Comparison of simultaneous dual-isotope multi-pinhole SPECT

Comparison of simultaneous dual-isotope multi-pinhole SPECT with rotational SPECT in a group of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Peter P. Steele, Dennis L. Kirch, John E. Koss Western Cardiology Associates, Westminster CO Contact:Dennis L. Kirch, MSEE Western Cardiology Associates 8407 Bryant Street Westminster, CO 80031 [email protected] (e-mail) (303) 906-2112(Voice) (303) 426-8688(FAX) Contact information for first author is same as above. First author (Dr. Steele) is a physician in private practice. Total word count (including abstract): 5204 Abstract word count: 288 Captions word count: 475 Total word count: 5967 Running foot line: Multi-pinhole SPECT in patients with CAD

Transcript of Comparison of simultaneous dual-isotope multi-pinhole SPECT

Comparison of simultaneous dual-isotope multi-pinhole SPECT

with rotational SPECT in a group of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD).

Peter P. Steele, Dennis L. Kirch, John E. Koss

Western Cardiology Associates, Westminster CO

Contact:Dennis L. Kirch, MSEE

Western Cardiology Associates

8407 Bryant Street

Westminster, CO 80031

[email protected](e-mail)

(303) 906-2112(Voice)

(303) 426-8688(FAX)

Contact information for first author is same as above. First author (Dr. Steele) is a

physician in private practice.

Total word count (including abstract): 5204

Abstract word count: 288

Captions word count: 475

Total word count: 5967

Running foot line: Multi-pinhole SPECT in patients with CAD

Page 1


A triple-detector, multi-pinhole SPECT imaging system was optimally

configured to perform simultaneous Tl (stress) / Tc (rest) myocardial201 99m

perfusion imaging. A group of patients with CAD was imaged under a protocol

that permitted direct diagnostic comparison of this multi-pinhole SPECT system

with conventional rotational SPECT. Methods: Both the rotational and the multi-

pinhole SPECT systems utilized the same model gamma detectors. The two

systems were applied in tandem to study 26 patients with documented coronary

status. Visual image evaluation and quantitative analysis using circumferential

profile curves were used for interpretation of stress/rest myocardial flow

differences. A dual-peak methodology for attenuation compensation of the stress

Tl multi-pinhole SPECT images by weighted combination of the upper and201

lower Tl peaks was developed and applied to the multi-pinhole SPECT studies. 201

Results: Detection of myocardial infarction by location and extent correlated

closely between the two methodologies. Correlation of differential flow changes

between stress and rest indicated similar accuracy in terms of location and extent

of myocardial blood flow differences, as well. In addition, the application of dual-

peak attenuation compensation clarified the multi-pinhole stress Tl images in201

terms of reduced background and increased statistics and also improved the

relative superposition of the circumferential profile curves, especially for the

inferior and more basal reconstructed regions. Conclusion: The prototype three

detector multi-pinhole SPECT system applied here achieved comparable

diagnostic results and only required a single image acquisition session to generate

stress/rest myocardial perfusion images as well as 16 segment post stress gated

studies. This reduction in acquisition time significantly improves productivity

without compromising diagnostic accuracy. In addition, dual-peak attenuation

compensation is a useful adjunct to the multi-pinhole SPECT modality in that it

improves both the visual clarity of the stress images as well as stress/rest

quantitative comparability.

Key Words: myocardial perfusion imaging; SPECT; multi-pinhole collimation;

attenuation correction; circumferential profile analysis

Page 2


Myocardial perfusion imaging is a useful diagnostic tool for assessing

patients with CAD as well as those at risk for this illness. In clinical practice,

SPECT perfusion imaging is most often accomplished by rotation of large gamma

camera detector(s) about the patient. This procedure is generally conducted in

two separate stress and rest phases and compares perfusion images obtained

under rest conditions using Tc or Tl, against those obtained separately using99m 201

Tc injected during stress. Interpretation of the relative perfusion uptake99m

between stress and rest is made by visual and quantitative comparison. These

rotational SPECT perfusion images are generally accurate, but there is a

troublesome frequency of falsely negative and falsely positive results (1-3).

