Composition and function of mucilage macroaggregates in ... · lestad 1999, Najdek et al. 2002,...

AQUATIC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY Aquat Microb Ecol Preprint, 2010 doi: 10.3354/ame01447 Published online November 11 OCCURRENCE AND ORIGIN OF MACROAGGREGATES Macroaggregates of various sizes, colors, and shapes — classified as small flocs, macroflocs, stringers (1 to 25 cm), clouds (5–10 cm to 3 m), creamy, and gelatinous surface layers (Stachowitsch et al. 1990) — occur periodically in the northern Adriatic. Different ideas have been presented to explain the development of the mucilage aggregates in the northern Adriatic, and a recent overview of these can be found in Giani et al. (2005a). In most studies, the importance of phyto- plankton for the formation of mucilage has been tested in combination with specific environmental factors, changes in community structure, nutrient limitation, cell lyses or viral attack, and reduced grazing pressure (Kaltenböck & Herndl 1992, Malej & Harris 1993, Peduzzi & Weinbauer 1993, Baldi et al. 1997, Azam et al. 1999, Granéli et al. 1999, Herndl et al. 1999, Myk- lestad 1999, Najdek et al. 2002, Manganelli & Funari 2003, Degobbis et al. 2005, Kova< et al. 2005). In partic- ular, diatoms are thought to play a key role in macroaggregate formation through the release, i.e. exudation, of polymeric substances mostly composed of heteropolysaccharides and to a lesser extent of lipids and proteins (Pajdak-Stós et al. 2001, Kova< et al. 2002, 2004, 2008). The first report of mucilage appearance in the Adri- atic dates back to 1729 (Fonda-Umani et al. 1989). In recent decades, the extent and frequency of occur- rence of nuisance mucilage has increased, as has pub- lic discontent (Giani et al. 2005a). The formation of © Inter-Research 2010 · *Email: [email protected] REVIEW Composition and function of mucilage macroaggregates in the northern Adriatic Valentina Turk 1, *, Åke Hagström 2 , Nives Kova< 1 , Jadran Faganeli 1 1 Marine Biological Station, National Institute of Biology, 6330 Piran, Slovenia 2 School of Natural Science, Linnaeus University, 39182 Kalmar, Sweden ABSTRACT: The episodic hyperproduction of mucilage macroaggregates in the northern Adriatic Sea creates an important site for the accumulation, transformation, and degradation of organic mat- ter. In this review, the structure and function of macroaggregate components in relation to their macrogel and colloidal fractions are discussed. High resolution electron microscopy showed a very complex structure, a honeycomb-like structure of the mucus macroagregates that might grow to macroscopic sizes. The process of the formation and microbial interaction with the physicochemical diversity of the organic matter pool is poorly understood. Whether the in situ bacteria react to the car- bohydrate-rich mucus as an imbalance in its C:N:P ratio or whether the mucus is in fact largely a bac- terial construct in relation to high dissolved organic carbon levels is unknown. The majority of carbo- hydrate and protein macroaggregate pools are potentially degradable, while the great majority of lipids can be preserved in the water column and exported away or finally deposited on the seabed. Our present knowledge indicates that different macroaggregate fractions and components are sub- jected to compositional selective reactivity, with important implications for macroaggregate persis- tence. Future work should reconcile the discrepancies between bacterial ectoenzyme potential activ- ities and biogeochemical degradation sequences based on actual measurements. The determination of biofilm architecture, particularly the spatial arrangement of microcolonies, has profound implica- tions for the function of these complex communities. We need to improve our understanding of the dynamic relationship among bacteria, other microorganisms, and a variety of organic matter forms. KEY WORDS: Macroaggregates · Microorganisms · Composition · Degradation · Northern Adriatic Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher Contribution to AME Special 4 ‘Progress and perspectives in aquatic microbial ecology’ OPEN PEN ACCESS CCESS

Transcript of Composition and function of mucilage macroaggregates in ... · lestad 1999, Najdek et al. 2002,...


