Computer Security


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Transcript of Computer Security

Page 1: Computer Security

Part 1 – Social NetworkingPart 2 – Microsoft Online (email in the cloud)Part 3 – Microsoft Exchange ArchivingPart 4 – Corporate Email PolicyPart 5 – Microsoft SharePoint (files in the cloud)Part 6 – Borough Information Technology PoliciesPart 7 – Open Discussion (Q&A)

Borough of West Chester

William MannChief Information Officer

Information Technology Training – Session 3 - August 16, 2011

Page 2: Computer Security

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Borough of West Chester Social Media Policy Training

Why Do We Need A Social Media Policy?

“Teacher Fired Over” Facebook

“Teacher Fired Over Photos on Facebook”

“Waitress Fired For Facebook Comment”

“Connecticut Woman Fired Over Facebook Rant”“Woman Says Facebook Got Her Fired”

“Ill Worker Fired Over Facebook”

“Teacher Fired After Candid Facebook Comments”

“Five Nurses Fired For Facebook Postings”

“Facebook Photo of Dead Woman Gets EMT Fired”

“Metropolitan Police officer Sacked Over Facebook Posts”

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Borough of West Chester Social Media Policy Training

8 Ways To get Fired BecauseOf Social Media

No. 1: Post off-color remarksMatthew Azzano, an employee at the Cuyahoga Hills Juvenile Correctional Facility in Highland Hills, Ohio, was fired when it became known that he was posting threatening and racial comments on his Facebook page. He was fired for discrimination and failure to follow policies.

No. 2: Post confidential detailsIn 2008 in the U.K., a juror was dismissed when she posted details of the trial on her Facebook page. “I don’t know which way to go, so I’m holding a poll,” she wrote.

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Borough of West Chester Social Media Policy Training

8 Ways To get Fired BecauseOf Social Media

No. 3: Badmouth your clientsAshley Johnson, a former pizza waitress in North Carolina, was fired for complaining about customers on her Facebook page. “Thanks for eating at Brixx,” she wrote, before using profanity and calling the customers, who were not identified in the post, “cheap.”

No. 4: Disrespect your employerSeven employees at Farm Boy, a Canadian grocery store, were fired after they started a Facebook group called “I Got Farm Boy’d.” The group featured a picture of the company’s logo surrounded by a red circle with a slash through the center and made derogatory comments about the store and its customers.

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Borough of West Chester Social Media Policy Training

8 Ways To get Fired BecauseOf Social Media

No. 5: Post inappropriate photosA former high school teacher in Georgia was forced to resign when her principal questioned her Facebook page, which included an expletive and photos of her holding wine and beer.

No. 6: Create animated videos of your co-workersA firefighter and paramedic in South Carolina was fired after he posted on Facebook an animated video that he created, depicting a doctor and a paramedic, and that was deemed “derogatory.”

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Borough of West Chester Social Media Policy Training

8 Ways To get Fired BecauseOf Social Media

No. 7: Talk trash about your bossA young woman in the United Kingdom was fired in August 2009 after posting on her Facebook page, “OMG I HATE MY JOB!! My boss is a total pervvy (sic) w**ker, always making me do s**t stuff just to p**s me off!! W**ker!”

The boss responded with a few comments of his own, ending with, “And lastly, you also seem to have forgotten that you have two weeks left on your six-month trial period. Don’t bother coming in tomorrow. I’ll pop your P45 in the post and you can come in whenever you like to pick up any stuff you’ve left here. And yes, I’m serious.”

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Borough of West Chester Social Media Policy Training

8 Ways To get Fired BecauseOf Social Media

No. 8: Play hooky — and then post about itA Swiss insurance worker called in sick, telling her employer that she could not sit in front of a computer and needed to lie in the dark. The gig was up, however, when a colleague saw that she was active on Facebook. Her employer said her dismissal was more about abuse of trust than her Facebook activity.

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Borough of West Chester Social Media Policy Training

On June 29, 2011, IT Memo 2011-12 was adopted which describes Borough of West Chester Policy in respect to Social Media behavior.

