Computer Awareness

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Computer awareness:-

->which is a hand held operating system-PDA->to display the contents of a folder in windows in windows explorer you should -click on it->the CPU comprises of control unit memory and-arithmetic and logic unit->which is a powerful computer in a typical network-network server->which is appearing on a web page opens another document when clicked-hyper link->which of the following refers to rectangular area for displaying information and running programs-window->which windows utility that locates and eliminate unnecessary fragments in rearranges disk space-disk defragmenter->which of the following refers to too much electricity and may cause a voltage surge-spike->the software that is used to create text-based documents are referred as-word processors->which device converts human understandable data and programs into a form that the computer can process-input->allows users to upload files to an online site so they can be viewed and edited from another location-microsoft outlook->what feature adjust the top and bottom margins so that the text centered vertically on the printed page0vertical justifying->what is the overall term for creating formatting storing retrieving and printing a text document-word processing->fourth generations mobile technology provides enhanced capabilities allowing the transfer of both-voice and data->which is a form of service denial attack in which a hostile client repeatedly sends SYN packets to every port on the server using fake IP address-cyber gaming crime->which of these is a point and draw device-mouse->a set of rules for telling the computer what operations to perform is called-programming language->a detailed written description of the programming cycle and the program along with the test results and a printout of the program -documentation->form that are used to organize business data into rows and columns are called-spread sheets->in a power point the header and footer can be found on the insert tab in what group-text group->which is a set of programs that designed to manage the resources of a computer-operating system->a typical slide in a slide presentation would not include-clip art and audio clips->the PC productivity tool that manipulate data organized into rows and columns -spread sheet->in the absence of a parenthesis the order of operation-exponentation, mulitiplication, division, addition, subtraction->to find the paste special option you use the clipboard group on the which tab of power point-home->which program is one that is ready to run and does not need to altered in anyway-executable->usually downloaded into folders that hold temporary internet files-cookies->what is the easiest way to change the phrase, revenues, profit, gross margin-use the insert mode, position the cursor before the g in the gross then type the word and followed by a space->a program either talk or music that is made available in digital format for automatic download over the internet is called-blog->which power point view display each slide of the presentation as thumbnails and is useful for rearranging slides-slide sorter->different components on the motherboard of a pc unit are linked together by asset of parallel electrical conducting lines what are the lines-buses->what is the name given to those applications that supports data encryption for secure wireless communication for note book users-USB wireless network adapter->which is the language reflects the way people think mathematically-functional->when entering text within a document the enter key is normally pressed at the end of every-sentence->when a real time telephone call between people is made over the internet using computers it is called-internet telephony->which of the following is the first step in sizing a window-point to the title bar->which of the following software could assist someone who cannot use their hands for computer input-speech recognition->which is a document means the file is transferred from another computer to your computer-really simple syndication->which computer memory is used for storing programs and data currently being processed by the CPU-internal memory->computers that control processes accept data in a continuous -infinite loop->which is used by public and private enterprises and share financial information which each other and industrial each other-extensible business reporting language->which part of the computer is used to calculating and comparing-ALU->the method of internet access that require a phone line but offers faster speeds than dial up connection-modem->the software that creates a mirror of the entire hard disk -backup software->what is URL-the address of a document or page on the www->which is the significant of faded command in a pull down menu-there are no equivalent keystrokes for the particular command->your business has contracted with another company to have host and run an application over the internet-out source agency->which allows you to access your email from any where-webmail interface->which of the following would you find on linkedin-connections->what is the technique that is used to send more that one call over a single line-multiplpexing->the search companion can-locate all files containing a specified phrase->which of the following part of an email address-period, at sign, under score->which of the following must be contained in a URL-www.and the unique registered domain name->which of the following information systems focuses on making manufacturing processes more efficient -computer aided manufacturing->a mistake in an algorithm that causes incorrect results is called as-syntax error->a device for changing the connection on a connector to a different configuration-an adapter->to navigate to anew web page for which you know the URL type that URL in the browsers-address bar->the CPU also called as when talking about PCs does the vast majority of the processing for computer-micro processors->a computer type, processor, and operating system defines its-speed->a kiosk-is a computer station that provides the public with specific and useful information service->the part of computer receiving information from a server on the internet is known as-downloading->the part of the CPU that access and decodes programme instructions and coordinate the flow of data-control unit->computer programs are written in a high level programming language however the human readable version of a program is called-source code->what is the difference between a CD-ROW and a CD-RW-a cd-row can be written to but a cd-rom can only be read from->what is the term for how words will appear on a page-text formatting->when sending an e-mail the which line describes the contents of the message-subject->all the deleted files are go to-recycle bin->your organize files by storing them in-folders->a website address is a unique name that identifies a specific -web browser->which are specially designed computers chips that reside inside other devices such as your car or your electronic thermostat-embedded computers->which of the following places the common data element in order from smallest to largest-bit, byte, character, record, field, file, database->a disk content that is recorded at the time of manufacture and that cannot be changed or erased -read only->distributed processing involves-solving computers problems by breaking them into smaller parts that are separately processed by different computers->the operating system determines the manner in which all of the following except-user interaction with the processor->office LANs that are spread geographically apart on a large scale can be connected using a corporate-DAN->you can keep your personal files/ folders in-my documents ->WORM stands for-write once read memory->the primary purpose of software is to turn data into-information->a compiler translated a program written in a high-level language into-machine language->when your turn on the computer the boot routine will perform this test-power on self test->which is a unique name that you give to a file of information-file name extension->hardware includes-the computer and all the devices connected to it that are used to input and output data->which contain specific rules and words that express the logical steps of an algorithm-programming language->the simultaneous processing of two or more programs by multiple processors by-multi programming->the secret code that restricts entry to some programs-password->computers use the which number system-binary->which is the process of carrying commands-executing->softcopy is the intangible output so then what is hardcopy-the printed output->what is the program that makes the computer easier-operating system->a complete electronic circuit with transistors and other electronic components on a small silicon chip is called-integrated circuit->computer system comprises of-hardware, software, procedures, networks, people->what is output-what the processor gives to the user-> ->memory unit is a part of-central processing unit->msoffice 2000 developed by-microsoft->what is meaning for MICR-magnetic ink character recognition->VIRUS stands for-vital information resource under seize->the technique that extends capacities of main memory-virtual storage->which command used to closed the window-alt +f4->algorithm is used-to describe a set of procedure by given result is obtained ->FOXPRO is a -language->who is consider as a father of computers-charles babbage->which will connect you to internet-an internet service provider->what software allows you to view sites-browser->when more than one window is open to switch to the next window-ctrl+f6->where are data and programs stored when the processor uses them-main memory->which represents raw facts-data->which represents meaningful data-information->saving is a process -to copy the document from memory to storage medium->PNG stands for-portable network graphics->the maximum zoom percentage in MS power point is-400%->FTP stands for-file transfer protocol->a peer to peer LAN is an appropriate network which helps data between wireless bodies-wireless access point wireless adapter->cell phone use-micro browser software->in CSMA/CD the computer sends a fixed unit of data is called-packet->the uniform resource locator (URL) is case sensitive in the-directory->ASCII is a-encoding standard used to represent letters and characters->a global network made up of thousands of privately owned computers and networks is called-internet->the internet began with the development of-ARPANET->who developed the first electronic computer (ENIAC)-van neuman->which is not a network-optical fiber->in MICR c stands