

Transcript of Compositions

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On A Normal DayOn a normal day I wake up around 8:00 am, but I don’t get up until 10:00 am. Immediately I go to the kitchen for breakfast, usually my grandmother does it for me but when she’s not home I have to live by myself. Then I just sit in the living room for a couple of hours. Then I go to school, my father always picks me up outside my house, I have the normal school day and then I go home. I don’t sleep until I finish my homework and that’s all.

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My MotherMy mother’s name is Martha, she’s 48 years old and she works in America Mobile. She lives with my father, my brother and me. She’s short, thin and her hair is always a mess but she deals with it. She got married with my father 26 years ago, they’re very happy with each other and I think they will be that way for the rest of their life. They had my brother when they had 7 years of marriage, and he’s kind of a miracle because doctor always told them that they weren’t capable to have babies, but they didn’t lose their faith, and my brother was born. I appeared in the story 3 years later, and now they’re still with us.

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COMPO 3 188 words

My Last HolidaysMy last holidays were Christmas Day and NYE. My Christmas day wasn’t as exciting as I expected but the food was the most perfect thing ever. My mom didn’t want to cook so we ordered 6 pizzas. I know that’s not the traditional Christmas Dinner, but as you probably know, I LOVE pizza. Okay, so after that we just spent the night watching movies and reading, we had a family time and we chat a little, after that we were all tired and we went to sleep. And NYE was the worst I’ve ever had. The plan was about going to my uncle’s house, it was about 12 PM and my brother called us, he told us that our dog have passed away, I mean, it was my first dog, I’ve had him for a long time, so I just cried, all day long. We end up going to my uncle’s house, the dinner didn’t tasted good because of the recent lost, so I went to my cousin’s bed and fell asleep before midnight, like 2 hours before. So I just lost everything.

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COMPO 4 293 words

My Special PersonMy special person is my best friend, her names is Andrea. She´s 16 years old, brunette, short and thin. She likes reading books and cats, one of her favourite books are the trilogy of Maze Runner. We met in elementary school, but we didn’t talk to each other. We started talking because we used to like the same guy, but none of us ended dating him. After that we became closer, she used to come to my house and me to her place. When we started junior high school, we were in different classes, until second year that she asked for a change to my English level, so we only saw each other in English class. We used to hang out a lot, every Saturday we were in the cinema or in a restaurant. At that moment, I started considering her my best friend. We used to read the same books, and after school we talked about the parts we liked, the ones we didn’t and how we were so in love with the principal character. She left half a year because her father was transferred to England, so that time we were separated. When she came back we talked all day at her place, about the trip and how British guys are perfect.

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The saddest part has to be when we finished junior high school, we talked about going to La Salle, but when I passed my high school exam, her father was transferred to China, so everything changed and I passed my COMIPEMS exam. Now she´s in CUM and I’m at CECyT 11. We don’t hang out as much as we used to, but we know that we´re always there for each other.

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HalloweenWe don’t do anything for Halloween in my house because we don’t have any children so I’m going to talk about my past Halloweens. The first time my mother dressed me was for a festival in my brothers kinder garden, he dressed as a vampire and I was a lamb, I don’t know why they dressed me like that, not scary at all. The years passed and I was still a lamb. When I were 6 years old they started dressing me as a witch, I wanted a different costume every year, so I used to have like 10 different styles. My brother still used to dress as a vampire, I guess he liked it. The last time I went asking for candies was in a ballerina costume; the thing is that I was chubby so I looked funny, a lot. I don’t think I’m small enough to look like a child so I’m just going to grow up and won’t ask for candies dressed as a lamb.

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My WeddingI want to get married at the age of 25. I will get married at Santa Monica’s beach around 6 pm; I will invite my family and some friends, probably 200 people. My dress will be a beautiful white romantic dress, and my fiancé will wear a black suit with a black tie, I still don’t know if I want my guests to wear specific colours. My wedding will be white and pale pink. The reception will be near the beach and we´ll have a lot of roses and daisies. We´ll have a DJ and it’ll be fun. I want my honeymoon to be in Europe.

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PETSMy opinion about pets is that dogs are better than cats, fishes, turtles, etc. First, let’s talk about fishes; you can’t take them on a walk, you can’t touch them and they’re just in one spot of your house. Those are thing that you CAN do with a dog. Now, about the cats, you can touch them and they move around the house like a normal person but they’re not loyal, they go out in the night and maybe they’ll come back in the morning. Dogs, they’re loyal, and they will be sleeping with you in the night. Now, our last example, turtles. They don’t go out at night, the can be around you house, you can touch them but they’re small, you can’t kiss them, you can’t let them be free for a long time because they escape. Dogs don’t do that, they’re the best specie you can find all around the world. That’s it.

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My BrotherI am going to talk about my brother, his name is Juan Carlos, and he’s studying college. We don’t look alike, he’s taller than me, tanner and he use glasses, I think the thing we have in common is our nose. He’s intelligent and handsome. He likes all kind of sports, like soccer, football, baseball, basketball, etc. He loves computers and videogames, I don’t like those things. I like reading books with a cup of tea, in my room. He goes to parties very often and he has lots of friends. He’s my confident and I’m his. We enjoy long trips and pizza.

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COMPO 9 130 words

Places Everybody Should Visit in Mexico1st InterviewRicardo told me that he has gone to Teotihuacan; he told me that he went on a school trip with his friends. He went when he was in fourth grade, the teachers didn’t let them go up the pyramid, and then went to a museum in the zone. He told me he liked it because it was the first time.

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2nd InterviewOlin told me that he has gone to Guadalajara, he went with all his family about 3 years ago, he went to a church and they ate the typical food over there, he doesn’t remember a lot about the trip because it was a long time ago, he enjoyed the trip because he had a trip with all his cousins.