Comparison Between House of Commons and House of Lords (4)

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Transcript of Comparison Between House of Commons and House of Lords (4)

  • 8/10/2019 Comparison Between House of Commons and House of Lords (4)


    Contents Introduction

    Origin of the House of Lords Origin of the House of Commons

    Composition of both the Houses


    Relationship with government

    Powers of the Houses


  • 8/10/2019 Comparison Between House of Commons and House of Lords (4)


  • 8/10/2019 Comparison Between House of Commons and House of Lords (4)


    COMPARI O! "#$%##! $H# HO& # LOR'

    A!' $H# HO& # OF COMMO! (

    PR#PAR#' FOR)

    ir Hassan Masood

    Political cience 'epartment

    PR#PAR#' "*)

    Abuba+ar addi,ue


    0overnment College &niversit1


  • 8/10/2019 Comparison Between House of Commons and House of Lords (4)


    COMPARI O! "#$%##! HO& # OF LOR'

    A!' HO& # OF COMMO!


    The House of Commons is the popularly elected component of Parliament, consisting of

    650 members. Members of the government sit in, and are answerable to the House of

    ommons. Most ma!or government legislation is introduced in the House. The House of

    ommons alone is constitutionally authori"ed to introduce legislation concerned with the

    raising or spending of funds. The House is also a place where MPs hold the government

    to account, discuss national issues, and represent constituents# views. The $% public

    elects 650 Members of Parliament &MPs' to represent their interests and concerns in the

    House of ommons. MPs consider and propose new laws, and can scrutini"e government

    policies by as(ing ministers )uestions about current issues either in the ommons

    hamber or in ommittees.

    The House of Lords is the upper house of the Parliament of the $nited %ingdom. *i(ethe House of ommons, it meets in the Palace of +estminster. ills can be introduced

    into either the House of *ords or the House of ommons and members of the *ords may

    also ta(e on roles as -overnment Ministers. The House of *ords has its own support

    services, separate from the ommons, including the House of *ords *ibrary.

    $nli(e the elected House of ommons, most new members of the House of *ords are

    appointed. Membership of the House of *ords is made up of *ords piritual and *ords

    Temporal. There are currently /6 *ords piritual who sit in the *ords by virtue of theirecclesiastical role in the established hurch of ngland. The *ords Temporal ma(e up the

    rest of the membership1 of these, the ma!ority are life peers who are appointed by the

    Monarch on the advice of the Prime Minister, or on the advice of the House of *ords

    2ppointments ommission.

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    Origin of the House of Lords)

    Thee origins of the House of ommons date from the second half of the 34th century,

    when landholders and other property owners in the counties and towns began sending

    representatives to Parliament to present grievances and petitions to the (ing and to accept

    commitments to the payment of ta es. n the 37th century the (nights and burgesses

    chosen as representatives &i.e., the commons' began sitting in a separate chamber, or

    8house,9 from that used by the nobles and high clergy &i.e., the lords'.

    The House of *ords was initially the more powerful of the two houses, but over the

    centuries its powers gradually diminished. y the late 3:th century, the House ofommons had gained the sole right to initiate ta ation measures. The House of *ords

    retained its veto power over bills passed by the ommons, however, and in 3;4/ the only

    recourse of the *iberal Party government was to threaten to flood the House of *ords

    with new *iberal peers in order to prevent it from re!ecting that government#s

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    Origin of the House of Commons)

    The origins of the House of ommons date from the second half of the 34th century,

    when landholders and other property owners in the counties and towns began sending

    representatives to Parliament to present grievances and petitions to the (ing and to accept

    commitments to the payment of ta es. n the 37th century the (nights and burgesses

    chosen as representatives &i.e., the commons' began sitting in a separate chamber, or

    8house,9 from that used by the nobles and high clergy &i.e., the lords'.