The multi-pinhole SPECT imaging approach, as applied here, maintains the

detectors in a stationary or fixed position throughout acquisition which has several

advantages in comparison to rotational SPECT imaging. The whole heart is

imaged continuously by all of the non-overlapping pinhole views throughout the

entire acquisition period resulting in a consistent, high-count data set for image

reconstruction. This characteristic is shared by multi-pinhole SPECT and PET

imaging. Since the introduction of multi-pinhole SPECT in 1978 by Vogel et al. (4),

several improvements have been made to the methodology. Extension of the

multi-pinhole method to multiple-headed SPECT methodology was first proposed

by Bizais et al. (5) and Koral et al. (6). Simultaneous stress/rest multi-pinhole

SPECT has also been developed (7) which allows the stress ( Tl) and resting201

( Tc) multi-pinhole images to be acquired in a single imaging session. This99m

reduces artifacts due to stress versus rest image inconsistencies caused by

patient positioning, motion or cardiac volume changes which can occur between

separate stress and rest acquisitions. More recently, a dual-peak approach for

attenuation compensation of the stress Tl images has been developed (8)201

which further improves stress/rest multi-pinhole SPECT image comparability.

In sequentially acquired rotational SPECT projections, temporal changes

lead to data inconsistencies between views. In this circumstance, the various

rotational projections see the heart under condition of changing size, shape or

position from view to view. In mathematical terms these inconsistencies produce

an ill conditioned data set containing ambiguities which will potentially generate

artifacts in the reconstructed myocardial perfusion images as described by

Bacharach (9). Compounding this problem, since the motion artifacts are not

reproducible between the separate stress and rest rotational acquisitions, these

Page 3

artifacts can potentially cause the appearance of false positive stress versus rest

flow differences in rotational SPECT reconstructions.

This type of view-to-view inconsistency cannot occur with simultaneous

stress/rest multi-pinhole SPECT imaging because all of the individual views are

acquired during the same coincidental time period. It remains true that motion

during acquisition causes blurring or resolution loss in SPECT images, but such

motion affects both the stress and rest multi-pinhole images equivalently because

both image sets are being acquired simultaneously. Therefore, patient motion of

any kind is not likely to produce the false-positive appearance of a stress/rest flow

difference in multi-pinhole SPECT images because the type of data

inconsistencies that can degrade stress/rest comparability are essentially

eliminated when both images sets are acquired together.

Additional advantages of multi-pinhole SPECT include reduced incidence

of repeat studies due to patient movement, improved patient comfort in terms of

arm positioning, increased patient throughput because only a single image

acquisition is required and a much simpler system design with fewer moving parts.

The significant gain in sensitivity reported by Funk et al. (10) for multi-pinhole over

rotational SPECT is achieved because the multiplicity of pinhole views are active

through the entire acquisition period utlizing the available detector surface area

with greater efficiency. The pinhole methodology described here also allows serial

measurement of the left ventricular contractile indices by gated analysis during

recovery from stress, high resolution gated list-mode acquisition using less activity

and dynamic acquisition of images acquired using myocardial tracers such as

Tc labeled teboroxime (11).99m

Page 4


SPECT System Configuration

The goal of this study is to compare myocardial perfusion studies

performed by multi-pinhole technique with rotational studies acquired using

equivalent multidetector SPECT systems in a group of patients with known CAD.

In order to make this comparison directly, perfusion studies were performed on

the same patients by implementing both modalities on identical triple-head Picker

Prism 3000XP SPECT systems. An unmodified system was utilized to perform

conventional rotational SPECT imaging by procedures consistent with routine

SPECT cardiac methodology. A second identical Prism 3000XP system was

modified (Fig. 1A) to perform multi-pinhole SPECT by remounting the three

detectors at fixed locations, with 67.5° angular separation between the middle

line-of-sight of each detector. The detectors were remounted with 90° rotation

from their original orientation so that the long axis of the detector was parallel to

the longitudinal axis of the patient’s body (Fig. 1B). This design optimally views the

180° LAO region surrounding the cardiac apex, thereby placing the pinholes in

closest proximity to the heart and less affected by attenuation and scatter.

By this approach, the multi-pinhole SPECT design utilizes three detectors

(each having a 250 mm by 375 mm UFOV) which were equipped with 2 by 3 view

multi-pinhole collimators (6 mm pinhole diameters) to simultaneously project a set

of 18 views onto separate 125 mm square non-overlapping regions of the

detectors. The correction tables for energy and linearity distortions were loaded

by the manufacturer’s recommended procedures but the detector uniformity

correction capability was turned off. Instead, a flood image acquired through each

collimator was used to correct for detector nonuniformity and pinhole sensitivity

variations. Data was acquired in list-mode format.