for-character->virtual memory is-memory on the hard disk that uses an extended RAM->which is the process of finding errors in software code-testing->what is the shortcut to undo-ctrl+z->the programs which are as permanent as hardware and stored in ROM is known as-firmware->for creating a document we use-new command->computer is used-binary->which is the process of carrying out command-executing->which is used by the browser to connect to the location of the internet resources-URL->which is the process of dividing the disk into tracks and sectors-formatting->what is the permanently memory in computer-ROM->changing an existent document is called-editing ->what is a popular program for creating documents that can be read on both a PC and macintosh computer-adobe acrobat->an image on a computer screen is made up of a matrix of what-pixels->DPI -density of the pixels on a computer screen->what type of software creates a smaller file that is faster over the internet-compression->the worlds first truly cross platform programming language is -java->the most widely used type of database management system is-relational database->what is newest and well suited for multimedia applications-object oriented database->what do the circles on a data flow diagram represent-transformation processes->the type of printer that prints selectively unchanging static electricity-laser printer->a warm boot in older versions of windows is caused by-ctrl+ alt+ delete->setting fonts for the text in your document is an example of-formatting->which file system used by the operating system to identify the physical components -FAT->a server uses which applications to support software its client computers-bank end->what does XP stands in windows XP-experience->which printer is an impact printer-dot matrix printers->what type of software must to be used to translate scanned document that can be manipulated-OCR->high resolution computer monitors will have-high dpi->word processing, spread sheet, and photo editing are examples of -application software->which folder retains copies of messages that you have started but are not yet ready to send-drafts->which records the name and exact location of every file on a disk-file allocation->inheritance is the ability of an object to pass on characteristics to its -subclassWhat is a serial port that adds a direct connection to a network-NIC->which is saved to noncontiguous clusters on a hard disk-fragmented file->which is an event driven programming language developed in the early 1990-VB->linux is a-real time operating system->which runs the front end applications software in a network-client->which is used to close a tab on a browser-ctrl + w->what is RISC-microprocessor->a program that converts high level language to machine language is-compiler->zip is a-compressed file->at a time how many operating system can be work on a computer-only one->answer sheets in bank exams are checked by using-optical mark reader->image can be sent over telephone line is -FAX->which is a scientific computer language-FORTRAN->what is oracle-database software->IC chip made up of-silicon->at which place indias silicon valley situated-bangalore->a connection from one html document to another html document is-hyper link->device on one network can communicate with devices on another network is-gateway->the screen background is -desktop->Vdu is not a input device->what are the units used to count the speed of a printer-DPI->a computer that can combine analog and digital computers-hybrid computers->compiler in computer system is-process->what is intersection of arrow and column in a spreadsheet-cell->what is the process of creating movement from still images-animation->small plain text that are written to your computers hard disk by many websites-cookies->what is the proper way to denote a cell in a spreadsheet-c5->which broadband services is the most available-satellite->which is a set of rules computers use to talk each other-protocols->which type of transmission media is known as regular telephone wire-twisted pair wire->firewall used for-to protect from unauthorized access->in word you can change page margins by-clicking the right mouse button on ruler->which part of the computer helps to store information-disk drive->if you want to connect to your own computer through another location-telnet->where does most data go first with in a computer memory hierarchy-RAM->perforated paper used as input or output media is known as-paper tape->the first generation computer system used-vacuum tubes->computers process data into information by working exclusively with-characters->COBOL stands for-common business oriented language->what is the other name for programmed chip-ROM->which stores data temporarily and pass it on as directed by the control unit-registers->RAID stands for-redundant array of inexpensive disks->a device that is used to transmit data from one location to another is-carrier->programs developed by an outside supplier and provide to the user in a machine readable form is-canned programs->which describes one or more characteristics of a modem computer-an electronic device->octal number system has a base-eight->PL1 is-high level programming language->what is disadvantage of machine language-machine dependent->android operating system is an example of which kind of source model-open source->you can use the tab key to-indent a paragraph->the sharing of a medium and its path by by 2 or more devices is called-multiplexing->the server on the internet is also known as-host->DBMS is a-software system used to create ,maintain database->which is an example of connectivity-internet->what menu is selected to cut copy and paste-edit->programming languages built into user programs such as word and excel as-visual programming languages->codes consisting of lines of varying widths-a bar code->eight digit binary number is called-byte->a concentric circle on a disk is called a-track->DSL is an example of-broadband connection->instructions and data that are processed by the CPU are located in-RAM->UNIX commands are stored in-bin director->a circuit with about 100 transistors fabricated on a single chip is called-MSI->a computer checks which of user name and passwords-database->what is the term for unsolicited email-spam->what is the ultimate purpose of defragmentation-create more free space->which input cannot be used to work in msoffice-joy stick->what is a method in which multiple communication devices are connected to one another efficiency-switching->what is collection of web pages-website->backbone of world wide web-HTTP->SMTP stands for-simple mail transfer protocol->small programs which run on a webpage and provide animation are known as-flash->the errors that can be pointed out by the compiler is known as-syntax errors->which contains specific rules and words that express the logical steps of an algorithm-syntax->a proxy server used for-to process client requests for web page->storage that retains its data after the power is turned off is referred as-non volatile storage->which term identifies main page of the entire site-URL->a hard copy of a document is-printed on the printer->which part is a computer can touch and feel-hardware->this is not a function category in excel-logical->the operating system that is self contained in a device and resident in the ROM is-embedded operating system->to be able to boot the computer must have-operating system->online real time systems become popular in-third generation->which is the ability of a device to jump directly to the requested data-random access->which is the functional key to display save box-f12->accessing data on tapes is much slower than the accessing data on disks->superscript subscript outline are known as-font effects->what is the object of UPS-provides backup power->when was the first windows operating system was launched-1985->POST stands for-power on self test->which can input graphical images and pictures for a computer-scanner->in word you can force a page break-by positioning your cursor at the appropriate place and pressing->LSTs (large integration) used in-fourth generation->for running window minimum disk free space required is-8mb->which printer generates characters from grid-dot matrix->accumulator is a-register->which function key refreshers the current window-f5->the first person to offer the term computer virus in 1983-frederick cohen->to minimize all open windows and display the desktop is-windows+d->in ms word alt+shift+d does what-automatically inserts the date->which is not a network topology-linear->a list of rules for transmitting data over a network is called-protocol->a table consists of-rows and columns->what does ctrl+esc do-shows the start menu->a proxy server is used as the computer-access user permissions->which is defined embedded system-a computer and software system that controls machine->digital video consists of a series of-frames->which is the smallest meaningful unit of data-field->most cash registers are now computers that are known as-POS terminal->which is the primary task of NAS server-file sharing->for scientific work the most popular language is-FORTRAN->TCP-transmission control protocol->the first graphical web browser are-mosaic->total memory of system can be known using-MEM commands->the term overflow means-an excess of internal storage->rotational delay time is also known as-latency->which memory is non volatile and may be written only once=prom->techniques to implement memory where memory divided into units of fixed size memory is-paging->an adder where all the bits of the two operands are added simultaneously-parallel adder->the point at which the flow or text in a document moves to the top of a new page-page break->EDVAC -electronic discrete variable automatic computer->mistake in a algorithm-logical error->ctrl + shift+f8-it activates the rectangular selection->what is the shortcut key to open the open dialog box in ns word-ctrl +f12->you can add hyperlink by using-ctrl + k->which is the process of obtain individual information-phishing->which is fastest type of computer-supercomputer->the operating system that is self contained in a device and resident in the ROM is-embedded operating system->the cpu and memory located on the-motherboard-> the code for a web page is written in using hypertext markup language ->the first computers were programmed in using machine language->a file name is a unique name that you give to a file of information->this can be another word for program software->any data or instruction entered into the memory of a computer is considered as storage->which part of the computer displays the work-monitor->a series of instructions that tells a computer what to do it is called-a