    The House of *ords was initially the more powerful of the two houses, but over the

    centuries its powers gradually diminished. y the late 3:th century, the House of

    ommons had gained the sole right to initiate ta ation measures. The House of *ordsretained its veto power over bills passed by the ommons, however, and in 3;4/ the only

    recourse of the *iberal Party government was to threaten to flood the House of *ords

    with new *iberal peers in order to prevent it from re!ecting that government#s

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    The *ords Temporal ma(e up the rest of the membership1 of these, the ma!ority are life

    peers who are appointed by the Monarch on the advice of the Prime Minister, or on the

    advice of the House of *ords 2ppointments ommission.

    Membership was once a birthright of hereditary peers. Aollowing a series of reforms, =/

    members &as of 3 Buly /033' still sit by virtue of a hereditary peerage. ince males can

    only inherit the vast ma!ority of hereditary peerages, only one of these =/ is currently a

    woman. The number of members is not fi ed1 as of 33 Bune /03/ the House of *ords has

    :64 members &not including 7= who are on leave of absence or are otherwise dis)ualified

    from sitting', unli(e the House of ommons, which has a 650?seat fi ed membership.

    everal different )ualifications apply for membership of the House of *ords. Co person

    may sit in the House of *ords if under the age of /3. Aurthermore, only citi"ens of the

    $nited %ingdom, ommonwealth citi"ens, and citi"ens of reland may sit in the House of

    *ords. The nationality restrictions were previously more stringent@ under the 2ct of

    ettlement 3:03, and prior to the ritish Cationality 2ct 3=7;, only natural?born sub!ects

    were )ualified.

    +omen were e cluded from the House of *ords until the *ife Peerages 2ct, passed in

    3=5; to address the declining number of active members, made possible the creation of

    peerages for life. +omen were immediately eligible and four were among the first life

    peers appointed. However, hereditary peeresses continued to be e cluded until the

    passage of the Peerage 2ct 3=64. ince the passage of the House of *ords 2ct 3===,

    hereditary peeresses remain eligible for election to the $pper House1 there are two among

    the =0 hereditary peers who continue to sit.

    9enis ic0 Constitution of 2.351 ford: ;oo/land0 %!%80 -. 7
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    Composition of House of Commons)

    The average age of MPs following the election has fallen slightly to 50 years old.

    Dver the last 40 years the average age of MPs following elections has remained stable

    around this level, though perhaps contrary to the opinion of some long?serving Members.Eespite increases in the ethnic diversity of MPs, the number of women and a fall in the

    average age, the Fpopulation# of the House of ommons remains very different to the $%

    population it serves. ome of the most mar(ed differences between the $% population

    and MPs are seen in education. =0G of MPs are university graduates, compared with

    /0G across the adult population. Dver a )uarter of MPs went to D ford or ambridge.

    More than one?third of MPs elected in /030 attended fee paying schools &including

    twenty Dld stonians', compared with less than 30G of the adult population. The House

    of ommons is more reflective of the population it represents than ever before.

    However, it remains the case that more than 700 MPs, 6/G of the total, are white men

    aged over 70.

    Functions of House of Commons and House of Lords)

    3' Parliaments Role)

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    Parliament is an essential part of $% politics. ts main roles are@

    amining and challenging the wor( of the government &scrutiny'

    Eebating and passing all laws &legislation'

    nabling the government to raise ta es

    $he two2House s1stem)

    The business of Parliament ta(es place in two Houses@ the House of ommons and the

    House of *ords.

    Chec+ing the wor+ of government)

    Parliament e amines and challenges the wor( of government.


    Parliament is responsible for approving new laws &legislation'.


    oth Houses of Parliament hold debates in which Members discuss government policy,

    proposed legislation and current issues.

    Rules and customs)

    The origins of Parliament go bac( to the 34th century, so there are many rules about how

    it runs.

    $raditions of Parliament)

    2 number of traditions are involved in the wor(ing of Parliament.

    Parliament and government)

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    Parliament and government both play a part in forming the laws of the $nited %ingdom.

    Parliament and Crown)

    2long with the House of ommons and the House of *ords, the rown is an integral part

    of the institution of Parliament.

    'evolved Parliaments and Assemblies)

    $% devolution created a national Parliament in cotland, a national 2ssembly in +ales

    and a national 2ssembly in Corthern reland.


