Compass Points - Hawke's Bay Orienteering › club › uploads › cpoints...

Compass Points January-February 2014

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Compass Points

January-February 2014

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1 Contents Editorial 2 Junior Camp 3 SS1 Kaiwaka 5 SS2 Taradale Schools 7 SS3 West Side 10 SS4 Park Island 13 SS5 The Village 17 SS6 William Colenso 20 New Members 24 Sprint the Bay 25 January Members of the Month: Burns Family 29 February Member of the Month: Helen Watson 30 The deadline for the next issue is

Friday 2 May 2014.

Send contributions to:

[email protected] or

[email protected]

HBOC Committee 2014

Main Committee

President Phillip Herries (06) 870 9552

Secretary Paula Lobb (06) 877 4231

Treasurer Stephan Alsleben (06) 876 6102

Club Captain Jane Herries (06) 870 9552

Equipment Murray Harty (06) 873 5182

Fixtures Karen Beckman (06) 845 4118

Junior Rep. Connor Alsleben (06) 876 6102

Landowner Liaison Roger Mulvay (06) 877 8087

Mapping Chris Howell (06) 879 5686

Publicity Mark Irwin (06) 877 6730

Schools Catherine Howell (06) 879 5686

Outside Committee

Coaching Geoff Morrison (06) 877 4870

Magazine Hugh Forlong-Ford (06) 835 7820

Membership Pamela Morrison (06) 877 4870

Webmaster David Fisher (06) 844 8282

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Editorial Here it is—the highlight of your Compass Points reading year—my annual edito-

rial. If you still have last year’s issue 1, just go read that now: this is exactly the same. If not, prepare to be underwhelmed.

If you’re one of those enlightened souls who reads then you will be aware that there is currently a conversation about reviving the national maga-zine. We at HBOC can, rather smugly, say that we are not baby-with-the-bathwater-throwing-out types and have retained our club magazine. If you renew your club subs (a paltry $34 for individuals, $17 for juniors or $84 for families), you will continue to get this fine publication every other month for the rest of the year. Plus you get access to other benefits, like cheap entry fees. Bargain.

Don’t forget to indicate with your membership if you want digital or hard copy of Compass Points. The hard copy has the advantages of permanence and the ineffable but genuine pleasure of holding the thing that you’re reading. The digital copy arrives in your e-mail inbox before the hard copy hits the streets, a mere slip of a thing at 500-800k. It is full colour and eco-friendly too. Mainly though, it’s a lot cheaper.

However if you’re going to be getting a magazine then you need to know what’s in it. When I took over editing the magazine I filled the spaces with photos and Tim Ander-son rather foolishly praised me for it. Since then, desperate for affection as I am, I’ve tried to include as many as I can. However, I’m only one man (and barely that some would suggest) and I have a memory like a crayfish trap: pretty much everything washes through unless it’s large and red. As a consequence I often forget to take photos at events, even when I remember to take my camera. If you have a photo that you took at an event, please forward it to me. Otherwise I’m going to keep using the ones Tim Creagh took at NZ Schools’ last year.

More importantly, if you’ve set an event, send me a report straight away. The reports are the real pleasure of this magazine and provide the story that a turgid list of results cannot. It doesn’t have to be large—200-300 words starts the nostalgia dripping. Your readers will thank you and I won’t have to hound you.

One person who took this lesson to heart was our beloved president. Phillip sent me a report for this magazine within two days of the Te Awanga event. You won’t read it here because it’s a March event and, by definition, goes in the next issue. However, he does allude to the Nationals, coming up just through the Manawatu Gorge at Easter (18-21 April). He’d really like HBOC to send a huge and enthusiastic team and, with the ven-ues so close, we shouldn’t let him down. You can find information (night race!) on this website including entry forms.

And that’s all I’ve got to say. Enjoy your year, enjoy your racing and enjoy your magazine. And don’t forget to write (your setters’ reports). Cheers, Hugh.

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3 Junior Camp

On the 21st-24th of January, I attended the Hawke’s Bay junior orienteering camp. This

year it was held at Camp David and we ran at locations such as Rotoma, Maraetotara and Abor-


We were split into groups, based on ability each with our own coaches. They mentored

us throughout the four days with compass bearings, contour only courses and line courses.

One of my favourites was the relocation course. This was where a partner would take

your map away and take you to a spot anywhere in a circle on the map. They would then give

you back your map and you’d try to figure out where you were. Also I liked the simplification

exercise where you draw your own map (we found out it isn’t as easy as it sounds). Another

highlight was the night orienteering relay. The teams battled it out in the pitch black darkness

with our head lamps leading the way.

I learnt so much at camp and had heaps of fun. Thanks to all the coaches, organisers and

parents for making it possible. It was a fantastic experience and I would definitely recommend

going to anyone! Madison Chu

On the 21st of January the Hawke’s Bay Junior orienteering camp took place at Camp

David. My top three parts of the camp were - 'The Slip', the night relay and Camp Champs at


The Slip - this was my first bit of orienteering I had done since last year so I was a bit rusty (I

wasn't the only one) when we first started the line course. It took most people a little while be-

fore we got the hang of things again but once we did the competitiveness kicked in. Also the

thing I liked about 'The Slip' was that it showed me and a lot of other people that you can lose

your fitness quite easily over the holidays.

The Night relay - this is probably the course of the camp, not on technicality but speed wise.

This year the orienteers were up against a big challenge with the coaches’ team consisting of

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big names such as Ross and Duncan Morrison and Tim Robertson. The race was very closely

fought out between the coaches’ team (who had an extra member in their team to get through)

and a team which had a 15 second advantage. All I can tell you that Duncan was just a second

too slow to take out the night relay for his team.

Camp Champs at Aborfield - this was the last course of the camp and with a lot of training and

coaching over the past three days it was time to put the skills we had learnt to the test. I really

enjoyed running this map because it was quite a clean forest with not much deadfall and black-

berry and also because the course was perfectly set for trying out the techniques I had learnt.

Thank you to all the people that helped out in and around the camp in anyway way it was much

appreciated. To all those people that pondered over coming to camp I recommend coming to

next year’s one no matter how good you think you may be. Dylan Kirk

Red (12) 4.7 km 190 m 13 C

1 Dylan Kirk 47:50

2 Rory Ward 53:13

3 Hugh Forlong-Ford 53:42

4 Bayley Stephens-Ellison 1:00:43

5 Harriet Holt 1:18:09

6 Andrew Burns 1:37:49

7 Fraser Geddes 1:39:40

8 Kim Creagh 1:43:42

9 Amelia Elphick 2:04:22

Olivia Beckman mp

Jenna Tidswell dnf

Erica Stephens dnf

Orange (16) 4.3 km 150 m 12 C

1 Hamish Legarth 58:52

2 Thomas Culham 1:01:33

3 Mitchell Keip 1:04:49

4 Ben Caldwell 1:07:30

5 Taylor Harrison 1:09:28

6 Hunter Harding 1:13:48

7 Jessica Bewick 1:18:20

8 Madison Chu 1:24:25

9 Finn McCool 1:26:30

10 Tessa Burns 1:33:26

11 Thomas Steinmann 1:34:45

12 Max McMurray 1:36:47

13 Callum Hinton 1:39:06

14 Olivia Wolland 1:39:44

15 Olivia Heal 1:43:42

16 Breanna Burgess 1:51:56

Yellow (9) 3.3 km 130 m 12 C

1 Will Tidswell 41:39

2 Siena Harrison 48:05

3 Bianca Kirk 51:41

4 Lily Stephens-Ellison 1:00:13

5 Isabella Holt 1:01:54

6 Marcus Hurst 1:03:28

7 Alex Mahoney 1:06:02

8 Finlay Keip 1:09:07

9 Amy Culham 1:31:19

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5 Summer Series 1—

Kaiwaka It wasn’t until a couple of weeks before that I found out that I was actually setting an

event at Kaiwaka. Originally, I had been setting an event at Havelock Village, in late February,

but as Laurence de Burgh was unable to set the event at Kaiwaka, I agreed with him to swap. I

had to assume there had been no vegetation changes in the central part of the map since Sprint

The Bay 2013. As it turned out, there hadn’t been many, but there were a couple of route

choices that looked better on the map. Hedge cutters were made use of here to open some up.