program ->hardware is the part of a computer that one can touch and feel->the role of a computer sales representative generally to determine a buyers needs and match it to correct hardware and software->supercomputers refers to the fastest biggest and most expensive computers->executing is the process of carrying out commands->the rectangular area of the screen that displays a program, data or information is a-window->the process of a computer receiving information from server on the internet is -downloading->disk drive is the part of the computer helps to-store information->arithmetic operations include-addition, subtraction, multiplication, division->a keyboard is the king of-input device->an error is known as-bug->a collection of information stored and and dealt with as a unit -file->sending e-mail is similar to -writing a letter->IT stands for-information technology->which contains commands that can be selected-menu->plotter printer monitor are the group consists of-output devices->Edit menu is selected to cut copy and paste->the most important or powerful computer in a typical network-server->the primary purpose of software is to turn data into information->the ability to find an individual item in a file immediately direct access is used->to make a notebook act as a desktop model the notebook can be connected to a docking station which is connected to a monitor and other devices->you can be the tab key to move a cursor across the screen indent a paragraph->a collection of related files is called record->storage that retains its data after the power is turned is referred as-non-volatile storage->internet is an example of connectivity->testing is the process of finding errors in software code->a syntax contains specific rules and work that express the logical steps of an algorithm->changing an existing document is called editing documentation->virtual memory is memory on the hard disk that the CPU uses as an extended RAM->computers use the binary number system to store data and perform calculations->the windows key will launch the start buttons->when sending an e-mail the subject lines describe the contents of the message->tables paragraphs and indexes work with when formatting text in word->TB is the largest unit of storage->the operating system tells the computer how to use its components->when cutting and pasting the item cut is temporarily storage in clip board->the blinking symbol on the computer system is-cursor->magnetic tape is not practical for applications where data must recalled because tape is a sequential because tape is sequential access medium->rows and columns are used to organize data in a spread sheet->when you are working on documentation on pc the document temporarily in flash memory->one megabyte equals approximately 1 million bytes->information travels between components on the motherboard through buses->RAM refers to the memory in the computer->computer connected to a LAN can share information and or share peripheral equipment->Microsoft office is an application suite->utilities can handle most system functions that cant handled directly by the operating system->if you receive an email from someone you dont know then you should delete it without opening it->a set of instructions telling the computer what to do is called program->LAN refers to a small single site network->a collection of programs that controls how your computer system runs and processes information is called operating system->device drivers are small special purpose programs->transformation of input into output is performed by the CPU->data going into the computer is called input->binary choice offer only two options->to indent the first paragraph of your report you should use tab key->fields are distinct item that dont have much meaning to you in a given context->a website address is a unique name that identifies a specific web site on the web->modem is an example of a telecommunication device->a set of computer programs used for a certain function such as word processing is the best definition of a software package->you can start Microsoft word by pressing start button->highlight and delete is used to remove a paragraph from a report you had written->date and time are available on the desktop at taskbar->a directory within a directory is called-sub directory->testing is the process of finding errors in the software code->in excel charts are crated using chart wizard option->microcomputers hardware consists of three basic categories of physical equipment system unit , input /output, memory->windows is not a common feature of software applications->a tool bar contains buttons add menus that provides quick access to community used commands->for creating a document you use new command at file menu->input device is equipment used to capture information and commands->a programming language contains specific rules and words that express the logical steps of an -algorithm->one advantage of dial up internet access it it utilizes existing telephone security->protecting data by copying it from the original is-backup->network components are connected to the same cable in the star topology->two or more computers are connected to the each other for sharing information from-network->a compute checks the database of user name and passwords for a match before granting access->computer that are portable and convenient for users who travels are known as laptop->spam is the term for unsolicited email->utility software type of program controls the various computer parts and allows the user to interact with the computer->each cell in a Microsoft office excel document is referred to by its cell address which is the cells row and column labels->eight digit binary number is called a byte->office LANs that are spread geographically apart on a large scale can be connected using a corporate->storage is the process of copying software programs from secondary storage media to the hard disk->the code for a web page is written using hypertext markup language->small applications programs that run on a web page may ensure a form is completed properly or provide animation are known as flash->in a relational database table is a data structure that organizes the information about a single topic into rows and columns->the first computers were programmed using assembly language->when the pointer is positioned on a hyperlink it is shaped like a hand->booting process checks to ensure the components of the computer are operated and connected properly->checking the existing files saved on the disk the user determine what programs are available on a computer->special effect used to introduce slides in a presentation are called animation->computers send and receive data in the form of digital signals->most world wide web pages contain html commands in the language->icons are graphical objects used to represent commonly used application->UNIX is not owned and licensed by a company->in any window the maximize button the minimize button and the close button appear on the title bar->dial up service is the slowest internet connection service->every component of your computer is either hardware or software->checking that a pin code number is valid before it is entered into the system is an example of-data validation ->a compiler translates higher level programs to machine level program which is called object code->the ability to find an individual item in a file immediately direct access->computers connected to a LAN can share information and /or share peripheral equipment->a CD-RW disk can be erased and rewritten->the two major categories of software include system and application->windows 95, windows 98 and windows NT are known as operating systems->information on a computer is stored as analog data->a spread sheet that works like a calculator for keeping track of money and making budgets->to take information from one source and bring it to your computer is referred to as download->each box in a spread sheet is called a -cell->network components are connected to the same cable in the -bus topology->two or more computers are connected to each other for sharing information from a network->a computer checks the database of user name and passwords for a match before granting access->spam is the other name for the unsolicited email->operating system controls the various computers parts and allows the user to interact with the computer->each cell in a Microsoft office excel document is referred to by its cell address which cells rows and columns->download is the process of copying software programs from secondary storage to hard disk->the code for a webpage is written using hypertext markup language->small application programs that run on a web page and may ensure a form is completed properly op provide animation are known as flash->a file is a unique name that you give to a file of information->for seeing the output you use monitor->CDs are in -round in shape->control key is used in combination with another key to perform a specific task->scanner will translate images of text drawings and photos into digital form->CPU is the brain of the computer->something which has easily understood instructions is said to be user friendly->information on a computer is stored as digital data->for creating a document you use new command at file menu->the programs and data kept in main memory while the processor is using them->ctrl + A command is used to select the whole document->sending an e-mail is same as writing a letter->a website address is a unique name that identifies a specific website on the web->answer sheets in bank PO examinations are checked by using optical mark reader->electronic data exchange provides strategic and operational business opportunity->digital signals used in ISDN have whole number values->assembler is language translation software->manual data can be put into computer by scanner->in a bank use MICR device to minimize conversion process->image can be sent over telephone tele phone lines by scanner->microchip elements are unique to a smart card->MS-DOS is a single user operating system->basic can be used for scientific and commercial purpose->all computers can execute machine language programs->programs stored in ROM cant erased->Ethernet is used for high speed telecommunication->IP address can change even if the domain name remains same->each directory entry can be of 32 bytes->with the help of control + del a letter can be erased in word->disk can keep maximum data->FORTRAN is a scientific computer language->computer language COBOL is useful for commercial work->COBOL is a high standard language like English->in computer the length of a word can be measured by byte->BYTE is the unit of storage medium->ROM