Concordia Phrasebook

HELPING YOU UNDERSTAND ENGLISH Dictionar frazeologic util pe perioada sederii tale la ferma A phrase book to help you during your stay on a farm ĴńŋŇŒņŒŔőŌŎ ŎŒōŖŒ ŝʼn ņŌ œŒŐŒŇőʼn œŒ ņŔʼnŐʼn őń ņńŜŌţ œŔʼnŕŖŒō ņŞņ ŘʼnŔŐńŖń

Transcript of Concordia Phrasebook


Dictionar frazeologic util pe perioada sederii tale la ferma

A phrase book to help you during your stay on a farm

Sansa ta de a-ti imbunatati engleza

Sansa ta de a-ti imbunatati englezaConcordia doreste sa se asigure ca beneficiezi din plin de sederea ta. De aceea am pregatit impreuna cu British Council acest ghid de conversatie, pentru a te ajuta sa inveti limba engleza in timp ce lucrezi la ferma. Toti vor aprecia efortul tau si te vor ajuta sa te descurci atunci cand iesi in oras singur.

Un lucru cheie pe care sa-l tii minte este sa nu spui nicodata ”da” atunci cand nu ai inteles ce ti s-a spus. Este intotdeauna bine sa repeti cu cuvintele tale, in limba engleza, ceea ce ai inteles pentru a te asigura ca ai inteles correct. Cu putin efort vei incepe sa vorbesti limba engleza foarte repede.

Facilitati de invatare on-line, de la British CouncilDaca doresti sa auzi pronuntia sau sa iti imbunatatesti cunostintele de limba engleza, intra pe Este special alcatuit pentru cei care invata limba engleza in aceasta tara.Este gratis si a ajutat mii de oameni din UK sa isi imbunatateasca cunostiintele de imba engleza.

Curs de o luna in limba engleza la Universitatea din ManchesterSau, daca doresti un curs rezidential in limba engleza, poti merge la Universitatea din Manchester, dupa ce ai terminat munca la ferma, pentru un curs de patru saptamani. Avem un pret special pentru membrii Concordia, asa ca poti beneficia de acest lucru. Intra pe pentru mai multe informatii.

Contents Cuprins

Cum sa folosesti acest dictionar

Am folosit culori diferite pentru fiecare limba

English Limba romana

Uita-te la fiecare fraza din limba engleza si cauta traducerea respectiva, apoi alege-o pe cea de care ai nevoie.

Intrebari si raspunsuri

Orice intrebare va fi urmata de raspunsul potrivit, acest lucru te va ajuta sa pui intrebarea potrivita si sa cauti si raspunsul potrivit.“/” semnifica diferite alegeri de raspuns. Alege-l pe cel mai potrivit pentru tine, sau adauga un raspuns diferit daca ai. Alege raspunsul care ti se potriveste.

Can you drive a car? Yes, I can/No, I can’t/No, but I’m learning.

Poti conduce o masina? Da, pot/Nu, nu pot/Nu, dar invat

“…” arata ca ceva lipseste, si tu trebuie sa completezi informatia lipsa

My phone number is ….

Numarul meu de telefon este...

About you // Despre tine //

What’s your name? My name’s …. Cum te numesti? Numele meu este...

Nice/pleased to meet you.Incantat/bucuros de cunostinta1

Where are you from? I’m from Bulgaria/Romania/I’m Bulgarian/RomanianDe unde esti? Sunt din Romania/sunt roman

What language do you speak? I speak Bulgarian/Romanian and some Russian…Ce limba vorbesti? Vorbesc romana si ceva rusa...

Un cuvant intre ( ) arata o fraza sau un cuvant care poate fi adaugat daca doresti, dar nu este necesar.

She’s a friend/co-worker (of mine).

Ea este o prietena /o colega (a mea)

Daca deja stii limba engleza la un nivel bun, sau de baza, poti intra pe a invata mai mult si pentru a-ti imbunatati pronuntia. Acolo gasesti exercitii,programe, pentru a te ajuta sa inveti intr-un mod interesant.

How old are you? I’m 21…Cati ani ai? Am 21...

Where do you work? I work on a farm / I’m a student.Unde lucrezi? Lucrez la o ferma/sunt student.

