Concept Analysis on Vamana Karma with Madanagu...

AAMJ / Vol. 2 / Issue 6 / November December 2016 AAMJ Anveshana Ayurveda Medical Journal ISSN: 2395-4159 Review Article Concept Analysis on Vamana Karma with Madanaguḍūchi Ghana in the management of Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta Priya Nashine 1 Nakade Mamta 2 Varghese Jibi 3 Auti Swapnil 4 Chaudhari Vaishali 5 Pranesh Gaikwad 6 Abstract In today’s modern era of science and technology the concept of early to bed and early to rise has taken a back seat ,people are lacking in their intelligence on what to eat ?when to eat ?why to eat?, they are working with stress and strain. All these hamper the digestion and causing acidity, gastritis, dyspepsia and anorexia etc. which can be grossly co-related with Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta in Ayurveda. Amlapitta disease is having the symptoms like Avipāka (indigestion), Klama (psychological tired without doing any work), Utkleśa (nausea), Tikta-Amlodgara (acid eructation), Guruta (body heaviness), Hrud- Kantha dāha (heart burn), Aruchi (anorexia). Modern Science is having only symptomatic treatment for the disease, but with the help of Śodhana Karma complete cure is possible as it cures the disease from its root cause. Vamana and Virechana have been described as Śodhana Chikitsa for Amlapitta. Since Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta is Āśaya Duśti Pradhāna Vyādhi and gati of Doas is in upward direction, Vamana with Madanguūchi Ghana may prove to be the complete cure. Madanguūchi Ghana due to its Tikta, Madhura, Kaśāya rasa may prove to be the Vyādhipratyanik Vāmaka yoga. Madanguūchi Ghana may prove to be a unique formulation because of its palatability, small dose size and long shelf life. After critical analysis of the available literature and reviewed previous scientific researches it can be inferred that Madanguūchi Ghana as a Vāmaka Yoga in the Management of Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta is effective through Āmāśaya Śuddhi, Agni Dīpti and Śamana of the left over Doas. Keywords: Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta, Vamana, Madanguūchi Ghana. 1 PG Scholar, 2 Professor and Head, Dept. of Panchakarma, 3 Associate Professor, Dept. of Kay- achikitsa, 4 Lecturer, 5 Associate Professor, 6 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Panchakarma, Dr.D.Y.Patil College Of Ayurveda & Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India. CORRESPONDING AUTHOR Dr. VARGHESE JIBI THANKACHAN Associate Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, D.Y. Patil College of Ayurveda & Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, (India). Email: [email protected]

Transcript of Concept Analysis on Vamana Karma with Madanagu...

AAMJ / Vol. 2 / Issue 6 / November – December 2016

A A M J Anveshana Ayurveda Medical Journal ISSN: 2395-4159

Review Article

Concept Analysis on Vamana Karma with Madanaguḍūchi Ghana

in the management of Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta

Priya Nashine 1 Nakade Mamta 2 Varghese Jibi 3 Auti Swapnil 4

Chaudhari Vaishali 5 Pranesh Gaikwad 6

A b s t r a c t

In today’s modern era of science and technology the concept of early to bed and early to rise has

taken a back seat ,people are lacking in their intelligence on what to eat ?when to eat ?why to eat?,

they are working with stress and strain. All these hamper the digestion and causing acidity, gastritis,

dyspepsia and anorexia etc. which can be grossly co-related with Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta in Ayurveda.