There weren’t many complaints about the map on the day though, which is possibly the most

important part of setting courses.

Deciding my approach to my course at Kaiwaka was one of two options, either to do

long loops, with a central pivot close to the start/finish, which would mean lots of variation, but

a high possibility of doglegs. The only problem I had with this option was the shape of the

map. Kaiwaka is very narrow, so doglegs were prevalent, and I immediately ruled it out. My

second option was to have a course that led into the technical bush area, and do the smaller

racing loops there. This allowed me to use, arguably, the best part of the map.

Setting the courses themselves wasn’t difficult – the route choices were excellent and

the sites mostly clear (I had to chop some branches from around one or two). I hoped that the

winner would do around 15 minutes, and when Ross did just under 14, I was super pleased.

There were good numbers there, especially for the first of the year, owing mostly to the junior

camp, where some of our elites of tomorrow honed their skills over the week.

Thanks to Cam and Brianna Massie, who both helped out a ton (Brianna was my vetter,

but due to work commitments she couldn’t make it). A huge thanks to Cam for putting out the

controls, collecting the caravan, putting out tape etc, and thanks to Roger Mulvay, who man-

aged to get permission for us to run there (we didn’t have landowner consent until two days

beforehand). Most of all, thanks to everyone who turned up! Without all of you, I couldn’t

have run a successful event. Sean Morrison

Open Men (23)

1 Ross Morrison 13:52

2 Tim Robertson 14:43

3 Callum Herries 14:47

4 Devon Beckman 15:18

5 Ieuan Edmonds 17:27

6 Matt Radford 21:06

7 Dylan Kirk 21:19

8 Nathaniel Hinton 21:27

9 Rory Ward 22:46

10 Jackson Plumpton 23:09

11 Luis Slyfield 24:20

12 David Rawnsley 26:14

13 Kevin Harvey 27:27

14 Daniel Druitt 27:56

15 Jarrod Lobb 31:21

16 Sean Frost 31:23

17 Hunter Harding 32:52

18 Justin Alsleben 33:07

19 Peter Culham 34:40

20 Mitchell Keip 38:16

21 Fraser Geddes 52:56

Duncan Morrison mp

Tim Barclay mp

Open Women (16)

1 Amber Morrison 21:22

2 Vida Fox 21:38

3 Natalie de Burgh 25:41

4 Georgia Creagh 26:20

5 Laura Robertson 31:45

6 Harriet Holt 32:41

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7 Kirin Harrison 34:44

8 Holly Edmonds 35:36

9 Monieka Scott 37:29

10 Harriet Baxter 37:52

11 Erica Stephens 40:15

12 Jasmine Lock 41:01

13 Annie Creagh 43:10

14 Kelly Druitt 45:16

15 Amelia Elphick 48:38

Donna Taaffe mp

Junior Men (17)

1 Thomas Steinmann 31:27

2 Will Tidswell 35:26

3 Liam Frost 35:33

4 Hamish Legarth 37:16

5 Finn McCool 39:43

6 Jonty Scoular 39:53

7 Bayley Stephens-Ellison 42:19

8 Thomas Culham 44:22

9 Benjamen Prebble 45:42

10 Marcus Hurst 48:30

11 Ben Caldwell 52:57

12 Mitchell Jones 58:06

13 Callum Hinton 1:02:57

Alex Mahoney mp

Max McMurray dnf

Taylor Harrison dnf

Finlay Keip dnf

Junior Women (13)

1 Olivia Taaffe 31:20

2 Jenna Tidswell 32:07

3 Olivia Beckman 32:58

4 Isabella Holt 41:07

5 Olivia Wolland 43:47

6 Lily Stephens-Ellison 44:35

7 Madison Chu 44:58

8 Flo Mills 48:19

9 Tessa Burns 48:52

10 Jessica Bewick 57:08

11 Breanna Burgess 1:10:45

12 Olivia Heal 1:11:36

Bianca Kirk dnf

Senior Men (19)

1 Hugh Forlong-Ford 20:25

2 Paul Jones 23:59

3 Geoff Morrison 27:05

4 Chris Beckman 27:08

5 Mark Plumpton 27:17

6 Derek Morrison 27:37

7 John Craven 27:50

8 Stephan Alsleben 29:12

9 Neil Plumpton 42:01

10 Stephen Wolland 42:26

11 Andrew Burns 47:56

12 Philip Baker 1:02:11

13 Ian Prebble 1:15:04

Roger Mulvay mp

Henry Porter mp

Tim Creagh mp

Roy Mills mp

David Fisher dnf

David Barclay dnf

Senior Women (9)

1 Heather Jones 29:12

2 Kim Creagh 33:18

3 Faye McDonald 34:11

4 Karen Beckman 36:28

5 Pamela Morrison 39:03

6 Paula Lobb 39:26

7 Anne Baxter 41:14

8 Tui Craven 50:35

9 Sharon Mardon 1:07:38

White (5)

1 Amy Culham 14:42

2 Oliver Barclay 23:29

3 Max Franks 25:44

4 Jocelyn Plumpton 27:23

5 Kaitlyn Frost 50:05

NZ Orienteering Championships

18-21 April 2014. Manawatu/Horowhenua.

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7 Summer Series 2 —Taradale Schools

This year I was gifted with the map of Taradale Schools, not the most interesting of all

the possible summer series events and not exactly my first choice of maps. Never the less I

took on the map with all enthusiasm and took it as a challenge, a challenge to see if it was pos-

sible to create an interesting course which made full use of the possibilities in each school.

Two weeks before the set date the draft of the course was complete and it was time for

my first trip to examine the accuracy of the map and whether or not my course was too confus-

ing. After an hour or so it was clear that the map was relatively up to scratch excusing a few

extra buildings and my course was just right. Now it was time to further add to and improve the


After a long look at some old Taradale schools maps it came to me that a flip map

would be a cool way of creating an interesting event. So after a long text conversation with

Devon Beckman about how flip maps were done the map was complete.

Come race day things did not go exactly to plan. Both of the schools had been locked up

even after confirmation by the schools that the gates would be all unlocked. This made for a

very stressful and frantic search for a key to unlock the gates. Luckily all but one gate was able

to be opened before the arrival of our first racer.

All in all I believe that the event was a resounding success with over 160 people racing

including many newcomers to the sport. A big thanks to Holly Edmonds for helping setting the

course and putting up with my post event stress. Ieuan Edmonds

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Open Men (34)

1 Ross Morrison 11:35

2 Devon Beckman 11:59

3 Dylan Kirk 14:08

4 Isaac Sweetapple 14:11

5 Andrew Bott 14:25

5 Jackson Plumpton 14:25

7 Laurence de Burgh 14:45

8 Luis Slyfield 14:46

9 Matt Radford 15:08

10 Sean Morrison 15:40

11 Will Tremain 15:46

12 Stanley Chilton 16:18

13 Jarrod Lobb 16:32

14 Rory Ward 16:39

15 Jeremy Stone 17:35

16 Kevin Harvey 17:40

17 Brayden Stone 17:50

18 Bayley Stephens-Ellison 18:18

19 Tom Edwards 19:45

20 Daniel Druitt 20:22

21 Peter Culham 20:44

22 Toby Taaffe 20:55

23 Fraser Geddes 22:27

24 Sean Frost 22:56

25 Robbie Love 23:34

26 Shane Spence 24:48

Colwyn Forlong-Ford mp

Callum Herries mp

Duncan Morrison mp

David Rawnsley mp

Reuben Sweetapple mp

Justin Alsleben mp

Tim Keip dnf

Gerrie Wolmarans dnf

Open Women (20)