Where do you live? I live in… Unde locuiesti? Locuiesc in...

Have you got any brothers and sisters? No, none/Yes, two brothers/ one sisterAi frati si surori? Nu, nici unul/Da, doi frati/o sora

Do you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend? Yes, I do/No, I don’t/I’m married.Ai un prieten/o prietena? Da, am/Nu, nu am/sunt casatorit

Can you drive a car? Yes, I can/No, I can’t/No, but I’m learning.Poti conduce o masina? Da, pot/Nu, nu pot/Nu, dar invat

What do you do in your spare time on Saturdays / at the weekend? I watch television/meet my friends and play cards/watch videos…Ce faci in timpul tau liber, Sambata/in weekend? Ma uit la TV/ma intalnesc cu prietenii si joc carti/urmaresc casete video...

Do you have a mobile number? My number is….Ai un numar de mobil? Numarul meu este....

Common Phrases // Fraze uzuale //

Greeting/taking leave // Salutari de bun venit/la plecare //

Hello! Hi! Good morning/afternoon/evening [formal]. Buna/salut/buna dimineata/ziua/seara (formal)

How are you? I’m fine/very well, thanks. How about you?Ce mai faci? Sunt bine, multumesc. Dar tu?

Goodbye / bye. See you later / tomorrow / this evening / soon.La revedere / ne vedem mai tarziu/ maine / in seara asta/curand

Have a nice evening/weekend/trip…!O seara/weekend/calatorie placuta

Introductions // Introducere //

Can I introduce/This is …. Ti-l prezint pe/Acesta este

Pleased to meet you.Incantat de cunostinta

He/She’s a friend/co-worker (of mine). El/ea este un/o prieten /coleg de munca (de-al meu)

Polite words // Expresii de politete //

Yes. No. Please. Thanks/thank you (very much).Da. Nu. Te rog. Multumesc (foarte mult)

Excuse me. Can I get past? Scuzati. Pot sa trec?

Sorry/I’m sorry. That’s all right/No problemImi pare rau/Imi cer scuze. Este in regula/Nici o problema

Offering/invitations // Oferte/invitatii //

Would you like a sweet/a cigarette…? Doresti o bomboana/o tigara...?

Yes, please/No, thanks.Da, va rog/Nu, multumesc


Sorry, I don’t speak English very well. Sorry, I don’t understand. Imi cer scuze, nu vorbesc engleza foarte bine. Imi pare rau, nu inteleg

Can you repeat that please? Could you speak more slowly please? Poti repeta, te rog? Poti vorbi mai rar, te rog?

Could you write that down? How do you spell that?Poti scrie, te rog, asta? Cum scrii pe litere?

What is this called? What does…mean? How do you say… in English? Cum se numeste asta? Ce inseamna....? Cum engleza?

Numbers Numere

0 – 20 zero/nought, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.30, 40 … 90 thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety

31 – 39 thirty-one, thirty-two … thirty-nine

100 – 900 one hundred, two hundred… nine hundred

1000 – 900,000 one thousand, two thousand … nine hundred thousand

1,000,000 one million

101 – 199 one hundred and one … one hundred and ninety-nine.

1001 one thousand and one…

Saying telephone numbers // Spunand numere de telefon //

E.g. 0208-123-1234 ‘oh-two-oh-eight one-two-three one-two-three-four’

Ordinal (what order) // Numere ordinale (ordinea) //

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th – 20th first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth

21st – 29th twenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-third … twenty-ninth.

30th - 90th thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth, eightieth, ninetieth

Fractions // Fractii //

½ ¼ 1/3 - a half, a quarter, a third …

Time/Days/Weeks Timp/zile/saptamani

Telling the time // Spunand ora //

o’clock, 15 (quarter past), 30 (half past), 45 (quarter to)fix, si un sfert, si jumatate, fara un sfart

a.m. = morning (00.00 – 11.59) // A.M. = dimineata //

p.m. = afternoon/evening (12.00 – 23.59)

P.M.= dupa masa/seara //

12 a.m. = midnight // 12 A.M.= miezul noptii //

12 p.m. = midday = noon // 12 P.M. = pranz //

08.00 = eight o’clock in the morning // Opt dimineata //

14.15 = two fifteen pm or quarter past two 14.15 = doua si cincisprezece PM sau doua si un sfert dupa masa