    The $% is one of /; member states of the uropean $nion and is sub!ect to uropean

    $nion & $' legislation.

    /' Legislation)

    Dne of Parliament s main roles is debating and passing laws.

    %h1 are new laws needed3

    Aind out why new laws are made and how they are developed.

    'raft "ills)

    Eraft ills are ills issued for consultation before being formally introduced to



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    2 ill is a proposal for a new law, or a proposal to change an e isting law that is

    presented for debate before Parliament.

    Passage of a "ill)

    How does a ill become an 2ctI Aind out the stages a ill goes through before it

    becomes law.


    2n 2ct of Parliament creates a new law or changes an e isting law.

    'elegated legislation)

    Eelegated or secondary legislation is usually concerned with detailed changes to the law

    made under powers from an e isting 2ct of Parliament.

    $he Parliament Acts)

    2lthough rarely used, the Parliament 2cts provide a way of solving disagreement

    between the ommons and the *ords.

    Method of Legislation)

    ills may be introduced in either house, though controversial bills normally originate in

    the House of ommons. The supremacy of the ommons in legislative matters is assured

    by the Parliament 2cts, under which certain types of bills may be presented for the

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    y a custom that prevailed even before the Parliament 2cts, only the House of ommons

    may originate bills concerning ta ation or upply. Aurthermore, supply bills passed by

    the House of ommons are immune to amendments in the House of *ords. n addition,

    the House of *ords is barred from amending a bill so as to insert a ta ation or supply?

    related provision, but the House of ommons often waives its privileges and allows the

    *ords to ma(e amendments with financial implications. $nder a separate convention,

    (nown as the alisbury onvention, the House of *ords do not see( to oppose legislation

    promised in the -overnment s election manifesto. Hence, as the power of the House of

    *ords has been severely curtailed by statute and by practice, the House of ommons are

    clearly the most powerful branches of Parliament.

    $he House of Lords debates legislation, and has power to amend or re!ect bills.However, the power of the *ords to re!ect a bill passed by the House of ommons is

    severely restricted by the Parliament 2cts. $nder those 2cts, certain types of bills may be

    presented for the

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    Relationship with the 0overnment Of House Of Commons)

    2lthough it does not formally elect the prime minister, the position of the parties in the

    House of Commons is of overriding importance. y convention, the prime minister is

    answerable to, and must maintain the support of, the House of ommons.

    Thus, whenever the office of prime minister falls vacant, the overeign appoints the

    person who has the support of the House, or who is most li(ely to command the support

    of the HouseJnormally the leader of the largest party in the ommons.

    &The leader of the second?largest party becomes the *eader of the Dpposition.' ince

    3=64, by convention, the prime minister is always a member of the House of ommons,

    rather than the House of *ords.

    The *ower House may indicate its lac( of support for the -overnment by re!ecting a

    Motion of confidence or by passing a Motion of no confidence. onfidence and no

    confidence motions are sometimes phrased e plicitly, for instance@ >That this House has

    no confidence in Her Ma!esty s -overnment.> Many other motions were considered

    confidence issues, even though not e plicitly phrased as such. n particular, important

    bills that form a part of the -overnment s agenda were formerly considered matters of

    confidence, as is the annual udget. +hen a -overnment has lost the confidence of the

    House of ommons, the prime minister is obliged to either resign, ma(ing way foranother MP who can command confidence, or re)uest the monarch to dissolve

    Parliament, thereby precipitating a general election. Parliament normally sits for a

    ma imum term of five years. Aormerly, the prime minister was able to choose the timing

    of the dissolution of parliament up until this time had elapsed with the permission of the

    Monarch. However, since the Ai ed?term Parliaments 2ct, terms are now a fi ed at five

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    years, with only a vote of no?confidence or a two?thirds ma!ority able to bring about an

    early general election.

    Relationship with the 0overnment of House of Lords)

    The House of *ords does not control the term of the Prime Minister or of the

    -overnment. Dnly the *ower House may force the Prime Minister to resign or call

    elections by passing a motion of no confidence or by withdrawing supply. Thus, the

    House of *ords oversight of the government is limited.