1 Vida Fox 16:51

2 Tessa Ramsden 17:35

3 Georgia Creagh 17:56

4 Kaya Shlomi 19:13

5 Sarah Baxter 20:41

6 Monieka Scott 21:00

7 Megan Davidson 21:02

8 Kelly Druitt 22:36

9 Harriet Baxter 22:45

10 Annie Creagh 22:59

11 Donna Taaffe 23:02

12 Isabella Mills 23:23

13 Caitlin Jones 26:13

14 Erica Stephens 29:14

15 Rhiannon Forlong-Ford 31:00

16 Abbey Emerson 47:05

Natalie de Burgh mp

Harriet Holt mp

Claudia Layton dnf

Kelly Stancy dnf

Junior Men (24)

1 Amos Plumpton 18:23

2 Hamish Legarth 18:50

3 Klayten Betts 19:35

4 Logan Stevenson 21:43

5 Ben Caldwell 22:25

6 Liam Frost 23:57

7 Will Tidswell 24:00

8 Max McMurray 24:58

9 Jonty Anderson 25:34

10 Ronan Lee 25:50

11 Archie Elliott 26:56

12 Matt Durrant 27:49

13 Finlay Keip 28:14

14 Michael Young 28:18

15 Daniel Harvey 28:25

16 Mckay Stevenson 30:13

17 Henry Hall 31:47

18 Marcus Reeves 32:44

19 Dreydon Hughes 34:26

20 Harry Champion 39:10

21 Max Craven 40:18

Thomas Culham mp

Thomas Steinmann mp

Mitchell Jones mp

Junior Women (10)

1 Madison Chu 25:50

2 Olivia Beckman 26:36

3 Olivia Wolland 27:09

4 Flo Mills 28:29

5 Olivia Taaffe 30:32

6 Isabella Holt 33:00

7 Lily Stephens-Ellison 36:27

Jenna Tidswell mp

Tessa Payne dnf

Susan Eatson dnf

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9 Senior Men (26)

1 Hugh Forlong-Ford 16:46

2 Paul Jones 17:22

3 Chris Beckman 17:50

4 Greg Edmonds 18:04

5 Mark Plumpton 18:19

6 Mark Irwin 18:36

7 Alan Davidson 18:40

8 Phillip Herries 19:00

9 Geoff Morrison 19:08

10 Stephan Alsleben 19:19

11 Steve Armon 19:50

12 John Craven 20:20

13 Kevin McCarthy 20:30

14 David Barclay 21:05

14 Henry Porter 21:05

16 Tim Anderson 21:06

17 David Fisher 22:39

18 Tim Creagh 25:53

19 Neil Plumpton 27:42

20 Jason Taaffe 27:48

21 Ross Stone 28:35

22 Alan Berry 33:58

23 Philip Baker 36:27

Derek Morrison mp

Glen Stone mp

Kai Steinmann dnf

Senior Women (14)

1 Heather Jones 21:29

2 Karen Beckman 21:51

3 Liffey Rimmer 23:44

4 Cryn Russell 23:46

5 Margaret Morris 25:04

6 Fiona Culham 25:05

7 Sue Stone 25:23

8 Helen Edmonds 26:24

9 Jane Davidson 26:25

10 Anne Baxter 27:37

11 Paula Lobb 28:59

12 Gaye Evans-Love 34:48

13 Raewyn Ricketts 1:03:00

Pamela Morrison mp

White (40)

1 Callum Hinton 5:24

2 Ben Connor 6:18

3 Rhiannon Forlong-Ford 6:19

4 Mckay Stevenson 6:31

5 Bianca Kirk 6:37

6 Breanna Burgess 6:42

6 Archie Elliott 6:42

8 Olivia Heal 6:58

9 Zarah Anderson 7:09

10 Cameron Broad 7:15

11 Hannah Rawnsley 7:17

12 Amy Culham 7:28

13 Toby Higgins 7:43

14 Sam Thelwall 7:48

15 Matthew Harvey 7:54

16 Dreydon Hughes 7:57

17 Caitlin Bradley 8:18

18 Jack Webster 8:35

19 Henry Hall 8:39

19 Alexandra Scurr 8:39

21 Hamish Scurr 8:52

22 Logan Geary 9:15

23 Oliver Barclay 9:25

24 Henry Sinclair 9:35

25 Jocelyn Plumpton 10:06

26 Andrey Sedgwick 10:09

27 Evan Broad 10:22

28 Reeve Dooney 10:28

29 Grace Dooney 10:39

30 James Rawnsley 10:40

31 Brooke Geary 10:43

32 Andrew Rawnsley 11:07

33 Phagen Clarke-Winiata 11:42

34 Max Franks 11:57

35 Finn Fitzgerald 14:03

36 Harry Champion 15:37

37 Kaitlyn Frost 16:36

38 Ellie Fitzgerald 16:53

James Bailey mp

William Macdonald mp

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Summer Series 3 —The West Side

The West Side was my first turn at creating a course. I thought it might be difficult to

set up seeing as I have never set a course before. When I first received the map and set up on

Condes I didn’t really know how to start things off. I made an attempt on the loop but I wasn’t

quite sure if I was doing everything right. In the end I made the courses with the help of Helen

Howell who was the vetter for my course. After making the course things went more smoothly

as she understood the process better.

So eventually with her help I finished creating the two courses that were required of me.

I met with Helen the weekend before the event and we walked the courses to check it

was all going to work and there were no changes to the map. Everything looked ok and we

sorted out where the caravan was going to go and the start point.

It was fairly hectic trying to get all the controls out on the day of the event and we were

really racing around to get it done on time. We had an issue with the gate not being opened at

the front of the Intermediate preventing competitors getting through. Catherine Howell did a

good job to get everyone over the gate. One control was also in the wrong place, so had to run

out and move it.

Thanks to the Howells for all their help along the way. Jarrod Lobb

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11 Open Men (32)

1 Devon Beckman 15:30

2 Bruce Arthur 16:02

3 Sean Morrison 16:37

4 Callum Herries 16:52

5 Luis Slyfield 18:23

6 Dylan Kirk 18:33

7 Oscar Andersson 18:36

8 Ieuan Edmonds 18:47

9 Santtu Sainio 19:33

10 Justin Alsleben 20:09

11 Matt Radford 20:23

12 David Rawnsley 20:31

13 Brandon Jones 21:40

14 Kevin Harvey 22:10

15 Tim Barclay 22:29

16 Toby Taaffe 22:49

17 Daniel Druitt 22:52

18 Jeremy Stone 23:05

19 Nathan Miller 23:50

20 Sean Frost 24:49

21 Brayden Stone 25:57

22 Ben Brodie 26:03

23 Mitchell Keip 26:05

24 Robbie Love 26:38

25 Heath Dinneen 26:49

26 Charles Talbot 28:49

27 Colwyn Forlong-Ford 29:32

Isaac Sweetapple mp

Laurence de Burgh mp

Rory Ward mp

Reuben Sweetapple mp

Mike Bewick dnf

Open Women (20)

1 Natalie de Burgh 21:39

2 Vida Fox 22:05

3 Donna Taaffe 23:05

4 Georgia Creagh 23:16

5 Johanna Erlandsson 23:30

6 Megan Davidson 24:17

7 Annie Creagh 26:04

8 Monieka Scott 26:09

9 Harriet Holt 28:05

10 Madison Chu 30:34

11 Laura Matthews 31:12

12 Lucy Tully 31:45

13 Kirin Harrison 32:11

14 Rebecca Matthews 33:16

15 Natalie Miller 33:43

16 Kelly Druitt 33:52

17 Caitlin Jones 34:33

18 Erica Stephens 34:42

19 Amelia Elphick 35:25

20 Rhiannon Forlong-Ford 45:37

Junior Men (17)

1 Hamish Legarth 22:43

2 Bayley Stephens-Ellison 22:55

3 Will Tidswell 23:59

4 Ben Caldwell 24:30

5 Ronan Lee 28:29

6 Jonty Scoular 29:15

7 Taylor Harrison 29:45

8 Callum Hinton 30:44

9 Liam Frost 34:58

10 Samuel Miller 39:40

11 Connor McKay 41:17

12 Thomas Steinmann 42:41

13 Oliver Barclay 46:07

Amos Plumpton mp

Fraser Geddes mp

Finn McCool mp

Angus Macmillan mp

Junior Women (16)