Amlapitta disease is having the symptoms like Avipāka (indigestion), Klama (psychological tired without

doing any work), Utkleśa (nausea), Tikta-Amlodgara (acid eructation), Guruta (body heaviness), Hrud-

Kantha dāha (heart burn), Aruchi (anorexia). Modern Science is having only symptomatic treatment for

the disease, but with the help of Śodhana Karma complete cure is possible as it cures the disease from

its root cause. Vamana and Virechana have been described as Śodhana Chikitsa for Amlapitta. Since

Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta is Āśaya Duśti Pradhāna Vyādhi and gati of Doṣas is in upward direction,

Vamana with Madanguḍūchi Ghana may prove to be the complete cure. Madanguḍūchi Ghana due to

its Tikta, Madhura, Kaśāya rasa may prove to be the Vyādhipratyanik Vāmaka yoga. Madanguḍūchi

Ghana may prove to be a unique formulation because of its palatability, small dose size and long shelf

life. After critical analysis of the available literature and reviewed previous scientific researches it can

be inferred that Madanguḍūchi Ghana as a Vāmaka Yoga in the Management of Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta

is effective through Āmāśaya Śuddhi, Agni Dīpti and Śamana of the left over Doṣas.

Keywords: Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta, Vamana, Madanguḍūchi Ghana.

1PG Scholar, 2 Professor and Head, Dept. of Panchakarma, 3Associate Professor, Dept. of Kay-

achikitsa, 4Lecturer, 5Associate Professor, 6Assistant Professor, Dept. of Panchakarma,

Dr.D.Y.Patil College Of Ayurveda & Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India.



Associate Professor,

Department of Kayachikitsa,

D.Y. Patil College of Ayurveda & Research Centre, Pimpri,

Pune, Maharashtra, (India).

Email: [email protected]

Priya, : Concept Analysis on Vamana Karma with Madanaguḍūchi Ghana in the management of Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta

AAMJ / Vol. 2 / Issue 6 / November – December 2016 1069


he word “Amlapitta” is comprised of 2 words –

‘Amla’ and ‘Pitta’. Amlapitta is a pathological

condition in which there is vitiation and exaggera-

tion of Pitta Doṣa in the body. Here, the original Katu

rasa of Pitta is changed into Amla rasa. Amlapitta is

grossly correlated with acid peptic disorder.

The incidence of gastritis in India is approximately 3 in

869 that is about 12,25,614 people suffering from gas-

tritis out of the total 1,06,50,70,607 population. The

sero-prevalance studies from Delhi, Hyderabad and

Mumbai have shown that by 10 yrs of age more than

50% and by 20yrs more than 80%of population is af-

fected with gastritis.[i]

In Amlapitta both Śamana and Śodhana Chikitsa has

been described. Vamana and Virechana have been

described as Śodhana Chikitsa for Amlapitta.[ii]

Since Amlapitta is Āśaya Duśti Pradhāna Vyādhi,

Vamana may prove to be the complete cure of it. In

most of the Samhitas like Kashyapa Samhita[iii], Bhava

Prakash[iv], Chakradatta[v], Vangasen[vi], Gada Ni-

graha[vii] Vamana has been considered as the classical

treatment of Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta.

But the Vāmaka yoga mentioned in these texts com-

prises of all the tikta rasātmak drugs in kvātha form,

which are Vyādhi Pratyanik but are not palatable to

patient, as a result patient often refused or quit the in-

take of Kvātha during the procedure only. It becomes

difficult for Vaidya to convince the patient to complete

the procedure.

To avoid this situation and to make Vamana an easy

and friendly procedure for both patient and Vaidya

keeping the concept of using Tikta drugs intact, Ghana

of Madanguḍūchi can prove beneficial.

Madanguḍūchi leha yoga has been described by

Acharya Charak in Kalpasthan[viii]. Ghana of

Madanguḍūchi as Vāmaka yoga increases the shelf life

of a drug. The drug being tikta Rasa Pradhāna may

prove to be Vyādhi Pratyanik, and directly act on Vik-

ruta Pitta and may increase the efficacy of Vamana.

Madanguḍūchi Ghana formulation has following bene-


Presence of Madan helps as Vāmaka.

Presence of Guḍūchi acts as Vyādhi pratyanik drug.

Being in a Ghana form it may be palatable when

given with Madhu and Saindhava

Small in dose.

It may be easy to administer.

Being in a Ghana form ,its shelf life may increase

up to 6 months

It may prove to be Vaidya friendly drug as less en-

ergy might be required to convince the patient to

take medicine.


