Concept paper sport for social development project - a strategic partnership april 2016

BAKUSASA TRUST – Concept Paper – Sport for Social Development | Confidential D Concept Paper From Disadvantaged Children to Future Leaders ! Sport for Social Development Project A Strategic Partnership APRIL 2016

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BAKUSASA TRUST – Concept Paper – Sport for Social Development | Confidential


Concept Paper From Disadvantaged Children to Future Leaders !

Sport for Social Development Project

A Strategic Partnership

APRIL 2016

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BAKUSASA TRUST – Concept Paper – Sport for Social Development | Confidential


PARTNER Proposed Socially Responsible Partner

TRUST Bakusasa Trust

KZNLGA KwaZulu-Natal Ladies Golf Association

EQADV EQ Advantedge

M&E Monitoring and Evaluation

MSC Most Significant Change

NSD Network for Social Development

CSI Corporate Social Investment

LTAD Long Term Athlete Development

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1. RATIONALE………………………………………………………………………………………………3

2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION…………………………………………………………………………….4

a. Goals and Objectives……………………………………………………………………..5

b. Methodology and Timelines…………………………………………………………..6

c. Keys to Success……………………………..……………………………………………….7

3. A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK………………………………………………………………….7

4. SUPPORT…………………………………………………………………………………………………8

5. BUDGET…………………………………………………………………………………………………..9

6. CONTACT INFORMATION……………………………………………………………………….10

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In July 2013, Mr Lee Bromley, a professional golfer since 1994, entered into an agreement with Howick Golf Club, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, as the Head Professional Golfer, to offer professional golf services and to develop golf. Upon commencement, Bromley was astounded by the number of children living in poor conditions in the informal settlement, Shiyabazali, which borders the golf course. After a meeting with the uMngeni Mayor, the Honourable, Cllr Mbali Myeni, Bromley visited the settlement and presented an opportunity to the Headman for the children to learn golf at Howick Golf Club. After a few coaching sessions, Bromley realised that the children were learning more than just golf. A vision for using golf as a tool to provide the children with the ability to better themselves and learn important life skills was created. The Howick Golf Club Project soon proved very successful and Bakusasa Trust soon realised that the model created can, and should be implemented across KwaZulu-Natal and beyond.

The Bakusasa Trust Midlands GC Project was launched on Saturday, 5 October 2013 after Midlands Golf Club approached the Trust to set up and implement a replica of the Howick GC Project at Eddels Driving Range, in Pietermaritzburg. The implementation process was smooth and efficient, due to the tried and tested model created at the Howick GC Project, proving that the Trust model can be successfully implemented throughout KwaZulu-Natal and beyond. Bakusasa Trust’s expertise and experience in creating a suitable coaching model and successfully launching a second project created an influx of interest in the program. Radio stations, newspapers and golf governing bodies requested interviews and meetings to find out more information on the Trust. In just 3 (three) months, Trust had over 100 (one hundred) registered children in its program; more than any other golf development program in South Africa had previously achieved. Bakusasa Trust was contacted about the possibility of launching another 5 (five) projects, based on the successes of the Howick GC Project and Midlands GC Project. The Sobantu Project, Edendale Project, Spumelele Project and Mevana Projects were launched in 2013 and the LIV Village Project in 2014. This clearly defines Bakusasa Trust as the market leader and most successful golf development organisation in South Africa, with the enrolment of over 400 (four hundred) children in just 6 (six) months, in 7 (seven) Projects. After a comprehensive SWOT analysis of several golf development organisations and social development organisations, the Trust has realised that it has the necessary drive, expertise, commitment and coaching model to produce South Africa’s next generation of leaders, business professionals and civil servants, while assisting in alleviating poverty. A socially responsible partner (PARTNER) will benefit greatly by partnering Bakusasa Trust and, in turn, Bakusasa Trust is certainly the best suited organisation assist in achieving the mutual objectives of the partner and Bakusasa Trust.

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This partnership will provide the opportunity for the launch of many more projects, corporate alliance developments and instrumental in changing the lives of disadvantaged children by ensuring they excel in life.


Bakusasa Trust is a “Grass Roots” initiative and “First Touch” program that introduces golf to disadvantaged children from deprived areas, with the purpose of providing them an opportunity to build character and learn important life skills, such as;








Social Integration





Bakusasa Trust is a youth development organisation that uses the Long Term Athlete

Development (LTAD) model, with age appropriate skills activities to assist in the

development stages that all individuals go through, whether they are physical, emotional or


More than a golf learning centre, the Trust provides a positive impact on children, their

families and their communities through the great game of golf. It provides the perfect

framework for optimal growth, development and maturation through golf.

The DSD and Bakusasa Trust share the same vision and goals and this synergy provides the

perfect platform for a mutually beneficial partnership. The DSD and the Trust are both

committed to social transformation and creating a better life for the poor, vulnerable and

excluded people in the South African society. A partnership with the DSD will enable the

Trust to implement its extensive expansion plan, realise financial sustainability and create

further partnerships within the communities, private and public sectors in which it plans to

launch social development projects.