1 Jenna Tidswell 24:47

2 Harriet Baxter 26:39

3 Susan Eatson 27:00

4 Olivia Beckman 30:27

5 Bianca Kirk 31:20

6 Olivia Heal 34:53

7 Olivia Wolland 35:12

8 Lily Stephens-Ellison 38:03

9 Felicity Lane 40:41

10 Tessa Poulton 40:49

11 Isabella Holt 40:53

12 Jessica Bewick 42:40

12 Tessa Payne 42:40

14 Alexandra Scurr 1:03:05

Olivia Taaffe mp

Rosie Caldwell mp

Senior Men (25)

1 Hugh Forlong-Ford 19:17

2 Greg Edmonds 19:28

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3 Paul Jones 21:39

4 Chris Beckman 21:50

5 Stephan Alsleben 22:47

6 Alan Davidson 23:00

7 Mark Plumpton 24:57

8 David Fisher 25:42

9 David Barclay 26:54

10 Ken Brownlie 27:58

11 Stephen Matthews 30:45

12 Murray Franks 31:10

13 Martin Geddes 31:26

14 Stephen Wolland 31:30

15 Kai Steinmann 31:47

16 Ross Stone 32:14

17 Derek Morrison 34:58

18 Keith Vincent 35:02

19 Scott Richfield 36:07

20 Chris Appleton 37:59

21 Philip Baker 40:52

22 Karl Iaveta 50:18

Mark Irwin mp

Steve Armon mp

Neil Plumpton mp

Senior Women (13)

1 Karen Beckman 25:19

2 Kim Creagh 26:40

3 Heeather Jones 26:53

4 Cryn Russell 29:49

5 Sue Stone 30:11

6 Carol Brownlie 30:36

7 Helen Edmonds 31:10

8 Liffey Rimmer 32:26

9 Kim Matthews 34:14

10 Anne Baxter 34:41

11 Gaye Evans-Love 45:56

12 Jill Wolland 55:21

13 Sharon Mardon 1:00:50

White (23)

Pl Name Time

1 Fraser Geddes 10:37

2 Hannah Rawnsley 16:44

3 Courtney Neilson 17:04

4 Finlay Keip 18:24

5 Danielle Richfield 18:26

6 Margot Scoular 19:43

7 Bridget Bewick 19:57

8 Max Franks 20:50

9 Hamish Scurr 21:18

10 Evan Broad 22:58

11 Mitchell Jones 23:14

12 Cameron Broad 23:55

13 Maz Sedgwick 23:59

14 Jocelyn Plumpton 26:23

15 Nicole Bewick 27:14

16 Caitlyn Frost 29:17

17 Natasha King 34:18

Max Neale mp

Nick Wright mp

Andrew Rawnsley mp

Quinn McKay mp

Laura Somerville dnf

George Perry dnf

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13 Summer Series 4 —Park

Island After a long hot day a huge group showed up to run the course at Park Island. Over 250

people ran on the night, 80 running white alone. The course itself was situated in a well known

area to club members, it is a regular venue for a sprint event. Thanks to Jane Herries’ promo-

tion at Taradale Intermediate a huge contingent of students came along, many for the first time.

Some keen ones had already competed in the Weetbix triathalon earlier in the day. Many, after

running the white, were keen to then take on the loop course.

The goal of this map was to offer a physically challenging course, with good route

choice legs. Putting the pivot point at the top of the hill ensured the course was a challenge to

fitness, and preparation for some of the hilly winter courses to come later in the year. Mr For-

long-Ford helped me test run the course, trying running alternative route choices. This certainly

showed sometimes the direct route paid dividends – other times, not so.

In all it was a successful afternoon with a good show of people. Finally I would like to

thank Phillip Herries and Pam Morrison for helping with registration, Jane Herries for helping

with teaching the newcomers, David Fisher for printing the maps and finally Hugh Forlong-

Ford for helping me create my first official club event. David Rawnsley

Open Men (38)

1 Devon Beckman 19:31

2 Jarrod Lobb 19:46

3 Callum Herries 19:57

4 Duncan Morrison 21:10

5 Matt Radford 21:18

6 Jackson Plumpton 21:28

7 Ieuan Edmonds 22:18

8 Luis Slyfield 22:53

9 Sean Morrison 24:26

10 Laurence de Burgh 24:38

11 Stanley Chilton 24:54

12 Fraser Geddes 25:11

13 Rory Ward 25:13

14 Tom Edwards 25:50

15 Kevin Harvey 25:58

16 Peter Culham 26:12

17 Sean Frost 26:17

18 Nathan Miller 27:22

19 Andrew Burns 27:26

20 Jeremy Stone 27:40

21 Charles Talbot 29:00

22 Daniel Druitt 29:11

23 Brandon Jones 29:21

24 No Name 30:17

25 Colwyn Forlong-Ford 31:56

26 Mike Bewick 34:59

27 Brayden Stone 35:46

28 Hunter Harding 36:07

29 Ben Brodie 38:37

30 Mitchell Keip 40:05

31 No Name 41:50

32 Dean Stafford 48:56

33 Kayden Kingi 1:00:28

34 Duncan McKay 1:07:28

Heath Dinneen mp

Matthew Gilbertson dnf

Liam Cook dnf

Campbell Stephens dnf

Open Women (24)

1 Tessa Ramsden 23:05

2 Vida Fox 23:47

3 Georgia Creagh 24:48

4 Harriet Holt 26:58

5 Natalie de Burgh 27:04

6 Georgia Wedd 29:01

7 Kaya Shlomi 29:18

8 Annie Creagh 29:27

9 Helen Howell 29:59

10 Megan Davidson 30:20

11 Sarah Baxter 33:48

12 Katherine Rybinski 36:37

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13 Kirin Harrison 37:19

14 Amelia Elphick 39:03

15 Erica Stephens 40:11

16 Kelly Druitt 41:33

17 Laura Matthews 42:00

18 Caitlin Jones 42:07

19 Karen Wilson 42:14

20 Natalie Miller 43:27

21 Rebecca Matthews 49:00

22 Kristina Spargo 49:07

23 Tiffany Reynolds 49:47

Holly Edmonds mp

Junior Men (31)

1 Thomas Culham 25:12

2 Bayley Stephens-Ellison 26:07

3 Will Tidswell 27:39

4 Amos Plumpton 28:36

5 Connor McKay 32:11

6 Evan Broad 33:13

7 Liam Frost 33:46

8 Taylor Harrison 34:59

9 Hire Hire 35:07

10 Logan Stevenson 36:29

11 Marcus Reeves 39:23

12 Finn Mccool 40:48

13 Oliver Barclay 41:10

14 Callum Hinton 41:37

15 Max McMurray 42:26

16 Finlay Keip 44:51

17 Mckay Stevenson 45:02

18 Finn Durrant 45:11

19 Matthew Harvey 53:20

20 Michael Young 53:56

21 Daniel Harvey 57:37

22 Luke Redmond 1:01:08

23 Phagen Clarke-Winiata 1:01:56

24 Dreydon Hughes 1:03:08

25 Thomas Steinmann 1:04:11

26 Max Craven 1:05:31

27 Ben Connor 1:14:07

28 Sam Thelwall 1:15:04

Henry Sinclair mp

Kingston Webb dnf

N S J B-E M H dnf

Junior Women (19)

1 Susan Eatson 27:03

2 Olivia Beckman 33:31

3 Jenna Tidswell 34:18

4 Siena Harrison 39:31

5 Lily Stephens-Ellison 41:17

6 Bella Holt 43:02

7 Olivia Wolland 44:37

8 Phoebe Burns 47:09

9 Olivia Heal 47:59

10 Jessica Bewick 53:04

11 Sophie Eyles 55:18

11 Rachael Seed 55:18

13 Tanisha Fitzgerald 1:00:51

Breanna Burgess mp

Alexandra Scurr mp

Nikora Fitzgerald dnf

Amy Culham dnf

Danielle Stephenson dnf

Danika Brown dnf

Senior Men (26)

