Computer Forensics DOS Partitioning. Partitioning Practices We separate partition practices into...

Computer Forensics DOS Partitioning

Transcript of Computer Forensics DOS Partitioning. Partitioning Practices We separate partition practices into...

Computer Forensics

DOS Partitioning

Partitioning Practices

We separate partition practices into those used by Personal Computers:

DOS Apple

Servers Free BSD Sun Solaris GPT

DOS Partitions

Although there is no standard specification, there are several accepted partitioning practices Most common type of partitioning system for

PCs (and servers) Microsoft calls disks using this type of

partitioning system Master Boot Record (MBR) disks

Another type is GUID Partition Table (GPT) used by servers


Starting with Windows 2000, Microsoft differentiates between: Basic disk – MBR or GPT disk on which

partitions are independent and standalone

Dynamic disk – MBR or GPT on which partitions can be combined or merged to form larger partitions (e.g. RAID)

We will focus on Basic disk using MBR

DOS Partitions

MBR is from the first sector on the disk, followed by four partition tables

When there is need for more than 4 partitions, one partition may be extended to contain secondary partitions

The extended partition contains a table similar to the MBR in its first sector

Non-extended partition entries have their starting sector and size displayed. The ending sector address can be calculated: Starting sector addr + sector size - 1

Reasons for partitioning

Allowing users to have more than one operating system on a single computer

Separation of operating system files from user files

Improving performance by breaking up file space into smaller units


MBR resides in front of the first partition MBR is the first 512-bytes of the disk MBR is in LBA Sector 0

MBR contains Boot code – how to process the partition table

and how to locate the operating system Partition table Signature

The MBR contains the Partition Table which has 4 entries, one for each partition

MBR contents

Byte Description Essential0-445 Boot code no446-461 Entry #1 yes462-477 Entry #2 yes478-493 Entry #3 yes494-509 Entry #4 yes

510-511 Signature value 0xAA55 yes

Table 5.1 Carrier

Partition Table Entries (Bytes 446-509)

Each entry in the partition table (16 bytes) has the following fields Starting CHS address Ending CHS address

Each uses 10-bits for cylinder, 8-bits for head, 6-bits for sector Starting LBA address

Either CHS or LBA is used, but usually not both Number of sectors in partition Type of partition – FAT, NTFS, etc. Flags – identify which partition is bootable, thus which

operating system will be loaded Each table entry describes the layout of a partition in CHS

and LBA addresses CHS addresses only work for disks less than 8GB (ignored if

>) LBA addresses work for disks that are terabytes (TB) in size

DOS Partition Table Entries

Byte Description0 Bootable Flag 1-3 Starting CHS Address 4 Partition Type 5-7 Ending CHS Address 8-11 Starting LBA Address 12-15 Size in sectors

Partition TypesType Description0x00 Empty0x01 FAT120x04 FAT16, 16-32 MB0x06 FAT16, 32 MB – 2GB...0xa8 Mac OSX...0xfb VMware File System

From Table 5.3 Carrier

Basic DOS disk

Partition #1 Partition #2


Figure 5.1 Carrier, simple disk with two partitions and the MBR

Extended Partitions

If we need more than four partitions, we can use extended partitions Example: we want to divide a 12GB disk

into six 2GB partitions for using multiple operating systems

Use up to 3 partitions normally then create an extended partition that can be further subdivided

DOS disk partition variations

Primary File System


Primary File System



Primary File System


Primary ExtendedPartition


Figure 5.2 Carrier, DOS disk with three primary file system partitions and one primary extended partition

Secondary Extended Partitions

Secondary File System


Secondary Extended


Secondary Extended


Secondary File System


Figure 5.3 Carrier

See alsoFigure 5.4

Boot Code

The partition that is to be booted is indicated by the bootable flag = TRUE Standard boot code for a system with

only one OS is indicated by a flag set to 0x80

Or the boot code may prompt the user to choose a partition for booting

Extracting sectors from an actual system

Using the dd command we can get the first sector of the disk:#dd if=disk3.dd bs=512 skip=0 count=1

| xxd

MBR from previous dd commandASCII output removed and stored as little endian with lsb at lowest address

0000000: eb48 9010 8ed0 bc00 b0b8 0000 8ed8 8ec0[REMOVED]0000384: 0048 6172 6420 4469 736b 0052 6561 64000000400: 2045 7272 6f72 00bb 0100 b40e cd10 ac3c0000416: 0075 f4c3 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00000000432: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00010000448: 0100 07fe 3f7f 3f00 0000 4160 1f00 8000[REMOVED]0000496: 01cd 05f3 ffff 8d40 3200 79eb 9604 55aa

Bytes 0 – 445 contain boot code. The 0xaa55 signature is in the last two bytes of the sector. The partition table entry for partition 1 is in red and shows a partition type of 0x07 and starting sector of 63.

Looking at the output on p. 92, which partition is bootable? How did we get Figure 5.5?

Extended Partition Example

Look at Figure 5.6 A primary extended partition starts in sector 1,000

with a length of 11,000 sectors The partition table has two entries:

A FAT file system, starting at relative sector 63 (actual 1,063) why 63?