For rotational SPECT, an important aspect of our imaging protocol

concerned the fact that the patients were reclined in the supine position for 15

minutes prior to the onset of image acquisition for both the resting and stress

images. This is done to allow time for cardiovascular equilibration to occur,

thereby, reducing both respiratory motion and stabilizing the position and volume

of the left ventricle prior to rotational image acquisition. Equilibration prior to

image acquisition reduces the likelihood that the cardiac volume itself will vary

during acquisition, thereby causing inconsistencies in the rotational SPECT data

set but it does not completely eliminate the possibility that other causes of volume

change or spurious patient movement will occur (Fig. 2). Cardiac arrhythmias,

Page 5

patients dosing off and awakening, coughing and respiratory issues are just a few

of the unpredictable, uncontrollable (and often undetectable) circumstances over

which we have little control. Our simultaneous multi-pinhole SPECT acquisition

protocol, however, allows image acquisition to begin immediately following

completion of stress to facilitate the study of left ventricular contraction and

monitor volume changes during recovery from stress.

Patient Inclusion Criterion

Twenty-six patients (23 men, ages 44 to 73 years) were studied. All had

arteriographically defined CAD, and all had been clinically stable for at least four

months. This was a consecutive series with no patients excluded once stress/rest

imaging studies were completed. Patients were selected to encompass the range

of clinically expressed coronary disease which is encountered in practice.

Patients were also selected to include a range of body builds which was of

concern because the multi-pinhole camera utilized a fixed detector orientation.

Only the patient imaging table was adjustable. Weights ranged from 57 to145 kgs

and all were successfully positioned. Informed consent was reviewed and signed

by all patients according to a protocol approved by the Institutional Review Board

of Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Hospital, Denver, Colorado.

Eighteen of these patients had prior myocardial infarction which was

classified by location as apical-anterior, anterior, anterior-inferior, apical-superior,

apical-inferior, inferior, inferior-basal and posterior-basal in location. Patients were

intentionally selected for the location and extent of infarction which was defined as

a region of decreased segmental wall thickening with a history of clinically

documented infarction. Previous coronary arteriography and clinical stress testing

followed by SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging were the documentation criteria

used to identify patients for inclusion in this study. The patient group included

those with an extent of CAD from mild to severe.

Validation of the diagnostic accuracy for SPECT myocardial perfusion

imaging in application to CAD can be established in various ways. The stratified

risk of CAD can be determined (pretest likelihood of disease) in patients

presenting for clinical testing and the results of SPECT imaging results can then

be interpreted in terms of the degree of normalcy for correlation with the pretest

likelihood. In the situation where two different imaging modalities are being

compared, interpretative results can also be graded in terms of diagnostic

confidence for correlation with the clinical outcome for each patient. We have

utilized an alternative approach where the two modalities are applied to a group of

Page 6

patients in which the clinical outcome is known in advance of SPECT imaging and

the images are compared in terms of quality, as measured by interpretive

confidence and correlation with coronary arteriographic findings. This approach

makes each arteriographic segment available as a separate interpretive test

sample, effectively expanding the sample size.

We have chosen to avoid the use of rotational SPECT imaging as our

reference standard for this study, because this introduces the expectation that

images from subsequent modalities should look identical or superior but not in any

way different. The mathematic criterion for exact reconstruction of a three-

dimensional distribution function requires a fully three-dimensional sampling

geometry covering 2B steradians. This not physically achievable in the application

of SPECT to image the heart by either multi-pinhole or rotational SPECT

technique. Considering that multi-pinhole and rotational SPECT have somewhat

different sampling geometries it is expected that the reconstructed images from

these two modalities will be similar but not identical.

Coronary arteriography is not a perfect standard of comparison either.

Often, the degree to which a lower level obstruction (e.g., 50-80%) might be

expected to decrease myocardial flow does not correlate with the observed

decrease in stress induced myocardial blood flow demand. Furthermore, patent

coronary arteries in areas of infarction, patent bypass grafts and patent

angioplastic intervention do not necessarily support normal myocardial blood flow.

It is also to be expected that normal native coronary arteries can provide adequate

flow following stress testing and, therefore, the corresponding segments should

demonstrate normal perfusion images and curves.

The arteriograms were reviewed in terms of whether or not a difference in

myocardial blood flow could possibly occur in a given left ventricular segment with

exercise stress. These segments were defined as “tenable segments” in that they

represented regions of possible blood flow difference that potentially could result

from exercise stress. The clinical definition of a tenable segment required a >50%

decrease in the cross-sectional diameter of the coronary artery supplying that

segment. All patients were right coronary dominant. That is, both right coronary

and left circumflex supplied segments were present in all patients.

