Compliance The 5 Essentials


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Compliance Management Systems are the hidden legal services market in the UK. Analysing this £1bn market involves a detailed examination of over 300 suppliers. Extracting the lessons from software developers, consultancies, surveyors, insurers, publishers, certification and procurement specialists, trainers and even some lawyers shows a revelatory picture. These are the firms that clients seek out to provide specialist, usually fixed fee, often software backed, often on-site, regulatory management services. Dispute avoidance and prevention is the aim, not dispute resolution or cheaper management. Many of the suppliers have scale, many remain independent and you will not understand this market and its opportunities by comparing a handful of metrics for a few listed companies. The market overall is mapped with unique insights and long term financial disciplines spanning several business cycles. Projections to 2015 shows a strong recession resistant market at full steam. Sectors are explored in detail including: HSE Compliance Management Systems Regulatory Consultancies Mid-Market Employee Relations Firms Safety Technology Developers Food Safety Each sector shows growth and profitability benchmarks. The scope for the market and its sectors to grow from existing profit and new business is examined. new entrants and barriers to entry are set out and compared with break even and investment horizons for start-ups explored. Leading players such as the top 10 are mapped as well as the chasing pack of the next 5 suppliers with links ot their sites or specific analysis reports for them. A summary for each sector of 'what good looks like' pulls all the benchmarks together to help with strategic planning and putting performance, planning and ambition in context.