Complex Civilizations

Civilizations and their contributions

Transcript of Complex Civilizations

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Civilizations and their contributions

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A. Discuss the various contributions of complex civilizations.

B. Describe some of the characteristics of these complex civilizations

C. Did some civilizations contribute to other civilizations and how

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1. Name was given to them by the Greeks2. they lived along the Mediterranean coast

of Syria, (Lebanon)3. Vast trading network, (Spain,

Mediterranean)4. Traders, home cities were mostly Tyre,

Sidon, and Byblos, manufactured goods, export Woolen cloth dyed with their purple dye

5. Bibilia (Books) Greeks called the Egyptian papyrus rolls Biblia because Byblos was the shipping point for this material. (Christian)M

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6. Their greatest contribution was th Alphabet, or the perfection thereof. Direct influence of the development of all later Western European scripts.

7. Alphabet between 1800-1600 BCE Phoenicians and neighboring Semetic people influenced by Egypts semi-alphabetical writing, developed 22 consonant symbols, Greeks would later ad signs for vowels

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A. In the Areas of War, Diplomacy, Technology, Art, small significance

B. Religion and Ethics, of great impact, foundation of 3 religions (J, C, I)

C. Much of the history is in the Hebrew Bible, (Pentateuch, Tora) (1st 5 books)

D. Abraham who took the clan out of Ur in Sumer

E. Jacob (later Israel) led migration to Canaan

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F. Archeological evidence (non for around 1900BCE) But may not mean it did not happen

G. Joseph (great grandson of Abraham) 1550BCE led people to Egypt. (reasons famine)

I. Joseph has a good reception (Semetic Hyksos who had conquered Egypt in 1720 BCE)

J. No indications in Egyptian sources of a large number of Hebrews enslaved in Egypt after the Hyksos were expelled.

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K. Moses - Liberator of Hebrews in Egypt, Exodus (road out) around 1300 BCE. No mention of them in Egyptian records.

L. Bible records 40 year wanderingM. Joined by other Hebrew tribes in Canaan,

the Israelites formed Confederacy of 12 tribes.

N. Hebrew occupation of Canaan long and slow process, coexistence

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O. Hebrews created strong centralized monarchy, patriarchal

II. Israelites contesting Canaanite area for Dominancea. Arrival of the Philistines, Sea peoples who had attempted to conquer Egypt, (name Palestine comes from the settlement along the coast of Israel 1175 BCE.

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b. Saul's Reign (1020-1000 BCE) not successful, David arrives. David succeeds Saul (1000-961 BCE)

c. Jerusalem conquered from Canannites, private domain of royal court, sep from 12 tribes.

d. Solomon, (son of David) 961-922 BCE Israel reached height of power

e. splendour of Solomon's monarchy came at a price, bureaucracy, building projects, standing army (1400 chariots, 12000 horses), Harem (700 wives 300 concubines)

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1. Semetic Amorites (from Akkadian word Amurru, "west) produced one dynasty with based power in Babylon.

2. The Babylonian rulers built their city into a capital that would dominate Mesopotamia for 300 years.

3. Hammurabi (1792-1750 BCE) one of the most noted rulers

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I. HammurabiA. Code of Hammurabi (compilation of laws)

1. property disputes, inheritance2. adultery, prostitution,3. Slavery, public order

B. Not exhaustive, guidepost for judgesC. Compilation (some Sumerian laws)

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D. Based on "eye for eye", harsh administration

E. Class conscious, laws applied to different classes, severity.

F. Laws, despite severity, attempted to:1. reduce abusive interest rate practices2. limited slavery for debt to 3 years3. provided care to widows and orphans4. established minimum wages

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G. Laws concerning women1. divorce/alimony2. women expected to rear children, governed by husband.3. women were protected against charges from her husband4. Children were property of husband5. Fathers could not disinherit sons6. State compensated victims for failure of law and order.

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H. Built upon Sumerian advances1. Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, whole numbers, fractions, compiled multiplication tables/division/square & cube roots2. linear/ quadratic equations, Pythagorean theorem a2 + b2 = c2.

3. Counting was based on 60 units rather than 10.I. Borrowed form Sumerian literature hero's tales

etc. Comparable to HomerJ. Epic of Gilgamesh hero that lived around 2700

BCE, central theme is the search for everlasting liveK. Religion: not well developed, ethically. More

than 30 different types of priests.

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I. Hammurabi dies in 1595 BCE, Hitites an Indo-European people in control of Asia Minor, launched a raid down the Euphrates destroying the Babylinian Dynasty.

II. Hittie success.A. new way of waging war (chariots draw by horses)B. 5 centuries in Mesopotamia were years of discord of which little is known

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Objective: How did geography influence the Egyptian's view of themselves, the world and the afterlife?

Objective: How & Why did the role and status of the pharaoh changed during the course of Egyptian History?

Civilization developed similarly in Egypt as in Mesopotamia, A bit more detail

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I. Three Key Periods in Egyptian HistoryI. Old, Middle, and New KingdomsII. Old Kingdom: Pharaoh had absolute authority,

only Pharaoh were believed to have afterlifeI. Built the pyramids

III. Middle Kingdom: Pharaoh less authority

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II. The Nile; the Gift that keeps givingA. Similar to Mesopotamia: fertile valley,

extensive exploitation of agricultureB. Nile flooding was predictable, still is, irrigation

ditches used for controlC. Calendar based on moon cycle, 12 months, 30

days each. Five feasts added to the end of the 365 day cycle. (basis of our own calendar)

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D. Geographically, Egypt was isolated, Nile valley thin strip 600 miles long (4-24 miles wide), surrounded on east and west by desert

E. Egyptians divided the Nile valley into 2 sections: Lower Egypt (Nile Delta) and Upper Egypt (rest of the river south to Nubia)A. These distictions are important due to the fact

that water flowed from south to north and into the Mediterranean.