19.30 = seven-thirty p.m or half past seven in the evening19.30 = sapte treizeci PM sau sapte si jumatate seara

00.45 = twelve-forty-five a.m. or quarter to one in the morning00.45 = doisprezece si 45 de minute AM sau unu fara un sfert dimineata

What’s the time? It’s 8.05 (eight-oh-five) 9.13 (nine-thirteen) 10.30 (half past ten) Cat este ceasul? Este 8.05 (opt-zero-cinci) 9.13 (noua si treisprezece)10.30 (zece si jumatate)

Foloseste”at” in legatura cu

timpul //

When do you start work? At 8.30 am/in the morning.Cand incepi munca? La 8.30 AM/dimineata

Days of the week // Zilele saptamanii //

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, SundayLuni, marti, miercuri, joi, vineri, sambata, duminica

zile //

Come and see me on Tuesday. I go out on Saturdays.Vino sa ma vezi marti. Ies sambata.

Yesterday/today/tomorrow // Ieri/astazi/maine //

I worked yesterday. Come and see me today. I’m working tomorrow.Am lucrat ieri. Vino azi sa ma vezi. Lucrez maine.

Months of the year Lunile anului

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.Ianuarie, februarie, martie, aprilie, mai, iunie, iulie, august, septembrie, octombrie, noiembrie, decembrie.

Foloseste “in” cand e vorba de luni //

Christmas is in December. My birthday is in August. Craciunul e in decembrie. Ziua mea de nastere e in august

Seasons: (in) spring, summer, autumn, winter. It often snows in winter. Anotimpuri: primavara, vara, toamna, iarna. Deseori ninge iarna.

Saying years // Cum se spun anii //

1991/2/3 … ‘nineteen-ninety-one/two/three’ …2001/2/3 … ‘two thousand and one/two/three’ …2010/11/12 … ‘two thousand and ten’… or ‘twenty-ten/eleven/twelve’…

Foloseste “in” cand e vorba de ani //

I was born in 1991. The next Olympics are in 2012.M-am nascut in 1991. Urmatoarele Jocuri Olimpice sunt in 2012.


Dates: The 1st of January. The 2nd of February. The 3rd of March, 2010. Date: Intai ianuarie. Doi februarie. Trei martie 2010

Foloseste ”on” cand e vorba de

date //

I’ve got a doctor’s/dental appointment on the 5th.Am programare la doctor/dentist pe 5.

Time references: last (past) / this (current/now/future) / next (future) Timpul: care a trecut (trecut) acest (actual/acum/viitor) urmator (viitor)

Last week I was sick. I’m working this week. Next week I’m on leave. Saptamana trecuta am fost bolnav. Lucrez saptamana aceasta. Saptamana viitoare plec

In: He finished the work in two hours. I’m going home in two months. In: El a terminat lucrul in doua ore. Merg acasa in (peste) doua luni.

We’re going in ten minutes! Hurry up! Plecam in zece minute! Grabeste-te!

Before/after/at: Come and see me before/by/after/at 2 pm.Inainte/dupa/la: Vino sa ma vezi inainte de/in jur de/dupa/la 2 PM

How often (once, twice, three times…): Cat de des (odata,de doua ori, de trei ori...)

Take the tablets twice a day.Ia tabletele de doua ori pe zi.

Every day/week/year: I work every day except Sunday.Fiecare zi/saptamana/an. Lucrez in fiecare zi cu exceptia zilei de duminica

Yesterday/tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening. This morning etc (=today). Ieri/maine dimineata/dupa masa/seara. In aceasta dimineata etc (= astazi)

I saw him yesterday evening. I’m working this morning.L-am vazut ieri seara.Lucrez in dimineata asta.

Directions - In town Cerand indrumari – in oras

How do I get to …? I’m sorry, I don’t know. I’m not from round here. Cum ajung la...? Imi pare rau, nu stiu. Nu sunt de pe aici.

Excuse me, where’s the nearest bank/supermarket/chemist… ?Scuzati-ma, unde este cea mai apropiata banca/supermarket/farmacie...?