1 Paul Jones 24:45

2 Greg Edmonds 25:12

3 Chris Howell 25:45

4 Phillip Herries 26:10

5 Stephan Alsleben 26:24

6 John Craven 26:54

7 Mark Plumpton 27:24

8 Chris Beckman 28:53

9 Steve Armon 32:14

10 Alan Davidson 32:35

11 Roger Mulvay 33:28

12 Martin Geddes 34:17

13 Tim Creagh 34:34

14 Stephen Wolland 35:16

15 Stephen Matthews 36:17

15 David Fisher 36:17

17 Keith Vincent 36:38

18 Ross Stone 36:44

19 Tim Anderson 37:38

20 David Barclay 38:01

21 Karl Iaveta 39:28

22 Philip Baker 40:26

23 Neil Plumpton 42:51

24 Glen Stone 50:38

25 Justin Harrison 58:08

26 Alan Berry 1:16:38

Senior Women (18)

1 Angela Tremain 30:07

2 Pamela Morrison 33:02

3 Faye McDonald 33:55

4 Karen Beckman 35:08

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15 5 Jane Davidson 37:58

6 Sue Stone 38:52

7 Liffey Rimmer 40:08

8 Paula Lobb 40:14

9 Margaret Morris 41:25

10 Dianne Keip 44:01

11 Anne Baxter 44:18

12 Kim Matthews 45:01

13 Cryn Russell 46:57

14 Helen Edmonds 47:00

15 Julie Bewick 47:54

16 Raeywyn Ricketts 1:20:32

Fiona Culham mp

Jill Wolland dnf

White (80)

1 Max Simcox 6:52

2 Harry Champion 6:59

3 George Perry 7:55

4 Kingston Webb 8:11

5 Rob Stephenson 8:18

6 Mason Lowe 8:20

7 Liam Proca 8:26

7 Levi Dyer 8:26

7 Charlotte Minor 8:26

10 Courtney Neilson 8:41

11 Danika Brown 9:01

12 Oscar Lynch 9:22

13 Evan Broad 9:29

13 Danielle Stephenson 9:29

15 Thomas Hope 9:40

16 Max Stevens 9:45

17 Max Paku 10:01

18 Cameron Broad 10:07

19 Calem Heremaia 10:10

19 Jonathan Demetrius 10:10

21 Hannah Rawnsley 10:16

22 Ethan Wynne 10:17

23 Ella Lilburn 10:18

24 Toby Thorp 10:20

25 Kate Bruce 10:25

26 Amy Bruce 10:27

26 Nikora Fitzgerald 10:27

28 Tyler Bruce 10:28

29 Amanda Shepherd 10:32

30 Lucy Tully 10:43

31 Catherine Foreman 10:59

32 Charlie Moffett 11:00

33 Ruby Roche 11:08

34 Matthew Shepherd 11:09

35 Kate McGrath 11:11

35 Callum Scott 11:11

37 Bridget Page 11:23

38 Paige Wills 11:25

39 Lucy Neverman 11:34

40 Brooke Cameron 11:38

41 Adam Barron 11:41

42 Felicity Lane 12:46

43 Jocelyn Plumpton 13:06

44 Luke McIntosh 13:12

45 Grace Dooney 13:26

46 Harry Clegg 13:35

47 Max Franks 14:09

48 Liam Kirk 14:10

49 Reece Lister 14:39

50 Elise D'Arbois 15:01

51 Bridget Bewick 15:09

52 Mekhi Miringaorangi 15:16

53 Alexi Neville 15:21

53 Shylah Jury 15:21

55 Reeve Dooney 15:33

56 Olivia Caccioppoli 16:33

57 Hamish Scurr 17:13

58 Kate Shallard 17:14

59 Sam Mata 17:25

60 Nathan Bridge-Earney 17:27

61 Kaitlyn Frost 17:31

62 Josh Harding 19:30

63 Callum Charman 20:29

64 Richard Bishop 20:59

65 Annie White 22:01

66 Natasha King 22:06

67 Hugo Minor 22:17

68 Ian Qiu 39:27

69 Samuel Schnider 52:18

70 Braedon Rangi 53:17

71 Nikki Barber 56:40

Archie Elliott mp

Brodie Satherley mp

Henry Hall mp

Tim Loughlin mp

Ryan Stafford mp

Ethan Wynne disq

Jacob Driver disq

Lucas D'Arbois dnf

Cod Montgomery dnf

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NZ Orienteering Championships

18-21 April 2014.

Five events over

four days:

* Sprint

* Middle

* Long

* Night

* Relay

Four great maps:

* Ohakea

* Manga Pirau

* Fusilier

* Mt. Lees

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17 Summer Series 5 —The


During December, Dad called me over to the computer one day to show me that I was

rostered to set a Summer Series event at Kaiwaka on January 22nd. However I was to be away

in Auckland, and so managed to swap with Sean’s Village event on Feb 19th. This seemed a

decent distance away from me at the time so I promptly forgot about it.

Two weeks before the event I decided I better get on with it and got the map files off

David Fisher. Having downloaded Condes, I quickly realised I hadn’t the faintest idea what I

was doing, and so consulted the online user files. This covered nearly all I needed to know, and

so over the next (very busy) week, I constructed my courses. I did have to bother David as a

church building has since been removed and was close to the pivot, requiring it to be taken off

the map.

One thing my online help did not cover was the text control descriptions, and though

Paul Jones (vetter) and I tried to nut it out, David Fisher since informed us that he hadn’t come

across our method before, (we hadn’t really worked it out) but thankfully he figured out what

we had done and fixed it.

Upon checking control sites, I discovered that the primary school had erected an un-

crossable fence on one of my routes, and so had to bother David once more.

The event came together without too many surprises, except for a last minute start move

due to a cricket game, and all the controls were in the right place, even the one I may-or-may-

not have put inside olive-green on the map! Special thanks to Natalie de Burgh, Paul Jones, the

Herries family, and everyone who helped the Village event a success.

Laurence de Burgh

Open Men (33)

1 Duncan Morrison 15:18

2 Devon Beckman 15:23

3 Callum Herries 15:44

4 Matt Radford 16:47

5 Sean Morrison 16:49

6 Isaac Sweetapple 17:10

7 Luis Slyfield 17:27

8 Ieuan Edmonds 18:06

9 Jackson Plumpton 18:07

10 Jarrod Lobb 18:54

11 Reuben Sweetapple 18:57

12 Stanley Chilton 19:00

13 Jeremy Stone 19:53

14 Rory Ward 20:46

15 Brandon Jones 21:29

16 Callum Wilkie 21:34

17 Peter Culham 21:36

18 Nathan Miller 21:47

19 Fraser Geddes 21:58

20 Robbie Love 22:40

21 Toby Taaffe 24:10

22 Daniel Druitt 25:03

23 Brayden Stone 25:41

24 Colwyn Forlong-Ford 25:44

25 Sean Frost 26:01

26 William Macdonald 30:30

27 Justin Harrison 31:07

28 Darryn Scurr 33:31

29 Gary Broad 33:46

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30 Richard Barclay 34:52

31 Benjamen Prebble 35:29

Heath Dinneen mp

Kevin Harvey mp

Open Women (25)

1 Georgia Creagh 19:31

2 Vida Fox 20:38

3 Tessa Ramsden 21:21

4 Georgia Wedd 21:25

5 Sue Taaffe 23:36

6 Megan Davidson 24:08

7 Annie Creagh 24:24

8 Sarah Baxter 24:30

9 Monieka Scott 24:51

10 Molly D'Ath 25:23

11 Harriet Holt 25:35

12 Courtney Neilson 27:26

13 Karen Wilson 27:36

14 Kirin Harrison 28:09

15 Rebecca Matthews 28:55

15 Laura Matthews 28:55

17 Caitlin Jones 29:11

18 Tiffany Reynolds 29:18

19 Rebecca Testa 29:21

20 Natalie Miller 29:34

21 Amelia Lowe 29:52

22 Kristina Spargo 34:54

23 Juliet Rawnsley 43:28

24 Fiona Broad 48:38

25 Lucy Tully 49:19

Junior Men (39)