A tenable segment could also include a segment involved in myocardial

infarction, independent of whether the coronary artery supplying this segment was

patent or not. This is because changes in left ventricular segmental wall tension in

and around areas of infarction can also alter blood flow distribution. A tenable

Page 7

segment was also considered to be one supplied by an artery in which angioplasty

or stent placement had occurred (at least four months prior to inclusion in all

cases). This is due to the potential for various degrees of partial restenosis to

occur in arteries following intervention, as was the case for a number of patients

selected for this study. Finally, all segments where a bypass graft had been

placed during coronary bypass surgery were considered as tenable, because the

designation of “normal flow” cannot be assumed even when graft patency has

been previously established.

Four segments of each annular reconstructed short axis slice were

analyzed: anterior, inferior, posterior, and superior. The anterior segment

corresponds to the 120° interventricular septum. Inferior segments are defined as

those from the 90° arc extending toward the posterior segment from the septum.

Superior segments are those including the 90° arc extending from the superior

aspect of the septum toward the posterior wall. Posterior segments are those

encompassed by the 60° arc between the superior and the inferior segment.

Patients were selected such that up to four myocardial segments could potentially

show a blood flow difference following exercise stress (i.e., tenable segments). It

was anticipated that abnormalities in blood flow distribution would not occur in all

tenable segments with exercise. The majority of the patients in this group had

segments where blood flow maldistribution would be a virtual impossibility (i.e.,

nontenable segments).

Exercise Stress Testing and Imaging Protocol

In order to complete both multi-pinhole and rotational SPECT imaging

procedures within the same day for each patient, treadmill exercise testing was

undertaken in two sessions, performed 90-120 minutes apart to allow full

recovery. Stress testing was performed using the standard Bruce Protocol in all

cases and was intentionally symptom limited. Only two patients had myocardial

ischemic signs and symptoms during the exercise test. Exercise duration lasted

from five to twelve minutes prior to stress injection ( Tl for multi-pinhole or Tc201 99m

as tetrofosmine for rotational SPECT imaging). All injections were made exactly

one minute prior to cessation of exercise. The peak heart rate achieved during

the last minute of exercise for any individual varied by less than 5% for the paired

exercise tests.

Following the initial placement of an intravenous line, injection of 222 MBq

of Tc was made at rest. The patient was then reclined for 15 minutes on the99m

Page 8

imaging table prior to the acquisition of the resting rotational SPECT image set.

The first treadmill exercise test was then performed, with administration of 148

MBq of Tl occurring one minute prior to the end of exercise. Immediately201

following completion of exercise, the patient was reclined for simultaneous

imaging of Tl (stress) and Tc (rest) by multi-pinhole SPECT technique during201 99m

a single 20 minute imaging session. Positioning of the patient for multi-pinhole

SPECT was easily accomplished and was not limited by body habitus in any of

this patient group. The acquisition of this simultaneous image completed the

multi-pinhole portion of the study. Thus, the initial injection of the Tc agent at99m

rest provided data for the resting images for both the rotational as well as the

multi-pinhole SPECT portions of the study.

Following an adequate recovery period, the second graded treadmill

exercise test was performed with stress injection of 1100 MBq of Tc The99m

patient was then reclined in a supine position for the standard 15-minute

equilibration period prior to acquisition of the final rotational SPECT stress images.

This completed the acquisition of same-day, multi-pinhole and rotational SPECT

data. All injected isotope doses were weight adjusted and the activity levels given

here are mean values.

Data Acquisition, Reconstruction and Analysis

During multi-pinhole SPECT image acquisition, the combined stress/rest

data were streamed into a list-mode file containing the (x,y) coordinates, the

energy value of each gamma event and the R-wave trigger signals generated from

the ECG gate. Following multi-pinhole acquisition, this list-mode data file was

then reformatted (1.78 mm pixel size) for off-line correction for scatter, cross-talk,

and nonuniformity, followed by attenuation compensation of the stress Tl201

images. Reconstruction was performed (4.03 mm voxel size) by 12 iterations of

MLEM algorithm using filtered back-projection (FBP) as the initial estimate. The

same reconstruction approach was used for both the multi-pinhole as well as the

rotational SPECT reconstructions.