Yes, you go straight on for 100 metres/100 yards/1km/2 miles …Da, mergi tot inainte 100 m/ 100 yarzi / 1km/2 mile

… then turn/go left/right at the newsagent’s/the traffic lights …...apoi faci stanga/dreapta la chioscul de ziare/la semafor...

… and it’s right in front of you. este chiar in fata ta

… it’s next to/near/opposite/across the road from the library…...este langa/aproape de/vis a vis de biblioteca...

… it’s between the Post Office and the supermarket....este intre Oficiul Postal si supermarket

Shopping - Getting money Cumparaturi - bani

Excuse me, is there a bank/cash machine near here?Scuzati-ma, este vreo banca/bancomat prin apropiere?

Bakers / Newsagents / Chemist / Post office / SupermarketLa brutar / Chiosc de ziare / Farmacie / Oficiu postal / Supermarket

Asking for/paying for things // Intreband pretul/platind //

How much is this/are these/those? I’d like one of these/six of those/Cat costa acesta/acestea - aceia/acelea? As dori una din asta/sase din acelea

Anything else? That’s all thanks. How much is that altogether?Mai doriti ceva? Aceasta e tot, multumesc. Cat costa in total?

That’s 75p (seventy-five pence)… please. That’ll be £2.50 (two pounds fifty/two-fifty)… please. Face 75 rog. Face 2 lire si rog

Can I pay with cash/my credit/debit card?Pot plati cu cash/cartea de credit/debit?

Weather // Temperatures Vreme - temperaturi //

freezing / cold / cool / fresh / mild / warm / hot / boiling.Ger / frig / racoare / aer proaspat / moderat / cald / fierbinte / la fierbere

Rain/snow: ice / frost / hail / snow / sleet / rain Ploaie/zapada: gheata / inghet / grindina / zapada / lapovita / ploaie

What’s the weather like today? It’s sunny. It’s dry. It’s warm/hot.Cum este vremea astazi? Este soare. Este uscat. Este cald/canicula

It’s cloudy / grey / overcast / chilly. Este innorat / cenusiu / mohorit / racoros

It’s wet / raining / snowing / windy / stormy. Este umezeala / ploua / ninge / este vant / este furtuna

Hot / cold / wet / windy, isn’t it? Yes, it’s (really) nice/horrible!/I hope it’s better tomorrow!Este cald/frig/umezeala/bate vantul, nu-i asa? Da, este placut/urat! Sper ca va fi mai bine maine!

I’m (really) cold/hot… ! I’m (absolutely) frozen/boiling!Imi este (foarte) frig/cald! Inghet/fierb de cald

Parts of the body // Health Partile corpului/sanatate //

Neck Gat Shoulders Umeri Arm Brat Elbow Cot Wrist Incheietura mainii Hand Mana Finger Deget Thumb Degetul mare Chest Piept Stomach Stomac Abdomen Abdomen Hip Sold Thigh Coapsa Knee Genunchi Shin Fluierul piciorului Ankle Glezna Foot Picior (laba piciorului) Toe Deget de la picior Leg Picior (fluierul piciorului) Head Cap Hair Par Forehead Frunte Eyebrow Spranceana Eye Ochi Nose Nas Mouth Gura Cheek Obraz Chin Barbie Ear Ureche

Probleme de sanatate //

Where is the first aid kit? Unde este trusa de prim ajutor?

I need a plaster / a painkiller / antiseptic.Am nevoie de un plasture / un analgesic / un antiseptic

I need to see a doctor. I don’t feel well today. Trebuie sa vad un doctor. Nu ma simt bine astazi

I need to see a doctor. I don’t feel well today. Trebuie sa vad un doctor. Nu ma simt bine astazi

I have a headache /migraine / a temperature / an upset stomach / backache / Am o durere de cap/o migrena / am febra/ma doare stoma-cul / ma doare spatele

I have a pain in my … / sunburn /sunstroke / a sore throat / a cold / flu. Ma doare... / M-a ars soarele / am insolatie / ma doare gatul / am o raceala/am gripa

I’ve twisted/sprained my ankle. I can’t walk/bend/kneel. Mi-am rasucit/scrantit glezna. Nu pot merge/nu ma pot apleca/ ingenunchia

I am allergic to chemicals / pollen / wheat. Sunt alergic la chimicale / polen / grau.