is not a computer language->oracle is a database software->sequential circuit is full aid->processor is must for computer->ROM keeps permanent memory->screen display is called by windows in lotus->pascal is a computer language->expanded form of IBM-international business machine->IC chips are made of silicon->indias silicon valley situated at-bangalore->RAM and ROM are storage devices of computer->DOS is to create relation between hardware and software->LOTUS 1-2-3-is software->voice mail is a personal security code for GSM subscribers->tables holds actual data In the database->Trojan is a virus->static keys make WEB insecure->video signal needs highest bandwidth->connectivity means communication between systems->controlling is not required for high level language programs before it is executed->3 out of the three rollers are responsible the movement of cursor on the screen->hardware that adds two numbers is arithmetic logical unit->LAN is used for networks setup within a building->a data communication system requires terminal device communication channel, protocols ->most common channel used by network today is satellite->run time is not a type of error->a five digit card attribute used for postal ZIP codes it will restored as a numeric data->computer viruses can be attached to an executable program->MS-DOS was the first operating system->the smallest space where information on a hard disk is kept in a cluster->an information is processed data->intelligence is not a characteristic of a computer->private key is used to spend a digital signature->negative numbers can be represented in binary->VDU is not an essential part of a computer->the printers are line printer, laser, dot matrix->speed of clock of CPU is measured in MHZ->cache is not a secondary storage memory->disk can be used to store sequential files and random files->windows is not an application->when taking the output information is produced in hardcopy/ or soft copy form ->control units function is to decode program instructions->the most powerful type of computer amongst is super computer->GO TO statement is used in C, C++, basic language->file menu is selected to print->the name a user assigns to a document is called a file name->a processor is an electronic device that process data converting it into information->control words are words that a programming language has to set aside for its own use->monitor and printer are the two types of output devices->to access properties of an object the mouse technique to use is right clicking->an operating system is a program that makes the computer easier to use->connections to the internet using a phone line and a modem are called dial-up connections->to access a mainframe or supercomputer users often use a terminal->a flaw in a program that causes it to produce incorrect or inappropriate results called a bug->every component of your system is either a hardware or software->to make the number pad act as directional arrows you press the num lock key->when creating a word-processed document formatting text involves the user changing how words on the page appear both on the screen and printed form->the ALU performs simple mathematics for the CPU-> ->a computer program is a set of keywords, symbols, and a system of rules for constructing statements by which humans can communicate the instructions to be executed by a computer->the another word for program is software->the name of the computer brain is CPU->a computer is a device that electronically process data converting it to information->laptops are computers that can be carried around easily->the secret code that restricts entry to some programs is password->the disk is placed in the CPU in a computer->a hard copy of a document is printed on the printer->the name that the user gives to a document is known as file name->restarting a computer that is already on is referred to as warm booting->e-mail is the transmission of messages and files via a computer network ->a chat is a typed conversation that takes place on a computer ->mouse, keyword, plotter are the group of only input devices->256 values can be represented by a single byte->transformation from input to output is performed by the CPU->vertical-market applications can handle most system functions that arent handled directly by the operating system->device drivers are small, single-site network->a set of instructions telling the computer what to do is called program->two options does a binary choice offer->rows and columns are data organized in a spread sheet->a cluster represents a group of sectors->digital signals used in ISDN have discrete values->assembler is language translation software->manual data can put into computer by scanner->debugging is the process of finding errors->time bomb are viruses that are triggered by the passage of time or on a certain data->linux is an open source operating system->boot sector viruses are often transmitted by a floppy disk left in the floppy drive->field names describe what a data field is->you must install router on a network if you to share broad band internet connection->a goal of normalization is to minimize the number of redundancy->a data warehouse is one that organizes important subject areas->URL term identifies a specific computer on the web and main page of the entire page->a proxy server is used to client request for web pages->when data changes in multiple list and list are not updated this causes data inconsistency->granting an outside organization access to internet webpage is often implemented using a extranet->the code that relational database management system used to perform their database task is refer to as-SQL->URL-uniform resource locator->a database management system is a software system used to create, maintain and provide controlled access to a database->the two board categories of software are system and application->the metal or plastic case that holds all the physical parts of the computer is known as system unit->data integrity means that the data contained in the database is accurate and reliable->a local area network is a private corporate network used exclusively by company categories->eight bits equal to one byte->a byte can hold one character data->a characteristic of a file server is manages files operations and shares on a network->the development process of computer started in 1617->the role of blaze pascal In the development of computer is addition and subtraction of numbers->the IBM made the first electronic computer in -1953->the silicon based transistor started to, made by Gordon tin In 1954->IBM is a company->the personal computer invented in 1981->UPS converts DC voltage into AC voltage->the word ZIP means-zicxac inline pin->with the help of the pal switch we can increase or decrease the speed of computers processing ->MICR-magnetic ink character reader->swift networks are used between banks->panda is a virus->boot sector is a hardware->debug searches the fault of any software->OCR-optical character recognition->the total printout of a program is called listing->with the help of ZIP we can decrease the size of any programs->we can format the hard disk with the help of booting->CANNED is called as readymade software->the process of creating third file by mixing two files as mail merging->the figures and lines etc made by computer is called as graphics->each line represent 65 letters in a word star->nokia-7500 is not the example of processor->the first name of the digital computer is unvake->the modern computer was invented in 1946->the full form of DOS is disk operating system->the expanded form of NORTRAN is formula translation->the great revolution came in computer sector in 1960->magnetic tapes is called as input device of computer->the first mechanical computer of Charles babbage is known as punch card machine->telephone transmission is the example of simplex transmission->optical, mechanical are the kinds of mouse->control panel is used for increasing and decreasing the speed of the cursor of mouse->the capacity of modern main frame digital computer is 10^-12 mbps->with the help of my computer we can know about the usage and availability of space in computer->we can use both MS-word and page maker to making resume->earliest computer that would work with FORTRAN was second generation ->back ups are in databases are used to restore the lost data->IDEA is a encryption technique->DBRM takes care of storage of data in a database->the job of DBRS is to decrease redundancy->digital signatures use encryption for authentication->plotters gives the highest quality output->ROM is built in memory in computer->FLASH is a RAM->PRAM is not a RAM->FLASH devices is used in cell phones->internal storage is same as the primary storage->IMAC is name of machine->first generation computers could not batch processing->the analytic engine was created by Charles babbage->voice mail of GSM service provider has the personal security code for its subscribers->senior manager decided about the division of work with respect to IT security->the .mpeg is the format of a movie->controlling is not required for high level language program before it is executed->a plotter is a output device->80286 is a hardware part of micro processor->top bottom approach cannot be the measure of network traffic->a switching mode power supply is used for converting raw input power to stabilize DC power->spooler can manage the whole printing process->validity routines control procedure can be used to ensure completeness of data->less expensive than leased line networks is not a characteristic of virtual private networks->program policy framework provides strategic direction to an organization->cross bar switches have common control->row-level security is the most basic part for database security->voice recognition software cannot be used for converting text to voice->the user account can only be created by the network administrator->IBM-700 belongs to second generation->allocation adequate bandwidth would help her in speeding up the data transfer over net->BCD means-binary coded decimal->extended system configuration data is same as BIOS->digitizer is an input device->caramel is the latest platform of intel centrio microprocessor->RISC is known as storage device->the system file of an operating system is COM->ATMs of bank have real currency->A program that converts high level language to machine language is assembler->.txt files can made in notepad, MS word, DOS editor->internet is a WAN ->MP3 technology compresses a sound sequence to one-twelfth of its original size->at a time one operating system can be work on a computer->if the operating system provides quick attention it is real time operating system->distributed