 '' or 'a' 'a' 'b' or 'c' 'b' '' and 'd' '' 'e' and 'f' 'f'

7-10 Conditionals

isVowel revisited

def isVowel(s): l = s.lower() return l == ('a' or 'e' or 'i' or 'o' or 'u')

def isVowel(s): l = s.lower() return l == 'a'

Because by Python’s treatment of truthy/falsey values, it’s equivalent to

7-11 Conditionals

The following definition doesn’t work. Why?

Simplifying Boolean Expressions and Conditionals There are several code patterns involving boolean expressions and conditionals that can be simplified. The unsimplified versions are considered to be bad style and will be flagged by uur Codder tool. Below BE stands for any expression evaluating to a boolean, and STMS stands for any statements.

7-12 Conditionals

Complex Expr/Stmt

Simpler Expr/Stmt

Complex Expr/Stmt

Simpler Expr/Stmt

BE == True BE BE == False not BE

if BE: return True else: return False

return BE if BE: return False else: return True

return not BE

if BE1: return BE2 else: return False

return BE1 and BE2 if BE1: return True else: return BE2

return BE1 or BE2

if BE: STMS return True else: STMS return False

STMS return BE

result = BE return result

return BE

Page 4: Conditionals - Computer Programming Department of Computer Science Wellesley College Conditionals Overview:

Simplifying Boolean Expressions and Conditionals: Example

7-13 Conditionals

def doesNotBeginWithVowel(s): if isVowel(s[0]) == False return True else: return False

def doesNotBeginWithVowel(s): if not isVowel(s[0]) return True else: return False

def doesNotBeginWithVowel(s): return not isVowel(s[0])