CompungEfficiency)) andSoware ) - IEEE Computer …Examiner)for)APMG)Cloud)Compu&ng)Founda&on)...

Compu&ng Efficiency and So3ware Bernard Golden December 3, 2015

Transcript of CompungEfficiency)) andSoware ) - IEEE Computer …Examiner)for)APMG)Cloud)Compu&ng)Founda&on)...

Compu&ng  Efficiency    and  So3ware  

Bernard  Golden  December  3,  2015  

Agenda  •  Efficiency  defined  and  redefined  •  The  role  of  bo?lenecks  •  Efficiencies  

–  Infrastructure  –  ApplicaFon  ExecuFon  –  ApplicaFon  Design  –  ApplicaFon  OperaFon  –  DevOps  and  beyond  

•  Conclusion  

Bernard  Golden  10+  years  working  in  cloud  compu&ng    Cloud  Compu&ng  Advisor,  CIO  Magazine  

Weekly  blog  read  by  50K+  people  throughout  world    Named  a  “Top  Ten  Influen&al  Person  in  Cloud  Compu&ng”  by    Author/Co-­‐Author  four  books  on  cloud  compu&ng    “AWS  for  Dummies”  named  one  of  top  5  cloud  compu&ng  books    Chief  Examiner  for  APMG  Cloud  Compu&ng  Founda&on  Cer&fica&on  


Efficient  Assembly  

Efficient  Ecosystem  

Efficiency  Defined  and  Redefined  Old  Efficiency  •  Process  automaFon  •  Single-­‐task  focus  •  Reinforces  silo  •  Fails  to  opFmize  overall  

system  efficiency  or  cost  

New  Efficiency  •  Intra-­‐  and  inter-­‐process  

automaFon  •  Ecosystem  rethinking  to  

facilitate  automaFon  and  low  cost  

•  Requires  rethinking  overall  approach  

BoYleneck  Truisms  

•  Bo?lenecks  – Represent  constraining  funcFon  – Must  be  solved  to  facilitate  overall  efficiency  – Solving  one  exposes  another  – All  must  be  addressed  to  achieve  ecosystem  efficiency  


Infrastructure  Ecosystem  Efficiency  

Facebook:  1.07  PUE  

Old  vs.  New  Data  Center  Old  •  Efficient  components  •  Integrated  on-­‐site  •  Manual  management  •  Resilience  through  


New  •  Efficient  ecosystem  •  Integrated  design  •  Automated  management  •  Resilience  through  


Application Execution

The  Movement  to  VirtualizaFon  

1995   2005   2015  

Virtual  Machine  vs.  Container  Virtual  Machine  •  Be?er  server  uFlizaFon  •  ~20%  overhead  •  Proprietary  license  •  Homogenous  portability  

Container  •  Be?er  server  uFlizaFon  •  ~1%  overhead  •  Open  source  license  •  Heterogeneous  portability  

The  Future  is  Containers  •  ApplicaFon  portability  criFcal  for  enterprises  •  Ongoing  pressure  to  reduce  infrastructure  cost  

•  Serves  as  lingua  franca  between  Dev  and  Ops  •  ~5  years  containers  default  applicaFon  deployment  mechanism  

Application Design

TradiFonal  ApplicaFon  Design  

Modern  ApplicaFon  Design  

Microservices  Benefits  

•  Obvious  –  Allows  smaller  code  deployments  –  Encourages  more  frequent  updates  –  Allows  customized  user  funcFonality  –  Enables  greater  organizaFon  efficiency  

•  Not  so  obvious  –  Encourages  experimentaFon/innovaFon  –  Facilitates  partnering  –  Enables  greater  organizaFon  flexibility  

Microservices  Challenges  

•  ApplicaFon  parFFoning  •  OrganizaFonal  parFFoning  •  API  enablement  •  Service  discovery  •  Scaling/ElasFcity  •  Resiliency  

Application Operation

OperaFons  Fundamentals  •  Constant  change:  

–  Immutable  applicaFon  resources  

–  ElasFcity  –  Infrastructure  failure  

•  Distributed  resources:  –  ApplicaFon  service  aggregaFon  

–  Internal  and  external  services  

OperaFons  Tools  

•  Centralized  logging  •  Centralized  

monitoring  •  Performance  metrics  •  Historic  comparison  

DevOps and Beyond

DevOps  Fundamentals  

•  Siloes  have  to  go  •  Automated  with  common  executables  across  applicaFon  lifecycle  

•  Integrated  organizaFon  with  nearby  boss  

•  Shared  metrics  

But  …  that’s  not  enough  

•  DevOps  as  internal  IT  project  will  be  viewed  as  failure  

•  New  world  of  IT  requires  BU  and  IT  collaboraFon    

•  IntegraFon  of  BU  into  applicaFon  lifecycle  

•  Failure  to  collaborate  will  lead  to  IT  bypass  

Conclusion  •  Role  of  IT  is  changing  dramaFcally  •  Efficiency  applies  to  all  layers  and  process  •  Improvement  is  a  process  of  bo?leneck  removal  

•  [email protected]  •  @bernardgolden