I need to see a dentist. I have toothache. Trebuie sa merg la dentist. Ma doare o masea Am un dinte rupt.

Plants // Plante //

Vegetables // legume //

onion (red/white) Ceapa(rosie/alba)spring onion ceapa verdespinach spanacbaby leaf verdeturicabbage varzaBrussels sprout varza de Bruxellesherbs ierburipotatoes cartofitomatoes rosiilettuce salataasparagus sparanghelbeans, runner, French, broad // fasole boabe si pastai //

Flowers/fruits // Flori/fructe //

Strawberry CapsuniRaspberry ZmeuraBlackcurrant Coacaz negruRhubarb RubarburaBlackberry Murapricot Caisplum Prunapple Marcherry Cirespear Parhops Hameiflowers Flori

Work essentials/equipment Esentiale pt lucru/echipamente

Clothes // Haine //

You need these for work. Make sure you wear… long trousersAi nevoie de acestea pt lucru. Asigura-te ca porti... Pantaloni lungi Translation2

gardening gloves // manusi pt gradinarit //

a jumper to keep warm // Un pullover sa-ti tina cald //

a sun hat // o palarie de soare // a rain coat // o pelerina de ploaie // protective clothes // haine de protectie // a strong pair of working boots // o pereche rezistenta de bocanci de lucru //

You also need: sun cream, hand wash and a water bottle.Mai ai nevoie de: crema protectie solara, sapun si o sticla cu apa.

Work equipment // Echipamente de munca//

tractor Tractorfork lift truck stivuitorknife cutitsecateurs foarfecepunnet caserolatray ladalabel etichetabins lada marepicking bucket galeata de culesweigh station statia de cantarire pack house sectia de ambalare cold store deposit frigorific

Simple work instructions // Instructiuni simple de munca //

There is no smoking here/on site/in the workplace.Nu se fumeaza aici/pe camp/la locul de munca

Be aware of Health and Safety rules.Fiti atenti la regulile de igiena si protectia muncii

Keep out! / Danger! / Watch out! / Careful! / Mind your backs!

Nu atinge! / Pericol! / Ai grija! / Cu grija! / Ai grija la spate!

Tie the plants to the support Tie the … togetheLeaga plantele de support Leaga ... impreuna

Plant the … to the planting depth Planteaza adancimea de plantare

Disbud/thin/Pick the … Rupe mugurii/rareste/Culege...

Tie ropes / Quality / Bedding plants / Cold storeLeaga funiile / calitate /rasadnita / Depozit frigorific

harvest / quality / grade / picker numberrecolta / calitate / categorie / numar culegator

Documents to work and pay Documente pt munca si plata

Personal information // Informatii personale //

First name(s). PrenumeleFamily name. NumeleDate of birth. Data nasteriiAge. VarstaPlace of birth. Locul nasteriiNationality. NationalitateBank account Cont bancarNI (National Insurance) number // NI (National insurance) numar //

Important documents // Documente importante //

Passport / Work card / Medical certificate / International driving licence Pasaport / Permis de lucru / Certificat medical / Permis de conducere international

Pay-related: Wages / Pay per hour / Hours per week / Holiday pay.Plati: Salariu / Plata la ora / Ore pe saptamana / Plata conce-diului.

Piece work / Net pay / Gross pay / Overtime / Income tax / Holiday. Norma(in acord) / Salariul net / Salariul brut / Ore suplimen-tare.Impozit pe venit / Concediu

Questions about work // Intrebari despre munca //

When is my induction/break time? Induction/break time is at ….Cand este instruirea /pauza mea? Instruirea/pauza este ....

Am I working tomorrow? Lucrez maine?

What time are we starting tomorrow? La ce ora incepem maine?

When am I working next? Cand lucrez data viitoare?

When is my day off? Cand este ziua mea libera?

Can I have some time off today/this week…, please? Pot sa-mi iau liber azi/saptamana rog?

Can I leave early today/tomorrow…? Pot sa plec mai devreme astazi/maine...?