    The House of *ords remains a source for !unior ministers and members of government.

    *i(e the House of ommons, the *ords also have a -overnment hief +hip as well as

    several Bunior +hips. +here a government department is not represented by a minister in

    the *ords or one is not available, government whips will act as spo(esmen for them

    4' Committee 1stem)

    The Parliament of the $% uses committees for a variety of purposes, e.g., for the review

    of bills. ommittees consider bills in detail, and may ma(e amendments. ills of great

    constitutional importance, as well as some important financial measures, are usually sent

    to the > ommittee of the +hole House>, a body that includes all members of the

    ommons. nstead of the pea(er, the hairman or a Eeputy hairman of +ays and

    Means presides. The ommittee meets in the House of ommons hamber.

    Most bills were until /006 considered by tanding ommittees, which consisted of

    between 36 and 50 members. The membership of each tanding ommittee roughlyreflected the strength of the parties in the House. The membership of tanding

    ommittees changed constantly1 new Members were assigned each time the committee

    considered a new bill. There was no formal limit on the number of tanding ommittees,

    but usually only ten e isted.

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    ommittee, which investigated and held hearings on the issues raised. n Covember

    /006, Public ill ommittees replaced tanding ommittees.

    The House of ommons also has several Eepartmental elect ommittees. The

    membership of these bodies, li(e that of the tanding ommittees, reflects the strength of

    the parties. ach committee elects its own hairman. The primary function of a

    Eepartmental elect ommittee is to scrutini"e and investigate the activities of a

    particular government department.

    To fulfill these aims, it is permitted to hold hearings and collect evidence.

    ills may be referred to Eepartmental elect ommittees, but such a procedure is

    seldom used.

    2 separate type of elect ommittee is the Eomestic ommittee. Eomestic ommittees

    oversee the administration of the House and the services provided to Members.

    Dther committees of the House of ommons include Boint ommittees &which also

    include members of the House of *ords', the ommittee on tandards and Privileges

    &which considers )uestions of parliamentary privilege, as well as matters relating to the

    conduct of the members', and the ommittee of election &which determines the

    membership of other committees'.

    Much of the wor( of the House of ommons and the House of *ords ta(es place in

    committees, made up of around 30 to 50 MPs or *ords. These committees e amine issues

    in detail, from government policy and proposed new laws, to wider topics li(e the

    economy. 'checked/topic/1!(("0/'ritishconstit%tion
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    elect Committees)

    elect ommittees wor( in both Houses. They chec( and report on areas ranging fromthe wor( of government departments to economic affairs.

    4oint Committees)

    Boint ommittees are committees consisting of MPs and *ords.

    0eneral Committees 5including Public "ill Committees6)

    These committees are uni)ue to the ommons and mainly loo( at proposed legislation in

    detail. They include all committees formerly (nown as tanding ommittees. The House

    of ommons has three -rand ommittees

    0rand Committees)

    The ommons has three -rand ommittees, which loo( at )uestions on cotland, +ales

    and Corthern reland. -rand ommittees in the *ords debate ills outside the *ords


    7' Prime Political Forum)

    The most general and pervasive function is that the House of ommons provide the

    prime political forum in the country. n other words, it amounts to a convenient &and

    usually non?violent' setting for the e change of views between -overnment and

    opposition. This idea of a political forum in theory is ta(en further in reality in that

    following a -eneral lection, the choice of -overnment is a matter for the ommons in

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    the senses that@ The leader of the party with the greatest number of MPs &not necessarily

    the greatest number of votes' is e pected to become Prime Minister

    Prime Minister then chooses the political heads of the -overnment &the abinet and

    Ministers' from e isting ommons Members of Parliament &though there are also about

    /5 out of about 3/0 chosen from the House of *ords'. This picture of the ommons as a

    direct bro(er of -overnments is probably e aggerated. The lectorate now largely

    determines the choice, so that the -overnment is really settled on election night and not a

    wee( or so later when Parliament actually assembles ? unless perhaps no party wins an

    overall ma!ority. The conflicting interpretations being presented here have been

    categori"ed as two different models

    $ he Westminster model ? power flows from the electorate to Parliament that chooses and

    controls the e ecutive.