All rotational SPECT studies were acquired in the standard step-and-shoot

mode (40 seconds each image in 6° steps) using LEHR collimation. Rotational

images were stored in 64 by 64 pixel matrices. The acquisition pixel size and the

reconstructed voxel sizes were both 5.34 mm. This acquisition protocol supports

reconstruction of the stress gated rotational SPECT images into16 frame

animations per R-to-R interval with statistical quality comparable to that of the

multi-pinhole gated reconstructions. The cine presentation of the rotational

Page 9

images was reviewed visually prior to reconstruction to detect visible patient

motion. The 180° portion of the full 360° data acquisition, which was most

proximal to the apex of the heart, was selected from the FBP initial estimates prior

to reconstruction. Care was taken to reconstruct the rest and stress studies in a

reproducible manner that was spatially consistent between the individual stress

and rest reconstructions. Scatter and attenuation correction were not applied to

the rotational SPECT studies.

For both the rotational and multi-pinhole data, the same method of

circumferential profile analysis was applied to develop stress/rest curve pairs for

eight equally spaced short-axis annular images between the apex and the base of

the heart. Middle-of-the-wall, maximum-value tracking in 6° increments around

each short axis slice was performed using an automated program with manual

override capability. The values used to populate the curves were the average of

the maximum pixel value from the middle of the wall and the two immediately

adjacent inner and outer pixels along each of the 60 radial search lines.

Each stress and rest circumferential profile curve was initially normalized to

100% at the maximum value. Upon review of the over-plotted, normalized

stress/rest curves, if this approach resulted in plots showing the resting curve

falling significantly below the stress curve, then the point of normalization was

relocated to this anomalous region. Specifically, all portions of each stress/rest

curve pair were reviewed to detect any contiguous 30° segments in which the

resting curve was >5% below the stress curve. We consider such an occurrence

to be physiologically erroneous. This approach constrains the resting curve to be

substantially equal to or above the stress curve over every segmental portion of

the myocardium.

This same normalization process was applied to scale the intensity of the

stress and rest images prior to visual evaluation so that quantitative differences

between the curves would be consistent with the visual appearance in

corresponding regions of the myocardium. When circumferential profile curves are

normalized by simply setting the maximum uptake value of each individual curve

to 100 percent, cris-crossing patterns are frequently observed for which there is no

satisfactory explanation in the field of exercise physiology. In this circumstance,

our approach to normalization applies a constraint which prevents the resting

curve from tracking significantly below the stress curve and also eliminates the

appearance of defects in the resting images which are not seen in the stress

images (reverse redistribution). Curves and images normalized in this manner

support interpretive results which are better correlated with the clinical findings.

Page 10

Attenuation Compensation Methodology

Over the range of the energy spectrum that is useful for myocardial

perfusion imaging with Tl, there are two energetic regions (one in the lower201

energy range of 69-83 keV and a higher peak at 167.5 keV) which contain

radionuclide emissions that are useful for estimation of the attenuation

characteristics. The gamma emissions attributed to the lower and upper peaks

were additively combined by our approach (8) to achieve what we term “dual-peak

attenuation compensation.” An anthropomorphic heart phantom was used to

determine the optimal weighting for additive combination of the images from these

two peaks. This was evaluated in terms of visual and quantitative equivalence

between stress ( Tl) and rest ( Tc) multi-pinhole SPECT images. 201 99m

This approach is supported by the fact that the 140 keV energy peak of

Tc is located in between the lower and upper peaks of Tl. It is implemented99m 201

by weighting the individual images from the upper and lower Tl peaks (following201

scatter, crosstalk and uniformity correction) to have an equal number of total

scaled counts, which are then additively combined to form the attenuation

compensated stress image. This process generates composite stress multi-

pinhole Tl images that have visual and quantitative characteristics which more201

nearly correspond to those of the resting Tc multi-pinhole images. We did not99m

apply any attenuation compensation methodology to the resting Tc multi-99m

pinhole images prior to reconstruction.

Page 11


Visual interpretation of location and extent of infarction

In this study 18 of the 26 patients had a prior myocardial infarction. As

noted earlier, patients were selected to include all potential locations of infarction

and to cover a range of infarction sizes corresponding to left ventricular ejection

fractions (LVEF) ranging from 0.25 to 0.63. In all patients the location of the

infarction was consistently identified in both the multi-pinhole and rotational

SPECT images (e.g., an apical-anterior infarction in one modality was not an

anterior-superior or anterior-inferior infarction in the other imaging modality, and

so forth). Visual inspection of infarct size was comparable between the two

methodologies, although as previously reported (12-14) the appearance of defects

in the Tl multi-pinhole SPECT images was slightly larger.201

Visual interpretation of flow differences

The comparison of paired stress/rest perfusion studies in patients with prior

infarction and in those without infarction resulted in multi-pinhole and rotational

SPECT images which are clinically similar but not identical. As previously

discussed, the different sampling geometries for the two modalities influence the

specific appearance of the final reconstructed images. This is the major factor

contributing to the visual differences in the multi-pinhole and rotational short axis

images shown in our results (Figs. 2, 3 and 7).