1 Bayley Stephens-Ellison 20:45

2 Amos Plumpton 22:13

3 Thomas Culham 23:02

4 Hamish Legarth 23:14

5 Liam Frost 25:15

6 Hunter Harding 25:28

7 Ronan Lee 25:46

8 Jonty Scoular 26:42

9 Callum Hinton 26:49

10 Jonty Anderson 27:39

11 Toby Hunter 27:52

12 Will Tidswell 28:22

13 Logan Stevenson 29:00

14 Mitchell Keip 29:24

15 Max McMurray 30:10

16 Taylor Harrison 30:28

17 Kayden Kingi 30:54

18 Finlay Keip 31:45

19 Marcus Reeves 32:13

20 Max Paku 32:29

21 Connor McKay 33:12

22 Max Simcox 33:32

23 Archie Elliott 34:37

23 Cameron Broad 34:37

25 Mckay Stevenson 35:24

26 Oliver Barclay 35:46

27 Mitchell Jones 38:07

28 Luke Redmond 38:58

29 Charlie Moffett 39:08

30 Dreydon Hughes 40:00

31 Matthew Shepherd 44:32

32 Callum Scott 44:33

33 Michael Young 45:56

34 Max Craven 1:00:30

Phagen Clarke-Winiata mp

Campbell Stevens mp

Liam Cook mp

Thomas Christenson dnf

Harry Champion dnf

Junior Women (28)

1 Jenna Tidswell 24:20

2 Monique Way 24:28

3 Susan Eatson 25:11

4 Olivia Taaffe 26:25

5 Siena Harrison 27:40

6 Olivia Beckman 27:56

7 Alex Miller 29:07

8 Georgia Massie 30:59

9 Tanisha Fitzgerald 32:35

10 Hannah Rawnsley 33:25

11 Amy Culham 33:39

12 Lily Stephens-Ellison 35:29

13 Sarah Gunn 38:31

14 Phoebe Burns 39:58

15 Alexandra Scurr 42:01

16 Lauren Bell 42:18

17 Breanna Burgess 43:56

18 Bianca Kirk 45:13

18 Tessa Payne 45:13

20 Catherine Foreman 46:12

21 Alice Fuller 46:38

22 Olivia Heal 47:21

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19 23 Imke Kitchin 51:40

Rutendo Sikupa mp

Jessica Cameron dnf

Simara Mckay dnf

Danielle Richfield dnf

Olivia Angland dnf

Senior Men (24)

1 Hugh Forlong-Ford 18:23

2 Mark Plumpton 21:25

3 John Craven 21:50

4 Alan Davidson 22:02

5 Mark Irwin 22:07

6 Geoff Morrison 22:26

7 Murray Harty 22:35

8 Stephan Alsleben 23:09

9 David Barclay 23:18

10 Steve Armon 24:11

11 Roger Mulvay 24:59

12 James Bell 25:51

13 Brett Way 26:14

14 Henry Porter 26:18

15 Stephen Matthews 26:23

16 Steve Shepherd 26:44

17 Keith Vincent 29:23

18 Scott Richfield 29:59

19 Andrew Burns 32:25

20 Stephen Wolland 33:23

21 Alan Berry 36:07

22 Tim Creagh 37:10

23 Neil Plumpton 38:03

24 Ian Prebble 45:55

Senior Women (12)

1 Heather Jones 24:25

2 Cryn Russell 28:16

3 Sue Stone 30:49

4 Paula Lobb 31:30

5 Kim Matthews 31:45

6 Fiona Culham 33:03

7 Dianne Keip 34:14

8 Amanda Shepherd 35:13

9 Jill Wolland 37:19

10 Pamela Morrison 37:31

11 Catherine Howell 40:02

Raewyn Ricketts dnf

White (42)

1 Fraser Geddes 6:38

2 Nick Wright 7:46

3 James Bailey 9:04

4 Cadell Heney 9:06

5 George Perry 9:39

6 Alexies Tippins 10:29

7 Sage Harding 10:31

8 Harry Devine 10:46

9 Pearl Rose 11:35

10 Harry Clegg 12:06

11 Helen Munro 12:17

12 Ella Forbes 12:33

13 Hamish Scurr 12:37

14 Manu Sedgwick 13:12

15 Evan Broad 13:20

16 Sarah Bradley 13:43

17 Oscar Lynch 14:00

18 Natasha King 14:16

19 Luke McIntosh 15:11

20 Hamish Hutchinson 15:17

21 Jocelyn Plumpton 15:55

22 Max Franks 15:59

23 Connor Derham 18:45

24 Lydia Burns 19:01

25 Baileigh Southon 19:18

26 Barclay Family 19:47

27 Kaitlyn Frost 20:59

28 Nikora Fitzgerald 21:39

29 Quinn Mckay 22:24

30 Ruby Creagh 23:05

31 Caroline Kitchin 23:06

32 Lucy Rattray 24:00

Mitchell Heney mp

Marcus Reeves mp

Max Neale mp

Piper Baker mp

Kate Wellington mp

Reece Lister mp

Rutendo Sikupa mp

Sam Thelwall mp

Brooke Cameron mp

Ryan Stafford dnf

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Summer Series 6 —William Colenso College

I was excited. The club wanted me to take the responsibility for an event and I felt hon-

oured and a little bit special. I had Vida as my vetter and Mum (Kim) to help me. This was a

new map and a small one so it was going to be challenging.

The software was cool, easy to use once I got my head around it and it was cool to see

how it all works. The trick would be to get all the control onto this small map without them

being too complicated. It took a few goes to come up the map that I liked and then a lot of fine


Then before the big day Mum was holidaying in Australia. But I had a few friends help

me out and show me how to make the most of what I had. It kind of takes over everything but

it was fun.

When we were at the airport waiting for mum’s plane to go, Chris Howell was there.

Guess what we talked about? Yep... the maps and control descriptions, he had lots of good


On the day we were well prepared and got the course set up in time for an ice block run.

I have to say though, Jane and Philip made it easy. It turned out to be a hot day and the turnout

fantastic. Nearly 250 people...Wow that is so many. I was kind of nervous. But it went so

smoothly and we got through everyone. At the same time we managed to introduce dozens of

new kids to orienteering...sorry I think my white course may have been a little bit hard.

Thanks once more to Jane and Philip, for all your help. Also Pam for your help on the

day and Derek for getting all the newbies under way. This was an awesome experience and the

feedback afterwards was valuable (Hugh) :) Georgia Creagh

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21 Open Men (29)

1 Callum Herries 9:41

2 Duncan Morrison 9:59

3 David Rawnsley 11:12

4 Ieuan Edmonds 11:24

5 Luis Slyfield 11:25

6 Matt Radford 11:38

7 Laurence de Burgh 11:55

8 Stanley Chilton 11:58

9 Andrew Bott 12:01

10 Daniel Druitt 14:12

11 Kevin Harvey 15:00

12 Brayden Stone 15:16

13 Jeremy Stone 15:37

14 Brandon Jones 15:59

15 Sean Frost 16:53

16 Heath Dinneen 16:55

17 Hunter Harding 17:03

18 William Macdonald 18:28

19 Justin Harrison 19:20

20 Darryn Scurr 21:28

21 Robbie Love 21:49

22 Finn McCool 23:09

23 Andrew Lessard 34:56

Devon Beckman mp

Jackson Plumpton mp

Fraser Geddes mp

Gary Broad mp

Charles Talbot mp

Mike Bewick dnf

Open Women (12)