The Concept Paper has been created by the Trust, based on the Bakusasa Trust Business

Plan and Expansion / Roll-Out Plan.

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The purpose of the Concept Paper is to provide the Partner with an insight to how the Trust

has already impacted on the lives of disadvantaged children and how a partnership between

the Partner and the Trust will enable both parties to achieve their common objectives in a

more efficient and expanded manner.


The need for youth development programs is validated and magnified by information

that attributes long-term value to children in these programs. Numerous studies

document the direct value of children participating in sports. These studies demonstrate

that involvement in development programs, such as Bakusasa Trust, results in reducing

the potential to become involved in drugs, sex, crime and gang-related behaviours.

Furthermore, it gives children the grounding to build character and learn important life

skills. The economic, social and personal value of investing in the lives of children

produces a positive impact on the communities and country.

Bakusasa Trust provides opportunity that serves as a personal reference for children

throughout their lives. The trust empowers the children to grow up to be successful

citizens and leaders in their community. Offering hope and opportunity for a better

future is what drives us.


The Howick GC Project was launched on 18 July 2013 with the Bakusasa Trust Coaching

Model and has been very successful thus far. This project, the “pilot project”, has

allowed the Trust to create workable model that can be recreated and implemented in

any environment. It has also ensured that the coaching model has been fine tuned to

accommodate the initial difficulties experienced, as well as identifying which

fundamentals are efficient and allowed the substitution of fundamentals less efficient.

Bakusasa Trust has launched 16 (sixteen) projects and has over 3500 (three five

hundred) disadvantaged children’s lives being enriched;

Bakusasa Trust has a complete model that enriches the lives of disadvantaged children

through golf! It is tried, tested and proven! The trust looks forward to expanding and

implementing further projects throughout KwaZulu-Natal, together, with the Partner.

Incorporating life-skills elements into a golf coaching program, not only creates the

perfect social transformation platform, it is also assists in creating transformation in the

sporting code of golf. The children learn the fundamentals of life and how to excel while

having fun in a safe and friendly environment.

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a. Goals and Objectives

Bakusasa Trust’s main objective is to enrich the lives of disadvantaged children through

golf. The Trust will be involved in activities that promote sport, specifically golf, for all

impoverished, previously and currently disadvantaged youth in South Africa. Through

these activities, it is envisaged that the children with whom the Trust will work, will gain

new skills with which to better themselves through learning important life and social

skills, and empowering themselves with the skills to grow up to be successful citizens

and leaders in their communities.

Enrol as many children as possible in the project, with the launch of projects

initially throughout KwaZulu-Natal and beyond;

Establish, implement and consistently manage a coaching philosophy with

structured levels of progression;

Create national and international awareness of LBGF projects and the coaching


Implement a corporate development process to align with business partners that

share the same vision and are looking to invest through their Corporate Social

Investment initiatives;

Train certified coaches, mentors and assistants for each project run by the Trust;

Integrate non-athletic components into Bakusasa Trust projects, such as

educational assistance, counselling, medical evaluation and community service;

Engage with local, provincial and national government to identify new project

areas, and request assistance in creating awareness and the development of

corporate alliances;

Enrol each child who has participated in a project as members of a golf club,

affiliated to the South African Golf Association, with official handicaps;

Establish and implement a state of the art training academy;

Develop and implement a Long Term Athlete Development Model;

Ensure the sustainability and growth of Bakusasa Trust by way of flow from

income (and if necessary, capital) from the General Capital Fund as well as from


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Maintain the fund into which unspecified donations from corporations and private

individuals shall be paid and invested.

b. Methodology and Timelines

The Bakusasa Trust LTAD coaching model will be implemented from the first session and progress will be made, monitored and evaluated, as it would for any Bakusasa Trust Project.

The Active Start and FUNdamentals phases are designed to build physical and movement skill development and general foundation, leading to typical initiation of golf specific entry programs. The next three phases (Learn to Play, Train to Play and Learn to Compete), focus on the sport specific aspects of golf and initiate the importance of competition play. The Train to Compete phase focuses on the high performance expectations, attention to detail and comprehensive evaluation / review

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process. The following phases (Train to Excel and Excel) focus on the process of ascent to the highest level of competitive play.

The Trust will utilise its comprehensive and meticulous coaching model to ensure all enrolled students are given the best possible opportunity to excel in golf and in life. The implementation of Bakusasa Trust’s coaching plan does not require a highly technical golf coaching facility or the use of private golf facilities. It will focus on getting as many children into the program as possible, using the current school infrastructure and providing a “fun” introduction to golf, in the children’s environment.

Agreements with private golf facilities will be negotiated and entered into, for future use, as and when the girls have progressed to the required level of competence. A state of the art, High Performance Golf Centre for the will be a medium to long term goal and will form part of the Trust’s “Corporate Alignment Process.”

