Compound Sentences

Compound Compound Sentences Sentences Demonstrate your Demonstrate your command of command of Conventions Conventions and and increase your increase your evidence of evidence of Sentence Fluency Sentence Fluency


"Words are sacred. They deserve respect. If you get the right ones, in the right order, you can nudge the world a little.". Compound Sentences. Demonstrate your command of Conventions and increase your evidence of Sentence Fluency. Add fluency by varying sentence length. Compound - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Compound Sentences

Page 1: Compound  Sentences

Compound Compound SentencesSentences

Demonstrate your Demonstrate your command of command of

ConventionsConventions and and increase your increase your evidence of evidence of

Sentence FluencySentence Fluency

Page 2: Compound  Sentences


Add fluency by varying sentence


Independent Clause

Place a comma before a coordinating conjunction Place a comma before a coordinating conjunction when two related independent clauses (complete when two related independent clauses (complete sentences) are to be joined as one sentence. Two sentences) are to be joined as one sentence. Two independent clauses cannot be joined by using only independent clauses cannot be joined by using only a comma. a comma.

S, conjunction S

I had to wake up early, so I set my alarm.

IMPORTANT: You need to know all the coordinating conjunctions!

forfor yetyetororbutbut nonorr

andand soso

Independent Clause

Page 3: Compound  Sentences


Add fluency by varying sentence


Independent Clause

This may be used when two or more independent This may be used when two or more independent clauses (complete sentences) are related in topic clauses (complete sentences) are related in topic and are not joined by a comma and conjunction. and are not joined by a comma and conjunction. Two independent clauses cannot be joined by Two independent clauses cannot be joined by using only a comma. A semicolon takes the place using only a comma. A semicolon takes the place of a comma and conjunction.of a comma and conjunction.

S ; S

I had to wake up early; I set my alarm.

Independent Clause

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Add fluency by varying sentence


Independent Clause

This is another way to combine related This is another way to combine related sentences. Sentence connectors are sentences. Sentence connectors are transition words within a sentence.transition words within a sentence.

S; SC, S

I had to wake up early; therefore, I set my alarm.

IMPORTANT: You need to be able to recognize common sentence connectors.



neverthelesneverthelesss howeverhowever



Independent Clause

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Compound sentences add fluency to a


There is nothing I dislike more than laziness. My brother always claims he is tired, but I just call it lazy! His sleepiness usually comes in very handy. Sometimes it hits when it is his turn to take out the garbage; consequently, I have to do it instead. The other day I was taking my clothes out of the washing machine; the dryer was full of my brother’s clothes. Annoyed, I yelled for my brother to come get his clothes. Of course, my mom came to tell me he was sleeping. That was funny since I could hear his radio. I truly wish he would simply admit he is just being lazy!

S ; SS, conjunction S S; SC, S

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S ; SS, conjunction S S; SC, S

I really hate getting up early in the morning. I’d much rather sleep in, but school starts at 8:45 and the bus comes at 8:00. This is very annoying for someone like me. Sometimes I’m able to drag myself out of bed; other days I feel as if I want to throw the alarm clock across the room. My parents tend to get annoyed when clocks are thrown into the walls; therefore, I refrain from doing that. I’m just not a morning person. To be honest, I’d much rather stay up late watching TV. My brother is just the opposite. He’s one of those annoying morning people who wake up early and happy.

Compound sentences add fluency to a


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S ; SS, conjunction S S; SC, S

Some students really like to study in the morning. Other students like to study in the afternoon, and still others prefer the evening as study time. I’m someone who’s kind of in the middle. Sometimes I get up in the morning to study for a test; other days I will stay up all night studying. My parents tend to get annoyed when I put off studying until the last minute; consequently, I try not to let them see me frantically studying in the morning. It’s not the time of day I choose to study that makes the difference. With me, it’s the procrastination!

Compound sentences add fluency to a


Page 8: Compound  Sentences


S ; SS, conjunction S S; SC, S

Some animals are on the verge of extinction. The saddest part of this is that they are in danger through no fault of their own; humans are the cause of the animals’ troubles. I believe we must help these endangered species. Sometimes humans get so caught up in our own concerns we forget we’re not alone on the planet, and we don’t realize how much harm we’re doing. We must learn to pay attention to the needs of the creatures who inhabit the planet with us; however, many people seem to forget that we share the Earth. It’s time for us to work together to save animals from extinction.

Compound sentences add fluency to a


Page 9: Compound  Sentences


S ; SS, conjunction S S; SC, S

High school is the time to prepare for college. Many students use this time wisely; others are not quite so wise in their choices. The choices that we make in high school can have far reaching consequences. Even though high school students know this, they often seem to forget; consequently, when it is time to apply for college, they find they are not eligible for their first choice. This can cause hardship and heartache when college acceptances start coming back, and these students find themselves getting rejection letters and wait-listed. If you want to avoid this, make sure you make wise choices!

Compound sentences add fluency to a