Reading through this policy you will quickly see that many of the issues that caused so much turmoil in the earlier headlines are covered.

It should also be accepted that every single possible situation cannot be noted in a policy of any kind. Therefore in the case of behavior on social media sites, “common sense” will go along way in protecting everyone involved.

Refer to Handout

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Borough of West Chester Social Media Policy Training

EMPLOYEE CODE-OF CONDUCT FOR ONLINE COMMUNICATIONS Employees of the Borough of West Chester shall not engage in discussing co-workers, management personnel or other borough related contractors in any manner that discloses personal information of any nature. Harassing or discriminatory comments shall be deemed inappropriate. Employees of the Borough of West Chester shall not claim nor imply that they are speaking on the Borough of West Chester’s behalf. Internet postings in respect to the Borough of West Chester must respect copyright, fair use, financial disclosure and other applicable laws.

From IT Policy 2011-12

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Borough of West Chester Social Media Policy Training

EMPLOYEE CODE OF CONDUCT FOR OFFICIAL REPRESENTATION Employees of the Borough of West Chester shall not discuss or disclose any internal policies, procedures or ongoing cases of litigation of any kind relating to the Borough of West Chester. Employees must make it clear that their views and opinions expressed on the site are their own and do not represent the opinions of the employer. Employees shall not engage in activity that reflects or may reflect negatively on the employer, its affiliates, employees, citizens, or constituents.

From IT Policy 2011-12

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Borough of West Chester Social Media Policy Training

EMPLOYEE BLOGGING DISCLOSURE POLICY Employees of the Borough of West Chester shall not write on blogging sites any internal policies, procedures or ongoing cases of litigation of any kind relating to the Borough of West Chester. Employees are expected to remain respectful of municipal employees, services, citizens, constituents, affiliates, vendors and suppliers.

EMPLOYEE FACEBOOK, TWITTER, LINKEDIN & MYSPACE USAGE POLICY Employees of the Borough of West Chester shall not engage in conversations on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace and blogging sites which involve internal policies, procedures or cases of ongoing litigation of any kind relating to the Borough of West Chester. Employees of the Borough of West Chester shall not discuss personal information regarding their relationship to the Borough of West Chester.

From IT Policy 2011-12

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Borough of West Chester Social Media Policy Training

ACCESS TO SOCIAL MEDIA WEBSITES Access to social media websites by employees of the Borough of West Chester, while working for the Borough of West Chester is at the sole discretion of management. Access to social media websites, while working for the Borough of West Chester, may be restricted at any time, for any reason that management deems necessary.

IMAGES, VIDEO AND PHOTOGRAPHS Images, video and photographs of Borough of West Chester owned property shall not be published on social media sites without the express permission of Borough of West Chester management.

From IT Policy 2011-12

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Borough of West Chester Microsoft Online – Email in the Cloud

On May 3, 2011 after months of planning the Borough of West Chester’s email services were migrated from our old on-premises “Microsoft Exchange” server to the cloud.

This was fairly a seamless process for the majority of our users which was a goal when choosing which provider to use.

Sadly There has been one challenge that many of you have struggled to master with this new service.

….. and that has been ….. Can anyone guess?

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Borough of West Chester Microsoft Online – Email in the Cloud

Passwords!Passwords are critically important to all us. They protect our information, our privacy and our organization.

Today we all have passwords for the following services:

1. Network (your computer logon)2. Microsoft Online (your email)*3. Smartphone (for email)*4. Voice Mail (office phone)

* These are the same password. Both must be changed at the same time.

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Borough of West Chester Microsoft Online – Email in the Cloud

In order to access your email account using Microsoft Outlook you must have the “Microsoft Online Services Sign In” client installed and logged into your account.

Without this installed, running and logged in you cannot use Microsoft Outlook.

This client is installed on all computers on our network.

This client automatically runs as part of the startup process when you log in to the PC.

