Computing Press

20 tips by Charlie Coppinger Building a Website

Transcript of Computing Press

20 tips by Charlie Coppinger

Building a Website

1. Your websites address!

Domain Name

2. Getting your site uploaded

Web Hosting

3. It doesn’t have to be hard!

Pre-made Scripts

4. Its all Fantastico!

Which Script?

5. Blogging: the easy way


6. Now its personal

Theme Design

7. Making your first post

Hello World

8. Am I popular?

Visitor Stats

9. It doesn't happen over night.

Attracting Readers

10. Somebody loves me!


11. Getting in touch

Contact Us

12. Starting to get harder...


13. Here, take this

Link Backs

14. Here, take this

Trading Links

15. Time to make some moola

Google AdSense

16. For sale!

Selling your site

17. Swimming in *green


*not a drug reference

18. So much *green

Affiliate Scheme

*drug reference

19. The Skies the limit

The Network

20. Money & Dictionaries

Don't give up

Thank-you for listening

The End