Preprint, 2010doi: 10.3354/ame01447

Published online November 11


Macroaggregates of various sizes, colors, andshapes — classified as small flocs, macroflocs, stringers(1 to 25 cm), clouds (5–10 cm to 3 m), creamy, andgelatinous surface layers (Stachowitsch et al. 1990) —occur periodically in the northern Adriatic. Differentideas have been presented to explain the developmentof the mucilage aggregates in the northern Adriatic,and a recent overview of these can be found in Giani etal. (2005a). In most studies, the importance of phyto-plankton for the formation of mucilage has been testedin combination with specific environmental factors,changes in community structure, nutrient limitation,cell lyses or viral attack, and reduced grazing pressure

(Kaltenböck & Herndl 1992, Malej & Harris 1993,Peduzzi & Weinbauer 1993, Baldi et al. 1997, Azam etal. 1999, Granéli et al. 1999, Herndl et al. 1999, Myk-lestad 1999, Najdek et al. 2002, Manganelli & Funari2003, Degobbis et al. 2005, Kova< et al. 2005). In partic-ular, diatoms are thought to play a key role inmacroaggregate formation through the release, i.e.exudation, of polymeric substances mostly composedof heteropolysaccharides and to a lesser extent of lipidsand proteins (Pajdak-Stós et al. 2001, Kova< et al. 2002,2004, 2008).

The first report of mucilage appearance in the Adri-atic dates back to 1729 (Fonda-Umani et al. 1989). Inrecent decades, the extent and frequency of occur-rence of nuisance mucilage has increased, as has pub-lic discontent (Giani et al. 2005a). The formation of

© Inter-Research 2010 ·*Email: [email protected]


Composition and function of mucilagemacroaggregates in the northern Adriatic

Valentina Turk1,*, Åke Hagström2, Nives Kova<1, Jadran Faganeli1

1Marine Biological Station, National Institute of Biology, 6330 Piran, Slovenia2School of Natural Science, Linnaeus University, 39182 Kalmar, Sweden

ABSTRACT: The episodic hyperproduction of mucilage macroaggregates in the northern AdriaticSea creates an important site for the accumulation, transformation, and degradation of organic mat-ter. In this review, the structure and function of macroaggregate components in relation to theirmacrogel and colloidal fractions are discussed. High resolution electron microscopy showed a verycomplex structure, a honeycomb-like structure of the mucus macroagregates that might grow tomacroscopic sizes. The process of the formation and microbial interaction with the physicochemicaldiversity of the organic matter pool is poorly understood. Whether the in situ bacteria react to the car-bohydrate-rich mucus as an imbalance in its C:N:P ratio or whether the mucus is in fact largely a bac-terial construct in relation to high dissolved organic carbon levels is unknown. The majority of carbo-hydrate and protein macroaggregate pools are potentially degradable, while the great majority oflipids can be preserved in the water column and exported away or finally deposited on the seabed.Our present knowledge indicates that different macroaggregate fractions and components are sub-jected to compositional selective reactivity, with important implications for macroaggregate persis-tence. Future work should reconcile the discrepancies between bacterial ectoenzyme potential activ-ities and biogeochemical degradation sequences based on actual measurements. The determinationof biofilm architecture, particularly the spatial arrangement of microcolonies, has profound implica-tions for the function of these complex communities. We need to improve our understanding of thedynamic relationship among bacteria, other microorganisms, and a variety of organic matter forms.

KEY WORDS: Macroaggregates · Microorganisms · Composition · Degradation · Northern Adriatic

Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher

Contribution to AME Special 4 ‘Progress and perspectives in aquatic microbial ecology’ OPENPEN ACCESSCCESS