    The Whitehall model ? the electorate chooses the -overnment and Parliament is there to

    confirm that choice as an electoral college and then to serve -overnment and ensure it

    wor(s effectively in accordance with its mandate. The role of MPs is on this view to

    facilitate and improve -overnment programmer by e ploring and testing them but

    ultimately approving them. n short, Parliament is a critical rather than governmental body.

    5' CR&$I!* OF POLICI# A!' A'MI!I $RA$IO!)

    The ommons ne t has the tas( of scrutini"ing the -overnment s policies and

    administration of its policies. 2gain note that Parliament has few policies of its own andcertainly no coherent overall programmed which rivals that of the -overnment ? its

    functions are mainly to e amine and react to the -overnment s policies and actions. The

    alternative to the -overnment is the Dfficial Dpposition not Parliament per se.

    This point is well made by Bohn tuart Mill@

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    "Instead of the function of governing, for which is radically unfit, the

    proper office of a representative assembly is to watch and control the


    Parliament is e pected to sustain, scrutini"e and influence rather than bloc( -overnment.

    2fter all, most MPs are elected on the basis that they support the -overnment s policies.

    Parliament thus provides legitimating for -overnment in the sense that its approval can

    be seen as representing the assent of the electorate.

    6' pecific Readdress)

    The final tas( of the ommons is the redress of specific grievances. 2ll MPs, even the

    Prime Minster, are elected by a specific locality &constituency' in which they are the sole

    representative and lin( with Parliament. t follows that they are seen as having

    constituency interests and responsibilities. n other words, they as( )uestions or raise

    matters in debate concerning the problems of their area and constituents. This wor( is

    often done informally and behind the scenes by meetings in the constituency and by

    letters to, and discussion with, Ministers or civil servants

    4udicial Role of House of Lords)

    The !udicial functions could also be e ercised by *ords of 2ppeal &other members of the

    House who happened to have held high !udicial office'. Co *ord of 2ppeal in Drdinary or

    *ord of 2ppeal could sit !udicially beyond the age of seventy?five. The enior *ord of

    2ppeal in Drdinary and his or her deputy, the econd enior *ord of 2ppeal in Drdinary,

    supervised the !udicial business of the *ords.

    The !urisdiction of the House of *ords e tended, in civil and in criminal cases, to appeals

    from the courts of ngland and +ales, and of Corthern reland. Arom cotland, appeals

    were possible only in civil cases1 cotland s High ourt of Busticiary is the highest court

    in criminal matters. The House of *ords was not the $nited %ingdom s only court of last

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    resort1 in some cases, the Budicial ommittee of the Privy ouncil performs such a

    function. The !urisdiction of the Privy ouncil in the $nited %ingdom, however, is

    relatively restricted1 it encompasses appeals from ecclesiastical courts, disputes under the

    House of ommons Eis)ualification 2ct 3=:5, and a few other minor matters. ssues

    related to devolution were transferred from the Privy ouncil to the upreme ourt in


    The twelve *aw *ords did not all hear every case1 rather, after +orld +ar cases were

    heard by panels (nown as 2ppellate ommittees, each of which normally consisted of

    five members &selected by the enior *ord'. 2n 2ppellate ommittee hearing an

    important case could consist of more than five members. Though 2ppellate ommittees

    met in separate committee rooms, !udgments were given in the *ords hamber itself. Cofurther appeal lay from the House of *ords, although the House of *ords could refer a

    >preliminary )uestion> to the uropean ourt of Bustice in cases involving an element of

    uropean $nion law, and a case could be brought at the uropean ourt of Human

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    House. 2 member standing up, possibly intervening on another member, and moving the

    motion without notice brings them into play. +hen the debate is getting e cessively

    heated, it is open to a member to move >that the tanding Drder on 2sperity of peech be

    read by the ler(>.

    pea+ers 'ecision Rule)

    pea+er 'enison7s rule is a constitutional convention established by 3=th century

    pea(er of the ritish House of ommons Bohn venly Eenison, regarding how the

    pea(er decides on his casting vote in the event of a tie.