1 Tessa Ramsden 12:30

2 Georgia Wedd 15:35

3 Helen Watson 15:50

4 Helen Howell 16:09

5 Sarah Baxter 16:17

6 Laura Matthews 17:50

7 Caitlin Jones 18:45

8 Kirin Harrison 18:48

9 Erica Stephens 21:55

10 Fiona Broad 24:27

11 Amelia Elphick 25:17

Sarah Gunn mp

Junior Men (56)

1 Amos Plumpton 14:40

2 Thomas Culham 14:55

3 Logan Stevenson 16:03

4 Ronan Lee 17:32

5 Taylor Harrison 18:20

6 Toby Hunter 19:00

7 Max McMurray 19:08

8 Jonty Anderson 19:20

9 Max Paku 22:27

9 Jonty Scoular 22:27

11 Daniel Harvey 22:34

12 Liam Frost 23:10

13 Max Simcox 25:31

14 Michael Young 27:06

15 Oscar Lynch 27:20

16 Charlie Moffett 27:21

17 Kingston Webb 28:41

18 Kayden Kingi 29:28

19 Callum Scott 30:15

20 Matt Durrant 30:26

21 Matthew Shepherd 30:34

22 Lucas D'Arbois 30:46

23 Mckay Stevenson 31:04

24 Liam Procuta 33:32

25 James Bailey 33:37

26 Jack Webster 33:40

27 Harry Champion 34:49

28 Keelyn Smith 34:56

29 Ben Connor 35:12

30 Levi Dyer 37:32

31 Thomas Steinmann 37:39

32 Toby Thorp 38:45

33 Tim Loughlin 38:59

34 Ian Qiu 39:07

35 Henry Hall 39:55

36 Luke Redmond 42:16

37 Henry Sinclair 42:17

38 Eli Philp 54:34

39 Jacob Driver 59:14

40 Nathan Bridge-Earney 59:43

41 Sam Mata 59:51

42 Calem Heremaia 1:04:52

Bayley Stephens-Ellison mp

Marcus Reeves mp

Archie Elliott mp

Harry Clegg mp

Matthew Harvey mp

Finn Durrant mp

Cody Montgomerie mp

Ethan Wynnw mp

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Max Stevens mp

Wayne Qiu mp

Mason Lowe mp

Samuel Thelwall dnf

Connor Molloy dnf

Harry Devine dnf

Junior Women (38)

1 Harriet Holt 14:09

2 Susan Eatson 14:28

3 Olivia Beckman 15:43

4 Siena Harrison 17:30

5 Georgia Massie 18:40

6 Catherine Foreman 24:26

7 Felicity Lane 26:49

8 Alexandra Scurr 26:51

9 Hannah Rawnsley 26:53

10 Shylah Jury 27:06

11 Olivia Heal 27:18

12 Polly Cavanagh 27:58

13 Danielle Richfield 29:56

14 Carolyne Nel 30:19

15 Phoebe Burns 30:46

16 Breanna Burgess 33:02

17 Rachael Seed 33:17

18 Sophie Eyles 33:18

19 Kate Shellard 33:21

20 Elise D'Arbois 35:05

21 Bridget Bewick 47:36

22 Jemma Barber 51:30

23 Amy Bruce 51:41

24 Kate McGrath 54:00

25 Tyler Blythe 54:12

26 Ruby Roche 1:02:14

27 Jasmine Wynne 1:04:52

Jenna Tidswell mp

Lily Stephens-Ellison mp

Olivia Caccioppoli mp

Danika Brown mp

Danielle Stephenson mp

Alexi Neville mp

Bridget Page mp

Charlotte Minor dnf

Lucy Neverman dnf

Kate Bruce dnf

Bethany Mihaka-Dyer dnf

Senior Men (27)

1 Hugh Forlong-Ford 12:57

2 Stephan Alsleben 14:02

3 Mark Plumpton 14:10

4 Geoff Morrison 14:30

5 Chris Howell 14:40

6 John Craven 15:03

7 Mark Irwin 15:09

8 Chris Beckman 15:10

9 Alan Davidson 15:12

10 Paul Jones 15:15

11 David Fisher 16:41

12 Greg Edmonds 17:41

13 David Barclay 17:45

14 Martin Geddes 18:38

15 Murray Franks 18:52

16 Stephen Wolland 19:22

17 Stephen Matthews 20:54

18 Keith Vincent 21:14

19 Tim Creagh 21:20

20 Rob Stephenson 22:57

21 Neil Plumpton 22:58

22 Glen Stone 24:39

23 Joseph Twigg 25:31

24 Ross Stone 29:14

25 Karl Iaveta 31:49

Chris Tremain mp

Andrew Burns dnf

Senior Women (16)

1 Kim Creagh 15:22

2 Heather Jones 15:39

3 Faye McDonald 17:17

4 Sue Stone 17:20

5 Karen Beckman 18:29

6 Liffey Rimmer 20:20

7 Anne Baxter 24:23

8 Amanda Shepherd 24:41

9 Dianne Keip 27:50

10 Fiona Culham 28:25

11 Kim Matthews 29:38

12 Margaret Morris 29:40

13 Sharon Mardon 40:20

Pamela Morrison mp

Helen Edmonds mp

Juliet Rawnsley dnf

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23 White (67)

1 Courtney Neilson 9:48

2 Nick Wright 9:52

3 Max Franks 11:28

4 Henry Knight 12:16

5 Kingston Webb 12:58

6 Max Neale 13:06

7 Sophie Forbes 14:07

8 Cameron Broad 14:39

9 Sophie Macredie 14:49

10 Liam Procuta 15:04

11 Connor Derham 15:48

12 Thomas Christenson 15:57

13 Evan Broad 15:59

14 Tanesha Driver 16:07

15 Charlie Broad 16:30

16 Hamish Scurr 17:51

17 Lucy Tully 17:56

18 Rebecca Irons 18:26

19 Lydia Burns 19:32

20 Liam Cook 20:08

21 Cambell Stephens 20:11

22 Abigail Shanks 20:34

23 Reeve Dooney 21:19

24 Amelia Mann 21:57

25 Ryan Stafford 23:03

26 Katherine Wells 23:45

27 Shylah Jury 25:24

28 Mekhi Miringaorangi 25:31

29 Caitlyn Frost 26:02

30 Jessica Harvey 26:21

31 Phagen Clarke-Winiata 26:49

32 Bronwyn Gunn 27:11

33 Kyra Raihania 28:12

34 Piper Baker 28:25

35 Sam Henderson 28:39

36 Sarah Taylor 29:42

37 Sage Harding 31:45

38 Jocelyn Plumpton 33:50

39 Sophia Bishop 34:47

40 Macy King 35:11

41 Alexies Tippins 35:26

42 Kate Wellington 35:40

43 Paige Wills 38:43

44 Paige Steed 41:31

45 Hayley Schuler 41:32

45 Odette Ratapu 41:32

Brooke Cameron mp

George Perry mp

Dreydon Hughes mp

Lily Manson mp

Hannah Munro mp

Louis Twigg mp

Andrew Rawnsley mp

Emily Munro mp

Brodie Hamilton mp

Charlie Hoggard mp

Nicole Bewick mp

Jessica Chystall mp

Isaac Twigg mp

Jade Montgomerie mp

Raine Horton mp

Hugo Minor mp

Reece Lister mp

Holly Payne mp

Callum Charman mp

Alex Bishop mp

Olga Bishop mp

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A warm welcome to the following new members of the club - we look forward to seeing you at future events:

Breanna Burgess

Ben Caldwell

Pippi Ellis

Tanisha Fitzgerald

Sean, Natalie, Liam & Caitlin Frost

Alice & Sam Fuller

Hunter Harding

Olivia Heal

Liam & Marcus Hurst

Hamish Hutchinson

Bianca Kirk

Finn McCool

Ray Miller

Roy, Diana, Issie & Flo Mills

Hellen, Emily & Hannah Munro

Fiona and Frances Rainbow, Yvonne Collins, Ruby Powell & David Harmer

Max Franks

Jonty Scoular

David & Tim Barclay

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25 Sprint the Bay

An interview, painfully extracted from STB supremo Duncan Morrison.