Aquat Microb Ecol: Preprint, 2010

macroaggregates usually starts in late spring and isthought to be linked to previous changes in the seawa-ter inorganic N:P ratio rather than to the concentrationof individual nutrients (Cozzi et al. 2004, Penna et al.2009). The marked retention of fresh water and watercolumn stratification in the northern Adriatic duringthis period also seems to contribute to the development(Degobbis et al. 2005). In addition, accumulation ofmucilage organic matter (OM) is enhanced by thepeculiar hydrological conditions of the northern Adri-atic during summer when this sea region becomes iso-lated from the rest of the Adriatic with the formation ofa gyre. This change is connected to an increased resi-dence time of the water, development of a pycnocline,and low turbulent shear (Supic & Orlic 1999). Estimatesof the volume-specific carbon mass of mucilage-associ-ated suspended matter that accumulated in the watercolumn during mucilage events in 1997 and 2000yielded values of about 50 mg C l–1 for dense water col-umn mucilage clouds (Malej et al. 2001). According to

high microbial activity in the seawater, the process ofmucus formation is a result of the combination ofmicrobial activity and environmental conditions. Here,we intend to present and discuss the role of microor-ganisms in the formation of mucus aggregates. In orderto further this understanding, mucilage samples wereanalyzed using different microscopic techniques. Inaddition, the chemical composition of young and age-ing aggregates is presented in an attempt to describethe function (activity, role) of microorganisms in mucusaggregates.


The mucilage appears to be a highly structuredmatrix containing diverse microbial flora, colloidalorganic debris, and inorganic particles. Light and epi-fluorescent microscopy showed a diverse microbial


Fig. 1. Epifluorescent images of mucus samples in the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic) (30 June 2004). Mucus samples werecollected by divers, fixed with formaldehyde, and photographed by Olympus BH2 (DP70 soft). (a,b) DAPI (4’, 6-diamino-2-phenylindole 1 µg ml–1, final Sigma)-stained samples where heterotrophic bacteria of different size and forms are presented (UVfilter set). (c) Autofluorescence of numerous cyanobacteria and unicellular Chlorococcus cells within a micro-millimeter mucusaggregate (magnification 200×). (d) Typical nanoflagellate cells with body scales visible after sample staining with DAPI

(UV filter set)

Turk et al.: Northern Adriatic macroaggregates

community attached to/in the mucus (Fig. 1). The mostabundant organisms within the macroaggregates werebacteria, cyanobacteria, flagellates, and differentdiatoms. Different studies have demonstrated a highlyvariable composition of bacteria and phytoplankton inthe mucilage during periods of macroaggregate forma-tion in the northern Adriatic (Rath et al. 1998, Najdeket al. 2002, Kova< et al. 2005, Flander-Putrle & Malej2008).

A large number of samples were examined usingtransmission electron microscopy (TEM) or scanningelectron microscopy (SEM) and showed the complex ul-trastructure of the mucus macroaggregates. SEManalysis, using the high-pressure freezing method(Studer et al. 2008), showed a very complex network atlow magnification (Fig. 2a). The inner core of the mucusconsisted of fibers forming net-like structures. Athigher magnification, it was possible to see fibers of dif-ferent shapes and thickness, organized into complexnetworks (Fig. 2b,c). In the TEM images of thin mucuslayers, the honeycomb-like structure is clearly visible(Fig. 3). A fibrilar, honeycomb structure can grow tomacroscopic size in cultures and biofilms, but, as seenin Fig. 3, it also occurs in the free water mass ecosystemin the northern Adriatic. However, the process ofmacroaggregate formation and how heterotrophic bac-teria interact in the seawater with the great physico-chemical diversity of the OM pool is poorly understood.

Physicochemically, macroaggregates represent thetransition between colloidal OM (macromolecules),into macrogels (matrix) and particulate OM (POM;Chin et al. 1998, Verdugo et al. 2004, Svetli<ic et al.2005). The mechanism of gel formation can includecrosslinking with covalent bonds, chain associations,and particle aggregation (Clark & Farrer 1995). Poly-saccharide gels can be built up through various physi-cal interactions, including electrostatic, dipole, van derWaals, charge transfer, hydrophobic, and hydrogenbonding as well as double helix formation (Guenet1992). The gelation process in mucilage formationprobably encompasses first the assembling of gelatormolecules (polysaccharides) into small clusters (fibrils,strands, ropes) and successively into a 3D volume-fill-ing network (Raghavan & Cipriano 2005). The agglom-eration and stabilization of the macrogel could beenhanced by the association of colloids with cationsand organic and inorganic particles (Kova< et al. 2004,Verdugo et al. 2004).