operating system uses network facility->FORMAT command in MS-DOS is used for recreating disk information->REN command is internal command->tom burners-li propounded the concept of WWW->the memory address sent from the CPU to the main memory over a set of wires is called address bus->MODEM is an electronic device required the computer to connect to the INTERNET->a source program is a program which is to be tran scripted in machine language->virus in computer relates to program->floppy is not a storage medium in the computer related software->DOS floppy disk does not have a boot record->in computer parlor a mouse is a screen saver->UNIVA is the name of the computer which was first used for programming and playing music->nano is equal to 10^-9->in computers RAM is a non-volatile memory->disk and tape drives are commonly used as hard copy->the primary storage unit is also referred to as internal storage->data are raw facts and figures->to select the entire row in excel click mouse at row heading->databases is known as structured data->normal view and outline view notes pane appears in power point->the user protection feature of an operating system is required in multi-user system only->in word ctrl +del combines of keys press to delete an entire word->in MS-word double clicking a word selects the word->word document can be navigated in web layout view->in excel, addressing mode(s) that can used in a formula is/are only absolute and relative ->note page views can you use to show just the slide and its contents->plotters are very useful in applications such as computer aided design->corel DRAW is a graphic package->the print to file option creates .prn file->the enhanced keyboard contains 101 keys->data processing cycle consists of input cycle, output and processing cycle->page setup is not an option of edit menu->radar chart is used to show a correlation between two data series->a computerized business information system includes hardware, software, and data facts->purchase order file is a transaction file->a typical computerized business application system will have both master and transaction file->problem identification is taken first in designing process->the purpose of the EXIT command is to get out of a condition loop->employees details is a master file for the pay roll system->a slow memory can be connected to 8085 by using READY->a processor needs software interrupt to obtain system services which need execution of privileged instructions->a cpu has two modes privileged and non-privileged->swap space resides at disk->the process of assigning load addressed to the various parts of the program is known asrelocation->sector-4096 bytes->two stacks of size required to implement a queue of size n->1 floppy= 6,30,784 bytes or 308 kb->main memory requires a device driver->cache memory is a part of main memory->the microprocessor responds to the presence of an interrupt by checking the TPAP pin for high status at the end of the each instruction fetch->the number 1024 bytes is the complement representation of 1 kilo byte->system design specifications do not include blueprint showing the layout of hardware->web pages are uniquely identified using URL->the result of arithmetic and logical operations are stored in accumulator->the input device that is closely related to touch screen is the light pen->f2 keys of control center specified below displays data, toggles browse /edit->a compiler breaks the source code into a uniform stream of tokens by lexical analysis->the number of processes that may running at the same time in a large system can be thousands->LET.BAS files are related to Microsoft word utility->a command in UNIX can have one or more arguments->a hard disk is logically organized according to cylinders and sectors->a frame can include text & graphics tables & graphics, graphics->all the formatting data for the paragraph is stored in the paragraph->the abbreviation CAD-computer aided device->we can define hypertext definition in notebooks using macsyma 2.0->the addressing modes are absolute, relative, mixed->windows can work in enhanced and standard modes->the part of the machine level instruction which tells the central processor what has to be done is an operation code->o-matrix software packages do not have animation capabilities->in order to paste text from the clipboard in the document being edited press ctrl + a->a program that converts a high level language program to a set of instructions that can run on a computer is called a compiler->faster execution of programs is not an advantage of a subroutine->first generation computer-1945 to 1950-a small computer program embedded within an HTML document when a user retrieves the web server is called-applet->another name for system implementation is transformation->the central host computer or file server in a star network maintains control with its connecting devices through poling->c++ does not check whether the index value is within scope-> popping or removing an element from an empty stack is called underflow->the ability to combine data and operations from on that data in a single unit is known as polymorphism->a router is a device that sites between your internal network and outside organization->in c++ private, protected, public are reserved words are called member access specifiers->the integration of all kind of media such as video, voice, text is represented as multimedia->the derive class can redefine the public member functions of the base class->looking for data and patterns called as-data mining->like the quick sort the merge lost uses the divide and conquer technique to sort a list->creating a web site is also known as web authoring->both application program and operating system program only describes the software->BACKUP is not an internal command->in a disk each block is written into one sector->hard copy is printed copy of machine output->a boot strap is a small utilization computer to start up in inactive computer->CAD is oriented towards software->Icons are picture commands->IBM company for the first time launched the pocket computers->PROM is a computer part->algorithms can handle most system functions that arent handled directed by the operating system->device drivers are small special purpose programs->LAN refers to small, single sited network->when we are working on a document it is temporarily stored in Ram->Microsoft is a vertical market application->RAM refers to the memory in the computer->in late 1988 computer viruses land in india for the first time ->American computer company is called big blue->the digital computer primarily in UK->programs which protects a disk from catching an infection are called antidotes->the first movie with terrific computer graphics was released in 1982 is tron->an integrated circuit is fabricated on a tiny silicon chip->the word size of a microprocessor refers to the amount of information that can be stored in the byte->daisy-wheel printer cannot print graphics->in the IBM PC-AT the word AT stands for advanced technology->dedicated computer means which is assigned one and only one task->real time programming type of computers programming is used for aero plane ticket reservation->RAM means memory which can be both read and written both->laser printer use light beam and electro statically sensitive black powder->the santa clara valley California is popularly known a silicon valley of America because many silicon chip manufacturing firms are located there->a program which written in machine is called assembler->international business machine was the first company to build computer for sale->PARAM is a parallel computer->for communications wide area networks use special purpose telephone lines, wires optic cables and micro waves->data rate in modem is measured in bits per second->a compiler cannot detect logical errors in source programs->throughput, turnaround time, response time are measures for system performance->OLAP architecture can handle a limited number of dimensions where as OLAP architecture does not have any limit->kernel is the only art of an operating system that a user cannot replace or modify->symbol signifies a magnetic disk->COBOL programming language was initially developed for consumer electronic goods->running, blocked, ready, terminated are the different states of a process->rational rose is an example for a modelling language->a disk worm is an example for optical devices->A RAID is a disk array->the first private internet service provider in india was satyam infoway->the maximum and minimum unsigned number which can store in a 8 bit word is 0 and 255->stack is a part of memory->HIT RATIO is associated with cache performance->laser printer is a page printer->storage capacity of a disk system depends upon number of recording sectors and number of sectors per track->abstraction is associated with object oriented technology and database technology->the term opcode and operand are associated with any high level language->dynamic binding is associated with object oriented programming->the term chip, jewellary means a processor with high capacity->a watch point is associated with debugger->a multithreaded program uses multiple processes->time sharing is a mechanism to provide spontaneous interactive use of a computer system by many->the concepts used for realization of virtual memory are swapping, demand paging and in-line secondary storage->oracle 8i is an example of OORDBMS->ALPHA, RIOS, SPARC are examples of RISC processors->the scope of an identifier refers to where in the program an identifier is accessible->hierarchy is not a component of relational database->a two way selection in c++ is the ifelse->a recursive function executes more efficiently than its iterative function->variables that are created during program execution are called dynamic variables->when destroying a list we need a delete pointer to de allocate the memory->the first character in the ASCII character set is the null character which is nonprintable->a variable for which memory is allocated at block entry and de allocated at block exit is called a static variable->signal to noise ratio compares signal strength to noise level->the ability to create new objects from existing objects is known as inheritance->software tools that automated support for the system development process are OLAP tools->applications / web server tier processes HTTP protocol scripting tasks, perform calculations, and provide access to data->a language used to describe the syntax rule is known as meta language->in a preorder traversal the binary tree is traversed as follows->the general syntax of the function prototype of a value returning function is function name->tracing values through a sequence