Conditional and Situations

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  • 7/30/2019 Conditional and Situations




    Adapted by: Maria Eugenia Mejia O.



    Read the following situations and give the possible solutions in each case by using conditionals

    Situation 1

    Imagine you were visiting your doctor because you hadnt felt well lately, the doctor suggested

    that you should do some medical tests so he had detected some nodules in your breast.

    You practiced them and the diagnostic was not in your favor he analyzed that you had gotten a

    breast cancer.

    You know that the cancer can be treated in different ways depending on what type of cancer it is,

    besides where it is in the body and whether it has spread (its stage). You may have more than one

    type of treatment. Your doctors will discuss with you the best treatment for your situation. Before

    planning your treatment, the doctor should talk to you on the causes and effects.

    The treatment can be given with the aim of curing the cancer, controlling it or relieving symptoms,some patients are often given more than one of treatment. The doctor has suggested taking some

    chemotherapy and radiotherapy but both treatments can cure it because your disease is in

    advanced process and you want to fight for your life.

    One day you were listening to someone said that her breast cancer was stopped no giving any

    support about how it had happened in her life.

    You have always believed in God and now you have asked God of being your pilot.

    1. Do you believe in miracles? Why not if so

    2. What would have you done if you had lived the same situation?

    3. What kind of treatment would you have taken in case you hadnt believed in God

    4. If you dont believe in God why do you ask him when you have serious troubles in your life?

    Situation 2

    The government and the guerrilla are sitting down now in Cuba in order to get the peace in our

    country; both have different speech and point of view, the government said last week of being

    positive in ending the armed conflict that have been lasted for five decades. The guerrilla has

    insisted in having some swath of land to conduct the negotiation, but the president has said no

    because a decade ago the guerrilla was stronger and bolder than ever attacking the military and

    civilians. The reference to that last dialogues and failed talks have been as process in which

    citizens are pessimist and have criticized the government actual because of the guerrilla keeps the

    same attacks ,kidnapping and killings.

    Answer the following questions

    1. If it is possible to get the peace in our country? How

    2. What is your position if you were invited in sharing your opinion on that new negotiation?

    3. What is your position as an independent college student?4. What is your position if the government would grant the revels a swath of land to conduct the


    5. What would be the position if you were keeping the negotiation in Cuba on T.V.? What side

    would you agree? The guerrilla? The government? Why?

  • 7/30/2019 Conditional and Situations


    Lea las siguientes situaciones y dar a las posibles soluciones en cada caso mediante el uso de los


    Situacin 1

    Imagina que estaba visitando a su mdico, ya que no se haba sentido bien ltimamente, el doctor

    sugiere que usted debe hacer algunos exmenes mdicos por lo que haba detectado unos

    ndulos en la mama.

    Se les practic y el diagnstico no fue a su favor, analiz que haba conseguido un cncer de


    Usted sabe que el cncer puede ser tratado de diferentes maneras, dependiendo de qu tipo de

    cncer es, adems de dnde se encuentra en el cuerpo y si se ha propagado (la etapa). Usted

    puede tener ms de un tipo de tratamiento. Sus mdicos discutir con usted el mejor tratamiento

    para su situacin. Antes de la planificacin de su tratamiento, el mdico debe hablar con usted

    acerca de las causas y efectos.

    El tratamiento se puede administrar con el objetivo de curar el cncer, controlar o aliviar los

    sntomas, algunos pacientes se dan a menudo ms de una de tratamiento. El mdico le aconsej

    tomar algn quimioterapia y radioterapia, pero ambos tratamientos pueden curar porque su

    enfermedad est en proceso avanzado y desea luchar por su vida.

    Un da que estaba escuchando a alguien que dice que su cncer de mama fue detenido sin darningn tipo de apoyo sobre cmo haba ocurrido en su vida.Usted siempre ha credo en Dios y

    ahora no han pedido a Dios de ser su piloto.

    1. Crees en los milagros? Por qu no ser as

    2. Qu ha hecho usted si hubiera vivido la misma situacin?

    3. Qu tipo de tratamiento habras tomado en caso de que no hubiera credo en Dios

    4. Si no crees en Dios, por qu preguntarle si tiene problemas graves en su vida?

    Situacin 2

    El gobierno y la guerrilla estn sentados ahora en Cuba con el fin de obtener la paz en nuestro

    pas, ambos tienen diferente expresin y punto de vista, el gobierno dijo la semana pasada "de ser

    positivo para poner fin al conflicto armado que se han prolongado durante cinco dcadas ". Laguerrilla ha insistido en tener alguna franja de terreno para llevar a cabo la negociacin, pero el

    presidente ha dicho que no ", porque hace una dcada la guerrilla era ms fuerte y ms audaz que

    nunca atacar a los militares y civiles". La referencia a que los ltimos dilogos y conversaciones no

    han sido como un proceso en el que los ciudadanos son pesimistas y han criticado al gobierno

    actual a causa de la guerrilla mantiene a los mismos ataques, secuestros y asesinatos.

    Conteste las siguientes preguntas