However, these differences did not significantly effect clinical interpretation

of the studies included here because interpretation depends on relative

differences visually observed and quantified by circumferential profile analysis of

normalized stress/rest image sets (Figs. 4, 5 and 6). One observer (PS) felt that

the multi-pinhole images were generally easier to interpret and provided greater

certainty in grading abnormalities, although we recognize that this is a subjective


Circumferential profile curve analysis

Curve quantification available from the circumferential profile analysis

provides an objective means to support precise visual image evaluation. A

comparative example of the short axis images and circumferential profile curves

on the same patient for one of these studies is shown in Figure 3 and 4,

respectively. For the tenable segments there is a general agreement between the

multi-pinhole and the rotational SPECT perfusion images. Furthermore, results

from circumferential profile curve analysis of myocardial blood flow differences in

the 18 patients with documented infarction correlated well with the images

Page 12

produced by both the multi-pinhole and rotational methodologies. Thirty-seven

segments (out of 72 possible) were tenable. In rotational SPECT studies 18 of 37

(49%) showed a flow difference. For the multi-pinhole curves, 19 of 37 (51%)

demonstrated a difference that was considered significant.

Most of the blood flow differences in these patients were in segments that

also contained an infarct. There was no relationship between patency of the

infarct-related artery and the presence or the extent of flow differences. The

presence of an infarct induced scar poses another nonobstructive mechanism of

maldistribution of blood flow arising from altered myocardial wall tension. Results

of positive findings in left bundle branch block represent a similar observation. In

this small group of patients, analysis of heart rate times the blood pressure

product at the end of exercise did not correlate well with quantitative

measurements of flow differences. However, extending this concept to a larger

group of patients might prove useful. Vasodilator stress perfusion imaging might

be fruitful in correlating flow differences in areas of infarction for patients who

otherwise are difficult to evaluate clinically.

In this study group, 8 patients have not had infarction. Out of 32 possible

segments 20 were considered to have a potential flow difference with exercise

stress (tenable segments). With rotational SPECT imaging, 9 of the 20 (45%)

segments demonstrated flow differences, whereas10 of the 20 (50%) tenable

segments had a flow difference with multi-pinhole SPECT imaging. Again, the

quantitative precision obtained with circumferential profile analysis was essential

for demonstration of flow differences in segments supplied by arteries with less

severe blockages. This was demonstrated visually in the multi-pinhole images

compared with those obtained with rotational SPECT in a patient with left anterior

descending obstruction (Fig. 5).

Rotational SPECT studies demonstrated flow differences in 5 of the 26

patients (19%) who had flow differences in angiographically defined nontenable

segments. These differences (Fig. 6) occur most often in apical-superior

segments and are typically small differences that an experienced observer might

safely ignore. However, these small changes occurred in a segment that is often

supplied by the diagonal branch of the left anterior descending coronary artery,

which challenges its exclusion. None of the multi-pinhole SPECT perfusion

images had flow differences in nontenable segments.

Page 13

Attenuation Compensation

Our dual-peak approach to attenuation compensation resulted in images

with less noise, enhanced contrast (lower background) and clinically consistent

profile curves in 8 patients (31%) as compared to the multi-pinhole images without

attenuation compensation (Fig. 7). However, there were no instances in which a

diagnostic difference was revealed following application of dual-peak attenuation

compensation. It was apparent to one interpreter (PS) that diagnostic certainty

was increased by its application.

This approach utilizes intrinsic information available from the multiple

energy peaks of Tl as acquired during simultaneous stress/rest imaging.201

Therefore, no additional radiation exposure is imposed and there are no alignment

issues in registering the attenuation information with the images themselves. As

would be expected, the inferior and posterior-basal segments benefitted most

from application of dual peak attenuation compensation (Fig. 7), since they are

deeper within the thorax.

We term the process described here to be “attenuation compensation”

rather than “attenuation correction” since we have not advanced its use to

compute an attenuation map or attempted absolute quantification of myocardial

blood flow. It would be of interest to compare our dual-peak attenuation

compensation approach with attenuation maps generated by the more rigorous x-

ray computerized tomographic method because the possibility exist, with proper

validation and correlation, that this approach could be extended to achieve

absolute blood flow quantification. Supplemental data showing the compilation of

the correlative clinical information including perfusion images, circumferential

profile curves and gated analysis for all 26 patients reported on in this paper are

contained in a PowerPoint presentation which is available online at © .