Amlapitta as an individual disease has not been de-

scribed in Bruhatrayee, but there are number of places

where Acharya Charak has mentioned about Amlapitta

symptoms. It was the Acharya Kashyap who for the

very first time mentioned about Amlapitta in detail.[ix]

Acharya Madav Nidan has described about Amlapitta

and its classification according to Doṣa gati as

Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta and Adhoga Amlapitta.[x]

Nidāna of Amlapitta

Āhāraj hetu:[xi]

1. Viruddha bhojan (incompatible food like intake of

milk and fish together)-Tridoṣa duśti - Amlapitta

2. Duśtāmla Bhojan(stale food attained sour taste)-

Pittaduśti - Amlapitta

3. Vidāhi Bhojan(Spicy food)-Pittaduśti - Amlapitta

4. Vidagdh bhojan(Fermented food)-Pittaduśti - Am-


Vihāraj hetu:[xii]

1. Divāsvāpa (sleeping during day)- Tridoṣa Duśti –


2. Atiuśna jala snana (lengthy bath)-Pitta Duśti- Am-


3. Uśna Avagāhana ( tub bath)-Pitta Duśti-Amlapitta

Mānasika Hetu:[xiii]

Kāma, Krodha, Moha, Lobha, Irśya, Bhaya, Śoka –

Vāta-pittaduśti - Amlapitta

Pūrvarūpa of Amlapitta:

Pūrvarūpa of Amlapitta is not mentioned in any of the

Classical text. Since Almapitta can be co-related with

Pittaja Grahaṇī therefore Pūrvarūpa mentioned by

Acharaya Charak for Grahaṇī Vyādhi like Truśṇa,

Ālasya, Balkśaya, Vidagdha Anna, Gaurava [xiv] which

may be considered as Pūrvarūpa of Amlapitta.

Rūpa of Amlapitta:

Avipāka (indigestion), Klama (psychological tired with-

out doing any work), Utkleśa (nausea), Tikta-Amlodgara

(acid eructation), Guruta (body heaviness), Hrud-Kantha

dāha (heart burn), Aruchi (anorexia)[xv]

Rūpa Of Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta:[xvi

Vānta harita (green colour vomitus),Vānta pitta (yellow

colour vomitus),Vānta nīla (blue colour vomitus),Vānta

Krishna (black colour vomitus),Vānta sarakta –(reddish


Priya, : Concept Analysis on Vamana Karma with Madanaguḍūchi Ghana in the management of Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta

AAMJ / Vol. 2 / Issue 6 / November – December 2016 1070

colour vomitus), Vānta raktābha (bright red colour vomi-

tus),Vānta atīvāmla (vomitus excess sour in taste),Vānta

māmsdokābham (vomitus resembling mutton washes),

Vānta atipichilla (sticky vomitus), Vānta Atiachha (thin

vomitus), Vānta Sleshma anujata, Abhuktevami (vomit-

ing occurs on empty stomch), Abhukte va tiktavami (bit-

ter taste vomiting occurs on empty stomach) Abhukte

tikta udgara (bitter taste belching occurs on empty

stomach), Abhukteamlavami (sour taste vomiting occurs

on empty stomach), Bhukte vidhagdhatiktavami (bitter

taste vomiting occurs during digestion of food), Bhukte

vidhagdha Amlavami (sour taste vomiting occurs during

digestion of food), Bhukte vidagdha Tiktodgara (bitter

taste belching occurs during digestion of food), Cha-

ranadāha (burning sensation in foot region), Hritdāha

(buring sensation in chest region), Karadāha (burning

sensation in palm region), Kukśidāha (burning sensation

in flank region), Kandu (itching) Kanthadāha (buring

sensation in throat region), Mandal (circular rashes),

Mahati aruchi (anorexia), Pidika (papule), Śiroruja

(headache),Uśṇata( Burning sensation in the body).

Samprāpti of Amlapitta:[xvii]

Drug Review:

Madanguḍūchi Ghana: It consists of Madanphala and Guḍūchi in the ratio of 1:5.