is called a play out->computer is an-electronic machine->computer word has been derived from-latin->IC is made up of-transistors->speed of the first generation computers are in-micro seconds->time sharing is possible in which generation computer-second->computer cannot perform-thinking->computer system consists of-internal device, peripherals, software->father of computer-charles babbage->which is known as father of modern computer-alan turing->first generation computers uses which language-machine language->which of the following refers as the fastest biggest computer-super computer->computer size is very large in-first generation->first generation computers are based on-vacuumtubes->the earliest calculating device was-abacus->which language is understand by the computer-machine language->computer built before the first generation computer was-electro mechanical->abacus can perform-addition and subtraction->pascaline is also known as-adding machine->who developed integrated chip-JS kilby->speed of the third generation computer was-nano sec->artificial intelligence is an example of-fifth generation computer->first super computer of the world-cray-1->which is a microprocessor based computing device-personal computer->first computer of india-siddharth->which is the smallest and fastest computer imitating brain working-quantum computer->name the first general purpose electronic computer-UNIVAC->the chip used in computers made up of-silicon->a desk top computer is also known as-PC->a personal computer is designed to meet the computing needs of an-individual->the first computer language was developed was-FORTRAN->a hybrid computer is the one having the combine properties of-analog and digital computer->which is a hand held operating system-a PDA->analytical engine was developed by-charles babbage->a computer is also known as server computer is-mini computer->the user which is used to access the mainframe or super computer-terminal->microcomputer hardware consists of three basic categories of physical equipment-system unit, input/ output, memory->tablet Pc is a type of- micro computer->analog computers are works on supply of-continuous electric pulses->laptops are-portable light weighted->the first computer which provides storage is-EDSAC->a typical modern computer uses-LSI chips->the period of second generation computers -1956 to 1963->ENIAC was-an electronic digital computer->palmtop computer is also known as-handheld computer->general purpose computers are used for-creating a small database, perform calculations, accounting->computers basic architecture was developed by-john von Neumann->in production of IC chip of computer what is needed in the following-silicon->first super computer developed in india-PARAM->which was the first electronic computer constructed at the moore school of engineering-EDVAC->which is not an integral part of computer-UPS->on the mother board the connection points for chips are referred as-sockets->internal memory in a CPU nothing but-a set of registers->the load instruction is mostly used to designate a transfer from memory to a processor register is known as-accumulator->the word computer usually refers to the central processing units plus-external memory->control unit of a digital computer is often called the-nerve centre->a group of bits that tells the computer to perform a specific operation is known as-instruction code->the communication line between CPU and memory and peripherals is called-bus->the first microprocessor was-intel 4004->memory unit that directly communicate with the CPU is called the -register->where did the computer add and compare data-CPU chip->the control unit controls other units by generating -control signals->pipeline strategy is called implement-instruction prefetch->CPU can directly understand which language-machine language->which computer memory is used for storing programs and data currently being processed by the CPU-internal memory->the most frequently used instructions of a computer program are likely to be fetch from-cache memory->the main circuit board of the system unit is-mother board->the central processing unit is an example of-hardware->the basic goal of computer process is to convert data into-information->arithmetic logic unit and control sections have special purpose locations called-registers->which selects interrupts and executes instructions in a CPU-control unit->CPU retrieves its data and instructions from-main memory->the word data derived from-latin->which is the process of carrying out commands-executing->which of the following chips is programmed during the manufacture process-ROM->which is control the machine cycle-control unit->which of the following produces high quality output-non impact printer->the pattern of printed lines on most producesare called-barcodes->in MICR, C stands for-character->the OCR recognizes the -shape of the characters with the help of light source->speed of line printer is limited by the speed of-catridge used->a bar code reader is an example of-input device->what type of computer is a digital camera-input->which of the following groups consists of only input devices-mouse, keyboard, scanner->laser printer belongs to-page printer->what type of devices that computer speakers-output->dot matrix is a type of-printer->what are the units used to measure the speed of a printer-DPI->pointing devices which of the not except-keyboard->to move to the beginning of a line of text press which key-home->a hard copy would prepared on a-line printer, dot matrix printer, plotter, type writer terminal->a parallel port is most often used by a-printer->drum printer is an example of-output->the higher the resolution of a monitor the-closer together the pixels->the CRT is in which shape-rectangular->which key is used in combination with another key to perform a specific task-control->you can use the tab key to-indent a paragraph->the impact printers are-dot matrix, drum->in laser printers printing is achieved by deflecting laser beam on to which surface of a drum-photo sensitive->resolution of laser printer is specified in terms of-DPI->a pixel is a-picture element or dot on a screen->dot matrix printer is-bi directional->the rate at which scanning is repeated in a CRT-refresh rate->track ball is an example of-pointing device->in a binary tree each comparison is drawn as a circle called a node->the term used as a measurement of a communication channels data capacity is bandwidth->an E-R data model solves the problem of presenting huge information->in c++ predefined functions are organized into separate libraries->the standard protocol of the internet is-tcp/ip->for efficiency purpose whenever possible you should overlaps operators as member functions->DBMS is a simple fourth generation language used for data retrieval->a photo of the company headquarters would be an example of the use of a static web page->the Pentium processor contains thousands of transistors->SOI technology has been successfully with reference to SRAM->secondary storage devices are used to print output results->static random access memory does not fail under the category of secondary devices->in a disk each block data is written into two or more sectors->a floppy disk rotates at 100rpm->a hard disk has 500 to 1000 tracks or more->the storage capacity of catridge is 400 MB->single density recording is also known as frequency modulation->laser printer generates characters from a grid of pins->the LCD works on the basis of the relation between polaristion and electric field->A COBOL program in source code is not considered to be system software->firmware stored in a hard disk->a compiler breaks the source code into uniform stream of tokens by lexical analysis->sorting of a file tasks is not performed by a file utility program->floppy disk does not generate a hardware interrupt->ada language is associated with real time processing->MS DOS is usually supplied on a cartridge tape->BREAK is not an internal DOS command->kernel of MS-DOS resides on-ROM->the UNIX is only a multi programming system->the UNIX operating system written in c language->MS-DOS is better file security system as compared to UNIX->the UNIX operating system uses three files to do the task mentioned->in UNIX end of file is indicated by typing ctrl + d->abacus is said to be invented by Chinese->an operating system is necessary to work on a computer->the first UNIX operating as it was the development stage was written in the assembly->FAST drivers scientific software packages was developed under contract with NASA->FIF editor is a windows based application->graphics is inserted in frame->a language translator is best described as a system software->the specification of a floppy is described as a system software->DISC () is not a database function->in opening menu of word star C OPTION should be selected for protecting a file->the most advanced form of ROM is-electronically erasable programmable ROM->MORE sends contents of the screen to an output device->NFS stands for-network file system->main protocol used in internet is-tcp/ip->we can create a simple web page by using front page express->the first line / bar on the word window where the name of the document is displayed is called title bar->the clock frequency of a Pentium processor is 50 MHZ->the sector size of a floppy disk varies from 128 bytes to 1024 bytes->a program type of errors is flagged by compilers->a floppy diskette is organized according to tracks and sectors->in word star the maximum permissible length of search string is 65->C is a third generation high level language->A cpu has a 16 bit program counter this means that CPU can address 64 k memory locations->STR () is used for converting a numeric into a character string->BASIC language is normally used along with an interpreter->in UNIX open files are shared between the parent and child->PIF editor belongs to main group->SUM () is not a financial function->RAM is volatile->the result of arithmetic and logical operations is stored in an accumulator->a small amount of memory included in the processor for high speed access is called -cache->a bus is an electronic track system->a co-processor is used to improve the speed of mathematical calculations->intel 80286 belongs to third generation micro processors->a hexa digit can be represented by eight binary bits->the number of processors that may running at the same time in a large system can be thousands->FORTRAN is a 3rd generation language->difficult to do what it projects is not considered to be a feature of the spreadsheets->while starting the lotus 1-2-3 the current cell reference is shown at the top hand corner of the screen->bill gates is the chief of Microsoft->excel office assistant