Concept art




Transcript of Concept art

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My six weapons

• My six weapons that I drew so I could pick out one to use for my game, I got some of the weapons from Google then I add my own design to it and I after I finished the 6 designs I picked out the three that I thought would be most useful to my game and then I add some sketches to it to see how well it goes then I finally picked out my last decision and that was my sword that is in the next slide.

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Why I picked this sword

• This is the sword that I picked out at the end , I choose this because its relevant to my game and the setting for my game is space so that’s why I thought it would be great if I choose this sword also asked my classmates which one I should pick and most people said this one because it really fits in with my game, I done my sketches first then I coloured it with the sketchpad and used the art style cell shading to fit with my game because the genre of my game is adventure so I thought it only be right to use cell shading.

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My environment

• I picked this setting because I wanted my game theme to be about aliens and the genre was adventure so the first thing that came into my mind was space and would be more realistic to have aliens there so that’s why my sketches are showing space and our planets the stars and rocks fall off another planet and you have the dark shading at the top which represents the dark sky above the world, I done to pages of different sides one more close to our planet and the other one is of different planets and rocks fall out of it that is on fire.

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My characters

• my main character is a women and she is scientist it shows in the picture that she is dressed appropriate to space and has the mask on, also I have another picture of the alien that I have picked for my game he has one eye and looks weird I wanted my game to have that kind of theme for it because of what kind of art style I was using and that is cell shading so I wanted it to look more cartoony and not so realistic.

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• These images have influenced my game and gave me more ideas what to do in the game the setting and the colours to do also what art style to use my characters has also helped me make the game more fun, because one of my characters are alien and not normal alien a funny looking one and that’s what my game is going for I don’t want it to look serious I am going for that cartoony look also the picture of the environment has helped me to pick what art style because it had lost of shading in it and I done some secondary research and found out that most adventures games use cell shading art style and that is what I finally decided to use for my game.