Bakusasa Trust’s coaching plan is simple, but highly productive and certainly cost effective;

Bakusasa Trust Coaching Curriculum Timeline:

Curriculum based on Bakusasa Trust 5 Level Golf Specific LTAD Coaching Model (Fundamental Movement Skills + Fundamental Sports Skills = Physical Literacy Level)

Individual assessments at each level

c. Keys to Success

Keys to Success Expand into new areas within KwaZulu-Natal to provide access to all disadvantaged children in the province through the implementation of the Bakusasa Trust strategic plan. Secure the support of Local, Provincial and National Government, Provincial, National and International Golf Bodies. Continue to develop the corporate alliance base and fundraising efforts to ensure financial stability of the foundation. Ensure coaching philosophy and methodology is consistently administered in all Bakusasa Trust Projects. Implementation of a sound coaching accreditation program. Procurement of state of the art coaching and training equipment, technology and applications.

Utilise the school system to enrol children into the foundation and compliment current Schools sports curriculums. Creation of partnerships with reputable tertiary education institutions and the setup of scholarships for the Trust’s children with elite skills level in academics and/or sport.

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3. A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK………………………………………………………………….7

Definitions: Social Development’s theory of social change can be enclosed in two key

definitions; of empowerment and social inclusion. These two definitions are as follows:

Empowerment is the enhancement of assets and capabilities of diverse

individuals and groups to engage, influence and hold accountable the institutions

which affect them.

Social Inclusion is the removal of institutional barriers and the enhancement of

incentives to increase the access of diverse individuals and groups to assets and

development opportunities.

(Source: World Bank

Bakusasa Trust has designed a coaching model within its framework which addresses

the issues of reducing poverty and provides future generations with the necessary

tools and resources to excel in life. Empowerment and Social inclusion are the two key

elements of the Bakusasa Trust program by ensuring the children have a solid

foundation in which to empower themselves to make informed choices about their

future and to ensure that they are aware of their importance in society.

The Bakusasa Trust framework alleviates all the barriers that currently exist within

deprived communities and creates a perfect pathway for the children to gain the

power to change their communities, create a better life for themselves and future

generations. This deep structure caters for physical, cognitive and emotional

development in which the children develop a solid set of principles, which they will

use to excel in life.

Bakusasa Trust’s vision has no boundaries and plans to launch as many projects as

resources will allow. The current expansion is based on the ability to recruit, train and

accredit as many coaches, mentors and assistants, as possible, in the shortest period

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Launch Project with Day and Time set for sessions

Conduct Demo at School or in Community to recruit Children

Presentation to School Principal or Community Head. Set Date and Time for Demo

Identification of Disadvantaged Schools and Communities

Meeting with Municipality and Local Government Youth Development Officials

of time. This will provide LBGF with a workable implementation and expansion model.

Each Bakusasa Trust Project will be launched under the guidance and direct instruction of the Founder, Mr Lee Bromley. Initially, a project will conduct sessions once a week with all children being coached in the “Active Start” level and potential coaches will be given practical training before completing the accreditation process. Bakusasa Trust plans to expand throughout KwaZulu-Natal with the launch of twenty five new projects. The simple process in Project Identification will ensure Bakusasa Trust reaches this target; Bakusasa Trust has designed a simple but effective expansion process;

1. Bakusasa Trust will engage with Municipalities and Local Government Youth Development Officials to present the LBGF model and obtain the endorsement of the Municipality to set up a Bakusasa Trust Project.

2. Disadvantaged schools and communities will be identified and a meeting with the school principal or community head will be set up.

Bakusasa Trust


Bakusasa Trust

Coaching Accreditation

Head Coach

(Level 3)

Assistant Coach

(Level 1)

Mentor / EQ


Volunteer /


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3. A presentation of LBGF to the school principal and/or community head. A date and time will be confirmed for the demonstration of Bakusasa Trust to the disadvantaged children, to attract them to participate in the project.

4. A demonstration is held at the school or in the community. 5. Registration for the Bakusasa Trust Project is completed and a launch date and

schedule is set for the local Project. Given the number of municipalities in the KwaZulu-Natal Province, Bakusasa Trust expects to cover the 12 district municipal areas within a 5 (five) year period, dependent on the Trust’s resources and fund raising efforts. In order to achieve this, Bakusasa Trust has to ensure that each step in the process is continuously maintained in conjunction with the Coach Development Program.


Bakusasa Trust is currently supported by the following institutions and organisations;

Awesome SA

SuperSport Let’s Play

KwaZulu-Natal Ladies Golf Association

EQ Advantedge

Howick Golf Club

Gowrie Farm Golf Estate

Together SA

SNAG Africa

Buttery Family Trust

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Bakusasa Trust annual budget takes into account the number of expected Project launches through the year. In order to do this, it is important to understand the individual needs of each project. Typically, each individual Bakusasa Trust Project budget will be as shown below;

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