Compare and contrast 28 days later with shaun of the dead, commenting on the structuralist or post...

Whithin 28 Days thre has been a variety of structualisum placed im many segments, due to the adherence to the codes and conventions of the sub- genre (post-apocalypes), as it has been created by what the audience expectation of what a horror movie should consist off, Shawn of the dead differes from this as it is a comedic horror film as is poststructualist which is shown throughits demonstrating throgh it breaking the codes and conventions of apocalypse sub-gnre horror by adding humour to it. The difference between both of the films already forms that thier will be a differences between the tones that consist within the films. Within both films the repensentation of the the Zombies are far from similar. As 28 Days later braeks away from the typical portrayal of zombies, when Shaun of the dead shows the true portrayal which is mindless and rotten they uses this and make its comedic film. In 28 Days later the they decided to challange the codes of the sub-genre of a apocalypse by having the pase of the zombies speeded up meaning that they can run after their victms now, whch now would incraese fear within the audience watching the film as the know that the victims now might not be able to get away; this change is completely different from what is in 28 Days later as the characters have a chance to run away and defend themselves from the zombies as they still maintain the typical repsentaition of a zombies as they still walking in the slow lifeless way. Thhe comedic atmospher is introduced to us when we are shown the setting of his neighbourhood which is represented an unstimulating, spiritlessand dull because of it being portrayed in this ways lead Shaun the protaganist to not realise what had changed while he was ging to the local shop and back home, by doing this it shows the stereotype of british people being stuck in their own life and them not knowing what is happening around them. Variation between 28 Days later is that they show the uses of weaponse within the movie suchs guns for protection againts the zombies which is comonly used in post-apocalypse movies, towards the end of the movie to show the stereotype of americans using anything dangerous as a weapone without any though of the consequences was when they started to use the zombies as weapons against the army. In the movie we are shown sympathy of the zombies through the protaganist Jim which challanges the conventions of a post-apocalypses film as zombies are never shown as victims or victimised. The weaponse used in Shaun of the daed where normal huse hold objects which makes the audience feel connected and relatable to the film as they are representing a normal indevidual who would not have access to all them weaponry. Within post-apocalypse movies thiers is always a character that has a strive to survive and kill to make this happen. This s shown through the the character Selena within Shaun of the dead, she kills her own friend by cut of his head as she wasnt sure if he was bitten by a zombie or not. The character Jim withing 28 Days later juxerposes good and evil as at

Transcript of Compare and contrast 28 days later with shaun of the dead, commenting on the structuralist or post...

Page 1: Compare and contrast 28 days later with shaun of the dead, commenting on the structuralist or post structuralist theory

Whithin 28 Days thre has been a variety of structualisum placed im many segments, due to the ad-herence to the codes and conventions of the sub-genre (post-apocalypes), as it has been created by what the audience expectation of what a horror movie should consist off, Shawn of the dead dif-feres from this as it is a comedic horror film as is poststructualist which is shown throughits demon-strating throgh it breaking the codes and conventions of apocalypse sub-gnre horror by adding hu-mour to it. The difference between both of the films already forms that thier will be a differences be-tween the tones that consist within the films.

Within both films the repensentation of the the Zombies are far from similar. As 28 Days later braeks away from the typical portrayal of zombies, when Shaun of the dead shows the true por-trayal which is mindless and rotten they uses this and make its comedic film. In 28 Days later the they decided to challange the codes of the sub-genre of a apocalypse by having the pase of the zombies speeded up meaning that they can run after their victms now, whch now would incraese fear within the audience watching the film as the know that the victims now might not be able to get away; this change is completely different from what is in 28 Days later as the characters have a chance to run away and defend themselves from the zombies as they still maintain the typical repsentaition of a zombies as they still walking in the slow lifeless way. Thhe comedic atmospher is introduced to us when we are shown the setting of his neighbourhood which is represented an un-stimulating, spiritlessand dull because of it being portrayed in this ways lead Shaun the protaganist to not realise what had changed while he was ging to the local shop and back home, by doing this it shows the stereotype of british people being stuck in their own life and them not knowing what is happening around them. Variation between 28 Days later is that they show the uses of weaponse within the movie suchs guns for protection againts the zombies which is comonly used in post-apocalypse movies, towards the end of the movie to show the stereotype of americans using any-thing dangerous as a weapone without any though of the consequences was when they started to use the zombies as weapons against the army. In the movie we are shown sympathy of the zom-bies through the protaganist Jim which challanges the conventions of a post-apocalypses film as zombies are never shown as victims or victimised. The weaponse used in Shaun of the daed where normal huse hold objects which makes the audience feel connected and relatable to the film as they are representing a normal indevidual who would not have access to all them weaponry.

Within post-apocalypse movies thiers is always a character that has a strive to survive and kill to make this happen. This s shown through the the character Selena within Shaun of the dead, she kills her own friend by cut of his head as she wasnt sure if he was bitten by a zombie or not. The character Jim withing 28 Days later juxerposes good and evil as at the begining og the film he shows his warm hearted side by showing sympathy to the zombies, however as we carry on within the movie we start to see graphic events occur when he kills kills a liitle boy who was infected, threfore representing that deaths of many people made him to start to change and go on to a sur-vival mode to kill or to be killed. We are also shown another stereotype within the character Bar-bara who wants to resolve problems with a cup of tea and sandwiches, which reflects back on the assosiation of British people being one minded and ignorant of others and the truth.

To conclude the difference between Shaun of the dead and 28 Days later is the way in which they created thier films and the way in which they are executed, as Shaun of the dead links both horror and comedy together, but 28 Days later wanted the audience to not feel or have a comedic outlock of the movie so they therefore wanted the sub-genre to adhere to the convention clearly.