The total carbohydrate and protein contents of themacroaggregate matrix average about 14 and 5%,respectively (Posedel & Faganeli 1991, Faganeli et al.1995, Penna et al. 2009). The carbohydrate and proteincontents are matched by higher organic carbon, totalnitrogen, and total phosphorus (Corg, Ntot, and Ptot) con-tents, averaging 16.4, 0.7, and 0.03%, respectively.


Fig. 2. Scanning electron micrographs of the mucus collectedat 14 m depth in the Gulf of Trieste on 30 June 2004. Speci-mens were prepared using the high pressure freezing methodand no other sample preparation (Cryo SEM, Philips XL20).(a) Sheets of material at lower magnification. (b) The innercore of the mucus consisted of fibers forming irregular network-like structures. (c) Network structures appeared to

be made up of fibers of different thickness

Aquat Microb Ecol: Preprint, 2010

The percentages are normally lower in deeper, par-tially degraded mucus aggregates (average of totalcarbohydrate, 7.6%; and total protein, 0.3%).

The macroaggregate interstitial water colloids alsoshow the presence of both basic constituents, i.e. car-bohydrates and proteins (Fig. 4), while the bandsassigned to lipids, i.e. aliphatic components, are lessevident. In all sample analyses, cyanogenic glycosideswere detected, which might represent the importantpart of organic nitrilated compounds, whose origincan be related to amino acids (Legras et al. 1990). Thepresence of carbohydrates in all colloid fractions wasalso confirmed by higher UV absorption spectralanalyses (at λ = 250 nm; Binkley & Binkley 1999,Giani et al. 2005b). The results of the carbohydratecontent and the C:N ratio within the higher molecularweight (MW) colloidal fraction (Fig. 5) suggest that N-containing carbohydrates can be important con-stituents of this fraction. The presence of the non-pro-tein N compounds was also supported by δ15N dataexhibiting low values, especially in the >30 kDa frac-tion (Faganeli et al. 2009) in accordance with pub-lished isotopic data of non-protein nitrogen com-pounds, for example N-acetylglucosamine (Smucker& Dawson 1986), showing that a significant isotopedepletion of these compounds, namely amino sugarsas well as chlorophyll and nucleic acids, occurs dueto enzymatic transamination (Macko et al. 1986, Sachset al. 1999).


In the pelagic photic zone, nutrient limitation isbelieved to be a fundamental controlling factor for thecommunity composition of microorganisms. Malfunc-


Fig. 3. Transmission electron microscopy images of the mucus aggregates from the northern Adriatic (30 June 2004). The images of ultra thin layers of mucus show a regular honeycomb structure (Jeol 100 CX electron microscope)

Fig. 4. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of macro-aggregate colloidal fractions (retentates) with nominal mole-cular weights of 30 to 10 kDa (UF1), 10 to 5 kDa (UF2),and <5 kDa (UF3); carbohydrate bands (region ~1150 to900 cm–1), protein bands (region 1654 to 1635 cm–1), lipidbands (region 2950 to 2850 cm–1), and cyanogenic glycosides(nitrile) band (at 2240 cm–1, assignment after Nishikida &

Hannah 1996)

Turk et al.: Northern Adriatic macroaggregates

tioning of the microbial loop has been proposed as acommon feature for the accumulation of dissolved OM(DOM) in marine systems, wherein P-limited bacteriaare unable to consume dissolved organic carbon(DOC) as fast as it is produced (Thingstad et al. 1997).Multi-year studies of microbial processes in the coastalnorthern Adriatic Sea showed elevated concentrationsof DOC during high-primary-production seasons(Fonda Umani et al. 2007) and the accumulation ofdissolved and colloidal polysaccharides resistant todegradation (Azam et al. 1999) as a source material formucilage. The release and accumulation of polysac-charides were studied in different controlled enrich-ment experiments, but mainly to understand the re-lationship between nutrient limitation, DOM accu-mulation, and microbial response (Fajon et al. 1999,Malej et al. 2003). Bacterial abundance and productionare considerably higher in the aggregates (Müller-Niklas et al. 1994) compared to concentrations insurrounding water. During summer, the Adriatic Sea isP-limited, and the dominance of large rod- and vibrio-shaped bacteria has been recorded in some other partsof the Mediterranean Sea (La Ferla & Leonardi 2005).Recently it was proposed that the growth of bacteriaunder nutrient limitation conditions depends on the‘surface:cell requirement of limiting element’ ratio(Thingstad et al. 2005). This observation fits very wellwith the response observed for the single organismVibrio splendidus, which increases in size during nutri-ent starvation as a means of gaining better uptakeproperties (Løvdal et al. 2008). Whether the in situ bac-teria react to the carbohydrate-rich mucus as an imbal-ance in the C:N:P ratio like V. splendidus does, or