I have a doctor’s/dentist’s appointment at …. OK/Yes, that’s fine/No, sorry you can’t. That’s a problem/not possible.Am programare la doctor/la dentist la... OK/Da, e in regula/Nu,imi pare rau, nu poti.Asta este o problema/nu este posibil

There is a mistake on my pay slip. I worked … hours on …Este o greseala pe statul meu de plata. Am lucrat...ore in data de...

I picked … trays on …Am cules ...ladite in data de...

Accommodation // Cazare //

Mobile home..Dormitory Caravane mobile. Dormitoare

Kitchen: Fridge/refrigerator. Freezer. Cooker/stove/oven. Grill. Sink. Hot and cold taps. MicrowaveBucatarie: Frigider. Congelator. Aragaz/soba/cuptor. Grill. Chiuveta. Robinete apa calda si rece. Cuptor microunde

Bedroom: Chest of drawers. Wardrobe. Dormitor: Cufar cu sertare/Sifonier

Fuel: Electricity supply. Electricity meter. Gas supply. Gas meter. Gas bottle.Carburant: Alimentare electricitate. Contor de electricitate. Alimentare cu gaz. Contor de gaz. Butelie gaz

Bathroom: Bath. Shower. Shower curtain. Wash basin. Taps. Toilet.Baia: Baie. Dus. Perdea de dus. Chiuveta. Robinete.Toaleta.

Cleaning: Washing machine. Clothes line. Dishwasher. Hoo-ver/vacuum cleaner.

Health and safety: Fire blanket. Fire extinguisher. Fire alarm. Smoke alarm. Carbon monoxide alarm. Fire door. Fire es-cape. Safe/strong box.Igiena si protectia muncii: patura stins incendiul. Stingator. Alarma de incendiu. Alarma de fum. Alarma de monoxid de carbon. Usa antiincendiu. Iesire de urgenta. Hidrant.

There’s a problem with the … in the … It’s broken/it doesn’t work. Este o problema cu ... in... este stricata/nu functioneaza

We need a new…. The … is leaking. There’s water on the floor…. Avem nevoie de o noua... Aceasta...picura(scapa apa). Este apa pe podea...

We need a plumber/electrician. I can smell gas!Avem nevoie de un instalator/electrician. Miroase a gaz!

Going out/eating and drinking Iesind in oras/Mancare si bautura

Where is the nearest pub/restaurant? Can you recommend one?Unde este cel mai apropiat bar/restaurant? Poti sa imi recomanzi unul?

Types of fast food restaurant/take-away: fish and chips/burger/kebab/fried chicken/ pizza/ sandwich shopTipuri de restaurant fast food/la pachet: fish and chips(peste si cartofi)/burger/kebab/ pui prajit/pizza/ sandwich-uri

Ordering drinks // Comandarea bauturilor //

I’d like a soft drink (lemonade/(diet) coke/orange juice/) / some tap water/still mineral water/fizzy water/a coffee/a cup of tea/a pint/half of bitter/lager/a (large) (dry/medium) white/red wine/a vodka/a whisky … As dori o bautura nealcoolica(limonada /coca cola(dietetica)/suc de portocale/)/apa de la robinet/apa plata/apa minerala/o cafea/o ceasca de ceai/o halba/o jumatate de bere/ un vin alb/rosu / (mare/sec/ medium)/ o vodca/un whisky...

Ordering food // Comandarea mancarii //

(Intr-un bar-pub) Doua portii de peste si cartofi ... va rog. – La ce masa?

(In a restaurant) Would you like to see the menu? (Intr-un restaurant) Doriti sa vedeti meniul?

Have you decided? Can I take your order now? I’d like the chicken/fish/steak…. V-ati hotarat? Pot sa va iau comanda? As dori pui/peste/vita...

What would you like to drink? A bottle of house red….Vreti ceva de baut? O sticla de vin rosu ...

Travelling // Calatorii //

Forms of travel – rail, bus, coach, car, bike. Forme de calatorie – cu trenul, autobuzul, autocarul, masina, bicicleta

Buying tickets (at the railway station) Cumparare bilete (la gara)

How can I get to…? I need to get to … When’s the next train?Cum ajung la...? Trebuie sa ajung la...Cand este trenul urmator?

Is it on time? No, it’s delayed by ten minutes….Ajunge la timp? Nu, intarzie zece minute....