can be made to appear by using f1 key and help menu->9 per page is the maximum number of showing positions of per page handouts->alignment buttons are available on formatting toolbar->pico second is -10 ^-9->logo refers to a computer language->the most appropriate command to permanently remove all records from the current table is zap->the efficient and well designed computerized payroll system would be online real time system->the scripts which are designed to receive value from web users is CGI script->WAIS stands for-wide assumed information section->modem is used for connecting Pc using telephone lines->token bus is the most popular LAN protocol for the bus topology ->manipulating data to create to create information is known as analysis->when you boot up a pc portions of the operating system are copied from disk into memory->correction of errors in a program is called debugging->a word processor would most likely be used to type a biography->a database is an organization collection of data about a single entity->most of the personal computers does not have turnover->the quickest and easiest way to find word using find command->computers sends and receives data in the form of digital signals->Icons are graphical objects used to represent commonly used applications->information in a computer is stored as analog data ->a program that works like a calculator for keeping track of the money and making budgets is spreadsheet->to take information from one source and bring it to computer is referred as download->windows is not a common feature of software applications->a toolbar contains buttons and menus that provides access to commonly used commands->input device is an equipment used to capture information and commands->Doc is the default file extension for all word documents->codes consists of bars or lines are computer readable are known as a bar code->Microsoft is an application suite->network components are connected to the same cable in the star topology->scanner will translate images of text, drawings, and photos into digital form->information on a computer is stores as a digital data->the program and data kept in main memory while processor is using them->storage unit provides storage for information and instruction->help menu button exists at start->data link layer of osi reference model provides the service of error detection and control to the highest layer->optical fibre is not a network->OMR is used to read choice filled up by the student in common entrance test->a network that spreads over cities is WAN->file manager is not a part of a standard office suite->a topology of computer network means cabling between pcs->in UNIX command ctrl + z is used to suspend current process or command->network layer of an ISO-OSI reference model is for networking support->telnet is used to remote login->MS word allows creation of .DOC type of documents by default->in case of MS-access the rows of a table corresponds to records->record maintenance in database is not a characteristic of e-mail->in a SONET system an add / drop multipliers remove noise from a signal and can also add / remove headers->outlook express is e-mail client scheduler, address book->the first generation computer had vacuum tubes and magnetic drum->office assistant is an animated character that gives help in MS office->alta vista has been created by research facility of digital electronic corporation of USA->static keys make a network insecure->to avoid the wastage of memory the instruction length should be of word size which is multiple of character size->electronic fund transfer is the exchange of money from one account to another->format menu in MS word can be use to change page size and typeface->assembly language programs are written in using mnemonics->DMA module can communicate with CPU through cycle stealing->a stored link to a web page in order to have a quick and easy access to it later is called bookmark->B2B type of commerce is characterized by low volume and high value transactions in banking ->workstation is single user computer with many features and good processing power->FDDI access mechanism is similar to that of IEEE 802.5->msoffice-2000 included a full-fledged web designing software called front page 2000->macintosh is IBMs microcomputer->X.21 is physical level standard for X.25->main frame is most reliable robust and has a very high processing power->the ZZ command is used to quiet editor after saving->the program supplied by VSNL when you ask for internet connection for the e-mail access is pine->the convenient place to store contact information for quick retrieval is address book->digital cash is not a component of an e-wanet->jon von Neumann developed stored program concept->hardware and software are mandatory parts of complete PC system->firewall is used in PC security->two rollers are actually responsible for movement of the cursor in mouse->concurrency control in distributed databases supports multi user access->fifth generation computers are knowledge processors->transistors used in 2nd generation computers->intelligence is not a characteristic of a computer->a camera is an processing machine->the time between program input and output is called execution time->third generation of computers have on-line real time systems->MIME is a compressor that packages different formats into SMTP compatible type->the earliest software was developed using the waterfall model->EDI e-commerce system can handle nonmonetary documents->collection to tracks on a disk forms spindle->a disk where number of sectors are fixed is called hard sectored->half duplex transmission techniques let computer to alternatively send and receive data->multiplexing combines signals from different sources into one and sends on a faster channel->message switcher chooses correct data path for an income message and forwards it to relevant line->speech recognition use thermal sensors along with infrared rays for identification->Trojans are self replicating malicious code independent of the action of the user->Grid is a supercomputer created by networking many small computers->a character that changes its value through (859) ->which terminals (formerly known as cash registers) are often connected to complex inventory and sales computer system-point of sale (pos)->smaller and less expensive PC-based servers are replacing -mainframes->dsl is an example of which connection-broadband->a term used to describe interconnected computer configuration is-multi programming->what is require when more than one person uses a central computer at the same time-terminal->multi user systems provided cost savings for small business because they are a single processing unit to link several-dumb terminals->a dumb terminal is a-a keyboard and screen->a device that connects to a network without the use pf cables said to be-wireless->which is a collection of computers and device connected together-network->multiplexing involves which path and which channel-one, multiple->which one among them is not an inter network-LAN->a proxy server is used for which of the following -to process client requests for web pages->the ability to easily add additional users means that a network is-scalable->worm is a self replicating program->in a binary language each letter of the alphabet each number is made up of combination of-eight bit->a process known as which is used by large retailers to study trends-data mining->a gigabyte is approximately equals to one billion bytes->a process known which is used by large retailers to study trends-data mining->computers gather data which means that they allow users to -input data->the lowest form of computer language is-machine language->WORM stands for-write once read memory->memory unit is a part of-central processing unit->which company developed the MS office-2000-microsoft->what is the meaning of MICR-magnetic ink character recognition->virus stands for-vital information resource under seize->the technique that extends storage capacity-virtual memory->which command is used to close the windows-alt + f4->algorithm is used-to describe a set of procedure by given result is obtained->FOXPRO-is a language->who will connect you to the internet-internet service provider->what is allows to view internet sites-a browser->when more than one window is open to switch to the next window is key combination-ctrl + f6->where are the data and programs stored when the processor uses them-main memory->which represents raw facts-data ->which represents meaningful data-information->saving is a process-to copy the document from memory to storage medium->PNG-portable network graphics->the maximum zoom percentage in MS power point-400%->the word FTP-file transfer protocol->a peer-to-peer LAN is an appropriate network architecture for-home network->similar to a hub in an Ethernet network which helps relay data between wireless network nodes-wireless access point wireless adapter->cell phones use which to access the internet-micro browser software->in CSMD /CD the computer sends a fixed unit of data is called-packet->the URL is case sensitive in the -directory->ASCII is a-encoding standard used to represent letters and characters->a global network made up of thousands of privately owned computers and networks is called-network->which scrambles a message by applying a secret code-encryption->who designed the first electronic computer ENIAC-van neuman->which is not a network-optical fiber->in MICR c stands for-character->virtual memory is-memory on the hard disk that the cpu uses as an extended RAM->which is the process of finding errors in software code-testing->what is the shortcut key to undo -ctrl + z->the program which are as permanent as hardware and stored in ROM is known as-firmware->for creating a document you use -new command->computers uses which system-binary->what is the process of carrying out commands-executing->in word when you indent a paragraph you-push the text in which respect to the margin->what is the process of dividing the disk into tracks and sectors-formatting->what is the permanent memory built in your computer called-ROM->changing an existing document is called-editing the document->backup-protecting the data by copying it from original source to a different destination->what is the popular program for creating documents that can be read on both PC and a macinthosh computer-adobe acrobat->an image on a computer screen is made up of a matrix of what-pixels->what does dots per inch (DPI) measure-density of the pixels on a computer screen->what type of software creates a similar file that is faster to transfer over the internet-compression->a unit of computer information that contains data as well as the procedures