Page 14


In the group of patients studied here we have demonstrated that multi-

pinhole SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging achieved comparable diagnostic

accuracy in comparison to rotational SPECT in terms of detection of the location

and size of myocardial infarction and measurement of the location and extent of

myocardial blood flow differences. By multi-pinhole technique 29 segments out of

a possible 56 tenable segments indicated a flow difference whereas 27 of these

segments showed a flow difference with rotational SPECT. The patients in our

study were selected to include many subtle flow differences in the tenable

segments, so it is difficult to know with absolute certainty whether multi-pinhole

imaging is more sensitive than rotational. It is clear, however, that in this study

group sensitivity was not compromised by the simultaneous Tc/ Tl multi-99m 201

pinhole SPECT imaging protocol.

A primary benefit of the multi-pinhole SPECT approach was born out by the

absence of the type of motion induced defects to which rotational SPECT is

subject as seen in Figure 2. If such artifactual segments are excluded, there is

little diagnostic difference between multi-pinhole and rotational SPECT camera

systems in this group of patients. The use of a 15-minute pre-image equilibration

period for rotational SPECT image acquisition is an important qualifier to this

finding. As has been reported elsewhere, commencement of rotational SPECT

imaging too soon following exercise can lead to false positive findings in rotational

SPECT due to upward creep (15) or cardiac volume changes.

Variability in cardiac position due to respiration during the rotational

imaging period may also be a factor contributing to the artifacts in rotational

images. The predominantly apical superior location is suggestive of this

possibility. Rotational images were analyzed both with and without the

commercially supplied motion correction program, but this additional analysis did

not successfully eliminate these artifacts. The higher sensitivity achieved by multi-

pinhole SPECT imaging lends itself to a motion correction scheme which is

capable of accommodating respirational motion and in preliminary studies,

correction for respiratory motion achieved resolution improvement in reconstructed

multi-pinhole SPECT images (16).

Attenuation compensation improved image quality when applied to the

multi-pinhole. In no instance was a diagnostic difference apparent between

uncompensated versus attenuation compensated multi-pinhole images.

Attenuation compensated images demonstrated lower background and the

Page 15

circumferential profile curves were less noisy in about one-third of the stress

images for the patients in this study group. In the group of patients studied here,

attenuation compensation is considered to reduce systematic error, enhance

interpretive diagnostic certainty and is easily incorporated into routine imaging

preprocessing when list-mode data is available.

Brown et al. (17), first suggested the use of the high peak of Tl to201

characterize attenuation effects. However, their approach was based on the use

of rotational SPECT with limited statistical content which only allowed identification

of specific patients whose studies would benefit from more rigorous attenuation

correction such as might be available from dual-modality SPECT/CT. The

sensitivity of the rotational SPECT camera systems used for comparative

purposes here and in the work of Brown, et al. (17), are very similar. Therefore,

our attenuation compensation approach could not be applied to the rotational

studies in this report.

The Tc activity injected (222 MBq for the simultaneous multi-pinhole99m

SPECT protocol) was chosen to provide adequate resting count statistics without

overwhelming the stress counts present in the region of the lower Tl peak (148201

MBq) with Compton scatter. At these injected activity levels the quality of the multi-

pinhole studies was maintained while reducing the imaging time by half. The

ability to generate images of this quality using the activity levels given results from

the whole heart being continuously imaged in all views simultaneously. This also

allows measurement of left ventricular volume, ejection fraction, contractile

indices, segmental wall motion and thickening to be made during recovery from

stress, representing additional measurements that can assist image interpretation.

This work also points to the future prospects that multi-pinhole SPECT can be

applied to other clinical applications such as myocardial viability, as well as true

dynamic SPECT studies of tracer kinetics leading to the ability to make absolute

measurements of myocardial blood flow.

Finally, even though significantly less Tc activity was needed for99m

simultaneous multi-pinhole SPECT imaging, equivalent diagnostic accuracy was

obtained with only a single combined stress-rest imaging session. The fact that

patient, staff and facility procedure times are reduced for multi-pinhole SPECT

without compromising diagnostic outcome is also of intrinsic value.

Page 16


Multi-pinhole SPECT as described here, using a stationary multi-detector

system, increases detection sensitivity and reduces systematic errors associated

with myocardial perfusion imaging. The improved statistical content of these

images facilitates simultaneous dual-isotope stress/rest perfusion imaging, dual-

peak attenuation compensation of the stress images, more precise stress/rest

quantification of flow differences and reduced incidence of motion induced

artifactual features in the reconstructed images.

