COMPARING THE VEMP AND ENG TESTS IN ......Vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) testing...

We evaluated 166 patients complaining of dizziness with a complete neurotologic history and physical examination with evaluation for spontaneous nystagmus, head-shake nystagmus, gaze nystagmus, and the Hallpike maneuver. ENG testing and MRI scanning were done when clinically indicated and used to determine a diagnosis. We completed VEMP and ENG testing on 160 of these patients. We utilized either a head lift (Figure 2) or head turn (Figure 3) protocol to obtain SCM contraction for VEMP testing. VEMP testing was done with a 500 Hz Blackman pip stimulus at a level of 105 dBnHL and a rate of 8.3/s using an evoked potential unit (Grason-Stadler, Madison, WI). Two repetitions of 100 sweeps were completed for each side. The peak to peak amplitude (P 1 to N 1 ), and latency of P 1 were recorded for each waveform, and the values of the two runs were averaged. AR was calculated using the formula: (A1-A2)/(A1+A2)*100, where A1 and A2 are the average of the amplitudes from the left and right ears, subtracting the smaller from the larger side. The AR was considered normal if <30% (negative test), and abnormal if ≥30 % (positive test). If the latency of P 1 was >17ms we considered it positive for central vestibular dysfunction (CVD). Computerized ENG testing was done with a calibrated air irrigator and the CHARTR ENG system (ICS Medical, Schaumburg, IL) using surface electrodes in the standard montage and using bithermal caloric irrigation. 2 Vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) testing evaluates saccular and inferior vestibular nerve function with an auditory stimulus and measures the vestibulospinal reaction. 1 The VEMP test represents an opportunity to expand our ability to examine the vestibular system, but there is little information on its clinical usefulness. Electronystagmography (ENG) is the gold standard for vestibular testing, and it measures superior vestibular nerve function with caloric irrigation. 2 We hypothesized that ENG testing would be more clinically useful than VEMP testing in the diagnosis of vestibular disorders. The VEMP response produces a reliable modulation of the electromyogram (EMG) showing a biphasic positive (P 1 ) and negative wave (N 1 ) that occurs at approximately 14 ms and 23 ms at the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle. Figure 1 shows a normal VEMP recording for both ears. A decrease in amplitude, creating an asymmetry, is seen in peripheral vestibular paretic lesions such as vestibular neuronitis and Meniere’s disease. An increased amplitude, decreased latency, and decreased threshold are seen in peripheral vestibular irritative lesions such as Meniere’s disease (recovery phase) and superior canal dehiscence syndrome. Increased latency of P 1 and N 1 is noted in central vestibular dysfunction. 3 COMPARING THE VEMP AND ENG TESTS IN VESTIBULAR DIAGNOSIS Sanjay A. Bhansali, M.D., Toni M. Landau, M.A., CCC-A Ear Consultants of Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia, USA INTRODUCTION MATERIALS AND METHODS Forty-four of the 160 patients tested had no VEMP response (Figure 4) and were excluded from the study. Analysis of the remaining 116 patients revealed 75 (64%) patients had a peripheral vestibular disorder, 10 (9%) had central vestibular disease, and 31 (27%) had a non-vestibular diagnosis. Some of the patients had more than one vestibular condition (eg., BPPV and VN); therefore the number of cases is larger than the number of patients. We compared the clinical diagnosis of four commonly seen vestibular conditions (see Table 1) to the VEMP test result and separately to the ENG test result to see if either test showed a greater sensitivity or specificity for these disorders. The data for the VN group are shown in Tables 2a and 2b. Only the ENG test results achieved a high statistical confidence level in the diagnosis of VN. Also, the ENG test (90% sensitivity) was more sensitive than the VEMP (40% sensitivity) at diagnosing VN. This is in great part due to our current definition of VN which relies on a unilateral caloric weakness to establish the diagnosis. Both tests, however, display a high specificity (85% and 88%). There were only a few patients who were diagnosed with VN by the VEMP test and had normal caloric responses (10%), which may be, in part, due to our inexperience with the test. It may also be because VN affects the superior division of the vestibular nerve more often than the inferior division. Iwasaki and colleagues also found a low incidence of abnormal VEMP responses in the presence of normal caloric responses (5%).4 There were 22 cases of BPPV and 10 of these patients had a positive VEMP and 6 had a positive ENG. Neither the VEMP nor ENG test achieved a very high confidence level for BPPV with the Fisher Exact Test, though the VEMP did better. The VEMP test had a higher sensitivity than the ENG test (45% vs. 27%) for diagnosing BPPV. Since the Hallpike maneuver is the only part of the ENG test that is diagnostic for BPPV, the ENG was negative if a patient was in remission (temporarily asymptomatic), but 50% of our patients who were in remission at the time of the test still had a positive VEMP on the ipsilateral side. There were 19 cases of Meniere’s Disease in this study; 10 of these patients had a positive VEMP and 14 had a positive ENG. Statistical confidence levels were high for the ENG (p<0.0001) but not for the VEMP (p=0.0039) test in the Meniere’s cases. The ENG was also more sensitive (74%) than the VEMP (53%) in this patient group. All Meniere’s patients who had a positive VEMP also had a positive ENG (unilateral caloric weakness). Further study is needed to determine if this is due to inherent test differences or if Meniere’s disease affects the superior division of the vestibular nerve (ENG test) more often than the inferior division (VEMP test). When all our peripheral vestibular disorder (PVD) cases were taken together, the VEMP test (44%) was less sensitive than the ENG test (77%) (see Tables 3a and 3b). Statistical confidence was much greater for ENG than for the VEMP test when evaluating all PVD cases. Some of this difference may be due to our current diagnostic criteria that rely on caloric testing, especially in the diagnosis of VN and Meniere’s disease. Further experience with the VEMP test may change this finding. There were only 13 CVD cases in our study group. Ten patients had only CVD and 3 patients had CVD and a peripheral vestibular disorder. The summarized data are shown in Tables 4a and 4b. VEMP results achieved a greater confidence level for CVD patients. The VEMP test (54%) was more sensitive than the ENG test (39%) for CVD, but both tests had a high specificity (91%) which is of value clinically if we want to exclude CVD in a normal patient, or identify it with greater certainty in a clinically positive patient. We did not consider abnormal OPK at 40 deg/sec a central finding for ENG testing in older patients. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1. Colebatch JG, Halmagyi GM, Skuse NF. Myogenic potential genereated by a click-evoked vestibulocollic reflex. J Neurol Neurosurg Psych 1994; 57:190-197. 2. Bhansali SA, Honrubia V. The current status of ENG testing. Otolaryngol Head and Neck Surg 1999; 120(3):419-426. 3. Welgampola MS, Colebatch JG. Characteristics and clinical applications of vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials. Neurology 2005; 64:1682-88. 4. Iwasaki S, Takai Y, Ito K, et al. Abnormal vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in the presence of normal caloric responses. Otol Neurotol 2005; 26:1196-1199. REFERENCES 1. ENG has a higher sensitivity and higher positive predictive value than VEMP in the diagnosis of VN and Meniere’s disease, but VEMP has a higher sensitivity and positive predictive value than ENG for diagnosing BPPV. 2. Both tests have a high specificity when evaluating peripheral vestibular disease. 3. Using the delayed latency parameter, the VEMP test has greater sensitivity in diagnosing CVD than the ENG test. 4. The ENG test is the gold standard for vestibular testing but the VEMP test is more sensitive in detecting disorders of the inferior vestibular nerve. 5. The VEMP test, which is administered in much less time than an ENG test, is useful in the diagnosis of several vestibular disorders and in evaluating normal vestibular function (high specificity); this study supports its inclusion in the vestibular test battery. SUMMARY Figure 1: Normal VEMP Response Figure 2: Patient demonstrating head lift protocol Figure 3: Patient demonstrating head turn protocol Figure 5: Unilateral weakness of VEMP amplitude. Figure 6: VEMP showing delayed latencies bilaterally Figure 7: Computerized ENG caloric tests showing Unilateral Weakness Table 1 Breakdown of Vestibular Disorders (no. of cases) Vestibular Neuronitis (VN) 40 Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) 22 Meniere’s Disease 19 Central Vestibular Dysfunction (CVD) 13 Table 2a Summarized VEMP results VN cases Clinical Finding Present Absent Total Positive VEMP 16 6 22 Negative VEMP 24 35 59 Total 40 41 81 Fisher Exact Test (two-tailed) p=0.0129 Table 2b Summarized ENG results VN cases Clinical Finding Present Absent Total Positive ENG 36 5 41 Negative ENG 4 36 40 Total 40 41 81 Fisher Exact Test (two-tailed) p<0.0001 Table 3a Summarized VEMP results all PVD cases Clinical Finding Present Absent Total Positive VEMP 38 6 44 Negative VEMP 48 35 83 Total 86 41 127 Fisher Exact Test (two-tailed) p=0.0012 Table 3b Summarized ENG results all PVD cases Clinical Finding Present Absent Total Positive ENG 62 5 67 Negative ENG 24 36 60 Total 86 41 127 Fisher Exact Test (two-tailed) p<0.0001 Table 4a Summarized VEMP results CVD cases Clinical Finding Present Absent Total Positive VEMP 7 10 17 Negative VEMP 6 107 113 Total 13 117 130 Fisher Exact Test (two-tailed) p=0.0002 Table 4b Summarized ENG results CVD cases Clinical Finding Present Absent Total Positive ENG 5 10 15 Negative ENG 8 107 115 Total 13 117 130 Fisher Exact Test (two-tailed) p=0.0077 Figure 4: No VEMP Response

Transcript of COMPARING THE VEMP AND ENG TESTS IN ......Vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) testing...