whether the mucus is in fact largely abacterial construct in relation to highDOC levels, is unknown. On the otherhand, mucus formation in relation to bac-terial growth is well known as, for exam-ple, in the case of plaque formation onteeth, biofilm formation on marine sur-faces, and extensively in the carbon-richenvironment of the pulp and paper pro-duction process. In all cases, mucus for-mation is governed by an adaptive bene-fit for the bacteria, which suggests thatthe formation of mucilage macroaggre-gates in the Adriatic should provide abenefit for the microorganism that pro-duces the mucus.

Bacterial cells comprise the largest liv-ing surface in marine environments, andbacterioplankton release DOM to formgel (Heissenberger et al. 1996, Stodereg-ger & Herndl 1999). The importance ofmicroalgal–bacterial interactions within

marine snow and the release of extracellular materialhave been emphasized previously (Heissenberger etal. 1996, Leppard et al. 1996). Heissenberger et al.(1996) observed that particle- associated bacteriaexhibit larger envelopes than free-living bacteria, butthe fate of these structures was not studied further. Themicrobial species that may form regular structures,including ‘honeycombs’ or ‘veils,’ have been studiedmainly in biofilms from cultures or aquatic environ-ments (Dalton et al. 1996, Trichet et al. 2001,Schaudinn et al. 2007 and references therein). Mucusaggregates, comparable to biofilms, could be definedas assemblages of microorganisms and their associatedextracellular products attached to an abiotic or bioticsurface (Davey & O’Toole 2000). Biofilm microorgan-isms demonstrate physiological and morphologicalchanges during their transition from planktonic growthto surface-attached community formation (O’Toole etal. 2000, Whiteley et al. 2001, Sauer et al. 2002). Arange of behavior patterns in different surface-coloniz-ing bacteria has been studied, and it is evident that theprocesses are highly regulated. Bacterial cells sur-round themselves to form microcolonies whose shapeand structure are determined by cell-to-cell signalsand are influenced by environmental conditions. SomeGram-negative marine bacteria associated withinmarine snow produce communication signals involvedin quorum sensing, such as acylated homoserine lac-tones that are responsible for phenotypic behavior (forbiofilm formation and exoenzyme production) whenthe population reaches high densities (Gram et al.2002). There is also recent literature based on genomicinterferences that pelagic bacteria produce surface








































rg (%

) and


t (%











Corg content

Ntot contentCarbohydrates







n (m

g l


Start of incubation 1st week 4th week

Fig. 5. Organic carbon (Corg), total nitrogen (Ntot) (Hedges & Stern 1984), andtotal carbohydrate (Dubois et al. 1956) contents in macroaggregate colloidalfractions (ultrafiltration permeates UF/F and retentates UF/0) with nominalmolecular weights of 30 to 10 kDa (UF1), 10 to 5 kDa (UF2) and <5 kDa (UF3)

during 4 wk of incubation at 26°C in the dark

Aquat Microb Ecol: Preprint, 2010

polysaccharides and proteins for interaction with parti-cles and organisms (Moran et al. 2007). Recently, Mal-fatti & Azam (2009) showed that bacteria themselvesproduced cell-surface architectures that served as thestructural basis for the networks at nanometer tomicrometer scales. High-resolution atomic forcemicroscopy analyses showed the interconnection ofcell-surface gel matrices between microbial cells. Thephylogenic specificities of microbes, their high abun-dance, and potential for aggregation to form complexnetworks are confirmed as quantitatively significantprocesses and may influence the biochemistry of themucus macroaggregates.