In the patient group reported here multi-pinhole SPECT images are

comparable in diagnostic accuracy to those produced by rotational SPECT

technique, but at significantly reduced cost, improved patient comfort and an

expenditure of time and effort that is approximately one-half that of rotational

SPECT. The elimination of mechanical motion by multi-pinhole approach reduces

the complexity associated with both the manufacture and maintenance of

rotational dedicated cardiac SPECT systems.

The multi-pinhole approach also supports other diagnostic capabilities

which are difficult to perform by rotational acquisition. This is accomplished in

conjunction with the use of circumferential profile analysis which facilitates both

precise quantification of perfusion flow differences and accurate measurement of

gated cardiac performance. The ability to form all images simultaneously also

represents a significant step toward the ability to quantify dynamic tracer uptake

and washout characteristics leading to absolute flow measurements.


The authors wish to thank Drs. Bruce Hasegawa and Tobias Funk of the

University of California, San Francisco for many helpful suggestions regarding

approaches to the multi-pinhole, multidetector design and Dr. J. Keenan Brown of

Mindways Software, Inc. (Austin, Texas) who provided useful guidance on

methods for reconstruction of images generated from limited angular sampling

geometry. Mr. Al Blount provided invaluable contributions to the assembly,

calibration and technical support for operation of the Prism 3000XP as modified to

perform multi-pinhole SPECT imaging. We also wish to thank Mr. Jeffery Nobles,

Mr. Michael Adams, Todd Bublitz and Ms. Louise Renoux for their capable

technical assistance.

Page 17


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Figure 1. Picker Prism 3000XP is shown as modified for multi-pinhole cardiac SPECTperfusion imaging (A). System is shown setup for patient to be positioned “feet-in” sothat the three detectors will surround the LAO position of the heart. Detector 3 has beenremounted between detectors 1 and 2 and three detectors were rotated 90 degreesfrom the original mounting configuration. A closeup of all three detectors with pinholecollimators in place is shown in (B).

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Figure 2. Short axis reconstructions for multi-pinhole (A) and rotational (B) SPECTacquisitions performed on a patient showing an inferior-lateral defect. Resting imagesare shown above the stress images. Arrows point to an artifact caused by patientmotion which occurred during acquisition of the resting rotational SPECT images. Thistype of motion artifact is eliminated by the simultaneous multi-pinhole SPECTtechnique.

Page 21

Figure 3. Short axis reconstructions for multi-pinhole (A) and rotational (B) SPECTacquisitions performed on a patent with an anterior flow difference. Resting images areshown above the stress images. The images from the two modalities are visually andquantatively similar. (See curves in Figure 4). The same areas of anterior flowdifference are identified in both sets of images but (A) shows a larger stress defect thanthe rotational SPECT results in (B).

Page 22

Figure 4. Circumferential profile analysis of the short axis images shown in Figure 3 formulti-pinhole (A) and rotational (B) SPECT reconstructions. The same anterior regionsof flow difference are identified in both sets of curves but the multi-pinhole analysisshows greater flow differentiation (open arrows) than the rotational analysis (closedarrows).

Page 23

Figure 5. Circumferential profile analysis of the short axis slices from multi-pinhole (A)and rotational (B) SPECT acquisitions on a patient with an anterior infarct. Low levelflow differences as seen in the region of the infarct in the multi-pinhole study (openarrows) are also demonstrated to a lesser extent in the rotational study (closed arrows).

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Figure 6. Circumferential profile analysis of the short axis slices from multi-pinhole (A)and rotational (B) SPECT acquisitions on a patient with an inferior defect. The curvesfor both (A) and (B) analyses show inferior flow differences (open arrows) which areconsistent with the patient’s history. The rotational study also shows flow differences inthe superior apical region (solid arrows) which are inconsistent with the location of anyknown obstructions.

Page 25

Figure 7. Short axis reconstructions from multi-pinhole myocardial perfusion SPECTstudy demonstrating dual-peak attenuation compensation. The top row (A) shows theresting images using Tc as tetrofosmin. The simultaneously acquired Tl stress99m 201

reconstructions which combine both peaks of Tl are shown in (B). The bottom two201

rows show the separate reconstructions for the lower peak of Tl (C) and the upper201

peak in (D). The attenuation compensated stress images in (B) visually compare betterto the resting images in (A) than the stress images from the two separated thalliumpeaks shown in (C) and (D).