
comparision Sleeveface VS Dear Photograph



Transcript of Comparision

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comparisionSleeveface VS Dear Photograph

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What they are?Both are elements of online photography- uploading and experiementing with photography. Both use photography to manipulate a meaning. Sleeveface manipulates the mind into believing the record head imitates the character on the ‘sleeve’ as if they are really them. Whilst Dear Photograph is more sentimental. It is made to create memories, reminding people of the time it was shot and how things have changed now.

“Sleeveface is a photo of one or more persons obscuring or augmenting any part of their body with record sleeve(s) causing an illusion and extending the original artwork”

Dear Photograph “Take a picture of a picture from the past in the present.”

However, we believe both of which is a new and social form of art- participantary media.

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BOOKBoth companies have produced a book exploring their new found types of art.

Sleeveface; Be the VinylSleeveface; Be the Vinyl, is a book written by founder Carl Morris and friend John Rostron explaining how

Sleeveface came about, how to do it and showing examples of peoples’


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bookBoth companies have produced a book exploring their new found types of art. Dear PhotographDear Photograph is a book made by

Taylor Jones (founder of the idea) which involves many of uploads made by

thousands global sharing their experiences. It is seen as huge

photoalbum where the maker writes to the book (the world) what they are

thinking looking at the photograph now. We believe it is highly sentimental unlike Sleeveface, which is how it differs in meaing. Amazon:

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Type of art

We believe these examples of Online Photography emphrasises the opportunity Social sites have given us to create a style and new found type of art which everyone can participate and be a part of.

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STYLE OF ARTSleeveface examples:

Eircom TV advertisement using Sleeveface as an inspiration

Performance using Sleeveface strategy

to create comedy.

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social sites

SLEEVEFACE and Dear Photograph both have become phoenomens through sites such as Youtube and Facebook which is how others have engaged to them.

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Both Sleeveface and Dear Photograph have a Youtube account meaning their work can be viewed publicly by anyone on Youtube. Here they have a channel where they can have subscribers also so

can see their recent uploads on their newsfeed. As you can see Sleeveface have uploads showing their success by intervirews by

huge channels such as BBC1; ‘This Morning’ and the Channel 5 news. Here the manage to give even more information about what sleeveface is acknowledging their blog so

more people can look it up!

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Dear Photograph also has a Youtube channel;Here they have uploads of interviews of

people who have read their book and have had their photographs involved within it. This promotes the book and the whole idea of the

project.They also have videos edited of memories of the summer and fall

which have been merged together.

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ThE BLOGSBoth sites have blogs to exhibit and gather people together connected using their photography concept so everyone can be a part of their idea.

They have links to Social sites to promote this further such as Facebook and Twitter and have the ability to upload and comment on one anothers responses.

Both blogs includes a mentioning of their book (promoting) and the main page involves a scroll bar of the responses to show what the project is.

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Examples of responses”:

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