In this review, we assume that the mucilage forms asthe result of an unbalanced C:N:P ratio in the water col-umn, which can favor extensive mucus structures thatwould benefit the organism in some specific way. Thisalso means that the mucus must have a lifecycle initiatedand growing as long as the microbes can take advantageof the mucus environment. With changing environmen-tal conditions, the mucus environment can no longer of-fer a selective advantage, and thus the mucus starts tobecome old and a degradation process is initiated.

Bacteria are the principal decomposers of biopoly-mers in macroaggregates (Müller-Niklas et al. 1994,Mingazzini & Take 1995). Macroaggregate degrada-tion is supported by high bacterial abundance andactivity, and by an efficient recycling of nutrients,which seem dependent on aggregate type and age(Del Negro et al. 2005). Bacterial extracellular enzymesare important catalysts in the degradation of macro-aggregate OM to DOM, significantly influencing themarine biogeochemical cycling of organic carbon andother elements that limit microorganism growth. Theformed low MW products (<600 Da) can be taken upby heterotrophic prokaryotes (Nagata 2000, Conan etal. 2007) and are substrates for subsequent transforma-tions including microbial and photochemical degrada-tion, and polymerization (Kova< et al. 1998). The qual-ity of OM, including its C, N, P stoichiometric balance,determines the proportion between biomass produc-tion and remineralization (Obernosterer & Herndl1995, del Giorgio & Cole 2000). Moreover, the transfor-mation and degradation of macroaggregate OMencompass size- and compositional-dependent reac-tivity changes (Benner 2002). The degradation of sink-ing macroaggregates, enriched in the interstitial wateroxygen concentration, is dependent on their residencetime (Ploug et al. 1999), which is connected to the strat-ification of the northern Adriatic seawater column andthe formation of the summer gyre (Supic & Orlic 1999).

However, we found only a slight increase of C:Nratios (from 23 to 25, molar) in the water columnmacroaggregate matrices, suggesting a parallel degra-dation (similar degradation kinetics) of macroaggre-gate carbohydrates and proteins in the summer strati-fied seawater column (Posedel & Faganeli 1991). Thisfinding differs from those reported by others in thenorthern Adriatic, i.e. significant increasing C:N ratiosin older macroaggregates (Del Negro et al. 2005). Ourobservation was further supported by Fourier trans-form infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy analyses showingthe presence of carbohydrates and proteins in surfaceand water column samples while lipid contents werelower (Fig. 6). The selective degradation of bulkmacroaggregate carbohydrates is reflected in the neu-tral monosaccharide composition showing decreasingglucose content with macroaggregate age (Faganeli etal. 1995, Giani et al. 2005b).

According to Corg, Ntot (Fig. 5), and high perfor-mance size-exclusion chromatography (N. Koron et al.unpubl.) analyses, the degradation of macroaggregatecolloidal fractions proceeds faster in the >30 kDa and30 to 10 kDa fractions compared to the 10 to 5 kDafraction. The differences in reactivity can again be ex-plained by higher levels of N-containing polysaccha-rides in the higher MW fractions and rapid degradationof carbohydrates in all studied fractions leading to thepreservation of organic nitrogen in aged degraded(‘mature’) macroaggregates. Recent reports under-score up to a 3-fold faster microbial degradation of thecarbohydrate component of glycoproteins compared tothe proteinaceous component (Ogawa et al. 2001,Nagata et al. 2003).