Drug name Rasa Vīrya Vipāka Guṇa Doṣaghnata

Madanphala Madhura,

Tikta, Katu Uśṇa Katu Laghu, Rūkśa Kaphavātaghna

Guḍūchi Katu,Tikta,

Kāśaya Uśṇa Madhura Laghu Tridoṣaghna

Madanphala[xviii]: is the best Vāmaka drug mentioned

by Charak Acharya. It acts by its Vāmaka Prabhāv.

Guḍūchi[xix]: being tikta rasātmak act as a Vyādhi

pratyanik drug. It decreases the Abhiśyand in Pit-

tamārga and helps in proper strāva of Pitta.

Administration: Orally (chewable tablet) with Madhu

and Saindhava.

Dose: 6 – 8 gm.


Vamana is the first procedure narrated under

Panchakarma therapy by the Ancient Ayurve-


Vamana Karma is the principle treatment told for

Kaphaja disease.[xx]

The process in which Apakva Pitta and Kapha are

forcibly expelled through the oral route is called as

Vamana.[xxi] Apakva Pitta literally means undigested or

unripe .When Pitta is undigested changed into Vidag-

dha Avasta, which is one of the type of Ajīrṇa. To pac-

ify this stage, there are 3 methods of treatment

i.e.Langhan, Pāchana and Doṣāvasechan [xxii].Langhan

is not capable of pacifying the Vidagdha Pitta. If

Pāchana Dravya is used for Āma Pāchana, they will be

transformed into Āma.[xxiii] From this evidence it is clear

that Vamana Karma is proper way to remove Apakva

Pitta, the condition which is seen in Ūrdhvaga Am-


Madanphala (Randia dumetorum Lam). is a usual drug

of choice for Ayurvedaic physicians since past due to its

therapeutic properties like emetic, antipyretic, anti-

Drug name Botanical name Family Used part Quantity

Madanphala Randia dumetorum.Poir. Rubiaceae Fruit 10gms

Guḍūchi Tinospora cordifolia, Willd. Meni-Spermaceae Stem 50gms

Priya, : Concept Analysis on Vamana Karma with Madanaguḍūchi Ghana in the management of Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta

AAMJ / Vol. 2 / Issue 6 / November – December 2016 1071

inflammatory, antiallergic, antihelmenthic, immuno-

modulatory, analgesic, wound healing etc. All the quali-

ties of mMadanaphala are almost same in Ayurveda

and nighantu classics but according to Charaka it is of

Arūkśa (less rough), Vijjal (picchila), āśukāri (Fast act-

ing) properties.[xxiv] Due to these properties Madana-

phala has been used as excellent drug as Vāmaka in

Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta.

Guḍūchi for time immemorable is being used in one or

the other way in different forms in different variety of

disease condition. An anti-spasmodic, anti-

inflammatory, anti-stress, anti-microbial property of

guḍūchi has been proved[xxv]. These properties of

Guḍūchi may prove to be beneficial in Ūrdhvaga Am-


Ghana is one of the Auśadha Kalpana. According to

Sharangdar, Kvāthādi are boiled down to a thick con-

sistency is called as Avaleha.[xxvi] More concentrated

form of Avaleha which can be moulded into Guti form

is called as Ghana. Madan Guḍūchi Ghana formula-

tion is based on this concept only.



For the procedure of Vamana following plays most im-

portant role as,

Properties - Uśṇa, Tīkśṇa, Sūkśma, Vyavāyi, Vikāsi

Sites- Hridaya, āmāśaya

Stimulant -Udāna Vāyu

Constitution - Agni + Vāyu

Prabhāva - ūrdhva bhāghara

It seems that Śodhana drugs because of their Vyavāyi

guṇa escapes the normal digestion by Jātharāgni,

reach in the whole body and starts acting immediately.