What was your favourite stage and why?

My favourite stage for STB 2014 would definitely be Stage 3 - Sacred Girls. Ross had

done an excellent job of making the map and the area, as Matt Ogden put it, was "the best

sprint terrain in NZ." Although it rained and the times were a bit long I really do think people

enjoyed the challenge. I loved putting out controls at this one, one of the more difficult exer-

cises of the weekend!

And seeing this was the last STB as we know it, I will also include my favourite all time

STB stage. After some careful thought this would have to be Stage 5 2013 - The Slip. We had

always thought that this small area was great fun to orienteer in and just as great for spectators.

As usual we try to have one or two terrain sprints as part of Sprint the Bay and 2013 was no

different. Ross once again did a great job at making the map with some fairly average base data

to go off. The weather played its part too, the drought conditions meant grass wasn't nipple

height which definitely made the area more enjoyable!

We then had a thought to enhance spectator viewing we should hold a mass start per

grade. In the super fast terrain, with lots of route choice, and on the last day of STB 2013 this

was really going to sort the men and women from the boys and girls.

So it was all set for a pretty exciting stage, but this still isn’t the reason why this was my

favourite stage.

The night before whilst bagging the maps and

writing competitors’ names on the appropriate

splits we soon realised that there had been a mix

up with printing numbers and we didn’t have

enough printed of each forking for courses 1 and

2. Luckily enough (maybe not so lucky for Mark)

we had the cell phone number for our printer. He

even replied at 4.30am when he txted us to say he

would do it first thing. Mum got nominated to

pick them up at 7.30 and bring them straight to

Rowe Road. So Ross and I got off to sleep for a

good 90 minutes before setting off for the last day

of STB 2013.

Then we had problem number two - going into

the paddock for the event centre the caravan was

too low and got stuck in the gateway. Luckily,

muscle man Ross, by himself, lifted the caravan

off the tow bar, manoeuvred the insanely heavy

thing into a better position and pulled it into the

right place. This ended up taking around 30 min-

utes which was time we definitely didn't have!

Meanwhile, Val was speeding through Hastings

with some maps fresh off the printer which still

needed bagging and naming!

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So to be perfectly honest, the main reason

why this is my favourite stage of all time is

because it’s actually quite remarkable that

we pulled it off, especially seeing that no

competitors knew of any of the trouble we

might have had!

What were some stand-out performances

for you?

Stand out performers? Over the years there

have been some performances that have

stood out, but I'm not quite sure that this fits

out into the type of "stand-out performances"

you are meaning. For instance there has been

the odd “MP the Bay,” which is a close com-

petition. That one would have to be called a

three way tie between Sean Morrison, Hugh

FF and Callum Herries. All of them have

their own style, some like to MP in just

about every stage (cough, Hugh, cough) and

others like to spread it out over just about

every year!

But as for actual performance, my stand out

is very hard to pick. I thought Tim's battle

with Matthias Muller in 2013 was really out-

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27 standing. Tim gained his highest amount of world ranking points from STB 2013 stage one in

his career to date. He really mixed it with the big international guys and that gives Ross and I

great pleasure as we feel like we provided a good platform for this to happen. Another one

which challenged for my all time best performance was that of Julian Dent in the year of the

rains. The much more fancied Norwegian Oystien Kvaal Osterbro was out in NZ, ranked in the

top 10 in the world for sprints and was going to be running STB. Before racing started I had

him as clear winner but Julian had other plans! He managed to beat the Norwegian in 4 out of

the 6 races to take the yellow singlet in quite convincing style in the end.

But the very best performance for me would have to be Toby Scott and his run at Sleep-

ing Giant (5th Stage 2012). To be completely frank, Toby never looked like winning STB after

the first 4 stages. Tim Robertson was the star of the show, running away from the field over the

first 2 days but then we got into the viscous hills of Te Mata Peak. Toby went from being

around 2 minutes behind Tim overall to taking yellow in crushing style. A flawless run cata-

pulted him from 8th into first and he held onto it to win overall.

Sprint the Bay became famous (infamous) for it's innovative event and race structures:

yellow and green singlets, knock out loops, head to head racing... Which were your fa-

vourites and why?

A few things spring to mind with this question. The obvious choice would be the col-

oured singlets. Sprint the Bay was dreamt up in Geoff’s living room in the middle of winter.

We were talking about le Tour de France and thought how great it would be to have something

similar with orienteering. From there we actually followed through and that's how we got STB

and the singlet colours! This was great for STB as I think this gave others something to race for

who perhaps weren't going to challenge for race wins. In the early STB editions we even had

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sprint or climb offs when points were tied after all

6 races! This made for some pretty exciting view-


Another innovation that we can't really claim from

a STB perspective but something that we know

was pivotal to STB's success was O-Lynx. Phillip’s

outstanding technology allowed us to show case

something that no one else had! The live results

made commentary so much easier and the profes-

sionalism that digital displays brought to the event

was so valuable. Seeing the development every

year was hugely impressive. Makes you wonder

what Phillip will be making in 5 years time!

Then what do you see in five years time? Could

STB be revived? What could fill the gap if it's


The plan is for a STB reunion or maybe even a

revival! Not sure about the time frame though. The

maps need resting and so do the organizers. We do

have some other plans in the pipeline that we may

just bring out in the meantime - I think we always

feel like we want to be doing something.

A personal goal for me is to get in behind

Katoa Po and try and help rev that up into the

awesome event that once was. That’s the imme-

diate project anyway!

As for STB and the concept... we have

heard some rumours that a few other centres

around New Zealand are interested in hold a

Sprint the Bay type event. We would love this to

happen, not just because we would like to race

in one, but also it shows that STB wasn't just

another event.

Perhaps even after a small break the HB

Orienteering community can get in behind STB

and run it as a fundraiser for something! I’m

sure we would love to help!

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29 January Members of the

Month: Burns Family How long have you been involved in orienteering? 6yr old Lydia started in a back-pack before her first birthday-so approximately 5 years. How did you get involved with orienteering? We had heard about this family focused activity from others-especially Andrew's work-colleague Philip Baker. It was just then a matter of con-sulting the web page and following the road-signs to the next event. What do you remember about your first event? Clifton-nice and local to our home, so not too risky for us to take the whole family. Fantastic weather-incredible organisation-beautiful landscape, steep hills, blackberry-and home baking. The latter was the real "icing on the top" for our three children. What courses do you usually run? Andrew (Vet now!) Orange or Red, Robyn (is she a Vet?!) Yellow; Tessa (11yrs) Yellow and done her first Orange; Phoebe (9yrs) White and now on Yellow and Lydia (6) White-with a parent in tow. What do you enjoy about orienteering? Exercise, personal challenge, incredible value for money, competition, meeting other families and privileged access to locations that otherwise are hidden from non-orienteers. If we met you during the week, what would you be doing? Andrew would be working as a specialist physician at the hospital-or fishing if there’s enough light after work. Robyn would be working in her own business managing re-tail properties, taxiing kids and riding horses whenever possible in-between. What's the first thing you pack? Extra cash for home-baking purchases-followed by shoes!

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February Member of the Month: Helen Watson

How long have you

been involved in ori-

enteering? I've been involved in

orienteering since I

could walk but I was

seven before I com-

pleted a course by my-


How did you get in-

volved with orienteer-

ing? Orienteering is a fam-

ily sport so once Mum

and Dad got into it,

how we spent our Sun-

days were pretty much


What do you remem-

ber about your first

event? Don't remember what

my first event was but

there are plenty of

memories of getting

electrocuted by electric

fences and actually punching clipcards.

What courses do you usually run? Red Medium

What do you enjoy about orienteering? It's more exciting and challenging than going for a run

If we met you during the week, what would you be doing? At the moment I’m in limbo. Finished at university and applying for jobs.

What's the first thing you pack?

Hahaha undies - can't forget those.

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