Fig. 6. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of surfaceand water column macroaggregate matrix; carbohydratebands (region ~1150–900 cm–1), protein bands (region1654–1635 cm–1), lipid bands (region 2950–2850 cm–1), and

inorganic (mineral) components (region <1000 cm–1)

Turk et al.: Northern Adriatic macroaggregates


Bacteria associated with macroaggregates exhibit avery high potential enzymatic hydrolysis compared tofree-living cells in the surrounding water (Del Negroet al. 2005, Zoppini et al. 2005), and high potentialaminopeptidase activity suggests that proteins are de-graded more rapidly than other constituents (Simon etal. 2002), which is in accordance with the reported pref-erential degradation of organic N compared to C in ag-gregates (Grossart & Ploug 2001) and marine snow(Müller-Niklas et al. 1994). This can be reflected in aprogressive increase of carbon content in the macroag-gregates. The potential activity of lipase, one of themost active ectoenzymes of aquatic bacteria (Zoppini etal. 2005), was also found to be very effective inmacroaggregates. Glucosidase activity was reported tobe lower compared to aminopeptidase activity. It wasalso proposed that the rapid hydrolysis of proteina-ceous material implies its large availability for bacteria(Zoppini et al. 2005). However, Danovaro et al. (2005)found high β-glucosidase activity in the northern Adri-atic waters in summer during a mucilage event. Thelower contribution of potential polysaccharide hy-drolytic activity can lead to enrichment in polysaccha-ride content presumably rich in refractory compounds.The most detectable β-glucosidase activity can indicatethe shift towards a more refractory β-glucosidic bond inaged macroaggregates (Müller-Niklas et al. 1994). Thepotential hydrolysis of organophosphorus compoundsby alkaline phosphatase indicated slower P cyclingcompared to N (peptidase activity) and, thus, an in-creasing bacterial P limitation in aged macroaggre-gates (Zoppini et al. 2005).

This ‘spectrum’ of potential extracellular enzymaticactivities was not directly reflected in the chemicalcomposition of the progressive aged macroaggregatesor in laboratory degradation experiments. During theincubation of macroaggregates, carbohydrates andproteins decreased rapidly, but a slower decrease oflipids, only at the end of the experiment, was presum-ably due to lower lipid degradability (Fig. 6). Thisobservation was in agreement with previously re-ported studies using 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) spectroscopy performed on bulk macroaggre-gates collected in situ, showing that carbohydratesdegrade much faster than lipids (Kova< et al. 2002).The study of laboratory-based degradation ofmacroaggregate carbohydrates by the addition of cul-tured bacterial strains, isolated from the Gulf of Tri-este, in parallel with bacterial cell counting and bacte-rial production revealed a rapid increase of dissolvedcarbohydrate concentrations followed by a slowdecrease (Fig. 7). The latter was probably due to

higher bacterial uptake evidenced by increasing bac-terial biomass and bacterial carbon production. Thesimultaneous addition of inorganic N and P nutrientshad a negligible effect on bacterial density and pro-duction, suggesting that bacterial C-uptake should notbe severely limited by inorganic nutrients, and exhib-ited a rather limited effect on carbohydrate release.


The bulk macroaggregates from the Gulf of Trieste(2004) contained about 14% carbohydrates and 5% pro-teins (Penna et al. 2009). The enzymatically hydrolyzedcarbohydrates and proteins comprised about 70 and







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


P (µg

C l

–1 h
















0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Time (d)


ria (cells

x 1

09 l







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Fig. 7. (a) Concentrations of total dissolved carbohydrates(TCHO), (b) bacterial carbon production (BCP), and (c) bac-terial abundance during the macroaggregate degradationexperiment (C: control, M: addition of bacterial isolates, MA:addition of bacterial isolates and inorganic N, P nutrients).TCHO were measured according to the protocol of Duboiset al. (1956), BCP by the 3H-leucine incorporation and centri-fugation method (Smith & Azam 1992), and bacterial abun-dance with DAPI staining (Porter & Feig 1980). Error bars