I’d like an adult single/return/day return please. How much is that?As dori un bilet adulti/dus intors/de o zi va rog. Cat costa?

Is this the right platform for … ? Do I change here for… ? Is this train going to … ?Este acesta linia pentru trenul...? Aici schimb ca sa iau... Trenul acesta merge inspre...

Bus (normally local) // Autobuz (local in general) //

Excuse me, is there a number 123 due? Yes, there’s one in ten minutes….Scuzati-ma, numarul 123 trebuie sa soseasca? Da, este unul peste zece minute...

Does it go from here? No, from that stop over there….Pleaca de aici? Nu, de la statia de acolo...

Taxi/mini-cab // Taxi/maxi taxi //

I need to go from … to …. How much will that be? I need to book a taxi for 8 pm please. Trebuie sa merg din...pana la... Cat costa? Doresc sa comand un taxi pt 8 persoane, va rog

Alphabet and sounds // Alfabet si sunete//

Vowels // Vocale // a e i o u

Consonants // Consoane //b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z

Spre deosebire de alte limbi, limba engleza nu se pronunta intoatdeauna asa cum se scrie!Unele litere se pronunta diferit in combinatii diferite.Unele sunete au cateva moduri diferite de scriere.Unele litere se pronunta folosind doua sunete.

Exista 43 sunete diferite in limba engleza.Intra pe pentru a auzi toate aceste sunete si a vedea diferite exemple. Mai jos gasiti un tabel a sunetelor folosite in anumite cuvinte din acest dictionary, si corespndentul sunetelor in limba ta. Pe fiecare rand sunt mai multe exemple ale aceluiasi sunet. Partea ingrosata se pronunta la fel in fiecare cuvant de pe rand.

Examples of the different sounds in words // Exemple de diferite sunete in cuvinte //

Sounds like... in English

Sounds like… in Romanian

Vowels Vocale

pleased, meet, speak, leaf, bean

i lung ca in copii

this, live, in, spin-ach, bin. trim

i scurt ca in copil

could, good, foot, book

U lung ca in mult

you, do, two, rhubarb

U scurt ca in nu

any, very, tennis, head, lettuce

E scurt ca in mers

brother, sister, about

r ca in m

girlfriend, third, learning, work, herb

r ca in m r

four, your, sport, strawberry, fork

O lung ca in oo!

language, have, apple

Sunet intre e si a

some, country, brother, number, but, money, bucket, glove, jumper, sunny

A scurt ca in tac

are, farm, garden-ing, harvest

A lung ca in calm

what, from, hot, got, shop, stop, want, hop

O scurt, cu gura deschisa ca pt a – ca in pot

Diphthongs Diftongi

really, beer, year i lung urmat de e scurt

where, there, pear Un ea lung, urmat de ar foarte scurt

old, don’t, rope scurt

how, town, out, about, trousers, flower

Au, a lung si u scurt ca in dau

they, way, name, trailer, tray, spray

Ei ca in ei

I, I’m. nice, drive, thigh, my, knife, apply, tie

Ai ca in cai

boyfriend Oi ca in doi

Consonants Consoane

pleased, speak, stop, apple

P scurt ca in stop

farm, four, food, fish, off

F ca in fals

what, meet, stop, want

T ca in stai

thank, thanks, thigh, depth, health

Se rosteste T cu limba intre dinti

Watch, spinach Ci ca in baci

speak, tennis, sister S ca in simplu

shop. fish ca in oapta

walk, speak, clock C ca in joc

about, beer B ca in bas

live, very, drive V ca in vara

pleased, do D ca in doua

they, there, this, together

Se pronunta z cu limba intre dinti

joke, joy, lounge, lodge

Gi ca in Gina

names, pleased, days

S ca in casa

measure, television J ca in jumatate

girlfriend, game G ca in gara

how, have, hot, head

H ca in halta

my, name, meet, I’m, money

M ca in munte

name, nice, knife N ca in nume

English, lan-guage, drink

Ng(nc) moale ca in mananc,plang

country, really R moale

pleased, lan-guage, old, really

L ca in lin

what, where, how, watch

Ua ca in uau!

you, your, year, yes

I scurt ca in iute, ies