Sūkśma guṇa helps to reach them up to the minute

channels. Doṣas are digested and liquefied by Uśṇa

guṇa and then are detached from the srotasas because

of Tikśṇa and Vyavāyi guna. It is the Sara guna which

help the detached Doṣas to reach the Koṣtha, from there

they are to be expelled out. Lastly it is the Prabhāva

which according to drug throws the Doṣas out.[xxvii]

In Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta Utkleśa (Bahudoṣa avastha )[xxviii]

of doṣas is present and in Bahudoṣa condition Śodhana

Chikitsa is indicated[xxix] therefore Vamana may prove to

be a fruitful procedure.

In Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta, Gati of Doṣa’s is in upward

direction and Acharya Vagbhat has told to remove the

doṣas from the nearest route.30

In Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta, Amāśaya Duśti mainly occurs

and Vamana helps in the Śuddhi of Amāśaya.

Significance of use of Guḍūchi with Madanaphala:

Madanaphala by its pharmacological properties is hav-

ing irritant properties. But Amlapitta is a condition

where there is increased acidic secretion from Parietal

cells which may get stimulated due to Madanaphala

increasing the acidity transiently during Vamanaa pro-

cedure. Guḍūchi being anti-inflammatory and antacid in

properties is potent to modify the pH of the stomach

and protect gastric mucosa. This may solve the purpose

of Doṣaśodhana without any harmful effect on the GIT.

Vamana helps in the removal of the morbid doṣas

which are present in the Āmāśaya and help in Sam-

prāpti Vighatana by following way:

1. In Vamana Āmāśaya Śuddhi occurs which helps in

removing the Amlata in the Āmāśaya which has oc-

curred due to Vidaghata and Śuktibhāva of ingested


2. After Vamana Agni attains its normal state therefore

proper digestion of the ingested food occurs.

3. Madanaguḍūchi Ghana may proves to be a

Vyādhipratyanik Vāmaka drug as it may helps in the

Śodha of doṣas before its digestion by Jatharāgni by

Prabhāva and after its digestion it may help in Śamana

of the remaining doṣas by its Tikta ,Madhura and Ka-

śāya Rasa.


On the virtue of the incredible benefits and astonishing

properties of the Madanguḍūchi Ghana it can be con-

cluded that Vamana with Madanguḍūchi Ghana may

prove to be the effective treatment modality in the man-

agement of Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta.


Priya, : Concept Analysis on Vamana Karma with Madanaguḍūchi Ghana in the management of Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta

AAMJ / Vol. 2 / Issue 6 / November – December 2016 1072


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xxvii. Tripathi Bramhanand, CHARAK SAMHITA: Charak

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Priya, : Concept Analysis on Vamana Karma with Madanaguḍūchi Ghana in the management of Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta

AAMJ / Vol. 2 / Issue 6 / November – December 2016 1073

no.1072, Kalpasthan, Chapter No.1, Madankalpa

adhyay Shlok no.5

xxviii. Tripathi Bramhanand, CHARAK SAMHITA: Charak

chandrika, Hindi commentary,by Chaukhamba Surab-

harati Prakashan, Varanasi, Edition:2011, Vol. 1, Page

no.323, Sutrasthan, Chapter No.16, Chikitsaprabhruti-

yadhyay Shlok no.13-15

xxix. Tripathi Bramhanand, CHARAK SAMHITA: Charak

chandrika, Hindi commentary,by Chaukhamba Surab-

harati Prakashan, Varanasi, Edition:2011, Vol. 1, Page

no.323, Sutrasthan, Chapter No.16, Chikitsaprabhruti-

yadhyay Shlok no.16

xxx. Shri.Lal Chandra Vaidya, ASHTANGAHRU-

DAYAM:Sarvangasundari, Hindi commentary,by Motilal

Banarasidas,Varanasi, Edition:2008, Page no.112, Su-

trasthan, Chapter No.13, Doshopkramaniyaadhyayam

Shlok no.29

Source of Support: Nil.

Conflict of Interest: None declared


How to cite this article: Priya, : Concept Analysis on

Vamana Karma with Madanaguḍūchi Ghana in the man-

agement of Ūrdhvaga Amlapitta. AAMJ 2016; 6:1068 –