or operations is called-object->the worlds first truly cross-platform programming language is-java->the most widely used type of database management system is-relational database->what is newest type of database management which is well suited for multimedia applications called-object oriented database->what is the circles on a data flow diagram represent -transformation processes->the type of printer that prints by selectively unchanging static electricity from spots on a metal drum is-laser printer->a warm boot in older versions of windows is caused by -ctrl + alt +delete->setting fonts for the text in your document is an example of -formatting->which is the file system used by the operating system to identify the physical locations of files on the hard drive-FAT->which software allows the user to speak in to computer rather than type in text-speech->a server used which applications software to support its client computers-bank end->what does the XP stands for-experience->which symbol is used in excel to denote the exponential number-^->which is not a source of viruses-email message->which printer type is an impact printer-dot matrix printer->what type of software must be used to translate scanned text into a format that can be manipulated-OCR->high resolution computer monitors will have-high dpi->a world wide web contains web pages-residing in many computers linked together using HTML->word processing spreadsheet and photo editing are examples of-application software->retail employees typically use which terminals to process sales transactions-point of sale->the primary purpose of a computer is to process which and convert into information-data->the simultaneous processing of two or more programs by multiple processors-multi processing->help menu is available at which button-start->the which folder retains copies of messages that you have started are not yet ready to send-drafts->the which records the name and exact location of every location of every file on a disk-file allocation table->inheritance is the ability of an object to pass on its characteristics to its-sub classes->which activities is not a component of e-business-cash flow management->which extends data across networks rather than store it in one credit site-distributed database->what is the serial port that adds a direct connection to a network-NIC->which is saved to noncontiguous clusters on a hard disk-fragmented files->what should be used if a company wants to include its company name and logo at the bottom of every page of a brochure-footer->which is an event-driven programming language developed in the early 1990-VB->linux is a-real time operating system->who runs the front-end applications software in a network-client->which is used for close a tab on a browser-ctrl + w->what is RISC-micro processor->a program that converts high level language to machine language is-compiler->ZIP is a-compressed file->at a time hoe many operating system can be work on the computer-only one->answer sheets in bank PO examinations are checked by using-optical mark reader->image can be sent over telephone lines by using-fax->which is a scientific computer language-FORTRAN->what is oracle-database software->IC chip is made up of-silicon->at which place is india silicon valley located-bangalore->a connection from one HTML document to another HTML document is-hyper link->this device is used to connect your computer with telephone-modem->device on one network can communicate with device on another network via-gateway->the screen background is known as-desktop->which is not an input device-VDU->what are the units to count the speed of the printer-DPI->a computer that combines the characteristic of analog and digital computers-hybrid computer->compiler in computer system is a-process->what is an intersection of a row and column in a spreadsheet-cell->what is the process of creating movement from still images-animation->a set of rules for creating markup language that enables programming to capture specific types of data by creating their own elements is called-XML->small plain text files are written to your computers hard disk by many of the web sites-cookies->what is a proper way to denote a cell-c5->which broadband service is most available-satellite->which is a set of rules computer use to talk to each other-protocol->which backup method only backup files that have been modified since last backup-incremental backup->which type of transmission media is known as regular telephone wire -twisted pair->what is the purpose of firewall in a computer-to protect a computer from unauthorized access->a disk content that is recorded at the time of manufacture and that cannot be changed or erased by the-read only->in word you can change page margins by-click the right mouse button on the ruler->what is the computer helps to store information-disk drive->which key used to delete on character to the left of the current position of the cursor-backspace->if you want to connect to your own computer through another location-telnet->which is a special visual and audio effect applied in power point to text or content-animation->where does most data go first with in a computer memory hierarchy-RAM->perforated paper used as input or output media as known as-paper tape->the first generation computer system uses-vaccum tubes->to access properties of an object the mouse technique uses is-right clicking->computers process data into information by working exclusively with-characters->COBOL-common business oriented language->what is the other name for programmed chip-ROM->which stores data temporarily and pass it on as directed by the control unit-registers->RAID stands for-redundant array of inexpensive disks->in most Microsoft programs what does alt + f4 do-ends the program->a device that is used to transmit data from one location to another as-carrier->programs developed by an outside supplier and provides to the user in a machine readable form-canned programs->which describes one more characteristics of a modern computer-an electronic device->octal number system has a base-eight -> PL1 (programming language one) is-high level language->which is disadvantages of machine language-machine dependent->android operating system is an example of which kind of source model-open source->you can use the tab key to-indent a paragraph->the sharing of a medium and its path 2 or more devices is called-multiplexing->the server on the internet is also known as-host->a database management system is a-software system used to create, maintain controlled the database->which is an example of connectivity-internet->what menu is selected to cut copy and paste-edit->to save a document in different location use-save as->programming language built into user programs such as word and excel known as-visual programming languages->codes consists of lines of varying widths or length that are computer readable are known as-bar code->to reload a web press -refresh->personal computers can be connected together to form a-network->eight-digit binary number is called a-byte->which can be used to select the entire document-ctrl + A->a concentric circle on a disk is called-track->DSL is an example of -broadband->instructions and data that are processed by the cpu are located in-RAM->all of the following are considered to be storage devices except-cpu->the commonly used unix commands like date, cat are stored in-bin directory->a circuit with about 100 transistors fabricated on a single chip is called-MSI->one megabyte equals approximately-1 million bytes->a computer checks the which of user names and passwords for a match before granting access-databases->computers that are portable-laptops->what is the term for unsolicited e-mail-spam->which tells the computer hoe to use its components-os->which is the method in which communication devices are connected to one another efficiently-switching->what is the collection of webpages-website->what Is the very first page-homepage->SMTP-simple mail transfer protocol->small application programs that run on a webpage and provides animation is called-flash->the errors that can be pointed out by the compiler-syntax errors->which contains specific rules and words that express the logical steps of an algorithm-syntax->a proxy server is used for-to process the client requests for webpages->which term identifies main page of the entire site-URL->a hard copy of a document -printed on the printer->which is the part of a computer that can touch and feels-hardware->the operating system that a self-contained in a device and resident in the ROM is-embedded operating system->online real systems become popular in which generation-3rd->which is the ability of a device to jump directly to the requested data-random access->what is the combination of keys to switch between the last four pages that you have visited-alt + ctrl + z->which is the functional key to display save as box-f12->accessing data on tapes is much slower than accessing data in disks->if you begin typing an entry into a cell and then realize that you want remove by-erase key->superscript, subscript, outline, emboss, engrave are known as-font effects->what is the object of UPS-providing backup power->documents are converted in to which format to published on to the web-HTML->when was the first windows operating system launched-1985->what happens when you delete files from floppy-the files get deleted and can be restored again->an educational institution would generally have the following in domain>POST stands for-power on self test->which can input graphical images and pictures-scanner->in word you can force a page break-by positioning your cursor at the appropriate place and pressing->LSTs(large integration) used in-fourth generation->the purpose of an application program is to-meet specific user needs->for running WINDOW minimum disk free space required is-8mb->which printers generates character from a grid-dot matrix->accumulator is a-register->which function key refreshes the current window-f5->in 1983 the person was the first to offer a definition of the term computer virus-frederick cohen->to minimize all open windows and display desktop-windows + D->in MS word alt + shift + d does what-automatically inserts the date->which is not a network topology-linear->a list of rules for transferring data over a network is called-protocol->a table consists of-rows and columns->what does ctrl + esc do-shows the start menu->a proxy server is used as the computer-access user permissions->which best defines embedded system-a computer and software that controls a machine->digital video consists of a series of-frames->which is smallest meaningful unit of data-field->most cash registers are now comput