An extended partition, starting at relative sector 4,000 (actual 5,000)

The secondary extended partition contains an NTFS file system, starting at sector 63 (actual 5, 063) The second entry is for another extended partition,

starting at 6,500 (actual 7,500) Continue?

Continued example Contents of the first sector of the primary extended

partition in sector 3,293,325 (see Table 5.4)

# dd if=disk3.dd bs=512 skip=3293325 count=1 | xxd[REMOVED]0000432: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00010000448: 01cd 83fe 7fcb 3f00 0000 0082 3e00 00000000464: 41cc 05fe bf0b 3f82 3e00 40b0 0f00 00000000480: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00000000496: 0100 07fe 3f7f 3f00 0000 4160 1f00 55aa

The last two entries are empty. Type is 0x83 – Linux, so it is a secondary file system partition and it starts relative to the start of the current extended partition ... Table 5.5 is an extension of Table 5.4. Calculate the start of the DOS extended partition.


fdisk – lists partitions mmls – marks partitions as unused

fdisk# fdisk –lu disk3.ddDisk disk3.dd: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 0 cylindersUnits = sectors of 1 * 512 bytes

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id Systemdisk3.dd1 63 2056319 1028128 7 NTFSdisk3.dd2 *2056320 22635164 104422 83 Linux disk3.dd3 2265165 3293324 514080 83 Linuxdisk3.dd4 3293325 80292869 38499772 5 Extended...This output lists only the primary extended partition (disk3.dd4).

This is acceptable because only primary and secondary file system partitions are needed for an investigation. But not all entries are shown.

mmls# mmls –t dos disk3.ddUnits are in 512-byte sectors

Slot Start End LengthDescription00: ---- 00000 0000000 00001 Table #001: ---- 00001 0000062 00062 Unallocated02: 00:00 00063 2056319 big NTFS(0x07)03: 00:01 2056257 208845 208845 Linux(0x83)04: 00:02 2265165 3293324 1028160 Linux(0x83)05: 00:03 ...

Unused sectors are marked unallocated, partition tables are indicated and extended partition locations are indicated.

See pages 98 and 99.

Summary If we need one to four partitions, we use

only the MBR to find all partitions If we need more than four partitions, we

create up to 3 of partitions using the MBR and make the fourth MBR entry point to the sections that hold the remainder

DOS-based partitions are the most common for current computer investigations. They are also difficult to understand.

Tools can help to list the layout of disks and to find the used and unused spaces.

Removable Media Most removable media also have partitions

and many use the same structures used by hard disks. Floppy disks: each disk is a single partition Thumb drives: some contain only one file

system, but others have partitions Zip drives: are partitioned Flash cards (cameras): many use FAT file

systems and can be analyzed using normal investigation tools

CD-ROMs: most use ISO 9660 format so that multiple OSs can read them...complex

Chapter 6: Server-based partitions

BSD (sometimes called Berkeley) UNIX servers use their own partitioning system FreeBSD (also uses DOS partitioning), OpenBSD,

NetBSD Many use IA32-based hardware (Intel’s x86/i386)

It is becoming common to encounter a Linux system during an investigation, but Linux uses only the DOS-based partitions

When an operating system runs, it can choose what partitions it will give for user access

Disk Label

Central data structure for BSD partition system is a disk label Located in the second sector of the BSD

partition At least 276 bytes

Structure is shown in Table 6.1

GPT Partitions Systems with 64-bit Intel Itanium

processors (IA64) do not have a BIOS like IA32 systems

Instead, they have an Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) The EFI uses a partition system called the GUID

Partition Table (GPT) GUID is ‘globally unique identifier It can support up to 128 partitions and uses a

64-bit LBA address Usually found in high-end servers

Multiple Disk Volumes

Multiple disks can be used to contain data, but such systems may be difficult to investigate

Initially used in high-end and critical systems, but are becoming more popular in with desktop systems

Two types discussed here: RAID systems: provide redundancy Disk spanning: creates larger volumes

RAIDRAID 0: 2 or more disks on which data is striped across

disks. (no redundancy)RAID 1: data is repeated across disks for redundancyRAID 2: rare. Uses error-correcting codes.RAID 3: 3 or more disks; one disk assigned for parity

Parity disk can recreate a failed disk Byte-sized chunks

RAID 4: similar to level 3, data striped is block chunks instead of byte chunks

RAID 5: similar to level 4, no dedicated parity disk. Parity alternated amongst data

There are several more RAID levels

Analysis Use hardware write-blockers on

individual hard disks to prevent modifications when trying acquisition

It may also be useful to make images of the individual disks before making an image of the entire RAID volume

Some RAID systems use only part of the hard disk...unused space may contain old data, or could be used to hide data

Disk Spanning Makes multiple disks appear to be one

large disk using software, creating a logical volume.

ExampleLike using a 3-ring binder, instead of a spiral notebook. It becomes easier to add more storage (i.e. disks) as more space is needed.

Logical volume: the output of the disk-spanning software.

Disk Spanning











Disk 1 Disk 2

The storage space from a new disk is appended to the end of the existing storage space. This generates a logical volume made up from two disks.