Comparison of products

Bold, contrasting, sans-serif header. Image takes up most of page. Bright colours. Bold font. Catches your eye. Name of featured band. Bright and bold. Draws attention. List of other bands featured to appeal to larger audience. ‘Secrets’ makes reader curious and persuades them to buy it. ‘Poster special’makes it sound more exciting.

Transcript of Comparison of products

Bold, contrasting, sans-serif header.

Image takes up most of


Bright colours. Bold font. Catches your


Name of featured band. Bright and

bold. Draws attention.

List of other bands featured

to appeal to larger audience.

‘Secrets’ makes reader curious and persuades them to

buy it.

‘Poster special’makes it

sound more exciting.

Header on background,

seperating text.

Main image takes up half of page.

Poster specials, with thumbnail


Caption on photo.

Bright colours. Bold font. Catches your


Numbers and text in different colours.

Short summaries of pages.

Main quote of article in

bold. Text aligned to

right of page.

Image takes up half of
