Comparison of Draft and Final Magazine

Comparison of my Draft Front Cover and my Final Front Cover: As you can see I have completely changed everything that was on my draft magazine. This is because I felt that my magazine could be improved and have more conventions of a pop magazine. On my first draft I have included a little photo at the bottom of the page, this was a photo that went with one of my sell lines however after observing my front cover I noticed that this sell line didn't really link to music. Therefore I decided to change all my sell lines. Also when placing these sell lines on my draft magazine. I didn’t really think through how to place them, as you can see the sell lines are quite difficult to read as they are on top of the main image. Therefore for my final magazine I have put boxes on the sell lines that are placed on top of the main image. Also on my final magazine I have included a puff and extras with other pop artists, I have also changed the colour of the pop artists to make the front cover stand out more. I have also gone back to using my original main image. This is because I felt it filled the page more. In my final magazine I have also made sure the fonts are bigger and clearer to read.


Comparison of Draft and Final Magazine

Transcript of Comparison of Draft and Final Magazine

Page 1: Comparison of Draft and Final Magazine

Comparison of my Draft Front Cover and my Final Front Cover:

As you can see I have completely changed everything that was on my draft magazine. This is because I felt that my magazine could be improved and have more conventions of a pop magazine. On my first draft I have included

a little photo at the bottom of the page, this was a photo that went with one of my sell lines however after observing my front cover I noticed that this sell line didn't really link to music. Therefore I decided to change all my sell lines. Also when placing these sell lines on my draft magazine. I didn’t really think through how to place them, as you can see the sell lines are quite difficult to read as they are on top of the main image. Therefore for my final magazine I have put boxes on the sell lines that are placed on top of the main image. Also on my final magazine I have included a puff and extras with other pop artists, I have also changed the colour of the pop artists to make the front cover stand out more. I have also gone back to using my original main image. This is because I felt it

filled the page more. In my final magazine I have also made sure the fonts are bigger and clearer to read.

Page 2: Comparison of Draft and Final Magazine

Comparison of my Draft Contents and my Final Contents:

When creating my draft contents page I didn't have any photos, this is because I hadn't been to any concerts, therefore I attended a few concerts where I was able to take photos and put on my final magazine. By having

these photos on the contents page attracts my target audience to read more articles in the magazine. This is also because my photos are of well known artists who are very popular in the music industry. I have kept my band and artists index in the same place although I did change the colour of the page numbers in order for them to stand out more to the reader. On my final contents page I have added a review, this is because I felt that my draft copy was to simple and plain therefore I did some more research and looked at other existing contents pages where I then came across Q magazine with a review on the contents page. I have kept the subscribe and editors note on my final magazine as I believe these are one of the most important features on a contents page as some readers

would prefer to read extra articles online. This could be via the website or the social networking sites.

Page 3: Comparison of Draft and Final Magazine

I have changed a lot from my draft double page spreads to my final double page spreads, this is because my draft didn’t contain a headline or a subheading, therefore the readers wouldn't know what the article would be talking about. I have stuck to the same colour

scheme and have used purple font for the questions being asked and a black font for the replies. This clearly shows the reader which are the questions and make them stand out from the text. I have used a variety of different photos on my final double page spread as these

highlight how my artists are like, they are shown to be relaxed. I have also changed the pull quotes used from my draft to my final as in my draft the pull quotes where too long and from my research the pull quotes tend to be small words from a questions. I have used the same photo on my last page as I did on my last page on my draft, I have used this photo as the background of the image is blurred out which

allowed me to have text and other images on top of it. On my final magazine I have also included the website at the bottom of each page and made the photos bigger to stand out. I have also re positioned my pull quotes to more of the centre of the page.