are ±SD

Aquat Microb Ecol: Preprint, 2010

>50%, respectively, of carbohydrate and protein pools insurface and water column macroaggregates. Both con-stituents, probably bonded into glycoproteins, can be de-graded in parallel. The percentages were similar to thoseestimated from chemical analyses of particulate and sed-imenting OM containing macroaggregates in the sum-mer stratified seawater column in the Gulf of Trieste(Posedel & Faganeli 1991). The bacterial degradationof macroaggregate polysaccharides studied in vitroconfirmed the rapid release of dissolved carbohydratesand later a slowed decrease, probably due to higherbacterial activity. The remaining less-degradable poly-saccharides, containing more β-glycosidic linkages,and low-degradable proteinaceous matter significantlycontribute to macroaggregate persistence. This indicatesthat the degradation, persistence, and accumulation ofmacroaggregates are biochemically fractionated andcould not simply be the result of rather low bacterial glu-cosidase activity observed in the northern Adriatic (Za-ccone et al. 2002). Considering the macroaggregate lipidcontent of about 2% (Penna et al. 2009), the hydrolyzedlipids should comprise only about 30% of the total lipidpool. Hence, most of the macroaggregate lipids includ-ing glycolipids, contrary to more degradable carbohy-drates and proteins, would persist in the summer strati-fied water column (Kova< et al. 2002) and would finallybe deposited on the seabed and transported southwardinto the deeper basin (Fonda Umani et al. 2007). The la-bility of the macroaggregate colloidal fraction is also de-pendent on its composition. Since the polysaccharidecomponent in the lower MW colloidal fraction seemsmore degradable compared to N-containing polysaccha-ridic material, the higher MW fraction represents a pos-sible path of organic nitrogen preservation in marineorganic colloids. As a concurrent process, the photo-chemical degradation of macroaggregate colloidscleaves glycosidic bonds, producing oligomers andmonomers (Kova< et al. 1998). All of these aspects canalso have an important impact on metal, for example Hg,and OM interactions leading to metal immobilization aswell as its release into the seawater medium (Guo &Santschi 2007). Future work should reconcile the dis-crepancies between observed macroaggregate ectoen-zyme potential activities and biogeochemical degrada-tion sequences and enzyme hydrolysis. This differenceunderlines the important relationship between substratecomposition and its lability.


Mucilage is a compact and dense material, with ahuge heterogeneity in its network, chemical, andorganism composition and structures. Conformationchanges in macromolecules and their complexes after

a phytoplankton bloom are of enormous interest tounderstand the role of dissolved and colloidal OM andits aggregation to form mucilage under relevant eco-system conditions. The chemical composition of suchaggregates is influenced by various factors, includingnutrients, temperature, pH, physiology, and age of theaggregate. The available information is inadequate toexplain the origin/mechanisms of mucus aggregateformation in both laboratory and field studies. Micro-bial extracellular polymeric substances as such arewidely distributed in marine environments and act ashotspots for the transformation of OM and modificationof the micro-environment. Laboratory studies of thesemicroenvironments are few, and lack of appropriatetools restricts in situ studies of various processes occur-ring in these micro-niches. According to the complex-ity of the mucus material, a combination of techniquesis required to access the different parameters whichcontribute to mucilage formation: organic and inor-ganic compounds (molecules) and microorganisms.

Recent and continuous methodological advances inmarine microbiology will allow better imaging andanalytical techniques to determine structure on a(sub)micrometer scale, with non-destructive methods.The determination of biofilm architecture, particularlythe spatial arrangement of microcolonies, might haveimportant implications for the function of these com-plex biochemical structures.

Another area that has not been explored much is thechange in bacterial diversity during aggregation anddegradation of macroaggregates. Intensive studiesusing new molecular techniques need to be carriedout to assess the microbial diversity and reveal thechanges in microbial community during the productionand degradation of mucus macroaggregates. Futurework should also be focused on bacterial ectoenzymeactivities and biogeochemical degradation processeswithin the water column as well as above the bottom,since the mucus macroaggregates represent a dangerto seafloor communities (Schiaparelli et al. 2007).

Acknowledgements. This research was financed by theSlovene Research Agency (P1-0237, J1-2136). We are gratefulto F. Tatti (FEI com Italy), L. Bonzi (University of Florence),and M. Heldal (Marine Microbiology, Institute for Biology,University of Bergen) for providing assistance with electronmicroscopy, and anonymous reviewers for their critical andvaluable comments on the manuscript.


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Submitted: April 12, 2010; Accepted: August 12, 2010 Proofs received from author(s): October 20, 2010