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Borough of West Chester Microsoft Online – Email in the Cloud

Microsoft Online will prompt you to change your password every 90 days. You can also change your password whenever you want by:

1. Opening the Client2. Selecting the “Options” tab3. Selecting “password”

Then enter:

• Your current password followed by• Your new password• Select “Save”

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Borough of West Chester Microsoft Online – Email in the Cloud

Accessing Your Email from the Internet

Your email can be accessed anywhere you have an internet connection. The URL (web address) is:

1. or2.

Once logged in simply enter your:

• Email address• Password

Link #1 will take your directly to Web Outlook (OWA) while Link #2 will take you to our Microsoft Portal. (This is where SharePoint can be found.)

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Borough of West Chester Microsoft Online – Email in the Cloud

Installing the Microsoft Online Client At HomeYou can access the “Microsoft Online Client” from the portal at and selecting the “Downloads” tab.

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Borough of West Chester Microsoft Online – Email in the Cloud

Installing the Microsoft Online Client At Home

Select the “Microsoft Online Services Sign In Application”.

Download and install the application.

Once installed, you can log in just like at the office.

Microsoft Outlook 2007 or greater is required.

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Borough of West Chester Microsoft Online – Exchange Online Archiving

One of the major benefits of moving our email services to a cloud provider is the ability to secure, manage, access and finally archive email. Email for government is considered a “public record”. Because of this, all email must be archived and available if requested, just like any other public record.

Microsoft Online Services makes this possible through their “Exchange Online Archiving” service.

All email, once it enters our system is archived for 7 years. This includes email that has been deleted.

Be aware of this when communicating through email. Everything is saved.

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Borough of West Chester Microsoft Online – Exchange Online Archiving

You can access your quarantine and mail archive at

To review your archive select “Change Application” on the right side of the toolbar and choose “Mail Archive”.

Note: Once you select “Mail Archive” you need to select the small arrow on the right side.

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Borough of West Chester Microsoft Online – Exchange Online Archiving

Once you are logged in to your archive you can view all of your “sent” and received” messages.

By selecting the box the left side of a message you can complete a “restore”. This will send the message back to your inbox. This is a great way to recover accidentally deleted messages.

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Borough of West Chester Corporate Email Policy

Email Usage at the Borough of West ChesterEmail is to be used for Borough business only. Borough confidential information must not be shared outside of the Borough, without authorization, at any time. You are also not to conduct personal business using the Borough computer or email. Viewing pornography, or sending pornographic jokes or stories via email, is considered sexual harassment and will be addressed according to our sexual harassment policy, section 1.4 of the “Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual for West Chester Borough”.

Emails That DiscriminateAny emails that discriminate against employees by virtue of any protected classification including race, gender, nationality, religion, and so forth, will be dealt with according to the harassment policy, section 1.5 of the “Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual for West Chester Borough”. These emails are prohibited at the Borough of West Chester. Sending or forwarding discriminatory emails may result in disciplinary action that may lead to employment termination.

Email OwnershipIt is expressly understood that the Borough of West Chester owns and controls the use of email and may access email in accordance with corporate compliance management. Management and other authorized staff have the right to access any material in your email or on your computer at any time. Do not consider your electronic communication, storage or access to be private if it is created or stored at the workplace or maintained through a Borough of West Chester managed infrastructure including cloud providers.

From IT Policy 2011-16

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Borough of West Chester Microsoft Online – SharePoint

SharePoint is Microsoft Online’s file sharing service. Here you will be able to access shared document’s such as HR information, policies, procedures and other related forms. You will be able to access these from any computer with internet access.

You can access these shared files at

The username is [email protected]

and the password is “WestChester401”.

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Borough of West Chester Microsoft Online – SharePoint

Once you are logged in you will be able to access, save and print official borough documents that have been stored on our SharePoint site.

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Borough of West Chester Borough – Information Technology Policies

The provided CD-ROMs include all of the information technology policies issued up to this date as well as some other useful information and links.

This CD-ROM has been provided in the past and will continue to be issued as necessary as updates are made.

This application should also be available on your desktop as well. If it is not please submit a work order and I will install it for you.

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Borough of West Chester