  • We evaluated 166 patients complaining of dizziness with a complete neurotologic history and physical examination with evaluation for spontaneous nystagmus, head-shake nystagmus, gaze nystagmus, and the Hallpike maneuver. ENG testing and MRI scanning were done when clinically indicated and used to determine a diagnosis. We completed VEMP and ENG testing on 160 of these patients. We utilized either a head lift (Figure 2) or head turn (Figure 3) protocol to obtain SCM contraction for VEMP testing.

    VEMP testing was done with a 500 Hz Blackman pip stimulus at a level of 105 dBnHL and a rate of 8.3/s using an evoked potential unit (Grason-Stadler, Madison, WI). Two repetitions of 100 sweeps were completed for each side. The peak to peak amplitude (P1 to N1), and latency of P1 were recorded for each waveform, and the values of the two runs were averaged. AR was calculated using the formula: (A1-A2)/(A1+A2)*100, where A1 and A2 are the average of the amplitudes from the left and right ears, subtracting the smaller from the larger side. The AR was considered normal if 17ms we considered it positive for central vestibular dysfunction (CVD). Computerized ENG testing was done with a calibrated air irrigator and the CHARTR ENG system (ICS Medical, Schaumburg, IL) using surface electrodes in the standard montage and using bithermal caloric irrigation.2

    Vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) testing evaluates saccular and inferior vestibular nerve function with an auditory stimulus and measures the vestibulospinal reaction.1 The VEMP test represents an opportunity to expand our ability to examine the vestibular system, but there is little information on its clinical usefulness. Electronystagmography (ENG) is the gold standard for vestibular testing, and it measures superior vestibular nerve function with caloric irrigation.2 We hypothesized that ENG testing would be more clinically useful than VEMP testing in the diagnosis of vestibular disorders. The VEMP response produces a reliable modulation of the electromyogram (EMG) showing a biphasic positive (P1) and negative wave (N1) that occurs at approximately 14 ms and 23 ms at the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle. Figure 1 shows a normal VEMP recording for both ears. A decrease in amplitude, creating an asymmetry, is seen in peripheral vestibular paretic lesions such as vestibular neuronitis and Meniere’s disease. An increased amplitude, decreased latency, and decreased threshold are seen in peripheral vestibular irritative lesions such as Meniere’s disease (recovery phase) and superior canal dehiscence syndrome. Increased latency of P1 and N1 is noted in central vestibular dysfunction.



    Ear Consultants of Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia, USA



    Forty-four of the 160 patients tested had no VEMP response (Figure 4) and were excluded from the study. Analysis of the remaining 116 patients revealed 75 (64%) patients had a peripheral vestibular disorder, 10 (9%) had central vestibular disease, and 31 (27%) had a non-vestibular diagnosis. Some of the patients had more than one vestibular condition (eg., BPPV and VN); therefore the number of cases is larger than the number of patients. We compared the clinical diagnosis of four commonly seen vestibular conditions (see Table 1) to the VEMP test result and separately to the ENG test result to see if either test showed a greater sensitivity or specificity for these disorders. The data for the VN group are shown in Tables 2a and 2b. Only the ENG test results achieved a high statistical confidence level in the diagnosis of VN. Also, the ENG test (90% sensitivity) was more sensitive than the VEMP (40% sensitivity) at diagnosing VN. This is in great part due to our current definition of VN which relies on a unilateral caloric weakness to establish the diagnosis. Both tests, however, display a high specificity (85% and 88%). There were only a few patients who were diagnosed with VN by the VEMP test and had normal caloric responses (10%), which may be, in part, due to our inexperience with the test. It may also be because VN affects the superior division of the vestibular nerve more often than the inferior division. Iwasaki and colleagues also found a low incidence of abnormal VEMP responses in the presence of normal caloric responses (5%).4 There were 22 cases of BPPV and 10 of these patients had a positive VEMP and 6 had a positive ENG. Neither the VEMP nor ENG test achieved a very high confidence level for BPPV with the Fisher Exact Test, though the VEMP did better. The VEMP test had a higher sensitivity than the ENG test (45% vs. 27%) for diagnosing BPPV. Since the Hallpike maneuver is the only part of the ENG test that is diagnostic for BPPV, the ENG was negative if a patient was in remission (temporarily asymptomatic), but 50% of our patients who were in remission at the time of the test still had a positive VEMP on the ipsilateral side. There were 19 cases of Meniere’s Disease in this study; 10 of these patients had a positive VEMP and 14 had a positive ENG. Statistical confidence levels were high for the ENG (p