B. After 3000 BCE Upper and Lower were united around a capital at Memphis.

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F. Optimistic nature of Egyptians due to regular cycle of the Nile and unity of upper and lower Egypt.

III. Unity of Upper and Lower EgyptI. 1st Dynasties of Pharaoh 3000-2700 BCE full

fundamental aspects of Egyptian religion and government evolved.

II. Hieroglyphics developed (700 symbols that represented the other world

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III. Egypt was divided into 42 small territories called Nomes, administerred from a city center of administration, (administered food supplies, etc.)

IV. Cities had their own Gods, cities not large pop. centers, people lived in countryside.

V. Egyptian Gods (depicted as animals)I.Anubis, the JackelII. Ra, the Sun GodIII. Pharaohs were considered GodsIV. Goddess Ma'at: order and stability, justiceV. Pharaoh expected to rule according to Ma'at.

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IV. Government & SocietyI. Pharaoh at the peak of Egyptian

government/society. Assisted by Vizier, and large bureaucracy.

II. Upper/Lower Egypt had governors > nomarchs > nomes

III. Government: tax collection, admin. justice, IV. All free persons equal before the law: Criminal

law: based on extracting a confessionV. Society was hierarchical: Pharaoh, Pharaoh

family (chief wife, often sister, additional wives/concubines, and children)

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IV. Government & SocietyVI. Pharoah's successor usually was son, sometimes

daughter (but unusual)VII. Pharoah's divine status advertised with large sculptures.VIII. Nobility/Priests: below Pharoah's family, held state

offices and owned large amounts of land. Priests administered lands belonging to temples

IX. Next rank: specialized workers> scribes, acrobats, singers, dancers, musicians, artists, stonemasons, perfume makers, professional mourners at funerals.

X. Lower down: the rest of the population that laboured in farming or on public works projects, (digging ditches, building tombs)

XI. Slaves, lowest, natives Egyptians sold for debt or captive acquired by raids into Nubia or south Asia.

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IV. Government & SocietyX. Families centerpiece of society: Marriages

usually arranged. Marriage contracts usually stipulated the rights of men/women to their own possessions, allowances the husband would provide to wife, and how the property wold be divided in case of divorce (Pre-nuptial)

XI. Marriage ceremony simple: bride moved possessions into her husbands' house. (divorce could be initiated by either side, wives entitled to continued support from husbands

XII. Male and Female children inherited equally.XIII.In general, women had parity with men when

it came to haveing careers, owning property, and pursuing cases in court.

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A. Hyksos driven out of Egypt by Ahmose (by mid-1500 BCE), who unified and established the New Kingdom.

B. New Kingdom born of military insurrection and warlike and expansionist. They had learned from the Hyksos.

C. Established Egyptian Empire stretching from Nubia to Syria in the North.

D. 2 new Egyptian classes: Professional Soldiers, Slaves.

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E. Remarkable Rulers1) Hatshepsut: regent to 6 year old step son

Thutmosis III, around 1479 BCE. Later she had the priests proclaim her king

2) Often depicted wearing male attire on monuments, even with a beard

3)Thutmosis III, emerged as one of Egypt's greatest leaders extending his dominion north to the upper Euphrates, vanquishing several West Asian realms, and conquering the Nubians.

4)Thutmosis III, first ruler to use the title Pharaoh (formerly used as a king's palace), recognized potential of sea power.

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E. Remarkable Rulers5) By 1300 BCE, Egyptian power began to wane6) Amenhotep IV and Nefertiti attempted a

religious revolution. Promoted universal diety called Aton1) Amenhotep changed name to Akhenaton meaning

"Aton is pleased"2) First attempt at monotheism3) Akhenaton refused to proted Egypt from Hittites in

the West. Loss of territory, also tribute, revolts occurred

7) Akhenaton dies so does religious revolution, Nefertiti seemed to rule jointly and later disappears from public life.

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E. Remarkable Rulers8). Tutankhamon succeeds Akhenaton, restored

old religion, (known for discovery by archaeologist Howard Carter in 1922)

9) By 1200 BCE, Rameses II reign for 60 years. 1) Would recapture lands lost to Akhenaton from the

Hittites in a battle at Kadesh in Syria.2) Rameses would later declare victory, though he

never won a victory over the Hittites or banished them

3) Used Diplomacy formed alliances with former foes and married a Hittie.

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F. Sea people, Bridge to Iron Age1) After Kadesh Hittites appeared eager for peace with Egypt

due to threats others were placing on their territories.2) Indo- European and others would disrupt the Eastern

Mediterranean once again. 3) Survivors of these upheavals fled to the sea to seek new

lands to plunder of settle. Fall of Troy occurred at this point around 1150 BCE

4) Collectively known as Sea peoples they included: Philistines, Sicilians, Sardinians, Etruscans, pre Mycenaean Greek.

5) Dispute over the fall Hittites; some cite the changes in warfare - especially on mobile infantry, javelins, chariots; these account for the destruction of governments and the displacement of peoples.

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Most of these complex civilizations occurred under similar conditions (agriculture, fertile rivers)

Complexity of these civilizations are found in their social structures, laws, etc.

Each made unique contributions and built upon the discoveries of others.