    The principle is to always vote in favor of further debate, or, where no further debate is

    possible, to vote in favor of the status )uo. Aor e ample, the pea(er will vote@

    n favor of early readings of bills

    2gainst amendments to bills

    2gainst the final enactment of a bill

    2gainst motions of no confidence

    The thin(ing behind the rule is that change should only occur if an actual ma!ority vote in

    favor of change. o say a bill was introduced to ban all blue cars. f the vote in the House

    of ommons was 403?400 in favors, then Parliament wants to ban blue cars and blue cars

    are banned. ut if the vote was tied on 400?400, then it cannot be said that Parliament

    wants to ban blue cars, so why should blue cars be bannedI

    pea(er Eenison s rule is now a guiding principle in many other bodies, which have

    neutral chairpersons.

    9enis ic0 Constitution of 2.351 ford: ;oo/land0 %!%80 -. 7%%.

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    Resignation from the "ritish House of Commons)

    Members of Parliament sitting in the House of ommons in the $nited %ingdom are

    technically forbidden to resign. To circumvent this prohibition, a legal fiction is used.

    2ppointment to an >office of profit under the rown> dis)ualifies an individual from

    sitting as a Member of Parliament &MP'.


    Hence the House of Commons is the lower house of the Parliament of the $nited%ingdom which, li(e the House of *ords &the upper house', meets in the Palace of

    +estminster. The ommons is an elected body consisting of 650 members (nown as

    Members of Parliament &MPs'. Members are elected to represent constituencies by first?

    past?the?post and hold their seats until Parliament is dissolved.

    2 House of ommons of ngland evolved at some point in ngland during the 37th

    century, becoming the House of ommons of -reat ritain after the political union with

    cotland in 3:0: and in the nineteenth century the $nited %ingdom of -reat ritain and

    reland after the political union with reland before assuming its current title after

    independence was given to the rish Aree tate in 3=//.

    $nder the Parliament 2ct 3=33, the *ords power to re!ect legislation was reduced to a

    delaying power. The -overnment is primarily responsible to the House of ommons and

    the prime minister stays in office only as long as he or she retains its support.

    $he House of Lords scrutini"es ills that have been approved by the House ofommons. t regularly reviews and amends ills from the ommons. +hile it is unable

    to prevent ills passing into law, e cept in certain limited circumstances, it can delay

    ills and force the ommons to reconsider its decisions. n this capacity, the *ords act as

    a constitutional safeguard that is independent from the electoral process. n addition to its

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    role as the upper house, until the establishment of the upreme ourt in /00=, the House

    of *ords, through the *aw *ords, acted as the final court of appeal in the $% !udicial


    The ueen s peech is delivered from the House of *ords during the tate Dpening of

    Parliament. The House also has a hurch of ngland role, in that hurch Measures must

    be tabled within the House through the *ords piritual.

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    "ibliograph1) -rofessor .A ali/ 0 1utlines of the constitution of the 2nited 3in4dom 56ahore: -ld-ublisher0 #$ 780.

    +ade K Philip, nglish onstitutional *aw &Pld Publisher@ oo(land, /03/', pp. 467?465.s

    9enis ic0 Constitution of 2.351 ford: ;oo/land0 %!%80 -. 7


    1. htt&:''www.merriam,'dictionary'democracy(. htt&:'''=uestion'inde (

    =id)#$$ AA?=@tb.

    parliamentary_system". !0"#!!!").!. 'checked/topic/1!(("0/dictatorship#. www.salcom&.ca' les'>#'7,9ictatorshi&B#$N T$%.doc*. htt&:''www.&'en4'articles'diDerence,between,

    &residential,and,&arliamentary,form,of,4ovt.html+. htt&:'''articles'dictatorshi&,vs,democracy.html10. htt&:''www.&ildat.or4'-ublications'&ublication'S9R'Assessmentofthe?u

    alityof9emocracyin-a/istan Gear#$ #.&df

    [email protected](NessayN2liG/0 )bal.pdf
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